plannin on animating over storyboard?

Is md intermission gonna be a whole fan-made show?


Oh definitely not :,) I am very happy people enjoyed Intermission, however to make an entire show it would require for me to hire an entire team. While I understand there are people out there willing to do the work for free, I’m not comfortable with not compensating people for their work.

Secondly I’d like to focus on my own projects as well. I have work I’ve been doing to create my own stories. I don’t post much about them, but they are concepts I have in the backburner.

Intermission was meant to serve as a challenge to me. See how far I can go! Push my limits! Really test myself to better understand where I am as a creator right now and what steps I need to take to become even better.

The possibility of me creating another episode is incredibly slim, especially with how exhausted I am. I made a splash with Intermission, and for now I’m content with that.

As for animating, that also just comes back to budget :,) People are free to animate the episode, but I just can’t do it myself unfortunately.

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