Missionary Close up Wild - Compilation of my Gallery

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Missionary Close up Wild - Compilation of my Gallery

Published by poncink
4 years ago
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The first time I got fucked by a big thick cock made me feel like I was just absolutely sassified I was tricked into coming over to a guys house that I didn't even know was gay and he got me really fucked up and the next thing I know I'm watching gay porn and then I took a shower to clean up and I figured it out so I cleaned inside and out and went back in the living room where he was waiting in a thin pair of boxer type brief as I sat down beside him I could see his cock was hanging out of the bottom of the shorts and I thought to myself ohh my goodness you're a really big thick Stud and in that same moment I thought I'm gonna get my little ass tore up and lmao I did 
We all need our assholes fucked 
My biggest fantasy is to be fucked by a really big cock, but most of all I want to feel huge balls  slapping my ass.  never found it yet but hope springs eternal as they say.
From 1:08 to 3:01 is crazy af like I didn’t know I was gay until I saw that like img the destruction 
Mmm fuck i cant wait to be pounded like that by a big cock top that will last hours mmmm i fucking love being bottom. the best experience ive ever had was with this cute asf big cock bottom who loved getting pounded too but fuck his cock was nice n thick and long mm fucking soo hot. We played with eachothers holes. Rimming, fingering, and he pounded me soo good, i brought my bag of toys and he also had a collection lol so we enede up fucking eachothers pussies with our toys for hours, that was the first time i got fisted lol mmmm we fucked eachother until we both came l in eachothers holes fuck it was hot
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