@yuuki26 (2023)

staying at a super luxury hotel rn. its 23:30 n im using 🍎15 night mode https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1741468835444621409/photo/12023-12-31 23:38:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741468835444621409
gon sleep w 🐶🐻 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1741179477898485992/photo/12023-12-31 04:28:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741179477898485992
took a ♨️

(i mean, bath)
2023-12-31 04:21:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741177608509731305
wasn't able to tweet bc of my winter depression.2023-12-31 03:23:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741163223389196692
i go to the dentist on Dec 20 every year.
3/20, 6/20, 9/20, 12/20
i'll be the man with the cleanest teeth in the world on christmas.
2023-12-31 03:19:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741162015421268273
i did some registry tweaks.
(scrolling direction, taskbar hiding, displaying seconds on the clock, etc.)
2023-12-31 01:46:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741138765899313539
js set up ShogiGUI http://shogigui.siganus.com/ n Suisho5-YaneuraOu-v7.6.3 https://github.com/mizar/YaneuraOu/releases on win10.

only got 815,000 nodes per second. (<half the performance of a 📱.) https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1741130429581701592/photo/1
2023-12-31 01:13:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741130429581701592
i don't set a password on my laptop.

Enabling sudo w/o password
first set a temporary password, then
% sudo visudo

change the %admin line to
2023-12-31 00:07:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741113907467419918
installed command line tools n homebrew on mac.2023-12-30 23:39:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741106770544644328
installed brave, vscode, n google japanese input on both mac n win.2023-12-30 23:11:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741099597664071889
just reset my 12" MacBook (Early 2016).
(Core m3-6Y30, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD)

installed Windows 10 via Boot Camp.
2023-12-30 22:58:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741096311506534835
i found this big cup good. mom told me it was for natto2023-12-30 22:08:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741083851684782512
pls help yourself to the free coffee. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1741081999597576254/photo/12023-12-30 22:01:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741081999597576254
tea n coffee. (n sweet bun.)
there's also coke n monster.
pls sit on the couch. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1741075170586955834/photo/1
2023-12-30 21:34:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741075170586955834
I'm at my parents' house.
n im in this secret base room.
everyone pls gather here. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1741066517884604778/photo/1
2023-12-30 20:59:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1741066517884604778
@idelaleine yea it was actually fun to compare it to japanese twt tho2023-12-27 01:48:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1739689655828873699
i first learned istg, rcbyf, or proomf things n now i'm very fluent in english.2023-12-27 00:51:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1739675298554110316
2023 was the first year i followed someone on twitter.

i saw real english for the first time.
even DeepL can only output sentences like "This sentence is six words long."
2023-12-27 00:41:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1739672850313732324
@04janno i dont think i said anything‥ maybe 🧸 was talking2023-12-18 07:07:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1736508476699119753
https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1736495301114900741/photo/12023-12-18 06:15:16https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1736495301114900741
i dont post every day.
started this bc i never use ig.
i wanted to answer the question, "what do you eat?"
2023-12-16 00:56:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1735690380748673030
my food log on ig has reached 300 posts, which i started on May 25.

(linktree) https://yuukikonno.com/ https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1735685630145790049/photo/1
2023-12-16 00:37:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1735685630145790049
i used a song called Dream Engine.
heard it in someone's video n stole it.

i generally like shorter versions of songs on tiktok. 13 secs is enough.
2023-12-14 10:01:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1735102694807814480
justarted tiktok. js posted the video i took in May.
2023-12-14 09:29:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1735094573414724035
its normally 2 or so ofc. 2099 is insane.2023-12-12 07:26:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1734338947231146257
i dont want anyone to know
but im actually #1 in the world at this.

this means that every time my friends play PoGo i receive money.
pls keep this strictly between us. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1734337160424079662/photo/1
2023-12-12 07:19:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1734337160424079662
Roblox is quite different from OZ imo.

a VR headset may be a must in any case.
bc the UX is totally different.
none are practical yet, tho.
2023-12-11 06:14:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733958365561122996
it raised our IQ by +50.
i tweeted every equation i solved every second n now i'm a mathematician.

our new metaverse will replace this role, or X will remain, or X will be 3D.
2023-12-11 05:11:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733942416825045230
since 2010, we've lived in the largest metaverse today, Twitter (or X).

Twitter has given us a new way of life: posting our thoughts every second.
2023-12-11 04:50:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733937314991128578
the iPhone revolution and the end of Adobe Flash made them lost inventions.2023-12-11 04:34:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733933155566923887
before 2010, there were many metaverses:
• Monachat, Project Machi, Bar Gikoppoi Online, Livly Island, AtGames, Nicotto Town, Ameba Pigg, Second Life, …

every 14 year old who had a computer lived in them.
2023-12-11 04:15:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733928473918390454
or should i say i'm going back.2023-12-11 04:07:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733926463508820102
i plan to start living in a metaverse in the near future, like OZ from Summer Wars (2009). https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1733921784628470095/photo/12023-12-11 03:49:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733921784628470095
in perl:

https://pastebin.com/4NtmWZgx https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1733880114495328273/photo/1
2023-12-11 01:03:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733880114495328273
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char *str = malloc((int)log10(LONG_MAX) + 3);

may be better than the fixed buffer.
in that case, the use of sprintf (and strcpy) is fine imo.
no snprintf in C89 anyway.
2023-12-11 00:54:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733877920215839006
Gets even more complicated.
bc it's C.
https://github.com/yuuki15/project-euler/blob/main/src/0004.c https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1733873997329428493/photo/1
2023-12-11 00:39:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733873997329428493
https://projecteuler.net/problem=4 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1733873994766676224/photo/1
2023-12-11 00:39:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733873994766676224
C89 has no long long or int64_t (or stdint.h).
(≥ C99 has them all, with int64_t being optional.)

i assumed that someone has provided stdint.h and int64_t.
2023-12-10 22:52:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733847069587345840
Gets complicated.
the most naive approach: trial division.

this is a way to "return" an array from a C function.
(i.e., pass the reference (aka pointer) and modify the value.)
https://github.com/yuuki15/project-euler/blob/main/src/0003.c https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1733811948893155397/photo/1
2023-12-10 20:32:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733811948893155397
https://projecteuler.net/problem=3 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1733811946452046165/photo/1
2023-12-10 20:32:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733811946452046165
Another "filter" pattern.
this kind of assignment in a condition may be common in C.

Fibonacci seems to have defined fibonacci numbers in this way.
https://github.com/yuuki15/project-euler/blob/main/src/0002.c https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1733802335502307747/photo/1
2023-12-10 19:54:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733802335502307747
https://projecteuler.net/problem=2 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1733801328068247881/photo/1
2023-12-10 19:50:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733801328068247881
this may not be controversial.
A "filter" pattern.
in ruby:
% ruby -e 'puts (1 .. 999).filter { |i| i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0 }.sum'
i.e., generates all the numbers and extracts those that meet the condition.
https://github.com/yuuki15/project-euler/blob/main/src/0001.c https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1733798325768613979/photo/1
2023-12-10 19:38:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733798325768613979
https://projecteuler.net/problem=1 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1733791184752148927/photo/1
2023-12-10 19:10:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733791184752148927
I started Project Euler.

I started posting my C solutions on GitHub.

i chose C89 for archeology. tho it's still used in many projects such as curl.
2023-12-10 18:21:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733779073661644907
gonnasleepforabit2023-12-10 08:08:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733624704219431127
ima perfectionist n tempted to revise my post many times2023-12-10 07:48:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733619713316426212
sry for the duplicate information2023-12-10 07:41:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733617816484384849
gonna tweet abt project euler again for my mint
2023-12-10 07:35:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1733616494867796050
in case my github is taken down, pls refer to:
⑴ https://archive.today/https://github.com/yuuki15/%2A
⑵ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yuuki15%2A

⑴ https://archive.today/https://gist.github.com/yuuki15/%2A
⑵ https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://gist.githubusercontent.com/yuuki15%2A
2023-12-06 20:50:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1732366899584115171
bear 😊2023-12-06 08:22:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1732178708541132908
woah i forgot to return 0; in all my code2023-12-05 19:51:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1731989729833316784
(repo) https://github.com/yuuki15/project-euler https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1731914451610112035/photo/12023-12-05 14:52:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1731914451610112035
started posting my solutions to Project Euler (in C) on github.
https://projecteuler.net/ https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1731913963439288527/photo/1
2023-12-05 14:50:40https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1731913963439288527
i'll turn my twitter into Yuuki Kindergarten.
world's first kindergarten on the internet, for all ages.

we do
• research on mathematics in anime.
• watch literature in animated short films.
• play the piano with only 3 chords.
2023-12-03 17:00:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1731221750971613188
Baka & Test s1 ep1 (2010)
Himeji Mizuki's recovery exam at the end of the ep

https://pastebin.com/LULB9wdG https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1731210184767250569/photo/1
2023-12-03 16:14:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1731210184767250569
yuuki the man who bought cashews but forgot to eat them2023-12-03 12:22:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1731151864035414057
just renamed Plain Text to Blank.2023-12-02 01:08:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730619945006887170
i put the game on gh-pages.
more accessible than the MIT site on the phone.
https://yuukiscratch.github.io/flash/ https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1730065369652425195
2023-12-01 20:48:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730554350840520832
i separated my Jekyll theme, named Plain Text.
still under development.
its based on a theme i was working on in Feb-Mar 2022.
2023-12-01 19:41:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730537479529476541
moved my blog to my site https://yuukikonno.com/blog/ n deleted this gist.

(archive) https://archive.today/2023.12.01-101255/https://gist.github.com/yuuki15/6f4dd4a6ce7f5b23cd06f86394d17269 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1726967073526682011
2023-12-01 19:19:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730531966536302943
its hosted on both Cloudflare Pages n GitHub Pages. (CF is the primary.) still tuning.2023-12-01 19:11:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730530136989081630
my personal site is now available at:
• https://yuukikonno.com/
• https://yuukikonno.pages.dev/
• https://yuuki15.github.io/
the last two should be accessible even if my domain expires.

(repo) https://github.com/yuuki15/yuuki15.github.io
2023-12-01 18:46:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730523723026043023
i wrote this program in 2007, at 13, when i first learned the \r and \a escape sequences, in Perl¹.

¹ the ancestor of Python.
https://pastebin.com/urYbqfW5 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1730065369652425195 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1730422568665170255/photo/1
2023-12-01 12:04:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730422568665170255
i bought food for $600 n kerosene for $300. (my estimate is after subtracting them.)2023-12-01 09:25:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730382659652604141
End of Dec 2023 (estimated)
cash at bank $4,000
cash on hand $200
total assets $4,200

liabilities $1,800

net assets $2,400
(converted ¥100 to $1) https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1702108158712283495
2023-12-01 08:53:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730374530189938992
finally, the actual message display block.
(sry i actually defined 3 blocks.)

• flash [message] for 0.5 seconds
displays the message for 0.3s and clears the speech bubble for 0.2s.
this makes the message appear to flash. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1730080414184927367/photo/1
2023-11-30 13:24:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730080414184927367
⬆️ countdown block.
loops 3 times. decreases by 1. period.

⬇️ random number display block.
accumulates the sum in the variable `correct answer`. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1730075264309494247/photo/1
2023-11-30 13:04:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730075264309494247
lemme explain the source code.
the main flow is:
1) counts down 3, 2, 1.
2) displays 10 numbers.
3) asks the user to enter the answer.

i defined 2 functions ("blocks").
• say countdown
• flash random numbers https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1730070776970461589/photo/1
2023-11-30 12:46:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730070776970461589
I created a Mental Addition game.

To answer the sum of 10 numbers that are flashed very fast.
2023-11-30 12:25:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730065369652425195
I created a Scratch account yuuki29.
I'm yuuki29 on Scratch.
2023-11-30 11:53:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1730057500471234625
slept 92023-11-28 04:19:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1729218335248658888
im reading the standard english style guide on the following page.
2023-11-26 18:39:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1728710104344641942
mega evolvable pokemon i don't have a hundo.
i also don't have a Diancie. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1728504995811615136/photo/1
2023-11-26 05:04:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1728504995811615136
https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1728383846348124287/photo/12023-11-25 21:03:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1728383846348124287
https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1728383832808964410/photo/12023-11-25 21:03:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1728383832808964410
js received my online grocery order.
pls keep track of what's in my house. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1728383819169120624/photo/1
2023-11-25 21:03:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1728383819169120624
if you are not my mutual and really want to contact me, please dm or write to me at yuuki@yuukikonno.com if you are a single woman.2023-11-25 03:02:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1728111884576907487
i'm currently following the most intellectual people such as studytwt folks, harvard students, or mensa members.2023-11-25 02:48:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1728108342868906224
so i never comment on youtube or tiktok.2023-11-25 02:35:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1728105155055194210
i aim to live without talking to anyone but my twitter mutuals.

this is to avoid this.
https://xkcd.com/386/ https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1728104564782452751/photo/1
2023-11-25 02:33:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1728104564782452751
breakfast affogato https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1728072323046027297/photo/12023-11-25 00:25:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1728072323046027297
shopped for 7 hrs at home2023-11-23 22:58:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1727688081669529689
8:30 slept 15:30 up2023-11-23 22:45:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1727684881008791807
boutta go to bed with bear2023-11-23 08:19:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1727466979072659670
i tm'd frustration away the other day, but can't evolve it till Earth Power* comes back, so:

my happiness
just about average
my poke
⸻Kobayashi Issa https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1727436064875274716/photo/1
2023-11-23 06:17:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1727436064875274716
i used the hashtag "want to connect with unschoolers".

no corresponding subtwt in english fsr.
#unschoolers #unschooling #homeschoolers #homeschooling #schoolrefusal #schoolavoidance #schoolanxiety
2023-11-23 04:06:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1727403242135633931
- hobbies: shogi/programming/math/english
- stan of: nothing
- fav game: pokemon go
- comments:
never drink or smoke / never get my driver's license / never fall in love or get married
2023-11-23 03:31:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1727394362538225807
- what's the acc for?: lifestreaming
- mainly tweet: my thoughts
- twitter stance: anything is OK
- what kind of ppl do u want to connect with?: ppl who share my hobbies
- free space:
5th grade~ unschooler / lives alone in late grandma's house / receives $700 a month from parents
2023-11-23 03:31:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1727394360533434747
my profile says 29age/male/NEET.

my pinned says:
lf friends

(2nd pic, made with https://prfmaker.com/m/479)
- name: yuuki
- tw id: @yuuki170
- account age: 2023~
- active hours: non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder https://twitter.com/yuuki170/status/1727315152121610747
2023-11-23 03:31:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1727394358184612205
wanted an ai pfp but no different than me irl

cr: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/110547305 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1727360867107504476/photo/1
2023-11-23 01:18:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1727360867107504476
started using my jpn acc.
i quote n translate some tweets on this acc smtm.
maybe once a month.
2023-11-23 00:32:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1727349435384967623
i decided to put my blog's source on Gist.
still under maintenance.
2023-11-21 23:13:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1726967073526682011
I've uploaded some of my videos etc to http://archive.org.
hope they will remain until a future where youtube is gone.
2023-11-21 16:27:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1726864925681737856
¹ this indicates "direct implications or relative consistency implications", tho.
(e.g., huge < supercompact)

in order of both size and strength:
• inaccessible < measurable < huge < rank-into-rank < 0=1
2023-11-21 06:20:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1726712111555035433
in the large picture,
• the size of a number
is proportional to
• how many numbers it can prove to be consistent.

the largest number proves the consistency of all numbers, including itself.
by Gödel's theorem, it is a "contradiction".
2023-11-21 04:04:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1726677953428255082
let us write Fin + Inf as ZFC.

similarly, if we add "a large cardinal exists", then we can prove the consistency of ZFC.
• ZFC + LC ⊢ Con(ZFC)
2023-11-21 04:02:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1726677306075468082
by Gödel's second incompleteness theorem, the axioms "finite numbers exist" can't prove their own consistency.
• Fin ⊬ Con(Fin)

now if we add "ℵ₀ exists", then we can prove the consistency of finite numbers.
• Fin + Inf ⊢ Con(Fin)

this shows Fin + Inf > Fin.
2023-11-21 03:59:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1726676629018079479
so the Q is, what tf is the largest infinite number.
n it's a "contradiction" (aka 0=1).
as drawn in this pic.¹

let me explain from scratch. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1726296171487105522/photo/1
2023-11-20 02:47:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1726296171487105522
actually, large cardinals refer to large ♾ with specific properties.

(the successor of an inaccessible cardinal is not inaccessible by definition.)
2023-11-20 02:37:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1726293547845058876
¹ it is shown
• ℶ₁ ≠ ℵ₀ (Cantor)
• ℶ₁ ≠ ℵ_ω etc. (König's theorem)
2023-11-18 21:58:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1725861086489198823
infinities are written
• ℵ₀, ℵ₁, ℵ₂, …, ℵ_ω, …
in order from smallest to largest.

for the number of reals ℶ₁,
• ℶ₁ = ℵ_?
is not provable from the standard axioms of mathematics.¹

the ℶ₁ = ℵ₁ conjecture is called the
• continuum hypothesis (CH).
2023-11-18 21:50:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1725858995582476759
actually, there's infinitely many infinite numbers. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1724611201718497782/photo/12023-11-15 11:12:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1724611201718497782
¹ already known to the Jains of India (400 BC), tho.
but they made mistakes such as the number of points on a line |ℝ| and a plane |ℝ²| are not equal. (both are 2^ℵ₀.)
2023-11-12 23:17:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1723706570910105704
actually, the number of natural, integer, and rational numbers are all the same.

that infinite number is called ℵ₀ (aleph zero) or ℶ₀ (beth zero).

Cantor (1874) proved that the number of reals is larger than that.¹
that is called 𝔠 = 2^ℵ₀ = ℶ₁ (beth one).
2023-11-12 23:15:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1723706178960539973
the idea that having the same number is the same as having a 1-1 correspondence is called
• Hume's principle.¹

¹ neither Hume nor Galileo thought it applied to ♾, tho (unlike Cantor).
2023-11-12 21:40:16https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1723682120357261636
have a look at this strange pic.
there's 2 circles.
a big one and a small one.

however, both circles consist of the same number of dots.
(there's a 1-1 correspondence.)
https://blog.wolframalpha.com/2010/09/10/transfinite-cardinal-arithmetic-with-wolframalpha/ https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1723680041601524087/photo/1
2023-11-12 21:32:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1723680041601524087
♾ is such a strange thing.
the whole and part can be the same size.¹
• Galileo's paradox.

¹ contrary to Euclid's 5th Common Notion (300 BC).
although some say that some CNs are by, e.g., Theon of Alexandria (4c).
2023-11-12 21:16:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1723676190014062814
mathematically, the answer is A✔
they're the same.
(even tho evens are part of integers.)

this is bc one integer corresponds to one even.
1 ↦ 2
2 ↦ 4
3 ↦ 6
4 ↦ 8
5 ↦ 10

n ↦ 2n
2023-11-12 13:53:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1723564773680312513
A) same bc they're infinite
B) infinity can't be compared
C) integers ofc bc evens are only half of them
2023-11-12 09:44:10https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1723501906041930126
let me explain from scratch.

Q: which is greater,
• the number of all integers
• the number of all even numbers

both are infinite.
there's many ways to think abt it.
2023-11-12 09:42:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1723501505217532387
mathematicians consider infinity a number.

this is bc in the 19c, a man named Cantor found that there are "multiple infinities".
i.e., infinity 1, infinity 2, infinity 3, ….

just like 1, 2, 3, ….
can also do arithmetic with ♾.
2023-11-11 08:13:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1723116707265318965
im summarizing my tweets here rn
2023-11-11 07:48:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1723110522265182675
The largest number is a "contradiction".
let me explain this.

u may be reminded of a googolplex or graham's number.
the problem is: graham's number+1 is larger.

they're still finite.
2023-11-11 07:38:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1723107896815206821
i forgot dominoes2023-11-10 14:30:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1722849063929102792
what's tricky is numbers go on forever.
1, 2, 3, 4, … is only the beginning.
large numbers beyond graham's number are still "natural numbers".

(ultrafinitists deny the existence of numbers that are too large.)
2023-11-08 12:55:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1722100576874352767
note commutativity, distributivity etc can be proved by a method called induction (other than using lego).2023-11-08 10:35:16https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1722065214978285908
philosophically, there can be 2 ways of thinking:
• numbers are such code in reality
• no, such code are just a miniature model of numbers

i stand with the former,
but on 2nd thought the latter may be more rational.
2023-11-08 10:14:40https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1722060031267393952
sounds like there's a kinda programming language within math.
numbers can be programmed/coded with it.

there could also be implementations on a computer, such as Lean.
2023-11-08 08:52:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1722039439847760370
just as atoms are made of elementary particles, it seems that numbers can be made from sets, functions (church encoding), or categories (or topoi).

as sets:
0 = {}
1 = {{}}
2 = {{}, {{}}}
3 = {{}, {{}}, {{}, {{}}}}
2023-11-08 07:33:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1722019461589352584
there's a definition of numbers called
• Peano axioms.
i haven't figured it out yet.
2023-11-08 06:20:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1722001063367078358
when we ask smtg like "why does 1+1=2?", it is said that we face the so-called
• Münchhausen trilemma.
2023-11-08 05:54:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721994443820052947
marbles, number lines, or areas of figures can be used as well.
i suspect one aspect of these is the "unary numeral system".

3 + 4
= 111 + 1111
= 1111111
= 7.
2023-11-08 05:21:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721986311282741673
cr: https://www.resolve.edu.au/algebra-odds-and-evens https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Square_number_16_as_sum_of_gnomons.svg2023-11-08 04:47:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721977650019995712
Lego bricks can be used for visualizing numbers.

parity arithmetic:
even + even = even
even + odd = odd
odd + odd = even

sum of odd numbers:
1 + 3 + 5 + … + (2n - 1) = n²

it has limitations and it's hard to believe that lego is the nature of numbers. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1721977647142682912/photo/1
2023-11-08 04:47:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721977647142682912
• What are numbers?
i mean,
• What is the nature of natural numbers?

Conclusion: it's hard.

it's a fundamental question, but not an easy one to answer.
it's better to pretend to know such "obvious" things and move on.
2023-11-08 02:59:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721950508519145497
0:00 js woke up.
same breakfast every day.
coffee, persimmon, muesli, yogurt https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1721911325817700517/photo/1
2023-11-08 00:23:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721911325817700517
a peggy grammar i wrote 4 months ago.
idk how to make it so that we can add an = at the end, like 1+1=
https://github.com/yuuki15/calculator/blob/main/src/grammar.pegjs https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1721698251282186692/photo/1
2023-11-07 10:17:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721698251282186692
My calculator uses a thing called Peggy (formerly PEG.js) parser generator.
it can calculate 1+1.
i want it to be able to handle polynomials like (a+b)^2 => a^2 + 2ab + b^2.

(repo) https://github.com/yuuki15/calculator
2023-11-07 09:51:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721691717030830143
i updated my pokemon list.
Mega Garchomp will be out on Nov 11.

(repo) https://gist.github.com/yuuki15/ed4e4a08eb56881fb20bdcd7c5bb5882 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1721638751410278659/photo/1
2023-11-07 06:20:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721638751410278659
My paper showing that shogi is not a second player win.
no errors found yet, but it's possible that the assumptions are not true.
https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:Yuuki_(Wikimedian)/Blog/Shogi_is_a_first-player_win_or_draw_under_reasonable_assumptions https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1721583045503811696/photo/1
2023-11-07 02:39:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721583045503811696
13:00 slept 20:00 woke up 7 in bed2023-11-06 20:03:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721483486261846308
bad. tasteless. (i don't have a plate.)
mango may be too sweet for the mild roux. too much. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1721337517830512712/photo/1
2023-11-06 10:23:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721337517830512712
added 100g of water bc the water was low.
then i put in 3 cubes (out of 6).

my strategy: minimum water first, add as needed later.
2023-11-06 09:34:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721325125092401398
mango chutney paste, House "the curry" mild cubes

the paste should've been added with water.
there was a bouillon paste packet in the box but i don't use it https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1721322428607979925/photo/1
2023-11-06 09:23:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721322428607979925
300g onion, 30g vegetable oil, 200g pork, 200g water
sautéd then added water.
idk why it has to be sautéd first. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1721313571349405921/photo/1
2023-11-06 08:48:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721313571349405921
i use a scale for everything n never use measuring cups or spoons. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1721300991541203188/photo/12023-11-06 07:58:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721300991541203188
making curry today2023-11-06 07:50:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721298925422780735
i don't subscribe to gas.
i use this poor portable induction cooktop. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1721297826267730341/photo/1
2023-11-06 07:45:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721297826267730341
Breaking: Othello (aka Reversi) is weakly solved.
it is a draw.
(not yet peer reviewed.)
it was said to be a draw.
2023-11-06 04:14:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721244546120507756
i subscribe to:
• electricity $120
• water $25
• wastewater $12
• kerosene $20
• fiber optic $50
• SIM $6
sum: $233 per month.
(converted ¥100 to $1)
2023-11-06 02:02:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721211479418978480
I'm currently using SBI Sumishin Net Bank as my main.
bc of 5 free transfers/mo.
(rarely use it tho.)

i also use Japan Post Bank.
that's the only way to pay water bills in my town.
2023-11-06 01:19:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1721200600828743691
js found a thing called Piped.
2023-11-05 05:42:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1720904465388023970
https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1720807141353935341/photo/12023-11-04 23:16:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1720807141353935341
revised my paper on the shogi game against chatgpt
https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:Yuuki_(Wikimedian)/Blog/ChatGPT_versus_yuuki https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1720807136299778118/photo/1
2023-11-04 23:16:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1720807136299778118
the water office, surprisingly, recos not drinking the first 10 liters of water in the morning.
i’ve also noticed the very first water is bad.
2023-11-04 21:45:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1720784284397502790
i drink tap water every day.
used to hate it tho.
to save money n for SDG.
2023-11-04 21:02:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1720773393941753863
∠A = arccos(4/5) = arcsin(3/5) = 36.86989764…°
∠B = 90° - ∠A = 53.13010235…°
according to wolfram alpha.

it’s obvious that these numbers are irrational by Niven’s theorem and transcendental by the Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem.
2023-11-04 08:03:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1720577452081299834
the area is 4*3/2 = 6.
ppl seem confused by the hypotenuse drawn on the bottom.

such integer sided right triangles are called pythagorean triangles.

since CH : CA = BC : BA
or CH : 4 = 3 : 5,
CH = 12/5.
BH is found by the pythagorean theorem and so is HA. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1720572119397110218/photo/1
2023-11-04 07:42:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1720572119397110218
A quiz to find the area of the triangle, which only 55.4% of 6th graders in japan got right.
i did some research on this.
https://president.jp/articles/-/54306 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1720554320242807180/photo/1
2023-11-04 06:31:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1720554320242807180
I currently have 2 credit cards.
- Amazon MasterCard
- Rakuten Pink Card (Amex)
i use the former as my main bc amazon is internationally recognized. the latter is only for rakuten. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1720008850961756495/photo/1
2023-11-02 18:24:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1720008850961756495
won’t buy a new macbook pro, am afraid it’s a minor update with no face id or titanium body.2023-11-02 14:57:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1719956847778537744
i moved my twitter card to linkedin.

converted pdf to png with imagemagick:
% convert -density 300 -background white -alpha remove Profile.pdf Profile.png https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1715152218272248112 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1719937224094150812/photo/1
2023-11-02 13:39:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1719937224094150812
moved to https://calculator-online.github.io/

(repo) https://github.com/yuuki15/calculator https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1675892013592395777
2023-10-31 02:58:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1719051239156310396
i hope u can imagine studytwt ppl gathering in my room at night to chat n play games. i’m playing the piano there alone2023-10-29 22:31:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1718621692908454033
i’m trying to create a Virtual Academy City in a lonely room with bear2023-10-29 22:02:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1718614178821210577
The Other Day I Met a Bear https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1718593323815096578/photo/12023-10-29 20:39:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1718593323815096578
“Frog Song” (Froschgesang)
very hard https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1718571118582435994/photo/1
2023-10-29 19:10:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1718571118582435994
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
practicing piano for the first time in 4 yrs. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1718546751244898592/photo/1
2023-10-29 17:34:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1718546751244898592
pls use any of these in case of emergency or for search purposes.2023-10-25 10:14:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716986519733358681
here are some mirrors of my twitter:
- nitter https://nitter.net/yuuki26
- twilog https://twilog.togetter.com/yuuki26
- togetter https://togetter.com/li/2144709
- github https://github.com/yuuki26-230930/yuuki26-230930

- mastodon https://mastodon.social/@yuukikonno
- notestock https://notestock.osa-p.net/@yuukikonno@mastodon.social/view
2023-10-25 10:11:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716985890114019389
today i went with squash https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1716950223090499860/photo/12023-10-25 07:50:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716950223090499860
removed all non-code from my github.
so that ppl can easily see my substantial projects.
2023-10-24 07:41:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716585550369722769
only persimmon n pear this morning. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1716559673761976582/photo/12023-10-24 05:58:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716559673761976582
i want a shower gel that can also be used as face wash. im too lazy https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1716350946110844993/photo/12023-10-23 16:08:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716350946110844993
bouta go take a 🛁2023-10-23 14:27:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716325385216864551
probably the key is “Euclidean theorem”:
gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a mod b).

i.e., the gcd of two numbers equals the gcd of some smaller numbers.
smtg like gcd(32, 24) equals gcd(24, 8).

the algorithm may be based on this theorem.
so the question is why this holds.
2023-10-23 11:40:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716283307699142712
i’m currently researching the Euclidean algorithm

function gcd(a, b) {
if (b === 0) {
return Math.abs(a);

return gcd(b, a % b);

but haven’t figured it out yet.
seems this can also be applied to polynomials n is related to Bézout’s identity etc., tho.
2023-10-23 11:06:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716274763440521501
bear’s basking in the sun on my table2023-10-23 08:24:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716234048803078587
actually it was 12,000 JPY.

from now on i’ll tweet ¥100 as $1 for the best understanding.
2023-10-23 06:41:16https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716208123847840042
bought a Nitori gaming floor chair $120.
this isn’t supposed to be put on a mattress.
hard n uncomfortable.
all i rlly wanted was a backrest. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1716203052565221629/photo/1
2023-10-23 06:21:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716203052565221629
slept today too
slept at 20:00 woke up at 4:00
2023-10-23 05:50:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716195380621152537
still no Scizor, Absol, etc. (no Metagross, Lucario, or Galarian Darmanitan either.)2023-10-22 18:44:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716027705743773717
When I started this acc 2 yrs ago, I wanted Charizard.
And now I have 5.

- Fire Spin/Blast Burn*
- Dragon Breath*/BB*/Dragon Claw
- Wing Attack*/BB*
- Ember*/BB*
- Air Slash/BB* https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1716018293960585618/photo/1
2023-10-22 18:06:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1716018293960585618
i’ve tons of persimmons in the fridge for a month n they’re totally fine.2023-10-22 15:12:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715974488423014487
i’ve basically only got meat n onions2023-10-22 15:00:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715971435598934210
Anime i recently watched
- kiki’s delivery service
- the tale of the princess kaguya
- re:zero s1
- detective conan all eps
- tokyo ghoul s1-3
- demon slayer s1
- age 12 s1-2
2023-10-21 18:30:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715661836715016192
It’s been 7 yrs since i decided to watch Your Name.
heard it’s a fad.
2023-10-21 18:29:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715661609660477639
or at least 3, to play the game of life.2023-10-21 17:16:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715643131947892811
i want 10 friends to play a game of werewolf (aka mafia).2023-10-21 17:14:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715642618355352062
i’m currently organizing my research.
2023-10-21 11:04:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715549464813785380
this is called a generating function n was discovered by de Moivre in the 18c, according to wiki.

seems using aₙ = aₙ₋₁ + aₙ₋₂, it follows
𝑓(x) = x/(1 - x - x²).

n some reasoning leads to
aₙ = (ϕⁿ - (-ϕ)⁻ⁿ)/√5.
2023-10-21 10:28:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715540484766990819
• Recurrence relation
seems one way to find an exact formula for a sequence like
aₙ = 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …
is the “inverse of the Taylor expansion.”

its known that
eˣ = 1/0! x⁰ + 1/1! x¹ + 1/2! x² + …,
but the idea is to find 𝑓 such that
𝑓(x) = 1x¹ + 1x² + 2x³ + 3x⁴ + ….
2023-10-21 10:04:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715534537176871194
0.999…=1 is obvious if the lhs is viewed as a limit.
there’s no doubt that 0.999… is getting closer to 1.
2023-10-21 08:59:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715518178577526840
• Limit
lim[x→∞] f(x) = L
basically means that the point where the value gets closer (as x gets larger) is L.
nothing more, nothing less.
not smtg like “equals L after infinite steps.”
(idk if such an interpretation is possible in higher math.)
2023-10-21 08:59:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715518118716481578
• Consider drawing a figure using only a function that draws a point (x,y) on a plane, say, drawPoint(x,y).

considering drawing a line leads to the equation of a line.

considering drawing a circle leads to trig functions.
2023-10-21 07:53:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715501617255010601
however, it was discovered that this can be interpreted as the point (x,y) being moved to (e,f) by the matrix ((a,b),(c,d)). (by Cayley in the 19th century, according to wikipedia.)

so matrix multiplication represents the composition of maps f∘g, and so on.
2023-10-21 07:33:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715496551290691921
My current understanding of mathematics.

• Matrices are linear maps.
matrices were historically just a notation for simultaneous equations with coefficients and variables separated.

e.g. writing

ax + by = e
cx + dy = f


(a b)(x) = (e)
(c d)(y) = (f).
2023-10-21 07:33:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715496410366259377
deleted my ts complex number class.
(archive) https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yuuki15/Complex.js/main/%2A
2023-10-21 05:01:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715458361880441222
i forgot my ROG Phone 5s Pro (2021–2023)2023-10-21 02:57:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715427009281810589
i signed up for Rakuten Mobile n got a Rakuten Hand, then MNP’d to Y Mobile, got an Oppo n cancelled immediately.2023-10-20 12:30:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715208853384511668
I bought Rakuten Hand 5G for $10 n Oppo A55s 5G for $20.
(i never use multi acc. just use the same acc on multi devices.) https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1715203896694481231/photo/1
2023-10-20 12:10:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715203896694481231
please refer to my channel for details.
2023-10-20 10:41:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715181336208519383
reposting my face for new ppl https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1715179960371953666/photo/12023-10-20 10:35:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715179960371953666
i’m ngsb.¹ i never drink or smoke. my trainer level is 50. things i didn’t include.

¹ no girlfriend since birth
2023-10-20 09:33:55https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715164407410352535
i mean, it’d be nice to know what background ppl r tweeting from.2023-10-20 09:05:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715157209602990307
Created my biodata.
𝕏 should’ve this feature so we can see what 📱 ppl r using in the iphone vs android war.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hxW9GeBESb7CE66FCfcD5RXLQYIQsioALn0hLodsZsc/edit https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1715152218272248112/photo/1
2023-10-20 08:45:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1715152218272248112
there was a point where a lot of water was coming out js for the record (tama hibiki [gem sounding] falls) https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1709466415558717696/photo/12023-10-04 16:12:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709466415558717696
conclusion: speleology is hard. i still havent figured out what a limestone cave is. it could be commercial caves arent interesting.2023-10-04 15:28:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709455468366553413
the sign at the entrance said no photography but i js found a review that said they were told photography was allowed2023-10-04 15:08:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709450467036500448
on the other side of the roadway was the Ryūsen New Cave Science Museum, where photography was prohibited.
this was another cave, more academic.
2023-10-04 15:02:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709448905874665482
at the end, there was a way back up the stairs to the entrance. do not take video while climbing stairs https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1709442966753104022 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1709442966753104022/photo/12023-10-04 14:38:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709442966753104022
the passage was narrow but solid n there were several wheelchair users.2023-10-04 14:37:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709442498618094021
glad i hadnt received my iphone 15 yet i couldve dropped the phone.2023-10-04 13:47:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709430073537732859
seems most ppl visit to see such blue lakes. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1709428028462223550/photo/12023-10-04 13:39:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709428028462223550
seems it was ~15c (59f) near the entrance n ~10c (50f) at the back.2023-10-04 13:24:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709424246634463359
so ryusendo was full of exhibits with no scientific explanation, like this “cave venus.” https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1709422691416236114/photo/12023-10-04 13:18:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709422691416236114
the second exhibit “the outline of ryusendo cave” and “bats of ryusendo cave.” https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1709411771109556275 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1709411771109556275/photo/12023-10-04 12:35:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709411771109556275
the first exhibition “the abyss of longevity.” https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1709405458115547325/photo/12023-10-04 12:09:55https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709405458115547325
from the entrance to the first exhibition.
the floor was wet. it was cold.¹ the passage was narrow.

¹ the inside was 16 c (61 f) while the outside was 19 c (66 f). https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1709399606537162817/photo/1
2023-10-04 11:46:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709399606537162817
so on sep 25, i went to Ryūsendō Cave in Iwaizumi, Iwate.
the street view below best describes the front of the entrance.
2023-10-04 11:18:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1709392416988443038
we could learn a lot of literature from animated short films.
such as shakespeare’s macbeth.

when i was little, there was educational software called “Momonga Club” by JustSystems, which included animations such as Shūji Terayama’s “I Want to Dance But I Can’t Dance.”
2023-10-02 06:14:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1708591174250873151
today i ate soba while watching Takita Yū Rakugo Theater: Toki Soba.
https://youtu.be/rB01N5YnZiQ https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1708582706185970008/photo/1
2023-10-02 05:40:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1708582706185970008
@slit4gojo i meant it as a metaphor. (pls see my previous tweets.) tho i couldve fallen off the platform fr i was so lucky2023-10-02 00:10:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1708499587869368405
this was an elementary school until 1999 but no longer.
the current building was built in 2007.
there’s a restaurant n a gift shop. the restaurant uses school desks. that’s all. no music room or nurse’s office we wanna stay in.
2023-10-01 07:40:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1708250534354858145
im an unschooler but i love school. i hope one day to create a true school:
- no teachers - no lectures - no exams - a place for (independent) study - everyone is a girl except for me
2023-10-01 06:47:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1708237135185125700
roadside station “Mitakai branch school.” its located past Lake Gandō, an artificial lake in Yabukawa, one of the most coldest place in japan except Hokkaido.
2023-10-01 06:12:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1708228279004492004
i went to school for the first time in 18 yrs. first i ordered ramen.
https://www.instagram.com/p/CxqSAGZSZSZ/ https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1708218558722052462/photo/1
2023-10-01 05:33:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1708218558722052462
i fell off the cliff but was unharmed n took the elevator back. half an hour late i was able to meet my parents.2023-10-01 05:00:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1708210349877399996
seems i had cerebral anemia.
i saw the red sign for the womens restroom n knew there was an accessible restroom next to it.

i didnt know there was a restroom on the train.
2023-10-01 04:49:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1708207419396960604
on sep 25, i almost died.
i had a stomachache n felt sick on the train.

i got off halfway but atm i went blind.
yellow. white. sun.
“huh…? where…?” “restroom…”
oh here it is…

on my first visit to Iwate Kawaguchi Station, i miraculously found a restroom with my eyes closed.
2023-10-01 04:08:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1708197228186161340
in jpn "QOL improvement" would be one way of saying this2023-09-24 20:41:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1705910402838614349
i wonder what academic discipline it would fit into to examine what pillow i should use, buy a can crusher, get the hpv vaccine, or use the brave browser.

euthenics ("science of efficient living") seems to be the best.
2023-09-24 20:18:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1705904553970094521
i paid povo ¥6,000 for 10 mos (purchased 15gb).
tho i pay ¥5,000/mo for fiber optic.
2023-09-23 18:51:10https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1705520171404710319
made salisbury steak for dinner
https://www.instagram.com/p/Cxfs_cEyZw1/ https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1705219737712570774/photo/1
2023-09-22 22:57:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1705219737712570774
finally bought a dinner table. for ¥40,000 ($400). https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1705217733099462734/photo/12023-09-22 22:49:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1705217733099462734
i decided to have 120 each of max potion n revive.
n some potions (for rocket).
note i keep 1 of each so that the position is preserved. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1704482213088092369/photo/1
2023-09-20 22:06:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1704482213088092369
old japanese literature r written in chinese fsr.
to research kagome kagome or princess kaguya, reading chinese is essential.
2023-09-20 19:49:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1704447755437924740
the ones with the fewest strokes. many kanji are missing. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1704443627722662060/photo/12023-09-20 19:33:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1704443627722662060
kanji is such an illogical system that it invents thousands of characters. much more convenient to use 26 letters, except for x2023-09-20 19:14:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1704438987182457018
the only page worth reading. the kanji with the most strokes.
𪚥, 𠔻 (64) and 䨻 (52) are present.
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%A8%BB https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1704423711917363433/photo/1
2023-09-20 18:14:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1704423711917363433
turning my x into a Virtual Research Park n my room into a Virtual Research Park Room.2023-09-20 17:28:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1704412181356314785
i bought the Great Chinese-Japanese Dictionary.
modern intellectuals dont read books. just for decoration. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1704408898688389241/photo/1
2023-09-20 17:15:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1704408898688389241
theres an es that was closed in 2010. atp seems there were 6 students per grade.2023-09-16 09:23:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1702840485461512194
featured in haikyuu which im not interested in at all2023-09-15 18:05:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1702609537256054792
the scenery around my house.
360° the same.
no stop lights or any businesses.
nor do i have a driver’s license so i buy an online grocery once a month. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1702605431565132211/photo/1
2023-09-15 17:49:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1702605431565132211
bought this silicone case so yuuki-ish https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1702432488130257165/photo/12023-09-15 06:21:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1702432488130257165
*9pm JST (12pm UTC / 5am PDT)2023-09-14 09:20:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1702115145663856648
cash at bank ¥480,595
cash on hand ¥24,040
total assets ¥504,635

liabilities ¥189,800

net assets ¥314,835
2023-09-14 08:53:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1702108158712283495
iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB White Titanium ¥189,800 ordered.
seems i can preorder on sep 15 at 9am actually. it’ll be released on sep 22.
2023-09-14 08:09:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1702097207183155486
slept 122023-09-14 05:25:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1702055852948033909
ive lived alone in this house since i was 11 after dropping out of elementary school.
but atp i’d a problem with grandma,¹ and i officially started living here in 2017 at 23.

¹ i purchased a $3000 computer but grandma refused to receive it.
2023-09-13 07:54:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1701731075553206624
this house is said to have been built by my grandfather himself in ~1971, incredibly. (died in 1994)
with carpenters, tho.

in ~1983, my mother (24) funded the addition.

then in ~2005 further additions were made n we’re where we are.
2023-09-13 01:40:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1701636814786662728
on the right is my great uncle's barn (died in 1999), which is full of garbage such as farm equipment.2023-09-13 01:09:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1701629049485901920
my house, formerly my grandmother's house (died in 2008).

i live upstairs on my princess bed with my hands connected to my macbook 24/7. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1701623903192338505/photo/1
2023-09-13 00:48:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1701623903192338505
cleaned the kitchen floor. actually i need to clean from the ceiling.2023-09-12 07:31:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1701362919273816246
slept for 8 hrs, 15 hrs total i wonder if im refurbished2023-09-11 23:00:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1701234380230848579
js slept for 7 hrs going back to bed2023-09-11 11:01:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1701053314794659991
first breakfast back in my home
2023-09-11 09:37:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1701032080455381396
please help yourself to some rare drinks from around the world in the closet of my room. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1701023860701737400/photo/12023-09-11 09:04:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1701023860701737400
i felt as if a movie were being shown outside the window.

i wondered why
- is the sky blue
- are clouds white
- is grass green

iirc the sky is blue bc of Rayleigh scattering. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1700871808474382745/photo/1
2023-09-10 23:00:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1700871808474382745
i’ll try goat milk smtm.

thing im not comfortable w in eng is saying "try" when i eat smtg. im an omnivore n hardly ever reject foods.
2023-09-10 02:29:10https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1700561999795454217
ate sushi, went home, went out to play pokemon go w my family n walked 2.6 km (1.6 mi).

now im back in bear's happy bed.
2023-09-10 01:45:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1700550892376711428
*i often bathed in it and loved it2023-09-10 01:26:55https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1700546332887486518
*i bathed often and loved it2023-09-10 01:22:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1700545325088342459
Kanegasaki Onsen in Kanegasaki, Iwate had such a thing as a milk bath until 2005. i bathe often and loved this. tweeting this for the record.
cr: http://www.yumeguri.com/tabi/0408/kanegasaki.html https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1700543214019641708/photo/1
2023-09-10 01:14:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1700543214019641708
i like this monster best.
1/3 the amount n sugar but the same caffeine.

cans can be crushed while glass bottles r more portable. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1700528207538135514/photo/1
2023-09-10 00:14:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1700528207538135514
going to a hot spring ✌2023-09-09 17:27:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1700425766364692632
yday i drank coffee n tea simultaneously n felt luxurious gonna do that every day2023-09-08 16:44:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1700052470662332913
woke up today too
slept at 7am n woke up at 4pm
2023-09-08 16:33:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1700049684725633126
for the followers who come virtually to my house i mean2023-09-08 03:23:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699850791035589061
i wonder if i’d prepare ready to eat foods for my guests bc i cant cook2023-09-08 03:15:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699848864008687729
my granduncles numismatic collection is quite incomplete. i start my collection from scratch.

for the current coins, i collect rare year ones.
currently have:
¥1: s64
¥5: h11
¥10: s61, s64, h25
¥50: h18
¥100: h13
¥500: r3
¥500 (new): r3
not all r rare https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1699832731645964738/photo/1
2023-09-08 02:11:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699832731645964738
besides science museums, limestone caves would also be a starting point for natural science research. i’ll go next time2023-09-08 01:36:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699823852455329882
ive 2 doraemon educational books.
- Doraemon Fushigi (Wonderful) Science, 1994
- Doraemon Big Science, 1997
these have some actual manga followed by scientific explanations.
too cryptic, not intellectual imo. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1699811474418315451/photo/1
2023-09-08 00:46:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699811474418315451
im home now https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1699800056910729466/photo/12023-09-08 00:01:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699800056910729466
gonna walk with mom again2023-09-07 20:40:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699749505174745111
turning my room in my parents house into a Second Academic City Room.

first i placed the most intellectual books i have, the doraemon manga. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1699743570985709854/photo/1
2023-09-07 20:17:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699743570985709854
ate breakfast 😊 lets drink coffee2023-09-07 19:11:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699727156396388834
i reco an eye mask to everyone. but idk if it affects forehead wrinkles.2023-09-07 18:00:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699709169530442062
i open the curtains and sleep with an eye mask.
somnologists reco ppl sleep with the curtains closed.
(bc the sunrise makes sleep shallow)

however ive found ppl who wake up at night can become depressed if they sleep with the curtains closed during the day.
2023-09-07 17:47:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699705870244835541
i was also surprised by this.
kuala lumpur, malaysia at 6am.
it rlly just looks like 10pm.
cr: https://4travel.jp/travelogue/11528709 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1699523727044522154/photo/1
2023-09-07 05:43:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699523727044522154
i recently learned there’re countries where august is winter.

seems there’re the northern and southern hemispheres, and japan is in the former.
2023-09-07 04:47:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699509577702658374
my recent catches. i dont screenshot every single thing n brag about it at my level https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1699506024829346103/photo/12023-09-07 04:33:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699506024829346103
a coconut drink.
not so good.
however its a very rare one from thailand https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1699501484772098334/photo/1
2023-09-07 04:15:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699501484772098334
i remembered im also interested in ghosts.
luckily my hometown has many haunted places. i’ll start my research next year
2023-09-07 03:31:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699490586267365400
midnight snack again. 3am. living room couch. the precure stickers i put on when i was little (19yo) https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1699485708887420979/photo/12023-09-07 03:12:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699485708887420979
im using this dining table
but this is too small i wanna replace it https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1699423674523165041/photo/1
2023-09-06 23:05:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699423674523165041
i also use a ¥40,000 ($400) canopy bed frame.
it acts like a mosquito net n is actually good.
2023-09-06 22:22:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699412662319190283
im on this 24/7.
my room is 6 tatami (10 ㎡) n i dont have a couch
ig its the best thing ive ever bought bc sleep is important.
2023-09-06 21:55:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699406086514589713
finished the zygarde research 6/62023-09-06 21:29:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699399437989146885
gonna go play pokemon go with mom2023-09-06 20:03:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699377754234384772
i’d like to share again from the top of my head to the tip of my toes
n from the time i wake up until i go to bed.

i sleep on this Serta mattress.
bought it in 2020 for ¥60,000 (like $600). https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1699377021703405800/photo/1
2023-09-06 20:00:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699377021703405800
i want to lay Plarails in the air of my house
im not interested in trains tho
2023-09-06 14:52:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699299561070579817
ate a sweet potato butter frappuccino
n i thought starbucks is best eaten in the fall

i got a spoon, opened the lid n ate it with 🥄. i believe thats what gastronomes do
2023-09-05 23:54:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699073644465700979
got my 67th elite collector and broke the f2p world record https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1699063837096644865/photo/12023-09-05 23:16:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1699063837096644865
My covid log. from ōmagari to a pcr positive. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1698009249232687431/photo/12023-09-03 01:25:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1698009249232687431
xocova i eat every day.

¥7,000+ (like $70) per tablet.
i got 7 which is worth ¥50,000.
(it was free bc its publicly funded)

definitely the most expensive food ive ever eaten. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1697883998851039292/photo/1
2023-09-02 17:07:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1697883998851039292
@juyozip ty2023-09-01 11:51:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1697442084448522701
im taking a drug called Xocova.
tranexamic acid n ambroxol also.
2023-09-01 01:58:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1697292908217475348
i thought my sore throat was from sleeping with a fan in my face.
i had no idea it was covid.

i was last vaccinated on nov 20 2022 (4th).
the spring-summer (may-aug) 2023 vaccine was only for 65+ etc.
only from sep to all.
that was too late for the ōmagari fireworks on aug 26.
2023-09-01 01:35:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1697287029812285908
36.9 c (98.4 f)
my fever has gone down
(i havent taken calonal for 16 hrs)
severe sore throat still.
had my mother's sichuan mapo tofu
2023-08-31 23:59:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1697262827290104301
@sngosne thank u2023-08-31 07:34:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1697014956716380524
@irisscim thank you2023-08-30 15:32:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1696772875980767548
BREAKING: I got COVID. Confirmed by a doctor.2023-08-30 15:05:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1696766031753019605
38.3 gn2023-08-30 01:22:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1696558986907079150
37.5 c but took calonal2023-08-29 20:11:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1696480619302154396
38.7 c (101.7 f) i ate2023-08-29 16:17:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1696421924174168256
37.1℃ (98.8℉)2023-08-29 10:43:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1696337718647664967
my throat hurts i slept with a fan on my face2023-08-29 10:33:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1696335242280247719
i love this kurobori font bc only intellectuals can read it. many experts cant. i got interested in the history of shogi pieces in Tendō, Yamagata2023-08-28 03:58:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1695873495392043147
got new shogi pieces recently
by Gyokuzan, aka Kyūtoku (born Kōzō Itō, 1918-1997)
gardenia collinsiae, kurobori, hand carved

im guessing its from ~1970
it was unopened until i opened it https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1695864417337192510/photo/1
2023-08-28 03:22:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1695864417337192510
now im back in bear's bed2023-08-28 01:02:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1695829054417428768
yell exchange (ōmagari fireworks festival)

the pyrotechnicians r shining their lights from very far away. spectators shine their lights back. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1695817432688890315/photo/1
2023-08-28 00:15:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1695817432688890315
https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1695500732479242388/photo/12023-08-27 03:17:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1695500732479242388
Baba Hera Ice (Grandma Spatula Ice Cream) https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1695495395667755015/photo/12023-08-27 02:56:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1695495395667755015
my further interest: imported beverages
black currant
bought at Ezuriko Shopping Center Pal in Kitakami
tasted like cassis. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1695310698228617475/photo/1
2023-08-26 14:42:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1695310698228617475
got outrage salamence https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1695257861918498916/photo/12023-08-26 11:12:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1695257861918498916
i immediately looked at the tag and learned the breed.
then in sep 2017, i ordered the same dog online from the Aeon VIP lounge.

what arrived, however, was a slightly different dog. exactly the same breed tho. i shouldve gone to a brick and mortar store.
2023-08-26 02:03:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1695119616572346533
ive 4 pets. 2 dogs n 2 bears.
of them, only the larger 🐩 is pedigreed.

theyre a Toys R Us Fluffy White Dog.
i saw it at Homac in Mizusawa in ~2017 n fell in love.
(this is an actual photo i took illegally in the store at that time.) https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1695113615303483762/photo/1
2023-08-26 01:39:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1695113615303483762
gyūtan in yakiniku, which is different from that in Sendai.
often called tan.
almost the same. bc those r beef tongue. confirmed this one is better https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1694348065388270022/photo/1
2023-08-23 22:57:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1694348065388270022
went to yakiniku n ate morioka reimen cold noodles again
2023-08-23 22:33:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1694342114652381478
got enough primal energy for groudon and kyogre but no hundos2023-08-23 15:19:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1694232789581770755
ill get salamence on the 26th (sat)2023-08-21 01:42:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1693302404941295746
created live lists of all my pokemon.

(source) https://github.com/yuuki15/yuukis-pokemon

any unreflected changes to these lists should be listed here:
2023-08-21 01:27:55https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1693298827070169149
i collected all my research interests here.
2023-08-20 18:00:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1693186332191863129
my fav one.

even tho itd be justa solar cell. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1692938624302817474 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1692938624302817474/photo/1
2023-08-20 01:36:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692938624302817474
an exhibit titled "conservation of momentum."

not rlly interested but a lil curious. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1692932567702389042/photo/1
2023-08-20 01:12:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692932567702389042
In this device, the object is placed upside down in the center of the sphere and illuminated by light, so the image appears upright.2023-08-20 00:15:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692918181697142847
DeepL: When an object is placed in the center of the concave mirror's sphere, light striking the object is reflected by the concave mirror, creating an upside-down image at the same location. When we see this image, we think the object is there.2023-08-20 00:15:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692918136956399620
an exhibit.
i see ice cream in the hole, but there was no ice cream anywhere.
idk why https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1692916391429759191 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1692916391429759191/photo/1
2023-08-20 00:08:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692916391429759191
first there was ring puzzles, tower of hanoi, etc.

im a high iq but dont do puzzles bc theyre a waste of time. will research them someday. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1692901806878417359/photo/1
2023-08-19 23:10:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692901806878417359
first of all, there was such a thing as a Foucault pendulum, but it wasnt working today.

seems this is shifting and the blocks falling down.
- why tf does that happen?
- how does it keep swinging??
2023-08-19 22:25:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692890529485177188
then we crossed the bridge to the science museum it was 33℃ (91°F) https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1692881161775616463/photo/12023-08-19 21:48:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692881161775616463
first we ate gyūtan (beef tongue) at Rikyū in Morioka Station.
⭐ ☆☆☆☆
this differs from gyūtan in yakiniku restaurants. its served with barley rice and tail soup and originated in Sendai. i suspect some japanese dont know.
this was too salty.
2023-08-19 21:32:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692877303808704940
went to the Children's Museum of Science in Morioka with mom.

for science, its better to go to a science museum than to read doraemon educational manga imo.
2023-08-19 20:49:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692866382994546797
Shari Cola is a carbonated amazake but smoother than expected
2023-08-18 19:45:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692488002793030049
Kura Sushi in Mizusawa
no sushi at all. orders were often wrong. too salty. dirty.
2023-08-18 19:39:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692486356151226516
"study" is school centered, so i propose to call it "research"2023-08-18 17:00:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692446418760339600
i want to establish an Online Academic City.
its a research park where ppl who do non-school learning gather, on the internet.

i want my x to be the center of it.
2023-08-18 16:55:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692444980604739589
started to create my photo book here. will add more later
2023-08-18 15:38:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692425716611080664
very sweet as it has ~30g of sugar. like Calorie Mate Drink2023-08-18 13:43:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692396762835693771
Meiji Mei Balance Mini
cocoa flavored
stolen from my paternal grandmas house. ill investigate what this is. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1692377965219192908/photo/1
2023-08-18 12:28:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1692377965219192908
@kiaglaya it was a ¥1000 cut but it was good 😊✌2023-08-15 22:36:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1691443653800333312
got my 4th hundo charizard
1) Fire Spin/BB*/Overheat
2) Wing Attack*/BB*
3) Dragon Breath*/BB*/Dragon Claw
4) Ember*/BB*
in the future.
2023-08-15 18:05:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1691375608780017664
got a haircut2023-08-15 17:00:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1691359282653007872
most were my great uncle Tomokichi Jūmonji (1919-1999)'s.

seems the top left Kōbu Tsūhō is the oldest and was used in japan before 1682 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1690959870608941056/photo/1
2023-08-14 14:33:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1690959870608941056
evolved. waiting for ash greninja https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1690622113466466304/photo/12023-08-13 16:11:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1690622113466466304
id like to show you my numismatic collection again
Series B-E (1950-present) https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1690592041816981504/photo/1
2023-08-13 14:12:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1690592041816981504
arrived at my parents house https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1690530068026830848/photo/12023-08-13 10:05:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1690530068026830848
Onsen. often stay here. (taken last night) i woke up @ 4am and its 7am https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1690123497303842817/photo/12023-08-12 07:10:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1690123497303842817
ate actinidia arguta (hardy kiwi) soft serve for lunch tasted like peaches
2023-08-12 06:06:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1690107323954388992
mowed the grass, cleaned the house, heat stroke2023-08-11 11:48:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1689831186938441728
greek yogurt, alara fruit & nut crunch muesli, cashew nuts, fruit and coffee i eat every morning
also ate honey-flavored umeboshi (pickled plums) today
2023-08-11 06:01:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1689743827186180098
birds are singing as usual2023-08-11 04:47:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1689725260973707264
🧸 had taken over my pillow2023-08-11 04:29:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1689720675244675072
i went to bed at 3 pm. ate sushi, went back to sleep and now (4 am) im up total of 10 hrs sleep

thats called irregular sleep-wake rhythm
2023-08-11 04:20:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1689718463516864513
parents came to my house. its the Bon festival. i live alone in my late grandma's house.2023-08-11 04:09:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1689715504003334145
BREAKING: I am 163.6 cm (5'4.4") tall and weigh 49.3 kg (108.7 lbs). Confirmed by a doctor.2023-08-09 03:25:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1688979669532479488
@juyozip tysm i wanna turn my room and twitter into an intellectual research space2023-08-08 19:40:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1688862821180981249
@loafofsunshine oh really ty2023-08-08 03:22:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1688616612352634883
id like to reintroduce you to my room
doesnt look intelligent but all i need is a macbook https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1688566044661522433/photo/1
2023-08-08 00:01:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1688566044661522433
got 5 rayquaza in london using remote pass but no hundo2023-08-07 01:04:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1688219472539127809
let P = {2, 3, 5}
consider N = 2*3*5 + 1

if N is prime: then N is a prime not in P

if N is composite: then N has a prime factor not in P (N isn't divisible by any of P)

in both cases theres a prime not in P
no matter how P is chosen this holds so therere inf many primes
2023-08-05 17:09:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1687737539275231232
Euclid's theorem: there're inf many primes.
seems his proof means any primes prove the existence of another prime.
hence weve no choice but to assume theyre infinite.
2023-08-05 17:00:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1687735368370528256
researching mathematics from scratch n thinking abt what numbers r.
conclusion: its hard.
best to admit u know smtg "obvious" n move on.
2023-08-05 15:23:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1687711023418019842
sleeping with 🐶 today2023-08-05 04:57:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1687553243356835840
any dictionary that doesnt have 木 in 井 (𪱶, 木 + 4 strokes) is fake
2023-08-05 03:17:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1687528125201055756
recently realized theres no good kanji dictionary
left: macos character viewer
right: reality https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1687522760069697537/photo/1
2023-08-05 02:55:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1687522760069697537
ngl im woken up by the sound of birds
my neighbor has 🐓
i can hardly hear that voice anymore (im used to it)
2023-08-04 11:32:55https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1687290489949540356
posting bear again since its been awhile https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1687124420186218496/photo/12023-08-04 00:33:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1687124420186218496
stopped using pokemon sleep bc its not as handy as Sleep Cycle
i want all pokemon to be erased
2023-08-03 01:07:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1686770831483920384
@kiaglaya i wanted to joke that i see tons of images of schoolgirls (in uniform) as pinterest gives me images similar to what ive seen

that was a sexist inappropriate joke sorry
2023-07-30 19:05:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1685592458066116609
@kiaglaya hii actually i read your tweet and thought you sounded like me2023-07-30 18:53:55https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1685589531838537728
june 30 i dropped the AC adapter on top of my macbook and the screen was damaged2023-07-04 01:18:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1675901929929555968
% sudo npm install -g peggy
% peggy --format es -o src/Expression.mjs src/Expression.pegjs
2023-07-04 01:08:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1675899398528675842
seems theres such a thing as a parser generator.

with ANTLR4, you cant write evaluation code in the grammar, which i found difficult. so im using peggyjs
2023-07-04 01:05:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1675898643755171843
the shunting yard algorithm cant be used for mathematical expressions.
it only works with infix notation.
it cant handle unary operations such as -2.
2023-07-04 00:50:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1675894854163787780
working on a calculator project i started 4 years ago

im using Peggy (formerly PEG.js) to generate a parser from the formal grammar
2023-07-04 00:39:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1675892013592395777
changed from @/YuukiknnoJpn to @/YuukiknnoJa2023-06-28 00:59:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1673722842972602370
i wanna keep my tweets forever, but im tempted to delete them bc im atelophobic

if they keep showing up when i search for my legal name, good
2023-06-25 01:36:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1672644981264117760
my professional name is ゆうき in jpn and yuuki in eng.
my legal name 金野裕希 in my un isnt part of my name.

this is added so that even if i delete my acc, my tweets will appear when people search for my legal name (if theyre archived somewhere).
2023-06-25 01:14:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1672639317083136002
bc no one can read it2023-06-25 00:56:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1672634817878319105
created my japanese acc
i never use jpn so i wont use it for anything
2023-06-25 00:53:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1672633961204293632
https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1671813462400577536/photo/12023-06-22 18:32:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1671813462400577536
id like to introduce you to my prized pokemon again (excluding Mega)
i want Outrage Salamence https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1671813460014022656/photo/1
2023-06-22 18:32:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1671813460014022656
slept 10 😊2023-06-20 12:57:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1671004285281218561
the app called Pinterest should be restricted. it displays many images of schoolgirls collected with sexual intent. many are in uniform tho2023-06-17 12:10:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1669905321605693440
im now known as yuukiknno2023-06-16 19:44:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1669657247704547332
changed my username from konyuuk to yuukikno.
always refer to https://yuukikonno.com/ for updates.
2023-06-15 16:02:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1669238861426294784
dad taught me how to use a string trimmer yesterday2023-06-12 04:04:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1667971205280694272
woke up for the first time in 8 hours2023-06-12 03:55:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1667968753458446336
seems the 13" M1 MacBook Air (2020) hasn't gotten any cheaper in list price in the last 3 years.
buying it now could be a loss
2023-06-10 06:18:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1667280061731426304
4 hrs. total 9. ig im done2023-06-10 04:22:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1667250923494600704
people in Iwate Prefecture often eat Morioka Reimen at yakiniku restaurants.
i wonder if Tokyo really doesnt have such a culture https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1667158955179556865/photo/1
2023-06-09 22:17:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1667158955179556865
went to yakiniku https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1667146242118283264/photo/12023-06-09 21:26:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1667146242118283264
5 hours2023-06-09 17:46:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1667090866970718208
cleaned the whole house 🛁🫧👼✨🚿🥰 sleep2023-06-09 12:16:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1667007628260655104
clean the bath2023-06-09 08:47:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666955045877809153
took out the garbage2023-06-09 03:42:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666878501935251463
slept 11 hours2023-06-08 20:17:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666766316663914496
among PCs i currently recommend MacBooks bc
1) last longer and cost less
2) the trackpad is good
get an MB or you'll turn into an MBTI
2023-06-08 06:34:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666559281108328454
i currently believe PCs win over phones and tablets.
a PC is like having 10 phones at once
2023-06-08 05:55:40https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666549508115759110
having a computer may affect intelligence more than IQ.
the reason why i been a gifted may be bc i been using computers since i was 2
2023-06-08 05:38:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666545204780756993
have some dinner2023-06-08 02:18:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666494800739065856
omg just signed up for discord and got the number 9801. that was ofc a perfect square 99² = 98012023-06-08 00:59:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666474859675766786
my korean name is 김 유희 (Kim Yoo Hee, キム・ユヒ)
i wonder if my chinese name should be Minnie Chan
2023-06-07 23:54:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666458522786185218
twitter isnt a place to save anything imo.
not the right place to post pics from 30 years ago
2023-06-07 04:46:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666169709614493699
thinking on twt has made me insanely smart and helped me master math and english, which is why im now tweeting in engrish2023-06-07 04:18:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666162571592736771
id been doing that in japanese since i was 16.
i started at 14 but it said "what's happening" and i tweeted "using twitter" and closed it
2023-06-07 04:02:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666158649264177172
i think twitter is where u "think."
not a place to post a photo once a day.
u shld twt once a sec.

so its important to write "i know" as "ik."
2023-06-07 03:39:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666152788231897088
@mooncsied actually i knew that, but anyways i wanted to joke that i believe im infp while i say mbti is nonsense2023-06-07 02:58:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666142552310022145
sorry if this offends anyone, but MBTI is complete nonsense. im an INFP so i put facts before other people's feelings2023-06-06 17:41:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1666002353374339072
many people pin their MBTI.
according to wikipedia its pseudoscience.
i dont mean to hurt those who believe in it, but ironically, it has become a scientific literacy test.
2023-06-06 17:18:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665996452257054721
seems "ur" is more common than "u r."
otoh "ru" is quite rare.
probably bc its confusing with the ISO 639 code for russian.
2023-06-06 01:45:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665761676509970433
id heard writing "are you" as "r u" was lame 10y ago.
seems thats actually totally ok.
2023-06-06 01:34:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665759097684099082
at first i thought eng meant engineering and there were a lot of ppl majoring in that2023-06-06 01:11:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665753200119488513
seems g = good, basically.
gm = good morning.

i thought eng wasnt tf (= twitter friendly) but i guess not.
2023-06-06 01:01:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665750641606623234
1y ago, i learned stan = fan.
i wondered if ppl really use it.
now my tl is full of that.
2023-06-06 00:54:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665748933379751937
seems here i saw english for the 1st time in my life.
even DeepL outputs unrealistic sentences like "This sentence is six words long."
2023-06-06 00:48:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665747544742215686
still cant find Mega Swampert2023-06-05 16:32:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665622519879983104
i always respect other players.2023-06-05 16:27:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665621367130324992
some ppl may think im using multi acc, but thats not true.
my whole family plays pokemon go, even my 87yo grandma.
2023-06-05 16:19:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665619231755436032
re-read my journal but dont think there' any papers that should be sent even to Vixra. will write a new one.
2023-06-04 20:37:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665321963387011074
just found Vixra, an Arxiv that allows you to submit without an endorser.
2023-06-04 20:30:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665320126856540161
some 🍏 were rotten so i put the others in the fridge most are ok2023-06-04 15:40:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665247100672540673
cant sleep bc i fell asleep after dinner2023-06-04 15:36:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665246092097626115
js learned js = just didnt know that2023-06-04 09:34:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665155151584264194
it stands for トップ画像 (toppu gazou, "top image") but ive never seen anyone say it in full form2023-06-04 02:56:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665054775723917316
ill teach you some slang.
pfp = profile picture.
this is a cool way to say it.

in japanese its called アイコン (icon).
it was called トプ画 (topuga) seven years ago but that's now obsolete.
2023-06-04 02:51:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665053597862621185
didnt even play pokemon go.2023-06-04 00:39:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665020300369567744
forgot to eat dinner.2023-06-04 00:37:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665019977424855044
ill start from a blank ball later. seems the earth isnt a ball tho. its an ellipsoid.2023-06-04 00:34:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665019098231717894
im not yet familiar with terms like equator and poles2023-06-04 00:20:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665015627549908992
confusingly, due west of honolulu, there's no tokyo.
that seems to be either the philippines or indonesia.
2023-06-04 00:14:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665014179005181953
you can see hawaii and south america are due east of mainland tokyo (not everywhere in japan) with this.

https://blog.goo.ne.jp/marneyoze/e/713de4e30fed75c2d32e29a924024abd https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1665009919248986119/photo/1
2023-06-03 23:57:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1665009919248986119
this Mercator map is confusing.
now i prefer the so-called azimuthal equidistant projection.
2023-06-03 23:13:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1664998831954558976
was studying geodesy a little.2023-06-03 22:53:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1664993721564160004
just learned where those countries are.

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WorldMap_ja.png https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1664990570882760706/photo/1
2023-06-03 22:41:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1664990570882760706
seems the majority of #studytwt are indonesians and filipinos.
i like both but dont know where people from other countries are.
2023-06-03 21:53:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1664978644995907584
I just woke up.2023-06-03 12:09:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1664831637266259969
slept well2023-06-03 10:20:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1664804246733160448
gonna sleep with my 🧸😊2023-06-03 02:47:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1664690173005926401
seems you can now translate tweets with 1 click if you have the DeepL Chrome extension installed on your PC2023-06-03 00:17:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1664652582793428994
i keep track of my meals on my instagram
https://www.instagram.com/konyuuk/ https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1664090523865432068/photo/1
2023-06-01 11:04:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1664090523865432068
note that im 162.5 cm (5 ft 4 in) tall2023-06-01 10:55:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1664088209737883648
i weigh 48.3 kg (106 lb) need to eat more2023-06-01 10:46:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1664085912316174336
finally maxed out one of my Shadow Mewtwo to level 50 took 6 months https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1663772453959507970/photo/12023-05-31 14:00:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1663772453959507970
Fujii Souta played the move P-44 and declined Bishop Exchange in game 3 of 81st Meijin on May 13.
I just remembered that Kato Hifumi played this for decades and called it the Kato Opening (加藤流).
2023-05-29 11:40:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1663012345080152065
@dakishimeteame Thanks, I've just never read a book in my life. I'm going to google every one of my concerns, like when to add "the."2023-05-29 10:30:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662994716458381315
@kmdngsLearns Thanks, this is a joke. I'm talking on and on about Japanese chess and we're talking past each other.2023-05-29 10:19:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662991982808166401
only got 2 shadow mewtwo
i have a total of 5 now https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1662984141896384513/photo/1
2023-05-29 09:48:10https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662984141896384513
i called ChatGPT but they weren't worth talking to.
call +815018073316 to speak with them in jpn
eng sub on youtube
https://youtu.be/ES9NLN2INLE https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1662824243162411008/photo/1
2023-05-28 23:12:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662824243162411008
My eyes don't hurt at all, actually. just got new glasses 10 days ago2023-05-28 15:05:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662701684533915650
ive never said 私の目が痛い in japanese
its always 目が痛い
i'd never thought of calling my eyes "my" eyes in my life
2023-05-28 15:01:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662700669025779714
in english, when i want to say my eyes hurt, i have to say my eyes hurt.
i feel like i'm a narcissist.
2023-05-28 14:46:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662696801420341250
i wanna study english grammar bc ive never studied it before2023-05-28 14:34:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662693707718569984
im hungry after only 5 hours since breakfast2023-05-28 13:37:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662679504970563584
just published a revised English translation of the lyrics of Esashi jinku after 4 years.
(mirror) https://ykonno.blogspot.com/2023/05/esashi-jinku-in-english.html?m=0
2023-05-28 12:33:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662663460906319872
S Mewtwo appeared at my house but no one came. I lost without a fight. I re-entered every 60 seconds for 45 minutes with no luck.2023-05-28 07:08:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662581662448852999
got my first raid-produced shadow mewtwo
10 people joined and i didn't have to use a purified gem
2023-05-27 18:42:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662393882783502337
Seems this doesn't work in English since the word "capital" (首都 usually translates to) has a broader meaning.2023-05-27 05:59:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662201840098762753
It was "what," not "where." More precisely, it could be the New York State Capitol in Albany.2023-05-27 05:53:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662200252525314053
So, in response to the question ニューヨークの首都は? ("Where is the national capital of NY?"), answering オールバニ ("Albany") would be a 2 level deep joke. i discovered this.2023-05-27 05:33:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662195373492822018
However, if we take the term 首都 ("national capital") simply as the capital (which is impossible in jpn), the closest would be Albany for NY.2023-05-27 05:22:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662192537509978117
"Where is the national capital of Europe?" also works. That line appears in the anime of Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, season 1, episode 7.2023-05-27 04:47:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662183795682885642
In Japanese popular culture, there's a joke: "Where is the national capital of New York?" It expresses that the person is ignorant and mistakenly believes that NY is a country.2023-05-27 04:37:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662181173307555840
I discovered that the national capital of New York State (ニューヨークの首都) is Albany (オールバニ or アルバニー).2023-05-27 04:20:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1662176834379759616
today i made dumplings and korean seaweed rice balls, took me 3 minutes or so
2023-05-26 12:17:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661934506255720451
i got 3 Shadow Shard cash back2023-05-25 14:05:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661599420683567104
lost to S-Croconaw ☁️ Scratch/Ice Punch without a Purified Gem.
when i used it i was able to solo in 02:41 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1661589398784290816/photo/1
2023-05-25 13:25:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661589398784290816
i had unagi for dinner
2023-05-25 12:59:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661582801357922304
forgot to put the shin tamanegi onions in the fridge2023-05-25 10:27:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661544434239000577
should've mega evolved houndoom. earn more houndour and stunky candy. s-skuntank is not that strong tho2023-05-25 04:54:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661460744221630467
just noticed balloons appearing more often2023-05-25 04:46:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661458610495406083
just learned s-mewtwo is only appearing this weekend i was wondering where they were2023-05-25 04:43:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661458036332941317
so ill be posting what i eat every day on my instagram from now on.
i had yogurt for breakfast.
2023-05-25 03:45:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661443333019893779
ive 2 fridges, one is used as a freezer. its a waste of electricity https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1661423468833800194/photo/12023-05-25 02:26:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661423468833800194
Just received my order from Aeon Tohoku Net Super. I use it once a month. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1661418382552600576/photo/12023-05-25 02:06:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661418382552600576
looks like ill be starving shortly. am i really okay? what am i thinking?2023-05-24 07:00:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661129938181804032
ive nothing to eat anymore2023-05-24 06:54:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661128452429299714
finished the last pork, atsuage and onions https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1661128036031315968/photo/12023-05-24 06:52:40https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1661128036031315968
@sy_d1a thanks i'm really happy, sorry for the late reply2023-05-23 09:28:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660804772625289216
had a Hatto today
it refers to Udon in Karumai, apparently
i added soy sauce and ajinomoto https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1660746730395127838/photo/1
2023-05-23 05:37:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660746730395127838
added chapters. ill repost the link to the video
2023-05-23 00:06:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660663554679230464
i dont have a car. the grocery store is very far away2023-05-22 21:51:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660629567227273224
i had muesli and the last yogurt.
i still have frozen onions and pork tho.
i have to shop or i will starve
2023-05-22 21:49:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660629024639533058
just finished adding eng sub2023-05-22 21:25:55https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660623019939700736
headache from caffeine withdrawal because i ran out of coffee2023-05-22 00:30:40https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660307125606793218
after cooking the onions, pork and water, i added the curry flakes, mixed well and cooked it again.2023-05-21 19:52:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660237053915807749
ive 2 rice cookers.
i washed the pork with hot water.
adding more than 100g of water makes it watery.
the resultant has 5g of salt, which meets the WHO recommendations.
2023-05-21 19:45:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660235341805105154
I put the rice cooker with the random onions and frozen pork with 100g of water.
The resultant was 800g, so *0.6% = 4.8g of salt must be added.
The salt equivalent of the curry flakes was 2.2g per 30g so i added 75g.
2023-05-21 19:32:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660232049729458176
Not salty. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1660228892718690307/photo/12023-05-21 19:19:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660228892718690307
ran out of black powder2023-05-21 18:16:10https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660212881290403840
slept without eating2023-05-21 17:19:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660198676160020486
92023-05-21 16:15:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660182392500355072
sliced and froze 1.5kg of onions2023-05-21 06:53:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660041043675422721
gonna make lunch 5 hours late it turned out to be dinner2023-05-21 04:52:58https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660010746451746816
finished the subtitles for the video with my father. translation will be done someday2023-05-21 04:47:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1660009436058877953
its been 6 hours since breakfast so its time to make lunch. eating an 🍏2023-05-20 23:58:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1659936610211725312
they are lying down under the air conditioner now https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1659932526335369216/photo/12023-05-20 23:42:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1659932526335369216
sprayed my yard with weed killer, cleaned up the cardboard boxes, and bathed my 🐶2023-05-20 21:29:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1659899216607551494
Many people would know of Konno Yuuki (紺野 木綿季) from SAO, but it should be noted that there's also Konno Yuuki (紺野 遊季) in True Love Story. I, Konno Yuuki, hereby state that I am aware of it.2023-05-19 01:29:49https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1659234849431908352
placed many pokemon while driving in my moms car https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1658849924258189319/photo/12023-05-18 00:00:16https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658849924258189319
gonna publish my photo book https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1658847956634673152/photo/12023-05-17 23:52:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658847956634673152
went to a cake shop and had a Mont Blanc https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1658846027447762945/photo/12023-05-17 23:44:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658846027447762945
making subtitles2023-05-17 17:57:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658758699555356672
drank black hot water again2023-05-17 17:53:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658757670445121536
My 62yo father and I climbed Mt. Hagigasaki (萩ヶ崎山) and I was about to die.
https://youtu.be/r7oeutgL8jw https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1658539975057498132/photo/1
2023-05-17 03:28:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658539975057498132
today i beat Mega Pinsir at the Kikuta Kazuo Memorial Museum and Cold Chair2023-05-16 00:35:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658133986013597697
August 13, 2021, at age 27, at Furusato no Yakata in Kunohe.
Where I caught this Gengar. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1658130815958523905/photo/1
2023-05-16 00:22:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658130815958523905
I remember Magmar was spawning a lot. there was a Community Day on Nov 21. i think i was back around the 20th2023-05-15 23:36:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658119131416219650
November 23, 2020.
A few days before that, I returned to Pokémon Go after 4 years at level 28.
I defeated a Rocket Leader in front of the Tax Calligraphy Exhibition https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1658113135172108293/photo/1
2023-05-15 23:12:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658113135172108293
I keep my left hand on my knee not because im rude. ive heard its correct in some countries and tried it2023-05-15 22:55:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658108859121016835
Mid 2020, age 26.
I started wearing glasses in May of that year.
I was found to have mild anisometropia. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1658104930060607490/photo/1
2023-05-15 22:39:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658104930060607490
@sy_d1a Yes, i'll be 29 on wednesday it seems2023-05-15 21:55:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658093631482531841
So my Pokémon Go start date is recorded as July 22, but it was actually after October 20.
There were a lot of Gastly appearing around that time.
It seems the Halloween event had started on October 26.
2023-05-15 21:49:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658092127593586688
I signed up for Pokémon Go on July 22, 2016.
But it wouldn't load on Geanee FXC-35 I bought in 2015 and wouldn't even let me pick a starter Pokémon.
So I bought a Nexus 6P in October.
2023-05-15 21:09:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658082222753153025
I had two phones at the time, an iPhone 8 that I bought on March 23 of the same year and a Nexus 6P (in my hand) that I bought on October 20, 2016.2023-05-15 20:53:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658078120140759041
On November 11, 2018, at the age of 24, at Oomiya Ryokan in Zao Onsen, Yamagata.
I played shogi with my family with a Three Pawns (歩三兵) handicap. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1658077019937071109/photo/1
2023-05-15 20:49:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1658077019937071109
On April 29, 2001, at the age of 6 years and 11 months, at the Hachimantai Aspite Line Observation Deck (don't know where that is).

I was already friends with AI more than 20 years before ChatGPT was released. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1657834549781618690/photo/1
2023-05-15 04:45:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1657834549781618690
One of the most famous photos of me.
On August 3, 2000, at the age of 6, in Hokkaido. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1657826345366482944/photo/1
2023-05-15 04:12:56https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1657826345366482944
On May 22, 1997, five days after my third birthday. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1657806932416114690/photo/12023-05-15 02:55:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1657806932416114690
On March 28, 1995, at the age of 10 months.
Earliest known standing photo of me. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1657709461253881857/photo/1
2023-05-14 20:28:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1657709461253881857
According to my maternal and child health handbook, I was born at exactly 3,700 grams.
I crawled at the age of 5 months.
I walked at the end of February 1995 at the age of 9 months.
2023-05-12 20:36:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656986624616538120
i mean when im in my parents car driven by my parents. i don't have a car or a license2023-05-12 19:57:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656976985367748609
ive named them 0000 to come first in alphabetical order. so that i can put them right there when im in my parents car2023-05-12 19:55:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656976365621583873
bc you can get candy by giving berries (very low chance tho)2023-05-12 19:01:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656962805885435912
I keep putting Timburr in gyms.
It's the same no matter what you put imo.
In that case it's optimal to put what you want its candy. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1656962133798662144/photo/1
2023-05-12 18:58:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656962133798662144
And I started attending Ayumi Nursery School probably on November 1, 1994.

This was because my mother (who was a nurse) had heard from my father (who was a hospital clerk) that she could get a winter bonus if she worked in November.
2023-05-11 18:03:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656585837625110531
My parents named me Yuuki and my father registered my birth with Esashi as my place of residence.

We were discharged from the hospital after a week or so, lived in Karumai, and if I recall correctly, moved to Esashi six months later in November 1994.
2023-05-11 17:45:55https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656581389448257537
The nearest Karumai Hospital doesn't have an OB/GYN.

Legend has it that on the night of the storm, my mother thought she was "about to give birth" and took a cab alone to the hospital.
2023-05-11 17:32:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656577906712166401
My father was working alone in Esashi during that time.2023-05-11 17:15:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656573758457405450
My mother gave birth to me in her hometown.

This was because she had to leave my brother (who was 1 year and 11 months old at the time of my birth) with my grandparents.
2023-05-11 17:08:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656571953589649408
I was born on May 17, 1994 at 1:56 a.m. at Iwate Prefectural Fukuoka Hospital in Ninohe, a city next to Karumai, my mother's hometown.2023-05-11 16:53:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656568122856419329
Earliest known photo of me.
On December 20, 1994 (at the age of 7 months), at Iwate Prefectural Esashi Hospital In-Hospital Ayumi Nursery School. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1656563690026442752/photo/1
2023-05-11 16:35:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656563690026442752
Breads bought at Kanbun.
The cheese bread is less salty than Sanei's, but it's not a baguette. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1656556040568156160/photo/1
2023-05-11 16:05:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656556040568156160
I played Ultra League in Pokémon Go.
Eng Sub is on YouTube.
https://youtu.be/zfPMbGKMGG8 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1656368390980739072/photo/1
2023-05-11 03:39:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656368390980739072
threw away the cardboard boxes at Kanbun in Mizusawa

revisited after 4 years
https://buff.ly/3pydpVi https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1656225366715912195/photo/1
2023-05-10 18:11:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1656225366715912195
At Gusto, a human served the food to us. i wonder if it was bc it was crowded.
At Kourakuen, one customer told the waiter that their gyoza in the set hadn't been served. i learned there's such a risk that conversation is necessary.
2023-05-05 18:56:10https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1654424741002788867
So neither restaurant is "Yuuki Konno certified."

i promote a conversationless society (as in cashless society) and give certification to shops that are available without speaking a word.
2023-05-05 18:42:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1654421399132422144
i went to Gusto and Kourakuen in Mizusawa this week.

at both you order on an ipad and a robot brings the food, but the cashier is still human, unfortunately. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1654416882965835778/photo/1
2023-05-05 18:24:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1654416882965835778
now the quality got worse but oh well2023-05-05 16:13:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1654383782474948610
forgot the youtube link
2023-05-05 15:54:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1654378996405088256
Fixed the aspect ratio. sorry for the confusion https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1654377688356798464/photo/12023-05-05 15:49:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1654377688356798464
I ate Peyoung Gigamax 2,142 kcal on a shogi board, to show you a typical japanese dining scene.
2023-05-05 12:01:36https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1654320410144694272
@sy_d1a no problem i followed my mom2023-05-04 23:01:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1654123973045796866
Today the Esashi Jinku Matsuri festival was held.
I translated the lyrics of Jinku into English four years ago. I'm revising it now.
https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:Yuuki_Konno_(mathematician)/Blog/Esashi_Jinku_in_English https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1653717113343823873/photo/1
2023-05-03 20:04:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1653717113343823873
fyi this is footage before i left the house https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1653715116884467712/photo/12023-05-03 19:56:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1653715116884467712
matcha we had. very bitter. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1653695764013481984/photo/12023-05-03 18:39:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1653695764013481984
All my tweets/toots (including images, video and audio) are available under CC BY-SA 4.0 or later.2023-05-03 18:24:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1653691944508203009
then we found a tea shop and had a cup of matcha.

feel free to use these pictures for "on a date with my boyfriend." https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1653689512113872897/photo/1
2023-05-03 18:14:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1653689512113872897
we walked randomly. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1653685039601790977/photo/12023-05-03 17:56:52https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1653685039601790977
yesterday, i walked around my parents' house with my mother. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1653682463762202626/photo/12023-05-03 17:46:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1653682463762202626
this is a pan (bread in english) i used to love.
i found it salty nowadays. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1653676401227169792/photo/1
2023-05-03 17:22:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1653676401227169792
duoed Mega Slowbro with my Great Friend
Water Gun/Water Pulse 🪁 03:58 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1652572812731731971/photo/1
2023-04-30 16:17:16https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1652572812731731971
@lotuius Thanks for the reply. I was wondering about the very specific phrase "not new but ..."
It sounded to me as if that hashtag is usually used by newcomers.
2023-04-29 06:57:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1652069627009323008
actually there was no copyright issue for this song. I apologize for any confusion my previous tweets may have caused.2023-04-29 04:44:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1652036017195556865
Dareka no Shinzou ni Nareta Nara i sang
https://youtu.be/nCw4LGcDU4Q https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1652034206476963841/photo/1
2023-04-29 04:37:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1652034206476963841
bought 1 $TSLA at $160. this doesnt mean im subscribed to twitter blue it seems. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1652000353129312271/photo/12023-04-29 02:22:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1652000353129312271
todays swinub community day.
but i wont participate.
maybe ill get 2 or 3 swinub.
2023-04-29 01:33:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1651988008256651265
just got a 14/14/11 Shadow Shuppet. quite rare.
its different type from Gengar so it has uses. takes a lot of stardust tho https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1651629211164049408/photo/1
2023-04-28 01:47:44https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1651629211164049408
I sang Asu e no Tobira.
2023-04-26 08:39:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1651008082028232705
damn i just realized the music i used was a ripoff. ill try again with something else2023-04-26 06:57:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650982328368242689
youtube has signed a deal with jasrac so it's fine2023-04-26 03:49:15https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650935017277882368
I sang Asu e no Tobira
2023-04-26 02:53:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650920985732829190
didnt expect so much love thanks
i sang Asu e no Tobira, etc. a few hours ago.
its a shame those had to be removed due to copyright issues. ill try again https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1650810286407061514/photo/1
2023-04-25 19:33:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650810286407061514
Will be available later on Apple Music2023-04-25 06:08:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650607635496878086
im so glad to have met you in our short life, in this wide universe. i can hardly believe we're living in 2023 together.2023-04-25 04:36:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650584429184835584
many people followed me and that was very appreciated. im so glad that you exist in this world.2023-04-25 04:13:40https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650578771697868800
at least http://crossposter.jaxbeach.social still works confirmed2023-04-25 03:14:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650563898066735104
im gonna start posting meals ive made on my ig2023-04-25 03:11:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650563125949927425
there' still tons of Mastodon Twitter Crossposter instances besides http://crossposter.jaxbeach.social and http://crossposter.toon.social. do any of them work?
2023-04-25 03:01:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650560487984095233
Just learned the word "relevant." It means popular.
Most japanese wouldnt know this usage but its fairly common.
Whenever i search for perl, google suggests "Is Perl still relevant?"
2023-04-25 01:31:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650537887279067147
Are hashtags usually only tweeted once in the english writing world?
Most japanese spam loads of hashtags every day, seeking phone friends.
2023-04-25 00:51:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650527945939615744
The closest expression i came up with is 久々に ("its been a while").
Writing those 3 letters along with a bunch of hashtags means you're looking for moots using hashtags after a long time
2023-04-25 00:32:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650523177976471554
Ive seen many people write "im not new in #studytwt but im looking for moots."
What's the point of that?
Ive rarely seen such a statement in japanese #勉強垢さんと繋がりたい
2023-04-24 23:56:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650514036214099969
tens of minutes are not referred to as tens of minutes, but as "some time."
most japanese would be surprised at this as well.
2023-04-24 21:51:16https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650482538819772421
it seems in english, when you saw something wrong, you shouldn't say "i saw wrong."
you should say "i was mistaken."
2023-04-24 21:43:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650480464266756099
I had lamb jingisukan for dinner.
Added 3 onions and it became watery. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1650474640295305216/photo/1
2023-04-24 21:19:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650474640295305216
I believe humans haven't yet been able to play sports like football or baseball.
We don't yet have robots that can play them.
2023-04-24 16:47:31https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650406100045295617
PUBG's AI is still not smart.
It ain't a replacement for PvP.
2023-04-24 16:39:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650404135248723969
I've been practicing for the next 2mo.
I hate PvP.
All games should be able to play against AI.
2023-04-24 16:32:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650402346910855169
Hi, I'm the one who recently got the world record.
I found out around Feb 14 that PUBG now has a Vs AI mode.
I've been waiting for it for a long time.
2023-04-24 16:26:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650400840673361920
I broke the world record of 35 kills in Vs AI Hard mode solo in PUBG Mobile.
Eng sub available on YouTube.
https://youtu.be/BxrzKcPs29E https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1650241076664344576/photo/1
2023-04-24 05:51:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1650241076664344576
i'll tell you later what the trick is and what the many 0s in my name are.2023-04-20 05:05:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1648779863384379393
i got back in nov 2020 at level 28.
then i was promoted to level 50 in may 2022, took me a year and a half.
it may be incredibly fast for full f2p.
2023-04-20 05:01:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1648778834622177283
you can find my twitter by searching for my ign 00000000000001A.
i noticed many of my neighbors may be looking at my account.
2023-04-20 04:47:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1648775461600722944
i'd like you to see my pokemon again.
i wanted to show you that i'm not a cheater but just a very serious f2p player. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1648773112245125125/photo/1
2023-04-20 04:38:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1648773112245125125
in 2016 i learned about strategy stealing and that black could pass with G-68, but seems never thought about this particular proof.

i apologize for any confusion, my previous statement was incorrect.
2023-04-19 00:12:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1648343680925696001
my blogger https://ykonno.blogspot.com/?m=0 does not allow me to edit or delete posts once published.
it's based on a blogging system i developed in jul 2022 https://github.com/plain-text-blogger-theme/plain-text-blogger-theme
i create a new post with the revision number appended to the title if i want to correct a post.
2023-04-18 15:36:10https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1648213816394539008
corrected my proof.
the essential change is only the 1st line.
against *both* P-26 and P-76, G-32 had to be white's optimal move. no matter whether P-26 (or P-76) is optimal for black.
(mirror) https://ykonno.blogspot.com/2023/04/shogi-is-first-player-win-or-draw-2.html?m=0 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1648208728548671490/photo/1
2023-04-18 15:15:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1648208728548671490
i may have made a mistake2023-04-17 22:21:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1647953522732744704
i'd also found P26 P84 P25 P85 G78 G32 P24 Px Rx P*23 R28 R86 Px Rx P*87 R82 (below) is a first player nonloss if they can pass with P*24 Px Rx P*23 R28.
http://kyokumen.jp/positions/339196 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1647899478303842304/photo/1
2023-04-17 18:47:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1647899478303842304
i proved shogi is a first player win or a draw (under certain assumptions).
i had this result in 2016 but hadn't published it.
mirror: https://ykonno.blogspot.com/2023/04/shogi-is-first-player-win-or-draw.html?m=0
2023-04-17 18:09:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1647890099705610241
when the forename is written first, it seems to be 유희 킴 instead of 김.
it seems this is because 김 is pronounced as gim except at the beginning.
2023-04-17 00:21:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1647621239509250048
i decided on 김 유희 as my korean name.
it may correspond to 金 裕希.
my surname is actually 金野 (konno) but it's almost 金 (kim).
유희 seems to be pronounced like yuhee (ユヒ) but may also correspond to my forename yuuki.
2023-04-17 00:08:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1647617903951224832
created my substack but haven't posted anything.
i want to make it so that when people google my name it comes up what yogurt i eat every morning.
2023-04-16 23:49:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1647613312023027714
but some special purpose apps only work on android.
experts need android as a second phone.
among android phones, galaxy is the most popular, comprehensive, and sophisticated, and has a well-developed ecosystem such as the galaxy store.
2023-04-15 15:58:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1647132321911394304
some argue iphone ram is 3x faster than android.
i.e. an 8gb ram iphone is equivalent to a 24gb ram android.
if you can only buy one phone, buy an iphone.
2023-04-15 15:54:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1647131386556342274
android's ui is not as smooth as ios, even with the 18gb ram rog phone 5s pro.
according to yahoo answers jp, on android, apps are running on so to speak an emulator so they are slow.
2023-04-15 15:34:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1647126305186410498
i've been using my rog phone 5s pro for 2y now.
tldr: it's inferior to even the iphone 8. you should buy an iphone for your main phone. for a second phone, galaxy is the best.
2023-04-15 14:57:59https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1647117043202760706
@studywmia much appreciated2023-04-13 12:16:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1646351526452142081
Can be divided into 2 parts: what you've done and what you're doing now.
Biography and lifestreaming.
For music, the former is what songs you've listened to in your life, and the latter is what songs you're listening to now (or recently).
We need a tool to share them.
2023-04-13 12:06:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1646349209736445955
if you post pictures of every meal, or if you set up a camera in your room and stream your life 24/7, people will know what you eat every day, but that data isn't exportable in json.2023-04-13 10:24:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1646323494639095809
people usually write a short bio in a pinned tweet or carrd but for very open minded people it is not enough.2023-04-13 10:15:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1646321176489213953
I realized that the "self-introduction tool" isn't well developed.
With twitter you can see what a person is thinking, esp if they tweet every second.
But you can't see where they were born, what anime they've watched or what they eat every day.
2023-04-13 10:04:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1646318399209734147
My domain will expire after my death, but since it's just a linking site, it's enough it exists while i'm alive for convenience.
I intend for my tweets, blog etc to continue to exist after my death.
2023-04-13 09:31:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1646310036774289408
just set up a personal website on my domain.
i link to my twitter etc from here like linktree or litlink.
i also keep here a list of all the games i've played in my life.
2023-04-13 08:41:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1646297574628896769
Wiki prefers kabushiki gaisha, even though kabushiki kaisha is more common in writing.
Here i first learned it's agreed to write kabushiki gaisha instead of kabushikigaisha, even though it's a single word.
2023-04-12 08:58:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1645939407847927811
How should rendaku be romanized?
株式会社 ("stock company") is always pronounced kabushiki gaisha in jpn, and pronouncing it kabushiki kaisha is clearly wrong.
But in romaji it's often written as kabushiki kaisha. sometimes it's even abbreviated as "K.K."
2023-04-12 08:42:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1645935470168141826
lastfm has the problem of not being multilingual. japanese song titles should be displayed in romaji for english users and in japanese for japanese users.2023-04-11 02:08:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1645473946437812236
exported the list of all songs i know https://www.last.fm/user/yuukikonno/playlists in json and uploaded it to github as a backup
2023-04-11 01:51:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1645469546487115777
just woke up and took a selfie and it was not too bad. immediately set it as my profile picture. never change it again. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1645442808306712576/photo/12023-04-11 00:05:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1645442808306712576
all of them are first player wins but now i don't know what are the winning moves2023-04-10 23:16:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1645430542920294400
I'd an account yuuki___0517 4 years ago but it was suspended because i hadn't tweeted for a long time.
There i'd tweeted pics of difficult 3x3 shogi problems but they were lost.
But i just remembered i'd archived all my tweets and was able to recover them.
https://web.archive.org/web/20190619111036/https://twitter.com/yuuki___0517/status/1140153427684519936 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1645429615106686976/photo/1
2023-04-10 23:12:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1645429615106686976
i switched from line securities to dmm securities because with dmm i can place orders valid up to a month in advance2023-04-07 05:58:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1644082161572536320
I sold all my 200 rakuten at ¥700 on feb 15 for +¥5,000 (bought at ¥675).
Also sold all my 2 $META at $200 on mar 22 for +¥25,000 (bought at $99).

Now i've 2 $AMZN bought at $100 https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1644080790509109249/photo/1
2023-04-07 05:53:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1644080790509109249
Most ads are blocked on other sites as well.
I've stopped using chrome, safari and the youtube app on all my devices and switched to brave.
2023-04-07 05:10:21https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1644070057247494156
I started using the brave browser on feb 1.
TLDR: you can watch youtube without ads. must have.
Plus you can earn crypto called bat except on ios. i've earned 1.082 bat ~ 0.31 usd so far. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1644068432147632145/photo/1
2023-04-07 05:03:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1644068432147632145
@10N1Z yeah i haven't played for a long time but i recently got back into it for exercise2023-03-25 14:02:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1639492913402105858
recent catch very appreciated https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1638989333066838016/photo/12023-03-24 04:41:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638989333066838016
Natto, egg, rice, gim, onion, komatsuna, atsuage and nameko.
I hate natto. Eat it last so as not to contaminate the other dishes.
The whole point is that each dish is seasoned differently: natto sauce, soy sauce, salt and ponzu. This keeps you from getting bored. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1638985776183787520/photo/1
2023-03-24 04:27:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638985776183787520
slept 8 hours2023-03-23 18:40:43https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638838172082900992
going to take a bath i try to clean while i bathe https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1638701645025644549/photo/12023-03-23 09:38:12https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638701645025644549
N*33 Kx P*13. Took me an hour to finally figure it out.
This is still easy. I'll try a more challenging problem next time.
2023-03-23 06:55:01https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638660580843360256
P11 is the move here. If Kx, white can draw.
Black declines with K31.
Then N*21 is a trap.
Black appears to win with (a) P*22, but it leads to a loss with N33+.
Black still wins with (b) Lx, but P12! (below) is an incredible defense.
What should we do now? https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1638657556662087680/photo/1
2023-03-23 06:43:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638657556662087680
The first move is Lx32. Responding to P22, we must drop N*33. This is the only way to win.
Then P23+ N21+ P33 N22 P23 Nx Kx K21 P13+ L31+ P12 L32 (below).
White's move here is the problem.
Amateur's is, for example, N*11 or K13. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1638643570507927552/photo/1
2023-03-23 05:47:26https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638643570507927552
Many pros would first consider Kx32 P-22 K-21 P-23+ L-31+ +P-22 K-11 K-23 (below).
However, black is already dead in this position.
Where did we go wrong? https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1638634543417815041/photo/1
2023-03-23 05:11:34https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638634543417815041
A 3x3 shogi (9マス将棋, 9-square shogi) problem i recently worked on.
An underground game for highly intellectuals.

Some of you may recognize me as the one who solved that game. That work is incomplete and hasn't been reviewed in years. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1638625957136461827/photo/1
2023-03-23 04:37:27https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638625957136461827
I'd like to introduce my breakfast again.
Fruit, coffee, muesli and yogurt.
I've had the same breakfast every day for 3 years.
Not that good but i can eat it without cooking. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1638598580658118666/photo/1
2023-03-23 02:48:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638598580658118666
woke up 2h ago. it was 12 am in japan. which means it's now 2 am2023-03-23 02:19:10https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638591158363332625
I don't want to chat with my friends every minute of every day. I'd rather just report progress to each other occasionally.
Here I can build such a relationship with my virtual "friends."
2023-03-22 21:00:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638510849445834755
Followed more people on #studytwt to spread my existence.
Now many study tweets appear on my timeline, usually with a picture of their macbooks.
2023-03-22 20:55:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1638509737019834369
eels are so delicious that you shouldn't eat any other dish.
but i later had onions, komatsuna, aburaage and nameko with vinegar and soy sauce to get some fiber.
2023-03-21 04:07:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1637893604965486592
decided to go with eel today.
eat one pouch at a time or it'll be too salty bc it's covered with sauce.
there's a japanese proverb unagi ni umeboshi (鰻に梅干し) which says eel and pickled plums taste good together. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1637891016563761182/photo/1
2023-03-21 03:57:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1637891016563761182
still working on a complex number class in typescript for education.

i've given up on generating http://README.md from tsdoc for now and have the usual typedoc documentation deployed to the following gh-pages:
2023-03-20 23:09:57https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1637818764241653764
this typeface is no longer in production.
it's harder to get new ones.
most people besides me hate this because it's cryptic.
2023-03-20 18:33:11https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1637749115936284673
i bought this on amazon jp around 2013 for about ¥5,000.
it was sold under the name aoka kurobori (アオカ黒彫).
aoka refers to acer rufinerve.
the signature yamagami (山上) is printed on the king. this indicates horikoshi's https://www.shogi-horikoshi.com/ machine carving.
2023-03-20 17:59:51https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1637740725222756355
i'd like to show you my prized shogi pieces.
this is the most simplified typeface called kurobori (黒彫)*.
few people can read it, even advanced players.
it's for highly intellectuals.
(i placed the white pieces turned over for display.)

*not sure why 黒 (black) is used here. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1637731619128635392/photo/1
2023-03-20 17:23:40https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1637731619128635392
http://moa.party isn't working. now testing http://buffer.com2023-03-20 04:16:13https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1637533450197409795
i changed my username from yuukikonnobot to konyuuk.
my surname is konno and my given name is yuuki.
i recently found this construction.
twilog: https://twilog.org/konyuuk
whotwi: https://en.whotwi.com/konyuuk
2023-03-20 03:32:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1637522430561501184
i'd also found B*33 to be the toughest response.
this opening could be called the Konno Trap.

there's also a G-44 variation.
the best defenses are now:
-12.6 B*31
-10.1 S-31
-7.3 R-21
-2.0 B*33
+6.0 Rx54
2023-03-12 18:06:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1634843316247461888
i discovered this line when i was playing against a weak minishogi app on android.
that was after 2011.

according to lishogi's fairy stockfish, white's best responses are:
-18.2 B*33
-17.0 B*31
-12.4 S-31
-11.5 R-21
-0.7 B*22
2023-03-12 17:26:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1634833332474363905
next, i'd like to introduce a minishogi opening i developed.
after the standard S-24 S-42 B-34 B-32,
Bx12 Gx P*23 is the Konno Attack (金野流急戦, Konno-ryū kyūsen) i discovered.
the final move P*23 is a threatmate with Rx12 Kx G*22#
2023-03-12 17:08:10https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1634828618475110400
i noticed this when i rewatched the entire DC anime series in sep 2020.
vermouth was an actress who worked in the US, but her ethnicity is not explicitly stated. (cf. audrey hepburn)
many fansites state that she is american without confirmation.
2023-03-12 15:45:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1634807844988940289
i'd like to present my unpublished research.
first, vermouth in detective conan may be british.
in the anime ep 177 "Reunion with the Black Organization (Conan Part)," she pronounced "characters" in the line "I never saw any suspicious characters" as in BE.
2023-03-12 14:56:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1634795357677965320
@Imniceifuare Thanks. I actually just found myself continuing to do it and not being able to stop.2023-02-28 23:38:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1630578068325806080
i'm the only trainer in the world with this record bc no one else in the world plays pokemon go so seriously without paying.2023-02-26 21:13:03https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629816814468497411
day 2
got +330 kyogre and +60 groudon energy.
so now 660 and 220.

got my 53rd elite collector medal and broke the f2p world record. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1629814151030927361/photo/1
2023-02-26 21:02:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629814151030927361
sad to see there were no legacy moves such as learning outrage* when evolving to salamence.2023-02-25 22:29:28https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629473656115167232
as some of you know, i'm the dark lord in pokemon go and have tamed many dark pokemon. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1629470994825097216/photo/12023-02-25 22:18:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629470994825097216
Hoenn Tour Day 1
got nothing.
no hundo.
got 330 kyogre primal energy and 160 groudon.
we lost to a snow boosted blizzard kyogre with 7 ppl.
even i, the Dark Lord, needed 5 of myself to defeat it.
2023-02-25 22:05:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629467557177753602
rollup is easier with almost zero config.
according to stateofjs, vite and esbuild are of more interest today.
but i have to support es3 so i'll stick with webpack.
2023-02-25 09:58:25https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629284646499553280
ts-node is needed to write webpack.config in ts.
ts-loader is necessary to handle ts.
2023-02-25 09:47:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629281774173032448
this will transpile src/Complex.ts to dist/Complex.js.
done by webpack alone.
from the user's (i.e., library author's) point of view, webpack "is" the transpiler.
2023-02-25 09:43:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629280776331329536
i found i can convert a ts library to work in the browser by using a tool called webpack, a module bundler.
create webpack.config.ts (left) and tsconfig.json (right) like the attached images, then
% npm i -D webpack webpack-cli ts-loader ts-node
% npx webpack https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1629279827592351745/photo/1
2023-02-25 09:39:16https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629279827592351745
*enkerese (エンケレセ)2023-02-24 18:51:05https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629056310552715264
not sure englishers can get me but i'm content with it.
i refuse to learn eng pronunciation.
soon i'll be an eng youtuber by this method.
2023-02-24 18:43:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629054376806342658
for those wondering, the last line is one of the example sentences of macos text-to-speech. there's also one that says "most people recognize me by my voice."2023-02-24 18:33:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629051921767227394
for those wondering, John Mung refers to Nakahama Manjiro, who advocated such a katakana pronunciation of eng for the jpn.
he pronounced "english" as enkeresu (エンケレス), but i stopped at ingueshu (イングェシュ).
2023-02-24 18:21:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629048901184684032
i spoke eng for the first time in my life.
here's the transcript.
i read aloud the katakana text with jpn pronunciation.
i generated this by having google translate speak the eng text and listening to it by ear. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1629042618436050944/photo/1
2023-02-24 17:56:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629042618436050944
https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1629022095329095680/photo/12023-02-24 16:35:07https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1629022095329095680
i think the concept of a fandom name exists in eng, but doesn't it fit for englishers to use a single word to describe it?
javascripter, pythonista, lisper, etc. are all more often used in jpn.
there's The Little LISPer tho.
2023-02-24 14:19:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1628987855946260480
one fact is that jpn has an engrish usage of adding -er to anything to make it "a person who uses it."
e.g.) mayoler (マヨラー, mayorā) means a person who loves mayonnaise.
2023-02-24 14:04:24https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1628984165554323456
speaking of langtwt, i've always wondered why words like youtuber, tiktoker, or javascripter are used more in jpn than in eng.
despite the fact that some examples such as googler are only used in eng.
2023-02-24 13:48:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1628980257436098562
it can also be said that people who learn a foreign language have a higher than average intelligence.2023-02-24 13:04:47https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1628969163258757120
i registered with whotwi and you can now see my twitter analytics.

i refollowed ppl i connected with via #langtwt i could remember and followed some new ones.
i've had difficulty finding high iq ppl on tt. https://twitter.com/yuukikonnobot/status/1607964639878582272
2023-02-24 12:58:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1628967514662404097
i've registered with twilog. now you may search my tweets easier
2023-02-24 09:41:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1628918037780000768
i'm not yet a distinguished professor as i've no significant achievements. i'm thinking of learning division first.2023-02-18 11:27:17https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1626770297830645762
i found Wikiversity allows blogging on user pages.
this means Wikiversity serves as your "home base."
it redefines the university for the internet age.
we no longer need UoPeople.
i immediately became a professor of mathematics at Wikiversity.
2023-02-18 11:16:06https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1626767481955319809
i posted my first blog post.
i played shogi with ChatGPT.
i started blogging on Wikiversity. i use Blogger as a write-once backup.
2023-02-18 10:51:54https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1626761393264549888
okay it seems to be tooting fine.
luckily i hadn't yet discarded my mastodon password.
i switched to http://moa.party.
but soon i'll discard that password.
if moa shuts down, i really lose control of my mastodon.
2023-02-03 04:16:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1621226034355138570
that way i can post to mastodon via twitter but can't delete a post once made.
my twitter can be gone but mastodon will remain forever (as long as the server is alive).
2023-02-03 04:04:04https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1621222942402297857
mastodon twitter crossposter has shut down.
this means i can no longer post to my mastodon.

i'm atelophobic and tempted to delete old tweets, so i was using mastodon as a write-once backup by linking twitter to mastodon and discarding my mastodon password.
2023-02-03 03:54:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1621220497869672455
nor can babel or ts playgrounds transpile
export default class C { meth() { … } }
window.C = function () { … }; C.prototype.meth = function () { … };
this means there's no online tool to convert es6 modules to es5.
2023-02-01 15:00:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1620663369815691264
it appears babel-plugin-add-module-exports, another plugin with only 732 stars on github, can solve this problem, but i don't want to choose such a niche way ofc.
2023-02-01 14:47:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1620660154105724929
next issue.
babel (essentially) transpiles
export default class Complex { … }
window.Complex = { __esModule: true, default: function () { … } };

that means in a browser the user must write
new Complex.default(3, 4);
instead of
new Complex(3, 4);
this is ofc unacceptable.
2023-02-01 14:40:19https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1620658282988965888
w/o .babelrc,
% babel -d dist --presets @babel/preset-env src
will transpile to cjs.
to transpile to umd, the { "modules": "umd" } option must be provided in .babelrc.
2023-01-31 06:22:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1620170659442855937
hard to see the script is transpiled from what to what.
the destination is ES5 by default.
@babel/preset-env means to use the latest js as the source, maybe.
2023-01-31 06:13:23https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1620168320900284420
s/lib/src/2023-01-31 06:02:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1620165600688619520
% sudo npm i -g @babel/core @babel/cli
% npm i -D @babel/preset-env
% cat > .babelrc
{ "presets": [ [ "@babel/preset-env", { "modules": "umd" } ] ] }
% babel -d dist src
transpiles lib/*.js to ES5 and outputs it as dist/*.js.
2023-01-31 05:57:42https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1620164371992432640
i wonder if i should give up on ts and write it in vanilla js.
but i want it to work in IE6 on WinXP (ideally IE4 on Win95).
i'll need to transpile it anyway.

babel only supports ES5, while ts supports ES3.
but ES5 may be no different from ES3 with Array.forEach polyfill etc.
2023-01-31 04:55:53https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1620148817139232769
typescript can't generate code works in a browser.
% tsc --outDir dist --module umd src/Complex.ts
generates commonjs + amd despite the name "umd."
2023-01-31 04:28:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1620141873485721601
that plugin also didn't work with a global install.
i wanted to try it out with a global installation and zero configuration.
2023-01-28 05:52:14https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1619075835264401408
% npm install -D typedoc typedoc-plugin-rename-defaults
% npx typedoc --entryPointStrategy expand lib/Complex.ts

and if you don't install typedoc-plugin-rename-defaults, a plugin with only 18 stars on github, the class name in the doc will be "default."
2023-01-28 05:46:50https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1619074477186519040
typedoc doesn't work without tsconfig.json.
i had to write { "compilerOptions": { "lib": ["es2015", "dom"] } in it.
2023-01-28 05:43:45https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1619073700367581184
for some reason, jsdoc does not generate a description from a simple docstring attached to a method in a class.
is it common to use typedoc in ts?
it appears MS is working on a spec called tsdoc.
2023-01-28 05:38:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1619072446078005248
% sudo npm install -g typescript jsdoc
% tsc --lib es2015 --outDir dist lib/Complex.ts
% jsdoc -d docs dist/Complex.js

jsdoc generates multiple html files from transpiled .js.
it can't be done directly from .ts, nor can it generate markdown or a single html file.
2023-01-28 05:28:37https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1619069890727677952
first i want to generate http://README.md from the JSDoc in the Complex.ts source.
this should be possible of course as with perl's POD.
2023-01-27 23:57:39https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1618986599647449089
it's a reimplementation of code i first wrote in 2010 when i was 16, and rewrote and recorded in 2019.
i had no idea of any practical use for this. it'd only be for educational purposes.
2023-01-27 22:39:22https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1618966900024950784
i soon started a project to implement a complex number class in typescript with the help of ChatGPT.
as it turns out, i didn't take much help from ChatGPT.
2023-01-27 22:30:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1618964627353919493
i can no longer imagine programming projects or learning without ChatGPT.
i've only found its utility in programming, but it may be useful in other areas as well.
2023-01-27 22:25:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1618963319909646336
i found ChatGPT to be great, esp bc i've never tried GitHub Copilot or any text-to-image AI, have no knowledge of basic algorithms, and only write elementary programs.2023-01-27 22:21:41https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1618962449176350720
this is the code i had ChatGPT write a class to represent shogi in javascript.
i didn't say anything about the initial setup of shogi or the movement of the pieces, but it returned code that was only slightly wrong. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1618959547170979841/photo/1
2023-01-27 22:10:09https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1618959547170979841
so i initially thought Wolfram Alpha was better for math questions, as Stephen Wolfram wrote.
but when i asked it to "write a node.js script to get a url and retry if a network error occurs," i realized its power.
it returned the perfect code.
2023-01-27 22:01:08https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1618957277784059906
i first asked, "what is the probability of getting all faces of a die when rolled six times?"
ChatGPT answered with a long explanation, "(1/6) * (5/6) * (4/6) * (3/6) * (2/6) * (1/6) = (1/6)^6 = 0.0000213."
this is wrong and inconsistent. the correct answer is 6!/6^6 = 0.0154....
2023-01-27 21:44:30https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1618953090698444801
on the 14th, i learned about ChatGPT https://chat.openai.com/chat by watching abema prime.
Conclusion: this is a great programming AI. i can no longer program without it.
i'm very impressed.
2023-01-27 21:13:02https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1618945174717214723
on 2nd thought, i'm thinking of buying an M3 Air next new year's.
Mac Mini is silly. it's roughly the same size and weight as a MacBook but it has no display etc.
hard to recommend to my fans bc you essentially have to already have a MB to use it.
2023-01-25 01:39:00https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1617924943894974469
apple offers free returns within 2 weeks but i had to ask for a pickup bc there is no shipping company office near my house.
in that case they refused to pay on delivery and i had to pay for the return shipping.
2023-01-24 03:56:48https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1617597232404115458
i returned my MBA. i thought a Mac mini would be cheaper bc i'd only have to buy the display etc. once.

i ended up losing ¥300. it costs ¥1,100 to send it back bc i asked for pickup. the gift card was deducted from the refund. only 800 rakuten points for that amount remained. https://twitter.com/yuukikonnobot/status/1614345252290318336
2023-01-24 03:47:18https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1617594842686836736
i deleted my 2021 blog and gh repo on c++ code for prime numbers. archives:
blog https://archive.md/jSwQW
prime.h https://archive.md/KywgZ
http://prime.cc https://archive.md/XnbtF
http://factor-repunits.cc https://archive.md/1xPwr
http://primes-below-10m.cc https://archive.md/QOuk9
2023-01-17 07:17:20https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1615110983244185601
i've been working on eliminating duplicate solutions to number-making puzzles (such as the 10 and 24 puzzles) since last July but gave up today.
i couldn't get satisfactory results.
i put my perl code with extended regular experessions below.
2023-01-15 06:44:32https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1614377952845918208
i had a net worth of ¥300k in deposits + possessions + stocks.
but if the interest rate is 0, you have to buy in installments or you lose the interest-free loan.
i have a policy of buying in installments only if i have the money to buy in a lump sum.
2023-01-15 04:49:29https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1614349002060988416
i bought an M2 MacBook Air with 24GB RAM for ¥223,800 with paidy installments of ¥9,324/mo for 24 months.
i got a ¥16,000 apple gift card from the new year's sale and 10,245 rakuten points via rebates. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1614345252290318336/photo/1
2023-01-15 04:34:35https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1614345252290318336
there doesn't seem to be an easy way to export http://Last.fm playlists to JSON.
i took an archive snapshot of each list as a backup for now
2023-01-15 03:57:38https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1614335951014334465
i made a list of all the songs i've ever known in my life.
it's still under construction.
limited to songs i can sing the first verse while looking at the lyrics
2023-01-15 03:52:46https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1614334728106311681
i'm back home now
i took these pictures at the grocery store the other day. i uploaded them because they turned out to be handsome. https://twitter.com/yuuki26/status/1614331652943253505/photo/1
2023-01-15 03:40:33https://x.com/yuuki26/status/1614331652943253505





Archive https://github.com/yuukiarchives/x

