A POLICE officer who interviewed Mevish Ahmed in 2009 said she thought Shafilea's sister was fearful of her father.

Victoria Deluce said Mevish had a noticeable bruise on her arm but would not talk about it on tape.

But once the tapes had stopped Mevish told officers the bruise was the result of being ‘detained’ by her father Iftikhar Ahmed, aged 52, following an argument.

Miss Deluce said: “She said her father had grabbed her by the arm to prevent her from running away.

“She seemed upset and stated she didn’t want to provide the police with any information that would lead to subsequent repercussions in the family.”

Shafilea’s parents Farzana Ahmed, aged 49, and Iftikhar, of Liverpool Road, both deny murdering their daughter.

A witness statement from Barrowhall College student Sarah Bennett was also read out in Chester Crown Court on Wednesday.

She said that Shafilea’s parents regularly locked her in her room without food and withdrew money from her account that she had been saving up.

She said: “Shafilea was constantly changing her pin to prevent it happening but then they would take her to the bank to make her withdraw the money.

“One time Shafilea had dyed her hair and put on false nails but she said her mum had washed he hair and ripped her false nails off and called her a slut.”

Earlier in court Mushtaq Bagas, aged 38, denied having a sexual relationship with Shafilea in February 2003.

He told the court he knew the teenager was having problems at home and her friend had asked him if he could help.

Mr Bagas said he stayed with her at his brother’s house in Blackburn before they stayed in a cheap bed and breakfast for one night but they only kissed.

The trial continues.