CMO of the Week: Wysa’s Sarah Baldry

Addressing mental health challenges is a big topic in the culture today. Sarah Baldry is on a mission to bring mental health services to the workplace. 

As the newly minted first-ever chief marketing officer of UK-based mental health app Wysa, she is bringing digital tools and services to employees at brands around the globe. 

“Before my new CMO role was created, I was responsible for creating a message that resonates with individuals seeking help, building trust in an emerging field,” says Baldry. “Now I’m part of a female led leadership team intent on changing the world for the better: to level up the playing field in populations where girls see no other possible future for themselves besides young marriage to provide lineage, or where people see no place in society for themselves.”

Since its founding in 2015, Wysa –a Top Innovator at Davos 2023– has provided mental health support to employees at brands including Bosch, Colgate-Palmolive and L’Oréal to name a few. The app offers mental health support to users and embraces AI to be more effective. The company recently found that AI detects 82% of users in crisis. The research also revealed that only 2.4% of those in crisis call helplines when encouraged to do so by the app. So the company has created alternative means of support in times of crisis including a personal safety plan offering SOS resources such as vital contacts, reasons to live, calming activities, and grounding exercises to help.

“We take on bold problem statements in our product development meetings like: ‘how can Wysa prevent employee suicides?’ I’m part of a team that’s not afraid to challenge global issues that remain status quo,” she continues. “I’m channeling the 1980’s cartoon heroine, She-Ra.”

In her new role Baldry will continue to expand Wysa’s voice as an authority on mental health across the media landscape.

Prior to Wysa, Baldry held senior marketing positions at agencies Resolut and Magma Global. Brand Innovators caught up with Baldry to discuss mental health, AI and partnerships with Bosch, Colgate-Palmolive and L’Oréal. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

What is your vision in your new CMO role?

It’s my vision to re-shape the narrative around mental health, wellness and behavioral change in a digital age, not just in the West where there is huge demand for therapy and not enough therapists, but also in geographies where they don’t even have a vocabulary for wellbeing. I need to ensure we unlock the revenue and delivery pathways to make sure our innovative solution reaches people in need. There is still a pervasive stigma around talking about mental health, especially for people in crisis, and our marketing efforts play a role in destigmatizing those conversations. Just as people now say ‘my therapist says,’ they will one day say ‘Wysa told me.’

You work with brands like Bosch, Colgate-Palmolive, and L’Oréal. Can you talk about these partnerships and why mental health is becoming a big conversation for brands?

Our partnerships with leading brands underscores a pivotal trend: the rising importance of mental health in the corporate agenda. These brands have recognized that investing in mental health support through Wysa is not just a compassionate move, but a strategic one. By prioritizing mental health, they are positioning their brand as a leader in a space that is becoming increasingly important to today’s socially conscious consumers and workforce. Brands that work with us aren’t just talking the talk when it comes to wellbeing – they are using Wysa to make sure their people are ok, measuring impact and getting individuals into professional care when they need it. 

Why is mental health so important to consumers today and how is your app helping support this movement?

Mental health has become a top priority for consumers today due to increasing awareness of its profound impact on overall wellbeing and quality of life. In a fast-paced world marked by stress, anxiety, and uncertainty, people are seeking accessible and effective ways to manage their mental health. Wysa supports this by providing an AI-driven platform that offers confidential, 24/7 mental health support. Through evidence-based techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness, Wysa helps people identify and manage unhelpful thought patterns, develop constructive coping strategies, and achieve their personal goals. By making mental health care more approachable and integrating it into everyday life, Wysa empowers individuals to take proactive steps towards better mental health, aligning with the growing consumer demand for holistic and accessible well-being solutions. 

Wysa is even able to detect when people are in a crisis and direct them to resources to those who need it most, alleviating the system. AI solutions like Wysa are widening access in a time where people desperately need it. 

How does AI support your mission?

Conversational AI, through the form of a therapeutic chatbot, is an amazing way to get people to think about themselves differently and give them the confidence to start talking. Our research shows that people open up about their worries to Wysa three times faster than to a human therapist. Because it is AI, Wysa can be used by anyone. There are no limits to how many people we can help. People can talk to Wysa anywhere, at any time. In the loo before a daunting meeting, in bed next to their sleeping abusive partner. No other form of therapy can reach people in the same way. 

How is your brand showing up in the culture?

Mental health is such a large part of the global conversation right now, as is AI. People are comfortable talking to chatbots about their mental health in ways they weren’t before brands like ours made it an option. Already we’re  seeing the number of users skyrocket as people realize they can use their smartphone for positive activities, getting away from doom scrolling. We’re shaping the conversation around using AI safely. We also prioritize privacy, as noted by the Mozilla foundation, the internet’s watchdog. No other wellbeing brand stands up for consumer rights like we do. 

Who is your target consumer and how are you reaching them?

Our data shows users of all ages see benefits from working with the app, although children under 12 need parental supervision. Our target consumers are individuals seeking accessible, affordable, and confidential mental health support. This includes young professionals facing workplace stress, students managing academic pressures, and anyone dealing with anxiety, depression, or everyday stressors. 

Our routes to that market are large organizations; a company, a school or college, or another group, looking to add meaningful mental health support and positive behavioral change to their population. We reach these groups by providing research data, evidence and resources so they can understand how they can have a positive impact on stakeholder health.

What marketing trends do you expect to see in the second half of 2024?

I expect to see marketing trends focused on hyper-personalization, immersive experiences through AI augmented reality and continued emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility. Despite these trends, the core of marketing remains unchanged: understanding and connecting with our audience on a deeper level. For Wysa, I’ll continue to prioritize authentic engagement, trust-building, and delivering life changing value to our users, ensuring our marketing efforts resonate meaningfully amidst technological advancements and shifting consumer expectations.