The last page I will talk about, Abbie is so close to being perfect it hurts. She is so gorgeous and more often than not her pictures are exactly what you would hope they would be. Her top tier is $60 and for that you get access to a perfectly substantial amount of the thousands of pictures she has posted on the site, with only her earliest posts being either ppv or lost to time. The big problem is that whoever usually takes the pictures (I assume her mom but idk) seems to be using an iphone 3 or something and refuses to not only upgrade the camera, but also to put in even a little bit of effort in post processing to make the pictures decent at anything but small format. Her pictures mostly look decent at small size, but when you view at full size they are grainy as hell it is very clear that they have each had a stock "portrait" effect added to them that poorly identifies the subject and blurs everything around them, making it look like they are in some sort of parallel dimension with the space between them and the surrounding world being bent and distorted. It's so bad and if you ever purchased any of Bellas old sets then you might know what I mean. People have tried to make a stink about it, with abbies page runner pointing out that there is a camera on her wishlist (because apparently it's the customers responsibility to ensure a quality product) but unfortunately most of her subscribers are perfectly content with pictures that seriously would have been considered low quality in 2008. But, sometimes they DO post really good stuff. Sometimes they get pro shoots, and sometimes even the non pro shoots end up being totally acceptable quality and that is why this is currently the only page I still have any real interest in. Abbie is gorgeous, in great shape, perfectly comfortable with seemingly any angle, and they really seem to have a good grasp on subtext in photography which really goes a long way. For $50, totally worth it to get access to the relatively few HQ pics, they are so good, but just know going in that most of the pics are going to really just make you with they were better quality. Her content would be on a different level all together if they would commit to high quality.