All works of fiction contained within this site are copyrighted 1999-2014 by the respective Authors of these stories, who retain all rights. One copy may be made for personal use from this web site (that is, by downloading it and reading it at one's leisure.) Works may be used on another web site only with the author's written permission. Although these stories are posted on this page from time to time and are available free of charge, they are not to be used for commercial purposes and may not be modified or adapted in any way, shape or form without the express permission of the author.

Story Index, Part 4

Updated 23-Dec-2013 - Look for the(new) symbol; previous updates marked by (previous).  Story Contest winners are marked by  (a shooting star!)

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Visit the New Stories Index,  Part 1 (updated 23-Dec-13),  Part 2 (updated 05-Nov-08),  Part 3 (updated 23-Dec-13), or Part 5 (updated 23-Dec-13).

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Mannequins & Wax
Statues & Living Statues
Robots & Androids
Dollies & TG
Extreme & TF

These pages contain stories written by Adults for Adult readers only. 
If such stories bother you, please do not go any further and press the back button on your browser.

Northern ChillThe Salesman 1, 2, 3,...The Salesman 4Collision of Powers
 A Town and Its GardenThe Salesman - A Matter of ConveniencePower Girl - Tool of Transformation 1, 2, 3, 4
 Femforce - Perfect in Plastic 1The Salesman 5Power Girl - Tool of Transformation 5
 Power Girl - Tool of Transformation 6Power Girl - Tool of Transformation 7 (end) Puppet Master 1 - Time for Revenge
 Puppet Master - 2, 3The Salesman - Checks & BalancesHeroines in Lingerie 1
 Wonder Woman and Friends vs. The ArtistePunishment and PleasurePower Girl - Tool of Transformation 2 (image added)
 Puppet Master - 4The Salesman 6 - Vacation TimeSersi - A Party to Remember 1, 2, 3
 Femforce - Perfect in Plastic 2Puppet Master - 5Sersi - A Party to Remember: 4
 The Last Woman StandingOut of Time and Place 1
 Ten Heroines in Lingerie 1, 2Spandex Tights - DCaOFS 1, 2Wonder Woman and Friends vs. The Artiste 2, 3
 Puppet Master - 6Ten Heroines in Lingerie 3Femforce - Perfect in Plastic 3
 The Salesman 7 - Uninvited GuestsPuppet Master 7Night of the Living Dolls 1
 Night of the Living Dolls 2, 3, 4Grunge - Beer, Pizza, and DollsJane Steele 1, 2
 Out of Time and Place 2Shape of Things to Come 1Jane Steele 3
 The Factory Tour, with OptionsLong Term PoseThe Shape of Things To Come 2
 The Shape of Things To Come 3No More Heroines 1Thoughts on Writing
 Solitary ConfinementNo More Heroines 2

A Contract is a Contract
(from Yahoo group)

 Hold That Pose
(from Yahoo group)
Exclusive Club Privileges
(from Yahoo group)
Plastic Assets
(from Yahoo group)
 New Outlook for School Staff
(from Yahoo group)
Last Wishes Aren't All Good
(from Yahoo group)
 Soft Comfort
(from Yahoo group)
Lasting Beauty
(from Yahoo group)
Spandex Tights - 3
(from Yahoo group)
 No More Heroines - 3
(from Yahoo group)
Salesman - All Contracts Voided!
(from Yahoo group)
Change of Address
(from Yahoo group) 
 Ten Heroines in Lingerie - 4
(from Yahoo group
Femforce - Perfect in Plastic, ch.4
(from Yahoo group)
Sexy in Rubber (illustrated)
(from Yahoo group)
 Voodoo Spell (illustrated)
(from Yahoo group)

Wonder Woman and Friends vs the Artiste, Ch.4
(from Yahoo group)

Femforce - Perfect in Plastic, ch.5
(from Yahoo group)
 Wonder Woman and Friends vs the Artiste, Ch.5
(from Yahoo group)
I Promised You A Rose Garden
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
Pinball Wizard
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
 Bedtime Beauty
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
Family Heirloom
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
Ownership Is 9/10th Of The Law
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
 A Little Modesty
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
Down By The Boardwalk
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
 The Gallery's Latest Acquisition
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
Touring Accessories, Inc.
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
Lighten Up Already
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
 Good Sex Comes With A Price
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
Taking Care Of Business
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
Bright Sunshiney Day
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
 Office Promotion
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
Your Drink Is Ready
(from Yahoo group) (illustrated)
Nightmare on Dolly Street
(from Yahoo group)
 Night of the Living Dolls, pt.1 (ch.1-ch.10)
(from Yahoo group)
Night of the Living Dolls, ch.11  
(from Yahoo group)
Forbidden For Good Reasons 
(from Yahoo group)
H.G. StratmannProbability Zero: Going Home
(reprint from Analog, April 1999)
AndiThe MannequinThe End 
Honered1Eating Out 
LeMachiThe Chimera Stone 


Boy Meets... Girl ?Missing Amy
IvanaBgoodWindow Shopping 1 
BigJoker10usParty Girl (all there is so far) 
AnthyraxThe Wizard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6The Competition 1-7The Competition 8-15
 Hell Hath No Fury - 1, 2Searching for AnswersWizard's Tales - Character Notes
 Hell Hath No Fury - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, afterwardHell Hath No Fury - character notesThe Commission: Prologue, 1
 The Commission: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11The Commission: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (epilog)Definitions: Prolog, 1, 2
 Every Job Has Its Perks: 1, 2Definitions: 3, 4, 5The Presence and The Presents (w/BigBird) (illustrations by BigBird)
Julien SorelFlynn & Debbie in the Mannequin MachineEvangelineOn the Assembly Line
 Ashley and Lindsay in the Mannequin Machine  
PeteyVickybot / Victoria 
KnightwolfJoni - The Mannequin 
ValorpmA Fish Story?The Fish Spa
Julian TuWishing Nude 
MonocromeDesperately Seeking LatexLosers Become PrizesEssence Container
P.R.The Tour 1 
RubberbandoClass Clown 
MadBirdCZWhat Goes Around...Thief Caught
Snap Those Fingers (new)
SashuaReal... or Not? 
XXXecilFaeophobia - 'Make Out Spot' 
PetrosAnother Reality, parts 1..2..3 
GakSaga of Heroes Unlimited ISaga of Heroes Unlimited II (sequel to SoHU)


The secret diary of a Sallybot 
nom3nTaking Control 
Zapped!Frozen GoodsGirls Under Glass - The Professor's Secret 1, 2

Girls Under Glass (the Professor's Secret) 3


Girls Under Glass (the Professor's Secret) 4 - Mr.Pitt's Request

Girls Under Glass (the Professor's Secret) 5 - What Goes Around, Comes Around

Girls Under Glass (the Professor's Secret) 6 - A Reunion Of Sorts . . .
 Girls Under Glass (the Professor's Secret) 7 - Mr. Pitt makes another request . . .Girls Under Glass (the Professor's Secret) 8 - Truck StopGirls Under Glass (the Professor's Secret) 9 - Vacation in Rio
 Girls Under Glass (the Professor's Secret) 10 - C.S.I.: A Living Doll InvestigationGirls Under Glass (the Professor's Secret) 11- Eternal Prom Night (Part 1)Girls Under Glass (the Professor's Secret) 11- Eternal Prom Night (Part 2)
 The Fraternal Brotherhood - Part 1The Fraternal Brotherhood - Part 2The Fraternal Brotherhood - Part 3
 The Fraternal Brotherhood - Character ListIncredible Impromptu Mannequins - Houston 1, 2Incredible Impromptu Mannequins - Character List
 Incredible Impromptu Mannequins - Houston 3 (conclusion)The Sideshow - Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
(complete story)
The Sideshow, Character List
 The Harvesters - Chapter 1
(an Alien Invasion story)
The Harvesters - Chapter 2
(an Alien Invasion story)
The Harvesters - Chapter 3
(an Alien Invasion story)
 The Harvesters - Chapter 4
(an Alien Invasion story)
The Harvesters - Chapter 5
(an Alien Invasion story)
The Harvesters - Chapter 6
(an Alien Invasion story)
 The Harvesters - Chapter 7.1
(an Alien Invasion story)
The Harvesters - Chapter 7.2
(an Alien Invasion story)
The Harvesters - Chapter 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
(an Alien Invasion story)
AnynomReal Life Model   
NickyWrong Place, Wrong Time!A Brief EncounterAll in a Day's Work
 Wishmaster - Ariella Transformed  
Culthos_MythosThe Hardening (3rd revision)
(with Heather St.Claire, Magnus)
Scientist JThe Creation - 1  
madmans070The Shipment 
SilverhopeZanikaZanika 2Ariel
 Ariel 2Leap of FaithLeap of Faith 2
 Shining LivesAnniversary 
The SculptorLunch HourMenagerie 1 (produced by Magnus) Menagerie 2 (produced by Magnus)
 Invasion of the Mannequin Snatchers 
Lucy YipModeling Job 1On Display (sequel to Modeling Job)Boxed Up
DLA Brief Encounter with the Law 2A Brief Encounter with Her Majesty's Secret Service (w/ dmuk)Reunion With Melissa
(edited by Dmuk)
(illustrated, with contributions from Dmuk)
The Contest   
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep 
(edited by dmuk)
(with dmuk, contributions by Zapped!)
Shannon's Sentence - 1
(with dmuk)

Lost Merchandise 1
(with dmuk)
 Lost Merchandise 2
(with dmuk)
Lost Merchandise 3
(with dmuk)
Meighan's Point of View
KirstieA Mannequin's Life - DiscoveryA Mannequin's Life - DeeperA Mannequin's Life - Permanence
Mines_EyeBridal Barbie The Perfect French Maid The Model Schoolgirl
JohnsanRoom Service 1, 2Lucy's New PositionFriends
 Latex Nina DollMagical Transformation 1Dana Doll
 A Suitable PositionCelebrity DollBalancing the Books
 Magical Costume DollWhat Little Dolls Are Made OfMy Mannequin, My Wife 1, 2
 Private Party
Promises, Promises
Tina's Adventures as a Doll
 My Mannequin, My Wife – Part 3Debutante Bambi (illustrated)The Making of Bambi
 Let Sleeping Dolls Lay
Another Work Of Art
The Ropes
 My Little Doll
Lights, Camera, Plastic!
(illustrated) (with K-8)
 An Animated Wish
Creation of a Mannequin Doll
My Silicone Love
 Portrait of a Living Doll
Petra's Magical Birthday Surprise (new) 
LadymechaComputed Resurrection 
RubberwolfInvitation to a Fetish PartyWorking Late 1Working Late 2
 Window Dressing  
TeslaboyMagic ShowPetra-Fiction 1
chaosThe Franchise 2 (from the Medusa Chronicles) (with chaos, Eldritch, Zang Long) 
EldritchThe Franchise 2 (from the Medusa Chronicles) (with chaos, Eldritch, Zang Long) 
Squashflat...Nor a Borrower Be....  
Eternity's GazeThe Gaze 1, 2 
Anime1979(Ranma 1/2 story removed by request of Author)Sophia's Day at the Universal FairRaye’s late night job at the Wax Museum
Mark Andrew RunnellsDefrosting the FridgeTime with Julia 1, 2Time with Julia 3
DrakeGoldfingeredFor Your Eyes StonilyOctaposey
 Gorgon EyeLive and Let DollDiamonds Are For Adventurers
 License to Still
The Spy Who Gloved Me
(crossposted with permission of Author)

Snakes on Elaine - Parts 1, 2, 3
(illustrated - )

VogonWhere You Belong 
Dream WriterMusic Box BallerinaThe Girls Get EvenThe Dancer Model ad
 The Higher PowerThe Girls Gallery 1, 2The Girl Gallery 3
Freezefan6The Alternative  
RatravarmanStone ArtVanity Kills (w/ Las Vegas)THE FATE OF PAIGE AND BLAKE
AmishNightmareMakeup Makes the Woman 1 
ButchyBoyThe Nightingale's Song 
The Freeze FanRestaurant of Frozen Patrons 
Ms.Tiger to YouHandy 
goddessofthemachineMiho and the Black Widow 
RobotManThe Mission'H' is for Heuristic (Chapters 1~19)H is for Heuristic
(Chapters 20~37)
 H is for Heuristic (Chapters 38~52)H is for Heuristic (Chapters 53~74)H is for Heuristic (Chapters 75~99)
 36 + 1 (parts 1~5)36 + 1 (parts 6~15)36 + 1 (parts 16~25)
 Soccer Mom Unit (parts 1~10)Soccer Mom Unit (parts 11~23-conclusion)36 + 1 (parts 26~35)
TinySexyGirlStill LifeChanging PartsMistaken Identities
 Inflated Changes  
 Les Yeux Sans VisagePotionsPresents (illustrated)
 AdjustmentsThe Wand 
D. MonsterTalisman - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
(updated to continue 6~9 as links to MSU)
PalesolesAcquisition for the GalleryEcstasy (a poem)Androids 'R Us
 Posession Passion
(a poem; follows Ecstasy)
Anger (a poem)Agony (a poem)
H. DeanThe Wish 
lcdrjmcThe Nanny2: Part 5/15
Venus RedscareThe Bakery 
MuscleborgIt's a JobFor Them
Continued on Story Index Page 5

(C)1999-2014 [ Revised by dmuk ]