Anonymous asked:

I love how you actually gave V some screen time and character lore. It’s nice actually seeing how V feels and seeing her warm up to uzi. Overall the fan episode was amazing and I can’t wait to see people’s reactions- especially if Liam or GLITCH sees it

I really hope Glitch and Liam see it. That would be very nice 😭

This may be obvious by now, but V and Uzi are my favorite pairing in the show. They’re messy in so many ways and I found that so intriguing. I’ll go more into depth about my process on writing V in another post.

I’ll admit that a lot of my fascination with these two is the result of me kind of just sitting in my head thinking about them. The show doesn’t provide us with a lot of V and Uzi time, which I can understand given the fact that they’re on a considerably tight budget. They have to be economical with how they choose to spend screen time. With that said though, I did want more of them so badly. Badly enough that I decided “Screw it, if I want something I’ll do it myself.”

Did I dedicate 6 months of my life towards this project just for the sake of seeing V and Uzi interact? Yes. Yes I did.

Am I delusional? Of course I am. I’m a writer.

I saw something sparkling that wasn’t being uncovered so I decided to grab a shovel and dig it up myself. I adore pairings of two hurt people finding solace in one another when life has screwed them both royally.

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