Murder Drones: Intermission (First Script vs. Final)

The first script is bad. I'm not saying that as an excuse, to put myself down, or to look for consolation. I'm saying this as a matter of fact. After surfing A03 on New Years Eve at 3 AM I decided I wanted to get back into fanfic writing. However, I realized that storyboarding a Murder Drones short would be even better!

A short.

This was originally going to be 3 minutes long I kid you not. I opened my notes app, sleep deprived as all hell, and threw so much crap at the wall for the sake of making my brain vomit out as much as it could. I made sure to not edit any of this either. This is the untouched original script from 6 months ago, dents, fissures, and all

Why am I saying all this? Because I know I have a lot of baby writers who follow me. I want to make a point to say that making something bad is the first step to making something even remotely good. I cannot stress this enough. So many of you only ever see the finished product of a project in all its polished glory. I really want you to know that making imperfect things is okay. You can't grow unless you start off super rough. Even the final product isn't perfect!! And that's okay!! It's! okay! to! not! be! perfect!!

I'm emphasizing this so much because I wish more people told me this when I was first starting out as a writer. Being bad at something isn't the evil so many people say it is.

Let yourself be bad at the thing you want to get better at!! It's okay!!

I even had to make changes to the final script in the boards- the final animatic doesn't follow it to a T. Please let yourself grow and change. It's okay I promise you. I'm still learning too, and I hope this can offer you some comfort wherever you are in your writing journey.

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