
Murder Drones Intermission Archives


Hi! Bee here! Welcome to my archive page for nearly all the work I did for the Murder Drones fan episode. I hope you enjoy my ramblings.
Anonymous asked:

I love how you actually gave V some screen time and character lore. It’s nice actually seeing how V feels and seeing her warm up to uzi. Overall the fan episode was amazing and I can’t wait to see people’s reactions- especially if Liam or GLITCH sees it

I really hope Glitch and Liam see it. That would be very nice 😭

This may be obvious by now, but V and Uzi are my favorite pairing in the show. They’re messy in so many ways and I found that so intriguing. I’ll go more into depth about my process on writing V in another post.

I’ll admit that a lot of my fascination with these two is the result of me kind of just sitting in my head thinking about them. The show doesn’t provide us with a lot of V and Uzi time, which I can understand given the fact that they’re on a considerably tight budget. They have to be economical with how they choose to spend screen time. With that said though, I did want more of them so badly. Badly enough that I decided “Screw it, if I want something I’ll do it myself.”

Did I dedicate 6 months of my life towards this project just for the sake of seeing V and Uzi interact? Yes. Yes I did.

Am I delusional? Of course I am. I’m a writer.

I saw something sparkling that wasn’t being uncovered so I decided to grab a shovel and dig it up myself. I adore pairings of two hurt people finding solace in one another when life has screwed them both royally.


plannin on animating over storyboard?

Is md intermission gonna be a whole fan-made show?


Oh definitely not :,) I am very happy people enjoyed Intermission, however to make an entire show it would require for me to hire an entire team. While I understand there are people out there willing to do the work for free, I’m not comfortable with not compensating people for their work.

Secondly I’d like to focus on my own projects as well. I have work I’ve been doing to create my own stories. I don’t post much about them, but they are concepts I have in the backburner.

Intermission was meant to serve as a challenge to me. See how far I can go! Push my limits! Really test myself to better understand where I am as a creator right now and what steps I need to take to become even better.

The possibility of me creating another episode is incredibly slim, especially with how exhausted I am. I made a splash with Intermission, and for now I’m content with that.

As for animating, that also just comes back to budget :,) People are free to animate the episode, but I just can’t do it myself unfortunately.


Intermission Scene 3 Thumbnails

Scene 3 went through a good amount of shot and writing changes during its development!

Like initially rather than N pulling V to the side, it was V who pulled N to the side. I made that change since V doesn't feel like someone who'd try to keep her disdain on the downlow.

On top of that the shot choices created a jumpcut so I decided to scrap the idea.


"Murder Drones: Intermission": A Story of Understanding

Uzi Doorman: Understanding Loneliness

I feel like during the development of this episode, Uzi was the hardest character for me to wrap my head around. To my understanding, she’s feisty, angsty, and plays up this persona of being apathetic. A sort of lone wolf thing.

She’s snappy towards her classmates who ostracize her, snappy towards adults in her life, and overall gives a middle finger to anyone who isn’t on Team Uzi. It’s a very “me vs. the world” type of thing. That, to me, just felt like the callous shell of someone who’s painfully fragile and has been hurt so often.

I will admit, I may be projecting slightly, but I honestly read her as like… a neurodivergent kid who didn’t know how to navigate social circles, so she just became incredibly bitter. Her father didn’t help her situation at all because he also treated her like a freak, literally calling her a disappointment in his business ads. Then on top of all that she had no mother figure to look up to. All of this accumulates into a habit of isolation. “No one will love me, so fuck it. I’m on my own”. She acts like she’s fine on her own, when in reality she’s so starved for genuine connection. With that in mind, in Intermission I wanted to peel back those layers a little bit. I wanted to explore self-isolation and that hunger for love. 

Some people clocked this I think: the way Uzi’s attitude is toned down in Intermission. I didn’t want to play up her angsty teen act as much (and I capped her at one “bite me”) because then I’d risk falling into the trap of making her into a caricature of herself. The way I framed her in my head is “if she wants connection, then she’d be happier around people who she sees as her friends. If she’s also fragile though, she’ll make an immediate 180 at the slightest hint of meanspiritedness”. This was the guideline I gave myself when it came to bouncing her off of V and N. N melts her icy demeanor. He’s very gentle and encouraging with her. One example being how N kneeled down to her eye level when speaking to her when she was putting up her walls again. As someone who’s constantly ostracized, she needs a gentle touch in order to relax.

I made sure to keep that in mind, that while she was being treated gently, she should show more signs of happiness. Comfort. Part of that comfort is also reflected in being mischievous/playful. As for the 180 she makes if shown any sort of cruelty, that’s reflected in acts of self-isolation. 

This is something I’ve observed from myself and people in my life. If someone is already deathly afraid of rejection, they won’t reach out for help and their immediate instinct will be to isolate. In the beginning of the EP when Uzi’s having her Solver flare up her immediate thought is “I’m going to put up a firewall (repress) and just not even mention this to anybody”. Then when N offers to help, she still shows signs of being uncomfortable because she’s not used to it. It isn’t until V’s comment calling her a lost cause irks her that she decides “screw it let’s give it a shot”. She hates being underestimated, so this reaction made sense to me. Meanwhile the climax of the episode is where I wanted the most overt display of her fears to be presented.

As I said earlier, Uzi’s sensitive to rejection. She attacked the only people in her life who care about her, and the worst part was it wasn’t even her fault. Uzi is a person who really wants a sense of control over her life for the sake of security, so that loss of control and the idea of “oh my god they hate me now” was the final straw for her. So, she isolated. She ran off (or in this case, flew off), she barricaded herself, and she cried.

During the scene when Uzi's found, I had a bit of an issue figuring out where to go from there with her. I had two options: I could once again lean into her badass persona and have her fight back, or I could have her fold. I decided the latter. To her, she just lost the only people who cared about her, she's a monster to worker drone society, her father doesn't care about her.

What's the point. She's doomed to be alone.

If V didn't have her revelation, Uzi would've let herself die. While I understand that's an upsetting choice to make in the narrative, given Uzi's circumstances it felt like the appropriate reaction. Which is why the events following were so important.

While Uzi's at her lowest point she's shown pinch of kindness.

While it’s true V’s initial intention was to off Uzi, her showing compassion and sympathy was what helped calm Uzi down. Rather than making her put up walls like V usually does, V was able to break through them a tad. That interaction, N pouncing at her with a hug, and the final scene was meant to cement in Uzi’s head that she finally wasn’t alone (even if V still struggled to not be prickly with her). The three are still incredibly messy, but there’s that sense of trust that Uzi now has people in her life that actually care about her despite her messiness. The mischievous attitude even comes out when she says, “you found a nanospark of warmth in your heart to care about me”. She now feels more comfortable with V to an extent, and she finally has a support system.

I think…the reason why I love Uzi so much is that she’s sadly reflects the experience of what it's like not being able to fit into society's mold of acceptable. Even if she might not be neurodivergent, the bullying and isolation she experiences is very familiar. I wanted to do her justice as much as I could with that all in mind and with the resources I had. I wanted to give her one happy ending to a day when every other feels like utter hell.

The angsty teen may be badass, but her heart is still fragile.


- All References In Murder Drones: Intermission -

(CW: Gore)

Hatsune Miku’s Corpse

Doge Meme (I feel like this second one dates me so bad)

Angel of Darkness nightcore song

Bacterial Contamination (Which is one of my favorite Vocaloid songs)

Corpse Party’s semi-beheaded child. This anime is actually one I don’t quite like anymore, but I adored it as kid so why not.

Uzi’s fighting style was inspired by Weiss Schnee from Rwby

Death the Kid

Murder Drones Pilot

“I’m so glad you’re okay”

“Aaand scoop!

This is less of a straight up REFERENCE reference, but I did reference it while drawing this clip. A lot of V’s psychotic acting was inspired by Higurashi: When They Cry (one of my favorite animes. Except Sotsu and Kira. We don’t talk about Sotsu and Kira)

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