Rancher Blows Whistle: Food Supply Spiked with mRNA Vaccines

A Texas rancher has come forward to blow the whistle and expose efforts by the federal government to spike the U.S. food supply with mRNA vaccines.

Rancher Trevor Cowley revealed during an interview that the feds have been experimenting on livestock by injecting animals destined for the food supply with mRNA shots.

Cowley told the “Real Business Owners” podcast that Democrat President Joe Biden’s Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been running secret trials on animals.

However, a huge percentage of the livestock that received the injections has died.

“The USDA came out with a study on pigs because pigs were the first to be trialed with the mRNA vaccines,” Cowley revealed.

“They did a trial with 500 pigs.

“Within the first couple of weeks, they had about 100 of them die.”

“They analyzed the pigs after they had died,” he added.

“They were still finding traces of the vaccine inside the meat.”


The rancher also warns that the Biden admin is also using the “bird flu” outbreak to advance plans for injecting beef cattle with more experimental mRNA vaccines.

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However, Cowly notes that the federal government is not only using the “bird flu” narrative to push mRNA vaccines into the food supply.

He also explained that the federal government is now pushing for mandatory ID chipping of cattle in response to the “bird flu” outbreak.

It comes after the Biden admin previously failed to implement ID chipping due to a massive public backlash.


In a previous whistleblowing statement, Cowley warned that mRNA vaccines being pumped into the food supply are an attack against the public that could “ultimately destroy us.”

Cowley has previously raised the alarm about the federal government’s efforts to crack down on the agriculture industry.

As Slay News reported, the rancher issued a red alert in April when the feds started bulldozing undamaged farms in Texas following the devastating wildfires.

In a video message, Cowley warned that the Biden admin is destroying remaining farms under the guise of clearing damaged lands after the fires.

He warns that “over a million acres of farmland” was “burned and ruined” during the Panhandle wildfires.

However, the rancher is alerting the public that the government is now “ruining the remaining feed and grasses” that were not harmed by the fires.

“So I wanted to update y’all on what’s going on in Texas,” he says in the video.

“We have over a million acres of farmland that has been burned and ruined.

“And not only that, we have [the] Texas Forest Service that is going into these ranchers’ properties and dozing up the land.

“They’re not even dozing the burned areas.

“They’re ruining the remaining feed and grasses that they do have, and we don’t know why they’re doing this.

“So let me know what y’all think about this in the comments.

“Make sure to share this around,” he urges.

“We need to stand up for what’s right.

“And remember, guys, buy American and buy local.”


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By Frank Bergman

Frank Bergman is a political/economic journalist living on the east coast. Aside from news reporting, Bergman also conducts interviews with researchers and material experts and investigates influential individuals and organizations in the sociopolitical world.

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