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Reviewing all the BA pages I have purchased BAreviews 03/26/2024 (Tue) 03:32:20 No. 2322
Hi, just figured I would drop some reviews of the several brand army subscriptions I have had to give people who are considering buying one a heads up on what to expect. Obviously all of this will be my opinion, and none of the subscriptions I will talk about are active, so things might have changed in the mean time. Feel free to add any input you like, and please don't ask me to post any paid content here as I will not. gonna Gonna try making a post for each page and see how that works out.
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It's been a while since I have been subbed to lilly, but on the whole hers is one of the best accounts on the site. She regularly posts large sets and she is pretty good at posing and coming up with interesting picture ideas as far as location and attire is concerned. Her top tier is $250 and I definitely do not recommend buying that unless you want to get in, download everything, and get out. Pretty sure that is the purpose of the tier since it offers every set she has ever posted. I don't think any other account offers that sort of deal. Her regular high tier is $100 and honestly, if you are really into her that is a decent price for what you get. Hundreds of pics that are all high res. High res does not mean high quality though which has always been my biggest gripe with her. Maybe I am just picky, but 90% of her pics turn to mush when viewed at their full size and that kind of kills it for me. She has sprinkled in some pro shoots that are proper high quality and they are amazing, but by now they have probably fallen off of the main 100$ tier. But if image quality isnt a big concern for you (since you are on this site it probably isn't) then this is arguably the best bang for your buck imho. Lilly isn't afraid to play to her audience and for that she is pretty awesome.
I'm the party pooper but you are still posting content that is not only not allowed but the chances are ppl (like Lilly) are banned from the site
>>2323 Lily seems cool. Really comfortable with this kind of thing.
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There is a decent chance Natalie is why we all know about Brand Army and to put it plainly, she is incredible to look at. It's been even longer since I have been subbed to her however, so all I can do is tell you my experiences from roughly a year ago. Natalie is incredible, but she is afraid to turn around and her picture quality is terrible, worse than lilies and often times the pictures are smaller than what you can find on insta. Again, if this isn't a problem for you, she is super hot, but personally I like big, clear pics, which was exceedingly rare on her page when I was subbed. Her top tier is $100 and from what I can tell that does not include older content. Like many other BA models she has all but stopped posting previews in an attempt to combat piracy (no idea why how that will help, but whatever) so I really can't comment on her recent content. for what it's worth, Nat is probably the hottest girl on the site, and all things considered if she has started posting high res sets where she remembers to turn around, its probably worth the price, but proceed with caution.
>>2324 shit, yeah youre right. My bad. Forgot that these girls were included in the ban.
>>2327 Yeah...this is relatively harmless but just saying. Trying to not trigger the folks out there in charge and already asked to be banned
Is it okay to review the sites without posting pictures? I like hearing this info.
>>2329 Same. I would like short summaries like these. Anfisa Siberia next if anyone is subscribed to her. She has been in the states for the past year trying to become famous in California fleeing the Ukrainian war. Before that she was in Mexico
>>2329 Sure go for it.
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That's interesting to know, I wanted to try Lily. For my part I tested Piper's. She publishes very regularly, on average twice a week, which is honorable. The problem is that the sets offered to us only have around twenty photos, the quality is nice but the image size is quite average unlike these competitors who always have 70/90 photos per set with a size very significant. Piper, unlike the others, has opted for a rather unhealthy commercial approach. For example Lily will offer a VIP subscription for $100 just like Piper but if you just want to buy a set of Lily it's around $30 for 70/90 photo while Piper will deliver 15/30 photo the set to you and sell it to you $70 which makes it seem like your monthly subscription is more profitable. To conclude: Piper posts regularly but few photos of a size and quality better than IG but rarely from UHQ, and this commercial approach is perverse, for all this I do not advise you unless you are really a fan.
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Ok, so I reported this thread to mods myself and it's still here, so I'm gonna keep going. Someone asked for Anfisa, so I will do hers next. In short, Anfisa is one of the better subscriptions I have had. As a general rule her photos are high res, and while the image quality is better than many other accounts, at full size viewing there is noticeable post processing on the images that give them all the same sort of distortion, but the distortion is entirely tolerable compared to the mushiness you see on a lot of other pages. Joining her highest tier doesn't get you every single set, but you get quite a bit and the sets that are still paywalled are super affordable in comparison. What really sets Anfisa apart for me is the amount of picstures you get with each set and her posing. Her sets are generally huge. Her posing is arguably the best on the site and even though it's usually only a handful of pcs per set that prove this, they are pretty darn good pictures. I did notice one time when a set was posted with some particularly surprising pictures (nothing illegal, but the sort of thing you don't usually see) only for the post to be edited a few hours later with those pics deleted. Considering you get all of this for half the price of most other top tier subscriptions, her account is pretty easily a safe buy.
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Hannah has, hands down the best picture quality on Brand Army. Her pictures are huge, and clear enough that you can see all the little details you want. On top of this the sets she posts are huge and entirely focused on the right things. The odd thing about hannah is that her ppv sets sell for like 10 bucks, so it's hard to know if her $100 top tier is worth it in comparison to just buying sets on their own. I have done both and either way I found no reason to complain. The only thing really working against hannah is that this year she potentially aged out of some folks interest and her looks have gotten noticable more "mature" and that might put some off. Personally I think she is still cute as a button...but her booty has started to flatten and that kind of kills it for me. Hopefully she starts doing squats or something.
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Jenny, we all know her and from pretty much day one she has been one step ahead of everyone. Jenny has that kind of trashy vibe and she leans into it to great effect. If you're familiar with Jenny outside of BA (which you probably are) then it should come as no surprise that, at least hen I was signed up, Jenny didn't mess around. The quality of her pictures varied with some being pretty abysmal and many being perfectly acceptable. But that's not why you join, you join because it's clear she has known what's up for a long time and she has never cared one bit. Her top tier is only $50 (probably in part because there is so much free content out there) and from my experience it was money well spent. I tend to go through spurts of wanting to see her work, so I haven't ever re-joined, but if you are considering it I say go for it.
>>2336 I guess the age does make it a little less exciting now. Still super attractive though.
Have you checked out Ellie Blue's?
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I joined Shae around the same time I joined Nat, and she has also stopped posting previews, so it's hard to say what her current content is like. When I was subbed though her stuff was pretty good. Similar to Jenny Shae has a kind of trashiness to her that works in her favor. With Shae though this kind of ends up going a little further because in a lot of her pictures she really just looks like she is not at all into what she is doing. It's not in every set, but it's definitely there. Her pics have this weird air of like, her and her mom arguing about why she has to keep turning around. It can be really hot in the right mindset, but that's not a headspace I feel comfortable in too often. Obviously this is just my opinion, but that's all I can give. For a purely practical stance her sets tend to be smaller than a lot of other pages, like 20 pics on average I think, but they are high quality photos in great outfits and locations and that focus on the right things. Hopefully her recent output is on the same level, but I really have no way of knowing.
>>2339 No, sorry.
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This one is hard to do, but honestly I would suggest saving your money. From here on out the pages I will talk about all have similar problems and Caliee is unfortunately host to a number of them. My understanding is that her top tier used to be $50, and for that I would feel ok saying it is worth it, but for it's current price of $100 her content is nowhere near where it should be. the best thing about he page is the back catalogue. you ARE given access to a large number of sets, many of them pretty good and with only the most distant stuff still locked behind a pay wall. Aside from that though, the picture quality is more often than not mediocre, with a lot of her pictures being large photo sizes, but super grainy and unclear at full rez. It really seems like the best days of this account are behind them and most recently they had started just posting a single small set once per week, then sending a payed DM with an offer to buy another 5 to 10 pics, and that is the only way you will see the shots you joined for, and its like 2 at a time. I don't know, maybe things have changed, maybe they will change in the future, but probably skip this one for now.
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No. I know it's only $35, but no. you will get like 3 pics a month and they will likely be lame mirror selfies. Her Instagram accounts are much, much better.
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at $50 this isn't the worst deal around. You get weekly posts that are sometimes pretty good, but in reality what you are buying just the opportunity for them to try and sell you on her ppv sets. I don't know, the person running her page is weird and always posts weird, kind of disjointed descriptions of posts and for some reason every time I look at this girl I just feel guilty as hell. Her photo quality is pretty middle of the road, but like other pages in this category there is almost no point in joining as opposed to buying ppv sets.
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Raerae and the last page I will talk about are both ALMOST my favorite pages on the site, with both of them only being held back by the quality of their images. Of the two, depending on how you look at it Raerae is better, but only because her low quality images are better than the other pages low quality images. The pic I posted is what you can expect from every picture she posts with the exception of only a few pro shots that seemingly come at random and they seem entirely uninterested in trying to provide more consistent HQ images. So that fuzziness you see in the sample at full res, that's what all her pics are like. It sucks because she is super cute and usually her outfits and locations and poses are all perfectly good, but for me personally the quality limits just make every picture make me think "I really wish this was a decent quality image." Hopefully some day they get a better camera, but if that doesn't bother you than $50 is perfectly justifiable for the regularity and quantity of their uploads. She is super cute and I wouldn't blame someone at all for being totally happy with a sub.
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The last page I will talk about, Abbie is so close to being perfect it hurts. She is so gorgeous and more often than not her pictures are exactly what you would hope they would be. Her top tier is $60 and for that you get access to a perfectly substantial amount of the thousands of pictures she has posted on the site, with only her earliest posts being either ppv or lost to time. The big problem is that whoever usually takes the pictures (I assume her mom but idk) seems to be using an iphone 3 or something and refuses to not only upgrade the camera, but also to put in even a little bit of effort in post processing to make the pictures decent at anything but small format. Her pictures mostly look decent at small size, but when you view at full size they are grainy as hell it is very clear that they have each had a stock "portrait" effect added to them that poorly identifies the subject and blurs everything around them, making it look like they are in some sort of parallel dimension with the space between them and the surrounding world being bent and distorted. It's so bad and if you ever purchased any of Bellas old sets then you might know what I mean. People have tried to make a stink about it, with abbies page runner pointing out that there is a camera on her wishlist (because apparently it's the customers responsibility to ensure a quality product) but unfortunately most of her subscribers are perfectly content with pictures that seriously would have been considered low quality in 2008. But, sometimes they DO post really good stuff. Sometimes they get pro shoots, and sometimes even the non pro shoots end up being totally acceptable quality and that is why this is currently the only page I still have any real interest in. Abbie is gorgeous, in great shape, perfectly comfortable with seemingly any angle, and they really seem to have a good grasp on subtext in photography which really goes a long way. For $50, totally worth it to get access to the relatively few HQ pics, they are so good, but just know going in that most of the pics are going to really just make you with they were better quality. Her content would be on a different level all together if they would commit to high quality.
I appreciate you're effort in rating these :) Can you speak at all about the quality of the "content" of the pages? Like instead of just how good the resolution of the pictures are, how are the pictures really. My favorite example is Brooke Shearous's page before she took it down. Pictures were insane, especially considering the price.
>>2388 For sure, I'll just do it all in one post though and be brief. Just remember a lot of these girls I haven't been subbed to in a long time, so things might have changed. Lilly. Typically almost great, but kind of repetitive which most of her posts being good bikinis, but always shooting in the same location and being careful to not be too suggestive. There are definitely exception to this and those sets are great, but they're few and far between in my opinion, mostly it's just her in the same spots doing the same poses, just in a different bikini. Nat. This is nats biggest area of struggle in my opinion. The reason I stopped my sub was because her pictures were just too boring. Like set after set of bikini shoots where she doesn't turn around once, which for her is a big part of the appeal. Anfisa. When she is good, she is reeeaaallllly good. Just a very clear understanding of what sort of pics will keep subscribers happy. It's not like that with every single set, but when it goes it goes pretty hard in comparison. She is the only girl I have seen posting bent over shots (though it is only a handful.) Hannah. Mostly very good, if every girl posted like this the site would be amazing. Jenny. As she has been doing for years now, Jenny comes through for us. Almost no sets that aren't interesting. Shae. Very good usually. Lot's of bikini content, always turns around. As opposed to every other girl, her professional shoots tend to be her most boring. Callie. If you join, the main reason is to go back and get all the stuff from when her page was straight fire. The content that got posted when I was subbed was pretty mid, and came with a DM where you could pay for like two or three butt shots. Ilaria. Just find her instagram. Seren. Surprisingly good in this respect, though again, the best stuff comes via DMs. Raerae. Usually not very exciting. okay outfits, but no bikinis in a long time. Her cuteness does all the heavy lifting. Abbie. Almost perfect. Turns around a bunch, settings that help you build a story. A decently clear level of deliberateness which does a lot for me personally. Sadly it's usually ruined by image quality.
Thank you for that. I think I'm gonna sub to Abbie's page. Even her free BA content and stuff on Insta is really nice. That and I think shes one of the youngest on your list. Somehow there isn't a thread for her (on scarlet always) and I didn't see her as a banned girl.
>>2390 Abbie has a thread on starlet for a while: https://waifuist.pro/starlet/res/95355.html
Have you subbed to emmanoellerose at all?
Looks like they're updating their TOS again and deleting old content. They really want to pretend their website isn't exactly what it is.
>>2486 do tell
You gotta be nuts to pay for any of this stuff. LMAO!!!!!!!!
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>>2345 i was subbed to rea for long time, but had to stop, they started charging 65$ for way less good pictures. (now its 55$ i belive) They started blur parts of images on purpose. Sets became smaller and smaller. it used to be 3 good sets for 1 not so good with like 25 pics. Now its 1 good set for every 3, and good sets contain max 10 pics, and not even good variety. But the worst thing is, you can get like 3/4 of the pictures from sets at her IG for free, i felt like im beeing scammed on. maybe your experience is different, this is mine. still sad about it. good ol' times
>>2526 pic is from her IG
>>2526 also, they were posting every day, now its like 2 set every week at best, can be whole week without single one. sadge :( i would suggest, dont sub to her, if her mom sees less money from her BA, she will definitely change something, shes using Rea like a money mashine
Does anyone know the best way to get Sisi, Ryry, or Emberlee's old stuff?
signalflare dot pages dot dev
#!/bin/bash echo Enter link read link curl $link > links.txt awk -i inplace '{print $6}' links.txt sed -i 's/br\*\*\*\*\*my/brandarmy/g' links.txt wget -i links.txt exit
>>2551 so this grabs JUST all the https, and then puts them into a txt that's free of all the extra timeanddate/hash fluff?
yes, and it downloads them for you. curl gets the original text and puts it in a file. awk takes just the 6th column and only prints that. sed replaces the asterisks. wget downloads all the files
>>2553 paste,ee/p/sXuel with this ellieblue you can see that the "agora" urIs sometimes "cuts into" the sha256 collum, can ure fancy awk fix that? No? Checkmate u Linux fanboy!
>>2553 instead I fixed that myself using notepad++'s Find and Bookmark feature, on glorious dll hell win32
>>2554 thats not how that works. awk considers columns to be separated by spaces. theres still a space between the agora links and the checksum
im pretty sure you can run the script on windows with this: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9pdxgncfsczv?hl=en-US&gl=US also refer to this if you get stuck https://askubuntu.com/questions/1380346/not-able-to-run-a-program-with-a-sh-script-using-ubuntu-wsl >>2555 thats cool, but how did you download them?
>>2556 not too sure how awk counts these spaces as colums paste,ee/p/sXuel 263810 30369 2023-08-02 11:12:23 https://assets.br*my.com/bjdkm2m5w7g/images/ll4y404936m5ionyxr7k.jpg [5th space] C4D6AC37B3D667DF448B8694C8E1A5C28C5667EE7A89FE5A8D59D62F4291977F right?
>>2558 the guy who made the paste links has it on the 5th space, correct. i had to change the $5 to $6 for the signalflare link - he had an extra space: signalflare (dot) pages (dot) dev (dot) b4d7k41z26e.txt There's an extra space where the 'PM' is on these links (next to the time)
>>2559 people who use pm/AMD instead of 24hrs should be forced to use nothing else but HannahMontanaOS on a hellfire classaction Inspiron 5150, that is all
(321.34 KB 1440x2560 patriciatorvalds[...].webp)
this has made me seen the light and singlehandedly convinced me to repent from my dll hell watch?v=KN0K58EfJSg&t=43s satanic worshipping ways, if I can do it, so can you NT heathens!
(44.86 KB 1629x575 Untitled.png)
>>2559 im a morn trying to run ure script with debian on win10 wsl(ver 1 not 2), cant figure out what im doing wrong. as u can see i even sudo installed curl
what is the default directory on win10 that the txt would be saved on anyways?
even installed awk too and i just get a empty txt in \\wsl$\Debian\home fthis i give up
>>2562 i cant tell if youre trolling me, but the code is supposed to be put together in a text file. Just copy paste the entire post here: >>2551, put it into a text file, save, and then rename the .txt to .sh. sh extension is what makes it a shell script. Then open back up Ubuntu WSL, and make sure you cd (change directory) into the directory where you have the .sh file. Then run ./name-of-file.sh, or whatever you named it as. Make sure you have the ./ in front of it. The files will be downloaded to whatever directory you're currently in. The link I posted above outlines this, I'll post it again for you: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1380346/not-able-to-run-a-program-with-a-sh-script-using-ubuntu-wsl
And if you want to run the commands manually skip the echo and read parts, those were supposed to be part of the script. Run curl [link] > links.txt, replacing [link] with the actual link, and if that works, go from there. The txt file gets put into whatever directory your shell (the terminal) is currently in The #!/bin/bash line is just defining the environment, it's saying "we are using bash for this". bash is a scripting language. It's only relevant when running the script. If you just enter the commands manually you're already running bash
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>>2566 ive given up with the autorun script, so incead i just run awk -i inplace '{print $6}' bjgovx2oz9d.txt sed -i 's/br\*\*\*\*\*my/brandarmy/g' bjgovx2oz9d.txt and as u can see it works, thx!
>>2567 No problem, and if you want to dl them all, run wget -i bjgovx2oz9d.txt, but be warned, the file sizes are fucking huge. The l1ly o'br1ant one is well over 100gb. I'm afraid I might not finish them all in time before they get taken down or something If you wanna separate pics and vids you can run these: mkdir vid mv *.[Mm][Oo][Vv] *.[Mm][Pp]4 vid Makes a folder called vid then moves all movs and mp4s there. (Linux is case sensitive, this makes sure it moves capitals and lowercase)
>>2568 >100gb this right here is exactly why I don't just wget it all, and instead just use notepad++ to convert them all into clickable hyperlinks, and then open some pics in a newtab at random whenever I feel like it especially if most of the 100gb, even after using u're mkdir whatever filter, is still mostly made up of the pics instead of vids
>>2569 What are you gonna do when the links are taken down? Also you can stop the wget at any time with Ctrl+C, or you could cut out chunks of links from the text file if you really want. To be fair, the L1ly set is the largest by far, but the others still range from 5-20GB each, at least as far as I can tell. You can see the number of files on the dev page to give you an idea. L1ly's was the largest with 27 thousand something files.
>>2571 after converting it all into hyperlinks, change .txt. to .html, up it to tiiny.host, put the tinny into wikiwix, install the github/c priest/SnapLinksPlus/issues/309 extension, and then every pic u open with hold rightclick is saved to wikiwix
>>2573 so checkmate u hoarder!
Oh, so just the ones you choose to save are being backed up to wikiwix? and they're not just redirecting you back to the BA site? If so, that's pretty good.
>>2575 >That's pretty good >archive.wikiwix.com/cache/index2.php?url=unique-seagull.static.domains/jennypopach.html >archive.wikiwix.com/cache/index2.php?url=unique-seagull.static.domains/BrookeShearouse.html >archive.wikiwix.com/cache/index2.php?url=ellieblue.tiiny.site Damn rite it is!
>>2576 U could also email 149 (that's the limit any higher will just be ignored) plaintext urIs at a time to savepagenowATarchive,org
>>2571 >L1ly's was the largest with 27 thousand something files It's funny how the one who is the actual actress who had her own Apple tv show is the one posting the most https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26v9O_yMJOU
>>2583 >Ella searches for swimwear after being invited to a pool party Guess she got a taste for it soon after, u don't become a actress unless u fall in love with always being photographed after all does Ella die in the last ep, so there was never any chance for a S2 and Lily had nothing left to lose? On a sidenote, Zac and Mia is the far superior cancer show
>>2568 Wait, so do u run this splitting thing only AFTER u already downloaded everything? Seems like a pretty pointless script tbh Like I can just use notepad++ (can u tell I'm a win32 fanboy?) to bookmark and remove all lines that contain mp4/mov, if I don't want to DL vids at all Or if I already DL them all, I can just standard file explorer sort by filetype and shift+click to select all vids Ure awk is genius for the girls with the more pesky agora but almost all ure other WSL Debian commands only shave like 5 minutes off pet girl in total, so most people should just install gawk for windows by itself for the awk, and do the rest manually with notepad++
>>2587 Since u know, save as-ing a txt Iink (instead of ure enter read cull cull) and replacing asterisks with andar in NP++ instead of sed don't exactly take much time or braincells
Needless to say I regret all that time I wasted yesterday installing WSL debian and trying to get cull and the autoscript to work, only really needed awk
>>2587 Yeah, I added those two lines to the end of my script because I like to have the pics and vids separated, it wasn't to avoid downloading them. The other commands don't really save that much time, you're right, but it's just less annoying overall to have everything done at once, and when you're downloading 10+ profiles it's more convenient. Since you already found your home folder on the Debian WSL, you should create a folder called bin there, and put the script in there - this is what I'm doing on my Ubuntu install. The bin folder is a place you can put files and call to them anywhere by simply typing their name. This is what's known as a path, Windows has them too. Source: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1113806/how-can-i-add-local-bin-to-my-path #!/bin/bash echo Enter paste link read link curl $link > links.txt awk -i inplace '{print $6}' links.txt sed -i 's/br\*\*\*\*\*my/brandarmy/g' links.txt wget -i links.txt mkdir vid mv *.[Mm][Oo][Vv] *.[Mm][Pp]4 vid exit If you save the above text into a file named downloader.sh and put it into the bin folder, you should be able to just type downloader.sh into your terminal, enter the girl's link and it'll download. You probably have to log out and log in first, and you might have to run chmod +x ~/bin/downloader.sh to make it executable. Windows can do all the shit I've been showing you, the language is just different. I'm not trying to be a Linux fanboy, you just have to look up the syntax for Powershell if you want, but it looks way more complicated. Also it's not a bad skill to know some Linux commands - almost all servers run on Linux. Waifuist runs on Linux - notice the .media folders in the urls. Folders with a . in front are hidden folders, you can't have periods in folder names on Windows. This proves that Laney is running this site on Linux. Also most Macs use bash, so those awk and sed commands work on Mac too.
And I was trying to find a way to replace the awk with grep, so you wouldn't have to guess the column number in possible future situations, but I couldn't get grep to ignore the hash sums after the links. Grep is like the search command in Linux and Mac terminals. so look into it if you wanna edit the script. Also you didn't waste your time installing WSL, because Windows doesn't have awk. P.S. The echo command just prints whatever you tell it to. The read command is where you get to enter a variable, and I just called it link, but it could have been called anything. Putting the dollar sign in front of it is how you tell the script to insert whatever you entered earlier I literally just learned this a couple days ago when I was trying to write the script initially: https://ryanstutorials.net/bash-scripting-tutorial/bash-input.php
Notepad++ Ctrl + H (Search/Replace) Find what: .*(https.+?)[*]{5}(.+?)\s.* Replace with: $1andar$2 Search Mode: Regular Expression Replace All https://regex101.com/r/qLMbgp/1
>>2596 Nice, I suck at regexps. Gonna see if I can pass that to grep
(167.88 KB bneykmqy89g.txt)
(167.88 KB bneykmqy89g.txt)
>>2596 wowzers thats amazing, might as well delete wsl debian now since i have no further use for and reason to keeptrying to make my rtard brain try and understand all that bash syntax crap any further now excuse me as i try to findout how to delete WaaSMedicAgent,exe cause its so much fun being a win32 evangelist!
>>2596 can u somehow combine ure search replace syntax with: Search:(?-s)^https?://.+$ Replace:<a hr3f="$0">$0</a> that i use in NP++ to make them into clickable hyperlinks?
>>2600 our crappy r9k thinks hr3f with a e is sp4m
What a time to be alive. Not 100% on how to use the "code" for each girl to find their full list of images. Specifically have Erin Scarfe.
>>2576 >requires Javascript to view That's strike number one.
>>2598 Can you make a list for Lily? b4g8y8x012e
>>2605 "look closer detective Mathews"
sisisienamia ?
these BA leaks have me drained Best ones I've seen Ellie, Bella, Lily and Piper Morgan and Presley were very disappointing
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>>2604 Works fine for me?
>>2606 Anybody have a list for masha (.bwi)?
>>2610 YA..and @simba_sarenyia
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>>2609 With uBlock Origin blocking JS it's just a blank page
here are the cleaned up B W 1 links for you guys to download. I personally downloaded them using a script that took me a long time to figure out how to use. Others have had success with downloading software like 1DM Good luck!
https://p 1 x e l d r a i n .com/u/ZrKTcmcs
>>2617 Thank you! That worked well
Does anyone have similar links for Emma Noelle Rose?
>>2630 it's here >>144635 >bxdn536w50d emmanoel
Apparently already disabled. Thanks, anyway.
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>>2632 It is my deepest hope, that we 1day find a cure for the utterlystupid. Also, refer to >>2547 and >>2617
>>2633 Why doesn't she have a starlet thread anyways?
>>144212 >>144708 Caliee Rae?
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who is this on next to natalie?
Is there txt with Bella?
did Brooklyn Riley have a code that was out there? she has has been in pictures with others, hard to imagine she has been missed.
Hello, I would like to know how we get the access codes for the BA model, I am looking for the one for "Sisi siennamia". please.
I already had a chan scaper that I wrote in python to scrape this site. It works really well for the .dev site. Just wanted to brag
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>>2643 since this is where all the geeks are at, i might aswell ask here how do i use unsee-dl? unsee-dl [-o D:\] <#yHLaQDzN5yUV> amidoingitrit? i get nothing in powershell, even though the unsee room was still open at the time
Does anyone have one for Blily
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>>2561 F it, this is now the designated Patricia thread
>>2324 times sure have changed huh
So far I've downloaded a few channels I've first used Notepad++ to rename all instances of * with andar Then I used DownThemAll to download all the video links Tomorrow I'm going to set up however many Whonixes 32 GB of RAM will support...and maybe set up some more on a different 16 GB machine. Hopefully it still works then
>>2651 I'm probably completely misunderstanding why u're using whatever this weird Whonixes thingy is but I really doubt BA will care about 1 of likely many leachers of their pics, so much so that ud need to use weird Tor thingy, even if u actually plan on 7z and reupping them all to another hoster like fhaus or whateverwhatever
Can you help me with the links from blily
>>2648 Is that really Linus' daughter? >>2651 Why are you using Whonix, and multiple ones at that? Are you planning on rehosting somewhere?
>>2654 The facts on this seem substantially the same as a prior TTB site, and the owner of that sued _and_ doxed the pirates. Actually...TTB was substantially more affordable and it was less absurd that underaged people were members of the site. If I do, I'm only posting the good ones. Although I'll also post War Room thumbnails so everyone knows they're not missing anything. The quality on these also seems excessive, but I don't have redneck internets anymore (50k upload cap up to about 2 years ago...now it's literally half a gigabyte) so that all should be manageable. However, it's going to have to wait a month as this is definitely going to get me close to my bandwidth limit, I may not even be able to get it all. By the way...has anyone got SMPlayer working on Debian bookworm?
Idk what war room is, and I still think he's kind >>>/starlet/145262 but since u bought up my fav 3letters gof d/q14mO4 pass is Libby123 and remember watch?v=xelgWxN57O8&t=2m2s
If anyone is still struggling with the downloads, J2Downloader can grab and download the links after the * have been removed even with all the other junk in there. Also does anyone have a scrape of jaiden04?
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@lylawesson Army?
Just as a heads up for anyone thinking about subscribing to Lily's new Passes since she's no longer using BA, it is completely not worth it in its current state. The content she's posting is nowhere near as good as what she posted on BA, and she's already doing the "unlock this content for $50" DMing.
>>2663 Yes please 😍
>>2660 You don't even have to remove/change the * for letters it will grave them like they are
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It's mostly done. I'm skipping sashvladas and whoever bxdn57kzjjd is because both have too many videos and neither meet my standards. I probably should have skipped a bunch of other ones too. Only a handful of them are particularly special, especially Masha. Also Jenny Popach is definitely aged out. I'll probably upload thumbnails of said videos tomorrow or Monday so at least it will be easier to know what's inside there, but it's probably going to take me a month to scan all of these.
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>>2672 >And neither meet my standards "Hell Id still hit it"
I just want to say, that if u didnt grab the last 2 streamtapes that were dropped in >>2256, then u missed out BIGTIME, lamey knows what I'm talking about!
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>>2654 u tell me
>>2674 I kinda love girls with "weird" faces. Makes them look more everyday, more real, if that makes sense.
https://mega.nz/file/s6c3WSZB#R5eRSCtVrvV1dPU8d6X9Yu708yrybvSStth9zNzGKEQ pw: 70h/Od4LLWqp9QVOyLES bxdn57kzjjd and sashvladas are not in there. Sash has nearly 8k videos. Here are thumbnails for nearly all of the rest of the videos so you don't have to download 760 GB to even know what's in there A small fraction of the videos do not thumbnail Also really short videos sometimes have artifacts especially if they only have one keyframe And there are probably thumbnails that cut off midway too I will fill in those holes after I have sorted all of the nearly 11k videos, or at least narrowed it down to the ones I don't want to sort
I should also add that it looks like somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 are duplicates, but fdupes is showing zero bitwise copies
Is there a way to get newer posts? The sign@lflar3 link for Abbie R only covers 4-29-23 to 4-16-24. How do we rip newer posts?
Such a shame Coco or Liu didn't use BA :')
>>2684 Can't blame say I blame >>>/starlet/475613 for being tech savy enough to understand and pick drm, and Liu was genius to do her own site and cutout middlemans like BAriel's selectsets and dejos mia and pay for her own photographer to avoid all that ryleigh Claire timeless drama
>>2681 That's because it groups together similar images, depending on what your phash level is. fdupes sucks and is outdated anyway. Use imgdupes with imgcat in a terminal that supports it. I'm just left wondering if we can find a way to quickly group together photos from the same set. I tried it with imgdupes but the results weren't great
>>2681 Duplicates like >>>/w/475893?
Anyone know how to get superfanverse files?
Sorry to repeat, but is there a way to get newer posts? The sign@lflar3 link for Abbie Rose stops around 4-16-24. How do we rip newer posts?
>>2680 it says I can't unzip the file because it's password protected, but it doesn't give me the prompt to enter the password. How do I get around this?
>>2700 I didn't bother to DL it (saved it in my mega cloud drive so I don't need to worry that it ever gets 4o4), but zarchiver has never failed me, suks if u're stuck on ijail since this seems to always be a frequent iOS problem
>>2688 >>2688 >I'm just left wondering if we can find a way to quickly group together photos from the same set The list has a post id and img id, you can easily use those when you're downloading the files to group them
>>2702 What do you mean, a post id as in the girl it belongs to? Yeah, I obviously know that, I'm talking about the photo sets within each girl's collection. I see no way to group together images from the same photoshoot. They all look like random combinations of numbers and letters to me >>2698 To my understanding, these images were shared with us by someone who actually purchased content from BA. The only way to get newer images is if someone buys more and posts the links, or if someone's a 1337 hackerman and can get them for free (not likely)
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>>2703 No, a post id as in all those photos are from the same set and you can use the mediaID to sort them in the same order they were posted in within the same set
>>2704 I'm a complete moron, but I think something like mrexcel.com/board/threads/rename-files-based-on-column-match.923300 has potential for someone way smarter than me?
stackoverflow.com/questions/76428289/find-the-matching-file-from-a1-and-change-the-files-name-to-the-new-name-string myheadhurtz
>>2700 I have just tested it in xarchiver with the same password and it works fine. I hope Mega uploads fine on Tor and I don't have to resort to using PAR2. BA supposedly has 5k creators, including Brooklyn Riley that I don't recall being on that list, but Tik Tok just has so much stuff that I'm discentivized from looking more through something the groups I was in would have killed for 15 years ago.
>>2704 Oh my god I'm retarded, I've already downloaded hundreds of gigs. Does that mean I have to start all over if I want to group them by photoset?
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>>2707 lokinet is supposedly Tor but as fast as a VPN, problem is I havent been able to get it to work with clearnet for quite awhile now, ever sincearchlve,fo/HQC7h (they had a amazing dejo megathread) went down
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>>2715 I haven't even bothered keeping up. I looked elsewhere for people to talk to because pedo sites are too toxic and I don't exactly have any remote difficulty finding stuff.
Anyone know if Lily's new Passes is worth subscribing to? She's not on BA anymore.
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>>2648 Tux wants to tap that so bad
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tux her up
>>2790 Not unless you like paying $75-$85 to unlock 10-12 bikini pictures that she was posting on BA for members. Everything good is locked behind the pay wall
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real talk: Im 99% sure we are the reason all the girls on the signal list are moving away from BA to passes and superfan, what else could have caused this newfound exodus this shortly after the signal got dropped, but us!?
>>2800 I'm sure a few simps told some of the girls what happened. This always happens, content gets leaked and some simp rats out in an attempt to be in good standing with the model in hopes of some kind of reward, i.e. free or more pics/subs/vids/etc. and a lot of theses girls are in contact with one another. Shame because Passes fucking sucks
>>2802 Never understood the logic behind those simp snitches. What are they hoping to accomplish? That the girl is gonna give them nudes or give them a chance to meet them in person? Shit, they're likely not even giving them free nonnude pics for that. All they're gonna end up with is "Oh ok thank you! Now please send me $100 if you want more content."
>>2802 It could be that (snitchers), but it could also just easily be enough leachers like >>>/starlet/144073 and others ITT just JD2 batch DLing and hammering BA's servers enough, that their tech guy finallynoticed that something was going on
I also dont think waifuist was the 1st place where the signal was shared, some guy was week by week dropping pastebins over on here for each of 5 girls before >>2547 dropped the signal and it spread like wildfire on here. But point is that the pastebin guy must have knew of the signal cause it was shared on some other forum
>>2805 Well BA has already switched the URL for all of the new content the girls are posting now and the pics are garbage quality after that change. No more full size pics. Passes has full size pics but it doesn't look like that'll be shared much if people have to pay extra to unlock stuff
>>2804 Yeah but the tech/IT guys wouldn't let the models or agents(moms) know of security issues.
>offers every set she has ever posted. >>2323 was dumb for doing this everything set Since u can match the jpg fiIe name of >>2336 to her set on the signal, Im gonna assume that lily's everything set, would have given u the fiIe names for everything to share with everyone, regardless of the signal thing >Her top tier is $250 and I definitely do not recommend buying that unless you want to get in, download everything, and get out Although I'm curious how u would bulk DL everything from the BA site even with lily's everything set, I've never used BA so I've no idea how they do this
>>2808 Dunno if it still works. But there was a link list of several girls with every pic and vid. All you had to do was use an automatic downloader. Lily had something like 27,000 files
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The comments on some of these BA pages makes me wanna vomit. The fact that there are men like this out there in droves is pretty pathetic.
>>2818 i usually try to write something funny that will maybe make them laugh they never do, though ;__;
>>2818 I agree with >>>/w/475446, if there is anything that makes a dude seem pathetic in any way its seeing dudes paying for BA bikinicrap, that usually doesnt even show all that more skin, than what the girl already posts for free on her ig like if I was gonna spend that kinda money, Id instead spend it on a statewins/enature set or something but nah Im saving it up to finally get myself every guys dream a Venus 2000
>>2820 This is exactly the problem. A couple of years back, these girls would be posting all of this kind of content (and even more suggestive stuff) for FREE on whatever social media site. You're paying money for what should be posted for free on IG or TT or wherever. I don't understand why people can't just collectively stop giving them money. If people stop giving them money for this stuff they will either sell better content or just post everything for free again.
>>2818 lol it sounds funny with Billie Dee Williams voice
>>2819 cause they don't manage those pages, their moms do
>>2820 simps can't be reasoned with, their delusional logic is impenetrable to common sense
>>2821 try to have at least 5 people do something collectively, let alone rich simps around the world. It's just the payment options becoming more accessible and these sites spreading more and more. Hopefully one day the bubble wit burst because most of the times they just produce mediocre stuff (not that most of OF is any better I assume)
>>2825 See this >>2819
>>2827 Can you just explain what you meant to say with your comment?
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>>2843 ure name
So I'm still stuck with trying to separate the pic sets by post ID. Right now I have it set to pick a number from the original file list on the signal site, only print the file names on that row, and then use those file names as a list to move my already downloaded pictures to a new folder. There are so many fucking sets for each girl this is still too slow. A set consists of like 15 pics max, at least for the first one I've tried so far (Anna K Spamley)
>>2848 On Windows you can do it with PowerShell # Read the raw dump file $dump = Import-Csv -Path b7e3x4vo1me.txt -Delimiter "`t" # Set this to the path where everything is downloaded $download_dir = "C:\Downloads\b7e3x4vo1me" foreach ($row in $dump) { # Get the 'llz1pk5nykz9b23wlko0.jpeg' part of 'https://assets.br*****my.com/b7e3x4vo1me/images/llz1pk5nykz9b23wlko0.jpeg' $server_file_name = Split-Path -Path $row.MediaUrl -Leaf # Glue $download_dir and $server_file_name together to get 'C:\Downloads\b7e3x4vo1me\llz1pk5nykz9b23wlko0.jpeg' $local_full_name = [IO.Path]::Combine($download_dir, $server_file_name) # If that file exists if (Test-Path -Path $local_full_name) { # Setup where it should be sorted based on the PostId 'C:\Downloads\b7e3x4vo1me\79375' $dest_dir = [IO.Path]::Combine($download_dir, $row.PostId) # 'C:\Downloads\b7e3x4vo1me\79375\llz1pk5nykz9b23wlko0.jpeg' $dest_full_name = [IO.Path]::Combine($dest_dir, $server_file_name) # Make the PostId folder if it doesn't exist if (!(Test-Path -Path $dest_dir)) { $null = New-Item -Path $dest_dir -ItemType Container } # Put the file in its PostId folder Write-Host "Moving '$local_full_name' to '$dest_dir'" Move-Item -Path $local_full_name -Destination $dest_full_name # And set file attributes so you can sort files by date (Get-Item -Path $dest_full_name).LastWriteTime = $row.Created (Get-Item -Path $dest_full_name).CreationTime = $row.Created } }
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This is almost comical lol.
>>2853 It will never not be funny how the one with the biggest career is among the ones who whores herself the most. The winner will 100% be some middle aged dude
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>>2854 Still nothing compared to THE IMPLICATION, theres only 1way shd could "make sure you had the time of your life", and this was way before her OF, iykyk
>>2849 It worked on Ubuntu with the Powershell package, I just had to change the download directory. Thank you
>>2856 Yeah but Jacky is nowhere near as notable as Lily who has been in red carpet premieres. That is pretty funny though, but 25k for virtually a nobody seems way too high. For that price you can probably get a more notable and better looking ig model
>>2856 10 persons per event, lol And that's how we learned Jacky was into gang bangs
>>2858 >25k It's $2,500.
>>2860 that's just for the down-payment
>>2861 Oh damn I didn't even see that, lol. Who is Jackie anyway? Social media name I can lookup?
>>2863 Or better yet >>>/w/474006
>>2862 For a short while she was an olympic prospect but I guess that didn't work out https://www.boardriding.com/riders/whatsup/jacquelina-de-jong?post=1234 https://www.the-sports.org/jacquelina-de-jong-snowboarding-spf632439.html She used to have a thread on /starlet/ but was banned. She has been on numerous sites like many of the BA girls but started an OF as soon as she hit 18 and does actually go full nude. Her parents are literal cucks and have several porn vids out there one where her dad sucks on a black dude, she did some questionable UA content and looks like she wants to be a high end escort now. My opinion but she's not as pretty as many of the other girls Natalie/Lily/Presley/Piper/etc.
>>2865 >Alina and her bi husband with BBC Is there any actual proof she is the mom of flyjackyfly? And btw I encourage everyone here to check out her thread of socialmediagals, specifically the comments section for "for those who live under a rock"

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