Lazurus: I found a funny way to get around a site blocker Izzy_blight: Fun fun 🎈 Lazurus: yeah I guess Lazurus: how have you been btw I forgot to ask :P Izzy_blight: Looking forward to my death more than ever before, which is saying something Izzy_blight: How are you my dear fellow Lazurus: mm pissed depressed all of the above the usual tbh Izzy_blight: I'm terribly sorry to hear that Lazurus: I'm sorry to hear that you are in a sad mood Izzy_blight: It's more than sad, it's hopeless Izzy_blight: But thank you and I hope you get better things happening to you soon Lazurus: not likely knowing my luck but hey at least I've got my humor Izzy_blight: It's all that can keep you sane sometimes 13:09:18Sunday, 26 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Im sorry Lazurus: eh I'm long past sane that's why its funny Izzy_blight: unfortunately yeah I guess so Izzy_blight: I burst into hysterics at the simple uttering of the word pedophile Lazurus: I have bad experiences with those types Izzy_blight: Me too Izzy_blight: Most people i know have Izzy_blight: I hate it. I am so so sorry Lazurus: well I'm sorry to have become another statistic in your book but well we all have a number I guess at least theirs solace in that Lazurus: if not then what else is their but choas Lazurus: philosophy make my brain hurty Izzy_blight: I can t hardly think I've been awake all night. My body yearns to pass out Izzy_blight: I want to burn the book Lazurus: well get some rest and then we can put the book where it belongs in the fire place with jimmy Izzy_blight: Yes. Jimmy. He is the worst pedophile Izzy_blight: He hurt me Izzy_blight: So I smacked him with a pool noodle Lazurus: he deserved it Lazurus: next time I see him I'll smack him with my noodle Izzy_blight: Owo Izzy_blight: Very good 👌 Lazurus: I'm watching the rest of chainsaw man it is mid Lazurus: the Japanese sub version is worse than the english dub Izzy_blight: Middle aged married men touching my princess parts Izzy_blight: Japanese train molestation Lazurus: ok I don't want to talk about Japanese trains the last one I saw was red after going by tokyo Izzy_blight: My brain is stuck sorry Izzy_blight: The fentanyl got me moving like a claymation figure Lazurus: lmao idk if your being serious or joking but don't ever do hardcore drugs kid Izzy_blight: I had the opportunity to try fent last summer Izzy_blight: I did not Lazurus: good Lazurus: dont I've been laced with it before and I was in the hospital for 5 weeks Izzy_blight: I'm self destructive with little regard for consequences but even im not THAT stupid Izzy_blight: Oh gosh im sorry Lazurus: dont be it was my own fault for taking shit without asking Lazurus: and good don't be that stupid Lazurus: I'd rather get cancer than have fent in my bloodstream again Izzy_blight: Imgetting stupider by the day Izzy_blight: Man it was that bad Izzy_blight: Maybe i made the right decision for onec Lazurus: yes you did Izzy_blight: Wow i r smrt Izzy_blight: This makes up for everything ive done before and since then Lazurus: ye u Id smrt Izzy_blight: :} Izzy_blight: I have unbelievably horny desires Lazurus: OwO Izzy_blight: I think it's a bit ironic that ive become hypersexual as an unhealthy coping mechanism for my sexual trauma Lazurus: I think I've said that before Izzy_blight: I have a pornography adddiction like a sexually aroused predatory animal Izzy_blight: Im sorry Izzy_blight: :[ Lazurus: ok woah Lazurus: your fine but woah Ive never seen someone say that before Izzy_blight: I get that a lot Lazurus: but a porn addiction is nothing Lazurus: although if you cant not watch it every second you can then its a problem Izzy_blight: Yeah its a problem Lazurus: I say that and I'm on the hub rn xD Izzy_blight: My whole existence isa problem that needs to be solved with a bullet Izzy_blight: owo Lazurus: no Lazurus: just with slight medication ^OwO^ Izzy_blight: I need a therapist to go deep inside me Izzy_blight: And pull out Izzy_blight: my pain Lazurus: I really wouldn't like to talk about that Lazurus: and don't be Canadian and say sorry Izzy_blight: Then what do i say Sannkaed: the n word Izzy_blight: Oh Izzy_blight: Ok Izzy_blight: Nougat Lazurus: sure yeah idc I live in the deep south I hear it all the time Izzy_blight: Nig Izzy_blight: Nickel back Lazurus: that's what you were gonna say sure Izzy_blight: Yes :} Lazurus: mhm :P Izzy_blight: Me is cheap and easy Izzy_blight: I will show my ass to anyone Izzy_blight: Except jimmy Izzy_blight: He knows what he did Lazurus: I'm not even gonna dignify that with a idiotic remark Izzy_blight: Very suitable Hello46: Hey anyone on? Izzy_blight: I have no dignity Izzy_blight: Hello hello Hello46: Same Lazurus: same and yes hello hi Hello46: What’s up Izzy_blight: Jimmys dick Lazurus: not much just getting back from a break Izzy_blight: He looked at children Lazurus: proof Hello46: Nice nice I’m just waking up bored asf Izzy_blight: He said his dick was this big 🤏 Lazurus: sounds nice I wish I could sleep and damn that wont even go past my asscheeks Hello46: Lmaoooo Lazurus: Hello46: Not a communist nooooooo Izzy_blight: I thought i was gay i might be bi Izzy_blight: I've been thinking about cock lately Lazurus: yourself nahh Hello46: Oh? Lazurus: oh not what you meant and finally joining the cock loving club izz? Lazurus: about time Hello46: I’ve been thinking about pussy a lot lately but I’m a guy so Hello46: Lately is always Izzy_blight: I dont find guys attractive but i feel like i could take a cock Lazurus: heh that's what I said to reshawn I was wrong :P Izzy_blight: I want to suck dick so bad Izzy_blight: taste the cum Hello46: I wanna get my dick sucked lol Lazurus: hun your not missing much Izzy_blight: I cant tell if i actually want or if im just losing it Hello46: To be fair no one ever knows Izzy_blight: Im so tired i might be hallucinating. What's that purple girafe doing in here Izzy_blight: Wisdom Izzy_blight: teeth Lazurus: is it weird that I can taste my teeth Izzy_blight: I need to get my wisdom teeth out these mfs are going too hard Izzy_blight: Yes Hello46: I’ve never thought about it but maybe Hello46: Damn I got morning wood like nothin else Izzy_blight: Im staring into the abyss and it's staring back Izzy_blight: oh may I take care of that for you Hello46: Oh? Lazurus: I'm back what did I... Lazurus: NVM Izzy_blight: Sorry Hello46: Nan you good Izzy_blight: I want you to please my body Hello46: I’m down Izzy_blight: owo Lazurus: I'm gonna go deepthroat my exhaust pipe now Izzy_blight: No that s bad for your health wait Lazurus: fine I'll just sit on aa traffic cone then Izzy_blight: Can i lick it after youre done Lazurus: hwatthehuh Izzy_blight: Im a little bit crazy Lazurus: that's not crazy that's just excessive amounts of horny and no I'm licking it when I'm done >:( Izzy_blight: aw ;< Lazurus: I wonder what happens if a guy gets a uterus put in him and then accidentally gets pregnant Izzy_blight: The baby dies Lazurus: damn welp rip cousin Curtis Izzy_blight: Im sooblirerated but i always have energy for sex Izzy_blight: I need to be sexting with someone right now Lazurus: ok true sex is fun but I'd rather be tied up and left only to be surprised fucked by two random people Izzy_blight: Im such a worthless slut Izzy_blight: Oh i would not enjoy that Lazurus: is that a degradation kink coming out Izzy_blight: Stranger danger Lazurus: nah strangers are fun unless they have candy Izzy_blight: Actually i have a praise kink, the opposite. I just hate mysefl Izzy_blight: Oh yes Izzy_blight: the gentle touch of a pedophile uwu Lazurus: meh I've been with one of those they have too soft of hand I like a little pain Izzy_blight: I'm bare from the waist down and it feels good Lazurus: uh cool? Izzy_blight: I dont understand the appeal of rough sex but im not judging Izzy_blight: Sorry tmi Lazurus: yes tmi also I can't help but ask why you thought to share that information in the first place Izzy_blight: My horny ass could not function properly in society Izzy_blight: Idk just impulse Izzy_blight: Im borderline i have lack of self control Lazurus: ok ill give yaa that but you do have to work on that lmao Izzy_blight: Whatever i think come s out my mouth Izzy_blight: Ive been told that yes Lazurus: your using voice chat? 14:19:35Sunday, 26 May, 2024 Lazurus: still? Izzy_blight: I regret to inform you i will not be working on it Izzy_blight: Oh no im typing but i meant Izzy_blight: Like finger mouths Izzy_blight: Yes Lazurus: I know what you meant Izzy_blight: I am stupud idot Izzy_blight: Putruck Izzy_blight: spungylary Lazurus: I'm going to continue to try and be sfw because decency but its harder than the dick prodding my ass Izzy_blight: I self harm freqently Izzy_blight: I should calm down too im sorry Izzy_blight: Owo Lazurus: oh no your fine and same now anyways Izzy_blight: Oh no :{{ Izzy_blight: You need hugs.lots Izzy_blight: My little potato Izzy_blight: I would give you the hugs but i have violent physical and emotional reactions to physical contact Lazurus: laag is no fun :( Izzy_blight: Låg Izzy_blight: LáSZLó Izzy_blight: Wha Lazurus: how do you know about that Izzy_blight: wheream i Izzy_blight: About what Izzy_blight: I don' know anything except i know nothing Lazurus: laszlo how did you know about that Lazurus: I haven't told anyone about that Izzy_blight: I didn't Izzy_blight: Who is that Lazurus: oh ok then nvm Izzy_blight: Uhhh Izzy_blight: Now im concerned Izzy_blight: Im aory Lazurus: don't be its fine Izzy_blight: Im always concerned its my thing Izzy_blight: Jimmy is a fucked-up nasty fucking fuck. He's a danger to both himself and everyone who lives around him, especially children. His father had a really bad past and was abusive. He raped and beat Jimmy to a pulp and had Jimmy's dog killed in front of him. This caused him to take drugs and was the start of the beginning of his psychosis and delusions, the heroin addiction, violent tendencies, alcoholism, and mental problems. May he rot in a bed of wilted tulips, the sick fuck. Lazurus: nice copypste Izzy_blight: Thank you Izzy_blight: I had that one in reserve idk why i decided to use it now of all time s Izzy_blight: I just thought it was funnh Lazurus: well it was well timed Izzy_blight: I'm a dog Izzy_blight: Yay 😊 i did something right Izzy_blight: Alert the media Lazurus: uh I'll post it on Reddit ig Izzy_blight: im so lonely Izzy_blight: Yay yay yay Izzy_blight: Im gonna be a washed up celebrity Izzy_blight: Jimmy gave me some medicine and i went to sleep for a really long time and when i woke up my princess parts hurt 🤕 why is that Lazurus: oof me too Izzy_blight: Sad.we deserve better Izzy_blight: You deserve better. I deserve extermination Izzy_blight: Like Jonathan gigolino Lazurus: nah I deserve it too Izzy_blight: ;-< Lazurus: why did my gf text me that shes a cock addicted lesbian Lazurus: I mean I get I'm gay but damn I didn't know we both were Izzy_blight: I Izzy_blight: Ah Izzy_blight: I want to say something so bad but ij not gonna Lazurus: shes gonna get it for that one I'm pulling out next time and no horny *bonk* Lazurus: Iz you don't suffer from depression its suffers from you Izzy_blight: Yes im just that unbearable Lazurus: nah its just weak Izzy_blight: Well its kicking my butt pretty good so what does that say about me Lazurus: Lazurus: this is what that says Izzy_blight: Youre gosh darn right Izzy_blight: I wish i had value Izzy_blight: Im tired of being everyone elses toy Lazurus: lmao anyway fun talking to ya again I gtg see ya later Hun and smile every once in a while ok Izzy_blight: I have nothing to smile about these days Izzy_blight: Have a nice day Izzy_blight: Hope things look up for you Lazurus: nd I'm sorry to hear that but I really have to go cuz of family issues I'll be back later tho if you wanna chat Izzy_blight: Im sorry i hope it works out okay Izzy_blight: Im going to go to sleep funally 15:29:52Sunday, 26 May, 2024 Hello65: I’m horny 16:18:47Sunday, 26 May, 2024 Horny: Hey who’s on Horny: Anyone on rn? Horny: I wanna cum so bad Horny: Hey 17:29:02Sunday, 26 May, 2024 18:39:17Sunday, 26 May, 2024 Noggerdireinen: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 19:28:58Sunday, 26 May, 2024 Assfucking: YO BITCHES 21:16:08Sunday, 26 May, 2024 Assfucking: I HAVE A GIANT BLACK PUSSY ON MY LAP Assfucking: AWWWWW YEAH PURRING KITTY Handrollq: Can you shut up? Like obviously nobody cares Assfucking: hey sup? Assfucking: jk FUUUUUCCCKKKK YOOOOOOUUUUUU Assfucking: *dances* Assfucking: OH FUCK Assfucking: I CAN'T STOP PELVIC THRUSTING Assfucking: UNGH UNGH UNGH UNGH MY FUCKING DESK IS BOUNCING Assfucking: SOMEONE CALL 911 TELL THEM THE RHYTHM HAS ME Assfucking: MY MASSIVE CAWK Handrollq: Shut. Up. This is just sad. Assfucking: SUCK IT N00B Assfucking: NOBODY LIKES YOU Assfucking: i am beloved by millions Handrollq: I believe you have some value in this universe Assfucking: i have immense value Handrollq: why wasting here? Assfucking: i multitask :D Handrollq: my mom is your task? Assfucking: *buuuuuurp* Assfucking: cool story bruh lol Handrollq: you still multi-task into the void. Theres noone except me and you Assfucking: You don't know who is lurking Assfucking: you just presume the number is zero Handrollq: the fact that noone reacts makes it worthless. They will forget the next day Assfucking: THat presumes so many things Handrollq: ok how many ppl you think is lurking here if everyone is silent? 5 million? Assfucking: dunno it's an unknown Handrollq: this website is unknown to most Assfucking: true 5mil seems extreme lol Assfucking: I would guess like maybe a dozen? Dtrump: more like 3 Handrollq: so you put a show for 2 ppl. Bravo. Assfucking: somewhere between 3 and 12 seems a reasonable range to me Dtrump: 12 is too high Handrollq: 12? You think 12 can shut up and stare at your offensive gibberish? Assfucking: says you? Assfucking: based on what data? Assfucking: just your feeeeeewingS? Assfucking: *spits* Assfucking: to your feelings Handrollq: whats your data that ppl are staring? Assfucking: I don't have the data I SAID that I GUESS a dozen but that it is an UNKNOWN Handrollq: You assume we arent AIs. Based on your intuition Assfucking: all of that has ALREADY BEEN SAID you DUMMY Dtrump: oh there is? Dtrump: ais? Assfucking: so KEEP UP Assfucking: I assume this is reality and not a simulation yada yada fucking low IQ trash don't even try Assfucking: ugh Assfucking: UGH Assfucking: you people Handrollq: i say based on my experience that you have to be pathetic to stare in this site all day and being silent, which is a very low proportion of this world population. Assfucking: .....I mean Assfucking: I WISH I could agree with you there Assfucking: I really do Handrollq: its a game lobby chat. Not snapchat Assfucking: BUT Assfucking: I think most of the world is fr retarded Handrollq: not that desperate to go in this chat Handrollq: just you, me, dtrump going there everyday and thats it Assfucking: don't feign disinterest in this chat or relegate it to a low quality enterprise when you are here with me yapping away ;) Handrollq: why even caring? Go to some debate-forum if you care about high-quality-talk Assfucking: do yourself the favor of respecting your own choice if not mine LOL Handrollq: I have no choice but to respect you Assfucking: why thank you sir :) Handrollq: You have no valid data, yet you can weight all the collected data to a side, and right now no more than 2 are staring. Maybe a third player bumped here by accident but thats it Assfucking: occasionally I blurt out absurdities to relieve some odd inner sort of tension Assfucking: I always hope someone just builds on it LOL Handrollq: same Handrollq: the blurting absurdities-part by saying that theres no audience Handrollq: Assfucking got fucked by silence Assfucking: no sorry I am in a match lol Assfucking: Alt Tabbing back to other monitor Handrollq: as if anyone wants to match with a guy named "Assfucking". The standards are that low? Assfucking: Well I try to mix a combination of crude and crass exclamations with high sentence and philosophy Assfucking: I find the juxtaposition droll Handrollq: Touche Assfucking: I used to hand around the Azala Discord but there are a few for real pedos on there Assfucking: I didn't want to be on a watchlist Assfucking: *hang around Handrollq: As I said, pathetic Assfucking: Yeah overall I found the several hundred people in that Discord to be of low character Assfucking: I could feel my IQ dropping by the day Assfucking: speaking of Assfucking: *bong hit* Handrollq: I bet your parents doesnt know of this place. And so your doctor testing your IQ Assfucking: My parents are really old Assfucking: in their 70s I am also not young lol Handrollq: Do they spread the truth about Vietnam War or followed their orders? Assfucking: hah as if my Dad was butch enough for Vietnam dude's a failed poet Handrollq: a democrat? Assfucking: yeah :( Handrollq: We all do mistakes Assfucking: I come from the bottom lol Handrollq: do you have any favorite philosopher? 22:25:31Sunday, 26 May, 2024 Dtrump: stalin Assfucking: hmmmm probably Hume Assfucking: Hume and Kant are tough to get around Assfucking: Hume's Fork, Critique of Pure reason etc Assfucking: Rawls is a good modern guy, Veil of Ignorance is his big claim to fame Handrollq: Billy Dunaway and Michael Pendlebury for defining realism, Aristotle & Plato for their influence Handrollq: i am just new in philosophy Assfucking: An Idiot's Guide to Philosophy isn't a bad start Assfucking: or anything like that Assfucking: IMO the fine details aren't super important it's the big ideas, the gist Assfucking: knowing that is enough Assfucking: read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance once you are up to it Allrise: I will prob never grasp it 100% through Assfucking: don't need to Handrollq: Handrollq: Checkmate Kant. Assfucking: like nobody READS Kant you read summaries of his ideas lol Assfucking: his writing is awful Handrollq: thats kinda sad if you think about it Handrollq: but yeah I heard that too about his writings Assfucking: engh I mean academics in the Humanities have always like to write in high sentence so he is part of a tradition Assfucking: but yeah I hate that tradition Assfucking: my Bachelor's Thesis was on exactly that lol Handrollq: but Kant is also against practical reason too? Assfucking: so in a broader view I recommend gathering wisdom from many different sources Assfucking: I disagree with Kant on some things Handrollq: Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason attempts to change the study of metaphysics and philosophy by altering how philosophers view the world. Instead of asking how the mind conforms to the objects around it, Kant wondered how the objects conform to the nature of the mind.20.03.2023 Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant | Summary & Analysis Handrollq: Kant wrote so much, ofc ppl will disagree on some Assfucking: Philosophy has been a human enterprise for thousands of years and certain people have manifested ideas that have proven to be indispensable chapterheads in the timeline of the discipline Handrollq: but they were dispensable Hello19: It's so quiet Handrollq: maybe because you ignore discenters Assfucking: Love him or hate him Kant's Categorical Imperative is a powerful idea with weighty logic behind it Assfucking: as is Hume's more destructively playful ideas like the Fork Hello19: Huh? Handrollq: so is Socrates method of discussion if I recall it right Assfucking: the Socratic Method of asking lots of clarifying and leading questions rather than dictating truth Assfucking: knowing the names of the people associated with first saying or writing down the idea isn't nearly as important as knowing the idea lol Handrollq: I imagined it more of a dialectic from claims to objections and the last objection is the most valid one like in Assfucking: knowing the name of the person is great for showing off but the worth comes from knowing the ideas Handrollq: true Handrollq: how would you determine teh "winner" in a debate? Assfucking: well a dialectic is not a debate lol Handrollq: its a discourse or not? an exchage of two opposing things? Assfucking: no no a debate involves RHETORIC Assfucking: such as appeals to emotion Dtrump: arthymic Assfucking: a dialectic involves the stripping away of those emotional elements to just the facts of the matter and logic Assfucking: so in a sense the debate and the dialectic are polar opposite endeavors Handrollq: which is what Wikipedia-debates and Wikiversity tries to do? Handrollq: a debate is 2 ppl arguing, yet it can be more objective Assfucking: well anything calling itself a debate and being televised with a podium and audience is obviously NOT a dialectic Assfucking: regardless of what they say it is LOL Assfucking: dialectics are few and far between these days sadly Handrollq: you dont think debate can lead to truth? Assfucking: it certainly CAN Assfucking: because truth is persuasive Assfucking: but so are appeals to emotion Assfucking: which cloud reason Assfucking: so it's a less ideal environment for seeking truth than a dialectic Handrollq: Which is why we need to set rules to be more evidence-based Assfucking: debates are more for entertainment of a higher intellectual order Assfucking: a debate is a high IQ version of a roast session amongst some homies LOL Handrollq: Debates are good for confronting opposite views imo in direct honest way. Whats the betetr alternative for debate? Handrollq: were debating right now Assfucking: no this isn't a debate because there are no rules no points and no known for sure audience LOL Assfucking: and we are in agreement :D Handrollq: there are intuitive rules Handrollq: hm Assfucking: this is a metadiscussion about conversations ethics and debate vs dialectic Handrollq: I respect your comprehension in this meta-non-debate Assfucking: if we were both in front of podiums with timers and an audience then I wouldn't need someone to tell me that we were debating Handrollq: but discussion. Yet we disagree on the importance of debate I guess Assfucking: the context would be clear but here the context is the opposite of that so to me that is also clear :) Handrollq: we dont need a timer for a debate Handrollq: its a very loose debate Assfucking: well most debates have a timer otherwise people talk over each other Assfucking: and it's like CNN's old show Crossfire Assfucking: which pretended to be a debate show but really was Jerry Springer with academics Handrollq: a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward and which usually ends with a vote. Handrollq: the 2. definition is:"argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner. " Handrollq: its informal so youre right Assfucking: well more formal debates tend to have a topic and they poll the audience at the start of the event and at the end of it to compare which side swayed the audience more Assfucking: sometimes they allow some free for all back and forth as well as timed statements Assfucking: it's all a giant trust me story we don't know if people are telling the truth in the polls but it's the best we can do at that level anyways Assfucking: until we have lie detectors that are 100% infallible lol Handrollq:,%2Fd%C9%AA%CB%88be%C9%AAt%2F,first%20ever%20televised%20presidential%20debate : 1. formal discussion 2. "an argument or a discussion expressing different opinions" Handrollq: so your claim is more authoritative than mine, yet any discussion in the second definition is a debate like this Assfucking: So this is a pretty formal debate with a stated topic that one side is for and one side is against with audience polling before and after Assfucking: timed sides etc Assfucking: pretty standard and VERY worth watching IMO Handrollq: And I used the word "debate" differently. My bad. next time I say discussion Dtrump: gay Handrollq: you know a journalist is bad when they lose an university debate Assfucking: I dunno there are some smart kids in Uni still among all the snowflakes Assfucking: some journos are morons Handrollq: I forgot which one yet he disbelieves the Y2K-bug despite linux-developers saying its real Handrollq: idk about 9/11 through. I think its real and the result of US security's incompetence of easily hijacking airplanes Assfucking: I love the conspiracy guys lol Handrollq: it was just one guy. but yeah Handrollq: what does "Pure Reason" mean for Kant? 23:24:03Sunday, 26 May, 2024 Unableabilities: OH FUCK 00:34:19Monday, 27 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: SpongeBob Rain69: Hey Izzy_blight: Hey everybody it's me Dr. Jimmy Rain69: Hi Izzy_blight: Hi how is your day 01:44:35Monday, 27 May, 2024 Generic: its k Generic: its ok.. Eatshiteatmyshityoufuck: Evening all 02:54:52Monday, 27 May, 2024 Eatshiteatmyshityoufuck: Only public game is in immigrant Eatshiteatmyshityoufuck: Which I don’t speak :( Izzy_blight: все хорошо будет 04:05:09Monday, 27 May, 2024 05:15:27Monday, 27 May, 2024 06:25:44Monday, 27 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Aaa Daddy_risk: yo yo Daddy_risk: guess who high and drunk Izzy_blight: Hopefully nobody Daddy_risk: meeeee nigga Daddy_risk: i been smokin and drinkin all night Daddy_risk: hows jimmy? Izzy_blight: :( Daddy_risk: about 2 hours Izzy_blight: Hes great he has lots of kids Daddy_risk: had to get the alc frst Daddy_risk: zzy_blight: Hes great he has lots of kids Daddy_risk: k Daddy_risk: ik Izzy_blight: He found a job at a daycare somehow Daddy_risk: damn thats crazy Izzy_blight: Im sure its only a matter of time before he gets caught Izzy_blight: again Daddy_risk: caught? Daddy_risk: he rapin those kids? Izzy_blight: Of course Izzy_blight: What else would he do Daddy_risk: idk eat them like dahmer Izzy_blight: Oh he does that too Dtrump: gay Izzy_blight: Sometimes after the rape Izzy_blight: Yes he is gay Daddy_risk: damn well im w my boi Dtrump: does raping make you gay Daddy_risk: ye Daddy_risk: fs Izzy_blight: Does being raped make you gay Daddy_risk: if you like it Daddy_risk: ye Daddy_risk: gn tho Izzy_blight: have a good time. But not too good 07:22:49Monday, 27 May, 2024 N3rdcandy2: I hope you dont like it too much 07:24:39Monday, 27 May, 2024 07:30:06Monday, 27 May, 2024 07:44:35Monday, 27 May, 2024 (anon): Wsg Rain69: Better (anon): die 09:07:40Monday, 27 May, 2024 Papastonks: lasjfsdhfdslöfjasö Papastonks: aslöfjsaölf Papastonks: asjfasäfkjlösa Papastonks: asdkföasljf Morixx: Nigga Dtrump: bimbo Izzy_blight: How I've failed but oh how I tried Izzy_blight: Experiencing Jimmy is like taking LSD while schizophrenic and having been hit on the head Rain69: Hey Izzy_blight: Good evening 🌃 Rain69: Hi izzy Dtrump: oh shit Rain69: Hi trump Izzy_blight: Hi everybody I'm Dr. Nick 12:24:14Monday, 27 May, 2024 12:47:53Monday, 27 May, 2024 12:50:49Monday, 27 May, 2024 14:42:01Monday, 27 May, 2024 Chimera08: pp Chimera08: i want cheese Chimera08: does anyone have cheese Chimera08: i wasnt cheeeeeeeeeeese Skiduz: You never were cheese 15:27:09Monday, 27 May, 2024 16:52:24Monday, 27 May, 2024 17:46:27Monday, 27 May, 2024 17:52:10Monday, 27 May, 2024 17:54:05Monday, 27 May, 2024 Carmannn: keiiiiii!!!! 17:56:10Monday, 27 May, 2024 17:57:18Monday, 27 May, 2024 Rain69: Hi 18:08:44Monday, 27 May, 2024 18:22:41Monday, 27 May, 2024 18:36:38Monday, 27 May, 2024 18:50:36Monday, 27 May, 2024 19:04:35Monday, 27 May, 2024 19:18:32Monday, 27 May, 2024 19:32:29Monday, 27 May, 2024 19:46:26Monday, 27 May, 2024 Carmannn: . Carmannn: anyone online? 20:00:23Monday, 27 May, 2024 Tensao: Risks of using chat rooms Despite their many benefits, chat rooms can also present some risks to users, including: Online harassment: Some users may use chat rooms to harass or bully others. Inappropriate content: Chat rooms may contain explicit or inappropriate content. Unreliable information: The information shared in chat rooms may not always be accurate or reliable. Sauron440: Hi Izzy_blight: chat rooms can also present some risks to users, including: Pedophilia: Some users may have a sexual fixation on children and use chat rooms to solicit or groom vulnerable minors. 20:14:20Monday, 27 May, 2024 20:28:17Monday, 27 May, 2024 20:42:14Monday, 27 May, 2024 20:56:13Monday, 27 May, 2024 21:10:13Monday, 27 May, 2024 21:24:12Monday, 27 May, 2024 21:38:10Monday, 27 May, 2024 21:52:07Monday, 27 May, 2024 22:06:04Monday, 27 May, 2024 22:20:04Monday, 27 May, 2024 22:34:01Monday, 27 May, 2024 22:48:01Monday, 27 May, 2024 23:01:59Monday, 27 May, 2024 23:15:59Monday, 27 May, 2024 23:29:56Monday, 27 May, 2024 23:43:56Monday, 27 May, 2024 23:57:53Monday, 27 May, 2024 00:11:53Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 00:25:50Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 00:39:48Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 00:53:42Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 01:07:42Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 01:21:39Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 01:35:38Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 01:49:35Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 02:03:35Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 02:17:32Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 02:31:32Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Gingerbreadman: Bro Gingerbreadman: Who's on 02:45:29Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 02:59:26Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 03:13:24Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Milo_khaar: hi marty Partin: hello there Partin: hee hee I added you to my friend list Milo_khaar: Maybe I will just make a list in like google docs or something and send it to you and you can pick the best ones Partin: ok that makes sense to me Partin: you doing anything thursday night? we should hang and spitball 03:27:24Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 03:41:22Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 03:55:21Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 (anon): Heyo 04:09:19Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 04:23:18Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 04:37:15Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 04:51:12Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 05:05:09Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 05:19:09Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Hello19: Hello 05:33:06Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 (anon): H (anon): I 05:47:03Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: h 06:01:00Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 06:14:57Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 06:28:54Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 06:42:52Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 06:56:48Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 07:10:48Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 07:24:48Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 07:38:46Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 07:52:43Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 08:06:43Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 08:20:40Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 08:34:37Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 08:48:35Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 09:02:32Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 09:16:29Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 09:30:27Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 09:44:25Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 09:58:25Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 10:12:25Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 10:26:25Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 10:40:22Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 10:54:22Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 11:08:22Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 11:22:22Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 11:36:19Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 11:50:18Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Treasure_cat: c/ 12:04:16Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 12:18:15Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 12:32:12Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 12:46:11Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Gay as fuck in a good way 14:25:51Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 14:38:59Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: NIGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAA Rouge_killer: IN Rouge_killer: MY Rouge_killer: PANTS 14:52:07Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Black ops 47 15:05:17Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 16:14:21Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 16:28:21Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 16:42:19Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Rain69: ,kcidhveruhgre 16:56:16Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Treasure_cat: Why cant nothing be fair Treasure_cat: at all Rain69: I did smth stupid Minol14: Ask the guy called reality Floofochonk: Hey Fuckass1: e Fuckass1: hi Fuckass1: Anyone hereee Fuckass1: Anyone? 17:42:56Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Inker275: Treasure_cat: Hellooo Inker275: ... Treasure_cat: Why are u acting like this againnn Treasure_cat: u said u wouldnt Treasure_cat: nothing was your fault Inker275: please dont take this shit here Fuckass1: anyone here (anon): no Redii_17: hey (anon): Hey (anon): Hii Fuckass1: hello Fuckass1: Im so bored Treasure_cat: Hi 18:16:45Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 18:30:42Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 (anon): hi 18:44:41Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 18:58:38Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 (anon): Hi (anon): Inky.. are u here (anon): no (anon): leave me alone i already said im leaving (anon): Can i at least say that i love you.. (anon): no (anon): Believe it, dont believe it, i love you (anon): Just remember that.. (anon): okay, i probably wont (anon): Do i not mean anything to you? Stardust12: whats going on? (anon): im just fucking pissed off (anon): Im not giving up on you, i wont (anon): I dont want to :( (anon): today was by far one of the worst days of my entire life Stardust12: same... (anon): Same here (anon): Im crying.. Stardust12: nobody ever listens to me Stardust12: so am i (anon): i can see why (anon): like i see why no one listens to you (anon): im being brutally harsh (anon): :( Stardust12: people dont care abt me being upset Stardust12: i want to die (anon): Same (anon): suicide is looking pretty nice right now (anon): i already have a set of knifes to choose from (anon): i might kill myself if i dont act like a pussy again Stardust12: oh (anon): Yk what, no, suicide isnt he fuckign answer, we need to move on (anon): how can we move on if this happens EVERY FUCKING TIME SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS (anon): Maybe if youll let me help you, and not leave (anon): how can i not leave (anon): i hate talking to people when im upset Stardust12: oh (anon): thats one reason why im pissed off right now (anon): is because im talking to you two (anon): Why dont u go home and rest, and see what happens tmrw? (anon): new day (anon): probably not Stardust12: i just woke up from a nap and i saw ppl talking shit abt me in a game on this website (anon): Enough (anon): this needs to stop (anon): i hate my life (anon): my bus is here (anon): again, might kill myself (anon): dont expect me here tomorrow Stardust12: ok (anon): i love thinking about killing myself Stardust12: idfk Stardust12: maybe i should kms so yall dont have to deal with my shit anymore (anon): yeah same Stardust12: i deserve to be upset.. (anon): same (anon): bye guys (anon): Im going fucking end it all, and yall wont care anyways (anon): see yall in hell Stardust12: bye... Coughmear: The most mentally stable ppl are in Stardust12: oh (anon): anyone here? 19:51:06Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Stardust12: ig.... Stardust12: i hate my life Stardust12: death feels nice Aurelia_80: rel i guess Stardust12: i've cut myself before it was painful but worth it Stardust12: i deserve it... 20:05:04Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Stardust12: i really do 20:11:12Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Coughmear: azala-lobby-chat VS Omegle 2023 20:12:59Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Aurelia_80: HUH Stardust12: shit im in a public chat what have i fucking done Stardust12: im a idiot (anon): for an hour Dtrump: dumbass Stardust12: fuck Stardust12: im so stupid Dtrump: drama goblin Stardust12: leave me alone Stardust12: im not in the best mood rn and ur making it worse (anon): You came here to escape a bad mood? Are you dull as tree bark? Amongus: AMONG US Stardust12: maybe i am Stardust12: because people hate me (anon): You named yourself star dust, i see why. 12 as in your age? Stardust12: idk whats going on with me the internet has just been causing me distress Stardust12: im 15 Stardust12: ive had 12 in my username for 3 years (anon): Makes sense. So why are you here? What ails your mind? Stardust12: i was in a server earlier and theres was a whole argument and i didnt realize the game ended and now im here... embarassing myself Dtrump: sucks to suck Der_kleine_timmy: hey humans, aliens annnd lizardmen Der_kleine_timmy: Dtrump, i see you often here Dtrump: I be (anon): How didn't you realize it ended? Dtrump: there new (anon): One would think so, yes, but Stardust here mentioned that they had their username since 12 (anon): Which was 3 years ago, assuming they are in fact 15 Dtrump: there account has no stats (anon): I have not a clue as to what that means but I'm guessing it hints towards a fresh account Dtrump: oh thought you were here before Mcnasty: Hey, hows everyone doing Amongus: Public Gamecode for Among Us: NMKLGF 22:20:37Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 -error-v Vulpix_axel: Boo. Djshrimpdick: oikjhgfd Vulpix_axel: … Djshrimpdick: kjhgfr Vulpix_axel: Ansh Vulpix_axel: Huh- Vulpix_axel: Ahhshss Vulpix_axel: AHHHHH Cerisecow: I hate 22:46:25Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 Stardust12: im fine now Handballs: I love how noone asked (anon): whats going on here? -error-^ 00:33:17Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Carmannn: AXELLLLL Carmannn: POOKSSSS Carmannn: GUESS WHATTTTTT Carmannn: AXELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Carmannn: YOU WANNA VAPE???? Carmannn: BC JULIAN HAS 5 OF THEMMMMMMM Carmannn: :] Carmannn: i didnt take my meds Rain69: Hi Carmannn: :]]]]]]] Carmannn: HIIIIIIIII Rain69: Oh hey carman Carmannn: IM HYPER RN Rain69: i can tall Rain69: im Not Rain69: i got yelled at for cutting my hair Carmannn: I DRANK 4 CUPS OF COFFEE Rain69: I had a nos and half a c2 Rain69: c4* Carmannn: ???? Rain69: Energy drinks Carmannn: damnnnnnnnnnn Carmannn: AXELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Carmannn: I HAVE YOUR CHILD Carmannn: THE ASHES CAMEEEEEE Carmannn: :] Rain69: Oop Carmannn: what? Rain69: Kinda forgot bot Jordan Carmannn: L Carmannn: he dead Rain69: Wompwomp Carmannn: he died Carmannn: REALLL Carmannn: :]]] Rain69: he was ur brother bro Carmannn: ik Carmannn: he also did some unthinkable shit Carmannn: sooooooooooo Rain69: L Carmannn: real Dtrump: fake fake Carmannn: nuh-uh Carmannn: gay Rain69: Hi Trump Carmannn: KIE, REMEMBER THE QUOTE WE MADE OF TRUMP Rain69: Yea Carmannn: kei* Rain69: Got new ones u should check em out Carmannn: :]]]]] those were the good old days Carmannn: ooooooo, i should, lol Rain69: 😒 Carmannn: what? Rain69: Idk Carmannn: lol Carmannn: THE CHILD IS CRYINGGGG Rain69: trump likes minore Rain69: Minors Carmannn: I KNEW ITTTT Rain69: Lol Rain69: trump is also trans Rcnegative: This chat is dead and retarded like my dog lol Rcnegative: I hate 01:43:55Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 02:06:05Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 02:20:02Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 02:33:59Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 (anon): Hi (anon): anybody on? 02:47:58Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Jimmy is (anon): I forget who jimmy is Izzy_blight: My uncle (anon): Oh Izzy_blight: He touched me inappropriately several times (anon): No offense to him but jimmy is a goofy ass name Izzy_blight: Ikr (anon): nvm lots of offense to him Izzy_blight: Lmao Izzy_blight: Hope he rots in hell (anon): Yeah (anon): but Wdym he’s onlinr Izzy_blight: His consciousness was uploaded to the websites mainframe Izzy_blight: He can see everything (anon): Does he still touch you Izzy_blight: Yes (anon): If yah don’t mind what’s the most recent Izzy_blight: About 2 seconds ago (anon): WHAT (anon): WTF HAPPENED Izzy_blight: He grabbed my handle (anon): Wait your dick? 03:01:55Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: No my carrying handle, im a suitcase (anon): Dam . (anon): O Izzy_blight: Im mentally unstable (anon): I can tell (anon): I am too Izzy_blight: Thank you Izzy_blight: Yay yay yay Izzy_blight: Can we be friends (anon): 2(@5S 69743 ;@:3 Izzy_blight: I agree (anon): No goofy I asked what your name is Izzy_blight: Ohh sorry my Sugondese is rusty (anon): 😑 Izzy_blight: I'm Isabel but you can call me Jonathan Gigolino (anon): WhAtS a SuGoNdEsE Izzy_blight: Sugondese nuts 🥜 Izzy_blight: *laugh track* (anon): NoOoOoOoOoOoOoO (anon): where are you from Izzy_blight: Hehe. Im canadian Izzy_blight: unfortunately (anon): Guess where I’m from (sadly not candada) Izzy_blight: Venezuela (anon): YOURE RIGHT (not really I’m from American) Izzy_blight: Yay i got it wrong 🥳 Izzy_blight: Cheeseburger land Dtrump: gay (anon): Frrrr (anon): wait what (anon): im not gay 03:15:52Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Are you from Florida (anon): Nah (anon): im from North Dakota lmao (anon): Boring as hell here Izzy_blight: Oh thank goodness (anon): Y lol Izzy_blight: I was afraid you were a crazy methhead (anon): lol Izzy_blight: Like my uncle Jimmy (anon): fair enough (anon): random side note you single? (anon): sokething made me think abt it (anon): idk what tvh Izzy_blight: Of course, with my personality nobody would ever want me (anon): You don’t seem that bad lol Izzy_blight: I am despicable Izzy_blight: me Izzy_blight: I have cum to Despicable Me 25 times at least. God told me to (anon): Nfnrororodd (anon): d (anon): d (anon): d (anon): e (anon): d (anon): . (anon): d (anon): d (anon): d (anon): d Izzy_blight: David 03:29:51Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 03:43:48Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 03:57:46Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 (anon): Cumquat Izzy_blight: Cuming inside me (anon): Naughty squash 04:11:44Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Squashed children in a bus accident on the highway (anon): Squashed like our dreams. He's dead, she's dead, I wish I was dead Izzy_blight: Indeed Izzy_blight: Sounds like something Michael would say (anon): Have you ever put a thumb tick in a pee hole (anon): Did you kill him too Izzy_blight: Yes and yes Izzy_blight: I miss him (anon): Ouchie (anon): Did he suffer Izzy_blight: Definitely Izzy_blight: more than any of us Izzy_blight: Sadly (anon): I don't believe you Izzy_blight: I don't even know who you are 04:25:43Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 (anon): I am the dread king. Hail Elden. How has Michael suffered under your thumb tick Izzy_blight: Ah yes Izzy_blight: Terribly Izzy_blight: There were multiple thumb tacks Izzy_blight: It was a vicious display of human callousness and brutality (anon): Ouchie 04:39:40Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Generic: 17 im makin figures (anon): Are you? 04:53:37Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 05:07:34Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 05:21:32Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Å 05:35:28Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 05:49:26Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 06:03:24Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh, wonderful. I managed to make it here. Izzy_blight: You're alive Izzy_blight: but unfortunately here Izzy_blight: What happened Ishipwillowandhunter: Discord is unavailable to me right now. I missed you. When? 3 hours ago? This morning? Yesterday? Izzy_blight: God. Maybe it's better if I don't know Izzy_blight: We can talk about it if you want to but I doubt you do Izzy_blight: I've been worried Izzy_blight: I'm just glad you're alive i guess Ishipwillowandhunter: I know, and I am so so sorry. I tried, I did. I came to you as soon as I could. Im sorry if I seem abrasive. Im just irritated that this device is glitching and my body aches. I'm not sure what to say but im willing to answer any questions you have Dtrump: stupid gay drama Izzy_blight: I don't know what questions to ask. I'm worried i'll probably ask the wrong ones Izzy_blight: Yes trump that was usually happens here Ishipwillowandhunter: No, no gay issues this time. There are no wrong questions love, ask whatever comes to mind Izzy_blight: My brain is going really fast all of a sudden yet its going nowhere. Im sorry Ishipwillowandhunter: :( I'm sorry Izzy_blight: Well of course the biggest question i have is where youve been the last... what, 3? 4? days? Idk i assume lots of unspeakable things have happened Izzy_blight: Im lagging Izzy_blight: Im sorry for everything that happened 06:17:23Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: I was last on Wednesday of last week. I've been at home, with no devices. Nothing bit my thoughts to keep me company. It's okay baby. Izzy_blight: I don't keep track of the day s, time is mostly irrelevant to me. But that sounds like a while ago. God im sorry Ishipwillowandhunter: Nearly a week and I know what you mean, the days have no substance as long as you count out pains body Dtrump: always fighting never sloving Izzy_blight: We dont fight that much anymore. Mostly it was because of this place that we used to fight nearly every day Izzy_blight: Ive been spending too much time here again since you were gone Izzy_blight: Ive done things i regret Izzy_blight: Im sorry Ishipwillowandhunter: Things? Ishipwillowandhunter: It's alright love. I've done things I regret too Izzy_blight: fuck Ishipwillowandhunter: Not cutting. Eventually the emotional pain becomes so strong that physical pain doesn't do anything 06:31:20Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Dtrump: gay Izzy_blight: God damn it Izzy_blight: I can't even imagine what Izzy_blight: I hate lag. Fucking thing sucks Izzy_blight: Everything suxks Ishipwillowandhunter: I can't disagree old friend. I'm gonna have to do it eventually, I realize. I have few options Izzy_blight: Sorry. I Izzy_blight: You Izzy_blight: Wait what Izzy_blight: No Izzy_blight: No no no no Izzy_blight: Fuck Izzy_blight: I'm can't even put words together they're like a puzzle that i lost 98% of the pieces for Ishipwillowandhunter: Come on love. I've been saying it for a long time. Im getting close to that point where I have no other choice Izzy_blight: No Izzy_blight: Fuck that Izzy_blight: There's always a choice Izzy_blight: Every second is ripe with infinite posibility 06:45:18Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: I could make a series of choices in this very moment that could fix a lot of things were i so inclined Ishipwillowandhunter: That's true, but there are only minor deviations of each variation of each possibility. It gets to the point where you can compact them into a single option, they're so similar Dtrump: minors? Ishipwillowandhunter: Could you now? I suppose that's where me and you differ. I am backed up against a wall. I have nowhere to go Izzy_blight: It's getting hard to breathe my hands are shaking and words dont exust Izzy_blight: Why dont they exist Ishipwillowandhunter: I learned plenty and forgot more Izzy_blight: I dont know what that means Izzy_blight: I just want this to stop Izzy_blight: It's like a nightmare but we're all wide awake Izzy_blight: What the fuck Ishipwillowandhunter: Me too. I'm sorry sweet girl. None of this was earned. Our pain isn't deserved. I think we need to stop asking why. Love always has reason, hate and cruelty are free floating, wandering evils. Dtrump: moises Izzy_blight: I'd ask what i did to deserve this but i know everything i did. I thaunts me every day Izzy_blight: You nothing. No deserve. I want to kill this. This corrupted life Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm an addict to the pain. Because without it, I know nothing amd the absence of everything is scarier Izzy_blight: I think... i understand that. I wish you didn't have to 06:59:15Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: I wish it more than anything in this world Ishipwillowandhunter: I know baby. I'm sorry. The universe has been cruel, teaching us it's worst commonalities and none of the good ones Izzy_blight: We were never going to have easy life, things were against us from the start but it's gotten so much harder than any of us could have expected Ishipwillowandhunter: I want to see my dad panic when I ask him why as blood drips from my fingertips. I want to dare him to get angry Dtrump: angry midget Izzy_blight: Christ Izzy_blight: My baby Izzy_blight: Why did it have to happen like this Izzy_blight: This cang Ishipwillowandhunter: I used to wake up from nightmares relieved. Now I wake up from them, sun on my face, and I beg them to take me back. They have substance that unfamiliarity brings. Izzy_blight: My soul Izzy_blight: I need to speak so many words but what can i say Ishipwillowandhunter: I need to try and make you understand Ishipwillowandhunter: I need to try and understand Izzy_blight: I need to sa 07:13:12Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Im approaching a complete breakdown. Once there i will either no longer be able to say a single word or i'll say way too much Ishipwillowandhunter: You know I don't want to, right? I don't crave death because it's appealing, or because I have any abstract convictions that it'll be nice. Have you seen the falling man, the rumoured men that fell from the Twin Towers the day the planes struck? Ishipwillowandhunter: They jumped, not because they wanted to. But because the glass shattering around them, the concrete crumbling beneath their feet, the fires lapping at their heels lead a greater fear than talking did. Ishipwillowandhunter: The fall, the height didn't become any less terrifying. It was just overlapped by the fear of being crushed beneath a 30 story building Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't desire Death's grip. It just seems the better option. Izzy_blight: I don't want to die. Thats a lie. I know that deep down. I want this life to mean something. It still can. But i often feel like I'd rather die than live in this twisted world Izzy_blight: I don't want to exist in a world where these things have happened Dtrump: douchebag Ishipwillowandhunter: I get that. The events of our past stain our present and it makes it harder to bear Izzy_blight: It's just too much Izzy_blight: But it doesn't have to always be like this Izzy_blight: Are we really going to do this? Do we really think it's necessary Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't know what you're saying. I have no choice but to live with "this" Dtrump: douchefag Izzy_blight: Things cannot be reversed. But they don't have to define you Ishipwillowandhunter: They don't define me. I am made up not only of what I am but of what I want and can never be. That is why I seek the great consolation of death Dtrump: made up of fibers Izzy_blight: I'm starting to lose control but i can't Izzy_blight: Not now 07:27:10Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm tired and my body is spasming. I keep involuntarily dropping this Izzy_blight: There are so many things you can still have. A permanent solution is not the answer to a temporary problem. But I'm sure you know that Izzy_blight: I hate that. Fuck. Okay keep it together Izzy_blight: Shit im starting to blank again i lost my train of thought Izzy_blight: Not now brain dont you fucking do this to me keep thinking you piece of shit Ishipwillowandhunter: No. I don't mean for permanence. I want to grasp the edge and pull myself up. I know how close I am to a hospital. I know how long it'd take me to bleed out Izzy_blight: There are so many things I wish you didn't have to know Izzy_blight: Things i wish i didn't have to know Dtrump: secerts Izzy_blight: A little learning is a dangerous thing Izzy_blight: I'm getting distracted Ishipwillowandhunter: Distraction Osgood. I can't raise my arm. Gonna pass out. Sorry darling Izzy_blight: I guess at least you're not taking the worst possible option . I hope. I'm running out of words again Izzy_blight: Im mentally backed into a corner and I can tell im going to be there for a while. Seorry. Rest well please Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm not. I'm not gonna die. I have a will. One most don't. Goodnight honey Izzy_blight: My legs feel like jelly Izzy_blight: Yes you do Izzy_blight: Strongest person i know Izzy_blight: It's not a good night but i hope tomorrow is better Izzy_blight: J love you 07:41:07Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: I can't remember the last good night. Or day. Or minute. Or second Dtrump: die harder Izzy_blight: That is a great name for a die hard sequel Izzy_blight: I'm sure somebody's used it 07:55:04Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 08:09:03Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 08:23:00Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 08:36:59Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 08:50:57Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 (anon): dick Headshu: (anon): random side note you single? (anon): sokething made me think abt it (anon): idk what tvh Izzy_blight: Of course, with my personality nobody would ever want me (anon): You don’t seem that bad lol - most sneaking rizz 09:45:49Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Dtrump: yeah kind of weird 09:57:08Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 (anon): sigh... Izzy_blight: :< Stardust12: ive been in a bad mood for 2 days in a row Izzy_blight: same except 2 years in a row Izzy_blight: Sorry about that hope things get better for you Stardust12: oh :( Stardust12: same for u Izzy_blight: Oh no chance of that Stardust12: oh... Izzy_blight: It is what it is Izzy_blight: You seem nice. Can we be friends Stardust12: sure Izzy_blight: Yay Izzy_blight: I don't have any friends Izzy_blight: Jimmy ate them Dtrump: ew Izzy_blight: Yeah it was pretty nasty but that's the business Izzy_blight: They knew what they signed up for Stardust12: i recently got diagnosed with depression Stardust12: at the doctors office Izzy_blight: Oh dear Izzy_blight: I am sorry to hear that Dtrump: I got you bitch Stardust12: uhm what? Izzy_blight: Idk, trump is spontaneous but we love him Dtrump: you know me stardust Stardust12: Ik Stardust12: U saw me yesterday Dtrump: on what account Stardust12: this acc Stardust12: i completely embarassed myself yesterday Izzy_blight: 😳 Stardust12: i was acting so negative on here for an hour without realizing this is a public chat Izzy_blight: Oh i do that all the time, trump hates it Stardust12: I can tell that he hates it Izzy_blight: He's a big boy. Im sorry for your negative feelings Stardust12: its fine... i mean Stardust12: idk anymore Izzy_blight: It's not fine. not much is these days Stardust12: same Stardust12: the internet and irl has been causing me distress Izzy_blight: The ocean is full of plastic and my pants are full of my uncles hands Izzy_blight: Me too. Im really really sorry Stardust12: i think i need a mental break... Izzy_blight: Take a vacation to the Bahamas for a week Izzy_blight: Catch some crabs Mcnasty: That sounds fun ngl Izzy_blight: Fun in the sun 😎 Izzy_blight: Like I had with Jimmy's mom last week Mcnasty: Mood Stardust12: the last two days where the worst days of my life... Stardust12: im going somehwere today anyways and i hope nothing bad happens Izzy_blight: Hope not. Super duper sorry Stardust12: and im getting a new phone too Izzy_blight: Nokia phones are the best Stardust12: I had samsungs all my life Izzy_blight: You could run over a Nokia with a semi truck and the truck would fall apart Stardust12: oooo Izzy_blight: Those phones will be the only thing that survives the apocalypse Stardust12: reak Stardust12: real Stardust12: brb Stardust12: yea ppl are so mean to me Izzy_blight: people are terrible. Especially here Zelenne: If theres no internet, what will you use? Izzy_blight: A gun Izzy_blight: On jimmy Zelenne: not radio? Inker275: i hate my life Izzy_blight: Don't have a radio, my dad had one but I don't know where it went Izzy_blight: oh I'm sorry what's wrong Inker275: everything Inker275: one of my friends are being a bitch because my boyfriend cant baby me Izzy_blight: Oh no Inker275: and some other shit idfk Inker275: might kill myself later Treasure_cat: hi Izzy_blight: Wowser Inker275: might either strangle myself or starve myself to death Inker275: if you have any other ideas, please suggest them to me Zelenne: but the benefit with radios are that they are cheap, easy to use and you can always catch informative waves compare to Internet and TV especially after apocalypse Treasure_cat: Why am i the only one who wants to move on and not fucking kms Inker275: you said you wanted to kill yourself yesterday, you cant be talking Treasure_cat: Well, i dont, yall need to move on Zelenne: but in case theres an internet shutdown, going outside and radio helps Inker275: especially chloe Zelenne: why do those ppl always want to kill themselves instead listening to KKTV Inker275: i know shes my friend, but she need to stop being a baby about shit like this Inker275: she wants to kill herself all because lucien wants to baby me Izzy_blight: If there was no internet maybe I'd finally do something with my life Inker275: again, i know im her friend, but thats the stupidest shit ive ever seen anyone kill themseves over Zelenne: you wouldnt. Theres still radio, TV and lucid dreams Zelenne: ppl barely change from themselves Izzy_blight: I have none of those things Stardust12: i wanna commit too Zelenne: you dont have ability to sleep more? Stardust12: Inker275: shame its access denied Inker275: hey chloe do you think you could kill me with it before you kill yourself Stardust12: im not risking going to jail for murderer Inker275: its not murder if i asked for it Treasure_cat: ugh, it still murder.. Stardust12: omfg Inker275: guys is it considered illegal if i asked to be killed Izzy_blight: I can't sleep unless im super sleep deprived Stardust12: im not gonna kill u Inker275: why Inker275: i wanna die Treasure_cat: Ugh\ Stardust12: because im gonna still go to jail Inker275: hey guys do you have any suggestions on how i should kill myself Zelenne: Stardust12: im not risking going to jail for murderer - Azala 2024 Treasure_cat: Ya, dont kill yourself, suicide is never the fucking answer Izzy_blight: Jesus christ this is goofy and not in a good way Inker275: ofc it is the answer Inker275: life fucking sucks Zelenne: but that makes you sus Zelenne: only imposters can kill Treasure_cat: Im trying to help.. let me help you Inker275: what the fuck Inker275: what are you yapping about this is not a fucking joke Izzy_blight: Amogus Zelenne: Life is always a joke for the Joker Zelenne: We live in a society Izzy_blight: Sounds like some teens being melodramatic Treasure_cat: oml, Zelenne: i am so scared right now Zelenne: what if they vote me Stardust12: ppl like to purposly piss me off and ruin my life Inker275: no we fucking dont Inker275: you dont get to boss us around Stardust12: yes yall fucking do Stardust12: who created the fucking meet up Stardust12: i did Stardust12: and yall wanna piss me off and be mean to me on purposr Inker275: who forced us to join the fucking meet up Treasure_cat: We can easily walk out Inker275: you did Treasure_cat: fuck your rules Stardust12: Lucien forced me to put u in the god damn meet up Inker275: also im still not letting you do anything with me after this lucien Treasure_cat: what does that mean Inker275: that means im not in the fucking mood to rp, hug, or kiss you Inker275: like at all Stardust12: yall like to ruin my life dont u Inker275: and i probably wont be for the rest of the week Treasure_cat: ok.. Inker275: you like to ruin our lives dont you? Stardust12: no Inker275: youre telling lucien he cant baby me Treasure_cat: as long as we dont break up then its fine, u need space ik Inker275: why Inker275: hes my bf Inker275: he can do whatever he wants with me Inker275: without you telling him what to do Stardust12: because its gonna piss me off and yk that Inker275: its ridiculous Stardust12: and im gonna end up doing smth stupid Inker275: you think youre the boss of us just because we're in your plans Stardust12: very stupid Stardust12: and all your fault for wanting to be babied Treasure_cat: Chloe enough Stardust12: no Treasure_cat: im leaving the plans Stardust12: NO Inker275: same Treasure_cat: yes Inker275: i never wanted to have to come to this Inker275: i tried to be nice Stardust12: im sorry.... Stardust12: plz... dont leave me Inker275: too late Stardust12: im starting to cry rn Inker275: you shouldve asked for forgiveness after you bossed us a million times Stardust12: I'll let lucien baby u Stardust12: plz Stardust12: plz Zelenne: I did all my tasks 12:45:40Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Profilbob: exists and theyre so feministic Profilbob: yeah Izzy_blight: Girl power 🌸 Profilbob: This flower looks like a pussy 12:57:14Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Oop 12:57:29Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: My pussy reveal I hope you enjoyed it Stardust12: im sleepy 13:17:26Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Mcnasty: Sup Stardust12: hi 13:37:23Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Stardust12: im bored 13:57:20Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 14:17:17Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: 🤤 Irish_potato: good hbu Rouge_killer: NIGGGGGGGGGAAAAA Rouge_killer: im bored and tired :( Izzy_blight: where am i Izzy_blight: This isn't the grocery store with the phallic fruits i like 14:37:14Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 14:57:11Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 15:17:08Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 (anon): sftLurk 15:37:05Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Secondstage: sftRip 15:47:28Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 16:05:06Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Big_ol_nig: fuck you nigger 16:59:37Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 16:59:37Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 17:02:42Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 17:04:00Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Cum52: L Semon2: W muruk W 17:05:21Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: все хорошо будет Izzy_blight: It's fucking hot Mountaindew: Is it going to be ok or is it hot? Women are so complicated. Izzy_blight: Im a puzzle missing 90% of the pieces Izzy_blight: блять Mountaindew: OMG noone cares Izzy_blight: I know :{ Sannkaed: zamn Rouge_killer: NUT Jacks_wife: Alles gut? Qwq Laineys_husband: ich kann nicht beitreten TwT Laineys_husband: idk why TwT Jacks_wife: Warte ich mach einfach nochmal neu qwq Laineys_husband: can you send the link again? qwq Laineys_husband: oki qwq Rouge_killer: nut Rouge_killer: in Rouge_killer: izzy? Izzy_blight: Yes Izzy_blight: I'm a slutty bitch Izzy_blight: Like Jimnys mom 18:19:18Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 18:20:29Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: bet Rouge_killer: ill make that better Izzy_blight: Owo Izzy_blight: Help me feel better in my special place Rouge_killer: bet ik how to move my hands and something else 18:28:52Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Oh you'd make me spray my juices everywhere wouldn't you Izzy_blight: All over jimmys face Izzy_blight: Now that would be sexy Izzy_blight: Ashley and Tara (aged 14 & 13) Sisters, abducted in their own home at gunpoint by Jimmy. After being missing for 4 months, they were finally found in an abandoned motel in Oklahoma by an urban explorer. 18:34:46Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: hell yeah Izzy_blight: I'm naked except for socks Izzy_blight: It feels good Handballs: liek being naked Izzy_blight: The lack of restriction is liberating Izzy_blight: Like escape from gulag Rouge_killer: ooo i wanna see Izzy_blight: Owo Rouge_killer: what can i not see? Izzy_blight: Oh uh not my whole body yet im not comfortable with that Rouge_killer: what about parts? 19:17:57Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 19:44:46Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 (anon): Okay but can he beat Goku (anon): Yes (anon): Gene Kelly 20:11:37Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 (anon): (anon): Nigga 21:16:10Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Daddy63: Arne hat nen Riesen penis 22:14:19Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 Eatshiteatmyshityoufuck: GOOKS AND NIGGERS AND CRACKERS AND FAGGOTS AND CHINKS Eatshiteatmyshityoufuck: WOPS AND DAGOS AND GUINEAS AND SLOPES AND WETBACKS AND SPEARCHUCKERS Eatshiteatmyshityoufuck: MICS AND SPICS AND TRANNIES Treasure_cat: hi Lugan: Hmmmmmm Shit 😋 . Yummy in my tummy! Treasure_cat: mood Lugan: azala-lobby-chatter: who watches tv/listen to justin Bieber? also azala-lobby-chatter: *being mostly here in a 50-ppl-used website with a 0-3 ppl almost pointless chat* Rain69: Tf 00:09:38Thursday, 30 May, 2024 00:09:55Thursday, 30 May, 2024 (anon): keigo 00:36:44Thursday, 30 May, 2024 Generic: yo bitch she standin on top w that ass in my face Generic: ya we jus smokin on opps put that ass ina vape 01:03:32Thursday, 30 May, 2024 01:30:21Thursday, 30 May, 2024 01:57:07Thursday, 30 May, 2024 02:23:56Thursday, 30 May, 2024 02:50:44Thursday, 30 May, 2024 03:17:35Thursday, 30 May, 2024 Gentlesoul: No public games :( (anon): HIIIIIIIIIIIII 03:44:25Thursday, 30 May, 2024 04:11:13Thursday, 30 May, 2024 04:38:01Thursday, 30 May, 2024 05:04:49Thursday, 30 May, 2024 05:31:38Thursday, 30 May, 2024 05:58:27Thursday, 30 May, 2024 06:25:15Thursday, 30 May, 2024 06:52:03Thursday, 30 May, 2024 07:18:52Thursday, 30 May, 2024 07:45:40Thursday, 30 May, 2024 08:12:29Thursday, 30 May, 2024 08:39:17Thursday, 30 May, 2024 10:13:38Thursday, 30 May, 2024 Lazurus: the next person who I see type is getting a free five hour milking session Dtrump: hi Oklpayer: Lazurus: the next person who I see type is getting a free five hour milking session Dtrump: hi 11:57:49Thursday, 30 May, 2024 12:24:37Thursday, 30 May, 2024 Slay63: daddy Wend: i 12:51:28Thursday, 30 May, 2024 (anon): help 13:18:16Thursday, 30 May, 2024 13:45:07Thursday, 30 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: im Bored and horny and have to do a test :( Rouge_killer: NIGGA Redii_17: itefkmodls, 14:11:55Thursday, 30 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: nigger 14:38:44Thursday, 30 May, 2024 Saltine52: i like men Rouge_killer: i like pussy Rouge_killer: i love eating it up Rouge_killer: NIGGA 15:05:32Thursday, 30 May, 2024 Autstic_opossum: 15:32:21Thursday, 30 May, 2024 15:59:09Thursday, 30 May, 2024 16:25:58Thursday, 30 May, 2024 16:52:48Thursday, 30 May, 2024 17:19:36Thursday, 30 May, 2024 17:46:25Thursday, 30 May, 2024 18:13:13Thursday, 30 May, 2024 (anon): Anyone here (anon): no (anon): Inky is that u (anon): no (anon): I am convinced its u, im going home, get back online please (anon): oh gosh whats happening now (anon): nothing (anon): ok (anon): why the fuck do we all have to be the same color 18:40:02Thursday, 30 May, 2024 (anon): Hi (anon): Im bored (anon): congratulations (anon): Why are u being like this (anon): nothing happened, all u did was be bored.. (anon): i left because we werent gonna do a single fucking thing (anon): We were going do a rp (anon): and let it take us wherever Rain69: Huh (anon): Log back in (anon): Who? Rain69: I’m conused Fuckass1: Anyone here Fuckass1: im new (anon): yeah Fuckass1: Mk (anon): Welcome to the shitshow that is Picture Cards. 19:06:50Thursday, 30 May, 2024 (anon): a (anon): Ink (anon): Why are u doing this (anon): Who? (anon): Inker (anon): Who's that? (anon): Ugh, whatever (anon): ? (anon): Who are u, and why are u not in an acc (anon): Because I don't feel like making an account. (anon): Why not? (anon): Why do you wanna know who some random ass dude is? (anon): Cuz im curious (anon): 2 anons talking to each other (anon): Oh yeah, well how do you feel about me asking who you are and why YOU'RE not in an account? (anon): Maybe because im looking for someone (anon): Inker sounds like a stupid ass name, ngl. (anon): It aint stupid (anon): Honestly, it kinda is. (anon): Lemme guess, are u in school rn (anon): Why are you asking? (anon): Just wondering (anon): Yeah. (anon): Ok (anon): Who is Inker btw? Your friend? (anon): Not my friend.. (anon): Then why are you looking for him? (anon): Hes my bf.. (anon): Oh damn, you're gay? Alberto14: this is the most stupid discourse I ever saw here Alberto14: 2 anons arguing why they are too scared to make account (anon): Shut up mf. (anon): Also, sorry for your loss anon. (anon): Whatever Alberto14: anon x anon ? (anon): Bruh, shut the fuck up. (anon): Shut your bitch ass up (anon): FR Alberto14: Its almost like those 2 are the same (anon): maybe, maybe not (anon): Just because we both agree you need to shut up? Alberto14: yes Izzy_blight: Who is jimmy jenkins (anon): What? (anon): Dont know, dont care Alberto14: I care. Tell em the lore of Jimmy Jenkins (anon): Hes a movie producer, end of lore (anon): He sounds like some goofy ass movie producer. (anon): Oh damn, he is a movie producer, I'm restarted as fuck. (anon): Bro restarted (anon): Its all a simulation anyways Izzy_blight: Jimy (anon): Jimy (anon): Jimmy neutron Izzy_blight: Jimmy nougat (anon): Bro finna get a brain blast 💀 (anon): Jimmy buffet (anon): * Buffett Izzy_blight: Jimmy Graham (anon): Okay, those are stupid ass names. (anon): Are you hungry rn? Alberto14: the other anon is just an AI preventing you from killing yourself Izzy_blight: Wowser (anon): Who (anon): Maybe i am ai, maybe im just someone who cares about other people Izzy_blight: Those are rare (anon): stop them from doing stupid shit like suicide (anon): Yeah, especially here. (anon): What Izzy_blight: Yeah (anon): Yea (anon): yea (anon): yea (anon): yea Izzy_blight: Yea (anon): oop Stardust12: oh Stardust12: hi Izzy Izzy_blight: Hello im here im gay (anon): Hi, gay. Stardust12: Nice! Stardust12: oop (anon): Coolio Izzy_blight: Jimmy Jenkins was born in St Louis on August 7, 1955. He was one of eight children, all of whom were adopted by the same biological mother. He grew up in the North side neighborhood and attended the University of Missouri before joining the United States Air Force at age 25. Jenkins served in Iraq for three years as a pilot instructor, but when his tour ended, he turned to drugs to stay afloat. In 2001, he was arrested and indicted for selling methamphetamine in New Orleans. Stardust12: oh (anon): Mood (anon): ngl (anon): mood (anon): Tf you mean mood? (anon): Lelelelle’le’le’le’ll (anon): el (anon): el (anon): le (anon): lelel (anon): elele (anon): Yes mood (anon): Mood (anon): such a mood (anon): meth (anon): meth is the mood Stardust12: bro im on a roblox vc game and i here someones mom in the backround help (anon): Especially the Crystal kind (anon): lmao Izzy_blight: Spider time 🕷️ Izzy_blight: Everything is pink (anon): Spider go brrrr Izzy_blight: Best color Izzy_blight: the gentle touch of a tentacle uwu (anon): When is my damn bus gonna be here, it's always late (anon): Lemme guess (anon): are u waiting outside (anon): again Izzy_blight: Im your bus driver and I'm naked, get in and enjoy the ride (anon): Yeah, I'm waiting outside. (anon): Why do you know that? (anon): Cuz its obvious (anon): its a loop (anon): What? Izzy_blight: Groundhog day (anon): A loop of u not controlling your damn self (anon): and your here, talking through anon (anon): What are you talking about? (anon): oop (anon): Tf u think im talking about (anon): U need to stop this bs Izzy_blight: Talking about jimmy (anon): yknow what, im done gaslighting you and pretending to be someone else (anon): im leaving, bye (anon): Your going be back, ik u are (anon): its a loop Izzy_blight: ??? what is going on (anon): just a good old loop (anon): stfu Izzy_blight: Who are these people (anon): Control your damn self (anon): oml (anon): Fucking let me help u (anon): oml (anon): god my bus cannot be any slower (anon): thank fucking god, my bus is here, i can fucking leave (anon): have a good rest of your day ig (anon): ill try not to Stardust12: oml oml oml (anon): Just go home and character ai some stuff, im sure it will help Satanismus: Doddlebug you are a fucking racist Izzy_blight: W Satanismus: Enter Chat message here Carmannn: ..... Carmannn: Anyone online Stardust12: idk 21:03:53Thursday, 30 May, 2024 21:30:43Thursday, 30 May, 2024 21:57:32Thursday, 30 May, 2024 22:24:22Thursday, 30 May, 2024 22:51:10Thursday, 30 May, 2024 23:17:58Thursday, 30 May, 2024 (anon): Is there any way to upload a deck? I really don't want to retype 400 cards. Milo_khaar: webba wublo dinga 23:44:46Thursday, 30 May, 2024 00:11:34Friday, 31 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Brain damage 00:38:22Friday, 31 May, 2024 01:05:12Friday, 31 May, 2024 Hello19: Hello 01:32:00Friday, 31 May, 2024 01:58:47Friday, 31 May, 2024 02:25:38Friday, 31 May, 2024 Rios: Hi Rawr49: Hi Rios Hello19: Hello 02:52:26Friday, 31 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Jimmy Izzy_blight: We've got the gay pedophile extraordinaire Izzy_blight: A walking abomination 03:19:13Friday, 31 May, 2024 03:46:03Friday, 31 May, 2024 Hello19: Hello Rawr49: Hi Dtrump: creating alts Rawr49: Who up creating alts Dtrump: self snitching Rawr49: I’m awesome tho Dtrump: unique name Rawr49: I’m just, so sexy and unique Dtrump: self ego Rawr49: Yessir 04:12:51Friday, 31 May, 2024 04:39:39Friday, 31 May, 2024 05:06:26Friday, 31 May, 2024 05:33:14Friday, 31 May, 2024 06:00:02Friday, 31 May, 2024 06:26:51Friday, 31 May, 2024 06:53:39Friday, 31 May, 2024 07:20:27Friday, 31 May, 2024 Squalidattic: Goodbye Marie. I pray Jun will treat you and the kids with love and care from now on Squalidattic: I love you Dtrump: random 07:47:15Friday, 31 May, 2024 08:14:03Friday, 31 May, 2024 08:40:51Friday, 31 May, 2024 09:07:40Friday, 31 May, 2024 09:34:27Friday, 31 May, 2024 10:01:16Friday, 31 May, 2024 10:28:04Friday, 31 May, 2024 10:54:53Friday, 31 May, 2024 Stardust12: a 11:21:41Friday, 31 May, 2024 Dtrump: 0 Stardust12: oop Erikshvedov: eh Cum59: Hey Cum59: Anyone on 11:48:32Friday, 31 May, 2024 Stardust12: ye Cum59: Hello Stardust12: hi Treasure_cat: .fk Cum59: What’s up Cum59: How’re you two Treasure_cat: Sup Cum59: Not much just woke up Treasure_cat: Alright Cum59: Hbu Treasure_cat: Im tired and glad its friday Cum59: Felt you a guy or girl btw? Treasure_cat: guy Cum59: Cool cool Treasure_cat: mhm Cum59: Indeed also What’s up stardust Stardust12: nothing much Stardust12: wbu Cum59: Same here nm you a guy too? Stardust12: well im a female but i wish i were a guy Cum59: Why’s that lmao Stardust12: being a girl freaking sucks Cum59: You know that’s fair (anon): mood 12:15:20Friday, 31 May, 2024 Stardust12: i had pancakes just now Cum59: How were they Stardust12: good Cum59: That’s good I ain’t eaten yet Cum59: Dang I wanna cum so bad Cum59: Fuck I’m close Fuckass1: Sup Cum59: Hey Treasure_cat: Welp that went wonderful Cum59: What did? Treasure_cat: Oh nothing Cum59: You do something naughty lok Cum59: Lol Treasure_cat: no 12:42:08Friday, 31 May, 2024 Marbious69: Bruh Stardust12: what? Cum59: I’m back Jug_addict_alt: Racism Stardust12: wut Jug_addict_alt: Racism, never heard of it? Treasure_cat: Anyone wanna do anything, i am so god damn bored and sad it aint even funny anymore Jug_addict_alt: Real Jug_addict_alt: I'm bored asf Stardust12: idfk Jug_addict_alt: I'm just listening to music Treasure_cat: mood Jug_addict_alt: Mainly sad shit, for literally no reason Stardust12: im listening to music too Jug_addict_alt: Nice 13:08:59Friday, 31 May, 2024 Treasure_cat: Same here Treasure_cat: Music helps me Stardust12: kpop helps me usally Stardust12: *usually Jug_addict_alt: I just listen to music for the vibe Jug_addict_alt: My current favorite is slipknot Treasure_cat: Im watching a movie rn] (anon): hello?? Treasure_cat: Sup Treasure_cat: Anyone here? Inker275: no Treasure_cat: Omg, why did u lie about having to turn in your stupid computer Inker275: i didnt Inker275: damn Treasure_cat: U said u had to turn in your laptop Inker275: i had to do a stupid gimkit and afterwards an exam Inker275: i said i had to PUT UP my laptop Inker275: not TURN IN Inker275: damn Treasure_cat: Alright Inker275: i got 73 questions right on the gimkit Stardust12: wtf is happening? Inker275: and 92 questions wrong Inker275: so lets see, that makes... Treasure_cat: Thats a long ass gimkit oml Inker275: 165 question done in total Inker275: so i got 73/165 Treasure_cat: Damn Inker275: which makes Inker275: 44% Treasure_cat: Wow Treasure_cat: Im watching bruce almighty rn lol 13:35:47Friday, 31 May, 2024 Inker275: cool. Treasure_cat: what u wanna do 14:02:37Friday, 31 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: sup 14:29:25Friday, 31 May, 2024 Cum59: Hey Redii_17: hi Cum59: What’s up Cum59: I’m horny asf Redii_17: oh loll Cum59: You m or f? Redii_17: f Cum59: You horny? 14:56:14Friday, 31 May, 2024 Cum59: Hey Fuckass1: Sup 15:23:02Friday, 31 May, 2024 Cum59: Yo 15:49:50Friday, 31 May, 2024 Cum59: Hey Hello19: Hello Spiderdaddy001: dick n balls Spiderdaddy001: I'm cumming Cum59: What up yall Cum59: I’m so fucking horny Spiderdaddy001: Deez nuts Spiderdaddy001: dick u down Cum59: Ok 16:16:41Friday, 31 May, 2024 Swaggy: wazzup hoes Cum59: Who’s on 16:43:29Friday, 31 May, 2024 17:10:20Friday, 31 May, 2024 Jug_addict_alt: Balls Treasure_cat: Inky, why did u leave this time Treasure_cat: Helloooo 17:37:09Friday, 31 May, 2024 Hwqdhdwhq: Sup Hwqdhdwhq: Anyone here 18:03:58Friday, 31 May, 2024 18:30:46Friday, 31 May, 2024 18:57:35Friday, 31 May, 2024 Uoffwff: Yoooooo Uoffwff: hows everyone doing 19:24:23Friday, 31 May, 2024 19:51:11Friday, 31 May, 2024 20:18:00Friday, 31 May, 2024 20:44:51Friday, 31 May, 2024 21:11:40Friday, 31 May, 2024 21:38:28Friday, 31 May, 2024 22:05:19Friday, 31 May, 2024 22:32:08Friday, 31 May, 2024 22:58:56Friday, 31 May, 2024 23:25:45Friday, 31 May, 2024 Hello19: Hello 23:52:36Friday, 31 May, 2024 00:19:24Saturday, 1 June, 2024 00:46:12Saturday, 1 June, 2024 01:13:01Saturday, 1 June, 2024 01:39:50Saturday, 1 June, 2024 02:06:38Saturday, 1 June, 2024 02:33:27Saturday, 1 June, 2024 03:00:16Saturday, 1 June, 2024 03:27:06Saturday, 1 June, 2024 03:53:55Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Watch out everybody there's a pedophile 04:20:47Saturday, 1 June, 2024 04:47:36Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Rina: I'm bored Rina: Anyone up? 05:14:26Saturday, 1 June, 2024 05:41:15Saturday, 1 June, 2024 06:08:08Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Hello19: almond 06:34:57Saturday, 1 June, 2024 07:01:46Saturday, 1 June, 2024 07:28:36Saturday, 1 June, 2024 07:55:28Saturday, 1 June, 2024 (anon): . 08:22:20Saturday, 1 June, 2024 08:49:10Saturday, 1 June, 2024 09:16:00Saturday, 1 June, 2024 09:42:49Saturday, 1 June, 2024 10:09:39Saturday, 1 June, 2024 10:36:31Saturday, 1 June, 2024 10:56:46Saturday, 1 June, 2024 11:23:35Saturday, 1 June, 2024 11:50:20Saturday, 1 June, 2024 12:17:09Saturday, 1 June, 2024 12:43:57Saturday, 1 June, 2024 13:10:48Saturday, 1 June, 2024 13:37:38Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Cum10: Hey anyone on? Izzy_blight: I'm not sure where i am right now Izzy_blight: The fentanyl got me moving like a classy lady Cum10: Oh hoh Cum10: I’m horny Izzy_blight: Me too Izzy_blight: It's unhealthy 14:04:26Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Cum10: Lol really though Izzy_blight: Definitely Xin_yuang: I doubt it# 14:35:36Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Healthier coping mechanisms are needed 15:03:53Saturday, 1 June, 2024 (anon): witam Izzy_blight: Dingus Cum57: Hey Cum57: Anyone on Izzy_blight: I'm still here. They'll never take me alive Cum57: Hello Cum57: I’m bored asf 15:30:42Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Do you wanna see my ass Cum57: Sure 15:57:30Saturday, 1 June, 2024 16:24:21Saturday, 1 June, 2024 16:51:09Saturday, 1 June, 2024 17:17:58Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Carmannn: anyone online? 17:44:46Saturday, 1 June, 2024 (anon): guh (anon): Hallo 18:11:35Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Jimmy reached down for my princess parts Ishipwillowandhunter: Happy pride month gaywads Izzy_blight: ah fuck Izzy_blight: I was just going to bed. Maybe.probably Ishipwillowandhunter: Well that's unfortunate. I assumed you'd be going to sleep later than this, based off of the past. But hey. Assume makes an ass out of me and u Ishipwillowandhunter: U and me Izzy_blight: I sleep whenever it comes to me. I have no schedule. I try to keep on e but it's RNG at this point 18:38:23Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: Understandable. I try to keep a schedule but I always wake up feeling sick so I don't really care anymore Izzy_blight: There are things in life you cannot choose: how you feel. Ishipwillowandhunter: Sorry did you say something Izzy_blight: I say many things that nobody hears. And no one ever will Ishipwillowandhunter: Selfishness is a pit that cannot be filled Izzy_blight: I would know all about that I'm sure Ishipwillowandhunter: Everyone does. The human soul has an astounding capacity for greed. It's only natural, after all. Self preservation is inherently selfish Izzy_blight: Ain't that swell. Izzy_blight: I'm starting to wonder why I love everybody else so much when deep down they're all just like me. I try to separate myself from humanity as much as possible. Sadly, it's one of few things in my life that can't be solved with denial and negative reinforcement. Izzy_blight: Maybe "solved" is a strong word for it Izzy_blight: I guess it's just in my nature. We can't fight nature. We can't fight change, can't fight... gravity. Izzy_blight: My whole life, all I ever did was fight Ishipwillowandhunter: "They can't just walk around being gay" things my dad says that are not explainable Izzy_blight: The walls are closing now, too tightly to ignore this time. And I'm starting to see that there is no reason to fight. Everything I do is just a waste Izzy_blight: Yeah I think he got hit in the head a few thousand too many times as a kid Izzy_blight: I'd sure like to add a few thousand more to that tally Izzy_blight: With a sledgehammer 19:05:12Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: You're too sweet baby. I'm sorry Izzy_blight: No I'm sorry. For. I don't know. just everything Izzy_blight: I was sweet once. I'm souring quickly as the walls I've so painstakingly crafted break down and what little remains of my psyche is buried alive by the full assault of the truth Izzy_blight: the truth I've known all this time but could never accept Rain69: Hey Izzy_blight: What was clear in a dream, suddenly makes no sense. No surreal rescues. No easy, magic way out. But you are awake. Izzy_blight: Hello traveler Rain69: Hi Ishipwillowandhunter: My dad just insinuated that I want to be a girl. Out of nowhere. Am i fuckin high Sannkaed: possibly Izzy_blight: I think he is Sannkaed: i agree Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh he definitely is Rain69: Hi mich Izzy_blight: I don't know how he would come up with this shit if he wasn't on on PCP and angel dust Ishipwillowandhunter: Man smokes an eighth a day Ishipwillowandhunter: On a bad day* Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey Kei <3 Rain69: Hiiiiii Rain69: i have news rly good news Sannkaed: spill Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah? What's it? Izzy_blight: I have a feeling its going to be a bad day Ishipwillowandhunter: Most definitely Izzy_blight: Great. Izzy_blight: I love it when that happens Sannkaed: L Ishipwillowandhunter: Hold on brb Izzy_blight: I hope not Ishipwillowandhunter: alrighty Izzy_blight: I have just resisted doing something very bad and stupid that i wanted to do very badly for some reason. Izzy_blight: I guess that means I at least haven't completely drowned yet.i still care Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes, good job love. Seriously, I don't know what it is you stopped yourself from doing but I'm glad you resisted Izzy_blight: Nothing earth shattering but it would have made things much worse for me specifically right now and for once I've for some reason decided that I don't want that. Thank you 19:32:01Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: I should give you a hug but i have no arms Ishipwillowandhunter: No matter the severity, I'm glad you didn't. Me neither, I'm having them replaced Izzy_blight: I'm still looking for them along with my left foot after the magnetic jacket incident, that experiment was always going to be a disaster. It was a harebrained idea from the start honestly Izzy_blight: I was feeling and thinking things a minute ago i think but now nothing at all. Zero brain activity. Tired. Curl up under your bed and protect yoy Izzy_blight: oh no thinking is back. It hurts Izzy_blight: Oh well serenity was nice while it lasted Ishipwillowandhunter: If I left do you think you could get some sleep? I promse I'll be okay Dtrump: np Izzy_blight: Yes. My brain is weak enough that its sleepy dissipating again. Where did the word sleepy come from, i didn't type that? I guess that just shows where my subconscious head is at. I hope you will be. All my love and prayers Ishipwillowandhunter: I love you Izzy, get some sleep. Bye <3 Izzy_blight: I should go before i turn anymore into joe biden. I'm going to go pass out for 20hours. Love you son and other people bye bye 19:58:51Saturday, 1 June, 2024 20:25:40Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Carmannn: anyone online? 20:52:29Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Carmannn: anyone on? like, at all? Rain69: 🤨 Carmannn: KEIIIII Rain69: Hi carman Carmannn: hruuu Rain69: Tired hbu Carmannn: tired as well. my friend is over at my house right now Satanismus: why is the geame away Carmannn: the what? Satanismus: @game rm : fick dich 21:19:17Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 21:46:05Saturday, 1 June, 2024 22:12:56Saturday, 1 June, 2024 22:39:47Saturday, 1 June, 2024 Satanismus: whats your fucking problem you cunt? Satanismus: when you want a private game, why you take a public game? That wierd 23:06:35Saturday, 1 June, 2024 23:33:23Saturday, 1 June, 2024 23:54:47Saturday, 1 June, 2024 00:21:35Sunday, 2 June, 2024 00:48:26Sunday, 2 June, 2024 01:15:16Sunday, 2 June, 2024 01:42:04Sunday, 2 June, 2024 02:08:52Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Little: Woozy 02:35:41Sunday, 2 June, 2024 03:02:28Sunday, 2 June, 2024 03:29:18Sunday, 2 June, 2024 03:56:06Sunday, 2 June, 2024 04:22:54Sunday, 2 June, 2024 04:49:44Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Madladd: Hi :D 05:16:32Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Generic: hi 05:43:20Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: It's all over. Finally Izzy_blight: I'm ready to go 06:10:10Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Vicgchad07: Violently rolling around on the floor as you ram your teeth into that cold, dried pizza that's probably been lying there for weeks. 06:36:58Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Generic: ? 07:03:46Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 07:30:34Sunday, 2 June, 2024 07:57:22Sunday, 2 June, 2024 08:24:10Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Nothing matters Izzy_blight: So, wanna have sex? 08:51:01Sunday, 2 June, 2024 09:17:49Sunday, 2 June, 2024 09:44:40Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Generic: phreshboy ya yk that im tha man 10:11:28Sunday, 2 June, 2024 10:38:17Sunday, 2 June, 2024 11:05:07Sunday, 2 June, 2024 11:31:58Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Lazurus: good to be back Izzy_blight: Back in the saddle Lazurus: I wanna ride someone like a saddle but enough about that Izzy_blight: Horsie ride 🎠 Izzy_blight: How are you Lazurus: I'm good horny but that's an easy fix I denying myself Lazurus: what about you how have you been Izzy_blight: A bomb went off in my head. The bullet lodged in my brain moved a fatal, microscopic distance. Izzy_blight: As of last night it's joever Lazurus: sounds painful Izzy_blight: You have no idea Izzy_blight: Or at least I hope you dont Lazurus: hey you wanna see my pussy Lazurus: and I might have some idea but I don't want to go into it Izzy_blight: Sorry Izzy_blight: I very much want to go into my experience. Unfortunately I don't know how to Lazurus: well I guess it doesnt hurt to try Lazurus: Lazurus: and there is my son Izzy_blight: Beautiful boy Lazurus: he is goofy Izzy_blight: It's a long story. Several years long. Oh like the Disney dog? Lazurus: no his names Mike but he acts goofy so I call him that but enough abt the cat what up with you (anon): Hellaur?? Lazurus: hellurrr Izzy_blight: That's two goofy cuties named mike that I know now. Very good Hello19: Hello Lazurus: hey hello how are ya xD Izzy_blight: Oh you know. abusive ex that I'm still madly in love with abused me some more as usual Izzy_blight: Blocked me on discord and we'll probably never see each other again. Ill never recover Lazurus: ah love problems not my wheelhouse Izzy_blight: not mine either but I got them in spades Lazurus: I can try though same Micheal I'm thinking of? Izzy_blight: Probably yeah Lazurus: well idk then I haven't talked to him in a while but I don't have any socials so I don't think it would matter Izzy_blight: Yeah he left azala along with me a while back Izzy_blight: But that's not in effect anymore it seems Lazurus: yeah I heard trump talking about that a while ago sucks but people do drift apart a lot Lazurus: its natural I guess Izzy_blight: Oh I didn't mean me and him, he's not my ex. We're just besties. We don't like each other like that. Except that one time Izzy_blight: I think you know my ex. They left too Lazurus: I remember don't remind me Lazurus: I don't think we've met idk Izzy_blight: Do you remember a yeetus? Yellow color, slightly obnoxious? Izzy_blight: That's them Lazurus: yeah no I haven't met them Izzy_blight: Ah. Count yourself lucky Lazurus: I assume its for the better I don't huh Lazurus: wait neko yeetus Lazurus: if so then yes I've met them Izzy_blight: Oh, yes. Izzy_blight: That one Izzy_blight: Real bastard, I see now. Everything everyone told me about them is true. I knew it was, I just didn't want to accept it 11:58:46Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Terrible person but I still love them. It's pathetic Lazurus: that's how it goes sometimes hun you just gotta move on Izzy_blight: Fuck off with that. Everyone keeps saying that Lazurus: I know its hard but I didn't say it would be easy Izzy_blight: I don't want to get over it. I want to get under it instead Lazurus: I used to think the same way until I realized it was true and you will with time but it takes just that time Izzy_blight: I sacrificed everything for that asshole Izzy_blight: And I'm repaid like this Izzy_blight: I hate that I cant stop loving them Lazurus: I understand where your at but you shouldn't feel better find something to keep you happy Lazurus: bitter* Izzy_blight: Maybe I should find a hobby that doesn't involve sticking my hands down my pants and staring at a screen like a fucking zombie. Maybe I should try knitting, or fucking gardening, or anything that doesn't involve being a degenerate pervert. Better yet, maybe I should just disappear already. Lazurus: I mean yeah those are great options although degeneracy isnt a bad thing but yeah try gardening or cooking or oh maybe write a song and then burn the paper Izzy_blight: I don't enjoy anything anymore. I doubt I'd enjoy any of those things Izzy_blight: Depression is kicking my ass Izzy_blight: Has been for a while Lazurus: unless you have a porn addiction and if so don't look me up or youll find out odd things and depression is life long hun Lazurus: its your choice if you let it eat you that the magic in it Lazurus: if you believe in such either that or its the irony Izzy_blight: I have a severe porn and junk food addiction, my health is deteriorating faster than the value of bitcoin. That's okay, I hope to not have to be alive too much longer Izzy_blight: But for longer than I'd like. Maybe another decade. I have business to handle Lazurus: hun don't think like that I know its hard not to but things get better with time Lazurus: trust and believe Izzy_blight: I trusted and believed. You know what I got for it? Betrayal, disappointment and trauma. Lazurus: hey it happens to everyone trust me that's why I got into doing weird shit with people but it will get better just let the wound heal Izzy_blight: I'm just hoping maybe I can spite everyone who's hurt me by going out in the most pathetic way possible. They stab me in the back, shoot me in the face and then wish me a good life. A good life? Fuck you. You're the ones making my life a living hell Izzy_blight: With friends like those I'd hate to have enemies Lazurus: well I just hope you don't let this bottle up and fester Lazurus: also I get that statement but you cant always look at the negitave or that's all you'll see look at this like its a learning curve Izzy_blight: I have no choice. I have no one to go to Izzy_blight: Oh it's one hell of a curve alright Izzy_blight: A downward slope into hell Izzy_blight: What am I supposed to be learning from this? "People suck, be alone?" Cause that's what I'm getting Lazurus: maybe not that far but it does feel like that Lazurus: you just have to find someone who likes you for you Lazurus: no matter how hard that might be Izzy_blight: Fat chance of that, given that I'm Isabel Caroline Prosko. Maybe if I was someone else but nah this ain't it Lazurus: well you never know maybe you'll regret the things you've said about yourself or maybe not who knows but time Izzy_blight: I've been planning to kill myself since I was a preteen. To me everything in life is a distraction. Death is the goal. I've wasted too much time on distractions like romance or friendships. No point in continuing with that stuff. I'll just leave behind grievers and that's not what I want Izzy_blight: Or at least that's what I tell myself and everyone else. Secretly i think it's kind of a cry for help. It's gone unanswered thus far Lazurus: well maybe you just haven't tried asking the right people because talking to me might be helping now but as you said it may just be a distraction for yourself but if thats what you need then I can help Lazurus: and if you kys I'd miss ya I don't talk to many people on here anyways Izzy_blight: I'm too weak and self-loathing to help myself. I have a dream of someone coming along by chance, and doing it for me. Pulling me out of this just by being themselves. That's what I thought AJ was going to be for me, back then. I was young and naïve. What was clear in a dream, suddenly makes no sense. No surreal rescues. No easy, magic way out. But you are awake. Izzy_blight: Oh I won't don't worry. Unfortunately I can't. Obligations, like I said. It will probably be a while Lazurus: there's not an easy way out in life trust me I've tried everything you just have to let time heal your wounds Lazurus: and I'm glad you wont Izzy_blight: I want my life to be a cheesy romance novel instead of the grimdark Wattpad fiction that it is. I want to know what it feels like to find the one. I thought I had Izzy_blight: I banked everything on it. And I lost it all. The nothing that I already had Izzy_blight: Now it feels like a waste to try again Lazurus: well you always have to try if you want that void to fill Izzy_blight: My relentless efforts to fill it have made it unfillable Izzy_blight: Now all I can do is cram more hentai and french fries into and pretend its ok Lazurus: it does feel that way huh Izzy_blight: It feels like I want it Izzy_blight: I'm not sure what I really want Izzy_blight: Feels like I deserve this Lazurus: no one truly deserves it hun it just happens 12:44:29Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Yeah and what I did with that 14 year old "just happened". It's just one of them things Izzy_blight: actually yeah it kinda was. Nevermind Izzy_blight: Anyway I lost my train of thought. Oh yeah i remember what I was thinking. AJ is a cunt. I'm mad Izzy_blight: Me break jenga blocks Lazurus: I know your mad hun but you cant be forever sadly I've tried 12:47:24Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Just watch me Izzy_blight: It's been what feels like centuries already. But uh it's only been like two years... Izzy_blight: Time flows differently when you're falling apart Lazurus: it just feels slow but trust me it flies when you least expect it Lazurus: hey izz quick question my "friend" sent me this and asked if I wanted it but I'm not a good judge of these things Izzy_blight: In all that time I resorted to a lot of bad things in desperation to numb the pain. But I had a bomb ticking in my head. No amount of painkillers would disable it. I think back to all those times with AJ. Every conversation I have wasted feels like wasted time. Wasted life. A summer of fun and a lifetime of regret. Oh I'm not a good judge either, I promise I'll make the wrong decision Lazurus: should I ask why he sent this to me Izzy_blight: Uh yes Izzy_blight: Yes you should Lazurus: also why the water bottle Lazurus: and I'll ask them Izzy_blight: Size reference i guess? Izzy_blight: Receiving unsolicited pics like that from friends is certainly... something Izzy_blight: Must be some pretty comfortable friends Dtrump: wwtf Lazurus: nah we just fuck sometimes is all Lazurus: trump don't look at that Dtrump: it has stds Lazurus: nah he's clean Dtrump: ugly ass looking cock lol Lazurus: why do you feel threatened by that thing Izzy_blight: This has certainly taken a new direction Dtrump: its not normal looking Izzy_blight: there are many shapes and sizes Lazurus: ikr and no dick is "normal looking" Dtrump: mine is Lazurus: proof Dtrump: woah Lazurus: I'm joking calm down I still have 13 more days Izzy_blight: Jimmy has one this big 🤏 and his erection is triangular in a very crooked and horrible sort of way Lazurus: makes it hit the wrong spots always Izzy_blight: Jimmys dick is just a disaster Izzy_blight: Just like his careers 13:14:13Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Feels like I'm spinning my wheels in the shit Izzy_blight: Does anyone want nudes I'll give them for free Izzy_blight: I have lost any remaining semblance of self respect Lazurus: I'm good hunny and why are you saying these things right now other than boredom or self hatred Izzy_blight: Don't know. I think those are the reasons Izzy_blight: I've really gone off the deep end lately Lazurus: well start swimming hun and not down Izzy_blight: I don't know how to swim, i tried to learn when I was a kid and almost drowned Izzy_blight: Drowning lessons Lazurus: damn wrong metaphor then Izzy_blight: Life is an ocean and I can't swim Izzy_blight: Or maybe I do but I choose to sink out of spite for myself and everything else Lazurus: possibly Lazurus: idk I'm sorry I'm not good at helping ya hun Izzy_blight: Jimmy purposely tries to drown in swimming pools so that the hot life guards will give him CPR Izzy_blight: Nobody can help me, don't worry about it Lazurus: he only gets the ones with braces Lazurus: and someone could but I'm not that someone and for that I'm sorry Izzy_blight: I'm just a sad, attention-seeking whore who gets off on her own misery. I've got some deep-seated issues. But who cares? I'm a lost cause, and the world doesn't need to waste time trying to fix me. Common Jimmy L Lazurus: you know its not right to think of yourself like that but it is a common problem although for most its life long Izzy_blight: Thank my dad Izzy_blight: He was not nice to me Lazurus: well you arent easy on yourself either Izzy_blight: I shouldn't be. I'm not a good person Lazurus: you are just maybe not in your eyes Izzy_blight: I worked with Jimmy at his Palm Beach mansion full of little girls Izzy_blight: Nah if most people knew the real me they'd want to crucify me, with good reason Lazurus: I know how that feels to hate yourself and want to do obscene things to punish yourself but it wont fill any void and it wont help you heal Lazurus: and if you truly knew me you wouldn't be talking to me rn Izzy_blight: I don't know, i've hung with some nasty people. Jesus I'm sorry Izzy_blight: I was hoping I was the only one Lazurus: nope sadly Izzy_blight: The world is sad. It makes me sad ;< Lazurus: well don't be or ima be sad 13:41:01Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Only i should be sad ever. And pedophiles. Give me and pedophiles all of the sadness in the world Izzy_blight: Except Jimmy he's the goat Lazurus: no jimmy fucked the goat Lazurus: I thought Izzy_blight: Oh he did do that... it was a little fantasy that involved his grandma, a jar of mayonnaise, and a goat named Gary Izzy_blight: It could have gone better Lazurus: poor gary Izzy_blight: I didn't know it was possible for goats to get PTSD but he sure did Izzy_blight: He hasn't stopped shaking since that day Lazurus: his poor old back Izzy_blight: Jimmy plays backshot roulette with little girls Lazurus: pause Izzy_blight: Jimmy made another trip to Epstein Island (his fifth this week) Izzy_blight: On an unrelated note Jimmy got arrested for child-related offenses Izzy_blight: truly shocking Lazurus: I helped him out of jail so he didn't do me like poor garry Izzy_blight: He has granted mercy for now but he will be back Izzy_blight: With his tiny, unpleasuring, triangular, peanits Dtrump: huh Izzy_blight: Idk im about to pass out from exhaustion 14:07:50Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Dixienormous: why ? Shadygamer30: Wait Why?! Izzy_blight: Jimmy kept me up all night with his tiny dick 14:34:38Sunday, 2 June, 2024 15:01:26Sunday, 2 June, 2024 15:28:14Sunday, 2 June, 2024 15:55:02Sunday, 2 June, 2024 16:21:51Sunday, 2 June, 2024 16:48:40Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Generic: get it quick like im tracy mcgrady 17:15:30Sunday, 2 June, 2024 17:42:18Sunday, 2 June, 2024 (anon): chat kill thi sguy 18:09:08Sunday, 2 June, 2024 18:35:56Sunday, 2 June, 2024 19:02:45Sunday, 2 June, 2024 (anon): Fat tits Hello19: Hello 19:29:34Sunday, 2 June, 2024 19:56:22Sunday, 2 June, 2024 (anon): nigger nigger (anon): nigger (anon): niggerrrr (anon): nigeerrrsss (anon): nigger (anon): niggas (anon): nigger nigg (anon): nigaaniggaaaanigeeer (anon): nigerniger (anon): niganganga (anon): nigger (anon): niggers (anon): i hate niggers (anon): i despise blacks (anon): ew (anon): niggs (anon): coons (anon): dune fucks (anon): mandrakes (anon): nigggers (anon): all of em Sannkaed: holy fuck 20:23:13Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Carmannn: anyone on? Carmannn: like, at all? 20:50:04Sunday, 2 June, 2024 21:16:50Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Carmannn: anyone onnnnnnn? Carmannn: im bored to deathhhh 21:43:36Sunday, 2 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 23:31:16Sunday, 2 June, 2024 (anon): a 23:58:05Sunday, 2 June, 2024 00:24:54Monday, 3 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Jimmy buys Walmart brand dildos Izzy_blight: He's that kind of dude 00:51:44Monday, 3 June, 2024 01:18:34Monday, 3 June, 2024 Gentlesoul: No games meh Gentlesoul: I’m going to pull out my penis now Gentlesoul: Goddamn I have a beautiful cock Gentlesoul: Might as well jack it Gentlesoul: Awwww yeah Gentlesoul: Thick and throbbing Gentlesoul: Who wants a dick pic? 01:45:23Monday, 3 June, 2024 Gentlesoul: Just kidding this ten inch python is for my woman Izzy_blight: Aw i wanted one Gentlesoul: Sorry I am actually a prude Gentlesoul: Prude with a huge dork Izzy_blight: Big w Gentlesoul: Wish there was a game :( Izzy_blight: Game is game, that's why I fucked my dad Gentlesoul: Dayum Gentlesoul: You a bad bitch Izzy_blight: I am a bad motherfucker Izzy_blight: I love that song Gentlesoul: Me too Izzy_blight: Yay twinsies 🎉 Izzy_blight: Best friends Hello19: Hello Izzy_blight: Hello traveler Gentlesoul: Aloha Gentlesoul: I am gyrating my pelvis seductively Gentlesoul: Oooohhhhh baby baby it’s a wiiiiiiiild wooooooooorld da da da da da da da da Gentlesoul: Still no games booooo Gentlesoul: Well time to do things with my genitals Gentlesoul: Just kidding I already beat off today Gentlesoul: Vigorously 02:12:12Monday, 3 June, 2024 02:39:03Monday, 3 June, 2024 03:05:55Monday, 3 June, 2024 03:32:44Monday, 3 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 03:59:34Monday, 3 June, 2024 04:26:23Monday, 3 June, 2024 04:53:13Monday, 3 June, 2024 05:19:58Monday, 3 June, 2024 05:46:48Monday, 3 June, 2024 06:13:37Monday, 3 June, 2024 Raul_menendez: hey trump how dead is chat usually on the summers Dtrump: always dead 06:40:26Monday, 3 June, 2024 Rogue: womp 07:07:16Monday, 3 June, 2024 07:34:05Monday, 3 June, 2024 08:00:55Monday, 3 June, 2024 08:27:45Monday, 3 June, 2024 08:54:36Monday, 3 June, 2024 09:21:27Monday, 3 June, 2024 09:48:16Monday, 3 June, 2024 10:15:06Monday, 3 June, 2024 10:41:52Monday, 3 June, 2024 (anon): e Stardust12: e 11:08:41Monday, 3 June, 2024 Stardust12: anyone online> Stardust12: ?? Izzy_blight: Pedophile! Dtrump: oh a pedophile Izzy_blight: That's what they say when they see Jimmy 11:35:29Monday, 3 June, 2024 Stardust12: whos jimmy? Izzy_blight: A pedophile Izzy_blight: And my uncle Stardust12: . 12:02:20Monday, 3 June, 2024 12:29:09Monday, 3 June, 2024 Rouge_killer: nig Rouge_killer: ew redi is online Rouge_killer: gross Rouge_killer: REDI Raul_menendez: ...i forgot who redii is... Rouge_killer: L 12:55:57Monday, 3 June, 2024 Redii_17: stfu boyy 13:22:47Monday, 3 June, 2024 13:49:37Monday, 3 June, 2024 Redii_17: uigfjmkd Rouge_killer: NIGGA Rouge_killer: WIGGA Rouge_killer: NUGGA Redii_17: nigger Rouge_killer: NUGGET Redii_17: oo Redii_17: yym Redii_17: smd Redii_17: ufhvbisx Redii_17: fuvbhidsnc Redii_17: ifhskcj Redii_17: ufvndsmc Redii_17: fdscbhnj Rouge_killer: wtf Redii_17: ot Redii_17: of Redii_17: ds Rouge_killer: redi is on crack Redii_17: MHMM!! Rouge_killer: a boys crach' Rouge_killer: crack* Redii_17: oh! Redii_17: bro shes so annoying Redii_17: LMAOSJMJEINMs Redii_17: omgg Redii_17: "WANRNIGN NUMBER 1 Rouge_killer: gay Rouge_killer: gay Rouge_killer: gay Rouge_killer: ] 14:16:26Monday, 3 June, 2024 Rouge_killer: FAG Hornyasf: Hey Hornyasf: Anyone on atm Hornyasf: I’m horny Rouge_killer: same Hornyasf: Any females online? Rouge_killer: nah Rouge_killer: only one fat one Hornyasf: Damn that’s rough Hornyasf: Who’s the one? Rouge_killer: redi Rouge_killer: but shes fat and black Hornyasf: I’m into chubby girls so idc Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: look at this deck Hornyasf: That’s a hot asf deck Rouge_killer: lol (anon): hello? Rouge_killer: thats her (anon): yeah i logged out (anon): who wanted to talk to me? Rouge_killer: anon is her Hornyasf: I do haha Rouge_killer: so there you go (anon): ooooo (anon): whos into chubby girl eh? Hornyasf: I’m horny lmao he guided me your way Rouge_killer: yeo Hornyasf: I am (anon): oooo Hornyasf: Are you horny anon (anon): sure (anon): oh! (anon): oh! (anon): lmao Hornyasf: I can’t whisper you atm (anon): ikkk wait Redii_17: mk here Redii_17: now you can 14:43:17Monday, 3 June, 2024 15:10:06Monday, 3 June, 2024 (anon): Eeeeeeee (anon): Anyone out there Hornyasf: Hey Hornyasf: What’s up (anon): Bros hornyasf (anon): loll Hornyasf: I am (anon): chat im boredasf Hornyasf: Felt too (anon): anyone wanna fuck (anon): im jk Hornyasf: Sure (anon): OH! Hornyasf: Lol (anon): btw its me i jst came back Hornyasf: I figured haha (anon): did you add mee yet (anon): lmaooo Hornyasf: Chat reset and I lost your snap (anon): omgitsredii (anon): there (anon): do you live in VA Hornyasf: Ok can you let me whisper you too just in case and I live in Kentucky so close Hornyasf: Why? (anon): ohh nvmm (anon): hey yall (anon): Whos who (anon): da fu1 (anon): fuq (anon): im chloe Redii_17: ohhh hey (anon): Jeez Hornyasf: Hey all (anon): ok srsly tho whos who (anon): Anon accs suck Meatloaf: I AM MEATLOAF Redii_17: oh! (anon): mood (anon): yum (anon): redii (anon): rejoin Redii_17: heyy chlooee Redii_17: idkkk Hornyasf: Hey Chloe whoever you are (anon): im bread Hornyasf: Hello (anon): hi (anon): So uh, whats going on here Meatloaf: I AM MEATLOAF (anon): Im having meatloaf for dinner tonight, :P Redii_17: oh! (anon): Im a bit bored Redii_17: hi bit bored (anon): Geometry is sucking ass but whatever (anon): stupid tessellation (anon): Soo whos here (anon): Hellooo Preempty: tell me eevrything about tessellation Fuckass1: Its some stupid pattern thing we gotta draw with markers ir whatever (anon): Ya thats right (anon): geometry sucks so bad Fuckass1: Mhm Preempty: how does it looks like Fuckass1: Just patterns involving shapes and colors Rouge_killer: like rn or that i ever did fuck? Rouge_killer: oh shit Preempty: it is the combination that matters Redii_17: BSHAHHAHAAH Rouge_killer: welp Redii_17: boy Rouge_killer: redi stfu nigga Redii_17: no you white bpy Redii_17: boy* Preempty: snap it and post it here so we can help (anon): Uh what (anon): the tesselation? Preempty: yes (anon): Oh uh, i dont need help, i already had help irl, but im just saying it sucks Fuckass1: anyone here? Preempty: Hornyasf: Yes Fuckass1: Goofy ah tesselation Preempty: #tessellationGang Some1: Fuckass1: #fuckschool Some1: #FuckFurries Fuckass1: #fuckyouhowaboutthat Preempty: Tessellation is love. Tessellation is life. Fuckass1: We live, we love Fuckass1: We lie Some1: Rouge_killer: some this is better Rouge_killer: Hornyasf: Fuckass1: Ew Eraserman: smash Eraserman: or Eraserman: pass Fuckass1: I want men Rouge_killer: wtf Some1: bro i came back to that wtf Rouge_killer: porn Hornyasf: Fuckass1: Eraserman: E Rouge_killer: barny is going crazy Rouge_killer: bet Preempty: and how do you do tessellation? Fuckass1: Anyone here (anon): no Hornyasf: Yes Rouge_killer: niggas are not here (anon): Saying no when someone asked if anyones here is pretty weird (anon): why (anon): Seems to me your here (anon): your talking (anon): your here (anon): no shit (anon): congrats (anon): its called sarcasm (anon): Jeez, Who pissed in your cheerios today? (anon): my school (anon): also who says that (anon): Ya school sucks, doesnt mean you can have a pissy mood about it every day (anon): god damn it (anon): What? (anon): i fucking knew it was you (anon): Ya i knew u do this every day, sign out and have a lil talk on main chat (anon): i forgot to mention (anon): it was my school AND my boyfriend that "pissed in my cheerios today" (anon): All i do is try to help, you dont gotta be that way (anon): your only mad cuz of school (anon): ik damn well its only that (anon): Treasure_cat: Ngl it's kinda annoying when someone types out sigh (anon): cuz its true, its a bit weird (anon): But whatever (anon): well it sounded like your were being pissy because i said it was annoying you ask whats wrong everytime i say "sigh" (anon): you* (anon): omggg (anon): Im going keep asking every time u say it Hornyasf: (anon): because..i want to make sure that your fine Hornyasf: Hornyasf: Who wants more nudes? Oofalladeez: Wtf (anon): Nobody (anon): nobody at all (anon): lord have mercy (anon): who appears in a chat while two people are arguing asking if anyone wants nudes wtf Rouge_killer: OOF Rouge_killer: HRU (anon): terrible Rouge_killer: ITS BEEN TO LONG Oofalladeez: All I crave is death Rouge_killer: same Rouge_killer: and porn (anon): dont we all (anon): God i hate arguments Hornyasf: More porn for rogue Oofalladeez: Not the "emo kid I wanna die type" I mean just get it over with already Rouge_killer: bet Rouge_killer: Oof do you know what happened to axel Hornyasf: Hornyasf: Yeah where’s she (anon): (anon): stop sending porn in the middle of drama Oofalladeez: She's ok I hope (anon): no (anon): send more (anon): Do not send more shit (anon): Istg (anon): fr tho (anon): Just stop this whole bs drama (anon): FR Hornyasf: (anon): send furry porn (anon): holy fucking shit im not in the mood for this (anon): Same (anon): me neither i just want an excuse not to talk anymore (anon): send more (anon): Whatever (anon): UGH (anon): I PULLED A ALL NIGHTER AND NOW ALL THIS SHIT Hornyasf: (anon): i changed my mind about what i said before, i cant wait to turn in this dumb chromebook and be done with this shit (anon): Enough with the fucking porn Hornyasf: No (anon): no (anon): send all the porn (anon): Stop being assholes (anon): no Hornyasf: (anon): Just ignore the mf (anon): problem solve (anon): im done with drama (anon): Ignored (anon) and all their alts. (anon): i dont care if this relationship is ruined, might as well make myself even more miserable and pissed off (anon): and depressed (anon): Get yourself together omfg (anon): might as well make life meaningless (anon): pull yourself together (anon): might as well break up with me before i make you more miserable (anon): Why dont u do it (anon): great idea (anon): if you wont do it, then i will (anon): or, you can fucking pull yourself together and keep moving on (anon): yk what... (anon): im done (anon): whos here (anon): hi im done im dad (anon): Balls (anon): I've had enough of ur shit (anon): Inky we are breaking up (anon): Chloe and i are done with your dumb shit Hornyasf: Who (anon): Inker (anon): Im so fucking done with his bs (anon): End of story Raul_menendez: umm Raul_menendez: hey hru (anon): Dw abt it Raul_menendez: mich Preempty: Cum52: 9/11 Hornyasf: Cum52: oh Hornyasf: Yes Cum52: ok Hornyasf: Good nude? Preempty: go outside and get job 17:37:16Monday, 3 June, 2024 Hornyasf: Hornyasf: Hornyasf: Stardust12: a 18:04:04Monday, 3 June, 2024 Fuckass1: Anyone here Honey_bun_: heyyyys 18:30:52Monday, 3 June, 2024 18:57:43Monday, 3 June, 2024 19:24:31Monday, 3 June, 2024 19:51:22Monday, 3 June, 2024 20:18:10Monday, 3 June, 2024 Feministsavar: şşşş 20:45:00Monday, 3 June, 2024 21:11:51Monday, 3 June, 2024 21:38:42Monday, 3 June, 2024 Sannkaed: dead 22:05:30Monday, 3 June, 2024 22:32:19Monday, 3 June, 2024 22:59:07Monday, 3 June, 2024 Skylinechili: GAINESVILLE 23:25:55Monday, 3 June, 2024 23:52:46Monday, 3 June, 2024 00:19:34Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 00:46:24Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 No_scope_the_pope: This chat is so fucking dead Honey_bun__: helooooooo Honey_bun__: anyoneee homeeeeeeeeeeeee No_scope_the_pope: No_scope_the_pope: 01:13:13Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 01:40:00Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 02:06:48Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 02:33:36Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello (anon): U here 03:00:25Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 03:27:13Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 What75: wat Potent: Nerd Potent: Hhh What75: bruh Potent: The tthh Potent: Th What75: foxyjumpscare.mp4 Dtrump: sumtingwong What75: what is the code for room :skull: What75: since i csnt join cuz idk :skull: 03:54:02Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 What75: what_da_code_man_i_wanna_playu Generic: im in the copelow 04:20:50Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Lazurus: I'm back and I have a new outfit Lazurus: 04:47:39Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Generic: wut in the femboy Lazurus: yes 05:14:27Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 05:41:13Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Raul_menendez: hi Rain69: Hi Raul_menendez: ... Rain69: Lol Raul_menendez: would of been nice if you responded don't you think Raul_menendez: fuck you and your dark name color Hello19: Huh? 06:08:02Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 06:34:51Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 07:01:39Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 07:28:28Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Gape_horn10: hey 07:55:17Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Lazurus: welp now I have another kink fun 08:22:05Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 08:48:54Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 (anon): Hehe Window: e 09:15:42Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 09:42:33Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 10:09:21Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 10:36:09Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Eierkitzler: hitler Doddlebug: Heil Hitler 11:02:56Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 (anon): a (anon): A? (anon): h (anon): Who u (anon): kasry 11:29:47Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Dtrump: hey kasry 11:56:34Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 12:23:23Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 12:50:14Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 13:17:02Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 13:43:50Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Ø Rouge_killer: NIGGA Rouge_killer: hi izzy 14:10:39Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Hello Gordon Rouge_killer: what Izzy_blight: Jimmy is a fucked-up nasty fucking fuck. He's a danger to both himself and everyone who lives around him, especially children. His father had a really bad past and was abusive. He raped and beat Jimmy to a pulp and had Jimmy's dog killed in front of him. This caused him to take drugs and was the start of the beginning of his psychosis and delusions, the heroin addiction, violent tendencies, alcoholism, and mental problems. Rouge_killer: brb 14:37:27Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 15:04:15Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 15:31:03Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 (anon): Inky.. are u here Honey_bun_: anyone hereeeeeeeeeeee (anon): Anyone here.. Honey_bun_: helooorrr (anon): Hi Izzy_blight: Jimmy left me here Honey_bun_: oh (anon): Damn Izzy_blight: He did things to my special place and then threw me out of the back of his van (anon): Stfu Izzy_blight: While it was moving at a very hihg speed Izzy_blight: sorry (anon): anyone else here (anon): Hellooooo 15:57:51Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 (anon): Anyonne here (anon): Hi (anon): Is anyone hereeee Honey_bun_: hollloooooooooo (anon): Who u Honey_bun_: honey Honey_bun_: hi Honey_bun_: who u 16:24:40Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Honey_bun_: holooooooo (anon): Hi (anon): Idk (anon): Is anyone else here Hello19: Hello Rain69: hey Rouge_killer: KEI Rouge_killer: HRU Rouge_killer: dang i gtg (anon): Mood Rain69: GREYSON (anon): Whos here Rain69: me 16:51:28Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Honey_bun_: HELOOOOO Honey_bun_: anyone hereeeeeeeeee Rain69: HONEY Honey_bun_: KIKI Rain69: DO U HAVE DC Honey_bun_: WHAT??? Honey_bun_: wats dat (anon): Whats going on here Rain69: discord Honey_bun_: ohhhhh Honey_bun_: nop Rain69: sad Honey_bun_: ik 17:18:15Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 17:45:03Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Nina35: Wsp Redii_17: backk 18:11:52Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Dunderver: Noone cares what you said, Nina35 Dunderver: Noone cares about what Redii_17 said either Dunderver: I was in real life and I got friends. And hard artisan work Dunderver: In Real. Life. Got it? Rouge_killer: dunderver i think no one cares about you in general Honey_bun_: heheheheheheheheheeheheheheh Honey_bun_: \ Dunderver: I care Dunderver: *sniff* I care 20:14:11Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 22:18:50Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Carmannn: . 23:17:23Tuesday, 4 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello Melanna: Uuuu ship Melanna: Carmannn X Hello19 with Car being the dom here Kaitlyn1023: Its a game like cards against humanity Ferino: And what is this game? 00:10:27Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: Huh? Hello19: Wait what? Dtrump: ignore them Hello19: No wait what happen? Hello19: I'm so confused Hello19: I just got back and that's what I saw Hello19: I'm dating someone but it's not carmannn but I do need to talk to her about my gf tho was she just here? Dtrump: just chill dude Dtrump: I literally said ignore it. Hello19: Hmmm but I feel like something is going on and I feel like I need to be in the loop tho? Anyway was she just her tho Hello19: I feel like she feels like I'm ignoring her but I'm not also I'm calm-_- Hello19: Does anyone want to play some chess with me? 🤨🤨 Hello19: Hello? Hello19: Why is nobody on?? 00:53:02Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: -_- Lazurus: is it true that If you stay a virgin till your fifty you get wizard powers Hello19: Hmmmm Hello19: I wouldn't know Hello19: Because I'm not a Virgin 01:35:36Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: 🙃 Lazurus: same :( Lazurus: I guess no wizard powers for us Hello19: Hmmm I don't believe you Lazurus: meh I don't believe me either but idk what horny shit I do when I'm drunk so idk Hello19: Hello19: Yummy alcohol Gentlesoul: Yo Lazurus: wsp Gentlesoul: Watching a documentary on ww2 subs Gentlesoul: Eating dinner Gentlesoul: You? Lazurus: sounds fun I'm watching a chess match rn Therain: hey Hello19: Hello Lazurus: hi Gentlesoul: I’m back Gentlesoul: Still no public game damn Lazurus: ye its summer time so no one's playing this 02:18:10Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: How is everyone today? Izzy_blight: ❤️‍🩹 Hello19: Why that? Izzy_blight: Jimmy hurt me Hello19: Hello Hello19: I am back Hello19: How is everyone 03:00:45Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: Is there anybody on? 03:43:20Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: Why is it so dead on here? Hello19: -_- Gentlesoul: OH FUCK Gentlesoul: ANTS ALL OVER ME Gentlesoul: AAAAANTS Gentlesoul: OOOOOOOHHHHHH FFFFUUUUUUUCCCKKKK THEY ARE BITING Gentlesoul: AAAAHHHHHHH Hello19: ? Gentlesoul: OOOOHHHH SHIT Gentlesoul: MOOOORRRREEEEE AAAAANNNNNNNTTTSSS Gentlesoul: FUUUCK Izzy_blight: 🐜 🐜 🐜 Gentlesoul: EEEEEEEEEEEEK Gentlesoul: THEY BITE Gentlesoul: AN ANT IS IN MY URETHRA Gentlesoul: IT IS BITING THE INSIDE OF MY DICK HOLE OWIEOWIEOWIE Izzy_blight: Im biting the tip Gentlesoul: AAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE Hello19: Huh? Gentlesoul: VICIOUS ANTS BITING MY PEEEEEEEENUS 04:25:57Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: So I am going to wait for either the culprit of the words said or the girl or the guy that saw to come back on Dtrump: it was izzy Izzy_blight: Yeah i watched jimmy say the n word with the hard r Hello19: -_- Hello19: I would like to die Hello19: Anyway Izzy_blight: Murder suicide -delete error 05:08:31Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: So I am going to wait for either the culprit of the words said or the girl or the guy that saw to come back on Dtrump: it was izzy Izzy_blight: Yeah i watched jimmy say the n word with the hard r Hello19: -_- Hello19: I would like to die Hello19: Anyway Izzy_blight: Murder suicide Hello19: Hello 05:51:06Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 (anon): login 06:33:38Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 07:16:12Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 07:58:46Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Lazurus: I just came five feet now I can die happy Lazurus: mmm tastes like pineapple 08:41:20Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Janorus: I have a pen. I have an apple. *combines* Apple-Pen 09:43:11Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 10:54:49Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 (anon): login Izzy_blight: Unfortunately, Jimmy is a pedophile diagnosed with borderline and schizophrenia Noggerdireinen: I agree 11:37:24Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Fuck Jimmy, and fuck anyone who supports or defends him. 12:20:00Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Avamax: lello Avamax: its meee Avamax: Ava Max 13:02:40Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 (anon): Anyone here 13:45:14Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Dude90: Hey Dude90: Anyone on Dude90: I’m bored Dude90: Hey Dude90: Anyone on? 14:27:48Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Dude90: Yo Dude90: Anyone horny? Dude90: w/ Analavenga hey Rouge_killer: nug Rouge_killer: nut Hello19: Hello Dude90: Hey Dude90: What’s up Hello19: Hello Dude90: What’s up hello? 15:10:22Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: I'm a guy-_- Dude90: Hey Dude90: Anyone on? Dude90: Het 15:52:56Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: ? Hello19: How is everyone? 16:35:31Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: Is anyone on? 17:18:06Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Jark0: h Hello19: -_- (anon): Anyone here 18:00:38Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: Ok I'm back 18:43:10Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Tensao: Risks of using chat rooms Despite their many benefits, chat rooms can also present some risks to users, including: Online harassment: Some users may use chat rooms to harass or bully others. Inappropriate content: Chat rooms may contain explicit or inappropriate content. Unreliable information: The information shared in chat rooms may not always be accurate or reliable. Tensao: Very. Inaccruate. Honey_bun_: hehehehehehehehehehehehe Honey_bun_: helooooooo Hello19: Hello Honey_bun_: hru Hello19: I'm good Honey_bun_: that's good Hello19: You? Honey_bun_: I survived testing so great Hello19: Oh niceee Hello19: I hated when I had to testing when I was in schooollll Hello19: How is everyone today?? Honey_bun_: heheheheeheheheheheheh 19:25:44Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Treasure_cat: \/c Hello19: Is there anyone here? Hello19: -_# Hello19: Why is nobody here??? 20:08:21Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: I'm bored asf anyone on?? 20:50:58Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: Helllo??? Mesaview: Ayoo? Mesaview: There's also a chat? 21:33:34Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 22:16:09Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: Anyone there?? Hello19: Hello??? 22:58:43Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 (anon): login Hello19: 23:41:17Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 Hello19: Anybody on? Hello19: Ig not :/ 00:23:51Thursday, 6 June, 2024 What75: yez Hello19: Hello Rain69: hi 01:06:25Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Hello19: -_- 01:48:59Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Hello19: Does anyone want to play chess with me? 02:31:31Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Gentlesoul: No games Hello19: Hello Gentlesoul: Yo Gentlesoul: My balls itch Gentlesoul: HEY YOU DUMB SLUTS I SAID MY BALLS ITCH Gentlesoul: SCRATCH MY BAAAAALLLLLLLSSSSS (anon): avskjdb paiuewpuwehpaouwehsdna;odfpoweiweoihfa[dwfnasjfpoenf;lqdnfaof aosdjf a;sdjnfa;sjdnf;oeijf [osdif[oeif pkpaenfadfksdanfadfpaidf aoi aoidjoaijefdnfaweu[iwef[a Hello19: Huh? Gentlesoul: Sorry I have a condition Gentlesoul: Sometimes I exclaim profanities Gentlesoul: GOOK NIGGER WHORES Gentlesoul: Whoa that was a bad one Gentlesoul: Sorry about that 03:14:07Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Gentlesoul: CUMGAGGING ULTRAFAGGOTS SODOMIZING EACH OTHER Gentlesoul: Yeesh Mod13: HEY STOP SWEARING MOD IS HERE Mod13: I CAN BAN Mod13: Better Mod13: Hushmode Mod13: If anyone speaks out of turn even dtrump I will BAN THEN Hello19: Huh Mod13: That is right Mod13: Big dawg is here WOOF WOOF WOOOF GRRRRRR Mod13: Step outta line and I will FUCK YOU UP Mod13: By BANNING YOU Mod13: YEAH Hello19: -_- Dtrump: damn chat was moving when I was gone Mod13: I had to put my foot down Dtrump: good Mod13: Da big dawg barked and all the puppies cowered Hello19: Mkay Mod13: Dat’s right Mod13: Also I have pendulous testicles Mod13: Dtrump stay in line or I ban you 03:56:41Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello Hello19: Is anyone on? Hello19: -_- 04:39:18Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 05:21:52Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Lazurus: I'm back whatdidimiss Dtrump: there's nothing happening on this site aymore Lazurus: oh hey trump Lazurus: and sometimes its lively but its mostly dead and for good reason Dtrump: only like 6 people spoke this week. Lazurus: also how do I clean jizz off a keyboard😅 Lazurus: and I've talked to eight people on here this week but it was mostly pms 06:04:28Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Lazurus: I'm back again my charger is ass Lazurus: but I made a thc sucker so I'm happy Hello19: Huh? Lazurus: its cinnamon flavored Hello19: 🤢 Lazurus: also hey hello Hello19: Wassup Lazurus: I'm guessing you don't like cinnamon Hello19: I can't drink fireball because of it 🐸 Lazurus: oof I don't drink fireball cuz I get handsy Dtrump: I don't drink alcohol. Hello19: Handsy? How so? Lazurus: of course it would ruin your chances of wizard powers Hello19: -_- Hello19: Also I had a very fun drink this night Dtrump: he touches guys a lot on fireball Lazurus: yes what trump said and what did you have Hello19: I had a sip of a 99 shot left a voodoo ranger which is 7% and a Gatorade because of healthy that's why Lazurus: that sounds interesting weirdly Lazurus: I might try it Hello19: But sadly it didn't even get me buzzed that's why I had another 99 shot which was chocolate flavored with diet coke because of health Hello19: The sip of 99 was blackberry flavored Lazurus: yeah those 99 shot aren't really strong I usually just drink vodka and diet coke Lazurus: it gets the job done Lazurus: I don't like the blackberry one tbh Hello19: On my grad night I had a full 99 shot with my ex my sister and her ex my ex was stumbling around after that shot but I was running around crying and shit Dtrump: I have never been drunk. Hello19: Because I honestly thought I was going to kill myself before I graduated also it was like the last time I would see my parents in a while Hello19: You should it's fun Hello19: Hopefully you are the happy drunk not the bad drunk Lazurus: yeah till the hangover hits you like a bus and yes Dtrump: I feel if I got drunk I would start groping girls in the bar. Hello19: I have never had a hang over and never blacked out and I remember everything 🙂 Hello19: That's why you get drunk by yourself first Hello19: Also I'm quite nice guy when I'm shitfaced Hello19: When I get drunk with people I start to care about the people I hanging out with 🤢🤢 Lazurus: this suckers mid Hello19: I have never done anything bad to my ex when I was drunk also when ever something bad did happened around me I would sober up really quickly Lazurus: I don't really drink socially so I haven't had those experiences Hello19: I have they suck I hate interacting with people but that completely goes away when I'm drunk😮‍💨 it's weird Lazurus: I guess you need loosened up before you talk to people Hello19: Nah Hello19: If they don't like me at my lowest(which is most the time) then they won't like me when I'm high Hello19: I mean when I'm ar my highest ;D Hello19: At* Lazurus: having troubles with auto correct Hello19: I'm having troubles with my brain not wanting to get buzzed Lazurus: sounds like a normal day to me Hello19: 😮‍💨 Hello19: You don't impress me child Lazurus: cool? Hello19: 🤷‍♂️ Hello19: I'm bored trying to make people angry Lazurus: I just get horny when im mad cuz of odd kinks so I wouldn't try it on me Hello19: Huh? Lazurus: sorry the suckers kicking in Hello19: Sucker kicking in? What you mean by that 🤔 06:47:02Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Lazurus: I mean pussys alright but I like being the bottom and no girl wants a sub boyfriend Lazurus: Yo trump you on bud 07:29:39Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Dtrump: ok Chloe78: gang Chloe78: i wanna play Chloe78: slide the code 08:12:13Thursday, 6 June, 2024 08:54:47Thursday, 6 June, 2024 09:19:19Thursday, 6 June, 2024 10:01:54Thursday, 6 June, 2024 10:44:28Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Stardust12: im here Izzy_blight: Good morning Stardust12: gm 11:27:02Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Redii_17: jrndkmls 12:09:36Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Stardust12: a 12:52:13Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Stardust12: e 13:34:48Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Redii_17: anyonee 14:17:21Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Rouge_killer: hola Rouge_killer: im bored Rouge_killer: wheres kei Redii_17: boy Redii_17: idk 14:59:56Thursday, 6 June, 2024 15:42:30Thursday, 6 June, 2024 16:25:05Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Stardust12: w Inker275 hi Hello19: Hello 17:07:39Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 17:50:13Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: I am blasted on some good meth Hello19: Helloooo Izzy_blight: It is my god-given mission to drive a truck into the side of a gas station Hello19: Hello 18:32:48Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Good evening 🌃 Hello19: Mhmm Hello19: I'm back Izzy_blight: Good afternoon Mobilet: How is the outside-world? Izzy_blight: Burning Izzy_blight: I can see it all from up here Mobilet: Just this? 19:01:43Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Mobilet: Do you feel imitated or scared going outside? The unknown. 19:02:46Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Yes Izzy_blight: I can't remember the last time I was outside i can't bear to be seen by people 19:10:28Thursday, 6 June, 2024 (anon): hallo Antiseptic433: hoi Izzy_blight: Good night office Antiseptic433: Good night indeed Izzy_blight: I hate it when Jimmy steals my phone to look up children porn Hello19: Hello 20:48:46Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: Wow Izzy you're still up? Izzy_blight: Unfortunately Izzy_blight: I am exhausted to the point of brain tumor Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm sorry. Me too. I can feel each individual muscle in my back, all varying levels of hurt and sore Izzy_blight: Very sorry Izzy_blight: Life should not be so much pain Assmaster: Ishipwillowandhunter: Imagine if he nurtured me. Let me take classes and apply for programs. I wonder if hes even thought about it Shinzen: The N-word is a normal word in germany. "weniger" means "lesser" from "less" ("wenig"). Shinzen: Americans in chat cant cope that their culture isnt the only valid one. Assmaster: Dtrump: Canada sucks. Bignig: FUCKERS Shinzen: Bignig: I DONT CLICK YOUR CP LINKS YOU DIRTY PEDO FUUUUUUCK Bignig: I CHOKE SLAM PEDOS LIKE YOOOOOUUUUUU Bignig: *picks up the dirty pedo* Bignig: GET FUCKED DOUCHE-FAG Bignig: *spinning piledriver* Shinzen: in german the word "lesser" is "weniger" translated and in Turkish you can say accidently n-word too. Bignig: WHY YOU LITTLE CHINK Shinzen: Even PewDiePie said it and he says that swedes doesn't have that connection like in America Bignig: WE ABOUT TO HAVE A CONNECTION BETWIXT YOUR FACE AND MY FIST Shinzen: 382 186.52 weniger 274 267.98 weniger I "See 995 examples of '[word="weniger"] cut 1000' in INTERNET-DE" Shinzen: Theres a downwards trend. Still from-Google-analyzed-German-books uses: weniger 0.0178544651% Weniger‬‪ 0.0005404721% WENIGER 0.0000140859% weNiger‬‪ 0.0000000000% WEniger‬‪ 0.0000000390% wENIGER‬ 0.0000000000% Shinzen: The german duden dictionary got much respect since 1872 as one authoritative source 1880 Shinzen: "Nach dem Wortschatzlexikon der Universität Leipzig steht das Wort weniger an Position 273 der häufigsten Wörter.", "According to the lexicon of the University of Leipzig, the word less is in position 273 of the most frequent words." its lesser actually but still Shinzen: translated:"A closer look at the evaluations reveals some astonishing results: The 100 most frequent words account for almost half of all words in the texts of the Duden corpus. The most frequent 2525 words also cover 75% of the texts. In contrast, the remaining 18.1 million words in the Duden corpus account for only 25%." Shinzen: "nega"tive Bignig: THIS NAZI NIGGER IS SPAMMING NAZI PROPAGAND Bignig: A Shinzen: except its true. "weniger" is normal word in german Bignig: I LIKE THIS LITTLE NAZI GOOK NIGGER Bignig: BUT YOU FORGOT ONE THING LIL NAZI GOOK NIGGER Shinzen: If we want to remove race as a concept, we should allow white ppl to do black stuffs and vice versa equally Bignig: THE ONLY GERMAN WORD THAT MATTERS IS "HITLER" Bignig: THE IMMORTAL LEADER OF THE ARYAN RACE Shinzen: except he died Bignig: DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT IMMORTAL MEANS? Bignig: HE STILL LIVES IN BRAZIL Shinzen: tell me Bignig: IT MEANS HE LIVES FOREVER Bignig: WHEN HE KILLED HIS 4 MILLIONTH JEW HE GOT TOP SCORE AND WAS REWARDED WITH ETERNAL LIFE Shinzen: in Call Of Duty? Bignig: IT'S LIKE HIGHLANDER, OR HIGHLANDER 2 Bignig: BUT LESS SHITTY Shinzen: he was hgh aswell Bignig: WELL YEAH HIGH OFF ALL THAT JEW KILLING Shinzen: imagine going to war without meth Bignig: IMAGINE NOT KILLING JEWS Bignig: YOU CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE IT YOU ANTISEMITE Shinzen: imagine imagining things despite being so close-minded Bignig: IMAGINE BEING GASSED Shinzen: Imagine being based Bignig: "HMMMM THESE SHOWERS KINDA SUC-GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH*DIES*" Shinzen: I see youre a man of culture aswell Bignig: DID YOU ASSUME MY GENDER? Bignig: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Shinzen: What lead you being in this place? Shinzen: males are more likely to be big and more males than females are political so yes, "Bignig" is male probably. Bignig: I AM AN OBESE BLACK WOMAN Bignig: WAY TO ASSUME WRONG GENIUS Shinzen: especially compensating with their bigness. A "Biggirl" would more likely marked herself in a nude way in this chat Shinzen: It needs a way to walk through in the first place. Bignig: WELL YOU WRONG Shinzen: you have a 50/50 chance of guessing my gender correctly Bignig: BIG TIME WRONG Bignig: I IDENTIFY AS A BISON Shinzen: idc so I give you the pass Shinzen: oh its still about you Bignig: I DONT GIVE AF WHAT YOU ARE LIL CHINK NAZI NIGGER Bignig: YOU COOL WITH ME Sannkaed: damn Shinzen: Its been awhile since I said the n-word last time. Shinzen: yeah I am cool with you Bignig: WELL I AM AN OBESE BLACK FEMALE SO I GIVE YOU A NIGGER PASS FOR TODAY Shinzen: Its too late but thx Bignig: YOU CAN SAY NIGGER WITHOUT REPURCUSSION FROM NIGGERS Bignig: I JUST GAVE IT TO YOU Shinzen: I still fear them Bignig: GO TRY IT OUT AT YOUR LOCAL MALL Shinzen: there arent much black ppl in my locals Bignig: LISTEN BLACK PEOPLE ARENT SENSITIVE ABOUT THAT WORD ANYMORE TRUST ME Bignig: THEY ALL SAY IT RIGHT? Shinzen: what happened Bignig: HOW SENSITIVE CAN THEY BE? Bignig: SEE? Bignig: SEE HOW PERSUASIVE THAT IS? Shinzen: Are you on your period or medicine? Bignig: NOW GO CALL SOME BLACK PEOPLE NIGGERS Shinzen: Hmmm.... No. Bignig: YEAH YEAH DEFELCTION YADA WHATEVER BITCH GO DO IT I WANNA LAUGH Bignig: I WANNA SEE YOU GET BUTTRAPED BY A RAGING PACK OF POC Shinzen: Isnt there someone else in this chat? Shinzen: I doubt Bignig is female Bignig: THEY WANT TO SEE IT TOO Bignig: I CAN VOUCHE FOR THEM Shinzen: most aggresive arc Bignig: WHATEVER NIGGA U GAY Shinzen: You have no evidence Bignig: THIS AINT COURT BITCH DONT NEED NO EVDENCE Shinzen: so you need evidence Bignig: SWEET HOPPING SHIT YOU ARE DUMB NO NIGGER I JUST SAID THIS AINT COURT Bignig: DAMN U DUMB Shinzen: You committed a double-negation with "DONT " and "NO ". Bignig: IMA ABOUT TO DOUBLE NEGATE YO ASS WITH A QUICKNESS YOU LITTLE SMART ALECK CHINK Shinzen: This isn't a court. Noone needs no evidence. You said. Bignig: NO ARGUMENT WILL ASSERT MY RIGHT WHEN I BEAT YOU WITH MY HUGE PURSE Bignig: SAVE YOUR SOPHISTRY FOR THE COURTS WHICH THIS AINT YOU LITTLE SHIT Shinzen: Wrong timing yet whats your favorite philosopher? Bignig: 50 CENT Shinzen: Mine is Plato. Bignig: HE DO THAT COLAB WITH MEGAN THEE STALLION? Shinzen: He teached Aristotle, which teached Alesander the Great, which Alexander owned 50% of world population at ancient times. Shinzen: Alexander* Shinzen: Plato was a student of Socrates, which Socrates walked to public and asked questions to challenge their assumptions. Thats Plato's collab kinda. Bignig: ALEXANDER WAS HELLA GAY BRUH THIS ALL SUS AF Shinzen: I admire him for his military skills Bignig: I ADMIRE MEGAN FOR HER TWERKING SKILLS Shinzen: Twerking is standard and most women can do it naturally. Bignig: NAH BRUH GOTTA HAVE DAT ASS Bignig: EVER SEE A CHICK WITH NO ASS TRY TO TWERK? Bignig: CRINGE Bignig: LIKE DAAAYYYYUM GURL GET A BBL Shinzen: You will know it better about that topic. Shinzen: : "Twerking primarily involves the movement of the buttocks, lower back, and hips. These coordinated motions create the distinct pulsating motion that defines twerking. It requires a synchronized contraction and relaxation of various muscles, including the glutes, hip flexors, and core muscles. Additionally, the ability to isolate different muscle groups and control their movements is crucial." Shinzen: as a tense guy, I struggle to twerk fluid Shinzen: Now if I go silence, it is because I have things to do outside. Bignig: SORRY I WAS TWERKING IN THE MIRROR Bignig: GODDAMN I STILL GOT IT 22:59:37Thursday, 6 June, 2024 Bignig: OK I GOTS TO MASTURBATE NOW WITH MY GIANT BLACK LADY PARTS Bignig: JUST PICTURING IDRIS ELBA CARRYING ME AWAY Bignig: USING A FORKLIFT OBVIOUSLY BUT STILL VERY ROMANTIC Bignig: *plunges whole fist into giant black pussy* Bignig: AAAAHHHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIITTTTT YEEESSSSSSS IDRIS RIDE ME LIKE A STALLION Bignig: IM IN TO THE ELBOW AND STILL HAVEN'T TOUCHED THE BACK OF MY SOPPING VAJAYJAY Bignig: *Camera pulls back, revealing scene on a television being watched by an old man smoking a pipe. He turns to us and speaks* "Heh, that's good stuff!" (anon): .....what the actual fuck (anon): I'm reading this conversation back (anon): and I am popping a massive boner (anon): is that weird? 23:42:11Thursday, 6 June, 2024 00:24:47Friday, 7 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello Hello19: How is everyone today? Carmannn: .. Sannkaed: :( 01:07:22Friday, 7 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 01:49:55Friday, 7 June, 2024 Mod13: Behave yourselves please Mod13: Or I will text Azala and get you banned Mod13: Yes I know Azala 02:32:31Friday, 7 June, 2024 Mod13: Azala and me hang out Mod13: I saved his life Mod13: He was about to be mailed to death by a bear and I killed the bear Mod13: Mauled not mailed lol Mod13: Anyways yeah I killed the bear and saved Azala’s life IRL Mod13: Just sayin Mod13: That’s right bitch don’t fuck with me Mod13: Need an unlocked game Mod13: Everyone still behaving? 03:15:05Friday, 7 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 03:57:39Friday, 7 June, 2024 04:40:15Friday, 7 June, 2024 7,026 players have donated so far. 05:22:49Friday, 7 June, 2024 Lazurus: back Ishipwillowandhunter: Laz, baby, it's been a while (anon): hi Feces: hi 06:05:23Friday, 7 June, 2024 Lazurus: oh hey mich yea I've been on a break Izzy_blight: Anxiety increased to 300 Lazurus: hey iz Dtrump: time to leave then Izzy_blight: Yes Izzy_blight: Hello Jonathan Izzy_blight: How is the day Anal_incest: KILL ALL FAGGOTS Lazurus: damn looks like I'm dying then Zuzu: nigger 06:47:57Friday, 7 June, 2024 Lazurus: also anal incest? Dtrump: fun Lazurus: ayoo? 07:30:31Friday, 7 June, 2024 Easypoker: g Easypoker: g Easypoker: gg Easypoker: g Easypoker: g Easypoker: g Easypoker: g Easypoker: g Easypoker: g Easypoker: g Easypoker: g Easypoker: g Easypoker: g Easypoker: g Yes85: Hi 08:13:06Friday, 7 June, 2024 Dtrump: nobody likes you Lazurus: my wifi went out fun Lazurus: my internet is terrible 08:55:44Friday, 7 June, 2024 09:38:21Friday, 7 June, 2024 10:20:58Friday, 7 June, 2024 11:03:32Friday, 7 June, 2024 11:46:09Friday, 7 June, 2024 12:28:46Friday, 7 June, 2024 13:11:20Friday, 7 June, 2024 Redii_17: rfecds Everettstinker: yo hurry up Xxlaura0703xx: Kann ich irgendwo beitreten 13:53:54Friday, 7 June, 2024 Hello19: Helll Hello19: Hello* 14:36:28Friday, 7 June, 2024 Stupiduncle: flart Stupiduncle: flart Doddlebug: Stupid ni 15:19:03Friday, 7 June, 2024 Pathakin: asdf 16:01:37Friday, 7 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 16:44:14Friday, 7 June, 2024 17:26:48Friday, 7 June, 2024 18:09:23Friday, 7 June, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: There are so many conceptual difficulties with quantum theory. I'm having a stroke trying to make sense of it all Vdot: hey Vdot: chat ded King_luci: im backkkkkkkkkkkkkk 18:52:00Friday, 7 June, 2024 Hello19: Helpo Hello19: Hello* 19:34:37Friday, 7 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 20:17:11Friday, 7 June, 2024 Puretoxicstreams: can you stop saying hello? 20:54:20Friday, 7 June, 2024 Cum52: yoooo Dunkbdc: And the best part of it: Noone cares 23:59:24Friday, 7 June, 2024 01:45:53Saturday, 8 June, 2024 01:46:37Saturday, 8 June, 2024 02:29:13Saturday, 8 June, 2024 (anon): Vassily 03:11:47Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 03:54:22Saturday, 8 June, 2024 04:36:57Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Orclord56: Brother uhhhh 05:19:32Saturday, 8 June, 2024 06:02:06Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Mod13: HELLO ANYONE HERE????? Mod13: HELLFUCKINGOOOOOOOO Mod13: HEY FUCKOS 06:44:41Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Newsunique: Hey 07:27:15Saturday, 8 June, 2024 08:09:49Saturday, 8 June, 2024 08:52:23Saturday, 8 June, 2024 09:34:57Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Lazurus: I'm back again finally off work Lazurus: that was a nice shower 10:17:33Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Lazurus: I'm gonna take a nap for a bit 11:00:07Saturday, 8 June, 2024 11:42:42Saturday, 8 June, 2024 12:25:16Saturday, 8 June, 2024 13:07:50Saturday, 8 June, 2024 13:50:24Saturday, 8 June, 2024 14:32:58Saturday, 8 June, 2024 15:15:33Saturday, 8 June, 2024 15:58:07Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Assmaster: dead chat 16:40:41Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello (anon): awdawdwa 17:23:15Saturday, 8 June, 2024 18:05:49Saturday, 8 June, 2024 18:48:27Saturday, 8 June, 2024 19:31:04Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Flowerhome: Helmo Flowerhome: Hey 20:13:36Saturday, 8 June, 2024 20:56:10Saturday, 8 June, 2024 21:38:45Saturday, 8 June, 2024 22:21:20Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Jug_addict_alt: Balls Assmaster: pen nis 23:03:56Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Fiodor: Siema 23:46:31Saturday, 8 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 00:29:06Sunday, 9 June, 2024 01:11:40Sunday, 9 June, 2024 01:54:17Sunday, 9 June, 2024 Pheephee: Huh Pheephee: It's been a long, long time since I've been on here lol 02:36:52Sunday, 9 June, 2024 03:19:27Sunday, 9 June, 2024 04:02:01Sunday, 9 June, 2024 -delete error 04:44:36Sunday, 9 June, 2024 05:27:11Sunday, 9 June, 2024 06:09:46Sunday, 9 June, 2024 Cum85: Hey Therain: hey Therain: hey Therain: so bored Dtrump: idc 06:52:21Sunday, 9 June, 2024 07:34:55Sunday, 9 June, 2024 08:17:29Sunday, 9 June, 2024 Lazurus: damn tonight was a late night Lazurus: its already three shit Lazurus: damn this chats more dead than my uncles sex life Rain69: hey Lazurus: oh hey rain Rain69: hi laz Lazurus: how have you been it"s been a while Rain69: idk hbu 09:00:03Sunday, 9 June, 2024 Lazurus: meh I've been busy with work so not much I guess Rain69: fun Lazurus: eh might as well instead of being stuck at home Rain69: real Lazurus: I do miss being bored though Rain69: i dont Rain69: im glad im not on as much the dc drama be lit Lazurus: ok fine true Rain69: bro someone blew up my castle in mc Lazurus: damn did you set up cannons outside the persons base Rain69: no Rain69: someone fucked with thier house so they blew up my castle Lazurus: so someone thought you did something that you didnt Rain69: yea Rain69: but me and my bf did try to kill them for killing us before Lazurus: sounds about right Rain69: still no excuss to blow smth up that took 4 hours to build Lazurus: Jesus four hours of work I'd kidnap their pet Rain69: fr Dtrump: I love sand. Rain69: trump Lazurus: like to eat it or just in general Rain69: to hold hostag and threaten to kill Dtrump: yeah I eat sand Rain69: trump i got a question Dtrump: what Rain69: has risk been on at all Lazurus: Dtrump: not for a few weeks Rain69: alr Dtrump: Barely anyone has come on. Lazurus: and bored of boredom damn Lazurus: I can vouch for that Dtrump: Maybe everyone got a job finally. Lazurus: damn Lazurus: although I don't think most of them can work Dtrump: summer job at least Lazurus: ok true you can clean houses or mow lawns for under table pay or be like my cousin Mike and sell rock on the corner Lazurus: hey trump why is there a guy asking about bank statements and saying irs Dtrump: where Lazurus: he's at my door saying something about unpaid taxes and atf idk what taxes are though🤔 Dtrump: me either Lazurus: I told him I don't live here and he left 09:42:37Sunday, 9 June, 2024 Lazurus: a bee sting to the p[enis can permanently enlarge it Lazurus: by about 0.6 to 1.1 inches 10:25:14Sunday, 9 June, 2024 11:07:49Sunday, 9 June, 2024 (anon): wtf 11:50:24Sunday, 9 June, 2024 21:21:42Sunday, 9 June, 2024 Terstegen: que se va 22:57:28Sunday, 9 June, 2024 23:05:24Sunday, 9 June, 2024 Nonstopcumming: Herro Nonstopcumming: I like buttfucking Nonstopcumming: I like fucking butts and having people fuck my butt Nonstopcumming: I also enjoy poo play Nonstopcumming: I love it when my lover sodomizes me and then shits in my mouth Nonstopcumming: So that my defilement is complete Nonstopcumming: Oh god I am cumming just thinking about it Nonstopcumming: Thick hot ropes of mansperm are jetting out of my big cock Nonstopcumming: Jizz is everywhere I think I accidentally impregnated both of my cats Nonstopcumming: Whew that was hot Nonstopcumming: My massive boner is still throbbing tho Nonstopcumming: Have I mentioned that I like to buttfuck sluts? 01:43:35Monday, 10 June, 2024 Nonstopcumming: Oh god I am gonna cum again Nonstopcumming: I need someone to help me Nonstopcumming: Tell me I am filthy worthless scum Nonstopcumming: Nevermind someone in another website did UUUUNNNNGGGGHHHH CCCUUUUUMMMMMMMIIINNNNGGGG Nonstopcumming: UNGH UMGH AHHH OOOOHHHH FUUUUCKKKK UNGH UNGH AHHHHH Nonstopcumming: AAAAOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH Spoogemaster: I also cum Spoogemaster: I love to cum Spoogemaster: Here I will cum now Spoogemaster: Cum Therain: hello Spoogemaster: Yo Spoogemaster: It’s boner time Therain: interesting Spoogemaster: My thick veiny cock is throbbing with delight Therain: wow now my weekend sounds fair less interesting Therain: *far Therain: goodbye Spoogemaster: I am about to blow my load Spoogemaster: HERE I COME Spoogemaster: UNGH UNGH UNGH UNGH AAAWWWWW FFFFUUUUUCCCKKKK Spoogemaster: YYYEEEEESSSSS Spoogemaster: OH GOD Spoogemaster: FUCK ME BABEEEEEEEEE Marioparty: that was weird Spoogemaster: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH CUUUUMMMMMING Hitdiscount: just so yk I can still chat Hitdiscount: ye Hitdiscount: why she want u to be her daughter Hello19: Hello 04:21:48Monday, 10 June, 2024 07:00:00Monday, 10 June, 2024 Meatbeater: Is it considered a hate crime If it was just a goof Meatbeater: Remember it isn't illegal as long as the cops don't find out Dtrump: rape Meatbeater: Im about to do something that makes Hiroshima look like a tea party 09:38:15Monday, 10 June, 2024 12:16:30Monday, 10 June, 2024 -error- 14:59:50Monday, 10 June, 2024 15:01:35Monday, 10 June, 2024 15:27:17Monday, 10 June, 2024 Hilo: Why Hilo: Hey Hilo: Anyone on Safetypick: Are you Hello19's brother or whats that with your name "Hilo"? 16:27:29Monday, 10 June, 2024 Hello69: Anyone on Hello69: Hey Carmannn: . Hello69: Hey Hello69: What’s up carmannn Hello69: I’m bored asf Hello69: Hello 17:13:14Monday, 10 June, 2024 Goodbye: the lore of saying hello continues Goodbye: Hello69 and Hilo have same IP, yet Hello19 and Hello69 are different. 18:12:44Monday, 10 June, 2024 (anon): ;. _kaczka: dsds 19:11:50Monday, 10 June, 2024 Keebler: No 19:57:38Monday, 10 June, 2024 Higma: if youre reading this, you truly have no life and this is sad 23:05:17Monday, 10 June, 2024 23:51:03Monday, 10 June, 2024 00:37:00Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 01:22:46Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 02:08:32Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 02:54:20Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Spoogemaster: Sup nerds Spoogemaster: I am pulling my cock out now Spoogemaster: It’s out Spoogemaster: Holy fuck Spoogemaster: My cock is huge 03:40:06Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 04:25:51Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 05:11:35Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Callmelili: 1000 cum 05:57:20Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Spoogemaster: Yo Spoogemaster: I am spooge 06:43:04Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 07:28:48Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 08:14:36Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 09:00:20Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 09:46:04Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Derallerechte: hallo 10:31:49Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 11:17:33Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 12:03:17Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 12:49:04Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Rain69: fl 13:34:49Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Assmaster: good morning Rouge_killer: smash Rouge_killer: bros Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: brb Assmaster: 14:20:34Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 15:06:18Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Blobzymusic: um Blobzymusic: what the sigma?! 15:52:03Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 16:37:48Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Jorgen: jorgen 17:23:33Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 18:24:55Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 18:34:17Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 19:20:04Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Him41: Anyone on? Him41: Hey Pepperbixch: Aaaaaaa Hello19: Hello Goodbye: Everytime you greet someone, noone is greeting you back. The friends you want to be listened ignore you. Saying "Hello" becomes pointless. 19:53:17Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 20:09:40Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 Der_kleine_timmy: At least you can try, sayin hello Der_kleine_timmy: dont be that pessimistic Pepperbixch: Hiiii Sannkaed: howdy Carmannn: hi sann Carmannn: by sann, lol Sannkaed: yooo 23:24:45Tuesday, 11 June, 2024 00:10:31Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 00:56:16Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 Therain: hey Therain: anyone out there 01:42:00Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 02:27:45Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 Therain: hello 03:13:32Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 Spoogemaster: Whew Spoogemaster: What a day Spoogemaster: Got my dick jammed in a homeless guy Spoogemaster: Long story don’t want to get into it 03:59:16Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 04:45:00Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 05:30:47Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Help me get rid of jimmy 06:16:31Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 07:02:19Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 07:48:04Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 08:33:48Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 09:19:35Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 10:05:20Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 Costpattern: Hey Costpattern: was geht 10:51:06Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 11:36:50Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 (anon): Anyone here? 12:22:35Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 13:08:20Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 (anon): schwanz Izzy_blight: Jimmy Eat World Trade Center 13:54:05Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 14:39:50Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 15:25:37Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 16:42:25Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 17:28:09Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 18:13:54Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 Hello90: Hey Hello90: Anyone on? Hello90: I’m alone here ugh Hello90: Hey Hello90: I’m bored asf Samuraixjay: Yo Hello90: Hey Hello90: What’s up 18:59:37Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 Chade: hwats for lunch 19:45:22Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 20:31:07Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 Lll: Lll: heyyy you all ^-^ 21:16:50Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 22:02:35Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 Redii_17: . Untitledgoose: Poop Assmaster: 22:48:20Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 23:34:04Wednesday, 12 June, 2024 00:19:52Thursday, 13 June, 2024 01:05:38Thursday, 13 June, 2024 01:51:23Thursday, 13 June, 2024 02:37:07Thursday, 13 June, 2024 03:22:51Thursday, 13 June, 2024 Therain: hey Hello19: Hello Therain: hello Therain: no public games 04:08:36Thursday, 13 June, 2024 04:54:20Thursday, 13 June, 2024 Ballmaterial: can someone let me join?? 05:40:05Thursday, 13 June, 2024 06:25:49Thursday, 13 June, 2024 07:11:34Thursday, 13 June, 2024 07:57:19Thursday, 13 June, 2024 08:43:04Thursday, 13 June, 2024 09:28:47Thursday, 13 June, 2024 10:14:34Thursday, 13 June, 2024 11:00:20Thursday, 13 June, 2024 11:35:21Thursday, 13 June, 2024 12:03:17Thursday, 13 June, 2024 12:49:54Thursday, 13 June, 2024 13:35:39Thursday, 13 June, 2024 16:03:07Thursday, 13 June, 2024Szegho: Niggers Szegho: Am csuka lilien vagyok Szegho: Nem am nem Szegho: Alatok vagyok Hello10: Hey anyone on Hello10: Anyone on Hello10: Yo Hello10: Anyone on Hello36: I’m bored asf Hello36: Weeb: Hey Weeb: Anyone on here right now? Weeb: I’m bored asf Weeb: Hello Weeb: ? Weeb: Dead af in here Carmannn: anyone on? Carmannn: like, at all? Carmannn: why is no one on anymoreeeeeee? Penis6969: Hi Wanna2rise49: join EUQWXG in among us. It's modded lobby. 18:53:13Thursday, 13 June, 2024Shibapup12: E 19:38:59Thursday, 13 June, 2024 20:24:47Thursday, 13 June, 2024 21:10:31Thursday, 13 June, 2024 21:56:16Thursday, 13 June, 2024Sannkaed: yo trum[ Sannkaed: why this bitch so deaddd Dtrump: its summer 22:41:59Thursday, 13 June, 2024Sannkaed: fair ig 23:27:44Thursday, 13 June, 2024 00:13:27Friday, 14 June, 2024Carmannn: anyone on now? Carmannn: like, at all? Carmannn: this chat is getting more boring by the minute Carmannn: its to bad that people have a life Carmannn: dtrump, i know youre online Carmannn: say hi, at least' Carmannn: i need to see someone i know say something Rain69: hola Carmannn: HIIIIIII Carmannn: FINALLLYYYYYY Carmannn: ITS SOMEONE I KNOW 00:59:11Friday, 14 June, 2024Samuraixjay: Yo 01:44:56Friday, 14 June, 2024(anon): Hi 02:30:39Friday, 14 June, 2024 03:16:22Friday, 14 June, 2024(anon): Herro (anon): I have a massive boner (anon): Ima jack it (anon): Oh god yes 04:02:07Friday, 14 June, 2024 04:47:53Friday, 14 June, 2024 05:33:37Friday, 14 June, 2024 06:19:22Friday, 14 June, 2024 07:05:06Friday, 14 June, 2024 07:30:36Friday, 14 June, 2024 08:16:20Friday, 14 June, 2024 09:02:05Friday, 14 June, 2024 09:47:50Friday, 14 June, 2024 10:33:35Friday, 14 June, 2024 11:19:23Friday, 14 June, 2024 12:05:11Friday, 14 June, 2024 12:32:24Friday, 14 June, 2024Sunconversation: Hi 13:18:10Friday, 14 June, 2024 14:03:56Friday, 14 June, 2024 14:49:41Friday, 14 June, 2024Coup69: yo Coup69: any codes Carmannn: broooooo Carmannn: is anyone onnnnnnnn> Carmannn: this chat is so fucking boring now a days. what happened? Carmannn: . Carmannn: . Carmannn: . Carmannn: . Carmannn: . Carmannn: . Carmannn: . Carmannn: . Carmannn: . Carmannn: . Carmannn: . 15:35:27Friday, 14 June, 2024Hello19: Hello 16:21:13Friday, 14 June, 2024 17:07:00Friday, 14 June, 2024 17:52:45Friday, 14 June, 2024(anon): fat Florian62: alright i gotta go 18:38:32Friday, 14 June, 2024Honey_bun_: heeyyyysss Honey_bun_: anyone homeeeee Honey_bun_: or hereeeeeeeeeeee 19:24:15Friday, 14 June, 2024 Carmannn: WHY IS NO ONE ONNNNNNNNN 19:55:15Friday, 14 June, 2024Carmannn: i hate this chat so much rn Carmannn: WHERE IS EVERYONEEEEEE Futank: Ey yo if you wanna talk : Oskar21: Hallo Carmannn: PEOPLEEEEE Carmannn: HELLOOOO Carmannn: FINALLYYYYYY Carmannn: they prolly left -_- Malotheduck: A Hello19: Hello Goodbye: Antagonistic opposal ree 22:08:01Friday, 14 June, 2024 22:53:49Friday, 14 June, 2024 23:39:35Friday, 14 June, 2024 00:25:21Saturday, 15 June, 2024Banana_cat: whats the code 01:11:06Saturday, 15 June, 2024 01:56:51Saturday, 15 June, 2024 02:42:37Saturday, 15 June, 2024 03:28:24Saturday, 15 June, 2024 04:14:10Saturday, 15 June, 2024 04:59:56Saturday, 15 June, 2024(anon): Hi Dtrump: bye 05:45:41Saturday, 15 June, 2024Lazurus: I'm back Lazurus: man no ones on Lazurus: for once I'm kinda glad Rie: can i join 06:31:30Saturday, 15 June, 2024Lazurus: uh sure Lazurus: join what tho? Lazurus: I'm gonna go to bed gn ghosts 07:17:18Saturday, 15 June, 2024 08:03:02Saturday, 15 June, 2024 08:48:47Saturday, 15 June, 2024Lazurus: I'm back again 09:34:32Saturday, 15 June, 2024 10:20:15Saturday, 15 June, 2024 Lazurus: dang this chats dry Lazurus: 🌵 Lazurus: 🏜️ Lazurus: Dtrump: no shit Lazurus: tbh is refreshing to know this chats dry Izzy_blight: Drier than the sands in LA where it never rains Lazurus: it rains there sometimes 12:54:40Saturday, 15 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Does it rain acid Lazurus: no just shattered hopes Izzy_blight: Oh that sounds about right Izzy_blight: :{ 14:00:20Saturday, 15 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Fall out boys Izzy_blight: Nuclear boy band 15:25:26Saturday, 15 June, 2024 15:55:44Saturday, 15 June, 2024Hello19: Hello 16:41:23Saturday, 15 June, 2024 17:27:08Saturday, 15 June, 2024 18:12:53Saturday, 15 June, 2024(anon): hello Satanismus: Wenn du keine Leute drinhaben willst, dann mach ein privates Spiel. Satanismus: Und zwar von Anfang an. Hello19: Hellllooo 18:58:38Saturday, 15 June, 2024 19:44:26Saturday, 15 June, 2024 20:30:11Saturday, 15 June, 2024 21:15:57Saturday, 15 June, 2024Gizem: bla 22:01:42Saturday, 15 June, 2024 22:47:27Saturday, 15 June, 2024 23:33:09Saturday, 15 June, 2024 00:18:55Sunday, 16 June, 2024 01:04:40Sunday, 16 June, 2024 01:50:24Sunday, 16 June, 2024Fuckfuckfuckniggerfuck: Hello Fuckfuckfuckniggerfuck: I am sick ugh 02:36:07Sunday, 16 June, 2024(anon): HAIII Lazurus: 🏜 Lazurus: 03:21:51Sunday, 16 June, 2024Blueskull_38: Help Blueskull_38: Hello 04:07:38Sunday, 16 June, 2024 04:53:23Sunday, 16 June, 2024 05:39:09Sunday, 16 June, 2024(anon): e 06:24:54Sunday, 16 June, 2024 07:10:41Sunday, 16 June, 2024 07:56:27Sunday, 16 June, 2024Tealtheking777: HELP 08:42:12Sunday, 16 June, 2024 09:27:59Sunday, 16 June, 2024 10:13:44Sunday, 16 June, 2024 10:59:29Sunday, 16 June, 2024Tensao: Who still listens to radio? Tensao: Forget what I said 11:45:14Sunday, 16 June, 2024 12:30:59Sunday, 16 June, 2024 13:16:43Sunday, 16 June, 2024Aurora61: hello 14:02:29Sunday, 16 June, 2024 14:48:14Sunday, 16 June, 2024Jerryfinklenut: how dare yall have privates 15:33:58Sunday, 16 June, 2024(anon): I don't give a fuck 16:19:45Sunday, 16 June, 2024 17:05:32Sunday, 16 June, 2024 17:51:19Sunday, 16 June, 2024Wored1: Hey anyone here 18:37:05Sunday, 16 June, 2024Wored1: Hey Horny: Hello Horny: Anyone on here anymore? Horny: Izzy_blight: fl Horny: I’m bored asf Horny: Hello 19:22:52Sunday, 16 June, 2024Satanismus: Was ist dein Problem? Öffentlich Spiel machen und dann Leute rauskicken. Wenn du nicht willst das Leute reinkommen, dann mach gleich zu Beginn ein privates Spiel. Stonhand: Hey 20:08:39Sunday, 16 June, 2024Therain: hello 20:54:26Sunday, 16 June, 2024(anon): yaay 21:40:13Sunday, 16 June, 2024 22:26:00Sunday, 16 June, 2024-delete error 23:11:46Sunday, 16 June, 2024 23:57:33Sunday, 16 June, 2024 00:43:17Monday, 17 June, 2024 01:29:04Monday, 17 June, 2024Hello19: Hello Happylittle_boy29: hi 02:14:50Monday, 17 June, 2024 03:00:40Monday, 17 June, 2024 03:46:27Monday, 17 June, 2024 04:32:14Monday, 17 June, 2024 05:18:01Monday, 17 June, 2024 06:03:48Monday, 17 June, 2024 06:49:36Monday, 17 June, 2024 07:35:23Monday, 17 June, 2024Sandwichmaker22: tim Sandwichmaker22: wie heißt der code Sandwichmaker22: tim Sandwichmaker22: tim Sandwichmaker22: tim Sandwichmaker22: tim Sandwichmaker22: timmy Sandwichmaker22: timmy Sandwichmaker22: timmi Sandwichmaker22: timmy Sandwichmaker22: timmy, möchtest du vielleicht dem lieben Luis den Code verraten Sandwichmaker22: timy Sandwichmaker22: timmy Lazurus: anyone on rn? Lazurus: 08:21:10Monday, 17 June, 2024 09:06:57Monday, 17 June, 2024 09:52:45Monday, 17 June, 2024 10:38:34Monday, 17 June, 2024 11:24:20Monday, 17 June, 2024 12:10:07Monday, 17 June, 2024Sunconversation: Hi Lazurus: 12:55:53Monday, 17 June, 2024 13:41:37Monday, 17 June, 2024 14:27:24Monday, 17 June, 2024 15:13:10Monday, 17 June, 2024 Venus85: WHAT Hello19: Hello 15:34:10Monday, 17 June, 2024 Goodbye: My alter ego, Hello19. How are you planning to greet and be listened next time? 15:35:24Monday, 17 June, 2024 15:41:08Monday, 17 June, 2024 Autstic_possum: ~senpai~ Izzy_blight: uwu 16:38:51Monday, 17 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Do I look like a pedophile to you mister Aurora61: *crunches on chips* 17:24:36Monday, 17 June, 2024 18:10:22Monday, 17 June, 2024 Jmsteve27: Balls Hello19: Hello 18:56:07Monday, 17 June, 2024 Inasg_no: crazy Inasg_no: been a while Izzy_blight: Certainly Izzy_blight: How have you been 19:41:52Monday, 17 June, 2024 20:27:34Monday, 17 June, 2024 21:13:19Monday, 17 June, 2024 21:59:04Monday, 17 June, 2024 22:44:50Monday, 17 June, 2024 (anon): E Izzy_blight: 🅱 23:30:35Monday, 17 June, 2024 00:16:21Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 (anon): Não Hello19: Hello (anon): who all is here (anon): and has any users died? (anon): login 01:02:09Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 01:47:54Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 02:33:38Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 03:19:23Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 Cuntflaps: Nobody here Izzy_blight: Among us 04:05:08Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 04:50:53Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 05:36:37Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 Therain: hello Ishipwillowandhunter: Man. Its been a long ass time since I've been here. (anon): . 06:22:22Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 Lazurus: anyone on rn? 07:08:08Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 07:53:53Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 Rain69: hola 08:39:38Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 (anon): . 09:25:23 -error- 10:57:01Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 11:34:27Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 12:20:12Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 13:05:58Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 13:51:44Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 Lazurus: back Lazurus: man I'm bored Izzy_blight: Pennis you called me fat Lazurus: what the huh Izzy_blight: I got 3 hours of sleep last night and I'm in the throes of mental breakdown Lazurus: ah sounds like you've had a hard time last night Lazurus: you wanna talk about it Izzy_blight: Oh definitely. It was afwul. Everything is just fucking awful all the time. I would but I don't know how to words Izzy_blight: One of nine babies left in the bando, one of my earliest memories is of getting breastfed by the pit bull Lazurus: must have tasted awful Izzy_blight: Not as bad as me Izzy_blight: Wanna taste Lazurus: I'm good hun but continue Izzy_blight: Is it because I'm donals trump Izzy_blight: I got too much pride and extravagance Lazurus: . Lazurus: lmao ok true Izzy_blight: I need to be assassinated by myside chick Lazurus: who would that be Izzy_blight: Georgina bush Lazurus: pfft- not georgina Lazurus: . Lazurus: lag is raping me Izzy_blight: My dad raped me Izzy_blight: His name is Jimmy Lazurus: I cant tell if your joking or actually confiding trauma Izzy_blight: Nah he didn't rape me but he did destroy my emotional and psychologial well being with abuse and neglect Izzy_blight: He raped my sense of self Izzy_blight: I'm big Chingy Lazurus: I'm sorry that happened to you it does suck when someone who's supposed to love you unconditionally doesn't Lazurus: also lag is bad rn Izzy_blight: It really is. I know far too many people who have experienced the same Izzy_blight: I will eat the lag Izzy_blight: It tastes like cotton candy Lazurus: mmm glitchy cotton candy yummy Izzy_blight: I have citton candy ice cream Izzy_blight: Cuts on my hands are fun fun fun Lazurus: why are your hands cut Izzy_blight: Cut myself shaving Izzy_blight: I used a chainsaw Izzy_blight: Oh boy I sure hope some degenerate pedophile doesn't come along today and rape and abuse my young tender little cunt...and then I hope no one sees it and records it and posts it on the Internet! (Laughs) Izzy_blight: we were kids and they were people we knew. What elsewere we supposed to do Izzy_blight: It wasn't our fault. Lizzie was my best friend. I regret it now.i didnt know Lazurus: you know what im not gonna ask why. also who? 14:37:30Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Do you think there's a place in heaven for us after what happened to us Lazurus: probably Lazurus: although it probably would take a lot of getting on our knees for our father above Izzy_blight: Do the souls of molested children go to heaven? The answer: "No." well it looks like we got the answer Izzy_blight: Owo Izzy_blight: I'm always on my knees for daddy Lazurus: no horny Izzy_blight: Sorry I'm a bit fucked up Izzy_blight: I hate horny but im always Lazurus: no your fine its just too early for being horny Izzy_blight: I disgust myself Izzy_blight: it's always to early Izzy_blight: Oh i spin Izzy_blight: I showed a stranger my boobsthe other day Izzy_blight: Might do it agains Izzy_blight: I'm wicked Lazurus: cool? I'm not gonna ask why Lazurus: welp time to rape a mime to see if the fucker will talk then Izzy_blight: I am a stupid horny teenage disaster with 12 mental illnesses and 0 reasons to do anything other than be a complete fucking idiot Izzy_blight: Gay masturbation on a Saturday night Horny woman gets her pussy eaten by her boyfriend Teen gets banged on a couch by older guy This dude was fucking his mom with a strap on Lazurus: I've seen those Izzy_blight: Owo Izzy_blight: I've seen foot Lazurus: I see two every day Izzy_blight: being reduced to a quivering mess at the thought of a pair of feet 🤤 Lazurus: I mean feet are fine if their clean if not I'm getting the milk like my dad Izzy_blight: Yeah no dirty feet are ew ew gross no Izzy_blight: Stinky 🤢 Izzy_blight: I love some well maintained toes Lazurus: same but only if they're in fishnets Izzy_blight: My fwb showed me her feet in fishnets Izzy_blight: Hot af Lazurus: sounds like it Izzy_blight: Thinking about it is getting me going Izzy_blight: How do I stop being horny Izzy_blight: Is there a button Lazurus: uh sure yeah Lazurus: Izzy_blight: It took me to discover what others achieved at my exact age. I think I'm being mocked Izzy_blight: But it worked im not thinking about horny no more Izzy_blight: Fank you Lazurus: no problem hun gl I could help Lazurus: np glad I could help Izzy_blight: Now i m very drained all of a sudden without the sexual energy in my blood. Im going to go pass out on the floor if thas otay Lazurus: no on the bed please its comfy Izzy_blight: Oh that is a good idea.thank u Izzy_blight: Love you good night with kissess Lazurus: love you too hun now sleep 15:23:16Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 16:09:01Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello Hello19: Hello 16:54:47Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 17:40:33Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 18:21:03Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 18:25:39Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 19:11:53Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 19:20:19Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 20:06:07Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 20:33:39Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 Lazurus: damn no one's on? 21:19:28Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 22:05:14Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 22:51:00Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: . Cellthealter: Funny Cellthealter: ffds Therain: hello 23:36:45Tuesday, 18 June, 2024 Dougthediaperguy: i came here to do my thing Dougthediaperguy: i sing i dance i pee my pants 00:22:30Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 Covershoot: yo (anon): E Covershoot: how goes it (anon): whats the drama this week? Covershoot: lost a bet with my mom Covershoot: so now im paying the price Covershoot: you Izzy_blight: Foot cramp 🤬 01:08:17Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 01:54:03Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 02:39:48Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 Bigdickedniggerfaggot: I can’t stop jerking off Bigdickedniggerfaggot: I’m jerking off right now Bigdickedniggerfaggot: Someone tell me to stop Bigdickedniggerfaggot: Too late I’m cumming aAaaaahhhhhhoooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK Bigdickedniggerfaggot: Whew Lazurus: anyone on? 03:25:34Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 04:11:22Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 Hello19: Is anyone on? 04:57:08Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 05:42:54Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 06:28:42Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 07:14:28Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 08:00:17Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 08:46:02Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 09:31:48Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 Anne_spank96: Night can you choose the card? Anne_spank96: Nigga Dtrump: no Anne_spank96: Bruh I ain't listening to Donald trump Dtrump: too late Anne_spank96: Nigga are we playing or nah?? 10:17:34Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 (anon): no Dtrump: no 11:03:20Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 11:49:05Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 12:34:51Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 13:20:36Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 14:06:22Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 14:52:08Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 15:37:53Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 (anon): Я АМОГУС! 17:03:50Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 17:49:38Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 18:35:24Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 19:21:14Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 20:07:01Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 20:52:48Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 King_luci: hi -delete error 21:38:37Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 King_luci: hi Izzy_blight: Horny faggot getting oral from big daddy Pillowy young dude gets ass pounded from behind Horny guys fucking in a dark room Cumming from a big dicked man in the bathtub 22:24:24Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 Nuufi_thefloofi: hiya y'all 23:10:11Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: wrestle with jimmy 23:55:58Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 00:14:39Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello Hello19: Hello Izzy_blight: I received a letter saying they are going to take away my granola A_star: hmm Izzy_blight: Among us 02:06:52Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Play cards or pictures! Available online in 17 languages. Not officially affiliated or endorsed by Cards Against Humanity. 🇬🇧 English Account Color Themes Mobile View Make Decks Browse Decks Use Image/GIF Game List Donate Contact FAQ YouTube Secret Stash Logout Game List Donate The Server Fund Donations are not necessary, but always welcome. 1.00 1. Ogrelord 200 2. Oldman_bam 100 3. Rogueone 100 4. Oldmancoconuts 100 5. Phate 100 6. Aeternum 100 7. Niclas_fire_31 62 8. Toblerone 61 9. Reisnersteve 60 10. Cornerjudgment 60 11. Vxjasonxv 60 12. Fullmoonumbre65 57 13. Almirmiel 55 14. Ohyesdaddy 51 15. Jacentyunda 50 16. Hannahpajama 50 17. Daddys_napkins 50 18. Fernmeister19 50 19. Plopsilein 50 20. Rosetastic 50 02:46:45Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Bigdickedniggerfaggot: IM GUNNA CUUUUUUUMMMM Bigdickedniggerfaggot: UNGH UNGH UNGH UNGH FUUUUUUUUCCCKKK Bigdickedniggerfaggot: AAAWWWW GAWD JEBUS Bigdickedniggerfaggot: GOT A FINGER IN MY BHOLE Bigdickedniggerfaggot: IM SHITTING AND CUMMING Bigdickedniggerfaggot: WHY IS THERE BLOOD TOO OH FUCK Bigdickedniggerfaggot: OH SHIT I YABKED MY COCK TOO HARD Bigdickedniggerfaggot: ITS CROOKED Bigdickedniggerfaggot: OH WELL KEEP JACKING IT UNGH UNGH UNGH AAAHHHHH OOOOHHHHH (anon): Sound hot Generic: whoon (anon): Hot indeed 03:32:32Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 04:18:19Thursday, 20 June, 2024 A_star: hey A_star: finally people arived 05:04:04Thursday, 20 June, 2024 05:49:51Thursday, 20 June, 2024 06:35:36Thursday, 20 June, 2024 (anon): Huansohn Dtrump: joke 07:21:22Thursday, 20 June, 2024 08:07:08Thursday, 20 June, 2024 (anon): erikglnelirkgenr (anon): rigejrgoperjgo (anon): jvpoerjpobjerpb 08:52:54Thursday, 20 June, 2024 09:38:40Thursday, 20 June, 2024 10:24:29Thursday, 20 June, 2024 11:10:15Thursday, 20 June, 2024 11:56:00Thursday, 20 June, 2024 12:41:46Thursday, 20 June, 2024 13:27:32Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Balls58: nigger 14:13:18Thursday, 20 June, 2024 14:59:04Thursday, 20 June, 2024 ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 15:44:53Thursday, 20 June, 2024 16:30:40Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 18:20:23Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: My legs be shooketh. Izzy why are you here Ishipwillowandhunter: Say anything? Ishipwillowandhunter: Isabel? Izzy_blight: Hello Ishipwillowandhunter: . Izzy_blight: Ive had a very bad morning Ishipwillowandhunter: Sorry, say anything? Ishipwillowandhunter: What happened and why does it make being here okay? Ishipwillowandhunter: . Izzy_blight: My headphones broke and I tried very hard to fix then and go t very angry and caused much destruction. It exhausted me and I have a headache and feel a bit sick Izzy_blight: it does not make being here ok but that s what happened Izzy_blight: I will have to ask my dad for new headphones and he will not like that at all im sure. can't wait. How are you doing so far today Ishipwillowandhunter: . Ishipwillowandhunter: Bro did nothing I said send through Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm sorry baby, I know the pain of broken headphones. You have no others? And what is "much destruction"? You need somr sleep Ishipwillowandhunter: . Ishipwillowandhunter: :( this is stupid. If you said anything I didn't see. I'm leaving. Repeat it on discord and I'll look when I have time. You should leave too. Izzy_blight: I froze Izzy_blight: Darn it 19:00:53Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Goodbye: Hello19, you might your fate this time, yet sooner or later, you have to farewell aswell. Goodbye: *escaped your fate this time 19:54:31Thursday, 20 June, 2024 (anon): Abfahrt 20:40:17Thursday, 20 June, 2024 (anon): bwuh Dtrump: ha Usuck16: whoa lots of fuckin peons in here 21:26:03Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Izzy_blight: Pain and sadness to infinity and beyond 22:11:48Thursday, 20 June, 2024 Assfucking: whew 22:57:37Thursday, 20 June, 2024 (anon): oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SSSSHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTT Lazurus: anyone on? Rosehoes: yes please (anon): sup Izzy_blight: I love jelly beans 23:43:23Thursday, 20 June, 2024 00:29:09Friday, 21 June, 2024 (anon): hey Izzy_blight: Hey ron Dougthediaperguy: yo Izzy_blight: Doug is bald and bad at 2d platformers Dougthediaperguy: the opposite actually Dougthediaperguy: honestly i suck at fps games Izzy_blight: Oh based. me too but I just suck at everything Dougthediaperguy: i actually have a lot of hair Dougthediaperguy: its past my shoulders Izzy_blight: Does it smell like coconut Dougthediaperguy: weird question Dougthediaperguy: no why Izzy_blight: I love coconut Izzy_blight: I have coconut shampoo Dougthediaperguy: well it might have at one point i use head and shoulders they had a coconut scent shampoo Izzy_blight: Mmm Izzy_blight: Based head and shoulders user 🗿 Dougthediaperguy: funny 01:14:55Friday, 21 June, 2024 02:00:41Friday, 21 June, 2024 02:46:26Friday, 21 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello 03:32:15Friday, 21 June, 2024 (anon): Hi (anon): Anyone on? 04:18:04Friday, 21 June, 2024 (anon): fjdfldskfs (anon): oh 05:03:50Friday, 21 June, 2024 Dougthediaperguy: damn no games Dtrump: gay 05:49:35Friday, 21 June, 2024 06:35:20Friday, 21 June, 2024 07:21:06Friday, 21 June, 2024 08:06:52Friday, 21 June, 2024 Hello19: Hello Lazurus: yo trump you on? Dtrump: kind of Lazurus: off and on same 08:52:37Friday, 21 June, 2024 Leo39: hallo 09:38:23Friday, 21 June, 2024 10:24:08Friday, 21 June, 2024 11:09:55Friday, 21 June, 2024 11:55:40Friday, 21 June, 2024 12:41:26Friday, 21 June, 2024 13:27:12Friday, 21 June, 2024 14:12:58Friday, 21 June, 2024 14:58:43Friday, 21 June, 2024 15:44:29Friday, 21 June, 2024 Balls19: nigggerrrr Balls19: anyone on? 16:30:15Friday, 21 June, 2024 17:16:01Friday, 21 June, 2024 Bum20: Hey Izzy_blight: Guten tag Fooox: er Fooox: What Bum20: What’s up? Fooox: Who Fooox: Are u Bum20: Me Izzy_blight: I am inevitable Fooox: Who Fooox: WHO WHO WHO Fooox: How Bum20: J Bum20: How am I on here? Fooox: