Lord Louis Mountbatten: Paedophile. Traitor. Above the Law.

How the Crimes of a “National Hero” May Eclipse Even Those of Jimmy Savile and Why Nobody Wants to Talk About It

Michael East
11 min readSep 26, 2020
Earl Mountbatten outside Knightbridge barracks, 1974 | Allan Warren

The Royal Family and sex scandals and a long and inglorious history, Britain’s “first family” seemingly long having decided that they are above reproach and the law. It is a belief that is shared amongst many with the British aristocracy. While the legal courts have often been unwilling to act, there is some comfort in the fact that Prince Andrew will find no favour in the court of public opinion. However, he is far from the first paedophile linked to Buckingham Palace. Unlike with Andrew, the crimes of Lord Louis Mountbatten were left unexposed in his lifetime and generated minimal public comment after their exposure.

Mountbatten is a towering figure in the recent history of the Royal Family and the British isles. The uncle to Prince Phillip and second cousin to the Queen, Mountbatten served as Supreme Allied Commander in East Asia, Chief of the Defence Staff and First Sea Lord. Still lauded by the right-wing press as a national hero, in part given his assassination by the IRA in 1979, he was also a paedophile, traitor and potential dictator in the making.


In was last year that an FBI dossier on Mountbatten revealed that the Americans had deep reservations and distaste for his Lordship. The file states that both he and his wife Edwina were “persons of extremely low morals” and that Mountbatten was a paedophile with “a perversion for young boys.”

Rupert Murdoch’s Times attempted to pass off Mountbatten’s paedophilia as merely “Lust for Young Men”. This claim not only conflates his proclivities for children with homosexuality, but it continues the media’s age-old complicity in prominent cases of child abuse. They described the Lord as a “sexually voracious man whose bisexuality became a theme of US intelligence files.”

The dossier, however, is explicit in naming his preference as “boys”.

The dossier was released under a freedom of information request and compiled in 1944 after Mountbatten was named supreme allied commander of southeast Asia. It featured comments from Baroness Decies, Elizabeth de la Poer Beresford.

Baroness Decies stated that Mountbatten was “known to be a homosexual with a perversion for young boys” and was “an unfit man to direct any sort of military operations because of this condition. She stated further that his wife, Lady Mountbatten, was considered equally erratic.” EE Conroy, head of the New York FBI field office, added in the file that she “appears to have no special motive in making the above statements.” The comments from the Baroness show that the behaviour of the Mountbattens was an open secret within elite British circles for some considerable time. While the FBI, who had absurdly feared that Mountbatten was a Marxist, had little interest once his loyalty to the West was assured.

Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1947 | Dutch National Archive

Mountbatten’s preference for boys, as opposed to men, was confirmed by his driver during the war, Norman Nield. Speaking with New Zealand truth, Nield admitted that he transported young boys aged 8 to 12 to his commander and was paid to keep quiet.

Historian Andrew Lownie, whose book, The Mountbattens: Their Lives & Loves exposed much of the scandal, conducted an interview with Anthony Daly who was a sex worker for London’s rich and famous during the 1970s. Daly revealed that “Mountbatten had something of a fetish for uniforms — handsome young men in military uniforms (with high boots) and beautiful boys in school uniform.” A 2018 interview with Daly reveals that his other clients included the spy Anthony Blunt who is said to have asked him if he was a graduate of Kincora, the notorious children’s home in Belfast where boys were sexually and physically abused by staff and prominent men in society.

Both Mountbatten and Blunt were known to each other and the writer Robin Bryans alleges in the Irish magazine Now that both Mountbatten and Blunt were both part of a paedophile ring that procured boys from schools and children’s homes in Northern Ireland. These locations include the Portora School in Enniskillen and Kincora. Several former victims of the Kincora Scandal have alleged that they were trafficked to Mountbatten at his home in Mullaghmore, County Sligo.

Lownie’s book features an interview with one of Mountbatten’s victims, a 16-year-old named only as “Amal”.

“He was very polite, very nice. I knew he was someone important. He asked if I wanted a drink or candy. He told me he liked dark-skinned people, especially Sri Lankan people as they were very friendly and very good-looking. I remember he admired my smooth skin. We gave each other oral sex in a 69 position. He was very tender and I felt comfortable about it. It seemed very natural. I know that several other boys from Kincora were brought to him on other occasions”


The claims of a “VIP Anglo-Irish Vice Ring” were further explored by Village Magazine in Ireland and collected by Joseph de Burca into an online book earlier this year.

The book details how the British establishment continues to cover up the crimes of both the network and Lord Mountbatten, with some of the other abusers still being alive today. The series highlights the links between far-right loyalist William McGrath, housemaster at Kincora and prominent politicians and personalities in England such as Blunt, Sir Knox Cunningham, Parliamentary Private Secretary to Harold Macmillan, Peter Montgomery, the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Tyrone and both Mountbatten himself and his assistant Peter Murphy.

Another of Mountbatten’s known associates was the Labour MP Tom Driberg. Driberg was appointed an unofficial temporary special adviser to his Lordship while in Burma during the war and “coincidentally” was another client of Anthony Daly. Like Blunt, he was a spy for the KGB and associate of Guy Burgess of the Cambridge Five fame.

Mountbatten and his crimes failed to become widespread public knowledge thanks to the activities of MI5. Many of those involved in Northern Ireland being operatives, informants and open to blackmail by a security service whose commitment to maintaining British superiority eclipsed any nods to morality.

After his treason was exposed in 1963, Blunt agreed to now turn again. He made a confession of everything he knew in exchange for immunity and a cover-up of his crimes. His secrets not only exposed his activities with the KGB but what he knew of illicit activities amongst his friends and acquaintances in Northern Ireland. MI5 were in dreamland and realised that there was an opportunity not only for blackmail, but to keep their allies sweet with regular access to children.

While Blunt’s treason was covered-up to the public at large, there can be little doubt that a man as positioned as Mountbatten would have been fully aware of his actions. The “national hero” was seemingly willing to put aside any feelings of loyalty where his urges were concerned. However, these associations would be far from the only indications that his loyalties lay only with himself rather than his nation.


The 1970s plot against Harold Wilson by the British establishment is well documented. The secret service is known to have worked in concert with the Conservative Party, British military and figures in the aristocracy to undermine and potentially overthrow the socialist government of Harold Wilson. While the plot seems unbelievable, the 2006 BBC documentary The Plot Against Harold Wilson revealed that the plot was real and acknowledged by figures on both the left and right of the political spectrum. In 1976 Wilson recorded a series of interviews with Barrie Penrose and Roger Courtiour which revealed his knowledge of the conspiracy.

“Wilson spoke darkly of two military coups which he said had been planned to overthrow his government in the late 1960s and in the mid-1970s​. Both were said to involve high-ranking elements in the British army, eager to see the back of Labour governments. Both involved a member of the Royal Family — Prince Louis Mountbatten.”

Barrie Penrose

It was on May 8, 1968, that the Welsh journalist and newspaper editor Hugh Cudlipp arranged a meeting between Cecil Harmsworth King and Lord Mountbatten. King was chairman of Daily Mirror Newspapers, Sunday Pictorial Newspapers, the International Publishing Corporation and a director at the Bank of England. At the meeting, also attended by Sir Solly Zuckerman, the Chief Scientific Adviser to the government, King is said to have tabled the suggestion that Mountbatten became the figurehead of a junta to replace the democratically elected Wilson government.

“[Cecil] awaited the arrival of Sir Solly and then at once expounded his views on the gravity of the national situation, the urgency for action, and then embarked upon a shopping list of the Prime Minister’s shortcomings. He explained that in the crisis he foresaw as being just around the corner, the government would disintegrate, there would be bloodshed in the streets and the armed forces would be involved. The people would be looking to somebody like Lord Mountbatten as the titular head of a new administration, somebody renowned as a leader of men, who would be capable, backed by the best brains and administrators in the land, to restore public confidence. He ended with a question to Mountbatten–would he agree to be the titular head of a new administration in such circumstances?”

Hugh Cudlipp

Mountbatten asked Solly Zuckerman his thoughts, the latter stating it was treason. Mountbatten agreed, and both he and Zuckerman left the meeting, leaving King without support. He subsequently overrode the editorial independence of The Mirror and wrote a front-page article calling for Wilson to be deposed via extra-parliamentary action. The board of the International Publishing Corporation immediately demanded his resignation and dismissed him following his refusal to do so.

“Feelings had run high inside MI5 during 1968. There had been an effort to try to stir up trouble for Wilson then, largely because the Daily Mirror tycoon, Cecil King, who was a longtime agent of ours, made it clear that he would publish anything MI5 might care to leak in his direction. It was all part of Cecil King’s “coup,” which he was convinced would bring down the Labour Government and replace it with a coalition led by Lord Mountbatten.”

Peter Wright, Spycatcher

While most tellings of the 1968 plot have had Mountbatten reject the offer from King, this perhaps doesn’t tie with his alleged involvement in the future 1974 plot. Historian and scriptwriter Alex von Tunzelmann contends that he in fact seriously considered leading a coalition government. He adds that he was only stopped from taking action further by the intervention of the Queen.

“It was not Solly Zuckerman who talked Mountbatten out of staging a coup and making himself President of Britain. It was the Queen herself.”

Alex von Tunzelmann

After Wilson won both 1974 elections, Mountbatten’s name that was again being circulated in elite circles as a potential leader and dictator. As the great uncle and mentor of Prince Charles, the suggestion that the Royal Family backed the coup was implicit.

Harold Wilson, The Right Honourable The Lord Wilson of Rievaulx KG OBE FRS FSS PC, taken in his study in his apartment Westminster London | Allan warren

Actions taken against Wilson included the bugging of offices and phones, the burglary of aides homes, black propaganda and MI5 supporting and encouraging the Ulster Workers Council Strike of 1974. The smear campaign against Wilson included claims that his political secretary Marcia Williams was a threat to national security and that he was an IRA sympathiser.

Involved in the plot were said to be retired intelligence offices and military brass. The scheme would be a full-scale coup d’etat including the seizure of Heathrow, the BBC and Buckingham Palace. The illegal action would be backed by sympathetic members of the army and the far-right nationalist patriot militias that had sprung up around the country. Following the arrest of Wilson and his aides, the Queen would read a statement urging the public to back the coup.

“I know the Queen — she wasn’t very happy with Mr Harold Wilson — but there wasn’t much she could do about it at that time. And Lord Mountbatten rang up Sir Walter Walker one evening and said, ‘If you want any help from me will you let me know.’ Sir Walter Walker had prepared a sort of speech, which the Queen might readout on the BBC that asked the people to stand behind the armed forces as there was a breakdown of law and order and the government could not keep the unions in control.”

Major Alexander Greenwood

“Mountbatten had a map on the wall of his office showing how it could be done. Harold and I used to stand in the State Room at №10 and work out where they would put the guns. We reckoned they would site them in the Horse Guards”

Lady Falkender, formerly Marcia Williams, Sunday Times, 31st March 1981

Above The Law

The British security services have been instrumental in covering up the crimes of the British establishment for the length of their existence, their mission far from being one of protection. Instead, it is one of maintaining the social order. Their task in protecting the establishment is shown by covering the crimes of the likes of Mountbatten and Prince Andrew. Their interests are further revealed by their willingness to intervene in British politics to act against socialist candidates and protest movements.

MI5’s dirty wars against the Soviet Union, British socialism and Irish republicanism, are issues which echo through the country. The criminal actions of the service have never been aired publicly, with little chance of justice for the thousands of victims of sexual assault, violence and murder.

This is an intelligence network whose tentacles stretch throughout the upper echelons of British society, deeply ingrained enough to sit at the heart of the establishment rather than outside of it.

The exposure of Mountbatten’s sexual abuse, plots against democracy and association with publicly derided traitors would have done far more damage in the 1970s than even the Prince Andrew scandal has done to the reputation of the monarchy. Questions would have been asked of ministers, civil servants, other royals and more. The damage to the reputation of the British state would have eclipsed the Profumo Affair, Jeremy Thorpe, the Cambridge Five and Jimmy Savile combined. Britain’s shame would have been near absolute, the lurid details serving as both a source of fury for Irish republicans and confirmation of western depravity for the Soviet Union.

The size of the task in covering up the abuses by the British establishment is staggering in its scope. So enormous are the crimes and figures, that such duplicity is impossible without the consent of swathes of the British government machine. These abuses include countless state-sanctioned rapes, child sex trafficking, the intimidation of victims and witnesses, plots against democracy, the undermining of democratically elected politicians and even murder in the case of John McKeague, the far-right Ulster Loyalist and paedophile who threatened to blow the whistle on Kincora.

The murder of McKeague by two men linked to special branch and military intelligence is not the only death related to the case and Mountbatten, with dozens either “assassinated by Republicans” or simply disappeared. There can be little doubt that the victims also include children.

Somewhere in the MI5 and MI6 files lurks every sordid detail and crime committed by Mountbatten and his circle, every crime sanctioned and overlooked by those same services. While the press is keen to spread fake news about Jeremy Corbyn being linked to Czech spies or the dangers of China, Russia and jihadism, these stories simply serve as smokescreens. They exist to pacify nationalistic fervour and reinforce the lie that the establishment serves Britain and the British people. The truth is that it is not Jeremy Corbyn, China and Muslims who are the threat to the safety of the British public, instead it is the British establishment themselves.

I am a freelance long-form writer who writes on true crime, politics, history and more. I am entirely self-funded and if you liked this article, please consider a donation via Patreon as a token of appreciation or directly via PayPal. You can join my mailing list for the latest articles and also like my Facebook page. I’m also active on Twitter. I can be contacted for projects through my website MichaelEastWriter.com where you’ll also find lots more content.


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Michael East

Freelance writer. Writing on true crime, mysteries, politics, history, popular culture, and more. | https://linktr.ee/MichaelEast