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Do dwarf caiman make good pets?
Despite the name "dwarf", owning either species of dwarf caiman as a pet is a HUGE mistake. These animals are just as vicious and feisty as their larger counterparts and require a substantial amount of time and space to keep happy. Every year, our sanctuary takes in as many as 100 new crocodilians - these animals come from surrenders, law enforcement seizures and even other zoos. For those seriously considering any species of crocodilian as a pet, please understand that owning these animals is illegal in the majority of the country (without a permit) and for good reason; they belong in the wild or in a sufficient zoological facility. If you want to care for a caiman, you should instead consider virtually adopting one of our caiman pens! Your donation will directly support these animals. Learn more on our website https://interland3.donorperfect.net/w... If you enjoyed this video, make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for content every week! VIST OUR WEBSITE: https://www.phoenixherp.com/ . TO DONATE TO OUR SANCTUARY: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/w... . LASTLY, CHECK US OUT ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: https://instagram.com/phoenixherp?igs... TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@phoenixherp Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phoenixherp #reptiles #pets #zoo #caiman
The venomous snake hall is one of the main attractions for guests visiting our sanctuary. We have nearly 200 venomous snakes living at our facility, some are illegal seizures, others were traded to us from other zoological facilities.
Our crocodiles, caiman, and alligators are amongst our most popular animals at the sanctuary. These animals come to us from a variety of sources including law enforcement seizures and high-profile trades between us and other facilities. Currently, we have all but two species of crocodilians on display at PHS and are currently involved in breeding a number of them including Saltwater crocodiles, Yacare caiman, Nile crocodiles, and Morelet's crocodiles.

HUGE saltwater croc 🐊

3.3M views1 year ago

New baby crocodilians from 2023

7.9K views7 months ago

Do Alligators make good pets?

3.3K views1 year ago
A collection of our wildlife rescue videos. Our facility takes in countless local native species that our need of rehabilitation. We have seen everything from Desert Tortoises to Rattlesnakes and Gila Monsters. Additionally, many surrendered pets make their way to PHS.