@yuuki26 (2021-2022)

got this yesterday https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1607972699472814080/photo/12022-12-28 14:32:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1607972699472814080
i'm at my parents house now.
i've removed all my f/f i followed with #langtwt.
recently realized people only get along with each other on iq.
2022-12-28 14:00:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1607964639878582272
created a lishogi account and started practicing against YaneuraOu. first i won level 1
2022-11-29 22:10:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1597578641302786048
Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do! #MyTwitterAnniversary https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1596039844827758593/photo/12022-11-25 16:15:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1596039844827758593
also related
2022-11-25 16:12:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1596039222527676416
the general solution seems complicated.
WA returns an answer that i don't understand.
seems the MO below is the way to derive this.
2022-11-25 16:10:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1596038529959985158
saw this on a yt thumbnail on 22nd.
df/dx = f⁻¹
after googling, it seems that
f(x) = (1/φ)^(1/φ) x^φ
is known to be a particular solution to this, where φ is the golden ratio.
2022-11-25 15:56:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1596035012305952769
you can see all my kifu (game records) here:
2022-10-27 09:21:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1585426473334509569
just finished 90 games in 30 days.
the result was 66-24, a win rate of 73%.
my rank is 1-dan (48% achievement rate)
i won 3 in a row today so i will never play again
https://shogiwars.heroz.jp/users/mypage/yuukikonnobot https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1585423789521006592/photo/1
2022-10-27 09:11:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1585423789521006592
im planning to cancel my Fuji Wifi 10 GB/day plan2022-10-05 21:35:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1577638677315932160
i signed up for fiber optic service at home
sometimes drops to 80M but fast enough for me

GMO光アクセス(GMOとくとくBB光) IPv6接続 IPoE(v6プラス)の測定結果
Ping値: 21.6ms
下り速度: 313.85Mbps(非常に速い)
上り速度: 562.37Mbps(超速い)
https://minsoku.net/speeds/optical/services/gmo-hikari-access/prefectures/3/areas/035017 #みんなのネット回線速度 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1577636476866527232/photo/1
2022-10-05 21:27:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1577636476866527232
bishop exchange, N-77 variation, a rare opening.
suisho says 38. S-54 was not the best, exchange rook pawns after P-85 and aim for P-35 Px P*36.
2022-09-28 13:18:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1574976837611945985
there was 18. Bx77+ instead of P-8e. if Nx, B*88. if Sx, N-65. not so clear but i'd win.
22. N-65 was dangerous. if 25. Rx22+ Gx B*55 i would've lost. instead 22. P-86 Px P*88 was the move.
2022-09-28 12:33:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1574965589235273728
debut game
i missed 22. Rx87+ in place of K-32
28. Rx88+ was not the best. after 31. K-28 Bx88+, there was R*82 (king-horse fork)
it was better to retreat with 28. +R-82 and then aim to P*86
2022-09-28 11:24:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1574948016154214400
i chose the username yuukikonnobot
yuuki and yuukikonno were taken, but i did this so that my opponent would know it was me, so this is not considered a "loser."
2022-09-28 10:20:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1574931985415356416
started playing against humans in shogi wars to test my shogi skills
i set my opponent's strength to "a bit weak" so i'm guaranteed to win, but my goal is to play the same moves as YaneuraOu + Suisho
2022-09-28 10:07:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1574928866333716481
Since my name is Yuuki Konno, I guess I should follow the Sword Art Online stans.2022-09-27 06:37:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1574513620729200641
An image search for 金野裕希 does not turn up any pictures of me, so I'll post a bunch of pictures of 金野裕希 here. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1574511351925391361/photo/12022-09-27 06:28:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1574511351925391361
I took this picture when we picked up my brother at the station.
I rotated 360 degrees and took 100 shots and kept the good one. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1574499075692515328/photo/1
2022-09-27 05:40:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1574499075692515328
On Aug 27, I went with my family to the Ōmagari Fireworks Festival in Daisen, Akita.
It was raining heavily.
I was impressed by the use of Air's Natsukage by Jun Maeda in Shinshu Enka Kogyo's fireworks.
https://youtu.be/ZSYAG7opM_c https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1574494746327670784/photo/1
2022-09-27 05:22:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1574494746327670784
byf = before you follow
dni = do not interact
I learned. There are no corresponding acronyms in Jpn.
2022-09-24 13:32:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573530843196272640
In Japan, many people also use http://prfmaker.com, which allows users to create profile cards without an image editor.2022-09-24 12:46:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573519228455395330
Many people use http://carrd.co and http://linktr.ee. In Japan, http://lit.link is the latest fad. Historically, http://twpf.jp has been the industry standard and is still used by many.2022-09-24 12:28:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573514776243630080
Eng Dub/Sub is also on YouTube. I also watched his commentaries on Spirited Away, Laputa, Ponyo, Totoro, and Crayon Shin-chan's Adult Empire. Dunno if his interpretations are correct, but they were novel.2022-09-24 11:37:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573501913672216576
On Sep 19, I saw this clipping of Toshio Okada's commentary on Grave of the Fireflies. This was an eye-opener for me. I first saw this movie over 17 years ago, but I was completely unaware of its meaning.
2022-09-24 11:04:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573493632753029120
Conclusion: Unclear. One theory is that 言う is polysemous while 呼ぶ is narrower, so the latter may have a slightly stronger meaning.2022-09-24 06:35:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573425854121664535
This addresses a different issue.
I think the answer and comment on it are correct. The second sentence is incorrect though. It should be 君をアホと呼ぶ without the だ.
2022-09-24 06:02:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573417619927203840
Answer. I think this misses the point. Sure, 呼ぶ is used more when it comes to people's names, but they doesn't say anything about what difference is there when describing a concept.
2022-09-24 05:48:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573414025396097025
The fact that "をきつねうどんと呼ぶ" has more hits than "をきつねうどんと言う" seems to support my theory.2022-09-24 05:30:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573409528926044163
OTOH, I feel と呼ぶ fits better to describe concrete concepts. E.g.,
(Udon with deep-fried tofu on top is called kitsune udon.)
One could argue that という is "weak" here. No real difference, though.
2022-09-24 05:26:10https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573408401702502400
On Twitter, however, it is sometimes easier to recognize word breaks by using kanji for such verbs, etc. Modern people tend to be unaware of such distinctions, as they type according to the keyboard app's conversion candidates.2022-09-24 04:52:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573400053527760896
The use of the hiragana という here instead of と言う is described in the Japanese Wikipedia's manual of style.
"Verbs whose original meaning is almost lost [should be written in hiragana]"
2022-09-24 04:19:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573391697152966660
One thing came to my mind is という may be used more to describe abstract concepts. E.g.,
(A polygon with three sides is called a triangle.)
Here と呼ぶ is also perfectly fine, but may be "excessive", although the difference is slight.
2022-09-24 03:54:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573385227568807936
Literally, と言う may correspond to "said to be" and と呼ぶ to "called", but the nuance could not be so. It could be the opposite, for example.2022-09-24 03:27:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573378525163388929
Someone tweeted "what is the difference between と言う and と呼ぶ" and I found it difficult.
I thought it was similar to the difference between "is said to be", "is called", "is referred to as", etc. in English.
2022-09-24 03:12:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573374717762981888
I don't like people who arrogantly claim to "teach" a language to you just because they are a native speaker. Of course they don't necessarily have a deep understanding of the language. I would rather learn Japanese by reading tweets by Japanese language learners.2022-09-24 02:53:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573369868451184640
I know that not everyone I followed was a Japanese language learner, but I followed nonetheless.2022-09-24 02:47:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573368502702178305
Just followed more people by searching for #langtwt OR #studytwt "studying" OR "learning" "japanese". I never learn any language, though.2022-09-24 02:41:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1573366918035439617
Ate. Tuna mayonnaise, raw egg over brown rice, and vinegared onion, okra, and wakame. Not too bad. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1572021505713930240/photo/12022-09-20 09:35:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1572021505713930240
I had Lotte's Nama Choco Pie "Made with Plenty of Cream 350%" on September 13th since it was almost Halloween.
It was very thick, like a Big Mac. It tasted more like a chocolate cake than a choco pie.
I would like to buy 24 of them. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1571561542260518912/photo/1
2022-09-19 03:07:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571561542260518912
It seems that "tdm" refers to an app called "todo mate". I downloaded it immediately, although I do not use it. This is still completely unknown in Japan.2022-09-18 22:44:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571495478667399170
@kikkousha Thanks.2022-09-18 22:31:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571492115364065280
I feel as if I were John Mung.2022-09-18 22:26:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571490784549142530
Apparently moots = mutuals. I believe they are called sōgo (相互, lit. "mutual") or FF (short for "following and followers") in tsunagaritai (繋がりたい, lit. "want to connect") hashtags such as #勉強垢さんと繋がりたい in the Japanese-speaking world.2022-09-18 22:23:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571490184818225154
Apparently there are hashtags #langtwt and #studytwt and there may be many there.2022-09-18 22:06:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571485910499467266
I should follow people who are interested in Pokémon Go, programming, or mathematics, but for now I followed people who might be interested in the Japanese language.2022-09-18 22:03:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571484991867211776
I searched for filter:hashtags "studying japanese" and followed some people for the first time in almost a year since I started this account.
I would like to follow more people who can speak English so that people around the world can know of my existence.
2022-09-18 22:01:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571484587947364352
Got this recently. I owned 15/15/14, 15/15/13, and 15/13/15 Shadow Starly (Staraptor). https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1571237424768090113/photo/12022-09-18 05:39:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571237424768090113
I am surprised that it has been 12 days since then. Working on my paper is going well and is almost complete.2022-09-18 05:26:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571234181086343168
I also changed my GitHub username to "konnosoft" and made it the official account for Konno Software, the software company I founded 13 years ago in November 2009.
2022-09-18 05:13:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571230890210267137
The username "yuukikonnobot" is still good on Twitter, but on Blogger, it is only a sign of a "loser" whose name has already been taken.
If it were "ykonno", I wouldn't be such a "loser". It's one of the canonical abbreviations of my name.
2022-09-18 05:05:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571228913342488577
I have moved my blog to http://ykonno.blogspot.com. I have removed the redirect from my domain as it can expire and is not an appropriate link to my blog. https://twitter.com/yuukikonnobot/status/15442860516565565442022-09-18 04:56:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1571226698213130240
To date, I have almost completed a program that generates a list of distinct solutions for the 10 and 24 puzzles, but the 0 puzzle is not yet "solved" in that sense.2022-09-06 11:42:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1566980153426997248
Today is the second day of writing a paper on the problem of eliminating duplicate solutions to the 10 puzzle, which I have been researching for a month.
Naturally, the paper has become very long and will take me a month to finish.
2022-09-06 11:41:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1566979913244344322
I registered in the Pokemapi trainer directory and linked to this Twitter account so that my neighbors can find out that 00000000000001A is me.
2022-08-18 06:01:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1560008974287917056
On July 19, I bought 100 more shares at ¥629. Because I thought it was cheap.
And here I am.
I plan to sell them at ¥1,300 and make ¥125,000.
2022-08-17 11:54:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1559735365333749760
On June 9, I bought 100 shares of the company's stock at ¥721 at LINE Securities. I thought this was cheap, since in April it was ¥1,000. It was my first time to buy stocks. The price then dropped to ¥582.2022-08-17 11:54:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1559735362947231744
I currently own 200 shares of Rakuten Group, Inc. stock at ¥675 per share, and I have gained ¥9,200. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1559735360988409856/photo/12022-08-17 11:54:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1559735360988409856
Soloed Mega Scizor. Watch the full video on YouTube:
https://youtu.be/BocZHm_wGvM https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1559709758034042880/photo/1
2022-08-17 10:12:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1559709758034042880
I would like to show you my high IV Shadows again. There are still a few. I want to add more. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1559647605444841472/photo/12022-08-17 06:05:40https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1559647605444841472
- M-Gyarados with Wa+AT*/HP or DT*+Ou and
- S-Gyarados with Wa+AT*/HP
were found to be useful in raids, and those with Water-type movesets were found to be the best counters in very rare cases. There is still no known use for Dark-type movesets in raids. https://twitter.com/yuukikonnobot/status/1494557582312501248
2022-08-17 05:32:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1559639202215919616
Mega Charizard X with Fire Spin + Blast Burn* has proven effective in situations such as vs. Zacian (Crowned Sword) with Wild Charge. https://twitter.com/yuukikonnobot/status/14978452221469368322022-08-17 05:20:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1559636190277816320
My analysis of Pokebattler's list of raid counters shows that Bug Bite* + X-Scissor always wins for Mega Beedrill's bug-type movesets, and there are no known situations where the Infestation fast move is preferred.2022-08-17 05:13:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1559634578843004928
This is my second hundo Weedle. The first one has evolved into a Beedrill and has the Infestation + X-Scissor & Sludge Bomb moveset, so I want this one to learn the Bug Bite* elite fast move.2022-08-17 05:03:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1559631897176973313
I am currently visiting my parents in Ōshū, Iwate. It is 180 km away from my home in Karumai. We recently stayed at the "Kadar Terrace Kindaichi" hot spring hotel in Ninohe, a city adjacent to Karumai. There I caught this hundo Weedle. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1559627543241969664/photo/12022-08-17 04:45:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1559627543241969664
At the next event I will evolve two Charmander and get my first hundo Charizard. I am very happy because Mega Charizard Y is a very strong Pokémon.2022-07-05 21:11:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544292805329055746
As for Shadow, I got two identical 15/14/15 Ralts, my first high IV Machop, and a 98% Starly. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1544291618312028160/photo/12022-07-05 21:06:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544291618312028160
Since then I have gotten hundos including two Hydreigon, a Purified Beedrill, and to my surprise, a Shadow Ball Mewtwo. It's my first Legendary hundo. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1544290754134425600/photo/12022-07-05 21:03:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544290754134425600
I have a redirect set up with CloudFlare on my domain for now.
2022-07-05 20:44:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544286051656556544
One drawback of Blogger is that you can't use your own domain; you can't run your blogspot domain and your own domain separately, so you need to use your blogspot domain to keep your blog running after your death.2022-07-05 20:43:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544285729425018880
This is my Blogger with the plain text theme applied.
It uses JavaScript to display posts, but it can be displayed without it (however, whitespace will be collapsed).
It is written in JavaScript 1.0, so it works on very old browsers.
2022-07-05 20:35:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544283734714683392
Blogger is ad-free and does not appear to have any plans to delete old blogs.2022-07-05 20:28:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544282027830026240
Then I came up with a hack to use Blogger's post by email feature.
If you discard your Google password and post via a secret email address, you can achieve such a blog.
2022-07-05 20:27:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544281782756843520
I first created a WordPress theme that would do that, but there was no "once you sign up you can't cancel (i.e. it will keep running after your death)" ad-free hosting.2022-07-05 20:23:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544280706817306624
GitHub Pages + Jekyll cannot achieve "once posted, cannot be deleted".2022-07-05 20:20:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544279936684290048
In a blog where HTML code is available, I am so involved in decorating (e.g. displaying formulas nicely) that I cannot concentrate on writing the body of the article. Therefore, it needs to be plain text.2022-07-05 20:18:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544279495833636865
I need such blog software because I suffer from atelophobia and am tempted to delete old posts.2022-07-05 20:15:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544278719031693314
I was looking for a blog that was in plain text and that once posted, the post could not be edited or deleted. l had lost sight of that 5 months ago.2022-07-05 20:12:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544278077596770305
Five months later, today I released a Blogger theme.
https://github.com/plain-text-blogger-theme/plain-text-blogger-theme https://twitter.com/yuukikonnobot/status/1494571029481820161
2022-07-05 20:04:55https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1544276129787236353
There is a way to get the publication date using the GitHub API on the client side using JavaScript, assuming that the first commit date of the post file is considered the publication date.
However, this seems slow and I would not adopt it.
2022-03-09 15:29:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1501445164640141312
However, this method requires the installation of a scripting language and manipulation of the Terminal.
Naturally, the date cannot be obtained if the post file is created in the GitHub web interface.
2022-03-09 15:26:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1501444233105973250
One solution would be to register a script in Git's post-commit hook that would retrieve the creation date of the post file and store it somewhere.2022-03-09 15:23:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1501443529243250689
Manually setting the publication date is tedious.2022-03-09 15:21:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1501443124832653313
If the publication date is not set, the posts cannot be listed by date on the blog's home page.2022-03-09 15:20:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1501442744245702656
One weakness of a blog based on Jekyll + GitHub Pages is that there is no way to automatically set the publication date.

WordPress and Blogger automatically set the date by simply posting a blog post. There is no way to accomplish this.
2022-03-09 15:17:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1501442149925404675
Ah, I'm talking about Mega Charizard Y.
I haven't figured out what to use Mega Charizard X for yet.
2022-02-27 17:05:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1497845222146936832
The latter is the fastest counter to Grass- and Bug-type TGR Grunts.
BB and Overheat are tied, with Overheat doing more DPE than BB, but I'd be willing to go with BB as a trophy if I had an extra Fast ETM.
2022-02-27 17:00:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1497844185256239106
Just got my second hundo Charmander.
I plan to have my two Charizard learn:
1. Fire Spin/Blast Burn*
2. Ember*/Blast Burn* https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1497839967690575874/photo/1
2022-02-27 16:44:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1497839967690575874
I don't know how to develop it, so it's trial and error.2022-02-18 16:20:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1494572510222118914
Today I started working on a GitHub Pages-based blogging system that allows you to write posts in plain text.
2022-02-18 16:14:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1494571029481820161
As a Dark-type attacker, it is strong against TGR, but weak in raids.
This is because of its Bite/Crunch moveset.
In raids, Snarl/Foul Play or Dark Pulse is stronger, which can be used by Mega Houndoom or Mega Absol.
2022-02-18 15:37:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1494561796472315904
As a Water-type attacker, Mega Gyarados is:
- In raids, it is inferior to Mega Blastoise against all known situations.
- Against TGR grunts, it is inferior to Mega Venusaur and Mega Aerodactyl (the difference is slight, though).
2022-02-18 15:32:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1494560486301777926
Mega Gyarados movesets
- Water: Unknown use.
- Dark: Fastest against Psychic TGR.
- Dragon: Fastest against Dragon TGR (tied with Galarian Darmanitan).
2022-02-18 15:21:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1494557582312501248
If I get a third hundo Magikarp, change to
1. Waterfall/Aqua Tail*/Hydro Pump,
3. Bite/Crunch.
2022-02-18 15:11:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1494555141231759360
I'm going to have my two Gyarados learn
1. Bite/Aqua Tail*/Crunch,
2. Dragon Tail*/Outrage.
AT and DT are legacy moves, so I want to prioritize them.
2022-02-18 15:06:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1494553932823396357
Got this from the Catch 7 Pokémon task yesterday.
It's my second hundo Magikarp. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1494551079773929479/photo/1
2022-02-18 14:55:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1494551079773929479
Finally did it. Great job before the Johto Tour. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1493571370542067713/photo/12022-02-15 22:02:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1493571370542067713
I lost. But I think it was a game I did my best to win.
There is no 3v3 battle simulator yet, so it's hard to prove, though. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1491825032552587274/photo/1
2022-02-11 02:22:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1491825032552587274
But I evolved one for the ETM move.
If I can't get a better IV one, I'm thinking of unlocking its second Charge Move and using it for TGR with
- Charm + Synchronoise and Close Combat.
2022-02-10 16:05:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1491669606268026880
Its use in raids is unknown.
In PvP, it is said to be useful in Ultra Premier.
In any case, Synchronoise is not the best move.
2022-02-10 15:56:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1491667440425906179
Shadow Gallade is the fastest counter (aside from Mega Pidgeot) to the Dark type TGR Grunt with
- Charm + Close Combat.
2022-02-10 15:52:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1491666344290713600
Shadow Gardevoir is the best Fairy type attacker in raids.
Against TGR, it is tied with Shadow Mewtwo for the fastest counter to the Fighting type Grunt.
2022-02-10 15:46:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1491664896165314560
I don't do PvP seriously, so I plan to have one
- Charm + Synchronoise and Dazzling Gleam (for TGR and raids)
and make an army of
- Charm + Dazzling Gleam (for raids).
2022-02-10 15:36:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1491662414802468864
For Shadow Gardevoir, you will need three types of movesets:
- Charm + Dazzling Gleam (for raids)
- Charm + Synchronoise or Psychic (for Fighting type TGR Grunts)
- Charm + Synchronoise and Shadow Ball (for PvP)
2022-02-10 15:23:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1491659028480823299
Evolved two Shadow Ralts into my first Shadow Gardevoir and Shadow Gallade. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1491655765370683392/photo/12022-02-10 15:10:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1491655765370683392
How is this even possible. My first ever shadundo. But I don't PvP seriously so I doubt I'll ever use this. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1490081228753555456/photo/12022-02-06 06:53:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1490081228753555456
https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1489573090887888896/photo/12022-02-04 21:14:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1489573090887888896
So I TM'd these two. At least I plan to evolve them during the Johto Tour. I'm not sure if I'll power them up. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1487513087611576322/photo/12022-01-30 04:48:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1487513087611576322
According to Poke Genie's Raid Battle Simulator:
- Shadow Typhlosion is the top counter to Mega Abomasnow after Shadow Legendaries (along with Shadow Charizard and Reshiram).
- Shadow Feraligatr is sometimes the best counter to Mega Steelix if it's Rainy weather boosted.
2022-01-30 04:38:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1487510550221242369
On ROG Phone, it seems that you can take a screenshot by swiping down from the top with three fingers.
I was also able to disable the watermark in the settings.
2022-01-23 16:31:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1485153180740571137
Got a hundo Genesect, meaning its Stat Product % in Ultra League is 100.
Not recognized by Calcy IV and Poke Genie, but confirmed by PvPoke and http://9db.jp's IV Rank Checker.
Maybe I will never power up or use it. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1485148957382623232/photo/1
2022-01-23 16:14:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1485148957382623232
Today I had Aeon's ¥419 "Topvalu Best Price Oden for 2 (with chicken dumplings) 14 items of 7 kinds".
This is not bad. It also has a long shelf life.
The salt equivalent is 9.9g, so you should discard the soup and make your own, though. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1481483503195672579/photo/1
2022-01-13 13:29:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1481483503195672579
The last few days I have transferred a lot of useless hundo.2022-01-12 01:39:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1480942380501340164
This past Saturday, the 8th, I returned to my home from my parents' house.2022-01-12 01:34:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1480941215084593152
Ok. I can't wait to unfrustrate it and let it learn Synchronoise. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1478764512748924928/photo/12022-01-06 01:25:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1478764512748924928
Okay. It was partly cloudy today. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1478740953607606272/photo/12022-01-05 23:51:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1478740953607606272
Very rare. I thought it was a bug in Calcy IV. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1478219465813008387/photo/12022-01-04 13:19:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1478219465813008387
Just got this. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1476865078771482628/photo/12021-12-31 19:37:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476865078771482628
As far as I can tell from my little tinkering with Pokebattler's Raid Simulator, the Stat Product is almost useless.
It seemed that 15/10/10 was stronger than 14/15/15 in most cases.
2021-12-31 18:54:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476854214009974784
It is difficult to say which IV is stronger.
It would be nice if there was an IV rank for raids.
2021-12-31 18:51:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476853432418193411
During the trip, I got a few good S-Bellsprout, and 12 Kyurem (including one 98% and two Shinies). https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1476826265319776257/photo/12021-12-31 17:03:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476826265319776257
Before I went back to Iwate yesterday, we had a Gong Cha bubble tea at Ueno station.
It tasted just like Coca-Cola Japan's "Kochakaden" and was not very tasty. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1476819204498407431/photo/1
2021-12-31 16:35:10https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476819204498407431
In that area I was able to install 30+ Lure Modules and platinum my Picknicker medal.
I also platinumed my Pokémon Ranger on this trip, and my Sightseer is now at 1938.
I'm only four platinum medals away from level 49. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1476814164446556161/photo/1
2021-12-31 16:15:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476814164446556161
I didn't know about the place beforehand, and although I noticed that there was a PokéStop there, I wasn't particularly interested and didn't go to the exact spot.2021-12-31 15:56:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476809579455717379
And yesterday we went near a place called "Pokémon Square (or Plaza)" near Yodobashi Camera at the west exit of Shinjuku Station.2021-12-31 15:56:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476809350211862532
Yesterday morning, Thursday the 30th, we had breakfast at Matsuya. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1476807234516824065/photo/12021-12-31 15:47:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476807234516824065
That night we stayed at the Tokyo Business Hotel in Shinjuku. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1476806965066350596/photo/12021-12-31 15:46:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476806965066350596
That night we had Jjigae Teishoku at Yayoiken.
This was not good. It was so salty that I couldn't even feel the spiciness, no wonder its salt equivalent was 6.9g. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1476801769112207364/photo/1
2021-12-31 15:25:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476801769112207364
On Wednesday night the 29th, we walked around Shinjuku and enjoyed the Kyurem Raid Hour.
This video was taken by my brother in front of Toho Cinemas in Kabukicho.
This area is called "To-Yoko" and is said to have been a hangout for juvenile delinquents. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1476798147028729861/photo/1
2021-12-31 15:11:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476798147028729861
I traveled to Tokyo for 6 days and 5 nights from the 25th to the 30th.2021-12-31 14:29:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476787650074132481
I went home to my parents' house in Ōshū, Iwate last night.2021-12-31 14:28:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476787275334025216
https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1476064247042154497/photo/12021-12-29 14:35:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476064247042154497
Last night we went to Sushiro near Chiba station.
Fatty yellowtail rare shabu sushi (the one on the left in the fifth picture) was delicious and tasted like yellowtail. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1476064222052491268/photo/1
2021-12-29 14:35:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1476064222052491268
We went to Saizeriya in front of Inage Kaigan station last night.
I had a rib steak. It was salty.
I also had a mini ficelle and a garden salad.
The ficelle was delicious, as was Cocos' stone oven bread. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1475722936007147520/photo/1
2021-12-28 15:59:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1475722936007147520
Now I'm at my brother's apartment. He's moving out of here today.
I ate a lunch box that I bought at AEON Marinpia in front of Inage Kaigan Station. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1475720108685537281/photo/1
2021-12-28 15:47:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1475720108685537281
I got my 15th Elite Collector Medal.
This is a f2p world record.
I think I'm the only f2p player in the world who keeps breaking this record. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1475276862847070209/photo/1
2021-12-27 10:26:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1475276862847070209
I had the buffet breakfast at the Ichikawa Grand Hotel. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1474886231230390272/photo/12021-12-26 08:34:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1474886231230390272
I got some pretty good Shadows on the bullet train on my way to Tokyo. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1474747979760549888/photo/12021-12-25 23:24:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1474747979760549888
Fresh Mexican blueberries and raspberries on a bed of muesli with banana chips and Greek yogurt.
I think this would be instagrammable. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1474575961438167046/photo/1
2021-12-25 12:01:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1474575961438167046
Thanks to FamilyMart becoming a PokéStop, I now have a home stop at my parents' house and can farm balls endlessly. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1474453183829516289/photo/12021-12-25 03:53:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1474453183829516289
I got this in a trade with my dad two days ago.
I also got Magby from my dad yesterday, so I only need Corsola to get my Johto Medal to platinum. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1474433665262571520/photo/1
2021-12-25 02:35:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1474433665262571520
I called all the beauty salons in the city yesterday and they all refused me. Fortunately, there is a barber shop behind my parents' house and I was able to use it.2021-12-25 02:31:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1474432530447495169
I'm now at my parents' house. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow to play Pokémon GO. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1474431852463423488/photo/12021-12-25 02:28:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1474431852463423488
Poke Genie for Android is inferior to the iOS version. I can't edit the scanned Pokémon data (e.g., whether it is Shadow or not).2021-12-23 08:32:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473798636828246017
I've accomplished that once before with WordPress:
2021-12-22 02:57:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473351859398389760
So creating a plaintext-like HTML theme with Jekyll has become my current goal.2021-12-22 02:55:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473351486675767296
I wonder if I should create a template that is .html but looks like .txt.2021-12-22 00:55:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473321216815828993
.html and .md can be accessed without extensions.2021-12-22 00:54:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473320969209249796
The only problem with gh-pages is that .txt files are not accessible without an extension.2021-12-22 00:53:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473320712870187009
All I need to think about is "how to mark up the plaintext" and the filename. That can be done randomly.2021-12-22 00:52:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473320448402534403
It loads very fast.2021-12-22 00:48:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473319413537730562
There is no problem of having to put a dummy HTML comment between two separate code blocks to write them.2021-12-22 00:39:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473317265349427202
Gh-pages + Jekyll + GFM still has a problem with preformatted text not being wrapped. Plaintexts have no such problem.2021-12-22 00:38:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473316851728154625
I'm thinking of blogging in plaintext.
As an atelophobic, I get hung up on decorations when I use Markdown or HTML, and I can't complete a sentence.
2021-12-22 00:28:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473314508727025665
I've decided to move my blog from http://wordpress.com to GitHub Pages.
SyntaxHighlighter on http://wordpress.com doesn't wrap text so it's hard to see the code, and it's not mobile friendly.
2021-12-21 19:47:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1473243706811895811
I have revised my post many times. It's time to move on to the next program. https://twitter.com/yuukikonnobot/status/14689831617703772162021-12-20 11:36:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1472757692456665089
It was problematic that I only had 3 Sinnoh Stones.
If I catch a high IV Roselia now, I may not be able to evolve it during Com Day.
I guess I should have had about 6 of them.
2021-12-19 03:53:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1472278832787124225
I'm calling it a day. I caught 100+ of each. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1472275371144138752/photo/12021-12-19 03:39:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1472275371144138752
Again. Thank god. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1472248638449815552/photo/12021-12-19 01:53:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1472248638449815552
Co/FB S-Alakazam may be the best counter to ZH/Ps Blissey in Gym Battles.2021-12-19 00:50:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1472232882748166146
Shadow Alakazam has no known uses; it can use Counter/Focus Blast, a high-damage moveset, but because of its Dark-type weakness, it cannot be used against a Normal Rocket Grunt.2021-12-19 00:10:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1472222668686761985
Pokémon I evolved today.
All but Alakazam are top raid attackers, so I'll need multiple of them. So I'm assuming that powering up a non-hundo won't be a waste. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1472218561435533312/photo/1
2021-12-18 23:53:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1472218561435533312
Never-ending Community Day. I'm tired and there's only 60 storage space left.2021-12-18 22:06:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1472191549094379521
Luckily the Windy weather continues.2021-12-18 19:23:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1472150473692319746
Decided to start collecting the following Pokémon:
- Shiny pre-evolutions of rare gender
- Shiny evolutions with ETM move, at a level not exceeding 1500 CP when it becomes hundo (for trade)
2021-12-18 19:03:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1472145392242675712
One year ago, on December 8, Swinub Spotlight Hour, I got a hundo.
One year later, I got a 96% Shadow.
This is a symbol of my growth over the past year.
2021-12-17 12:31:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1471684324319989761
Finally did it. I knew the IV before I caught it. Because I'm using Calcy.
It wasn't weather boosted.
It might be the strongest Pokémon I've ever caught. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1471680562419367938/photo/1
2021-12-17 12:16:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1471680562419367938
Aglio e olio and TKP.
I didn't use a pan - just mixed the raw ingredients.
TKP stands for Tamago Kake Pasta ("egg on spaghetti"), which is a popular dish in Japan. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1470920787083538432/photo/1
2021-12-15 09:56:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1470920787083538432
I made pork sukiyaki with only soy sauce. I made too much. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1470493198468681729/photo/12021-12-14 05:37:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1470493198468681729
It seems that the latter generates faster assembly even if I write the primality test code properly and add `-Ofast`.2021-12-14 01:50:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1470435886194376705
Which is faster:
if (n < 2) { return false; }
if (n == 2) { return true; }
if (n <= 2) { return n == 2; }

I don't know the exact meaning of assembly, but without optimization, the latter looks faster. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1470433352096579584/photo/1
2021-12-14 01:40:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1470433352096579584
Apparently, the easiest way is to look at the assembly at http://godbolt.org.2021-12-14 00:23:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1470414103110123520
On Mac, clang++ and g++ can output assemblies with commands like `clang++ -S http://main.cc`, but this outputs more than 1500 lines of code, even for a simple Hello World.2021-12-14 00:21:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1470413687140020224
Today I'm looking into how to look at assembly code, triggered by the question of whether `i++` or `++i` is faster in C++.2021-12-14 00:16:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1470412397714501634
Great odds. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1469787535077687296/photo/12021-12-12 06:53:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1469787535077687296
The strap is 50cm long and doesn't reach the pocket of my hoodie. I think I need to wear clothes with a inside pocket to store my phone.2021-12-11 20:04:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1469624119368945666
I can't use the AeroActive Cooler 5, but I guess that's okay for the winter.
It covers the inner camera a little bit. It's not so bad that you can't see your face. No problem with the external camera.
The buttons are completely hidden, so it's hard to take screenshots.
2021-12-11 20:04:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1469624117779255296
I bought a Bone Collection Lanyard Phone Bubble Tie 2 - L Morandi Pink (PJUN20103-MOP) case and attached it to my ROG Phone 5s Pro.
I think this will prevent me from dropping it on the ground.
It's not waterproof, so if it rains, I'll use my iPhone. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1469624113413062656/photo/1
2021-12-11 20:04:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1469624113413062656
I blogged about the prime number programs I've written so far, but I had to stop proofreading since Special Weekend has started.
2021-12-10 01:37:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1468983161770377216
Done. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1468709882895691776/photo/12021-12-09 07:31:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1468709882895691776
When the cooking is done, add Glico's "Zeppin" medium hot curry roux and melt it.
Maybe then reheat.
This way, you don't have to stand in front of the pot and the work is done in almost a second, although you may have to wait for some time for the food to be done.
2021-12-09 07:02:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1468702608454217728
I made curry today. As usual, I'm cooking it in the rice cooker now. I have two rice cookers.
1. Put in frozen chicken.
2. Put in precut vegetables.
3. Add about 80ml of water.
4. Press the 'Start' button. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1468702604792590336/photo/1
2021-12-09 07:02:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1468702604792590336
I think it was pretty good.
I tried S&B's "Garlic Lard" on my rice, but it didn't taste so good because of the sour taste of ginger. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1468002610666176512/photo/1
2021-12-07 08:41:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1468002610666176512
This makes the salt content of the pot 0.6%.
No water is added.
I'm using a Sharp rice cooker called Healsio Hotcook. I think it can be done with other rice cookers, but I don't know.
2021-12-07 07:42:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1467987738037489665
I made kimchi nabe today. It's cooking in my rice cooker now.
First, I put a total of 581.5g of (all frozen) pork, pre-cut napa cabbage, and bean sprouts into the pot.
Next, since the salt equivalent of Ebara Kimchi Nabe No Moto is 9.2g/100ml, I added 581.5g * 0.6%/9.2% = 38g.
2021-12-07 07:37:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1467986680221437952
Current impl. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1467967696352722944/photo/12021-12-07 06:22:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1467967696352722944
Seems that the following are equivalent:
- Number that are not multiples of 2 or 3
- Numbers that are prime to 2 and 3 (i.e., gcd(n, 2, 3) = 1)
- Numbers that are prime to 6
- Numbers that are congruent to 1 or 5 mod 6
2021-12-07 05:55:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1467960827705978880
The sieve of Eratosthenes seems to be excellent. Even with a rough implementation, I was able to get 664579 in 3 seconds. Even with an elaborate trial division, it took more than 4 seconds. https://twitter.com/yuukikonnobot/status/14658008856073543702021-12-07 04:48:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1467944051890855936
Seems that the sieve of Eratosthenes is a more standard algorithm for "enumerating prime numbers below a given number" than trial division, so I want to rewrite it.2021-12-06 01:09:55https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1467526658651750400
But I eat other foods as well, so I add as little powder and hot water as possible.
This makes the soup healthy (at least for the salt) and still salty enough to drink up.
I also made boiled bean sprouts and natto with raw egg.
I should have left the whites as it makes it watery. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1467521661876727808/photo/1
2021-12-06 00:50:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1467521661876727808
Today I cooked cup noodles.
It says that the salt equivalent is 2.3g for the noodles/seasoning and 5.2g for the soup, for a total of 7.5g.
So by adding only half of the soup powder, the total salt will be 4.9g, which is below the WHO recommend daily salt intake of 5g. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1467521642863931392/photo/1
2021-12-06 00:49:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1467521642863931392
Also, it seems that yogurt can be eaten a month past its expiration date, as long as it is unopened and kept in the fridge. Never freeze it; it will turn to liquid.2021-12-03 23:46:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466780793725124609
Among the cheap yogurts sold in grocery stores in Japan, I currently recommend Morinaga's "Bifidus", the one in the picture I posted earlier.
I think it tastes better than "Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt" or Megmilk's "Nature Megumi" yogurt.
2021-12-03 23:24:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466775278890655748
I preferred sweetened yogurt at first, but now I can only eat plain yogurt.2021-12-03 23:07:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466771088676114435
I used to hate yogurt, but I first learned about Greek yogurt when I had Yuda Milk's "Premium Yuda Yogurt" (similar to Morinaga Milk's "Partheno") in November 2019, and I've been hooked ever since because I love hard food.2021-12-03 22:54:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466767753579499520
If you put a regular commercial yogurt on its side like this in your fridge, the whey will separate, and if you throw it away (I drink it up), it becomes Greek yogurt. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1466761505899450375/photo/12021-12-03 22:29:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466761505899450375
My breakfast
- 100g muesli
- 200g Greek yogurt
- 1 apple
- sparkling water
I've been eating this every morning since last March, almost two years now.
I don't know why everyone doesn't do this. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1466753256924020738/photo/1
2021-12-03 21:56:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466753256924020738
Got a 15/15/13 Deino. Not sure if Hydreigon is the best attacker for raids. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1466702449121820673/photo/12021-12-03 18:34:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466702449121820673
Apparently I'm the only one in the world who gave up Hoopa (Unbound) and saved Super Rocket Radar because of being a free-to-play player.2021-12-03 08:32:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466550903855812608
Uploaded my prime number program to GitHub.
2021-12-03 03:45:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466478584936108032
I already have 717 Swinub 🍬, but can only have 1 Shadow Mamoswine.
Because evolving + powering up + teaching a new attack would cost 125 + 378 + 60 = 563 🍬 per S-Mamo.
2021-12-03 02:24:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466458296986963970
🍍 are underestimated, but I think they are actually very valuable in Pokémon GO.2021-12-03 02:06:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466453657973510147
I used 🍍 since Bellsprout appeared, although I'm saving it up for Swinub Incense Day.2021-12-03 02:00:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466452305771843585
Got Aerodactyl. I feel like I'm back in 2016. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1466451233481248769/photo/12021-12-03 01:56:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466451233481248769
Because Shadow Charizard is a good counter to Genesect etc., unless you have a number of Shadow Moltres.2021-12-02 18:34:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466339986240802816
Transferred a Charmander by mistake (wanted to trade for XL).2021-12-02 18:28:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466338433543016455
I access websites by typing the URL into the address bar, but for some reason in Safari, when I type and select a page and press Return, it sometimes selects the root of the website and jumps away instead of that page.2021-12-02 17:58:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466330809531461634
I used to use Chrome Canary on macOS, but a few years ago I realized that the majority of people use the default browser, so I switched to Safari, but today I decided to go back to Chrome Canary.2021-12-02 17:53:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466329574061449220
Snowed. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1466293479726714881/photo/12021-12-02 15:29:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1466293479726714881
That's it for writing my own code, tomorrow I'll start researching how to do serious prime factorization of bigints using libraries.2021-12-01 15:37:55https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465933157715177475
Now I could find the prime factorizations of the decimal repunits up to R(20).
R(21) > 2^64 - 1, so I can't calculate any further in my environment.
It also takes about 10 seconds even with `-Ofast'. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465928846721519617/photo/1
2021-12-01 15:20:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465928846721519617
The next question is, for an integer that turns out not to be prime, so what are the prime factors?2021-12-01 13:08:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465895500930899975
Now problem with my code is that I am using `int' as the types of variables.
According to Wikipedia, the largest integer that is guaranteed to be represented by `int' is only 32767.
2021-12-01 13:02:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465893942738649098
I thought this might be equivalent to the so-called sieve of Eratosthenes, but it seems not.
2021-12-01 12:42:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465889017371582468
This seems to be the same or a little slower than the previous implementation.
But it is a little faster with the `-O1' option.
This was the same result for clang++ and g++.
Is it because of the optimization to access vector elements?
2021-12-01 09:08:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465835179478372352
What we notice here is that if we print the primes from 2, we will know the smaller primes, so "dividing by primes" will actually be possible.
Finally, our code looks like this: https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465830565270093827/photo/1
2021-12-01 08:50:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465830565270093827
I should have downloaded the binaries instead of compiling from sources.2021-12-01 07:35:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465811633448443906
Finally got clang++ and g++ updated.
When I tried to compile with clang++, I got a `ld: unknown option: -platform_version' error and had to add the `-mlinker-version=450.3' option as described in the following issue:
https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/issues/52461 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465810585929408512/photo/1
2021-12-01 07:30:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465810585929408512
`get_primes' was wrong; it returned a prime > `x'. Maybe this is correct: https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465806347291693057/photo/12021-12-01 07:14:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465806347291693057
Starting from 5, which is the smallest integer > 3 that is not a multiple of 2 or 3, we get the following implementation: https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465800885607354370/photo/12021-12-01 06:52:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465800885607354370
Let q and r be integers.
Every integer n can be expressed as n = 6q + r where 0 <= r <= 5.
If r = 0, 2, or 4, then n is an even number.
If r = 3, then n is a multiple of 3.
Therefore, integers that are not a multiple of 2 or 3 are of the form either 6q + 1 or 6q + 5.
2021-12-01 06:52:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465800879563415552
Further optimization.
Once we know that 2 is prime, we only need to look at integers that are not a multiple of 2, i.e., odd numbers.
Once we know that 2 and 3 are prime, we only need to look at integers that are not a multiple of 2 or 3.
2021-12-01 06:52:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465800877508235266
`i <= sqrt_n' can also be written as `i * i <= n', but `i * i' can overflow.
By writing `i <= n / i', the overflow can be avoided.
Not sure which is faster, calculating `n / i' for each loop or pre-calculating `sqrt(n)'.
2021-12-01 04:06:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465759032010887171
Now I can get the number of primes <= 10 million, 664579, in about 5 seconds. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465753381293547520/photo/12021-12-01 03:43:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465753381293547520
Also, consider whether 113 is prime: it is not divisible by 2, 3, 5, 7, ... then there is no need to divide by 11.
If 113 = 11 * x, then x < 11 (because 11^2 = 121 > 113).
Thus, to test if n is prime, it is enough to divide by primes <= sqrt(n).
2021-12-01 03:22:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465747965855686662
Ideally, to test if n is prime, we can divide it by primes <= n / 2, because if n has a composite divisor d, then n is divisible by a prime factor of d.2021-12-01 03:03:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465743343552397313
Let d != 0 and n be integers.
d is a divisor of n iff there exists an integer k such that n = kd.
In the above equation, for k > 1, d is maximized when k = 2, and then d = n/2. n/2 is not guaranteed to be an integer, but gives an upper bound. QED.
2021-12-01 02:45:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465738851108880390
Also, it can be proved that the largest non-trivial divisor d of an integer n satisfies d <= n/2, and d = n/2 iff n is even, so `i < n / 2' is sufficient for `i < n' in `is_prime'.2021-12-01 01:41:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465722744473939970
Obviously, all primes except 2 are odd, and odd numbers are never divisible by even numbers, so I optimized for that: https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465716865473212419/photo/12021-12-01 01:18:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465716865473212419
Now my code looks like this. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465713325409386498/photo/12021-12-01 01:04:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465713325409386498
Improvements to this are:
* The type of the argument for `is_prime' should be `const int'. According to SO, it is good practice to use `const' for constants as in JavaScript.
* For reusability, `main' should be factored out to "a function that returns a vector of primes <= x".
2021-12-01 00:26:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465703872165396486
Next, let's write a program on prime numbers as a simple problem.
First, write a program to print prime numbers <= 100.
An integer n >= 2 is prime iff it is not divisible by any integer i where 2 <= i <= n - 1.
So the simplest code I can think of is: https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465683858762842119/photo/1
2021-11-30 23:07:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465683858762842119
When I write C++, I felt it was redundant to add `std::' to every array, vector, etc.
According to SO, it's not bad to use `using namespace std' in source files (but not in header files), so I will always do so from now on. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465668803052728325/photo/1
2021-11-30 22:07:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465668803052728325
I compile my code with the `-std=c++2a -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic-errors' options. After a few minutes of googling, I found that I can write somewhat compatible programs with this.2021-11-30 21:46:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465663556150390785
Hello World in C++. I write my code in Visual Studio Code, and run it by typing commands into the fish shell on the built-in Terminal. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465659110959976457/photo/12021-11-30 21:28:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465659110959976457
Now I `brew install llvm gcc' to install the latest clang++ and g++. It will take forever, so for now I'll compile my code with LLVM 10.0.1 installed on my system.2021-11-30 20:32:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465644974351929346
I'm using macOS Mojave. I can't upgrade it to Monterey because it requires a 12GB download, but I'm on a 10GB/day plan with Japan's "Fuji Wifi".2021-11-30 16:16:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465580570306514949
Today I'm rebuilding my development environment. I'm using a MacBook (Early 2016). It has a Core m7-6Y75, 8GB of RAM, and a 256GB SSD. I can't replace it because my savings is only 56,363 Japanese yen (about US$500) right now.2021-11-30 16:00:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465576573512269827
I've recently been relearning programming with C++. I chose C++ because it seems the fastest high-level language, as most serious shogi engines, such as YaneuraOu, are written in C++.2021-11-30 15:25:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465567601682046980
However, an increase of the level cap can change whether or not it is a hundo at the maximum level, and since I am in a position to grind Charizard indefinitely, I would love to have an IV hundo.2021-11-29 15:36:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465208087732637703
Another 98% IV Charizard; I desperately want a hundo. This is often called a "functional hundo", but in terms of stats, it's correct to simply call it a "hundo" (i.e. Stat Product % is 100). https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1465208083735474181/photo/12021-11-29 15:36:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1465208083735474181
A wild Salamence appeared; it had appeared in my house a year ago on Nov. 26th. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1464969664983830532/photo/12021-11-28 23:49:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1464969664983830532
I ran Suisho5 on my Core m7-6Y75 MacBook (Early 2016) and only got 850kNPS. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1464949201540845568/photo/12021-11-28 22:28:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1464949201540845568
Installed ShogiDroid on my ROG Phone 5s Pro and got 2.2 million NPS on Suisho4kai/YO6.04 with 8 threads. However, I changed the setting back to 1 thread because it might damage the processor. I don't play shogi much these days, so I doubt I'll ever use it. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1464878494324695040/photo/12021-11-28 17:47:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1464878494324695040
Hung up the laundry. I moved my bed to the next room the other day and turned this room into a drying room. Now I can get rid of musty smells in my clothes. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1464691104700272640/photo/12021-11-28 05:22:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1464691104700272640
Woke up. I've been in bed for 7 hours with a stomachache after eating a rotten apple. Seems to have eased up now.2021-11-27 06:21:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1464343464317882369
My ROG Phone 5s Pro arrived. No detailed review as I haven't used it for a long time yet. My first impression was "it was an Android phone". Anyway, I can't use it outside since I don't have a rugged case. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1464186137145081858/photo/12021-11-26 19:55:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1464186137145081858
Second one. Shadow is much stronger, and Mega Evolution (unreleased) can only be done one at a time, so it's useless. Just for the collection. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1464109838510690311/photo/12021-11-26 14:52:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1464109838510690311
Got my Shadow Zapdos to lvl 40 finally. I think I'll invest all the Rare Candies I get in Mewtwo next, as I'll need (378+120)*6=2988 Candies to get 6 Shadow Mewtwo to lvl 40 and unlock their 2nd Charged Moves. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1463901695918833668/photo/12021-11-26 01:05:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1463901695918833668





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