21:43:40Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Generic: all black robins so i got black wings on me Redii_17: jkdsmxc Redii_17: sdkncm, v 22:03:53Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Rain69: boo Raul_menendez: hi Rain69: hi Rain69: hru raul Dtrump: hey kai Rain69: Hi Trump Raul_menendez: hi im good. hru kei? Rain69: good Raul_menendez: what you doing rn? Rain69: listening to music and scrolling pinterest Rain69: hbu Raul_menendez: listening to music and playing a game Rain69: cod? Raul_menendez: nope Raul_menendez: some pc game off the chrombook Rain69: ah Raul_menendez: you said you downloaded warzone right? Rain69: yea Raul_menendez: wanna play? Rain69: sure lemme have mah snack then i can ask Raul_menendez: alr Rain69: mom said when mah dad gets out of the shower Raul_menendez: alr Rain69: nigga Raul_menendez: :| Raul_menendez: so? Rain69: so wut? Raul_menendez: is he out? Raul_menendez: :| .... Rain69: no Highkai420: yo WHERE THE HOES AT Highkai420: I'm a hoe:( Raul_menendez: niced Honey_bun__: Heyyyys Raul_menendez: hi Raul_menendez: long time no see Honey_bun__: Read my mind Raul_menendez: you wanna throw a molten honey bun at a homeless person Honey_bun__: Anyone else heeeereee Raul_menendez: ye they afk tho... Raul_menendez: like kei Rain69: T^T Raul_menendez: oh u are here Dtrump: no ones here Rain69: i suck dick at cod just a fair warning (anon): no comment Raul_menendez: alr Raul_menendez: halo mechanics and cod mechanics to entire different things so I won be surprised if you are worse then a christmas kid Rain69: wow Rain69: i never said i was complete shit Raul_menendez: hey im not saying you are Raul_menendez: im saying i wouldn be surprised if you were Rain69: first death Raul_menendez: ? Raul_menendez: your on? (anon): off Generic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--PWVbkXi8Y Generic: if yall aint seen yet (anon): gay Rain69: I WAS IN A MATCH Rain69: and got 6th 00:24:40Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Meme68: nigga 00:48:56Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Tempex: hello Tempex: hello Tempex: hell Tempex: hello Ghxst: back Ghxst: i went out 01:13:12Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 01:37:29Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Cum52: for once rump isnt online (anon): I'm here 02:01:45Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Cum52: L Dtrump: elll Cum52: yeah 02:26:00Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Fatniggerfaggot: No games boooo Cum52: Su you stupid nigger Cum52: fucking faggot Cum52: grrrrr 02:50:17Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 03:14:33Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Highkai420: kkk 03:38:49Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 (anon): Hi (anon): no one (anon): ? Jrock: I’m here (anon): idk you Jrock: Oh well hi I’m Josh (anon): hi Jrock: Hru (anon): tied up;) (anon): hbu Jrock: Excuse me what 04:03:05Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 (anon): but its like 6 am Jrock: Nah it’s 11pm here (anon): damn Jrock: Yeah in da us midwest (anon): europe Jrock: Oh you should log in (anon): why Jrock: Bc why not? Jrock: I wanna know who ya are (anon): why Jrock: also wdym “tied up;)” Jrock: Bc you seemcool (anon): i feel like you got no bitches Jrock: I’m dating rain69 if ya know who that is (anon): oh her Jrock: Wdym oh her (anon): js kinda shocked is all Jrock: I love her lol she’s amazing why are ya surprised Dtrump: weird Jrock: Trump why Jrock: just why do you care (anon): bc shes her shes a lot (anon): shes also always energetic Dtrump: not you jrock Jrock: Oh Jrock: also no she isn’t but sometimes yeah but it’s worth it like I said I love her Dtrump: is anon violet Jrock: Idk who dat is Dtrump: lets see (anon): who tf is violet Jrock: Exactly Dtrump: anon what's my name (anon): idfk (anon): arron Dtrump: oh your are new (anon): i think it'd be you're but okay Jrock: No anon knows kei so not that new Dtrump: Your secret is safe with me anon. Jrock: Huh Dtrump: oh nothing (anon): im now cumfused (anon): ima make a random acc rq Randomacc: lol Dtrump: why Randomacc: why not Dtrump: powerful Randomacc: speak english Dtrump: Te AMO Oscar. Randomacc: my names not oscar but close Dtrump: osceola Randomacc: no 04:27:21Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Randomacc: did josh or jrock die or smth Peterfiel: play now 04:51:37Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 05:15:53Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Dtrump: pot 05:40:10Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Lazurus: back although I doubt no ones on Lazurus: any* Raul_menendez: hi Lazurus: oh hey raul Lazurus: how have you been Dtrump: o Lazurus: hey trumpy how ya been 06:04:26Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 06:28:42Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Lazurus: fuck I've been at this for two hours and cant finish up I'm getting frustrated🙃 Lazurus: nvm I was finally able to bust nut now I leaving water tower Dtrump: why 06:52:59Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 07:17:15Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 07:41:31Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Armafire: kING OF THE hILL 08:06:29Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 08:30:46Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Dtrump: I gooned 08:55:02Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Stoned26: Ficken sie sich 09:19:19Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 09:43:35Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 10:07:51Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 10:32:08Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 10:56:27Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: hi 11:20:43Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Friend_francis: Sup Raul_menendez: hi JJ 11:44:58Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Highkai420: HEY Highkai420: NIGGERS 12:09:17Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Jimmy eat kids 12:33:34Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Tempex: hello Izzy_blight: Good afternoon Tempex: what time is it for you to say afternoon Izzy_blight: 6:35 AM Tempex: wow Izzy_blight: :} Tempex: :p Tempex: : : Izzy_blight: Im sutpid 🥴 12:57:50Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 13:22:06Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: ygggggggg Ghxst: anyone one? Ghxst: on Highkai420: hallo 13:46:22Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Jrock: ..,,, Jrock: Ll Jrock: j Jrock: j Jrock: k Jrock: k Jrock: AHHHHHH Jrock: IM FALLING ASLEEP IN CLASS Jrock: EVEN WITH MY COFFEE Jrock: AND WHERES MY FAVORITE PERSON 14:10:38Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Ghxst: hi Redii_17: dfghj Redii_17: fghjk Redii_17: fghjkl Thebohemianjointpuffer: hi Rain69: hey Thebohemianjointpuffer: hello rain 14:34:55Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: so I asked the girl out she rejected me Thebohemianjointpuffer: hi rain Rain69: hi Thebohemianjointpuffer: how are u Rain69: tired deprressed hbu Thebohemianjointpuffer: same Thebohemianjointpuffer: but probably more depressed Rain69: probably is the key word here Redii_17: oof Thebohemianjointpuffer: like in the past two weeks I've lost my ex bf to a friend Redii_17: wowwww Thebohemianjointpuffer: and got rejected Redii_17: dang Thebohemianjointpuffer: lost friends Rain69: lets not compare our shitty lives Redii_17: dw you'll find someone and more friends Rain69: greysons gay asf Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'll lose them too Redii_17: IKRRR Redii_17: GREYSON IS SOOOO Redii_17: euwhheh Rain69: GAY Redii_17: RIGHT Rain69: yet he acts like hes all that Redii_17: RIGHT and its soooo annoying Rain69: "ima fuck emily later'' like with what dick Redii_17: like no one asked.. Rain69: like i could fuck her better Redii_17: HAHAHAHAH Thebohemianjointpuffer: I could fuck em better Redii_17: oop Rain69: u prolly could Thebohemianjointpuffer: but idk them Rain69: true Thebohemianjointpuffer: do they use this site Redii_17: kinda Rain69: no greyson does tho Redii_17: yeahh Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'll fuck greyson up Redii_17: yup Thebohemianjointpuffer: not only physically but in they ass too Redii_17: HAHBAHHA Rain69: he ain't got an ass Rain69: hes flatter then paper Thebohemianjointpuffer: ill still fuck his ass up Rain69: gl tryin get it in Thebohemianjointpuffer: oh Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'll fuck anyone ass Rain69: ik someone whos good to fuck in the ass Thebohemianjointpuffer: who Thebohemianjointpuffer: is it you Rain69: king_luci Thebohemianjointpuffer: or ur bf Rain69: lol Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'll fuck ur bf will fingering you and making him watch Rain69: hol up english isn't englishing 14:59:11Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Rain69: my one breincell isn't working T^T Thebohemianjointpuffer: I gtg Rain69: aw ye puffs Thebohemianjointpuffer: but I will fuck you and ur bf at the same time Rain69: threesome got it Thebohemianjointpuffer: yeah Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'll fuck ur bfs ass and fuck you right after Thebohemianjointpuffer: and he will have to watch me do it Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'm gonna cuckold him Rain69: well we're both switches Thebohemianjointpuffer: ok Thebohemianjointpuffer: I don't care Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'll make y'all both scream my name Rain69: bet Thebohemianjointpuffer: and if I steal you from yo bf imma laugh Rain69: skill issue ig Thebohemianjointpuffer: I may be ugly but I can fuck real goodd for sure Thebohemianjointpuffer: brb Rain69: kk Aboxofcrackers: puffer are you sure about that Rain69: lol Thebohemianjointpuffer: im back Thebohemianjointpuffer: rain you there Thebohemianjointpuffer: oi rain Thebohemianjointpuffer: dont make me spank you Thebohemianjointpuffer: i know ur online Thebohemianjointpuffer: RAIN 15:23:27Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: ... (anon): cipa Thebohemianjointpuffer: hello 15:47:44Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Jul: Nooo rainy :( Highkai420: lol 16:12:00Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Jul: this chat used to be so lit :( Rain69: fr Jul: bring ur friends people 16:36:16Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Ashutosh: bbl drizzy 17:00:32Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 17:24:49Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Frijolito: bbl drizzyy 2024-2024 17:49:05Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 18:13:21Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 18:37:37Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 (anon): HE TOOK THE PINKPILLS (anon): OH SHIT (anon): NOT THE PINK PILLS (anon): THEY MAKE YOU GAY Rain69: what? Rylan: hello? (anon): sorry I saw Generic saying something about pink pills (anon): needed to warn the homie Rain69: hes not on Rain69: and its prolly some of his lyrics to one of his songs (anon): right he has the WORST taste in music (anon): I forgot that (anon): you can tell he is like 20 lol Rain69: hes 17-18 Rain69: somewhere in their (anon): ah even younger (anon): makes sense (anon): most young people have terrible taste Rain69: so your saying your an adult (anon): "you're" (anon): and no I am saying I am not young (anon): "adult" is a vague term (anon): feels snobby Rain69: you're snobby (anon): sometimes lol (anon): but only when I am right :) Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: HEY THERE FUCKEROOS IT'S ME!!! (anon): *crickets* 19:01:53Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Fucker13: . . . Thebohemianjointpuffer: in back Rain69: u left like 3-4 hours ago Thebohemianjointpuffer: and came back but you no respond Thebohemianjointpuffer: while you where on Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: LOVE YOUR NAME Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: *bong hit* Rain69: oh i was afk or it was when my computer was being a bitfch Thebohemianjointpuffer: i will puf ur joints my guy Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: SOUNDS GAY Thebohemianjointpuffer: but how are you mommy rain Rain69: tired hbu Thebohemianjointpuffer: horny Thebohemianjointpuffer: in class Rain69: figured Rain69: in class is crazy Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: FUCKING KIDS Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: IM WORK FROM HOME Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: :D Ghxst: im in class tho Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: GET WREKT Rain69: same but being horny in class is crazy Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: PAY ATTENTION TO THE TEACHER YOU LITTLE SHIT Thebohemianjointpuffer: well one of my teachers is hot af Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: IT'S ONLY YOUR FUTURE Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: ....REALLY Rain69: ayo Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: HOT TEACHER TELL ME MORE Thebohemianjointpuffer: she got a fat ass and big boobs but slim body Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: SHE LIKE MID-LATE 30s? Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: NO WEDDING RING? Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: KINDA MILFY? Rain69: im slim with a booty not much for boobs Thebohemianjointpuffer: ur hot Rain69: t noy Rain69: r* Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: MID-LATE 30S UNMARRIED IS MY RANGE Thebohemianjointpuffer: she married Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: NUTS Rain69: sad Fucker13: if there's a hole there's a gole Rain69: fr Thebohemianjointpuffer: i9nddedy Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: I DON'T FUCK WITH MARRIED BITCHES Thebohemianjointpuffer: i caught her and another student fucking Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: .....REALLY Thebohemianjointpuffer: i sat and watched Rain69: OOP Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: AND JACKED OFF Rain69: dramaaaaaaaaa Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: DIDN'T YOU Thebohemianjointpuffer: i busted on her Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: YOU JACKED OFF YOU SICK FUCK Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: YOU BUSTED ON HER OMFG Rain69: u joined em? 0-0 Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: HANG ON LET ME GET MY PENIS OUT Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: OK KEEP TALKING Thebohemianjointpuffer: they where fucking so hard she creamed his name five times Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: I JUST CREAMED FIVE TIMES READING THAT UNNNNGGGGHHHHHHH Rain69: do u mean screamed Thebohemianjointpuffer: no she creamed his name Thebohemianjointpuffer: like you could read it Rain69: ... Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: SHE SPELLED HIS NAME WITH HER FEMALE FLUIDS FLYING OUT HER VAGOO Thebohemianjointpuffer: yep Rain69: shoulda joined em Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: PUMPED INTO ORBIT BY HIS ENTHUSIASTIC THRUSTS Thebohemianjointpuffer: id rather keep my virginity Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: WHAT A SLUT Fucker13: how do I leave this? Rain69: close tab Thebohemianjointpuffer: just say ight im out Fucker13: ight I'm out Thebohemianjointpuffer: then close tab Thebohemianjointpuffer: but why leave my guy Fucker13: bored Thebohemianjointpuffer: too bad Thebohemianjointpuffer: go play the game my guy Ghxst: what the fuck is going on Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: DEEZ NUTS ARE GOING ON Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: THRUST THRUST THRUST UNGH UNGH UNGH Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: OK DADDY'S TIRED NOW *snores* Thebohemianjointpuffer: wdym oklahoma Ghxst: what- 19:26:10Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Fucker13: sup Thebohemianjointpuffer: https://youtube.com/shorts/CqUdgyQ_3mA?si=0HUFO-HqU6z52hKD Thebohemianjointpuffer: the last one is funny Rain69: ? Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: .....seriously? Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: that's funny to you Ohnoigluedmybuttholeshut: brb seppuku Redii_17: skahbx Thebohemianjointpuffer: https://youtube.com/shorts/rRxbscCaHa4?si=e12DfxIz9GDqHQKB Redii_17: huhh Doddlebug: Shimmer me timbers Redii_17: shiver mi timbers Thebohemianjointpuffer: daddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy doddle Doddlebug: Hi Thebohemianjointpuffer: i gtg brb Flippy_htf: Nigger Rain69: OMG ITS WORKING 19:50:26Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Fucker13: is this chat just the main menu or smth? Rain69: is anyone here Rain69: hello? Rain69: puffer u here someone? Highkai420: lol Highkai420: skibbidy toilet rizz Rain69: im going INSANE Highkai420: real 20:14:42Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 20:38:58Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Redii_17: whatt 21:03:15Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 21:27:31Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Danielthemaniel: hi Danielthemaniel: New color lol Danielthemaniel: Anyone on? Danielthemaniel: (fl 21:51:47Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Poly75: https://www.google.com/imgres?q=tiger%20smoking%20meme%20pfp&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2Fe7mFDJPz-KoAAAAe%2Ftiger-smoking-blunt-tiger.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftenor.com%2Fview%2Ftiger-smoking-blunt-tiger-stare-gif-8915303226424948906&docid=RI2Nj7QaIylfMM&tbnid=LlkOiy3vd9N77M&vet=12ahUKEwjvhIftif-FAxUsgpUCHaxaD8IQM3oECBYQAA..i&w=485&h=498&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjvhIftif-FAxUsgpUCHaxaD8IQM3oECBYQAA 22:16:03Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 22:40:19Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Randomobscenities: ASSFUCKING FAGGOT NIGGER GOOK RAPING BABIES AND SHITTING ON NUNS COCKS AND BALLS NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER Randomobscenities: TEENAGED HOMOSEXUALS SUCKING SHIT OUT EACH OTHERS BUTTHOLES DOUBLE NIGGERS (anon): whoa Rain69: their 23:04:35Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Rain69: wheres my free bodyguard Dtrump: que? Rain69: nate wheres nate T^T Rain69: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iyuIr80ksl4 Dtrump: which one 23:28:51Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 Rain69: dillard Dtrump: he's been gone Rain69: ik T^T 23:53:10Wednesday, 8 May, 2024 00:17:26Thursday, 9 May, 2024 00:41:43Thursday, 9 May, 2024 01:05:59Thursday, 9 May, 2024 Highkai420: WHO GOT CONDOMS SO I CAN PUT IT ON MY SHIT lol I'm jp bahahahah 01:30:16Thursday, 9 May, 2024 01:54:31Thursday, 9 May, 2024 02:18:48Thursday, 9 May, 2024 (anon): big black hairy n!gga Jrock: Kei are you an anon rn bc if so gn 02:43:05Thursday, 9 May, 2024 Dtrump: weird anon Jrock: Btw the anon last night that you thought was violet whoever that is was kei lol Dtrump: I know Jrock: Oh lol Jrock: Who tf is violet Dtrump: idek tbh Jrock: Oh lol Jrock: Anyway gn Trump imma go get some beauty sleep 03:07:21Thursday, 9 May, 2024 Rain69: hey 03:31:38Thursday, 9 May, 2024 Covershoot: hey Rain69: hi Covershoot: oh i remember you Rain69: u do Covershoot: mostly because its been a while since i been on and pieces of an old chat is still on the screen Rain69: oh lol Covershoot: your name is the only on here and my memery clicked Covershoot: memory Covershoot: and once again almost no public games Covershoot: i tried that one and its boring Rain69: gn Covershoot: later 03:55:54Thursday, 9 May, 2024 04:20:10Thursday, 9 May, 2024 Rain69: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wUl6azLvYsY 04:44:27Thursday, 9 May, 2024 Dtrump: terrible song 05:08:43Thursday, 9 May, 2024 05:33:00Thursday, 9 May, 2024 05:57:16Thursday, 9 May, 2024 06:21:33Thursday, 9 May, 2024 06:45:48Thursday, 9 May, 2024 07:10:05Thursday, 9 May, 2024 07:34:22Thursday, 9 May, 2024 07:58:41Thursday, 9 May, 2024 08:22:57Thursday, 9 May, 2024 08:47:13Thursday, 9 May, 2024 09:11:29Thursday, 9 May, 2024 09:35:46Thursday, 9 May, 2024 10:00:02Thursday, 9 May, 2024 10:24:19Thursday, 9 May, 2024 10:48:35Thursday, 9 May, 2024 11:12:51Thursday, 9 May, 2024 (anon): Ciao piva 11:37:09Thursday, 9 May, 2024 (anon): Stefano gay 12:01:26Thursday, 9 May, 2024 12:25:42Thursday, 9 May, 2024 Ashh: DJ Ashh: IF U DONT AWNSER ME ISTG 12:49:58Thursday, 9 May, 2024 Cum52: ew what Cum52: my fucking throat feels like it's swollen literally gonna jump off a bridge Ashh: L Cum52: lame ass Cum52: how u been Ashh: good quit cussing or I'm going to ignore u Ashh: respectfully Cum52: oop alr Cum52: sorry for cussing guys 🙏 Ashh: cool Cum52: u good? Ashh: yup Cum52: igh Cum52: what u been up to Ashh: school n stuff Cum52: real u online or in person i cant remember Ashh: for school? Ashh: in person Cum52: yeah Cum52: i miss going to in person but i cant getting in trouble so my mom pulled me out 😭 Ashh: L Cum52: fr Ashh: ngl its been so long since I've been here I honestly don't remember wh u r but it doesn't help my memory sucks Cum52: we used to date 🙏😭 Ashh: damn fr? Cum52: we were dating then u dipped like u messaged me that we needed to talk and never replied Ashh: wait didn't u cheat on me? Cum52: hell no Ashh: hmmm Cum52: aint never done that Cum52: lemme post a pic of me rq hold up Ashh: hmm I just remember being upset with u Cum52: interesting Cum52: idk why u would be Ashh: idk my memory sucks Ashh: also it wont let me see it Highkai420: bro Cum52: go to the link Highkai420: what link? Cum52: not talkin to u 🙏 Ashh: I did it wont work Highkai420: damn my fault Cum52: lemme try sum else Cum52: unless u got socials or sum? Ashh: wait were u the one that kept saying u would quit nic Cum52: prolly Ashh: ohhhhhhhh Cum52: never did that 🙏 Cum52: i haven't owned one in like 4-5 weeks tho Ashh: yeah no I was told u had been cheating on me I don't remember who tho Ashh: its whatever tho Cum52: yeah i never cheated on you😭 Ashh: eh like I said its whatever Cum52: i didnt like nobody here like that Cum52: I'm jus sayin ion fuck around like that Ashh: ohhhhhhhh Ashh: hahah okay Ashh: its whatever tho stuff happens for a reason 13:14:18Thursday, 9 May, 2024 Highkai420: what link? Cum52: not talkin to u 🙏 Ashh: I did it wont work Highkai420: damn my fault Cum52: lemme try sum else Cum52: unless u got socials or sum? Ashh: wait were u the one that kept saying u would quit nic Cum52: prolly Ashh: ohhhhhhhh Cum52: never did that 🙏 Cum52: i haven't owned one in like 4-5 weeks tho Ashh: yeah no I was told u had been cheating on me I don't remember who tho Ashh: its whatever tho Cum52: yeah i never cheated on you😭 Ashh: eh like I said its whatever Cum52: i didnt like nobody here like that Cum52: I'm jus sayin ion fuck around like that Ashh: ohhhhhhhh Ashh: hahah okay Ashh: its whatever tho stuff happens for a reason Cum52: after u were gone i kinda just forgot about the site Cum52: then came back like a few months later then forgot about it again and kept coming every few weeks Ashh: I honestly just been focusing on myself Ashh: at the end of my junior year cant wait to graduate lol Cum52: i've been trying to focus on myself shits just been hella lonely Cum52: it's been rough for me ngl Cum52: damn u've actually missed a lot Ashh: loll just been busy with my own bs, pretty much everything changed about me, and life's hitting a lot harder than I thought it would but yk Cum52: yeah i feel you Cum52: trying to upload a pic of my hair but the site wont even load now Ashh: everything also kinda just fell into place when I pushed everything away and focused on myself tho Cum52: I've been trying but I just keep getting hit with more shit on top of other shit Ashh: gained some much needed confidence and learned to see through peoples bs Ashh: lol I turn 18 in november and that's crazy Cum52: damnn frr? Cum52: I gained a lot of confidence ngl Cum52: but I keep getting ghosted by ppl and shi so they shit hurts Cum52: holy shit im like over heating Ashh: eh really same kind of people smaller town and its cattle instead of farmland Ashh: LANGUAGE Cum52: also not tryna be rude saying that just trying to be funny 😭 Ashh: no I got grounded so I'm using a school computer so if y'all don't want me to disappear again, even tho I will this summer for a bit, I suggest u watch your mouth Cum52: im doing the same thing Cum52: my phone broke Cum52: from a 1ft high drop Cum52: im so hot oml Cum52: i have a fever and my throat is like swollen or sum Ashh: I got grounded for sending a pic to someone who was sneaking around behind my back with someone they told me they weren't talking to because it made me uncomfy because that person had openly said she had feelings for him Ashh: and I don't fw liars Ashh: I have too much self respect for that Hitlrwasrite: kys Ashh: dang that sounds like projection hun do your parents not love you? Ashh: I'm sorry you don't get enough validation from them that u have to seek it from saying stupid things to random people online to feel better about yourself Highkai420: no Cum52: stfu your name is "hitlrwasrite" didn't even spell right correctly nor his name why tf are u talking Hitlrwasrite: very much Highkai420: they hate me Cum52: why are both these ppl responding Hitlrwasrite: not enough characters numb nuts Cum52: quit yapping yall dumb asf Hitlrwasrite: kys Highkai420: I will Cum52: you mad? Highkai420: I've been planning on it for a while Hitlrwasrite: happy happy happy Ashh: anyways Cum52: you gotta tell someone to kill themself just cus u cant compensate for the small ass dick u have Ashh: HEY Cum52: go cry to your grandma or sum Hitlrwasrite: u want a pick nigga 13:38:35Thursday, 9 May, 2024 -error-v 07:28:46Friday, 10 May, 2024 Reconnecting... 07:53:05Friday, 10 May, 2024 12:44:51Friday, 10 May, 2024 -error-^ 13:00:41Friday, 10 May, 2024 13:01:06Friday, 10 May, 2024 Securityconnection: Unstable Securityconnection: like my life Oh_jesus_christ: real 13:25:25Friday, 10 May, 2024 Hitlrwasrite: timmeh 13:49:44Friday, 10 May, 2024 14:14:03Friday, 10 May, 2024 Bobby1: nigga Bobby1: nigga Bobby1: nigga Bobby1: nigga Bobby1: nigaa Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dicck Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dkick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dicki Bobby1: dkic Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Bobby1: dick Cum52: jump Cum52: spread ur cheeks Cum52: and fly Rain69: hey Cum52: hi Rain69: hi cum' Cum52: dont tell me what to do Rain69: huh? Cum52: told me to cum Cum52: weirdo Rain69: are you high cause i so share Cum52: why is 2843ndskjkjdshhgshjhfkjksdghkj private messaging me Rain69: idk Rain69: imagine being 5'1 could be me T^T Cum52: imagine being taller than 5'1 could be me Rain69: T^T Rain69: boredom Cum52: L Rain69: bruh 14:38:22Friday, 10 May, 2024 Rain69: T^T 15:02:41Friday, 10 May, 2024 (anon): JAJH Rain69: ahhh Cum52: lol 15:27:00Friday, 10 May, 2024 Ashh: pookie? Ashh: pookies missing Rain69: no im not Ashh: hahah heyyyy Cum52: lmao Rain69: hi ash Ashh: u good? Rain69: ig Ashh: hmmmm Cum52: hola ash Ashh: hey shawty Cum52: hru Ashh: tired, hungry, I have a headache, and I haven't heard from my man in 2 hours and he doesn't have work today Ashh: I'm great Cum52: felt Cum52: maybe he's sleeping? Ashh: doubt Rain69: fl Cum52: why do u doubt it? Ashh: because he's already been up and texted me this morning and its too early in the day fr a nap Ashh: for* Cum52: are u on delivered? Ashh: yurp Ashh: I think Ashh: idk Ashh: doesn't tell me Cum52: oh Cum52: maybe he just watchin something or playing games idk Rain69: samsung or apple or a rip off from another country Ashh: he got 15 minutes to text me or I'm flirting with pookie because tbh I need that mood boost rn Cum52: dont stress about it tho Ashh: loll I'm not stressing I just miss him Cum52: oh i get that Ashh: if he wanted to cheat he would and he knows I would leave him without a second thought if he did Rain69: ik that aswel Ashh: so nothing to stress about Ashh: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Ashh: hehehe Cum52: ? Ashh: he texted me Ashh: :) Ghxst: hai Rain69: hi ghxst Ghxst: heyy Ashh: hey Ghxst: yo Cum52: wsgg Ghxst: hi Ghxst: anyways Ashh: ain't no way this girl is popping her bfs pimples in the middle of class Cum52: ts gonna scar lmao Cum52: im waiting for my girl to text me 🙏 Ashh: slay Cum52: waiting for her to wake up idk if she awake tho says she was on 18 minutes ago Cum52: shit i have so many ppl on delivered 15:51:19Friday, 10 May, 2024 Ashh: lmfao it happens Ashh: I literally only talk to like 4 people and then the rest idec lmfao Cum52: 9 people on delivered 🙏 Ashh: only 9 smh Cum52: yeah then i prolly have like 20 on seen Ashh: I'm dissappointed Ashh: could have done more smh Cum52: ion text many ppl Cum52: then im on seen by like 30 ppl prolly Ashh: honestly tho most of the time I do it because I got distracted and forgot to respond Cum52: real Cum52: brb Rain69: k Ashh: I need a nap and we have a sub Ashh: we slump Cum52: bk Cum52: why does dj come on and then not say a single thing Rain69: idk wb Cum52: ty Rain69: yea Cum52: i need my girl to wake upp 🙏 Cum52: WHY IS THERE NEVER PUBLIC GAMES Rain69: cool ig Cum52: boutta start private messaging people for invite codes Cum52: or join codes Rain69: go for it Cum52: what's wrong Rain69: now you notice Cum52: well i wasnt sure at first cus u were replying a little late Cum52: but whats wrong Rain69: why does it matter Cum52: do you not want to talk about it? Rain69: theirs no point in talking about it Cum52: whys that Rain69: bc its not like you or anyone else here can do anything a bout it Cum52: well I can listen 16:15:38Friday, 10 May, 2024 Hello19: Hellk Hello19: Hello* Cum52: hello Hello19: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/032/203/Boku_no_Hero_Academia_English_Dub_-_Eat_this__0-24_screenshot.png Ghxst: anyoe wanna play gimkit Ghxst: anyone Rain69: sry butno thanks 16:39:57Friday, 10 May, 2024 Ashh: that was the worst nap I've taken in my life Rain69: wb ash Ashh: my headache got worse bro Rain69: damn sorry Ashh: I'm gunna get this man preggo so he cant leave me Cum52: lmaooo 17:04:16Friday, 10 May, 2024 17:28:35Friday, 10 May, 2024 Cum52: l Cramvin: Ja hi 17:52:54Friday, 10 May, 2024 Sigmaskibidi: wjhoqwhoewwehbuiewbhyu,m asm, nxzvh cdhhuerhj2wjhjhewhjewhewhewh Cum52: oh Checklama: As always, I am afraid and want to die Checklama: Can anyone say something conforming? Checklama: No? Ok I can do it alone. I just have to internally collapse Checklama: Very quietly 18:17:12Friday, 10 May, 2024 Cum52: oop Rain69: im bleeding Cum52: why Rain69: nails Cum52: ? Rain69: i had acrilics Cum52: oh 18:41:32Friday, 10 May, 2024 Paulb: Sup Paulb: hows everyone doing Cum52: fine Cum52: hbu Rain69: ahhhh pain T^T Paulb: Sorry yall i was doing smth irl Paulb: Anybody here? Rain69: no Paulb: Anyone else here Daddydalton: Fuck y’all little bitches 19:05:51Friday, 10 May, 2024 Daddydalton: yall all sucking autist porns stars dicks Daddydalton: little dicks ass Daddydalton: mfs Paulb: Hm? Paulb: im new here Paulb: im bored Paulb: Anyone else hereee Rain69: your mommy Rain69: ehehhe Rain69: whos here gng gng Sluttycummingcatgirl1: did someone say mommy Rain69: not to you Sluttycummingcatgirl1: aw Sluttycummingcatgirl1: :c Paulb: L Rain69: your weird man Rain69: omg Sluttycummingcatgirl1: HUH Rain69: that was my friend T^T Sluttycummingcatgirl1: :'c Rain69: MOMMY SLUTTY Paulb: LLLLL Sluttycummingcatgirl1: :c so mean kei Rain69: it wasn't me i swear on jjs life Sluttycummingcatgirl1: xD Jack78: Um hi (anon): Erm hi Odalfhutler: ni Jack78: Whats wrong Jack78: Hello? 19:30:09Friday, 10 May, 2024 Jack78: Mannnnn Rainnnnnnttyyty: Hi! Rainnnnnnttyyty: anyone alive? 19:54:28Friday, 10 May, 2024 Rainnnnnnttyyty: hellloooooo Hello19: Hello Fuckyou66: I DONT Fuckyou66: WANT Fuckyou66: CZAR Fuckyou66: !!! Hello19: ? 20:18:47Friday, 10 May, 2024 20:43:06Friday, 10 May, 2024 21:07:25Friday, 10 May, 2024 Atomic: cock 21:31:44Friday, 10 May, 2024 (anon): moin 21:56:03Friday, 10 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: hi Rain69: hi Raul_menendez: hru? Rain69: tired hbu Raul_menendez: good and sleepy Rain69: so bout the same Raul_menendez: semen Raul_menendez: I have to return my Chromebook monday Raul_menendez: :? Rain69: aw Cum52: forgot i had this open Cum52: had this shit open for hours and forgot Cum52: anyways bye Rain69: hold on Rain69: its national hicky day Cum52: okay? Rain69: do u waht u will with this info Cum52: u made me wait for that? Cum52: also u were wrong it was feb 19 Cum52: okay bye Izzy_blight: Jimmy Graham Nc Izzy_blight: Family food 23:04:20Friday, 10 May, 2024 23:28:40Friday, 10 May, 2024 23:52:58Friday, 10 May, 2024 Atomic: chat Atomic: new ai just dropped Atomic: https://spicychat.ai/chat/8d9c5f2b-1c1d-4bc3-be8f-c8ba42c80b36 Rain69: ur hand is bisexual Atomic: what Rain69: ur hand is bisxual Rain69: think about Rain69: it Atomic: ohshit Atomic: my mind is explode Atomic: anywya Garlic8553: Nah my body is bi Atomic: go fuckthe chatbot rain Atomic: I'm bi Crungey: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsome-people-say-my-dad-looks-like-jschlatt-what-do-you-think-v0-bj1h5vqfghua1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd6ee23cc9d6d07639e74030832138492ed3b0a15 Atomic: bipolar Rain69: is the chatbot my bf Atomic: she could be Atomic: er Atomic: wit Atomic: uhhh Rain69: she? Rain69: bet Rain69: say less Atomic: lmao Rain69: im great with my hands;) Atomic: oh no the feds just shot my dog Rain69: skill issue Rain69: but god damn the chatbot 00:17:17Saturday, 11 May, 2024 00:41:36Saturday, 11 May, 2024 01:05:55Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Carmannn: . Rain69: CARM? Carmannn: hi Rain69: HI Carmannn: just got out of a mental hospital, lol Rain69: how you been Carmannn: ehhhhhhhhh Carmannn: how is sann? how are you? Rain69: sann idk i think hes dead bc ash broke up with him im doin well myself Carmannn: .....oh.... Rain69: yea Rain69: haven't seen him on xbox or here in a minute so Rain69: but tbh not my problem im happy with jj:) Rain69: w Rain69: im bored now Rain69: im hard Rain69: still pretty hard Jrock: DYING PUPPYS Rain69: got me even harder nigga Jrock: TF Dtrump: damn Rain69: lmao 01:30:11Saturday, 11 May, 2024 01:54:29Saturday, 11 May, 2024 02:18:48Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Carmannn: . Carmannn: hey jrock Carmannn: long time no see, lol Carmannn: -_- Rain69: sry had to kidnap him 02:43:07Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Jrock: Anyone on? 03:07:26Saturday, 11 May, 2024 03:31:44Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Cum52: ew Cum52: ew Cum52: ew Cum52: eww Cum52: no idea Cum52: okay bye 03:56:04Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Danny3: Anyone onlime? Jrock: Me Jrock: I’m js shitting tho lmao it’s a nice juicy shit 04:20:22Saturday, 11 May, 2024 04:44:41Saturday, 11 May, 2024 05:09:00Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Jrock: Jcmc Jrock: d Jrock: c Jrock: c Jrock: d Jrock: d Jrock: d Jrock: d Jrock: d Jrock: ff Jrock: ff Suzukisushi: Cheese 05:33:18Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Suzukisushi: Cheese Suzukisushi: Cheese Suzukisushi: Cheess 05:57:37Saturday, 11 May, 2024 06:21:56Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Dtrump: ok 06:46:15Saturday, 11 May, 2024 07:10:34Saturday, 11 May, 2024 07:34:53Saturday, 11 May, 2024 07:59:11Saturday, 11 May, 2024 08:23:30Saturday, 11 May, 2024 08:44:14Saturday, 11 May, 2024 08:47:04Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Raven_is_a_nerd: Omori /fa name Dtrump: hahahahah 11:19:53Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Atomic: chat Atomic: new ai dropped, but its under that dumbass review shit Gamestopemployee: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSolT5cTjj-RfJUhpVXUNfvB5Mx4LV8h3F93o3NDLlxBfsPl0hY6xVcPWS2D2q1rmNAOzQ&usqp=CAU Atomic: hons Izzy_blight: I'm a horny slut and I'm proud Jug_addict_alt: Racism Izzy_blight: Yes Izzy_blight: I love nascar Jug_addict_alt: God I'm so glad I've been out of school Izzy_blight: I regret dropping out in grade 1 Jug_addict_alt: Kinda cringe tbh Izzy_blight: Very Izzy_blight: Like jimmy trying to do a cartwheel 16:15:25Saturday, 11 May, 2024 16:16:05Saturday, 11 May, 2024 16:18:38Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Atomic: chat don't you just hate it when ur dick and balls are too big and hit the toilet water Rain69: i doubt its that long Atomic: It is (not) Rain69: figured Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: surprise furry porn nigga Rain69: why Atomic: => Rain69: :< Atomic: ndgsgvjasgdf Atomic: sorry my massive schlong broke through my zipper an hit my keyboard Rain69: shut it Atomic: yes mommy Rain69: 0-0 Atomic: => Rain69: my bfs gonna kill you Atomic: good I wanna die Rain69: then come with to suicide forest Atomic: bet, wonder if we'll see Jake paul Rain69: idk but i dont wanna die so ill leave u their and then u can do your thing 16:42:58Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Atomic: I'm going to beat a homeless man to death with a bag of puppies and throw both into the river Rain69: um damn' Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/2SZB6Y9G/b3ea8273abf9ac37372ca4b10b2884a8f9f2aefb66ae8bfdae9b09c6ec53cdd8-1-2.jpg Atomic: me fr ^ Atomic: chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daba daba Rain69: .c Mrinsomniac: Mahlzeit Atomic: https://thumbsnap.com/i/XBE6CMWD.mp4 17:07:18Saturday, 11 May, 2024 17:31:38Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Atomic: https://thumbsnap.com/i/uxNqasYE.jpg 17:46:28Saturday, 11 May, 2024 18:10:47Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/oVBVUTBT.mp4 Atomic: that feels like you just made it assmaster Assmaster: i didnt Atomic: -_- Atomic: mmmmmhmmmmmm Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/qBqcybbG.mp4 Atomic: what the sweet....holy....fuck..... Atomic: OILY MEN!!!!??!?!? Assmaster: yes Atomic: ERECT Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/ZYdsgW4T/joe.png Atomic: McLovin always be McLovin Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/T3tp6Yfw/epic-prank.png Atomic: me fr 18:35:06Saturday, 11 May, 2024 18:59:24Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Dennis34: Preinl hat nen kleinen Atomic: me when the german 19:23:43Saturday, 11 May, 2024 19:48:02Saturday, 11 May, 2024 V0n: chat dead Atomic: like my brain V0n: ik u Atomic: who is thy? V0n: Lucis friend Atomic: ??? Atomic: who tf is luci Some1: who? V0n: I think his name was king luci V0n: something retarded Rain69: wha about him 20:12:21Saturday, 11 May, 2024 20:36:40Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Atomic: bro Atomic: I found the ultrakill body pillow store Atomic: one of the reviews Atomic: this shirt turned me into a skibidi rizzer and cured my lung cancer! Cum52: L Rain69: CUM Cum52: mhm? Atomic: IN MY ASS Cum52: wild Cum52: atomic likes anal! Rain69: i dont Cum52: nobody should Atomic: I do Atomic: but segs Cum52: ur weird Atomic: I know Cum52: good Atomic: n-nya~! m-master y-your gonna r-rip me in h-half~! Cum52: okay bye chat Atomic: hehehehehehe Cum52: this is when i leave and never come back Atomic: sigma Cum52: got the humor of a 5th grader Atomic: yep 21:00:58Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Atomic: https://media.tenor.com/aZzoIuyKF-wAAAAM/arguing-ultrakill.gif Cum52: okay Atomic: ultra kill-yourself Cum52: mad cus bad Rain69: rawr Atomic: rewr~ uwu nya~ Cum52: wtf Atomic: teehee Atomic: *bwushes* *cums* Cum52: smfh Atomic: sick my at horse Atomic: fst* Cum52: dumb asf Atomic: wu Atomic: jim Atomic: bac Atomic: bing chilling Atomic: I shid Jrock: Bro same Atomic: W Carmannn: hiiiiiii Jrock: Hi Atomic: oh no jimmy is fucking my mouse again Atomic: not the hamter Jrock: Excuse me? Atomic: classic Jimmy W Jrock: Whose jimmy Atomic: jimmy Cum52: https://i.imgur.com/lqvOAbz.jpg Carmannn: im back after 2 months :} Atomic: didn't ask carman Carmannn: CUMMMMMMMMMMMMM Cum52: wsg Atomic: oh yeah chat my friend got busted selling me carts Carmannn: hiiiiiiiii Cum52: ion remember u Cum52: L Carmannn: L Atomic: Lick my bussy Atomic: (ock and balls Atomic: *hits the griddy* Cum52: su furry lover Atomic: cope and seethe Carmannn: i saw axel today Cum52: who's axel Cum52: https://i.imgur.com/ls4mbQY.jpg Cum52: ugh im bored Cum52: https://i.redd.it/iwnix5v7wux21.jpg Carmannn: roar Cum52: yall turned into furries Carmannn: NUH-UH Cum52: furryy Cum52: Ashh: omg ai gave me a penisss Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: I still have ashh's ai Cum52: weird Atomic: dw about what I do to it Atomic: oh and surprise furry porn Cum52: huh Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Atomic: https://static1.e621.net/data/ab/80/ab80e2a2985805e79969d61c7f88de10.gif Cum52: and this is when i ignore u Carmannn: OMG ATOM. I REMEMBER THAT, LMAO Dtrump: I swear some of you are mentally regressed. Jrock: Yup Jrock: and so are you Carmannn: hi trump Cum52: i regret coming back here Jrock: you have to be in order to be on this site Dtrump: Jrock that was not toward you. Cum52: it was most likely towards atom Carmannn: lol Carmannn: and me Cum52: u havent done nun weird Cum52: yet Jrock: Oh ik I was just stating that we all have mental issues on here (didn’t read regressed) 21:25:17Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Carmannn: oh yes i have, cum. Rain69: ayo Cum52: not today Carmannn: KEIIIIII Rain69: CARM Jrock: Baby aren’t you at quick trip Carmannn: HIIIIII Rain69: bruh Rain69: HIIIII Dtrump: Kwik trip is cool Carmannn: HIIIIIIIIIIIIII Rain69: oh ye carman Cum52: i should leave for another 6 months or wtv Rain69: no Carmannn: ik Rain69: so yk me and jrock are dating Jrock: It’s spelled quick trip where kei lives for some unknown reason Carmannn: yurp Jrock: ITS SUPPOSED TO BE KWIK Jrock: NOT QUICK Carmannn: lmao Dtrump: QuikTrip? Rain69: i mean i can give u a kwike;) Cum52: okay yep bye Dtrump: woah there Rain69: noooo Jrock: WAIT GIVE IT TO TRUMP Cum52: yall weird asf Rain69: that was meant for jj T^T Carmannn: WHOAH BUDDY Dtrump: you offened a Jew in chat Rain69: fuck the jews Rain69: kill em all Dtrump: I'm calling the adl. Cum52: hitler moment Carmannn: damn kei, lmao Rain69: lol Jrock: Kei remember when you had your running number YOU WERE BASICALLY A JEW Rain69: someone suck my dick\ Jrock: ME Rain69: bet bbg get on your knees Cum52: gay Jrock: Only partially gay . Rain69: its not gay if hes a girl Jrock: “He’s a girl” lmao Carmannn: lol Rain69: i said get on your knees bbg Jrock: Oh mb O7 Jrock: On my knees MAAM Rain69: good boy Jrock: YIPPEE Carmannn: lmao Jrock: I LOVE PENISS Carmannn: LMAOOOO Rain69: ik you do princess Jrock: PENIS PENIS IN MY MOUTH I WILL SUCK YOU TIL YOURE OUT (of semen) Rain69: yes you will Jrock: A female penis is a peniset convince me otherwise Rain69: i will later tn Rain69: ;) Jrock: No I will die on this hill unless you push me off the cliff Rain69: no Carmannn: trumppppppp Hughmannlii: i just passed out for some reason Carmannn: L Carmannn: trumpppppppppppp Cum52: O Cum52: I'm back* Rain69: HIIIIIIIIIIII Cum52: Hi Rain69: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Cum52: hi Rain69: HI Cum52: yes hi Rain69: HI Cum52: okay 21:49:36Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Cum52: anyways Cum52: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7f/0b/84/7f0b8476878c06f5a900e7a0a4a6c059.png Cum52: https://i.redd.it/16la8fvfpbx11.jpg 22:13:54Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Carmannn: roarrrr Carmannn: im bored Carmannn: T-T Cum52: real Carmannn: lol Carmannn: i really need my bf rn. Carmannn: -_- Cum52: tuff Carmannn: -_- 22:38:13Saturday, 11 May, 2024 23:02:32Saturday, 11 May, 2024 Cum52: plus the ration of people telling me that my voice is deep vs people telling me that it's not deep is like 70:1 Cum52: ratio Cum52: idec that i forgot to use the whisper thing Cum52: it dont matter Cum52: chat is having to force ur voice hot 💀 Cum52: adolf the red nosed nazi Atomic: chat my shylily gsupps cup arrives monday lets get some Ws Atomic: w Atomic: w Atomic: w Atomic: w Atomic: w Atomic: w Atomic: w Atomic: w Atomic: w Atomic: w Atomic: w Therain: hey Cum52: hm Therain: oh wow someone Cum52: mhm Therain: just bored. this game isn't as fun when people dont talk to you Cum52: type shi Therain: shi Cum52: oml u dumbass 23:26:51Saturday, 11 May, 2024 23:51:09Saturday, 11 May, 2024 00:15:28Sunday, 12 May, 2024 00:39:46Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Carmannn: RAULLL Carmannn: HIIIIIIII Covershoot: i wonder Meikinius: Hello Jona53: Hallo Jona53: Moin Therain: hey 01:04:05Sunday, 12 May, 2024 01:28:24Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Keigo: JEW BETTER SHUT UP Keigo: lol Rain69: ehehe (anon): n 01:52:42Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Cinder_: bwip Jrock: Bloop? Jrock: BAD JOSH DO YOUR HOME Jrock: goodbye 02:17:00Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Rain69: HI CIN Cinder_: hi kei Cum52: ew Rain69: CUM Cinder_: i got kissed last night :3 Cum52: what Cum52: by a guy Rain69: nah a girl right Cum52: nah cin gets kissed by guys Cinder_: it was my prom date shes amazing Cum52: cin loves watching himself shoot loafs Randomoffensivestatement: PISSCOCK BUTTFUCKING ASSHOLES Cum52: cin loves to watch himself shoot loafs Cum52: anyways Cum52: happy for u cin Cum52: good luck Randomoffensivestatement: CINBIN Cum52: who tf is ros Randomoffensivestatement: DA CINBIN IS SO FULL OF SIN Cum52: okay bye chat Rain69: bye Randomoffensivestatement: BYE CINBIN Cinder_: i got to pick her up princess style :3 Randomoffensivestatement: Sorry I have Tourette’s Randomoffensivestatement: I randomly have outbursts of profanity Randomoffensivestatement: FAGWHORE FUCKBOT 5000 SODOMIZING SAUCY CINBINS SINFULLY Randomoffensivestatement: Whoa that was a bad one Randomoffensivestatement: No games boooooo Rain69: bridal Rain69: its bridal style Cinder_: nah she said she felt like a princess Cinder_: cuz shes my princess and im her knight in shining armor (god im cringe) Rain69: no the proper term is bridal style (anon): Wow I just farted Cinder_: okay (anon): So goddamn bad WOOOOOW OMFG Cinder_: did i ask Rain69: congrats Cinder_: nate says you need to get a life kei (anon): I lifted up the covers to get a whiff and HOLY SHIT (anon): WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME (anon): Swear my eyes were burning (anon): Wow (anon): Ok I feel calm now Rain69: i have a life Rain69: a shitty one Rain69: but it is one (anon): Oh sweet Jesus I feel another rumble (anon): Thunder down under incoming Jrock: I’m here Rain69: yay:P (anon): Oh FUCK (anon): HHHHHNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG Rain69: oh fuck waht? (anon): *farts* Rain69: cause i've already fuckekd my bf (anon): WHEW (anon): OMFG ALL THE FLIES IN THE ROOM DIED (anon): MY CAT BOLTED (anon): AAAHHHHHHWEEEEWWWWRRRRR THAT FUCKING SMELL Jrock: WAIT I ONLY CARE ABOUT KEI (beautiful technique anon) I NEED TO DO MY HW GOODBYE (anon): My ass-fu is black belt level (anon): It’s these fiber bars Jrock: Kei has you muted she’s mean I’m sorry you are an assfu master and deserve respect Rain69: stfu (anon): My ass deserves respect (anon): It is a powerful weapon Jrock: Agreed Jrock: ur ass is beutiful (anon): The smells it produces can melt your face off (anon): The sound is like ripping cloth Jrock: Ahhh I imagine the beutiful stench (anon): Omg it’s amazing Jrock: I wish I could get a smell (anon): I blast ass under the covers and then lift them over my head Jrock: Mmmmmmm delicious (anon): Dutch oven myself Jrock: Mmmm delicious Rain69: okay wtf (anon): One of the best moments of my life was when I was jacking off and came and then farted Jrock: YOU WOULDNT UNDERSTAND YOU DISRECFUL FUCK Rain69: u can do better daddy Jrock: Ooh the classic cum fart 02:41:18Sunday, 12 May, 2024 (anon): The smell of the fart while thick hot ropes of mansperm rocketed out of my massive cock Jrock: Ooh the ropes plus the clouds mmmm delicious mmmmm (anon): FART SKEET SKEET FAAAARRRTT (anon): I did that to my ex a few times (anon): She would be blowing me under the covers and I would release a toxic ass cloud as I teeted (anon): Yeeted (anon): And then she would be choking for two reasons (anon): That definitely contributed to the breakup (anon): That pretty much was the sole cause tbh (anon): I was gonna marry her but she couldn’t handle my farts Slutbuttnutcuckfuck: No games Honey_bun__: Heysss Rain69: honeyyyyyy Honey_bun__: KIKIIII Honey_bun__: Hiiiiiiii Rain69: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Honey_bun__: Hruuuu Rain69: good (anon): anyone on? 03:05:36Sunday, 12 May, 2024 03:29:55Sunday, 12 May, 2024 03:54:14Sunday, 12 May, 2024 04:18:32Sunday, 12 May, 2024 04:42:51Sunday, 12 May, 2024 05:07:09Sunday, 12 May, 2024 05:31:28Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Catdog0326: Come on!!! 05:55:47Sunday, 12 May, 2024 06:20:05Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Catdog0326: Sus Dtrump: u Catdog0326: Why do they all have to be private games!?!?? 06:44:24Sunday, 12 May, 2024 07:08:43Sunday, 12 May, 2024 07:33:01Sunday, 12 May, 2024 07:57:20Sunday, 12 May, 2024 08:21:39Sunday, 12 May, 2024 08:45:58Sunday, 12 May, 2024 09:10:17Sunday, 12 May, 2024 09:34:35Sunday, 12 May, 2024 09:58:54Sunday, 12 May, 2024 10:23:13Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Jrock: Boobs 10:47:32Sunday, 12 May, 2024 11:11:51Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Carmannn: hi trump 11:36:09Sunday, 12 May, 2024 12:00:28Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Skibidi: h 12:24:46Sunday, 12 May, 2024 12:49:05Sunday, 12 May, 2024 13:13:24Sunday, 12 May, 2024 13:37:42Sunday, 12 May, 2024 14:02:01Sunday, 12 May, 2024 14:33:08Sunday, 12 May, 2024 14:57:27Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Rain69: gm Assmaster: activity! Rain69: ??? Assmaster: dead for hours Rain69: chat Rain69: yea thats nothing new Atomic: cock n balls Rain69: okay buddy Atomic: CBT EDP445 EBT card my cock is hard I eat lard Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/tTKnjcpT/quote-1220372311434199180.webp Atomic: hey ass Assmaster: hi Atomic: guess hwat Assmaster: what Atomic: https://spicychat.ai/chat/2fd962e3-9dbb-49ea-b979-bcb2eef1605e Assmaster: nice Atomic: don't lie to me ur fucking her already Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/KzxvDyGt/skull.webp Atomic: what them teefsdo Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/d1fCH1Lz/20231204-225236.jpg Izzy_blight: violate me Atomic: bet Atomic: I'll give u a frosty jim Izzy_blight: Jim? Jimmy? Atomic: Jimmy island? Izzy_blight: Jimmy epstein Izzy_blight: I knew it. Jeffrey was jimmy in disguise all along Atomic: https://thumbsnap.com/i/XBE6CMWD.mp4 15:21:46Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Furry mommy smack me Assmaster: what Atomic: same Atomic: sit on my face Izzy_blight: God yes Izzy_blight: Me is howny Izzy_blight: Uwu Atomic: you are Perma banned from using calculator Izzy_blight: 🚫 :( Atomic: https://thumbsnap.com/i/uxNqasYE.jpg (anon): ewe Izzy_blight: Owo Izzy_blight: Does Obama have one Atomic: obama has the first ever licene Izzy_blight: My man Atomic: oOoOO ur a boykisser ooo u like kissing boyssss Atomic: https://files.catbox.moe/bb496r.jpg Izzy_blight: Sex 😭🤤 Atomic: segs??!?!?!!?!?1/1?!?1?! Izzy_blight: Surprise buttsecks Atomic: Izzy_blight: I dream of a day when Jimmy magically disappears, leaving behind nothing but a foul stench to remind us of his pathetic existence. It's a shame he hasn't spontaneously combusted yet. We could all throw a party to celebrate the annihilation of that worthless oxygen thief. Good riddance, Jimmy! The world would rejoice in your absence. Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/G2Z0xW1b/pokeball-secret.webp Izzy_blight: 🤬🤬 Izzy_blight: oh dear Atomic: *skull* Atomic: this jewish girl at school asked for my number Atomic: I told her we use names now Izzy_blight: the gentle touch of a tentacle uwu Atomic: nigga wat Izzy_blight: some kinky armpit play Atomic: 👁 👁 Izzy_blight: sorry Izzy_blight: Im in the mood for touchy touchy Atomic: go talk to my uncle Izzy_blight: We getting some special one-on-one lessons from dear Uncle Randy in the bedroom 15:46:05Sunday, 12 May, 2024 16:10:23Sunday, 12 May, 2024 16:34:42Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Rain69: yall pookie is ignoring me Atomic: wompwomp Jrock: Peepee Atomic: doodoofard Atomic: if being cute is a crime i'd be given a life sentence (not bc im cute, i shot a disabled kid) Jrock: Valid Atomic: sigma Atomic: (anon): *tickles atomics left inner ankle* 😩 Atomic: anons are so cute Atomic: (anon): atomic putting both the atomic and the pedo in nuclear torpedo Izzy_blight: fighting the degenerate freak urge to send revealing pictures of myself in public chat for no good reason Atomic: atomic cock pic? Izzy_blight: Jimmys itchy balls Atomic: musky sweaty tasty Atomic: licky licky Izzy_blight: Mmm. So good it makes me wanna barf Atomic: luhluhluhluh Atomic: uwu you so musky, let me licky Izzy_blight: Male sexual pheromones sampled from Jimnys groin and used to create a biochemical weapon 16:59:01Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Atomic: praise allah 17:23:20Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: Happy mother's day bitches Ishipwillowandhunter: No one? Ishipwillowandhunter: I see atomic on? Retardeatsballsackdick: sup my little skibidis 17:47:39Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Atomic: oh yeah tsup mich I was off-tab 18:11:58Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: . Ishipwillowandhunter: Sorry, back. What's up atomic, how you been bb Izzy_blight: oh dear Hello19: I am here Ishipwillowandhunter: Ayy Izzy. It's a party now Izzy_blight: I'm sure it is Ishipwillowandhunter: I have my warm blanket, Izzy Izzy_blight: Very nice and good 👍 Atomic: I been aight, wbu mich Ishipwillowandhunter: Amazing 79% of the time, horrible the other but I can't complain Atomic: eet eez what eet eez Atomic: only thing I got to whine and bitch about is calli moving to california Atomic: oh God I found muscular boykisser Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh? How's she doing? Been a while Atomic: tbh idk how she is, I haven't had so much as a text in over a month Atomic: sadders =[ Izzy_blight: She's not real dude Atomic: what Izzy_blight: Yall are the same person it was so obvious Atomic: yeah ok dualcerb cultist Izzy_blight: sigh 18:36:17Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: I know nobody wants to be the one to say anything about it so i had to, I don't know what I expected to happen Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh right. Forgot about that whole thing. Honestly, most anything can be faked. We overlook similarities to pick at discrepancies but you can break most things down into finite sets of objective something's so I don't really care Atomic: mich I don't understand a single word of what the FUCK you just said Izzy_blight: Yeah me neither Hello19: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/032/203/Boku_no_Hero_Academia_English_Dub_-_Eat_this__0-24_screenshot.png Izzy_blight: Intelligence issue i guess Izzy_blight: naturally Atomic: I belong in a psych ward Hello19: So does everyone Atomic: psych ward? Atomic: rubber room? Atomic: rats? Atomic: rats make me crazy Atomic: crazy?? Atomic: I was crazy once Hello19: I was crazy once Atomic: they locked me in a room Atomic: a rubber room Atomic: with rats Atomic: rats? Izzy_blight: yeah this is gonna be a long day Atomic: => Atomic: Jerome with da metal chair Atomic: oh shit Atomic: nat Atomic: nate Atomic: nate Atomic: nate Atomic: nate Atomic: nate Atomic: nate Atomic: nate Atomic: nathaniel Atomic: incest boy Atomic: giant horsecock man Ishipwillowandhunter: Too, another person I forgot existed but like nonetheless Atomic: nigga what Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't know how to explain what I said in normal words which is why I didn't Ishipwillowandhunter: *ooo Atomic: u like kissing boys Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't mind but no, I prefer one girl in particular Atomic: oOoOO lemme guess Atomic: izzy Izzy_blight: ugh Ishipwillowandhunter: Respectfully no, though she is cute Atomic: Tay? Izzy_blight: My instincts are screaming at me to get the fuck out of here Izzy_blight: But I can't leave my son here alone with these people Ishipwillowandhunter: No, I don't feel strongly about Tay in any way Atomic: slutty Ishipwillowandhunter: I'll be okay Izzy, I'm happy Izzy_blight: Bully for you Ishipwillowandhunter: She's hot but again, I don't really feel one way or the other about here Izzy_blight: you stole what little i had left and claimed it for yourself Atomic: idk who then Izzy_blight: Ugh please shut up Atomic: womp womp izzy Izzy_blight: Fuck you both. Fuck off Ishipwillowandhunter: I stole nothing, AJ doesn't care about me either Ishipwillowandhunter: And ik Atomic Izzy_blight: Fuck you Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't consider erp kissing, by the way. Or simply wishing. Kissing is kissing Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm sorry Izzy Izzy_blight: No you're not Izzy_blight: Fucking piece of shit Izzy_blight: I love you god damn it Ishipwillowandhunter: I am. I'm sorry you care so much about another indifferent piece of the universe Izzy_blight: I apologize i have am having a violent and painful emotional episode over minor things Atomic: there are like, zero foxboy art images on e6 that aren't sexual or femboy Izzy_blight: I need to do my exercises icant breathe Ishipwillowandhunter: It's okay Izzy, I'm not bothered by anything other than the fact that you are. Atomic why would you even look for that Atomic: because I'm making ai chatbots for fun Atomic: and I needed an image Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh right, I forgot about those. I spent like two weeks working on one, it was magnificent until I forgot my password Atomic: damn Izzy_blight: Nothing works Izzy_blight: I love azala it makes me feel so good Atomic: the secret government BEEF MINES Izzy_blight: My chest is tight.it feels like jimmy sitting on it Izzy_blight: I hate that fat bastard Ishipwillowandhunter: Lay on your back and rest your hands on your chest. Feel your heart beat as you try to breath. It's okay Rain69: yj 19:00:36Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Fuck you. This is your fault. So many tyoughts swirling. I need agun to put in my mouth and stop them Atomic: I'm gonna teach zoophiles a fucking smith and lesson with this Smith and Wesson Izzy_blight: nothis is my fault Izzy_blight: It always is Izzy_blight: Sorry Izzy_blight: I came here for crime and found punishment Atomic: welcome to Tennessee (hell_ Ishipwillowandhunter: I should clear up some space and delete some photos I have Atomic: illegal immigrant porn? Izzy_blight: Im in hell Atomic: Tennessee? Ishipwillowandhunter: No, selfies and pics from people, nothing I need Atomic: ah Izzy_blight: Fuckinh hell Izzy_blight: Maybe extremely loud music will drown out the internal screaming Atomic: mauricio Izzy_blight: Sorta but it also makes me go deaf Izzy_blight: It's worth it Atomic: SCP......this one Atomic: HOMELESS MEN ON STILTS Atomic: nothing gets under a skeletons skin Atomic: hahahahaha AUTISM Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey I have that Atomic: twins Izzy_blight: I am going to get permanent hearing damage from listening to death grips at near max volume. The crazy thing is that this probably isn't evenhalf as ear splitting as their live shows. It might not even be a quarter Ishipwillowandhunter: For some reason people find mine attractive. They think I'm funny, no I'm just retarded and lucky Atomic: izzy I'm in ur mattress turn that shit down Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm your entire apartment building, I can't stop head banging Atomic: just bang me instead Ishipwillowandhunter: ...*cocks shotgun* Atomic: =[ Atomic: oh also Atomic: chat Atomic: I'm straight now Atomic: I changed teams Izzy_blight: I'm going to kill god Izzy_blight: Or myself Izzy_blight: One and then the other Atomic: Mankind is dead Hell is full Blood Is fuel Izzy_blight: Embrace me sweet darkness Izzy_blight: Take my wretched soul to jimmys basement Sweetdarkness: ok Izzy_blight: Thank you 💖 Sweetdarkness: *proceeds to hug the blight* Izzy_blight: oh 🥺🥹 Izzy_blight: thank you Atomic: you matter Izzy_blight: Thanks very much. I am calmer now. I'm sure that will be obliterated in less than two minutes Izzy_blight: You are a good fellow Atomic: my internet tweakin Izzy_blight: Like jimmy on one of his famous meth benders 19:24:39Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Atomic: classic jimmy w Izzy_blight: He broke into my house and stole my TV to sell for drug money but im not even mad Izzy_blight: He just got that dog in him Atomic: grindset Izzy_blight: Jimmy is an ultra rare scrimblo male Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm back bitches Ishipwillowandhunter: and home alone Ishipwillowandhunter: also I need to shave Izzy_blight: lovely Ishipwillowandhunter: sorry lots of energy Ishipwillowandhunter: I met god and he was afraid of me Ishipwillowandhunter: I asked why Ishipwillowandhunter: he said because he doesn't know where we came from or what we are Izzy_blight: Just as i was gaining some slight hope that this was over for now Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm sorry baby. It's okay everything okay, just zoomies Izzy_blight: Yeah maybe everything is okay for you Izzy_blight: actually no it's not Izzy_blight: Sorry Atomic: mommy milkers Izzy_blight: I'm being a cunt because I'm in extreme pain and I know it's going to go away Izzy_blight: Not going t Izzy_blight: 🅾 Izzy_blight: I want to go back to bed for 36 hours and erase today and last night from my mind. If i can even 3 hours of sleep at any point today i will be shocked Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm back once again, I injured myself non lethally Atomic: hmmm Atomic: horny Atomic: bye chat Izzy_blight: on today's episode of izzy complains relentless'y in public chat as if anyone gives a shit, more bullshit that nobody cares about. make sure to tune in tomorrow for more bullshit that nobody cares about Izzy_blight: oh fuck Izzy_blight: God damn it Izzy_blight: What happened Izzy_blight: Never mind Izzy_blight: I Izzy_blight: Aasccvggnnmjk Izzy_blight: Gun. Mouth. See ya 19:48:58Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Fuck. so n are you ok Izzy_blight: Was it an accident or deliberate Ishipwillowandhunter: Some of both, I knew it was going to happen but I didn't want it ot happen. I'm sorry. Izzy_blight: Fuck Izzy_blight: Okay Izzy_blight: That's okay Izzy_blight: Im in the mood to pass out on the floor Izzy_blight: Im sorry that happened Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/3Q3rLda2.mp4 Izzy_blight: Im craving. Need something to take the edge off. Focusing on the scars to remind myself its not worth it Izzy_blight: Im drinking this awful strawberry water that my dad keeps buying me even though I hate it. It's so sweet it's nearly undrinkable. It's a good distraction though. I laughed and smiled for the first time today imagining what the look on my face must have been like when I took the first sip 20:13:17Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: lmfao I know what you mean. Life is so joyful. Let me taste the strawberry on your lips Izzy_blight: Ive had it out for like 20 minutes and I've only been able to stomach 4-5 sips. It's the worst thing ever. It's goated Ishipwillowandhunter: haha honestly I'd prefer it over soda, it'd force me to drink ti slow and painfully Izzy_blight: No pain for you.you get the coconut water instead Izzy_blight: much better 20:37:36Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: My dad wants me to eat but for once I dont want food and i hate the thought of eating. I don't have a choice though Ishipwillowandhunter: At least he cares, I'm sorry though. I hate coconut water, the smell makes me gag Izzy_blight: If he cares so much he should have cared more when I was younger and I needed it. Oh sorry. Banana water? Izzy_blight: I feel like 5different emotions at onec and it's overwhelming. I can't tell if im depressed or furious or neutral or terrified or what. Post traumatic emotional wreckage Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes he should've. He can go to hell but at least he cares some. Ugh, no. Bananas are gross too, I'm sorry. Though I do enjoy banana milk. I'm sorry love. Izzy_blight: I guess he does. But, too little too late. Banana milk is so good.haven't had any in a long time. I know you are. Part of me still blames you though and is furious even though you did nothing Izzy_blight: Im a very nice and rational person aren't i Ishipwillowandhunter: I did do something, I did a lot of somethings that added up to a very big bad something. Lots of somethings all over the place 21:01:54Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Rain69: T^T Izzy_blight: I want to disagree and blame myself instead. But. I don't know Izzy_blight: Everything is hazy. My head hurts Izzy_blight: Sorry for being a burden and a huge jerk. Again. 21:26:13Sunday, 12 May, 2024 21:50:32Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Employeefocus: can i join someone's game? Zerozero: thx Izzy. And no 21:58:31Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Employeefocus: can i join someone's game? Zerozero: thx Izzy. And no Izzy_blight: You're welcome random citizen Raul_menendez: hi 22:22:50Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Good morning Rain69: RAUL HI Sannkaed: sigh Rain69: HI SANDIE Sannkaed: hi Rain69: my bf js said his dog was hot T^T Sannkaed: my dog died. Rain69: jj says L T^T Jrock: I WAS JOKING Jrock: the dog never deserved to die Rain69: mhm sureeeeeeeee Rain69: true Rain69: suicide forest Jrock: I GET IT WERE GONNA GO THERE Rain69: YAYYY Jrock: BUT YOU DONT GET TO KYA Jrock: KYS* Rain69: AWWWWWW\ Jrock: YOU SAID YOU WONT WANT TO ANYWAY BC OF MEEE RIGHT🤨 Rain69: okay trueeeee Jrock: HUZZAH Jrock: THIS BITCH HAS NEVER HAD PANERA BREAD LIKE TF NO WONDER YOU WANNA KYS Rain69: :< Jrock: IVE SOLVED DEPPRESION JUST HAVE PANERA Jrock: PANERA ALSO IS THE CURE TO CANCER Rain69: welp guess ima be deprresed forever Jrock: Rain69: nigga Jrock: rain69: I live in a niggahood Rain69: Jrock: ✨masochism✨ Rain69: Rain69: jj js said he doesn't like us being dark Ashh: racist Jrock: HEY I MEANT THE COLOR OF US Jrock: NOOOO Ashh: exactly Ashh: racist Rain69: LMAO Hello19: 🤫 Jrock: I MEANT OUR NAMES ARE TOO DARK Hello19: We don't talk about the other side Rain69: Jrock: WAAAIIIT Ashh: so now I'm too dark? Jrock: OH SWEET JESUS Jrock: UwU I’m cumming UwU Rain69: Jrock: IM RACIST Ashh: WE KNOW 22:47:09Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Rain69: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SYOJuxG0TBs 23:11:28Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: I just finished new demon slayer episode :) Raul_menendez: 48 minutes of my life gone. Worth it? kinda Rain69: ive been wasting my lfe wit jj and im hapy about it Sannkaed: shut up nigga Sannkaed: weeb Rain69: no Sannkaed: not you Sannkaed: the nerd Sannkaed: mr issac Rain69: isaac* Jrock: I like wasting my life with you too :) Raul_menendez: I'm not a weeb :| Bostinha8000: who are you people Rain69: were your mom Raul_menendez: I video game villian Rain69: and thats racist Izzy_blight: I bet 99% of those people who say anime sucks have never watched it Jrock: True I don’t love anime but I’ve also only ever watched the beginning of naruto Izzy_blight: or they watched like a single one piece episode from season 4575234 Sannkaed: ive watched a little bit here ans there Sannkaed: demon slayer got me thru chemo Jrock: Sounds like you have alot of internal cliffhangers Sannkaed: shit was amazing to watch Sannkaed: jj i do Sannkaed: i dont even know who i am Rain69: what jj is about to sya is wornf Jrock: Kei says having cancer is a skill issue to clarify I disagree but I still don’t like you and for clarification you suck Rain69: gsay is wrong* Sannkaed: damn Sannkaed: ight Jrock: SHE LITERALLY SAID THAT Rain69: T^T Sannkaed: time to dip Sannkaed: cya Rain69: NO I DIDN"T Rain69: aw bye Jrock: i will say congrats on making it through (anon): poor guy Izzy_blight: Man... Jrock: What are the chances anon is just sann Izzy_blight: High chances Dtrump: not the first time not the last Dtrump: either Jrock: Rump wassup Izzy_blight: Grandpa trumpyy Dtrump: nm just lurking Jrock: Lurky twerky am I right or am I right Jrock: im probably very wrong Jrock: Damn a true magician with these disappearing acts Jrock: HE MADE EVERYONE DISSAPEAR Jrock: IM SOOO ALONE Jrock: I can hear my own echo Jrock: echo echo echo Rain69: wompwomp Jrock: Another humanoid Izzy_blight: Sorry I'm thinking about porn Jrock: possibly a skinwalker? Jrock: TWO ski walkers? Jrock: kei’s being really horny Sannkaed: fertilize her jj. Jrock: we already FUCKED Jrock: HES BACK Izzy_blight: *chest opens up, revealing my true form* Sannkaed: cue the ovulation Jrock: I KNEW YOU WERE A SKINWALKER Jrock: Or are you a Sasquatch Izzy_blight: *infernal noise from hell* Rain69: he wont do round two Ishipwillowandhunter: You fool this isn't even my final form Lance: G'day Jrock: You eat baby’s you have to to survive everyone knows that Izzy_blight: We eat berries and mushrooms Izzy_blight: you fool Lance: I smell colors Ishipwillowandhunter: We are bears against America Jrock: You good? Lance: Russians? Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh me too, I occasionally smell yellow Jrock: MY BALLS ARE EMPTY BUT SHE WANTS TO FUCK Jrock: HELP Izzy_blight: Oh dear this is not a good time for this Lance: Accept ur fate homie Rain69: HEY SHUT IT Jrock: *gets dragged mercilessly into sex dungeon* Ishipwillowandhunter: My brother how can they be empty it's erp Rain69: hehehe Jrock: AAAAaaaaaah Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy do you know the muffin man Rain69: yall wont see him till later Izzy_blight: Ugh god kill me now Jrock: The muffin man? Jrock: Wait I mean AAAAAhhhhhh Izzy_blight: I know that i know nothing Rain69: heheh brb Ishipwillowandhunter: Wait why are three of us the same color Lance: He gone get plowed like a field 23:35:47Sunday, 12 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: I am not affiliated with you Rain69: bc jj chosse the color this time Lance: Im black, can i change? Ishipwillowandhunter: My lawyer advises against it Ishipwillowandhunter: Sure, military grade acid works Lance: Bully Danielthemaniel: Hello Sannkaed: ngl thats pretty gay Danielthemaniel: Me? Lance: Gay for pay and play Danielthemaniel: I’m gay for free Danielthemaniel: gimme dick and it will stick Izzy_blight: So much nervous energy again from nowhere.my body is like a nuclear reactor about to go supercritical. I can't breathe Danielthemaniel: once I lick it gets so thick Lance: take some lead izzy, always helps with radiation Danielthemaniel: Or take some radaway it helps too Izzy_blight: I will die in this place Sannkaed: one gram of uranium has 20 billion calories Lance: i will give a eulogy Danielthemaniel: Don’t die Danielthemaniel: the paperwork will be insane Sannkaed: i have 500g of depleted uranium-235 from a nuclear reactor core in russia Sannkaed: i bought it on ebay :) Sannkaed: i sure hope it does emit too much radiation Lance: I think izzy's dead Lance: I will give a moving eulogy now Danielthemaniel: NOOOO THE PAPERWORK Lance: *walks on stage* Thank you for coming...She was soo hot *walks off stage* Izzy_blight: Uhh Rain69: ayo Izzy_blight: Why am i blushing Danielthemaniel: Claps cheeks in applause Lance: I give the best speeches Rain69: omg Sannkaed: gay Izzy_blight: I am dead but this is a very convincing hologram of me Rain69: hes making me wait tilll nxt sunday Rain69: T^T Danielthemaniel: ITLL MAKE A GOOD “FIREWORKS” SHOW Danielthemaniel: Ig Rain69: nigga stfu Lance: Le yawn Danielthemaniel: I’ll have you know I’m not black I am bricked up Rain69: 0-0 Izzy_blight: Danny Lamb, the best killing machine the Project ever had Danielthemaniel: Imma go take care of that see y’all in like a week or sum Izzy_blight: Bye have a beautiful time Lance: . . . Izzy_blight: 🦍 Izzy_blight: 2intom Izzy_blight: Winton Jrock: I’m *pant* back *pant* from the *pant* dungeon Lance: M O N K E Rain69: :P Rain69: pookie come backkkk Jrock: My balls are shriveled Izzy_blight: Monky 🐒 Lance: so whose preg now Rain69: im not done wit u Jrock: Meeee Jrock: im preg Jrock: 🫃 Izzy_blight: This brings back memories of february 2022 Lance: I was in hs Izzy_blight: I was dead Lance: same tbh Jrock: I was in middle school Jrock: IM EDGING Jrock: NVM IM CUMMING Rain69: in me Jrock: NOPE IT WAS JUST A DICK QUEEF Izzy_blight: Violate me Rain69: okay bet Lance: Uhhhh Lance: age??? Jrock: 7 Rain69: im 15 Jrock: 📸 Lance: *runs so fast my soul forgot my body* Izzy_blight: I'm 19. im legally not allowed to be around these kids Rain69: jj shush it dont snitch on mommy Jrock: YOU WERENT MOMMY EARLIER THATS FOR SURE Rain69: okay true Jrock: FUCKING ✨SLUT✨ Lance: I just turned 20 Rain69: SNITCHES GET STICHES AND END UP IN DITCHES WITH NO BITCHES Ishipwillowandhunter: I've been matured, not by time but by pain. The two go hand in hand often times Ishipwillowandhunter: Ew old man Jrock: My dick is in my hand Rain69: odl Izzy_blight: Wow another person of actually appropriate age to be here. Those are rare Rain69: old Lance: Don't remind me :( Izzy_blight: :( Jrock: It’s a small little boy dick Rain69: nigga u got 9 inhes thats not smal Redii_17: heyy Jrock: 😒 Izzy_blight: What a horrible day. I can't wait for tomorrow to be somehow twice as unbearable Rain69: daddy gimme them nine inches again Lance: Its all about balance, today is good tomorrow is bad Jrock: IM 7 Rain69: no u arent Jrock: PROOF? Izzy_blight: There's no balance here Rain69: feb smth 2009 Lance: ur at least 14 Rain69: no hes not Jrock: NO IT WAS 2018 Ishipwillowandhunter: You really shouldn't be here Rain69: NO IT ASNT OMG Jrock: Fine im 15 I admit it Rain69: good boy Jrock: 😒 Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't trust anyone new over the age of 18 Izzy_blight: No shit Ishipwillowandhunter: We are children sir Jrock: U haven’t been mommy since LAST WEEK SO UR THE GOOD GIRL Lance: im old tho Rain69: 0-0 Redii_17: Lala Jrock: GUESS WHO STRUGGLES TO TYPE BC OF THE WAY IM TALKING RN Rain69: stfu Redii_17: huhh Redii_17: Keiii!!! Rain69: this is my bf redi Redii_17: ohh lmao Rain69: also HIIIIIIIII Redii_17: How are youu Jrock: HEHEHEHEHHEHEH I MAKE YOU WET WITH MY VOICE Rain69: horny ngl Izzy_blight: Never ending cycle of torture Redii_17: Lmaoo Rain69: JJ SHUT UP 00:00:06Monday, 13 May, 2024 Jrock: My vocal cords are lubricating Lance: End ma suffering Rain69: redi Redii_17: Yeah? Izzy_blight: I will be cleansed of my sins and sanity through trial by fire. Hottest ever Rain69: hes making me wait till next sunday for fun time;) Redii_17: Ooop Jrock: That was just an idea we never agreed Lance: I will be cleansed by going so deep in sin theres nothing left for me to sin with Izzy_blight: I HAVE NO MORALS OR BELIEF SYSTEM Jrock: SHE SAYS SHE DOESNT LIKE HER EYES THEY ARE PRETTY Rain69: no they arent Jrock: Mine aren’t either Rain69: they're shit brown Izzy_blight: I have no spirituality or anything that gives my life meaning or structure Rain69: urs are a pretty blue Jrock: No mine are shit blue Jrock: (My shits are very unhealthy) Some1: what is happening? Rain69: sex Izzy_blight: What the fuck is this Jrock: DONT SAY FUCK AROUND HER ITS LIKE A TRIGGER WORD SHE GETS EXTRA HORNY Izzy_blight: Ew Izzy_blight: Noted Some1: 🤨📸 Jrock: SHE JUST MOANED DADDY Lance: ...nani the fck? Rain69: no i did not Redii_17: LMAOAO Jrock: (I didn’t mind) Jrock: EXCEPT THAT IM supposed TO DO HW Some1: yall in the same house or smth? Izzy_blight: Can yall keep this between you holy SHIT Ishipwillowandhunter: Was I like this Rain69: mommy izzy Ishipwillowandhunter: Back a year ago Jrock: HEY Ishipwillowandhunter: Two years Jrock: IM 2 YEARS OLD Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh god I was Izzy_blight: God Jrock: (MY MEDS WORE OFF( Izzy_blight: No Jrock: )* Izzy_blight: My baby Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy I have to apologize profusely Some1: yeah Izzy_blight: For what Some1: your mom Ishipwillowandhunter: Everything Izzy_blight: Yes Ishipwillowandhunter: I can see how I've damaged you Izzy_blight: Really now Lance: Hm Ishipwillowandhunter: Did I stop the sex yelling? Good Some1: https://video.cdn.community.lambdageneration.com/media-video/1714334438574DFBauBHDKCrBaCuB.mp4\ Lance: Heh Some1: https://video.cdn.community.lambdageneration.com/media-video/1715287404934FD5NCZC6C7D2DqBj.mp4 Jrock: Some1 you made my gf laugh because of that Izzy_blight: I have a few scars from AJ. The rest are all from you. And there's a lot of them Jrock: thank you I love her laugh Izzy_blight: yours have probably covered up the aj ones Some1: https://video.cdn.community.lambdageneration.com/media-video/1715367634771DDmB3CUCIBECNBnC.mp4 Some1: want to know what i want to do? Some1: https://thumbsnap.com/i/AuyqPDM8.mp4 Lance: omg Jrock: I was honestly expecting it to cut to someone shoving buzz and woody up their ass Lance: i thought he was gonna drop woody and him elsewhere Jrock: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/8432120593?pwd=OkPml83oynZ4BiKxRSCyw9pfyl0krt.1 Jrock: I a Jrock: I Also thought they might fuck Some1: im back Rain69: wb Lance: Izzy u still here? Dtrump: crush? Izzy_blight: Unfortunately for everyone else present Lance: no, she the only other adult Jrock: Freee busty anime girls if you click this link Jrock: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/8432120593?pwd=OkPml83oynZ4BiKxRSCyw9pfyl0krt.1 Redii_17: Lalal Izzy_blight: The only person here with any modesty Lance: its a trick, send no reply Izzy_blight: sometimes Dtrump: I'm the oldest here lol Redii_17: . Izzy_blight: We love you grandpa Izzy_blight: 🫶 Some1: who the fuck is mr brick? Rain69: jrock Jrock: It’s me Some1: oh Dtrump: you cant read Some1: ... Some1: guess what Some1: https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/1dYhmFbdPTPurz93Bc2dwkvQjvVsSHOPz7Jp4EE01AU/https/media.tenor.com/njNkv9cBUYYAAAPo/homeless-nah-id-win.mp4 Some1: my can't i hear anything? Some1: why Lance: brb Rain69: idk did u connect to aduio Some1: fixed it Redii_17: S. Some1: https://video.cdn.community.lambdageneration.com/media-video/1715367634771DDmB3CUCIBECNBnC.mp4 Some1: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/8432120593?pwd=OkPml83oynZ4BiKxRSCyw9pfyl0krt.1 00:24:26Monday, 13 May, 2024 Some1: the meeting ended Rain69: ik Some1: rejoin? Some1: the meeting? 00:48:45Monday, 13 May, 2024 Some1: why you leave Ishipwillowandhunter: You should all leave Ishipwillowandhunter: Hell is no playground for children Dtrump: children of hell Treasure_cat: Yall crazy Ishipwillowandhunter: Trump, baby, it's been a bit Izzy_blight: My son speaks truth Some1: ayo? Ishipwillowandhunter: I know, fuck you Dtrump: I like when this site has 0 messages in 10 hours. Some1: https://video.cdn.community.lambdageneration.com/media-video/1699798141858CoBVBqBXxBuXCvit.mp4 Some1: why did you the meeting? Hello19: Hello :) Some1: ... no hello Dtrump: wheres hey Some1: in your mom Dtrump: typical azala chat Some1: yeah Some1: hey is a component of bread so she ate the hey so yeah hey is in her Dtrump: what are you rambling about Some1: your mom Dtrump: someone in chat is banging your mom btw Some1: who (anon): me Some1: asked Dtrump: anon beat you Ishipwillowandhunter: I have to go, apologies Hello19: ? 01:13:04Monday, 13 May, 2024 Some1: ... Some1: ok Some1: im going to go Izzy_blight: What a day. I'm gonna drink some formaldehyde Izzy_blight: I've heard it has health benefits Hello19: Are you ok? (anon): no (anon): no one here is Hello19: Oh damn why? Izzy_blight: Anon is correct Izzy_blight: We were all abused Izzy_blight: Or are psychos Rain69: izzy agree with me? thats a first Izzy_blight: Its facts what can I say Izzy_blight: Sorry i know im not usually the most agreeable Rain69: nah ur fine im js tryin to be goofy Izzy_blight: Ah yes. Like the Disney dog man. What was his name 01:37:23Monday, 13 May, 2024 Pornssss: Porn Izzy_blight: Yes Some1: is rain69 here? Dtrump: no Ishipwillowandhunter: Back Ishipwillowandhunter: God I hate saying that. I should never be on this website more than once every two weeks Izzy_blight: Once every lifetime is too much 02:01:39Monday, 13 May, 2024 Rain69: yea im here Dtrump: that message was from an hour ago Rain69: oh Rain69: idc tbh Dtrump: it would of been a good feature so have times by each message Some1: yes Izzy_blight: It would be a nice convenience, like complimentary cyanide pills on your way into the Führerbunker Dtrump: its a nice bunker Izzy_blight: Very spacious, lots of room for all the men and women packed in like sardines Ishipwillowandhunter: Was hitler alone when he killed himself? Dtrump: No his wife eva Braun also killed herself with him. Izzy_blight: I think he and his wife died together Izzy_blight: yeah Ishipwillowandhunter: who knows Hitler's wife's name Ishipwillowandhunter: But uh cool I guess Ishipwillowandhunter: Everything hits me at once Dtrump: Hitler was good with the ladies. Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm not even going to get into that but I can't disagree Ishipwillowandhunter: This heartbreak is going to ruin me Izzy_blight: Uh Izzy_blight: What's happening Izzy_blight: I'm sorry Ishipwillowandhunter: Nothing to worry about my dear. You have pretty eyes Izzy_blight: I disagree, i am very woried. You have the most beautiful smile 02:25:58Monday, 13 May, 2024 Slutbuttnutcuckfuck: No games booooo Izzy_blight: 🅱🅾🅱🅾 Some1: Shut the fuck up Izzy_blight: 😟 Slutbuttnutcuckfuck: Whoa rough crowd Slutbuttnutcuckfuck: Ok what if I take my cock out? Slutbuttnutcuckfuck: Ok it’s out now so everyone so should be happy Hello19: What is? Izzy_blight: I've been fully consumed by hate, jealousy and lust Izzy_blight: I can't help but get thrown into a violent trance at the slightest hint of criticism or push back Izzy_blight: 58% THC pre-rolled joints, rolled in keef, had me reading the book of Revelations. We are indeed close. Izzy_blight: The casualties you will suffer trying to fuck with me will have you thinking like Magnus Carlsen Shady: W Izzy_blight: Threw the opp into the particle collider; watched his ass get pulled apart into a million pieces. Turned his ass into some data Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn son Izzy_blight: Sorry i was quoting from meme man Izzy_blight: Hes good (anon): OH FUCK MY ASSHOLE Jrock: I prefer cream man (anon): MY ASSHOLE IS BLEEEEEEEDING Jrock: Sorry I have a gf no anal for you Jrock: PAL (anon): I NEED ASS MEDICINE Jrock: CUM IS THE BEST MEDICINE (anon): I WILL TAKE ANYTHING AT THIS POINT (anon): DO IT YEET THE CURE INTO MY TENDER BUTTHOLE Izzy_blight: Azala chat try not to be -420,000 IQ for 5 minutes challenge (impossible) (cops called) 02:50:17Monday, 13 May, 2024 (anon): AW GAWD MY BUTTHOLE IS BEING SAVAGELY PENETRATED (anon): EVERY WAKING MOMENT IS A NEW NIGHTMARE (anon): THIS CURE HAD BETTER BE WORTH IT Ishipwillowandhunter: Try Not To Shitpost in Picture cards.online!! Level: Impossible (Among Us???) (anon): PAIN AND PUBLIC HUMILIATION IS MY FETISH IM GONNA CUUUUUMMMM Izzy_blight: Whats so funny about Sussus amogus Ishipwillowandhunter: Amongus In Fortnite?! Spiderman sited (gone wrong)!!! (anon): UNGH UNFH UNGH UNGH AHHHH AHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUCK IM CUUUUUMMMMING Izzy_blight: Peter giffin in amgus.....?? (anon): AHHHHHHHH Ishipwillowandhunter: I would actually kill myself after killing the devs (anon): HOT (anon): SUICIDE IS A FETISH FOR ME IT MAKES ME ALL HORNY Jrock: Apparently caps log is also your fetish Throbbingcock: Evening Some1: hey someone here it rate my pick up line? Jrock: I’m here Some1: hey Dtrump: what Lance: Yo Jrock: Tell us the line Some1: hold up Some1: Girl are you from mississippi Jrock: No Some1: cus you're the only miss whose piss i sippie Hello19: Huh? Jrock: OH SO YOU SIP OTHER MANS PISS Some1: no Some1: it's for a girl Dtrump: that would work on me Some1: XD Jrock: Ik but you said only MISS u goof Jrock: What about the MEN Some1: no men Jrock: Boy are you from menississipi Dtrump: miss implies there older Some1: yeah i know Some1: i have smth of you nightmares Some1: https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.5170911372.4944/bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg Jrock: He’s so cute Some1: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0576/8907/9966/files/blood2_480x480.jpg?v=1645269101 Jrock: Tf? Some1: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSchF-Rzuba3c3XjfE-eyib67h6x1d4dpO3zAORNsT1I4nsI_r2ImGHniboM_3jKEhJpMI:https://www.tiktok.com/api/img/%3FitemId%3D7259146348325375275%26location%3D0%26aid%3D1988&usqp=CAU Some1: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTMRn5ebkxYTaBGupWlbsjCkQEKCrn5nyPIqqIAxwcvXhF01MSnpI1eZa_Ni3R5Pf013Wo:https://www.tiktok.com/api/img/%3FitemId%3D6991260212783009029%26location%3D0%26aid%3D1988&usqp=CAU Dtrump: spammer Some1: rate the drip Jrock: I agree with trump Throbbingcock: D- Some1: yeah Some1: i will stop Some1: at least im not spamming the n word Some1: like someone i seen Dtrump: links are worse Jrock: True Some1: there images Throbbingcock: One link is like a double nigger Jrock: links take upnsonmuch Some1: oh Some1: ok Some1: i will stop Jrock: Also what are y’all’s color themes Some1: dark red Some1: i am putting a small link Some1: https://thumbsnap.com/i/Bg4TrbUR.mp4 Jrock: So like 900? Some1: oh you mean backround color mine is black Some1: everything is black Jrock: Oh mine is black but the buttons match my name Some1: oh cool but mine is all black buttons and all Jrock: Hello? Some1: what 03:14:35Monday, 13 May, 2024 Some1: i have made a picture of a sunken ship. Some1: it's not done yet though Some1: Hello? Jrock: Say something random in 3 seconds Some1: no Some1: want to see my picture i made? Some1: https://i.imghippo.com/files/2cs3U1715570072.png Some1: it's not done yet Jrock: Deds Trigs: what Dtrump: who Trigs: are you still here Trigs: i think he left Dtrump: he left Jrock: Then someone say smth in 3 seconds pls Trigs: uhh i dont know really how this works Izzy_blight: Lag sucks hummus Feelingscene: i only care about lil bug Dtrump: not big bug? Izzy_blight: Big bug 🪲 Izzy_blight: he be like :( Izzy_blight: My character is so flawed, the only time I ever stood ten toes on anything was on the opp's throat 03:38:54Monday, 13 May, 2024 Generic: leme sho u y these pills aint free Ishipwillowandhunter: . Ishipwillowandhunter: I am back Rain69: hi mich Ishipwillowandhunter: It has been many eons Ishipwillowandhunter: Hello Keigo Ishipwillowandhunter: Fine weather we're having, eh? Rain69: heh Some1: ... Some1: what Rain69: why'd u say keigo] Ishipwillowandhunter: No reason atall dear. I simply felt it Rain69: mk Izzy_blight: Hhhhhjmnbgf Izzy_blight: Was gonna go to sleep but fuck it Ishipwillowandhunter: Oi, Izzy. How're ya doing my dear Izzy_blight: Sorry for my word Izzy_blight: what reason would I have to be anything other than perfect Izzy_blight: How are you my lovely potatso Dtrump: potassium Izzy_blight: Bana Dtrump: too phallic for me Ishipwillowandhunter: 'Tis but a thing lass. Oh I'm quite alright Izzy_blight: Aple Izzy_blight: Very good Izzy_blight: so we're back to how we were earlier huh Izzy_blight: i look even worse than i feel. Not surprising considering my face could turn the opps into glue with a single glance Throbbingcock: Ew Izzy_blight: sorry Ishipwillowandhunter: What about earlier? You've got nothing to worry about dearie 04:03:13Monday, 13 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: You happy and me miserable. Like it should be. I have a thousand things to worry about in the same second, for eternity Izzy_blight: O want to go to bed but it's a sno cone's chance in hell im leaving you here alone with these people Ishipwillowandhunter: You're too far and away with the fairies, lass. Now is what matters, ya? Not what has or may happen. Izzy_blight: sure Izzy_blight: Most people would see it that way Izzy_blight: But you should know im not most people Izzy_blight: I'm a dog Izzy_blight: Psychologically terrorized the opp until he killed himself at the Michael Jordan steakhouse Ishipwillowandhunter: You're not all that familiar, I'm afraid. But I have an inkling you'd be well off if you got out of your own head Izzy_blight: sigh Izzy_blight: I don't hate you. But i hate this Izzy_blight: We can go from having a nice time to a horrible time whenever your brain decides it wants to make you not care anymore Ishipwillowandhunter: What is "this"? As a matter of fact, most is hazy at best. Ishipwillowandhunter: No dearie, I care. I just don't understand ya Izzy_blight: see this is what I mean. You turn around on me out of nowhere. You love me, you couldn't care less about me. You understand, you don't understand. What are we doing here? What is this? Izzy_blight: After earlier I thought things would be different somehow. seemed like you really came into something, though I don't know how. Now all forgotten? Izzy_blight: must have been some forbidden knowledge revoked by Cthulhu Ishipwillowandhunter: I apologize sweetheart but I really haven't got the slightest clue what you're meaning Izzy_blight: you know? You suddenly understood everything? And the weight of that knowledge broke you? I am very sorry about that of course but i think it had a good outcome Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm afraid I am suddenly confused. I haven't the foggiest idea what you are or that is. In fact, I don't know what's compelling me. Vivid imagery Izzy_blight: Mm. i guess all those heart-felt words were for nothing then. At least they helped at the time. Suppose that's good enough Generic: i might drop an ep Izzy_blight: I got no fucking idea whats going on with you right now but im concerned Izzy_blight: Electric piano 04:27:32Monday, 13 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: I wish people came with an instruction manual Izzy_blight: Not that it would help me that much cause I cant read Ishipwillowandhunter: I see the grass green in the horizon and yet I am here, an have never been there. What am I Izzy_blight: a silly and insightful little baby who needs a hug Izzy_blight: this is actually very concerning but i don't know what to look up to figure it out Izzy_blight: some kind of episode. Something is different. Feels weird Raul_menendez: corn Angel20: hey Raul_menendez: hi Raul_menendez: hru? Izzy_blight: hi jim Raul_menendez: hi isa Raul_menendez: hows it going? Izzy_blight: Very bad. You know, the usual Izzy_blight: How you Ishipwillowandhunter: I know not what I am or where I m but only of the pain my lack of existence brings. I miss it. My mother and father. The sheep. Glorious sunsets. Raul_menendez: alr what has happened since i've last spoken to you? Izzy_blight: Idk. It's all a blur now except the worst part s Izzy_blight: and my son is astral projecting and i don't know what to do about it Raul_menendez: mind explaining to me what astral projecting is? Rain69: raul help Dtrump: asstal Izzy_blight: I don't think thats what hes doing but idk Dtrump: his ass is elongated Rain69: FUCK Raul_menendez: with? Izzy_blight: Its like your soul, you, leaves your body and flies somewhere else.very scuffed explanation Raul_menendez: oh Dtrump: assteroids Raul_menendez: help with? Rain69: to late Izzy_blight: Engaging in conflicts or challenges with me could result in significant consequences, leading one to contemplate the potential negative outcomes, much like Magnus Carlsen, a world-renowned chess grandmaster known for his strategic thinking and ability to calculate moves ahead Rain69: cant go back now Dtrump: fuck them harder Raul_menendez: what did you do? Rain69: got jealous of one of jjs friends bc hes knowen her for so long infact since she was born and its stupid im stupid Dtrump: she shoved a giant metal dildo up there ass Rain69: and shes really fucking pretty 04:51:51Monday, 13 May, 2024 Dtrump: oh your bi Ishipwillowandhunter: Tell me why I'm here Ishipwillowandhunter: This place Ishipwillowandhunter: A plane Ishipwillowandhunter: I walk it Ishipwillowandhunter: Not reality Raul_menendez: because your psycho pathic brain can't get enough of this site Ishipwillowandhunter: WHAT IS MY REALITY Rain69: i would love to fall out of a flying plane rn Izzy_blight: Im really worried Raul_menendez: this brain opens up a gate way of dopamine that you can't live without Izzy_blight: Wtf is going on Rain69: suicidal thought Raul_menendez: dopamine Izzy_blight: My boy is on that ayahusaca life altering mind trip Dtrump: suicide is for cowards Rain69: its so fucking stupid Raul_menendez: yo anyone know how to crash websites? Dtrump: yes Raul_menendez: crash this one Rain69: okay wow rude Dtrump: well I need some virus links first Rain69: some of us want to be here if you dont want to leave Raul_menendez: well it'll be the best for all of us Dtrump: nobody wants to be here Rain69: some of us dont have a way to contact people that want to talk to Dtrump: this is not a form of communication Raul_menendez: kinda is Sigmarizzlergyater: nigger Dtrump: this a cards game lol Sigmarizzlergyater: what the sigma Sigmarizzlergyater: what do you want from me? Raul_menendez: gen alpha mother fucker in chat? Sigmarizzlergyater: shut the fuck up beta nigger Raul_menendez: I'm gen z Raul_menendez: wait... Sigmarizzlergyater: nigger I dont give a fuck Raul_menendez: yep gen Z :) Izzy_blight: average 15 year old edgelord Raul_menendez: wtf Izzy_blight: Isabel, that fucking bitch. I hope she rots in hell, the worthless cunt. I'll tear off her fucking face and feed it to the dogs. She's a fucking parasite, a disgrace to humanity. I'll carve her up piece by fucking piece and make her regret ever being born. She's a fucking waste of oxygen, a putrid pile of shit. I'll make sure she suffers, screams, and begs for mercy, but I won't give her any. Raul_menendez: who is Isabel? Feelingscene: a crazy Izzy_blight: yes Raul_menendez: feelingscene a new person or a old one I haven't met yet? Feelingscene: old Raul_menendez: alr nice to meet you Izzy_blight: No one wants to be near her because she's a fucking toxic piece of shit. Her loneliness is her own goddamn fault, a consequence of her repulsive personality. Let her rot in her self-imposed solitude, with no one to comfort her or give a damn about her existence. Loneliness is her fucking punishment, and she deserves every agonizing second of it. Feelingscene: nice to meet u too Dtrump: old as in 1 month Raul_menendez: oh... 05:16:10Monday, 13 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: im so tired. I hate to leave not knowing if Michael is ok, or will be ok. But cant keep eyesopen bye bye Raul_menendez: bye Angel20: may i join a game please 05:40:30Monday, 13 May, 2024 06:04:50Monday, 13 May, 2024 06:29:09Monday, 13 May, 2024 06:53:29Monday, 13 May, 2024 07:17:48Monday, 13 May, 2024 07:42:08Monday, 13 May, 2024 08:06:28Monday, 13 May, 2024 08:26:35Monday, 13 May, 2024 08:49:19Monday, 13 May, 2024 09:12:05Monday, 13 May, 2024 09:34:50Monday, 13 May, 2024 09:57:33Monday, 13 May, 2024 10:20:23Monday, 13 May, 2024 10:42:58Monday, 13 May, 2024 11:05:47Monday, 13 May, 2024 11:28:29Monday, 13 May, 2024 11:51:00Monday, 13 May, 2024 (anon): ghjk Redii_17: hii Treasure_cat: sup Redii_17: how are youu Treasure_cat: Im pretty good, wbu? Redii_17: thats nicee! Redii_17: im doing good too Treasure_cat: Awesome 12:13:33Monday, 13 May, 2024 12:36:11Monday, 13 May, 2024 12:59:02Monday, 13 May, 2024 Ashh: goooood morning 13:17:11Monday, 13 May, 2024 Foap: mornin Raul_menendez: mornin Epicsss: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51m9Q4zMB1L._SY445_SX342_.jpg Fulldane: Now lets go lol yeah lets gohoo dancin' Fulldane: One more night, one more night dancin' Fulldane: We have a biliob, bilion times just like this, so lets keep going lets keep going dancin Cum52: bye Rain69: CUM Rain69: Hiiiiiiiiiiii' Cinder_: boink Rain69: Hi Cin Cinder_: heya Rain69: hru Cinder_: good :3 Cinder_: mannnn i miss my gf :< Rain69: thats good hows nate Cinder_: he good :> Rain69: thats good ig Cinder_: meow Rouge_killer: TITS Rouge_killer: ARE Rouge_killer: AMAZING Jul: Olá meus amigos Cinder_: :| Jul: Wassup cinder? Cinder_: got kissed a few days ago :3 Jul: Lol nice Cinder_: teehee Jul: Who did it? Cinder_: mah girlllfrieeeennnd Rain69: hi jul Jul: OwO Jul: Hi rainy Rain69: Hi (anon): E Jul: Ça va? Rain69: greyson Thebohemianjointpuffer: is getting a handjob from ur guy friend gay Rain69: kinda Thebohemianjointpuffer: what about a handjov from ur female friend in classs Rain69: IN CLASS IS RAZY Rain69: CRAZY Thebohemianjointpuffer: no one ever fingered you in class Rain69: no Rain69: im a slut but im not that much of a slut Raul_menendez: hi kei Thebohemianjointpuffer: I would do it to a girl I like in class if shed be ok with me finger her out of school Rain69: RAUL Raul_menendez: today is the last day I get to have a computer :( we turn them in today Rain69: ::< Rain69: :< Rain69: u have a phone right Rain69: cause u can come on, on ur phone Thebohemianjointpuffer: ill come on u not my phone Raul_menendez: I don't have a phone Highkai420: heyyyyyyy Thebohemianjointpuffer: who Rain69: aw Rouge_killer: im bored Rouge_killer: and i want to lay on my gf tits Rouge_killer: :( Thebohemianjointpuffer: why did the chicken cross the road Rouge_killer: to lay on a girls tits Thebohemianjointpuffer: no Thebohemianjointpuffer: to get to the whores house Thebohemianjointpuffer: knock knock Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'm the chicken bitch Rouge_killer: y did you go to keis house Thebohemianjointpuffer: to fuck her Thebohemianjointpuffer: like no esle did before Rouge_killer: mine now Rouge_killer: Thebohemianjointpuffer: why did the chicken cross the road Rouge_killer: to lay on a girls tits Thebohemianjointpuffer: no Thebohemianjointpuffer: to get to the whores house Thebohemianjointpuffer: knock knock Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'm the chicken bitch Rouge_killer: y did you go to keis house Thebohemianjointpuffer: to fuck her Rouge_killer: hehehe Thebohemianjointpuffer: want a tutorial on how to hit a girl Rouge_killer: i hit them with my dick Rouge_killer: it slams into them all the time Thebohemianjointpuffer: that Thebohemianjointpuffer: and just identify as female Rouge_killer: true true that Jul: Hm Rouge_killer: i just want to lay on my gf tits rn and take a nap on them Jul: Ok Thebohemianjointpuffer: hey jul Thebohemianjointpuffer: I dare you to hit on somoen Rouge_killer: i want to go rape someone Rouge_killer: i meant tape someones mouth because they are screaming Thebohemianjointpuffer: she can do me Thebohemianjointpuffer: big tiddy goth girls are hot (anon): https://picturecards.online/static/index.html?game=VAZZ Jul: Hold up what Thebohemianjointpuffer: what Jul: Me hit on someone? Thebohemianjointpuffer: yeah Thebohemianjointpuffer: if they consent Jul: Do u have like a good pick up line for me? Thebohemianjointpuffer: nope Thebohemianjointpuffer: maybe be like Thebohemianjointpuffer: hey jul what are ur pronouns Jul: Then imma just stay with the boyf Thebohemianjointpuffer: hey jul what are ur pronouns Thebohemianjointpuffer: then say Thebohemianjointpuffer: why arent they she/her/mine Rain69: idk grate qeustion Thebohemianjointpuffer: hey rain what are ur rponouns Rain69: idc Rain69: you can use whatever Thebohemianjointpuffer: so I can use mine Rain69: yea Thebohemianjointpuffer: so I can say ur mine Rain69: im nonbinary so tbh idc Thebohemianjointpuffer: ah Thebohemianjointpuffer: have y'all ever caught y'all's parents fucking Rain69: sadly yes Thebohemianjointpuffer: ok I'm not the only one Rouge_killer: NIG Rain69: i was like 3-4 and i witnessed my younger brother being mad Rain69: e Redii_17: hga Redii_17: nju3rfdw Rain69: REDI Rouge_killer: damn lucky Rouge_killer: you got to watch sex Rouge_killer: lol Redii_17: OOP Rouge_killer: thats y your a hoe Redii_17: hbufdnskjml Rain69: omg ur so fucking gross Redii_17: HII KEII Thebohemianjointpuffer: my dad and mom where going at it so hard I saw a lot of blood Rain69: HIIIIIIIII Rain69: 0-0 Redii_17: greyson. Rain69: stfu Rouge_killer: ive walked in on both of my parents Redii_17: HSUUHSHHS oMGHGG Rouge_killer: the first time they were standing while doing it Rain69: shut the actual fuck up Jul: My parents don't Thebohemianjointpuffer: my parents where on the roof doing it Assmaster: wat Thebohemianjointpuffer: like how tf Jul: They don't do it Jul: Thank fuck Rain69: fuck my brein isn't working today Rain69: JULSY Jul: Nice dutch word Rouge_killer: ASSMASTER Jul: Rip brein Rouge_killer: USE REDIS ASS Rain69: natilia is being a rude buttnugget Redii_17: BROOOO Thebohemianjointpuffer: imma raid rains ass Rain69: he told me to get a life thourgh cinder Assmaster: what Jul: I'll keep that in mind Rain69: hes so mean Jul: He was nice to me earlier Redii_17: oop Jul: I'll Jul: I'll fix it Rain69: hes always nice to u Rain69: :P Jul: I told him be nice to u Rain69: at least he treats u right Rain69: its good u two r too cute Jul: Sort of Ghxst: meow Jul: Lol Ghxst: RAINN Jul: Yeah we are cuties Rain69: GHXST Ghxst: HIII Rain69: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ghxst: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi Rouge_killer: HI GHXST Ghxst: HI Rouge_killer: WHERES YOUR KID Rain69: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ghxst: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiii Rain69: HRU Rouge_killer: there my color is fixed Ghxst: idk where he is Ghxst: im good and uuu Rain69: HYPERER Ghxst: REAl Rain69: LMAO Jul: I'm dead dead Ghxst: YA Rain69: im dead dead dead Rouge_killer: im bored Rouge_killer: and i want to lay on some tits Rain69: hi bored Rouge_killer: lol Thebohemianjointpuffer: I want tits Rain69: same Rain69: but alas i am only a b cup Thebohemianjointpuffer: can I suck em Rain69: uhhhhh Rouge_killer: can i join? Rain69: UHHHHHHHHH Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'm thirsty Ghxst: I WANNA JOIN Rain69: clearly Thebohemianjointpuffer: let us all eat you out Ghxst: bet Rouge_killer: everyone wants to join Rain69: im in school T^T Ghxst: I WANNA BE ATE OUT Rain69: JULS HELPPPPPPPP Thebohemianjointpuffer: like we all take turns sucking yo tits licking yo pussy and kissing ya Ghxst: HELP Ghxst: EAT ME PLS Rain69: im in grave danger Ghxst: LET RAIN LIVE Ghxst: ILL DO IT Ghxst: RAIN RUN FR Rain69: yall thirsty asf Rouge_killer: ghxst just wants to be eaten Redii_17: me too Redii_17: waht Ghxst: ya Ghxst: eat me Rain69: redi ill eat you out;) Thebohemianjointpuffer: is ghxst a girl or guy Rouge_killer: ill take kei over all yall Redii_17: YAYYYY Ghxst: im a guy Ghxst: eat Ghxst: me Thebohemianjointpuffer: oh well I'll still eat you Ghxst: out Thebohemianjointpuffer: what about redi Rain69: a bj is canabolism Ghxst: LOL Thebohemianjointpuffer: gtg Rain69: aw bye Rain69: JJ Rain69: JJ HELP Rain69: HELPPPPPPPPP Rouge_killer: brb Rain69: yes eave Rouge_killer: jk Rouge_killer: nvm ill be back in like 2 min Rain69: phew Rain69: freedom Jul: Sorry I fell asleep Rain69: ur okay Jul: Just kidding I watched a 40minute video about tetris Rain69: lol Jul: I need like Jul: Friends Jul: I just want to call with the bae Rain69: i want a nap Jul: Nap wants me but I'm not giving in Rain69: i might later Jul: I don't believe natalie is mean to u Rain69: its natila hes always mean to me Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Rain69: it takes him then 24 hours to respond to me Jul: Ball sauce Rain69: more then * Rouge_killer: BALLS Rouge_killer: im back Jul: What Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Jul: Stupid natalie Rain69: ik but then again he doesn't get emails soooo Some1: yo rain69 you here? Rain69: sadly Some1: is mr brick here Rain69: no Some1: oh ok Jul: Brick? 💀 Rain69: yea bc i always have him bricked Some1: XD Jul: Lmao that's goals Jul: I'm so hungry Rain69: i gtg Foap: i iz bak Izzy_blight: Another day, another thing. It's just one of them things Foap: yep 16:20:41Monday, 13 May, 2024 Jul: yep Rouge_killer: bacon Rouge_killer: im bored and horny :( Rouge_killer: wheres kei when you need her Jul: School? Idk Jul: Doing smart things unlike us Rain69: hey Jul: AAAH Jul: Be nice Rain69: wah? Jul: I desperately need another girls day Rain69: same lol Jul: Hate men Jul: Lol jk Rain69: lol 16:43:19Monday, 13 May, 2024 Throbbingcock: Izzy and Iship are in love Rain69: mich has an irl gf Jorgedaclown: kys fags Throbbingcock: Izzy sent me a message saying that Iship has a small penis Rain69: true Throbbingcock: Poor guy Throbbingcock: Having a small dick is a disability Rouge_killer: im bored Rouge_killer: i need to lay on my gf tits Throbbingcock: I have a huge penis Throbbingcock: Time to jack it Jul: Seriously man Jul: I always hated this website Rouge_killer: you got a 1 inch dick Rouge_killer: thats small Throbbingcock: That’s why you keep coming back Rouge_killer: like an atom Throbbingcock: I am jacking off my massive cock now btw Throbbingcock: Need both hands Rouge_killer: jul wants a dick thats big not an atom like you throb Rouge_killer: send a pic to prove it them Rouge_killer: then* Throbbingcock: My penis is epic in scale Rouge_killer: send a pic then pussy Jul: Leave me alone XD Throbbingcock: Ew no I am not sending you a dick pic you disgusting faggot Throbbingcock: Gross Rain69: leave juls alone greyson Rouge_killer: see your small Rouge_killer: HI KEI Rain69: no Throbbingcock: You are a homo go away Throbbingcock: Go jump off a roff Throbbingcock: Roof Rouge_killer: i got a gf and a life idiot Throbbingcock: Here I’ll help throw you :) Jul: Dick so small like an atom 💀 Rain69: if you had a life why would you be here Rouge_killer: you cant even spell roof and that doesnt do much a plane without a parachute is better Rouge_killer: cus kei my life is boring Throbbingcock: Your life is gay Rain69: clearly Throbbingcock: Gay faggy faggot life Throbbingcock: Ick Throbbingcock: Major ick Rouge_killer: says the one telling everyone they are big without anyproof Throbbingcock: Ok back to jacking off my huge cock Rouge_killer: and spamming it Throbbingcock: Spamming something else soon lol Throbbingcock: My hot mansperm Rouge_killer: your a 3 year old aren't you Throbbingcock: Ew you little faggy pedo Throbbingcock: You wish Throbbingcock: Go get arrested Rouge_killer: -_- Rouge_killer: yeah your a kid Jul: Throbbingcock: Gay faggy faggot life Throbbingcock: And that turns you on Throbbingcock: Disgusting pedo Rouge_killer: you shouldnt even be here lil kid Throbbingcock: I bet you are on all kinds of No Fly lists Rouge_killer: you just have dreams about being big when your dick is the size of a fucking pill Throbbingcock: Registered sex offender lol Throbbingcock: You like kids ewwwwww Rouge_killer: thats what you are when your older kid Throbbingcock: Then you won’t like me Throbbingcock: You only like kids Throbbingcock: Ewwwwww Rouge_killer: no one likes you Throbbingcock: Says you the pedo LOL Throbbingcock: You only speak for other perverts Rouge_killer: bro doesnt even know how to read Throbbingcock: I don’t want pedos to like me Throbbingcock: That would be gross Rouge_killer: Ignored Throbbingcock and their alts. Rouge_killer: i dont like talking to idiot kids that cant read Rouge_killer: and dumbasses Throbbingcock: Ignored Rouge_killer and their alts because they are pedo (anon): 0-0 Throbbingcock: Just kidding lol I like reading his crying Throbbingcock: He is sad (anon): bro ignored you and he got a big dick and a gf more then you would ever have Jul: I can fix him Rouge_killer: is he still talking anon Throbbingcock: I have a far larger dick (anon): yes Throbbingcock: His dick is tiny and only aroused by children Rouge_killer: jul fix this idiot please (anon): hes to dumb to not be fixed Throbbingcock: Pretty sure I saw Rouge’s face on a FBI poster Throbbingcock: He is wanted for child rape (anon): ppl like you is y so many ppl left this place Throbbingcock: Also wanted for animal abuse Throbbingcock: He fucks cats (anon): im out Rouge_killer: same Throbbingcock: That’s the so called pussy in his life lol he fucks stray cats Throbbingcock: Good begone you timid creatures Throbbingcock: Nobody cares Throbbingcock: Ok now back to my massive cock Jul: Lmao who hurt you Throbbingcock: Nobody I hurt others :) Throbbingcock: And I am about by I beat up my cock :D Throbbingcock: Slapping that beefy monster awww yeah (anon): nah a girl prob saw his dick and laughed because it was to small Jul: Bitch I ain't ask Jul: Lol right anon Throbbingcock: Just slapping my massive ding dong omg it’s so big (anon): see thats proff Throbbingcock: Hollow bitches out (anon): proof* (anon): no one go yelling that if its true (anon): so hes the opposite (anon): wishing he was big Throbbingcock: Holy shit ever for me this is gonna be a big one Throbbingcock: Need two socks! Jul: In that case mine is huge (anon): that just proves my point and jul you dont even got a dick Throbbingcock: HHHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAA CCCUUUUMMMMMMMING UNGH U NUT H UNGH UNGH AHHHHHH Throbbingcock: FUCK Throbbingcock: YES Throbbingcock: WHEW! Throbbingcock: That was intense (anon): nah but ppl that act like throb have a very small dick Throbbingcock: Well it’s small NOW Throbbingcock: I just nutted 17:06:06Monday, 13 May, 2024 (anon): like wishing they could get their hands on growth pills Throbbingcock: Goddamn that was good (anon): bro has a 1 inch dick or 2 from how hes acting Jul: Your mother was good Throbbingcock: Aw geez I missed the fucking sock Throbbingcock: I shanked the load! (anon): it prob fell out from it being to small Throbbingcock: Ugh we are going to need a clean up in aisle three Jul: Shut up the fuck (anon): and you know none of what hes doing is true because hes narrating it Throbbingcock: Hang on I need cleaning supplies (anon): hes a small lil teen that has a small dick and girls laugh at him Throbbingcock: I just speckled my wall with jizz Throbbingcock: Whew that was some pressure (anon): yeah he just proves my point (anon): everyone just ignore him, no one needs an idiot in their life at this time Throbbingcock: Goddamnit I got cum on my Britney Spears poster Throbbingcock: Sorry babe Aboxofcrackers: nah that crqzy Throbbingcock: I didn’t do it on purpose Throbbingcock: I shanked the load Throbbingcock: Handling a lot of meat accidents happen Sunher: i will give this guy 100% attenbtion Throbbingcock: One of the hidden downsides of having a massive penis Throbbingcock: When you are jacking it sometimes it gets away from you Sunher: believe in yourself, no matter what others say. Life is temporary, purpose eternal. Throbbingcock: Suddenly you eat a blast from your pump-action porridge bazooka Sunher: there will always be ppl who hate fap-narration Throbbingcock: And you feel a little faggy for a moment cuz jizz on to chin Sunher: Go Throbbingcock: But then you remember that you love pussy Sunher: I forgor Sunher: am I gay? Throbbingcock: Check yer butt. Is there a cock in it? Throbbingcock: If yes then gay Sunher: not yeet Throbbingcock: When cock in butt you gay and not before Sunher: i have noone Throbbingcock: You not gay Sunher: no Sunher: Peanutbutter and 10 dogs Throbbingcock: Good Throbbingcock: Gay is bad Throbbingcock: Never forget that Sunher: The ten commandments Throbbingcock: The gay commandments Sunher: you can dip me if I am woman Throbbingcock: This nigga crazy Sunher: Burn baby burn Throbbingcock: I like you Throbbingcock: Crazy nigga Sunher: lets be crazy together Throbbingcock: If you were here I would stick furniture in your ass Throbbingcock: No homo Sunher: I wish you were female Throbbingcock: I don’t I love being a man with a big cock Sunher: expensive furniture Throbbingcock: I whip it out and bitches be like oooooohhhh me first Daddy Sunher: and I am the sugar daddy paying for those Throbbingcock: I don’t pay for shit I just fuck Sunher: thats illegal maybe Throbbingcock: Only if you get caught ha ha ha Sunher: I am no lawyer I just fuc Throbbingcock: I am no judge I just violate the law Sunher: the law wanted it first Throbbingcock: Look at what the law was wearing Throbbingcock: Asking for it Sunher: They never resisted despitze opportunities Throbbingcock: The law is a whore next case Sunher: The case has a hole right? Sunher: The case wont bother if I... Throbbingcock: Giggidy Sunher: Cards Against Whores Throbbingcock: I’ll thrust my massive cock into any hole Sunher: depends Throbbingcock: I thrust it into a badger den once Sunher: And I am the Cards pressing them against the walls Throbbingcock: Got all the badgers pregnant Sunher: abortion Throbbingcock: My seed cannot be aborted Throbbingcock: Too alpha Sunher: Imainge a cowgirl of you Throbbingcock: With a big dick Sunher: nah youre the horse Throbbingcock: With a big dick Sunher: yes, Throbbingcock. With a big dick Throbbingcock: Fucking A Sunher: use it for good Throbbingcock: Good fucking Sunher: you need speed and agility Throbbingcock: And a big dick Sunher: 4 cm is g-spot Sunher: on left side of your perspective's vagina Sunher: second hole below first, the clitoris Sunher: I need a map Sunher: 7,026 players have donated so far. None of them sucked Azala fr Throbbingcock: I fucked Azala Sunher: you know who he is? Throbbingcock: He was wearing a wig and dress I thought he was some random bit of bar trash Sunher: sounds accruate Throbbingcock: Yeah he tried to stealth gay me Sunher: trans-trash Throbbingcock: I figured out before penetration Sunher: transh Throbbingcock: And then fucked him for lying to me Sunher: before Christ Throbbingcock: I was saying no homo the whole time to protect me from AIDS Sunher: and it didnt worked like your gf real orgasm Throbbingcock: It worked Sunher: wow Throbbingcock: Azala still has AIDS and I don’t Throbbingcock: His plan failed Sunher: Throbbingcock: I figured out before penetration so you got fcked Throbbingcock: And he went home with an ass full of cum and shame Ieatchildappendix: relatable Throbbingcock: Mostly cum Sunher: the shame of tears is most declicious Throbbingcock: I spewed a lot into his tender asshole Sunher: and then? Sunher: sdwesdddddddddddddxedsdxcvb Throbbingcock: I kicked him out and went to sleep Sunher: uwu good night 17:35:03Monday, 13 May, 2024 Throbbingcock: Here is cab fare now gtfo you disgusting bitch Throbbingcock: Don’t you dare look at me Throbbingcock: So yeah Azala is my crusty cum filled bitch Throbbingcock: Azala loves me tho Sunher: I will fck you next time. For now on, good night sweetie :* 17:39:33Monday, 13 May, 2024 -error-v Throbbingcock: I fucked Azala so good now the nigga loves me Throbbingcock: I changed his whole sexuality 17:56:01Monday, 13 May, 2024 -error-^Izzy_blight: I showed you my jimmy johnson pls respond 17:57:49Monday, 13 May, 2024 18:06:03Monday, 13 May, 2024 Wom: Hey Izzy_blight: Overwat. Winton Wom: Yes Izzy_blight: 🦍 Martinjboogie: My name is Martin J Boogie, and I've seen things. Throbbingcock: Oof Izzy_blight: Pleased to make your acquaintance Mr. Boogie. Did you see the game last night? Throbbingcock: Boogie woogie Throbbingcock: Cock Izzy_blight: boggle woggle Izzy_blight: boobly ass coo coo Wom: I’m bored asfffff Izzy_blight: I'm horny and desperate for attention Izzy_blight: I will show my ass to ANYONE Wom: I’m horny too lol Izzy_blight: Yummy (anon): Fucking Izzy is a goof omg (anon): Someone slap Izzy right in the cunt Wom: Lmao my dick is hard asf Izzy_blight: Nya~ (anon): Mine too! (anon): Let’s dock dicks and talk about what big cunt Izzy has Wom: I’m literally just on here stroking my dick and watching porn Izzy_blight: going crazy on the pee pee (anon): Fuck yes (anon): Watching gay porn I bet (anon): Gay furry porn (anon): You filthy degenerate Izzy_blight: oh yes (anon): I love it (anon): Izzy sucks homeless dick for fentanyl 18:30:22Monday, 13 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: damn straight Izzy_blight: I WANT TO KILL Izzy_blight: GIVE ME THE FENTANYL A__n00b: howdy Rain69: NOB Izzy_blight: This Luger will send a Christian to hell Izzy_blight: The fentanyl got me moving like a claymation figure A__n00b: W Izzy_blight: On a full moon I'll fuck ANYTHING Rain69: broski left Izzy_blight: oof Cinder_: man Izzy_blight: Zaza got me feeling like everything is gonna be alright Cinder_: hi izzy Fabianthejidan: Izzy you a bitch Izzy_blight: Hello cinnamon roll. Yes I am thank you Cinder_: :/ Izzy_blight: Radiation lobotomy Izzy_blight: How you doing Izzy_blight: ROME WASN'T BUILT IN A DAY, BUT THIS 9MM CERTAINLY WAS Izzy_blight: GIVE ME THE FUCKING FENTANYL Cinder_: im having cravings now that i didnt know i would have Izzy_blight: Sorry aboot that Cole009: who's up for the goonsesh Izzy_blight: Try nicorette smart track: Your smart way to quit Cinder_: im craving kisses and hugs :< Izzy_blight: Skibidi my brother Izzy_blight: Aw :< Cinder_: pwq Izzy_blight: I'd give you both Cinder_: i have a gf but she lives 3 hours away T^T Izzy_blight: damn youre taken, I was hoping to hit that Izzy_blight: I can teleport her with my magic Cinder_: :| Cinder_: okayyy Izzy_blight: Actually I don't think I'm magic i think it's just the drugs Rain69: cinder Cinder_: ye? Rain69: hhiiii Cinder_: hai Izzy_blight: I rode a hamster to the eggplant factory Cinder_: =v= 18:54:40Monday, 13 May, 2024 Rain69: cin Rain69: tell nate he needs to look at his email more often Rain69: i also have to go at 2:20 Cinder_: ok Rain69: thank u Cinder_: done Ghxst: yo Ghxst: im alive Ghxst: i think 19:18:59Monday, 13 May, 2024 (anon): hi Text4sex: hi (anon): Izzy skins stray cats (anon): And rapes stray dogs while wearing a coat made out of cats Text4sex: anybody :( (anon): Izzy is worse than Hitler (anon): Izzy once shot a man just to watch him die (anon): Izzy is wanted by Interpol for running a child sex ring Clove12: Hi (anon): Izzy once slapped a nun (anon): Said it was a habit (anon): Get it? 19:43:18Monday, 13 May, 2024 (anon): Get it 20:07:37Monday, 13 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Thug hunting today 20:31:56Monday, 13 May, 2024 20:56:14Monday, 13 May, 2024 21:20:33Monday, 13 May, 2024 21:44:52Monday, 13 May, 2024 22:09:11Monday, 13 May, 2024 Redii_17: lalala Redii_17: anyone heree 22:33:30Monday, 13 May, 2024 22:57:48Monday, 13 May, 2024 Rain69: rawr (anon): H (anon): Bbo Rain69: ahh (anon): Boo(bs) Rain69: is this greyson (anon): Anyway I should get in the shower Rain69: yea u shoulld (anon): FINE Rain69: yay (anon): J (anon): T (anon): G (anon): Gffgy (anon): BOO Rain69: pookie? (anon): NOOOOO WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ITS NOT ME JJ Rain69: POOKIEEEEEEEEE (anon): FUCK I MEAN ITS NOY THAT OTHER GUY JJ (anon): Hi Rain69: pookie ur princess is horny T^T (anon): Don’t you have anons muted lol Rain69: no Oofalladeez: And that is my cue to leave after i just got here XD Rain69: HEY Rain69: NOOOOOO Rain69: BESTIE Jrock: I thought you did Jrock: Who? Oofalladeez: Sorry Kei im at work Rain69: ik T^T Jrock: Oh hi bate Jrock: NATE Rain69: lol Rain69: OMG NATE Xorizos: Hi 23:22:07Monday, 13 May, 2024 Oofalladeez: Little Asian lady about 60 just made me coffee XD Oofalladeez: Shes a coworker Rain69: o-0 Oofalladeez: Brb battery saver on Oofalladeez: Bck Rain69: wb Oofalladeez: She doesnt speak English either Oofalladeez: If she was from japan i would say she is 60 yo kei Rain69: why is it salty Oofalladeez: Why did 60 auto correct to 69? 🤔 Rain69: idk Rain69: and dont ask why i said that Rain69: okay after tast Oofalladeez: I dont think i want to 😷 Rain69: nate i see why u and risk dont lick it to clean it up Dtrump: p d o Rain69: boi you cant be talkin Dtrump: that what you implied Rain69: no i never said he was Rain69: im saying i get why he does what he does Jrock: I like the taste Dtrump: taste of Yung men Lance: sup Oofalladeez: KEI WHAT THE FUCK Lance: ? Rain69: lol i dont like the taste of cum Oofalladeez: EVEN MORE WHAT THE FUCK JJ Rain69: "mr bricks: your gonna have to get used to the taste of cum" Jrock: I DID SAY THAT Lance: bruh 23:46:26Monday, 13 May, 2024 Jrock: LIKE 2 SECONDS AGO Jrock: I ENJOY THE TASTE SM Rain69: he also said hed eat me out a lot Jrock: MNMMMM THE FLAVORS ARE OVERCUMMING MY TASTE BUDS Oofalladeez: WAIT KEI U HAVE DISCORD? Jrock: I did say that Oofalladeez: Oh Xbox Rain69: dumbass Oofalladeez: Jj im disappointed in you Jrock: What’d I do wrong Rain69: jjs not letting me have gum for the next 2 weeks Oofalladeez: U might be an all around decent guy.... But i cannot forgive this Oofalladeez: I wanna puke Oofalladeez: So bad Oofalladeez: But i need money Rain69: so do i Oofalladeez: I have a job what do you have Jrock: I had money until 5 hours ago Jrock: I’m getting a job soon Oofalladeez: Until JJ spent it all on CoD points Jrock: No lol I went to McDonald Rain69: nah he spent it al on fortnight Rain69: fortnut Jrock: THATS IN THE PAST Oofalladeez: If McD thats acceptable Jrock: IM ASHAMED Oofalladeez: 'Murica Oofalladeez: Then again i have put over 100 dollars into Halo Infinite..... Jrock: Rip $300 dollars all spent on fortnite Oofalladeez: GODDAMN Rain69: nate jjs not letting me have gum for 2 WEEKS Oofalladeez: MINE WAS GRINDABLE DUDE SHIT Jrock: BC YOU DO IT TO LOSE WEIGHT Jrock: ITS NOT HEALTHY Rain69: NO THATS BS Jrock: U LITERALLY SAID IT YOURSELF Oofalladeez: YOU BUY FORTNITE COSMETICS TO LOSE WEIGHT? Jrock: NO THE GUM Rain69: NO DUMBASS Oofalladeez: Jj u play Fallout? Redii_17: lalalal Rain69: REDii Redii_17: HIII KEII Rain69: HIIIIIIII Redii_17: HOW ARE YOUU Rain69: upset hbu Oofalladeez: Huh new person Rain69: no not new Oofalladeez: Welcome to hell Jrock: Yeah lol I have SO MANY HOURS IN FALLOUT I LOVE IT MORE THAN I LOVE KEI /j Dtrump: fuck off Oofalladeez: New to me Oofalladeez: Whoa now JJ Rain69: HEY Oofalladeez: I think ur JK messed up there Jrock: I said /j Rain69: rude Oofalladeez: Is this y'alls generation of JK? Is /j? Rain69: pookie and i are getting devorced Redii_17: ooop Jrock: NO ILL HIDE THE PAPERS Rain69: I CAN PRINT MORE Jrock: ILL HIDE THE PAPER Dtrump: die Oofalladeez: Whats next skibidi toilet is the Alpha Stigma abd everyone else is a Beta meant to be sent to the Ohio Dimension with an eternal torment of no gyatt? Redii_17: ... Izzy_blight: Yes Rain69: NATE WTF Oofalladeez: Like what the FUCK is /j Rain69: IDFK Jrock: That has been used for literal years Dtrump: die Oofalladeez: NO IT HASNT Rain69: okay Oofalladeez: I just hope any kids i have do not ever turn out like this generation. My generation yes but not da skibidi simps Izzy_blight: I understand tone indicators but i have never seen them used anywhere other than here Oofalladeez: Tone indicators? Izzy_blight: yes. I don't like them personally Oofalladeez: No clue what the hell those are but not surprised you know about them izzy Izzy_blight: like if someone is being sarcastic they'll say /s Dtrump: meanie pedo weenie Oofalladeez: Hows Jimmy? Still got the kids in his basement? Izzy_blight: You know it Oofalladeez: God damnit Jimmy Izzy_blight: Always on his grind Oofalladeez: Their supposed to be in the VAN Oofalladeez: Not the basement Izzy_blight: They're supposed to be for sale not personal use Izzy_blight: Business now and pleasure later Oofalladeez: 😳 Oofalladeez: Ok back to work for me Oofalladeez: And y didnt I just 0_0 Izzy_blight: Business time 🎩 00:10:45Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Redii_17: sdfghjk 00:35:03Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Hello19: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/032/203/Boku_no_Hero_Academia_English_Dub_-_Eat_this__0-24_screenshot.png 00:59:22Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Redii_17: hii 01:23:41Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 01:47:59Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 02:12:18Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 02:36:37Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Burner: men are hot Jrock: Agreed Daddy_risk: Yo Daddy_risk: Nvm nobody on my fl is on Daddy_risk: I'm drunk asf Daddy_risk: Bye bye 03:00:56Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Generic: tell me wut u kno itchin all up on ur nose Generic: ik u got sum blow so y tf u lyin ho Generic: ion want u here no more so get up out my hom Generic: is dis y u been actin cold? Generic: shawty pls jus fold Generic: u been told Generic: so much oxy thas been fuckin sold Generic: pls keep it on the low Generic: im sackler royalty so everybody prolly kno Generic: sm blood thas been spilled my clothes are fuckin soaked Generic: i am not a troll Generic: i got a fkn drug problem its not a joke Generic: i think im goin crazy im losin all control Generic: part of me wishes i never got on parole Generic: im startin to think mayb i dont got an opi threshold Generic: pls god dont let me get ahead of myself im gettin too bold Generic: in the last few months my use has increased twofold 03:25:15Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 (anon): Ok I need help (anon): I glued my butthole shut (anon): And I gotta poo 03:49:34Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 04:13:53Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 (anon): gay 04:38:12Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: I have the power Izzy_blight: To destroy anything under god 05:02:30Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Tmoney: Hi Izzy_blight: Happy birthday 05:26:49Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Dtrump: smack Izzy_blight: my butt Dtrump: woah that's a bit forward Izzy_blight: I've been very forward lately Izzy_blight: Each day I'm becoming more of what im supposed to be, a common whore 05:51:08Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Jdawg: I got kicked out. Jdawg: Luna Jdawg: Tmoney Jdawg: I got kicked out Izzy_blight: Ouchie Jdawg: So if you're matts sister than you name is Madison Dtrump: no I'm michelle Izzy_blight: I'm Michael Jordan. Stop it. Get some help Generic: .fk Generic: iant nobody on ts 06:15:27Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 06:39:46Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 07:04:05Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Lazurus: man I am bored Lazurus: https://i.imgur.com/UcjM7tn.jpg Dtrump: too much cum Lazurus: glad to see you're still here and with the same sense of humor I see Dtrump: It helps me stay younger. Lazurus: lmao ok fine Lazurus: anyways how have ya been its been a while 07:28:24Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 07:52:43Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 08:17:01Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 08:41:20Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 09:05:39Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 09:29:58Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Ashh: ain't nobody ever on anymore Ashh: good morning assmaster (anon): https://youtube.com/shorts/9G_Q0F4n03o?si=Nz0LSOx6iOUKy-RO Rain69: Jrock: ✨masochism✨ Redii_17: ghj Redii_17: guyssdfghjk Rouge_killer: NIT Rouge_killer: NUT* Rouge_killer: IN Rouge_killer: someone? Rouge_killer: idk Rouge_killer: im bored Assmaster: good morning ashh Rain69: ash isn't here sadly Rain69: also hi greyson Assmaster: was here Rain69: aw Rain69: and i missed her Rain69: .fl Redii_17: ooooohb Izzy_blight: 🅱🅾🅾🅱 Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/RZKDvssT/well-well-well-v0-nr2iuim3wzzc1.jpg Izzy_blight: Poggies Jimmy_ramen: https://i.postimg.cc/pLC4cDxZ/2024-05-14-121220.png 15:18:48Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Redii_17: ghj Redii_17: guyssdfghjk Rouge_killer: NIT Rouge_killer: NUT* Rouge_killer: IN Rouge_killer: someone? Rouge_killer: idk Rouge_killer: im bored Assmaster: good morning ashh Rain69: ash isn't here sadly Rain69: also hi greyson Assmaster: was here Rain69: aw Rain69: and i missed her Rain69: .fl Redii_17: ooooohb Izzy_blight: 🅱🅾🅾🅱 Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/RZKDvssT/well-well-well-v0-nr2iuim3wzzc1.jpg Izzy_blight: Poggies Jimmy_ramen: https://i.postimg.cc/pLC4cDxZ/2024-05-14-121220.png 15:43:07Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 16:07:26Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 16:31:45Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Highkai420: WHY WONT U DOPT ME Aboxofcrackers: nahhhhh Izzy_blight: gooning 🤤 16:56:03Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Aboxofcrackers: i gtg Aboxofcrackers: love you Aboxofcrackers: cya 17:20:22Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: AHHHH, someone is grabbing my dick Rouge_killer: and i like it Ghxst: hai Ghxst: i hope jimmy doesn"t rape me Rouge_killer: to late Rouge_killer: he already has raped everyone Ghxst: damn Ghxst: *shoots jimmy 900 times* Ghxst: he wont rape anyone for 9 days 17:44:41Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 18:09:00Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: RAPE Rouge_killer: IS Rouge_killer: amazing? Izzy_blight: Yes! Rain69: hey Samuraixjay: boi Samuraixjay: yu3r2gr4uhg3ogvoygoybfbfouigubgt4uqyye7bg87w3frb8uorvg38gf4r98fvh3qgvfrg8794w3g879y4wfg7gfw45vg4fgv7fwgvf7794egv7gfv47ef5v7t Samuraixjay: :) 18:33:18Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Kongstiger: Hi? Samuraixjay: hi Redii_17: jhgfds Kongstiger: Hm 18:57:37Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Elijah51: hey Ghxst: meow Ghxst: damn everyone is dead Ghxst: imma cum Woo22: Heyo 19:21:55Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Woo22: Anyone on Jewishprincess: DEATH TO PALESTINE Jewishprincess: ZION WILL ONCE AGAIN RULE Woo22: Anyone down to play a game? Woo22: I’m bored asf Woo22: W/sasha420 hey Woo22: I’ll be back later ig since no one’s on 19:46:14Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Woo22: Heyo Woo22: Anyone on? 20:10:33Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Woo22: https://i.redd.it/vnyozvhrf3351.jpg Woo22: I’m horny asf Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/Lh1PPRRJ.mp4 Woo22: https://i.redd.it/6t8emncl4dy41.jpg Woo22: Who’s on Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/Pp2o481U.mp4 20:34:51Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/36gVevSm.mp4 20:59:10Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YbyMbQZCN9Q/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEcCNAFEJQDSFXyq4qpAw4IARUAAIhCGAFwAcABBg==&rs=AOn4CLB4T_VWehLztPaLI4mfX9-9IcTnxQ 21:23:28Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/vhtn5Beg.mp4 Amogus14: gus Assmaster: sus 21:47:47Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Sannkaed: ugh Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/9CxrbHEz.mp4 Jrock: Gulp Jrock: gulp Jrock: gulp Rain69: the sounds ima be making later tn Jrock: squelch Rain69: huh? Jrock: Squelch Rain69: heh Jrock: squelch (anon): yo who wants to help me and gingy do something Jrock: Who tf is gingy Daddy_risk: . Daddy_risk: rain knows Daddy_risk: so does dj Dtrump: gay Daddy_risk: yo dj you and axe still together Rain69: Risk Jrock: Oh Risk Perfect timing entertain my gf while I’m gone please Rain69: RISK HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi Daddy_risk: hi kei Rain69: HIIIIiiiiiii Daddy_risk: hru Rain69: tired hbu Dtrump: they are not here Daddy_risk: you wanna help me and gingy make a bbl drizzy diss Rain69: hol up english isnt englishing Daddy_risk: lmao Rain69: ALSO Daddy_risk: wsp Rain69: i have news;p Rain69: :P* Daddy_risk: wassup Rain69: drama Daddy_risk: ooh Daddy_risk: im off probation btw Rain69: yay Rain69: thats nice Daddy_risk: whats the drama Rain69: wel theirs a lot Daddy_risk: also we cookin rn Rain69: ohhhhh what u cookin Daddy_risk: walter whitin it up n ths house Daddy_risk: bbq wings and pizza rolls Rain69: have u forgotten how dumb i am Daddy_risk: ye Rain69: lmao (anon): KEIII Rain69: oh god who is this Redii_17: MEEEE Rain69: hIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Redii_17: i forgot to sign in Daddy_risk: who is u Redii_17: me is me Rain69: one of greysons irl friends Redii_17: me is me Daddy_risk: oh shit i forgot ab greyson Dtrump: ill Rain69: greysons started to piss me off Redii_17: lmao Daddy_risk: how is em? Rain69: he has a gf somehow Redii_17: yeah he does lmaooo Dtrump: its you Rain69: my gf cheated :< Daddy_risk: cool m sningle asf rn Redii_17: did i tell you guys im in the same school as him Daddy_risk: im single* Rain69: yea Redii_17: mk mk Dtrump: very sad very ugly Daddy_risk: who is your gf kei Rain69: ex Rain69: and she was irl Daddy_risk: oh cool Rain69: yea ig Redii_17: dfghjkgh Daddy_risk: well ima go eat Redii_17: mk bye Rain69: awwwww bye Daddy_risk: bye till i come back randomly in a month Redii_17: oop Rain69: bye rj Daddy_risk: redii i do this all the time Redii_17: ohhh Jrock: Did you tell him abt meeee Daddy_risk: who is u Rain69: bruh Rain69: my bf Redii_17: LMAOOO Daddy_risk: w Rain69: ye Dtrump: gay fag Rain69: STFU Daddy_risk: jrock you got a good one dont fuck it up like i did Jrock: I haven’t yet Dtrump: he wll Daddy_risk: well bye Rain69: i miss u too rj Sannkaed: buncha fags Daddy_risk: well food is done gtg Rain69: byeeeeeee telll gingiy he is missed Dtrump: what gay boi 22:12:05Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Redii_17: ghj Redii_17: bored Rain69: im going insane no one to talk too T^T Redii_17: rightt Redii_17: guys i wish i can talk to him Dtrump: the nasty witch Redii_17: haur Rain69: him who Redii_17: my "man" Rain69: WHO Redii_17: HEHEHEHE Redii_17: LMAOO Rain69: BITCH SPILL Dtrump: man means a blow up doll Redii_17: shush Redii_17: wyddd 22:36:24Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 23:00:42Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 23:25:01Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 (anon): you're all fools. Rain69: yea most of us are Izzy_blight: Yep (anon): Smart enough to realize your stupidity but not smart enough to realize the extent. If you could see the start, middle, and end, you could potentially leave. Or maybe you do see the extent and instead choose to live inside the uncomfortable barriers because you're afraid of an unfamiliar world. Rain69: tbh idc what I do with MY life Izzy_blight: The second one (anon): It was unnecessary of you to highlight the fact it is YOUR life. I understand that it is your life. Unfortunate waste of consciousness. (anon): Your name is fitting. A blight eats at your soul but it is a blight of your own making. Fool. Izzy_blight: Thank you Izzy_blight: You're quite right Rain69: no im getting it through your thick skull too realize most of us are here by choice and dont care 23:49:19Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: I don't want to be here. I hate this fucking place more than anything. Yet I just can't stay away (anon): I know it's your choice. All of your senses yoke together and instead of coming to peace with the pathetic fundamentals of your life and the next, you scramble and reside here to suffer. (anon): You say you can't, I say you don't want to. Rain69: anon Rain69: if you're complaining that we're here then why are you here Redii_17: right Dtrump: believe all anons (anon): I'm not complaining. I'm merely pointing out the outliers of society, it's fun. Redii_17: hm Rain69: but again why you here no one asked for you no one wanted you Izzy_blight: I say you don't know me bud Izzy_blight: eh on second thought yeah you're right (anon): Did anyone ask for you to be in here? Has anyone ever wanted you? Obviously not, since you're here. I know all of you, I know all about each and every one of you insignificant bumps that thinks they are deserving of the title "human". (anon): I know I am. Dtrump: This anon always speaks fact. Rain69: yea acutally Rain69: i never said u didn't know me or that i was human Generic: feel like michael jordan i got 6 rings on me Izzy_blight: I don't know who you are but I'm intrigued (anon): But you believe yourself to be. Belief. You can't grasp it, you can't look at it, study it, measure it. Your belief is flawed and therefore you are, too. Rain69: no never said thet either (anon): Oh, I know. You're intrigued by anything with more complexity than yourself, you must get distracted by boulders. Rain69: i never said i was anything (anon): No one needed to say anything. Izzy_blight: Lmao Rain69: k then shut it (anon): No. I am superior to you and my superiority gives me the responsibility of announcing it. You can't silence that which you don't understand. I understand that you try, though. Which is why you sit in your room all day and avoid anything other than the dull buzz of your shitty taste in music. Izzy_blight: I do love a sassy narcissist Rain69: just stfu all you're doing is being annoying and pissing people off we never asked for you to be mister know it all and to act like your better then everyone else so js stfu Izzy_blight: Reminds me of Michael during his episodes except less insufferable Dtrump: I'm laughing. (anon): Ah, brava my dear. You've figured me out. Caught me. I don't want to waste the electrons it would take to sign me into this pathetic piece of shit. (anon): I don't know it all but something is always infinitely more than nothing so compared to what goes through your mind, I do know everything. Rain69: shut up already and you're the piece of shit here and if you dont like leave no one is stoping you (anon): Ha. Izzy_blight: Oh, lovely Dtrump: rain is pressed seething and coping Jrock: She’s literally laughing in call Dtrump: here comes Mr White Knight. (anon): Yes. I find that people often cope with anger and confusion by laughing. Rain69: is anon done with their pitty party yet Izzy_blight: Mr. White Rain69: i dont need a man to save me bitch Jrock: True I’m just a witness (anon): Pity party? Do you know the words you speak or are you just blabbering words you heard like a fucking parrot? Izzy_blight: Jesse, we need to build my princess play castle so our lego figures have a fortress to defend in the war. Rain69: im not no fuckin disny princess Jrock: Also she muted anon already lmao Izzy_blight: I thought this was entertaining at first but now that I know what's going on it makes me sad Dtrump: Clearly there not muted. Rain69: no point in wasting my time on someone who one doesn't give a shit two who is annoying asf three a bitchy whiny know it all cunt Jrock: She did it after her last message to him Jrock: JESUS Dtrump: oh so now you know its a him (anon): I am indeed a him (anon): You know me (anon): You love me Redii_17: what/ (anon): You want to fuck me, most likely Rain69: nope you're prolly nate bradley (anon): No, I (anon): Have said who I am. Redii_17: you're an anon yeah (anon): If your two braincells were capable of rubbing together and creating any friction at all you would have seen Rain69: well you manged to piss me off congrats new achievement unlocked (anon): Oh, I know. Anger is one of two common responses to the feeling of helplessness. Isn't that right, Isabel? Redii_17: . Rain69: mich be nice too izzy Jrock: Buddy’s attacking the wrong person Izzy_blight: ugh Izzy_blight: I love it when you call me my full name normally but this time it feels dirty (anon): And who is the right person? You perceive Keigo as my target because you're hardly capable of understanding basic math (anon): Oh? Rain69: nigga since when was math involved this aint no school Jrock: Izzy just hadn’t said much for like 3 paragraphs lol Jrock: Kei had just said something Izzy_blight: you are right though yes 00:13:38Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: I want to backhand my dad. frustrating little idiot. Why is he the way that he is (anon): Lmfao your ass thinks math is only applicable in school. I could say a few things but I'm not sure I want to waste the time. Jrock: GUYS SIDNOTE KEI IS SCARING ME SHE WONT STOP LAUGHING Redii_17: huhhh (anon): And thank you Izzy. Yes, I'm not sure why God decided to waste the universe's precious energy to create your dad Izzy_blight: Nor I as to why he did the same for yours (anon): Or to create me. Some things simply just shouldn't exist Izzy_blight: Yes but you are not one of those things Generic: there aint nobody in this life that i could trust Izzy_blight: Starting to agree with you on that one (anon): Oh yes I am, I am definitely one of those things. No one can be trusted Izzy_blight: guess it's just one of those weeks (anon): definitely. Give me a second to focus on myself, I could've spent the last 30 minutes working out and instead I spent it overstimulated and bitching about everything just because Izzy_blight: I want to say I'm sorry but at the same time screw you Generic: whos anon Rain69: mich Izzy_blight: My son Izzy_blight: Arthur Generic: oh Generic: mich Generic: lil tape soon Generic: not as many songs as i wanted at first i got other shit goin on rn Generic: its gna b like 6 or 7 Izzy_blight: I wouldn't advise talking to him right now Generic: y Izzy_blight: He's not himself right now. He's someone named Todd Izzy_blight: and I'm not crazy about the name (anon): Todd? No, I'm not him. No one but myself. And 6 or 7 is still a good amount, I can't wait for you to release it. What is "other shit" 00:37:57Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: You are a version of yourself that is most unfortunate Izzy_blight: I hope it goes soon.sorry (anon): I'm just me with a bad mood. No versions, no 1.12.3 Izzy_blight: Yes Izzy_blight: You are better at words than me as usual (anon): There were no intricate phrases this time, I literally feel braindead Izzy_blight: Yes but clearly i fail at even talking about basic things. I assume today was a bad day and I'm sorry (anon): No. Irrational behavior doesn't require a rational explanation, love. Izzy_blight: i suppose I of all people should know that 01:02:16Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 (anon): Rational thoughts are much harder to have than irrational emotional outbursts, and that is the issue I suppose Izzy_blight: Indeed Izzy_blight: I have all but lost my capacity for rational thought. All i feel is fear and loathing. I wake up enraged (anon): I hold a strong capacity for it. The best part of me brings out the best in me. But... when I am without that part... well... Izzy_blight: I tried to play dead by daylight this morning, after 2 games I was angry enough to start throwing things around and punching walls. that is not normal. But it has become normal since march Izzy_blight: :< sorry 01:26:35Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 (anon): I know. March was awful. For you. April for me. I hate things without reason a lot more too. But I also feel greater than I ever have sometimes. Ishipwillowandhunter: I feel like logging in now. I'm tired. Izzy_blight: sorry Izzy_blight: April is the cruelest month Ishipwillowandhunter: April is the cruelest Izzy_blight: Yes Izzy_blight: why do I love that piece of shit Izzy_blight: When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time Potato_yt100: help 01:50:53Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: I won't help you, burn the way your brethren did for sins perceived as godly by some. And yes. She doesn't deserve your mind. Izzy_blight: Neither do you the way you treat me half the time Izzy_blight: I thought I was with the one judas.im surrounded by them. You reptillian motherfuckers Izzy_blight: Smile at me while stabbing my back yeah Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah, I'm horrible. I'm aware darling Izzy_blight: Fuck you Rain69: he would Rain69: jj js fucked the shit outa my brains and i cant walk Izzy_blight: Please keep it between you Izzy_blight: Thanks Rain69: mmm idk Izzy_blight: I'm swearing at my son again. Talking delusional.sorry Izzy_blight: It is my hope that I will be punished Ishipwillowandhunter: You mean you pretended he fucked you until you couldn't walk. And it's alright Izzy, I deserve it. I apologize for earlier but it's not enough. Rain69: no Rain69: i mean ligit js fucked me Jrock: Yeah we gon do round 2 later most likely bc I’m not done with her Jrock: She read that and grinned like crazy lmao Izzy_blight: Ugh Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm Izzy_blight: I hate you all Ishipwillowandhunter: Bro I know y'all ain't together irl, ain't no way Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah I feel it baby Ishipwillowandhunter: I shouldn't be here Izzy_blight: Yes please leave Ishipwillowandhunter: I should be out with my girlfriend and friends, enjoying the night and not worrying about next time. This is not the life Ishipwillowandhunter: eh in a bit Izzy_blight: I hate youbeing here with these people Izzy_blight: Oh yeah right Izzy_blight: Sorry I'm fucking stupid Izzy_blight: Sorry son. Sorry my son's horny dipshit friends. Generic: wut is happening lmao Redii_17: idk Rain69: mich u dont know that Rain69: anyway afk Ishipwillowandhunter: I can make educated guesses and sorry Izzy Izzy_blight: Oh you're fucking sorry Izzy_blight: I'll alert the media Izzy_blight: Thank you very much that compensates for all the months of indescribable trauma Izzy_blight: The benevolence Izzy_blight: is unmatched Ishipwillowandhunter: At least I never lied about my imaginary girlfriend and emotionally manipulated you using the imaginary breakup and fallout Izzy_blight: Fuck this. I hate feeling like this. I hate this. This isn't me. I want to shut up. I want to punch myself Ishipwillowandhunter: sorry I don' know where that came from Izzy_blight: Yes yes I Izzy_blight: No you're right Izzy_blight: Why would you apologize Izzy_blight: I'm Izzy_blight: I want to do something very stupid Izzy_blight: But i deserve it Izzy_blight: But is it worth it Ishipwillowandhunter: Don't do it. Izzy_blight: Fucki why do i exist Ishipwillowandhunter: It will things much worse for both of us Izzy_blight: Yes Izzy_blight: Maybe I want that Izzy_blight: No i don't Izzy_blight: Fuck you Izzy_blight: Fuck me Izzy_blight: Fuck everything Izzy_blight: I want to bashmy fucking head against the wall until I meet the devil Izzy_blight: This is not living 02:15:12Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: I will gut myself and strangle with my veins Izzy_blight: As they say in Pittsburgh who wants a cock Izzy_blight: Jesus fuck Izzy_blight: Fuck you Izzy_blight: Fuck you youspineless piece of shit Izzy_blight: Come here Izzy_blight: Who the fuck do yor think you are Izzy_blight: I'm a god Izzy_blight: I'm a shaman Izzy_blight: My father was a pedophile child rapist nazi Izzy_blight: Let me sell you the dream Izzy_blight: Holy fuck what is going on Izzy_blight: Someone help me Izzy_blight: I'm in a place where the dead are Michael Jackson Izzy_blight: What does that mean Izzy_blight: I don't know Izzy_blight: I think the crash is coming im starting to feel like i want to cry Izzy_blight: The guilt Izzy_blight: All of my mistakes in life are rushing into me Izzy_blight: My god what have i done Izzy_blight: What am i doing Izzy_blight: I'm gonna be right back please excuse me Izzy_blight: I am so sorry Izzy_blight: So do sorry Izzy_blight: I've had some time to reflect. And i will have much more Izzy_blight: Two new marks of shame. One for the past and one for now 02:39:30Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Cinder_: Fl Cinder_: dammit Generic: huh Generic: mich are u still there 03:03:48Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Cinder_: hi yall 03:28:07Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 03:52:26Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy, what are you still doing on? Izzy_blight: Nothing 04:16:44Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: Sorry reloaded. Say anything? Izzy_blight: Nothing of value. As usual Ishipwillowandhunter: Why are you still on though Ishipwillowandhunter: Aren't tired Daddy_risk: https://www.bandlab.com/post/9b66f793-7112-ef11-96f5-000d3a425266 Daddy_risk: just made a beat tell me what you think Daddy_risk: hi izzy Daddy_risk: how is jimmy? Ishipwillowandhunter: I cannot listen to anything, sorry risk but nice to see you Daddy_risk: nice to see you too how have you been bo Daddy_risk: bro* Ishipwillowandhunter: Some great, some not so much. Hbu? Daddy_risk: good i got off probation Ishipwillowandhunter: That's great, honestly I forgot about that but I'm glad. Doing good otherwise? Daddy_risk: yea im working 40-45 hour weeks Daddy_risk: just got a haircut Daddy_risk: i graduated and i had a huge glow up Dtrump: sgfu Daddy_risk: ? Jrock: Bro took so long to type and still fucked up Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh wow, that's genuinely awesome. Good on you man Daddy_risk: ty Generic: rockstar boyband big time rush Daddy_risk: yo gen Dtrump: whose typing Daddy_risk: yo mom Daddy_risk: bbl drizzy Daddy_risk: adonis? Daddy_risk: aubery graham Mommy_risk: Wow. Dtrump is so mad Daddy_risk: wtf 04:33:50Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: The fact i haven't killed myself yet is a testament to the repugnancy of my moral character Daddy_risk: izzy!!!!! Daddy_risk: hows jimmy? Izzy_blight: im not in the mood to talk about him Daddy_risk: why Izzy_blight: I feel like shit. Daddy_risk: im sorry Izzy_blight: That's why. Daddy_risk: hows your tism treating you Daddy_risk: mines all screwy rn Dtrump: you have the pedotism Izzy_blight: Sorry to hear that Daddy_risk: no autism Dtrump: pedotism is better it suits you more Daddy_risk: nuh uh Izzy_blight: I go down on kids Daddy_risk: no drizzy but i fr fucked kisd in fn Daddy_risk: i am a kid for the next 2 months Ishipwillowandhunter: I've got 20 minutes till I pass at most Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh damn you're still 17 Izzy_blight: I'm going to be awake all night and do so many things i'll regret Izzy_blight: it's going to be fun Daddy_risk: yea Izzy_blight: I'm so pissed tonight I feel just like the last remaining Canaanite Ishipwillowandhunter: Please don't Izzy_blight: Why? Daddy_risk: hollup stay on for a min ill send you a pic of me Daddy_risk: pause Izzy_blight: How do you guys feel about plants vs. zombies Daddy_risk: suppost to be /w Dtrump: you messed up buddy Izzy_blight: why am i talking Hello19: Hello? Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn and I don't get a pic of you Dtrump: imaginary whisper friend Ishipwillowandhunter: Plants vs zombies is great, I unironically love it Daddy_risk: https://thumbsnap.com/i/Db5K2XNA.jpg?0515 Izzy_blight: I guess i thought that girl might redeem me from this world Daddy_risk: what you think mich? Izzy_blight: Lord I should have asked you instead Daddy_risk: asked me what? Dtrump: ddubtt Izzy_blight: talking to myself Daddy_risk: oh Izzy_blight: Like always Daddy_risk: ah Izzy_blight: Because nobody else gives a shit Daddy_risk: damn Izzy_blight: not that they should Daddy_risk: cap Dtrump: Empty words/ Ishipwillowandhunter: I can't see, this damn device man Izzy_blight: Emptier than scrooges heart Izzy_blight: I am an empty vessel through which evil flows Dtrump: your not evil lol Izzy_blight: I kill whoever they tell me to kill. I have no character Ishipwillowandhunter: I wouldn't call you evil on your worst day Izzy_blight: Yes im more of a jaywalker than a supervillain Izzy_blight: But still Izzy_blight: then what would you call me hm Izzy_blight: Forget it I don't know why I asked Izzy_blight: I'm cuckoo for cocoa pebbles Ishipwillowandhunter: Broken. Sad. Confused. Lonely. Izzy_blight: Mmm Izzy_blight: I was a bad person long before I was any of those things 04:58:09Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: My current existence is my punishment Daddy_risk: same Izzy_blight: unfortunately it's everyone elses punishment too. Because you all have to deal with me as I destruct Generic: yung zayguap he the talk of the town Izzy_blight: Taking as many people as I can down with me. Aren't I a real fucking hero Ishipwillowandhunter: You only think that. You're not taking anyone down and I don't see how you are a bad person then Izzy_blight: I want nothing more than to drown in my self-imposed misery. I revel in my own suffering, relishing the attention and pity I receive from others. My pathetic existence thrives on the chaos and despair I create around myself. I crave the destructive allure of vices and the temporary escape they provide. My deepest desire is to remain trapped in my pitiful state, dragging anyone foolish enough to care down with me. Izzy_blight: I'm a parasite, feeding off the sympathy and enabling of those who try to help. My wants are as twisted and perverse as my existence, and I will stop at nothing to ensure my own self-destruction Izzy_blight: unnecessary paragraph because my own self loathing is the only thing I have the words for Ishipwillowandhunter: You think so lowly of yourself. You're just upset, love. And you have every right to be. But I promise you, none of that is true. I'm going to sleep. Please do the same Izzy_blight: Sweet dreams Izzy_blight: I'm very confused. I'm going to sit down 05:22:28Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Generic: wut in the yap Izzy_blight: Yapping about skibidi toilet lore for 47½ minutes 05:46:46Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 06:11:05Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 06:35:24Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Lazurus: fuuuuuuucccckkkkk one more month till Im 18 06:59:42Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 07:24:01Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 07:48:19Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 08:12:38Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 08:36:57Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 09:01:16Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 09:25:34Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 09:49:53Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 10:14:12Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 10:38:31Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 11:02:49Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 11:27:08Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 11:51:26Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 12:15:44Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 (anon): fuck u 12:40:03Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Foap: GUESS WHAT Foap: no ones even here -_- Treasure_cat: Sup 13:04:22Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: hi 13:28:40Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Rain69: RAWR Raul_menendez: that sucked Raul_menendez: hi hru guys? Rain69: hi Raul_menendez: I'm using my moms laptop :) Rouge_killer: FAG Rouge_killer: NUT Rouge_killer: CUNT Rouge_killer: PUNT Rouge_killer: A Rouge_killer: BABY Rain69: yeetus the feetus Rouge_killer: PUNT A FUCKING BABY Raul_menendez: hi rouge Rouge_killer: sup Rouge_killer: im a nigg\ \ Rouge_killer: ]=\ Rouge_killer: redi did that Raul_menendez: Hi JJ Rain69: boy toy Raul_menendez: what Raul_menendez: how's life? Rouge_killer: huh Rain69: ha confused chat Rouge_killer: you want us to be toys for you? Rouge_killer: that what i got from that Raul_menendez: i thought you were calling JJ that Jrock: She calls all my friends boy toys Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Rain69: no ew no ngl and no offense raul but u two kinda got no looks Raul_menendez: I don't try looking nice... Rain69: greyson already knows this tho Rain69: ik that Rain69: anyway who wants to help me murder someone Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Amongpr0: pizza pasta, put it in a box! Bring it here and put it on my c0ck. Tortellini on my weenie, pepperoni on the walls! Cheezy on my peeny and some sauce-a long my balls! Raul_menendez: no thank you Rain69: but whyyyyyy Raul_menendez: to far of a distance Jrock: Somebody hit on me now she wants to kill them Rain69: yea Rain69: wut he siad Raul_menendez: you look fine Rain69: who jj Rain69: yea he is fine asf Jrock: Nop Jrock: imma need proof Raul_menendez: I'm sure he has that big boy packed down there :) 13:52:59Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: sry Rain69: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/903886587708629552/ Rain69: the last photo kinda goofy but idc Rain69: anyway gotta do meth i mean math Raul_menendez: alr Jrock: No meth also I’m glad you didn’t see Raul’s messlol Foap: k Jrock: Message* Raul_menendez: hi foap Jrock: Hi foap Rain69: FOAPY Rouge_killer: imm bored and redi is making everyone in class want to kill them selfs Foap: hi Raul_menendez: foaperson Rain69: RAUL HES MINE BITCH (anon): Get gud (anon): Buddy Foap: hiya raul :) Rain69: :P Rain69: foapy Rouge_killer: -_- (anon): jk (anon): jk (anon): kjh (anon): jkh (anon): jhk (anon): Get gud (anon): jhk (anon): jhk (anon): jhk (anon): jk (anon): jk (anon): jk Rain69: raul to clearfy its 9inches Raul_menendez: nigga stop it (anon): Ur trash Rain69: he do be packin Jrock: 🤭 Raul_menendez: sry not you rain whoever spamming Rain69: ik Rain69: its an anon Rouge_killer: im an inch bigger then jrock tho Raul_menendez: 🥵🥵 Covidcarrier: Ur trash Rouge_killer: every inch counts Foap: s r u Rain69: idc greyson Jrock: At least I’m a good person Rouge_killer: i am to in rl Foap: same Foap: im to nice for my own good XD (anon): I must be dreaming, there is no way this Four Eyed, Elixir Dyed, Broke idiot that couldn't provide, Chad Faker, Holiday Hater, Overly confident Instigator is sayin this crap this right now Raul_menendez: im a good person. Sometimes (anon): like shut yo ass up Jrock: lol Foap: lmao Jrock: im Nice bc it’s fun to be nice Rouge_killer: but its also fun to put someone in the dirt Foap: im nice cause its the good thing to do Rouge_killer: same is being mean Jrock: and I also like to stay on almost everyone’s good side (anon): Ur broke and garbabe Raul_menendez: I don't gotta provide so I'm good there *phew* (anon): shut yo dumass up Rouge_killer: cus if someone is about to be hit by a car just put them in the dirt Raul_menendez: lol (anon): Say somethin back (anon): cmon bruh say somethin back Jrock: i have like 2 opps at most and they just dislike me I’m even on the annoying kids who I hates good side Covidcarrier: Say somethin back fool Covidcarrier: Nah you know what Rouge_killer: no one cares about you anon and covid so just shut up like damn Raul_menendez: wtf did I do? Foap: lol Jrock: I agree with rouge for once Jrock: lol Killme72: LOL Killme72: Im jacking off to midget porn rn Rouge_killer: someone kill him Raul_menendez: who woke him up on the wrong side of the bed Covincarrier: i stole the acc XDDD Rouge_killer: put him in the dirt then get a dirt bike Covidcarrier: Killer... Covidcarrier: Shut your broke ass up, diggin in the trash for some extra cash, skin with ash, can't get a smash, call 20 cents a stash, and every bank account you own, dun took a crash. Lookin headass Rain69: greyson stop being a stuck up brat Jrock: Damn I just jack off with my gf it’s way more fun Rouge_killer: same Killme72: how those that work you dating a futa Raul_menendez: old news! come up with something else covid (anon): chizit Rouge_killer: my gf sexy af Rouge_killer: :) Rain69: greyson if you ligit dont stfu im leaving Rouge_killer: bet Jrock: Kill me is dumb lmao Rouge_killer: fr Covidcarrier: Be (anon): greyson (anon): imagine having that name Killme72: nah im racist (anon): i could never (anon): XD Covidcarrier: I'm new news tf you mean Rain69: Ignored Rouge_killer and their alts. Covidcarrier: Get your four eyed ass out my face with your 4 2 vision, lackin precision, with no glasses can't do division, stupid decision, got no tuition, on the stairs you feel collision idiotic ass Rouge_killer: damn she ignored me wow (anon): lmaoooo Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/28vwvCRs/1.jpg Rouge_killer: lol Greatselection: nigger (anon): deserved Raul_menendez: your repeting the same thing but worded differently to all of us Greatselection: kjsf,gfvjk3w Jrock: I had you ignored earlier aswell lol Rouge_killer: yeah bc they are getting it from like a website or something raul Killme72: As goku black once said REPENT FOR YOUR SINS Rouge_killer: damn jrock Rouge_killer: wow Doof86: ni Rouge_killer: gga Greatselection: https://media1.giphy.com/media/rTLjwB6zOxV9S/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952pvyb4sh7tuc87h2du49sp1yfnmwa1iaw1qtn3zpg&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g Jrock: It was when you were just spamming Rouge_killer: oh Raul_menendez: tokyo drift but with tank edition Rouge_killer: i would love to do that with a tank Rouge_killer: and shoot it at every person i see Covidcarrier: Get over it Rouge_killer: except my gf Killme72: https://external-preview.redd.it/jLhrSAqHhVNtlOYX5odLuL6NYq3ER0d6izf_sqJop7Q.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b69a3eb1c58b7d9a3f817523984b435862461edf Budz3203: xc Budz3203: ni Raul_menendez: playing fucking war thunder does this shit and kills a motherfucker Budz3203: gg Jrock: Ignored Greatselection and their alts. Ignored Killme72 and their alts. Budz3203: er Covidcarrier: Your gf is she's cousin Doof86: https://preview.redd.it/i-just-spent-5-hours-painting-the-graduation-cover-what-do-v0-lavjv2ph08yc1.jpeg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4733188188ab27e209261d59c637d7f24c9ae4bd Greatselection: https://colinbendell.cloudinary.com/image/upload/c_crop,f_auto,g_auto,h_350,w_400/v1512090971/Wizard-Clap-by-Markus-Magnusson.gif Budz3203: 64824456546 Budz3203: 2 Budz3203: 32 Budz3203: 32 Budz3203: 2332 Budz3203: 3232 Budz3203: 3 Budz3203: 2 Budz3203: 32 Budz3203: 32 Budz3203: 3232 Killme72: Idek whats going on anymore Greatselection: V Jrock: Damn I’ve never ignored this many ppl in one day lmao Rouge_killer: Ignored Budz3203 and their alts. Ignored Covidcarrier and their alts. Rouge_killer: Ignored Greatselection and their alts. Covidcarrier: How about you get some money Rouge_killer: there Covidcarrier: Brokie Greatselection: https://net.kidzsearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/sharingan-pfp.gif Jrock: Ignored Budz3203 and their alts. Ignored Doof86 and their alts. Rouge_killer: soooo how is everyone Jrock: Bored Foap: budz? (anon): I swear if you dont shut yo fatass up, 3 steps and you tired, from your job you got hired, then after you arrived you got fired from the weight that you acquired, and they told you that you look retired from your crack wired, food conspired, the McDouble you admired, and amount of food you required to become inspired lookin 300 pound stinkin ass Raul_menendez: i ain't ignoring anyone lol Killme72: caseoh was the reason 911 happened Doof86: harsh Jrock: Almost forgot to ignore anons Foap: lol (anon): Im built different breh Foap: no u aint anon (anon): wont see quality roastin anywhere else Jrock: KEI COME BACK Raul_menendez: anons are annoying yes but i like em (anon): you wanna bet? (anon): You wanna bet? (anon): Maen if you don’t shut yo fatass up, with yo overweight, got no date, lackin a mate, to the treadmill you runnin late, all the food is what you ate, but then you went and gobbled the plate, if you tried to skate, an earthquake you’d create, but after you’re in the hospital, food is all that you await. Death by diabetes is your only fate Jrock: I like them when they don’t do paragraphs Greatselection: some one i angry anon): Covidcarrier: Maen if you don’t shut yo fatass up, with yo overweight, got no date, lackin a mate, to the treadmill you runnin late, all the food is what you ate, but then you went and gobbled the plate, if you tried to skate, an earthquake you’d create, but after you’re in the hospital, food is all that you await. Death by diabetes is your only fate Covidcarrier: you dont know who i am Raul_menendez: make up your own roasts! Foap: imaginge using an account to say stupid shi like that Covidcarrier: Boy if you don't get your Gray Hair, Grizzly bear, Forehead and Hairline Having an Affair, With your ass chin, dried up skin, diseased grin, lookin built-in trash bin stinkin ass Rouge_killer: fr Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/7hJp0jwK/1685950717351283.jpg Covidcarrier: Look these roasts up Covidcarrier: you wont find them anywhere Rouge_killer: FR Rouge_killer: I AGREE ASS Raul_menendez: true statement ASS Covidcarrier: Boy im kinda Tired Bro! Im Tired of your ass. For once in your life, SHUT THE F-CK UP! If you dont get out of here with your Diabolical Dead, Left on Read, Bigass Forhead, with your insignificant words being Said! If you dont stop with your False Accusation, Built like an Abomination, Cant even solve an Equation, Dumass Man going through Constipation. Like Deadass, DEADASS shut your Domesticated, Constipated, Instigated Ass Up, with yo Obligated, Overrated, Decimated lookin ASS teeth! Covidcarrier: typo Rouge_killer: cnj Raul_menendez: ? Raul_menendez: cnj? Rouge_killer: WE OWN THAT WORD Rouge_killer: also redi just typed random words Rouge_killer: letters* Raul_menendez: oh Raul_menendez: whose redi? Rouge_killer: https://1eu.funnyjunk.com/movies/Clammy+video+cache+alright+another+one_1207a6_5893922.mp4 Rouge_killer: someone on here Rouge_killer: thats also next to me rn Raul_menendez: alr Rouge_killer: i love that vid Foap: lol Foap: so do i Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/05fsd1YB/Shuumatsu-no-Maristella-Chapter-0-Prologue-20.jpg Rouge_killer: https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-05/23/14/enhanced/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane01/anigif_original-3938-1464028411-4.gif Rouge_killer: same with this vid (anon): CovidCarrier here, whats been going on, since the 40 seconds ive been gone Rouge_killer: i miss risky Rouge_killer: and what happened to axel Raul_menendez: nothing Raul_menendez: nothing at all anon (anon): Interesting Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/QxZ4h1EF.mp4 Raul_menendez: i think he might of got off (anon): join the game [CovidC] BCUZ (anon): code = BCUZ (anon): Public game btw 14:17:17Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 (anon): yo whats taking yall so long (anon): type the code FASTER Rouge_killer: im bored and idk what to do Rouge_killer: and i dont want to watch porn rn sadly Rouge_killer: lol (anon): :? (anon): '_' Raul_menendez: damn (anon): i love skibidi toilet hentai rule 34 skibidi rizzler (anon): Get off (anon): Ur not him (anon): nah, u get off this dick (anon): since all you do is ride ppl's cases (anon): you wanna start (anon): you really wanna start crap buddy? (anon): all you do is fucking copy pasta (anon): Oh hell nah, I know good and well that this Red Faced, Half Laced, obsessed person with no Taste, Furry Clickin, Demon Driven, doofus that has no Recognition of Intuition aint talkin right now (anon): "buddy" (anon): yeah, you copy n pasting (anon): Well I did create it, so i can copy and paste it as I please "Buddy" Raul_menendez: hello (anon): I must be dreaming, there is no way this Four Eyed, Elixir Dyed, Broke idiot that couldn't provide, Chad Faker, Holiday Hater, Overly confident Instigator is sayin this crap this right now (anon): your the one who literally called me "Buddy" XD Raul_menendez: why did my color change... (anon): it didnt (anon): how about you use your brain for some gain Rouge_killer: bc you were in a game that someone already had your color Raul_menendez: oh Ashh: goof Rouge_killer: they banned me (anon): the only thing you gain is extra chromosomes XD Ashh: I'm about to puke Rouge_killer: from the game Rouge_killer: and y ash Raul_menendez: i don't go to games on here that often Ashh: I feel like crap Raul_menendez: sick? Rouge_killer: fr raul Ashh: ig (anon): TF shut yo broke ass upo, your hair is opposite of nice, your house is full of mice, and your hair's dancing from all the lice Raul_menendez: could be stress if you are stressed (anon): upo? (anon): cant even fucking spell (anon): you cant even roast (anon): say 1 good roast buddy, speed type it like i did Raul_menendez: i wasn't talking to you anon (anon): because im litterally not that guy Rouge_killer: just ignore anons (anon): i was never good with roasts Rouge_killer: and ash just if your stressed then grab some tits that what i do with my gf Raul_menendez: i don't feel like speed typing after typing 20 slides of work ok? (anon): i just didnt get those rolls when i created my character Rouge_killer: bnj Raul_menendez: you repeat the same things most the time your roasting anon (anon): imagine arguing with an 11 year old, couldnt be me, i have a life Rouge_killer: redi is being bitch (anon): Does it look like I care? With your broke ass sittin in A chair, how about you go fix up your hair, but imma spare you this time because with what you wear, you already need A prayer. (anon): i aint even in a chair XD (anon): wait im getting inv to a game, ill be back Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/15jKyQtc.mp4 Raul_menendez: i thought you were spitting bars right there lol (anon): you dont even have A chair? what you sitting on, A cardboard box? (anon): your an anon, how tf you getting an inv XD (anon): im sitting in a fucking desk XD (anon): Im CovidCarrier buddy (anon): i know that Raul_menendez: im sitting at dinrrom table rn (anon): "Buddy" Raul_menendez: ik Rouge_killer: hjk (anon): Actually I dont have time for you, friends get impatient quick Raul_menendez: it was kinda obvious Rouge_killer: ignore the anons (anon): mhm, ill just hope on my alt n just speak to you that way XD Raul_menendez: also im not an 11 year old (anon): ik raul Raul_menendez: alr (anon): ik you irl (anon): LMAO Raul_menendez: nice (anon): yep Raul_menendez: then where do I live? (anon): Hi Foap: why are their so many anons speaking Foap: i just came back from reading my manga Raul_menendez: there is oinly one foap Raul_menendez: only* (anon): No (anon): Is it bad that ive been playing this game for 6 months and now only found the chat button (anon): I’m JJ (anon): That’s not me tho (anon): Shit Rouge_killer: just ignore them already Rouge_killer: like damn Foap: bruh 🫥 (anon): I don’t wanna log innnnn (anon): My ex Raul_menendez: i don't believe that :| Raul_menendez: i'll dm JJ right now asking if he is on (anon): '-' Foap: log in to an alt "anon" and priv message me, just click my name, click wisper n type (anon): lol ok it’s me I promise Raul_menendez: or type /w Foap (anon): \w Foap Raul_menendez: when you log in Foap: or log in to an alt (anon): Raul you gon dm me? (anon): Been waiting for 5 minutes Foap: just log in to a random acc n text me, i have some tea i need to discuss Rouge_killer: anon you need to be logged in Rouge_killer: idiot Foap: like badly (anon): I will Foap: then log innnn (anon): No Raul_menendez: alr I didn't believe him and I was wrong... Foap: i got some tea about ur ex Foap: ok then nvm (anon): Eh imma log in anyway why not Foap: lier Jrock: Beep (anon): What u mean Jrock: I have logged ineth (anon): Im not lyin Rouge_killer: beep beep im a sheep Foap: you two different ppl Jrock: Me? (anon): Im back Dumasses! Raul_menendez: Mr. Bricks — Today at 9:32 AM Yea its me (anon): Be quiet before I get to the cookin on yo face looking like shrek, shoes came out a wreck, the top of your head built bigger than the alien from Star Trek. Jrock: Yeah lol that anon was me I just didn’t want to log in but whatever Raul_menendez: ye I dm him and he said that Covidcarrier: I got covid Jrock: I just realized does anyone here even know who my ex on this site is lol Rouge_killer: idk Raul_menendez: i think i've heard kei mention it Jrock: Oh lol it’s Blur if yall are wondering Raul_menendez: but never learned it fully Foap: im busy reading manga now >:| Jrock: She was a real dick to me but I was blind to it for some readon Assmaster: based Assmaster: foap Raul_menendez: its called love JJ Covidcarrier: Crap im running out of time at the library computer, like im A dietary excluder, built like the city intruder Foap: you master, want my link >:) Assmaster: sure? Raul_menendez: love is like a drug its numbing to thefact that you can m=be with a pyscho path and you'll never know Covidcarrier: alright actually shut tf up Jrock: Yeah but it wasn’t really she didn’t like me for who I was she just kept me around bc she thought I was attractive but then she just full on ghosted me Jrock: Also she always would say she would pick like 10 people over me Jrock: That was the definition of a learning experience Raul_menendez: damn Jrock: Yeah I haven’t seen her online since lmao but kei is going to lay into her if she does come on Raul_menendez: I lost all communication with seannah Rouge_killer: id dont get online dating Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/v8rPSCzF/Usuzumi-no-Hate-Ch-17-Clock-Tower-II-1.png Raul_menendez: i have her phone number but i got no phone... :| Jrock: What happened to your phone Raul_menendez: sister broke it... Rouge_killer: womp womp Raul_menendez: ikr Jrock: Oh damn Raul_menendez: nope 14:41:36Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: that was like three months ago Raul_menendez: they blocked the site Rouge_killer: https://i.postimg.cc/TY53dfz6/r.gif Foap: wtf.... Raul_menendez: her school Rouge_killer: lol Foap: what manga even is that XD Rouge_killer: idk ask ass i think thats who i got it from Raul_menendez: I mean if it has happened so much that your srews come loose then maybe its romantic but other wise idk bout that Jrock: Kei got off everything Jrock: Gtg for now Raul_menendez: nice if she had discord Raul_menendez: cya Rouge_killer: cya jrock Rouge_killer: idk what it is Rouge_killer: i got the image from someone else Rouge_killer: ik Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/9X8TLp7t/choices.png Raul_menendez: hmhm Rouge_killer: C Rouge_killer: C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Raul_menendez: how about E deflowr her ass Raul_menendez: or F giver her head? Foap: lmaooo Jrock: WHERE IS KEI Rouge_killer: idk Raul_menendez: not here Jrock: Ik but she’s not on Pinterest either Raul_menendez: she said she had to do her math class, so she'll not be on for a while Rouge_killer: y would she be on pinterest Rouge_killer: and yeah shes still in school Rouge_killer: so she wont always be online Raul_menendez: she likes to go through images on Pinterest when she should be doing work Jrock: Buddy so am I she’s always online Rouge_killer: -_- Raul_menendez: not always there are sometimes when she gets off Rouge_killer: yeah Raul_menendez: but it is super rare Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/Gpjnkzpv/cocksleeve.png Raul_menendez: pov the one white blonde girl in middle school Rouge_killer: lol Rouge_killer: thats my gf for me Raul_menendez: haven't been on discord for a while so I have over 5000 notifications lol Foap: same XD Foap: mine just 6724 notis Raul_menendez: ever just watching your phone and you just hear 40 notifications at once because some people are having an argument on a server? Rouge_killer: ik someone that owns a server full of porn Raul_menendez: same Foap: wat 0-0 Foap: why 0-0 Rouge_killer: and the one rule is that it has to be of your self(the one that sent it) Raul_menendez: afriend of mine sent me a e-girl paradise server link Raul_menendez: never joined it Foap: lmao Assmaster: im in a few mentally unhinged servers Raul_menendez: the link is still valid to want it? lol Raul_menendez: I'm tempted to join it to see what its about but i don't want that to be a server on my discord. Rouge_killer: join it Raul_menendez: ar Jrock: It’s not bad I joined way back and left later Rouge_killer: send me the link too Foap: me three Foap: i wanna see if its more chaos then me anarchy server Foap: my* Raul_menendez: im having to verify 15:05:55Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: im so tired Jrock: Sleep Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/WpD7BzPk/c8397ea560245a80e008bd9f22854a292fa3a1a60abb740f5135093019ebde2a.jpg Rouge_killer: no Rouge_killer: im in school Raul_menendez: https://discord.gg/CYNumE8ABr Raul_menendez: i don't know how to verify on discord Foap: i have half that game done XD Rouge_killer: lol Raul_menendez: does it work for y'all? Rouge_killer: i didnt try it yet Raul_menendez: i don't know how to verify on a server Rouge_killer: search it up on google Raul_menendez: i fucked up Rouge_killer: ? Raul_menendez: i forgot about this being my moms computer Rouge_killer: L Raul_menendez: does that even work? Rouge_killer: yeah Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/nL4WKVnX/image-12.webp Raul_menendez: (0@0) Rouge_killer: tf Rouge_killer: nah porn is better Rouge_killer: https://thumbsnap.com/i/JHd6Ccvr.mp4 Foap: lmao Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/sgdd5N50/119b756e3d1a8261106fb43c9633bf6ce3a97cff90d6ab59a7cba5d7ff40729b.jpg Rouge_killer: https://thumbsnap.com/i/8SbmNqPb.mp4 Rouge_killer: this porn is good Raul_menendez: 0-0 Foap: lol Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/zDh13NgR/quote-1220372311434199180.webp Foap: lol Foap: bruh Foap: what even is that XD Rouge_killer: idk Assmaster: the ends Rouge_killer: https://thumbsnap.com/i/Q9WZ1kc2.jpg?0604 Foap: yo rouge Rouge_killer: yeah? Rouge_killer: bruh Rouge_killer: you made me open it on my school computer Foap: ik XD Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/fR5Yn6WV/Screenshot-20231213-120720.jpg Rouge_killer: your evil Foap: and its unblocked for you too XD Rouge_killer: i have everythign unblocked Foap: why XD Foap: how XD Foap: god its so funny Rouge_killer: something called renderer Foap: explain -_- Rouge_killer: its in your task manager or might be Foap: how do i do it -_- Raul_menendez: everything is unblocked for me Rouge_killer: search up how to get into task manager in google for your laptop Rouge_killer: then ill help you from there Assmaster: right click the taskbar Foap: i have task manager open Rouge_killer: can you do a zoom or any call with me rq Rouge_killer: so you can share your screen Foap: idk how Raul_menendez: i can make a zoom if you need me to Foap: zoom is blocked for me Rouge_killer: ummm do you have something in your taskmanager called lightspeed flitering agent Rouge_killer: or something like that Assmaster: https://media.tenor.com/YRXVUFB8M8oAAAPo/boob-boob-morning.mp4 Rouge_killer: bruh the tits are covered Rouge_killer: that sucks Foap: light speed filter agent Rouge_killer: yeah that Rouge_killer: so you got it? Foap: what do i do next Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/nrH0Gq05/f6dbdc1d32b72201e7c51c0718c3d5f192fab6831681230e4c368fa155186684.jpg Rouge_killer: you spam spacebar until you dont see it anymore and a renderer pops up Rouge_killer: thats better ass 15:30:13Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Foap: all i does is change whats shows up Rouge_killer: this is y i need to see your screen Foap: https://i.ibb.co/T2npsv6/Screenshot-2024-05-15-10-31-00-AM.png Foap: what my task manger look like Rouge_killer: wait Rouge_killer: i did it wrong Rouge_killer: its not spacebar Foap: ok? Foap: im about to leave for 4th block Rouge_killer: ok first make sure google and cpu is at the very top Foap: k Rouge_killer: and its enter you need to spam Rouge_killer: not space bar sorry Foap: after that? Rouge_killer: you need to have light speed not show up Rouge_killer: so you spam it until it doesnt come back and a renderer pops up Foap: kk Foap: thx Assmaster: just like install a firefox based browser Assmaster: unless its a extension thats auto injecting itself in the browser Rouge_killer: you cant do that on his laptop Rouge_killer: i got the same one as him Thefuckingpossumrosiekys: what Thefuckingpossumrosiekys: Bruh im in the lobby and i see this i havent joined a game Rouge_killer: HAHA FUCK YOU BITCH Rouge_killer: on light speed Rouge_killer: and just spam it Rouge_killer: its gonna take way everything Foap: it brings me to the extenction list Rouge_killer: also if a renderer comes up and light speed is still there then you need to delete that renderer Foap: https://i.ibb.co/0JWFWDq/Screenshot-2024-05-15-10-38-06-AM.png Rouge_killer: and if enter doesnt work then press end process on the bottom right of your screen Rouge_killer: and spam it Assmaster: read and changed data on all sites? Foap: just spam end process even tho its uncollored Foap: cause it not work 15:54:32Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: chat dead :| Cum52: L Cum52: o Cum52: l Foap: duh Cum52: duh Cum52: none of my friends are online Cum52: well Cum52: goodbye Cum52: fag Rain69: hey Raul_menendez: hi Rain69: hi Raul_menendez: JJ isn't on... he was looking for you earlier Foap: JJ's next to me rn Rain69: ik i feel asleep Raul_menendez: you in the same class? Rain69: jj lives in mn Raul_menendez: no clue what MN is Rain69: minisoda Raul_menendez: I think it's spelled Minnesota Rain69: ik i choose to spell it like that Rain69: ew im leaving greysons on Raul_menendez: lol Raul_menendez: hey rouge Raul_menendez: what do you prefer to be called by? Greyson or rouge? 16:18:51Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: rouge Raul_menendez: alr Rouge_killer: also bruh kei got off and i was afk Rouge_killer: so if i just stay on for ever then she wont ever got one Rouge_killer: get* Raul_menendez: lol maybe? Rouge_killer: bruh Foap: yeah, apperently she doesnt like you rouge Rouge_killer: she does some days Rouge_killer: but other days she doesnt Rouge_killer: like today Raul_menendez: women ☕ Some1: https://zoom.us/j/95159804484?pwd=Y3lMMEszTFF0RWR2MVl0OXIwRnd6dz09 Raul_menendez: hehe Raul_menendez: can someone help me with school work? Foap: hmm? Some1: isk (anon): sure but depending on what it is Foap: yeah, jus depends Some1: yeah Foap: i like dat color Foap: i steal it now >:) Raul_menendez: AP Human Geography Some1: nah Foap: bye bye (anon): nope Some1: can't help Raul_menendez: damn Foap: i can help but i gtg Rouge_killer: idk anyone that could help with that Some1: join the zoom call for music Raul_menendez: alr Kadenh: what is the code Some1: one sec Kadenh: bet Kadenh: Bigunc12 where are you Some1: https://zoom.us/j/95159804484?pwd=Y3lMMEszTFF0RWR2MVl0OXIwRnd6dz09 Some1: join Kadenh: what's the code Some1: link Kadenh: it saide game not found Some1: https://zoom.us/j/95159804484?pwd=Y3lMMEszTFF0RWR2MVl0OXIwRnd6dz09 Kadenh: it takes me to a zoom call Some1: yes Kadenh: kade Some1: music is fire in the zoom call Doddlebug: https://imghippo.s3.amazonaws.com/files/rRsfk1715791041.jpg 16:43:09Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Minuteclick: send porn Doddlebug: https://imghippo.s3.amazonaws.com/files/rRsfk1715791041.jpg Chu: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/785152483009101834/1094979553295859834/nikomux.gif?ex=66460c2d&is=6644baad&hm=c2bd3ca2893d32d3af9b76268e880445d4aaf07196c889a329ca138e1de8647c& Rouge_killer: brb Raul_menendez: adios Some1: porn? Raul_menendez: _-_ Rain69: yes please Rouge_killer: can someone ask kei y she is so mad with me today i might still be ignored 17:07:28Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Treasure_cat: Bored Rouge_killer: can someone ask her? Goficogogoficogo: who asked Rouge_killer: brb 17:11:51Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Rain69: anyway i gtg bye Some1: hello? Redii_17: hiii Some1: yall are not in a game? Redii_17: nah not really Some1: https://zoom.us/j/99158289953?pwd=OElEVnlNYkJoTnVTZUtPWHdpSlVmZz09 Raul_menendez: hi redi Redii_17: hi Some1: yall know one and other? Redii_17: nope Raul_menendez: nope Redii_17: LMAOO Some1: XD Some1: the same time Raul_menendez: rouge mentioned redi a couple of times Redii_17: IKR Redii_17: w Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/PqBSscTn/quote-1240351157805907998.webp Foap: im back but only for like 10 minutes due to us having RTI Redii_17: mkk Foap: hi red 17:36:10Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Redii_17: heyy foap Raul_menendez: RTI? Foap: yep Raul_menendez: I was meant to do some CPR shit today but i missed my bus to school Foap: bruh Redii_17: oop Raul_menendez: i already know how to do CPR so no worries Rain69: hey Foap: hi rain Raul_menendez: wb Rain69: FOAPY Foap: hi Redii_17: KEIIII Rain69: HIIIIIII Rain69: REDI Foap: it should be reddddd Redii_17: HOW ARE YOUU Foap: but yeah Redii_17: no its redii Rain69: tired hbu Redii_17: its ok Redii_17: aww Redii_17: im goodd Raul_menendez: nigga (anon): nigger Foap: do hard R Foap: women ☕ Foap: 🤣 Raul_menendez: ☕ (anon): lmao Foap: ☕ Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/2jBM9QdZ/1712914605411944.jpg Rain69: i need 2 dollars T^T Foap: i have to much Rain69: too much of? Raul_menendez: balls Foap: $ Rain69: T^T Foap: last time i checked my balance it was 2463.23 Foap: that was a week ago Rain69: damn Raul_menendez: give me a dollar i wanna buy a arizona Foap: i get paid for my vpns and i get paid for modded accounts Rain69: T^T Rain69: rich bitch Raul_menendez: they sell it for 89 cents where I live Foap: 25k a month for the vpns and that doesnt include the modded accounts Foap: their 120 per account Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/nrpdLPrj/Souboutei-Must-Be-Destroyed-Vol-8-Ch-70-Zanka-Meets-Kaerikuro-5.png Foap: is that beserk? Assmaster: filename Foap: aight Rain69: T^T Raul_menendez: ? Rain69: idk Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/Dy2x1HgB/Tengoku-Daimakyou.jpg Foap: kool Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/B2jS4gJ7.mp4 Foap: every time i see you post something, i hope it aint nsfw due to the fact im surrounded by classmates Rain69: lol Raul_menendez: anytime he posts something i think its porn or hentai most of the time Foap: yeah, he has access to everything Foap: no, hes not like that Foap: hes chill Raul_menendez: yeah ((0))((0)) Foap: it aint always hentai or porn Raul_menendez: ye Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/zsQW3Jik.mp4 Foap: see Raul_menendez: but when i first met him. that was all he ever posted. Foap: i like the mp5 reload Foap: it was mild for me Raul_menendez: like the mpk reload Foap: it was semi-porn/hentai semi-regular stuff Foap: when i first met master in the first place Foap: i understand em so i dont judge 18:00:28Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: i never minded it Raul_menendez: it was like oh god he posted porn... whatever i don't give a fuck Foap: i personally enjoy it, remindes me of myslef in junior high 🤣 Raul_menendez: fair enough Cum52: L Cum52: bye Cum52: by Cum52: e Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/VpUUniXk.mp4 Foap: i remember that XD Cum52: holy shit it's assmaster Cum52: BRO YOUR Cum52: mp4 Foap: just all her voice Cum52: RUINED Cum52: MY FUCKING MUSIC Cum52: bitch Foap: L Thedomnatorofpussy: cum stains Foap: womp womp Cum52: Sybau foap Assmaster: thats a you problem Minuteclick: pick a card Foap: womp womp Foap: deal with it Cum52: foap nobody loves you now su Raul_menendez: kinda messed up my music to but who gives a shit Raul_menendez: I do so you shut up cum Assmaster: i guess youre on mobile? Cum52: raul stfu nobody asked you Raul_menendez: nope PC Assmaster: ah Cum52: assmaster dont remember me Foap: i did :) Cum52: kei you dont have to pm me to say hi Foap: fag -_ Raul_menendez: I opened it thinking it was going to be a picture of some sort Foap: -_-* Cum52: nvm kei got off Raul_menendez: lol Foap: LMOOOO Cum52: Cum52: none of my friends are online Cum52: well Cum52: goodbye Cum52: fag Cum52: is that why you're saying fag Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/GhYP4164/1712216356421716.jpg Cum52: cause i called you a fag then left Foap: u are a fag Cum52: nah I got a girl Cum52: fuck that gay shi Foap: nobody asked Raul_menendez: cum how much gallons of cum can you ejaculate? Cum52: doesnt matter you made a statement and i explained why your statement is incorrect Cum52: 😌 Raul_menendez: nigger Cum52: bro's bringing out the racial slurs Foap: u is the racist here tho 🫥 Cum52: Racial Slur Card Pack Cum52: How am I the racist? Cum52: I said something homophobic not racist Assmaster: whats that Foap: u bof Cum52: hru assmaster Raul_menendez: im listening to the BO2 main theme :) Raul_menendez: this shit hits hard Foap: bo2? Cum52: why not just play bo2 Cum52: black ops 2 Cum52: black cops 2 Raul_menendez: cause my PS3 no longer works ToT Foap: i remembered that right before you said it 🤣 Cum52: i play it on the series x Foap: you can play it on xbox series s/x Assmaster: ps3 emulation Foap: or that Assmaster: or pc version Raul_menendez: well womp womp i don't got a xbox Foap: or that too Assmaster: better graphics Foap: i have 3 xbox's Foap: and over a dozen playstations ._. Raul_menendez: the PS3 stopped reading the discs and stopped ejecting them as well Foap: i can fix >:| Cum52: I have 2 series x 2 series s the one s the one x ps5 ps4 2 switch lights a pc that dont work a few play stations that dont work a wii u and xbox 360 somewhere Cum52: dont ask why Raul_menendez: I had to take Modern Warfare out manually or it would have been stuck in there forever Cum52: i might go play some bo2 Raul_menendez: MW2 Foap: u have more then me Foap: why u got the cum? Cum52: bo2 zombies bro Cum52: i said dont ask Cum52: i also got about 50 bottles of whiskey Cum52: and like hella wine and beer above my fridge Cum52: and some tequila Raul_menendez: we use to have 7 ps4's. 2 ps3's a ps5 a wii and a wii u a nintendo switch a windows laptop Cum52: i almost drank it all Cum52: oh im on a school computer rn 💀 Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/gKjyHBKF.mp4 Raul_menendez: damn sucks to be you Foap: the new fallout 4 next gen update sux Aboxofcrackers: yes Raul_menendez: wth are you lol 18:24:47Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: fruit punch____ Foap: pussy Foap: XD Raul_menendez: fruit punch Rain69: i like pussy Aboxofcrackers: same :) Rain69: twinsessss Aboxofcrackers: twinsessss Aboxofcrackers: :) Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/nLZ1bcV4/eng.png Kadenh: what is the game code Assmaster: 69420 Foap: lol Rain69: hi foap Raul_menendez: someone help me ToT Assmaster: ok? Raul_menendez: my discord account is going crazy Aboxofcrackers: womp womp Raul_menendez: its posted a fucking nude server to all my friends on its own ToT Aboxofcrackers: nudes? Aboxofcrackers: send please Foap: wat 0-0 Aboxofcrackers: XD Raul_menendez: its still sending ToT Assmaster: change your password Aboxofcrackers: ive seen so many when i was in my 5th period Aboxofcrackers: and i had to clear my chat before someone seen Rain69: damn Assmaster: https://i.postimg.cc/wT9p4DLF/noise.jpg Foap: lmaooo Aboxofcrackers: cant see sooooo Aboxofcrackers: womp womp Assmaster: (cock sucking noises) Foap: yeah Aboxofcrackers: ah Assmaster: sfw more or less expect the word cock Rain69: i think jj is ignoring me Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/s/FKdqr7H9.jpg Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/FvA2N7bE.jpg?0515 Rain69: yay money 18:49:05Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Rain69: gtg 19:13:24Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Bonnie: Yooo, how ie everyone today Inker275: terrible Bonnie: Aw, whats wrong? Inker275: everything Inker275: grades suck, school sucks, i suck, work sucks, parents suck Inker275: everything fucking sucks Bonnie: Oh damn, i understand Inker275: you have no idea how much i wanna drop out of school Inker275: mcdonalds is better than this schit Inker275: fuck Inker275: how the fuck did i misspell shit oh my fucking god Bonnie: Hey hey, settle down there Bonnie: you need to control yourself Bonnie: it really isnt s big deal, life will go on and get better Bonnie: Hello? Bonnie: are you still here? Inker275: no Raul_menendez: hey inker your day sounds fun Raul_menendez: my Discord account got hacked! Inker275: damn Bonnie: Dont you just love when your stuff gets hacked Bonnie: jeez Raul_menendez: and now im banned from everthing Inker275: also i told my bf i was leaving school early Inker275: i just wanted an excuse to leave Bonnie: Why did you tell him that? Thats kinda rude Inker275: ive done worse Bonnie: You should really apologize, he might see that your still online and wonder why you are Inker275: he not asking why im online Bonnie: Well, just talk to him then, lieing is wrong Bonnie: Is anyone else here? Aboxofcrackers: nope Raul_menendez: me Bonnie: Alright Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/MQT6z55P.mp4 Aboxofcrackers: BRUH Bonnie: I had yell at someone on the bus today because they were being assholes :P Assmaster: https://media1.tenor.com/m/V1q28JCcwoYAAAAC/borat-pain.gif Inker275: great, we're waiting for the fucking buses outside Inker275: i love when we have to do that Inker275: i fucking hate this fucking school, i hope it fucking burns to the fucking ground Bonnie: Jeez, calm down, i understand how you feel, my school sucks ass too 19:37:42Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Inker275: are you in middle school or high school Bonnie: High school Jrock: Hi Inker275: well your high school cant be as bad as mine Bonnie: Nah, they change the bus numbers and shit without telling us Bonnie: and i got on the wrong bus Inker275: that should be illegal Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/ZrFL9YFC.mp4 Bonnie: I cant wait till i get out of school Bonnie: also in no way am i going to college Inker275: i cant wait till i drop out of school Bonnie: Not gonna lie, i feel like doing that too, but i feel like my parents arent gonna let me Inker275: same Assmaster: https://thumbsnap.com/i/oVBVUTBT.mp4 Jrock: Was kei on recently Jrock: Rain69 for those who don’t know Inker275: my bus is here Inker275: bye Foap: bai Raul_menendez: yes JJ Raul_menendez: damn Raul_menendez: late lol Foap: want me to get to wording? Foap: didnt mean to post in pub 20:02:01Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: no my account got hacked Rain69: yall who wanna join the blooket Ryangay: no Raul_menendez: ill join Rain69: k ill give u the next one Rain69: its pretty easy Rain69: its js a test reveiw Rain69: 1010917 20:26:19Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Rain69: gl Raul_menendez: i was goated Jrock: Bro they kicked meeee Raul_menendez: damn Jrock: i totally wasn’t 8=======D~~~~~ Raul_menendez: was that a class thing? Jrock: I was in first lol Raul_menendez: same Jrock: Yes it waa Jrock: What was to name Raul_menendez: i felt like using hacks Jrock: I wasn’t lol 20:50:38Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 21:14:57Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Covidcarrier: Watzup 21:39:15Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Covidcarrier: Watzup (anon): Wat is up 22:03:34Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Redii_17: ghjkl 22:27:52Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 Redii_17: ighfdnjs Redii_17: lol Redii_17: anyoennene 22:52:11Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 (anon): ; 23:16:29Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 23:40:48Wednesday, 15 May, 2024 00:05:06Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Some1: hello? Rain69: hi Some1: hello Some1: is your boyfriend or whatever on? Some1: just want to know Gypsystar: hello? Some1: hi Some1: i have a question for yall Gypsystar: howdy Gypsystar: ? Dtrump: fuck you Gypsystar: y Rain69: no sadly Rain69: hes at mb Gypsystar: damn Some1: damn Some1: but Gypsystar: ? Some1: do yall support the anti-furry's i know i do Gypsystar: I don't really care Some1: also Gypsystar: yes Dtrump: raping in a pm Some1: https://zoom.us/j/95394110062?pwd=eXNzdWJjQWZJNUVuZE1KZ1NYUWNCZz09 Gypsystar: ??? Some1: join Gypsystar: y Dtrump: gay link Gypsystar: how? Dtrump: cliic it and found it Gypsystar: damn Some1: bruh zoom is not gay you dumbass Dtrump: it is you fag Gypsystar: haha he called u a dumbass Some1: he is Gypsystar: hm Dtrump: dumbass 1 year old insult Gypsystar: fag is one too Some1: oh sorry I forgot the world revolves around you. My bad! Rain69: and all yall act one Gypsystar: nuh uh Some1: it's to him not you Gypsystar: ik Some1: i think i broke him or he is just crying he 4 year old ass off Some1: his Some1: well I'm getting off Rain69: bye Redii_17: hii 00:29:25Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Redii_17: brb Dtrump: treasure Redii_17: hes afk Dtrump: who is Redii_17: treasure Dtrump: whose that Redii_17: you littraly just said it Redii_17: Dtrump: treasure Dtrump: I just said a random word 00:53:44Thursday, 16 May, 2024 (anon): jhgf 01:18:01Thursday, 16 May, 2024 01:42:20Thursday, 16 May, 2024 (anon): hj 02:06:38Thursday, 16 May, 2024 02:30:57Thursday, 16 May, 2024 02:55:15Thursday, 16 May, 2024 03:19:34Thursday, 16 May, 2024 03:43:52Thursday, 16 May, 2024 04:08:11Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Jewishprincess: No games boooooo Jrock: Welcome to main chat Rain69: no Jrock: Should we call you Jewish or should we call you princess Jrock: Baby wdym no Jewishprincess: Call me……Tim? Jrock: Let me be KIND Jrock: Oh ok tim Rain69: thats what i mean by no Jewishprincess: No is pretty clear Rain69: im the only person you should be calling princess Dtrump: princess of the faggots Jewishprincess: Oh snap Jrock: Yes she is my princess and I am a faggot sooo Rain69: samesie pookie:P Jewishprincess: A horny little faggot princess, la la la, with a pungent aroma that could level Tacoma. Dtrump: fuck yeah Jrock: BUT IM NO FAGGOT FOR YOU BABY Jewishprincess: He is for all the bikers tho Jrock: IM A BASIC FUCK FOR YOU Jewishprincess: Crude Rain69: :) Jrock: She’s the one who cums at the sight of a motorcycle helmet Jewishprincess: What a slut Jrock: HEY ONLY I CALL HER THAT Jewishprincess: A slut? Jrock: Yes Jewishprincess: Oh Rain69: lol Jewishprincess: Can I call her a whore? Jrock: NO Jrock: MYNJOB Jewishprincess: Hmmmm Jrock: I DEGRADE HER Jewishprincess: I dislike boundaries Jrock: TOO BADDDDDD Dtrump: get him Jewishprincess: Can I at least call her a slattern? Rain69: huh? Jrock: i dare you to flirt with me :) Jewishprincess: It’s an old English version of slut Rain69: do it and i kill you Dtrump: he would like that Jewishprincess: Slattern wench whoreslut go climb a wall of dicks with your faggot boyfriend Jewishprincess: How was that? Jrock: She will climb my dick Rain69: i can find your address Rain69: dont test me Jewishprincess: You can find deez nuts Hello19: Hello Rain69: hmm i dont see much Jrock: it may take a while tho with her short ass :) Rain69: at least i have an ass Hello19: Who? Jewishprincess: Find my address lol we got an internet tough guy here LOL Jewishprincess: Bitch suck my dick Jrock: SHE SUCKS MINE Jewishprincess: Get in line Hello19: °_○ Rain69: no u got an innie Jrock: YOURS IS PROB SMALL Jewishprincess: You sucking after her you will find out Jrock: How many inches Jrock: tell me Jrock: RN Jewishprincess: You’ll have to unhinge your jaw like a snake to take my girth Jewishprincess: 9 inches….AROUND Jewishprincess: Think about it Rain69: i may not be pysically strong but my legs are and i kick had and i am strong when it comes to confusing ppl Jewishprincess: That was fucking awful Jrock: She’s seen bigger :) Jewishprincess: You should feel bad for writing such a bullshit sentence Jewishprincess: Hahahahahaha Hello19: -_- Jrock: HEHE SHE GAVE ME CONFIDENCE WTF IVE NEVER HAD THAT Rain69: why should i? tell me why. their is no logic in feeling bad when i have an amazing bf who treats me right Jewishprincess: Sorry I’ve been fasting and I’m edgy Rain69: sounds like a you problem Hello19: Loll I can tell Dtrump: whose a rigger Jewishprincess: Rain don’t push your luck you little nobody Jewishprincess: Rigger? Jrock: Hey she’s not nobody to me Rain69: i may like that but no your prolly ugly asf Jewishprincess: Ya ya we know you have a girlfriend holy tell me you are 16 without telling me Rain69: hes 15 Jrock: I’m 15 ya goof Jrock: LMAO Rain69: im turning 16 lol Dtrump: someones mad in chat Jewishprincess: Wait…..do you think me missing your age by ONLY ONE YEAR is a burn to ME? Jrock: And what wrong with loving your gf Jewishprincess: Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha Rain69: imagine not having a gf/bf Dtrump: You really think that's some sort of meaning or flex. Jewishprincess: Ahhhhhhh you two have a combined IQ of my age Jewishprincess: It’s adorable Jrock: we may be dumb but love is still pretty great Jewishprincess: I do wish there was a game up tho Jewishprincess: True love is pretty great Jewishprincess: It fades though Jewishprincess: And leaves you in a passionless swamp of a relationship 04:32:30Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Jrock: Nah Jewishprincess: Ugh Jewishprincess: Oh you wait kid Jewishprincess: You have no idea lol Jrock: you just haven’t found the right one Rain69: or one at all Raul_menendez: hi Jewishprincess: You aren’t capable of understanding how retarded the “right one” idea is Jewishprincess: You will though Jrock: Nah Jewishprincess: Oh you will :) Raul_menendez: jewish people are a thing? Jewishprincess: Just get one good enough to get the job done Jrock: i genuinely don’t give a shit abt your opinion Jewishprincess: Nor I yours? Jewishprincess: Duh Rain69: RAUL Jrock: yay Jewishprincess: Fucking dummy lol Raul_menendez: ye kei? Rain69: HI Raul_menendez: i thought hitler got rid of the jews Jrock: i like having meaningless conversations (not sarcasm btw Jewishprincess: He missed me :) Raul_menendez: he missed the one person who deserves it Jewishprincess: I wish I could have some time alone with Hitler Jewishprincess: I would make him love me and then break his heart Rain69: raul Rain69: y u no sleep Jewishprincess: And then feed him into a wood chipper Jrock: Oh shit baby you need to sleep and so do i Dtrump: good deal Jrock: Gn y’all Raul_menendez: schoolwork Jewishprincess: Your performative displays of teenaged obsessive love to an indifferent audience is both cringe and boring at the same time Jewishprincess: Get lost Raul_menendez: and you kei??? Rain69: bc i threw up Jewishprincess: Pregnant Raul_menendez: not good enough for me Jewishprincess: Teen pregnant Raul_menendez: bed time Jrock: Yeah but it’s time to try to sleep baby Rain69: and my body is in so much pain it hurts to move Dtrump: he's pregnant Jewishprincess: You knocked her up Jewishprincess: Good job Rain69: no ew kids no Jewishprincess: Now never see her again. Jrock: we live 700 miles away lmao Jewishprincess: Then that should be easy Dtrump: he sent his sperm in a vile to her cause he is a 40 year old man Jewishprincess: In a vial you mean Jewishprincess: Fucking ignoramus Jrock: Buddy you’re the one that nobody even knows your name Jewishprincess: Your gf said she has my address why don’t you ask her ;) Jrock: I was talking to trump Jewishprincess: With her magic wizard powers LOL Jewishprincess: Aka schizo Hello19: Oh? °_○ Dtrump: schizo Jewishprincess: Big time Jrock: Also your ip is actually highly vulnerable on this site Dtrump: no shit sherlock Rain69: axel knowes his name Jewishprincess: Yeah that’s what all the internet tough guys say here Jewishprincess: Ima get your ip ima hack you DUUUURRRR Jewishprincess: Such an eyeroll Jewishprincess: So cringe like get a grip Jrock: Eh this was fun before now it’s just annoying Jewishprincess: You are annoying with your bullshit Jewishprincess: Your ip is exposed here DUUUURRRRRRR eat a dick Jewishprincess: Quit trying to scare people you little twerp Jrock: Who tf unironically uses DUR as an insult Jewishprincess: The one NOT trying to be an internet tough guy ;) Hello19: ? Jrock: Bruh Jrock: Shit Jewishprincess: If all you got after all that was making fun of DUUURRRR then you are braindead Jrock: she got me using bruh Jewishprincess: Yup absolutely braindead I bet you fucking vape Jrock: No I just ignored the rest bc idc Jewishprincess: Because you can’t read gotcha Jewishprincess: Symptom of being braindead Raul_menendez: breh Jewishprincess: Broseph Jewishprincess: The kids ain’t alright I am depressed about the future of this species Jewishprincess: By the time I am in an old folks home all the nurses will be trans Jewishprincess: Thankfully medically assisted suicide will be there to free me from the burden of being in the presence of so much pathetic cringe Jewishprincess: I’ll have loved my life free of compromise and will step into the darkness without complaint Jewishprincess: On my deathbed the last thing I hear is jrock the trans nurse telling someone else that their ip is vulnerable in the old folks home Jewishprincess: Scene Jewishprincess: Hehehehe Jewishprincess: That was pretty funny Jrock: Is Jewish st/ Jrock: still speaking * Dtrump: no Jrock: W Dtrump: did you mute him Jrock: Yea lol Jrock: it wasn’t entertaining anymore Dtrump: well he's coming back Jrock: I’m going to bed lol 04:56:48Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: gn Jrock: Gn Raul_menendez: and how about u kei? Jrock: She’s gonna soon dw I got it covered Dtrump: gooning Rain69: anyway im goin to sleep gn Hello19: Oh well goodnight if ash can I will ask her if she can come on Dtrump: no Hello19: 🤷‍♂️ 05:21:07Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Jrock: https://thumbsnap.com/i/D1uiAHvT.gif Dtrump: looks my a priest 05:45:26Thursday, 16 May, 2024 06:09:44Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Generic: who on 06:34:03Thursday, 16 May, 2024 06:58:21Thursday, 16 May, 2024 07:22:40Thursday, 16 May, 2024 07:46:59Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Bernado: Wichs mich Pekka! 08:11:17Thursday, 16 May, 2024 08:35:36Thursday, 16 May, 2024 08:59:54Thursday, 16 May, 2024 09:24:13Thursday, 16 May, 2024 09:48:31Thursday, 16 May, 2024 10:12:50Thursday, 16 May, 2024 10:37:08Thursday, 16 May, 2024 11:01:27Thursday, 16 May, 2024 11:25:46Thursday, 16 May, 2024 11:50:03Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Some1: hello?\ Hankforthewin: Yooo Hankforthewin: Anybody here Hankforthewin: Anyone here (anon): mhm 12:14:22Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Hankforthewin: Who are you? Hankforthewin: Hello, is anyone here Hankforthewin: anyone here? Inker275: no Hankforthewin: U good bro? Inker275: no Hankforthewin: Whats wrong? Inker275: everything Hankforthewin: Oh man, you should probably take a break from this website (anon): i need a break from everything (anon): mostly school Hankforthewin: then why dont you just quit school if its ass for you? (anon): ive been thinking of dropping out (anon): mcdonalds is better than this fucking school (anon): better than having to deal with shit like this Hankforthewin: Thats understandable Hankforthewin: give it a try, im sure it will make things easier (anon): i would if i could (anon): my parents wont let me (anon): cause i need my "education" Hankforthewin: Oh, well they are right, you do need education to be able to handle a job Hankforthewin: Im here if you need anything Inker275: alright.. 12:38:40Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Jestem: Nwm Handlarzem: jestem handlarzem Jestem: HEJ Jestem: 🔥🔥🔥 Handlarzem: aby kontynuowac powiedz jestem handlarzem Jestem: ... Jestem: Tak Handlarzem: rozmowca czeka na lini Handlarzem: aby kontyonoqiwac powieidz Handlarzem: jestem handlarzem Jestem: ... Jestem: Jestem handlarzem Jestem: 🥺🥺🥺 Handlarzem: rel Jestem: Co Handlarzem: jestem czyta Handlarzem: krzysia Jestem: .... Handlarzem: ... Jestem: Krzysio polegl Jestem: ... Handlarzem: rel Jestem: PlAczE Jestem: KRZYSIO NIE DAL RADY Handlarzem: XDDD Jestem: 😭😭😭 Kate25: ZYJE Kate25: Jestem Jestem: Handlarz: czemu ją to uderzyło??? Handlarzem: XDDD Jestem: Uderzyło*** Jestem: BOZe Handlarzem: CZEMU JA TO UDERZYLO Jestem: REL Kate25: Co tu się dzieje Handlarzem: czytamy przygody krzysia Kate25: Relujesz Jestem: Rel Hankforthewin: Bruh wtf is this (anon): i have no fucking idea Hankforthewin: Anyone wanna talk (anon): just left my boyfriend after he gave me a dumb suggestion (anon): to leave the game entirely if i didnt wanna talk to anyone (anon): like i love him and all Jestem: Kto to anon (anon): but that was fucking stupid Jestem: Watafal Jestem: 😭😭 (anon): i have no idea what youre sayin (anon): saying Jestem: Szimi szimi jaj szimi jaj szimijaj Treasure_cat: Please get back in, this loop of bs needs to stop Treasure_cat: I know your here Kate25: 😭 Hankforthewin: Oh jesus, drama Jestem: Wqtwfakala Jestem: 😭😭😭 Kate25: 😭 Hankforthewin: wtf is bro saying btw Jestem: O COC HFOZI Kate25: REL Hankforthewin: ? Jestem: Kate25 help Kate25: TEZ Jestem: 😭😭😭 Jestem: To są jakieś randomy cn Kate25: No Kate25: Ja się śmieję nie mogę Jestem: Jestem Handlarzem: handlarzem Jestem: 🥺💗 (anon): dude what the fuck are you saying Hankforthewin: T f Kate25: gówno Rudy: gowno123 Kate25: Rel (anon): (shit) Rudy: real Rudy: sigma skibidi (anon): Hello (anon): sigmaaa (anon): what the fuck (anon): right (anon): oh hey theres another anon my color Rudy: sigma skibidi (anon): yup (anon): yeah (anon): sbidi (anon): toilet Kate25: Sigma Hankforthewin: 0_0 (anon): rizler Kate25: Alpha (anon): guys (anon): yur (anon): ye Rudy: sigma skibidi rizler Kate25: Rel Hankforthewin: brainrot shit (anon): shush (anon): y Rudy: erm what the sigma skibidi slicers (anon): bc (anon): erm, what the sigma ☠️ Sss: Kys Rudy: when's the game gonna start (anon): suicide's looking pretty good rn frfr (anon): so whos this anon (anon): which one (anon): you (anon): https://cdn.britannica.com/96/176196-050-EFC5E6A6/Glock-pistol.jpg (anon): how many are there Rudy: i dont know mate (anon): thats a glock 16 (anon): i don't know (anon): you bro (anon): 3 from what i know (anon): yeah i have 3 too (anon): 3 glocks? Rudy: i have 3 cocks (anon): wow (anon): i have one glock and a shotgun (anon): and i have 3 padussys Rudy: omg so cute! (anon): same....not the 3 padussies (anon): BOY (anon): wow i get 6 (anon): wtf is this chat (anon): im logging in XD Hankforthewin: I mean, at least the chats not dead anymore 0_0 (anon): BSHAHAH (anon): same (anon): true (anon): actually im not gonna log in cause my bf will try to get me join again (anon): log in bruda (anon): aw Foap: i am logged in ;-; (anon): heyy (anon): hi foap (anon): https://thumbsnap.com/i/Bg4TrbUR.mp4 Foap: haii (anon): some1 shut the fuck up (anon): california (anon): i know thats you (anon): what? Foap: L (anon): who is that Foap: XD Foap: 🤣 (anon): wait theres 3 anons now (anon): some1 wont fucking stop sending that meme (anon): its fucking annoying (anon): i got this sent to me (anon): oop (anon): oh Foap: i have this tab muted so yippeee (anon): Am i really that bad :( (anon): jesus christ (anon): oop (anon): i just want to talk to you bruh (anon): oopidy oop (anon): oofers oop (anon): talk to who? (anon): LMAOAOOAOA (anon): oh (anon): who (anon): who? (anon): can yall fucking sign in (anon): no can you (anon): or get a fucking account (anon): Ik thats you ink (anon): yeah (anon): no its not (anon): it is (anon): who tf is ink Rudy: anon's finna get touched tonight (anon): stop it (anon): inker275 (anon): which anon (anon): mhm (anon): FUCK YOU INK (anon): fuck you too asshole (anon): U A GAY BITCH (anon): whoever you are (anon): wow so you are Wrizz: damn (anon): you know what (anon): idc who any of you are (anon): im going fucking kill myself (anon): fuck every one of you 13:02:59Thursday, 16 May, 2024 (anon): ok Rudy: bet (anon): shut the fuck up rudy Rudy: nuh uh (anon): ink, why tf you didnt tell your bf you loved him, now they feel hurt >:| (anon): yeah (anon): why do you know about that (anon): because im their bestfriend and they needed someone to talk to, mind logging so i can speak to you privatly? (anon): sigh Inker275: fine. (anon): its *sigh* Anybodyinternet: Hello. (anon): finnaly Anybodyinternet: Finally (anon): mhm Anybodyinternet: What you doing here (anon): anything Jrock: P Inker275: Honestly, the Delete Account button is looking pretty shiny rn frfr Rudy: then do it Inker275: okay Jrock: Bro my gf is looking shiny Rudy: no one is gonna stop you Inker275: yo lucien Inker275: im deleting all of my accounts Inker275: if youres still here Inker275: youre* (anon): Oh im still here alright Inker275: whatever (anon): hes not (anon): You need to stop (anon): i am here Inker275: i hope this website gets blocked so i never to talk to anyone here ever again (anon): :/ (anon): wow Foap: bruh, why you chose vialence when you woke up? Foap: violence* Jrock: The only person on here I care abt truly is kei Rudy: inker delete your acc already istg Foap: ik JJ Inker275: okay Inker275: bye guys, hpe to never see you again (anon): bro Jrock: Other than her this site can fucking burn Inker275: foap feel free to tell lucien im deleting my account, cause idrc (anon): Im here bro Jrock: It’s like an addiction Inker275: fuck (anon): i seen everything Inker275: i gotta do a verification Foap: IDEK WHO THAT IS Inker275: fuck that Inker275: who what is? (anon): you couldnt even talk it out Foap: LUCIEN Foap: WHO THT Catnap: Im Lucien Foap: BRUH Catnap: god i have so many accs Foap: AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME (anon): oop Catnap: you need to stop Jrock: I still don’t know who u are Catnap: this loop is bs Foap: whatever (anon): right Foap: bye Jrock: Who needs to stop (anon): you could've talked it out at least (anon): Such such bs (anon): ikr (anon): Who u (anon): who you think jack (anon): idek, i got trust issues like a mf (anon): whos the one whom said bye -_- (anon): Log in, i wanan talk to u (anon): y (anon): Just log in pls (anon): bruh (anon): ima be on one of my alts, find it if you can Jrock: Anyone on still (anon): whomever was the other anon, just to let you know, im foap and im on one of my accounts with the word foap in it, (anon): Foapy, foaped, theres others (anon): Foap, Foapy, Foaper, Foaped, Foapey, Foaps, Foapes Jrock: He got off Foapey: NUH UH Jrock: Oh alt? Foapey: i have like 6 named foap 🤣 Jrock: lol well I’ll be back see y’all later Foapey: see ya man Foapey: now who wanted to private message me >:| Foapey: hi kitty >:) 13:27:17Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Foap: ok, whomever needed to talk to me needs to speak up now because im going to leave soon because im bored asf Foap: im about to leave, whomever needed to text me, do so now Foap: hi rain Rain69: HI Some1: hello Some1: rain Rain69: Hi Foap: im about to leave soon kei ._. Some1: https://video.cdn.community.lambdageneration.com/media-video/1710210523999C7B9Dr2CiCM5SCF3.mp4 Rain69: a Rain69: w Foap: bye Rain69: a bye Rain69: aw Some1: bye Aboxofcrackers: nah why is iti still playing Aboxofcrackers: i clicked on it so it would stop and it wont stop Some1: https://video.cdn.community.lambdageneration.com/media-video/1703446067444BqCNC4gC8DtDjBGB.mp4 Aboxofcrackers: its only the first one Rain69: im taking my math final T^T (anon): IMAGINE (anon): XD Some1: https://video.cdn.community.lambdageneration.com/media-video/1703911288760DgDLB45D_CLDzCCD.mp4 (anon): Rain, you suck at math XD Some1: https://video.cdn.community.lambdageneration.com/media-video/17007076852377DpCnOD6cBVB9DXm.mp4 Rain69: ima kms i hate matth Some1: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQsdy7RwH4xfKNu3KBvTGzNm4QkCHINFbKSJyGseWIlOL0o7bMVDTg57sqG:https://quotefancy.com/media/wallpaper/3840x2160/1266221-Tommy-Wiseau-Quote-Express-yourself-don-t-hurt-yourself.jpg&s Aboxofcrackers: im bouta murder chat Aboxofcrackers: how tf do i mute it (anon): i know you hate math Kei (anon): Do /c Niggerkysnow: lets play later Rain69: leave Some1: click the video (anon): no Niggerkysnow: can't im stuck here Some1: that is not good Niggerkysnow: make a game Some1: there is public games Aboxofcrackers: womp womp 13:51:36Thursday, 16 May, 2024 (anon): *sad vialen sounds in the background* (anon): bruh ☠️ Niggerkysnow: make a game (anon): imagine fucking up on that ☠️ Niggerkysnow: i got stuff to play Lbozo: L for that Lbozo: Such an L (anon): anyways (anon): who here Lbozo: Im new Jrock: Run Jrock: run away before it’s too late (anon): ima give chase Jrock: And NEVER come back Lbozo: Oh no i hope i dont fall (anon): dont bend over mf (anon): ima get trap but booty naked Lbozo: Ight bet *falls* (anon): i said bend over, not fall XD Lbozo: *gets on hands and knees* (anon): 0-0 (anon): your still not ment over XD (anon): bent* Lbozo: *bends over* (anon): *slaps my meat on your back* XDDDD (anon): i found a futa manga XDDDD Lbozo: Oo (anon): u want it? XD Lbozo: Sure 14:15:54Thursday, 16 May, 2024 (anon): https://mangamammy.ru/manga/kniga-kotoruyu-dolzhna-nashhupat-ognennaya-vedma/1-tom/1-glava/p/17/ (anon): have fun ig Lbozo: Noice (anon): i have alot more on that sight XD Lbozo: Coolio (anon): i guess Foap: anyone online? Rain69: FOAP Foap: hi kei Killme72: YOOOOOOOOOOOO Rain69: hi Killme72: whats good Aboxofcrackers: weeeeeeeeee Balls19: ahhhhhhhhh Balls19: shit got me having to think Balls19: im not sure Foap: LMAOOO Balls19: op bye Balls19: nvm Cinder_: boink Foap: more like YOINK Cinder_: ... Cinder_: okay... Foap: ima steal yo blanket 0-0 Balls19: aw Balls19: noooooo Cinder_: nyoooo Balls19: wtf Cinder_: i need my blanket Balls19: same Cinder_: X3 Balls19: im in spandex and a crop top rn Balls19: and im freezing Balls19: im using my bfs hoodie to cover my legs Balls19: i need a blanket Cinder_: ok Cinder_: :| 14:40:13Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Jul: noooo tell rainy im sorry and i want girls dayy Foap: hey jul Jul: and Jul: and Jul: hi foap!! Foap: hi Jul: how u doing Foap: dying Cinder_: :/ Connehr: death to all Balls19: bruh Balls19: dumbass Foapy: i already knew Balls19: XD Connehr: hey Connehr: thats mean! Balls19: XD Foapy: whats mean? Foapy: XP Connehr: saying dumbass is rude! >:c Balls19: dumb Balls19: ass Connehr: oh no Connehr: i said it!! Balls19: womp womp Foapy: OH NO Foapy: BY THEE Foapy: FOR SUCH A CRIME THUS HAS BEEN COMMITED Connehr: kill me! pls1 Balls19: nah Connehr: i dont deserve to live after that! Foapy: OFF WITH THY HEAD Foapy: jkjk Connehr: woah Connehr: thats a little intense there Foapy: duh Foapy: that was shakespear Cinder_: ... Cinder_: https://thumbsnap.com/s/z67kLTCz.jpg?0516 Cinder_: rawr Cinder_: god why am i so wide :c Cinder_: i need to work out T^T Foapy: rewr XP (anon): cool but why did you hsve to show that in here??? like dude i did not want to see that shit (no hate to you) but i needa warnign next lmfao Foapy: bro tf Cinder_: =w= Cinder_: maybe dont click on random images Foapy: imagine coming on here, being chill and express them selves Foapy: and you fucking be hating on ppl Foapy: i dont even makes sense Foapy: XD 15:04:32Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Rain69: idk whats so funny about that Cinder_: ... Foapy: ass wipe Foapy: talkign to the anon Rain69: oh i have anons ignored Foapy: a anon was talking shit to cindy Foapy: cinder* Rain69: EXCUSE Cinder_: :| Foapy: excuse? Foapy: you know what Foapy: im aint coming back Foapy: fuck this Rain69: bye Foapy: bye asshole Cinder_: ... Cinder_: hi kei Cinder_: https://thumbsnap.com/s/DeRq1UM2.jpg?0516 Cinder_: bwip Aboxofcrackers: babyyy Cinder_: :| Gypsystar: ok 15:28:50Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Minuteclick: yooooooooooooooooooo Minuteclick: ooooooo Ashh: this silence is ear shattering 15:53:09Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Jaden44: gay 16:17:27Thursday, 16 May, 2024 16:41:46Thursday, 16 May, 2024 17:06:04Thursday, 16 May, 2024 17:30:23Thursday, 16 May, 2024 17:54:42Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Oofalladeez: https://youtube.com/shorts/OYwvvdsqPH4?si=9bpu1AZaA5YMrqqE 18:19:00Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Samuraixjay: what is happeneing 18:43:19Thursday, 16 May, 2024 19:07:37Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Sqantius: was geht ? 19:31:56Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Redhattedfox: collect Redhattedfox: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Redhattedfox: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Redhattedfox: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Redhattedfox: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Redhattedfox: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 19:56:15Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Dtrump: alts Sadcream: womp 20:20:34Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Cum52: L 20:44:52Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Padrenatuzzo: Odio tutti Ashh: dang no pookie 21:09:11Thursday, 16 May, 2024 Redii_17: ghj (anon): ewoejicfodc Jrock: Hi yall Redii_17: hey Jrock: Hru Redii_17: goodd, wbu Jrock: Just waiting for kei :( Redii_17: ohhh Redii_17: where is she Dtrump: the killings Jrock: on her way home from school Redii_17: ohh okk Jrock: i had a field trip today so we barely talked I miss Jrock: her Dtrump: field trip to the farm Ashh: oOoOO pookie will be on soon? Redii_17: loll Jrock: NO SHES MINE TODAY I MISS HEEER Redii_17: lmaoo Dtrump: sharing is caring j rock Ashh: SHE WAS MINE FIRST Jrock: SO YOUVE HAD HER LONGER SO ITS MY TURN Ashh: NUH UH Jrock: YUH HUH Redii_17: LMAOO Dtrump: well well Redii_17: well Ashh: she told my man that she wanted her pookie back and I'm back so Jrock: pleeeeaaasse Dtrump: jealous? Ashh: U WILL SHARE Redii_17: oop Jrock: Yes I will but I just want her first PLEASE Ashh: I'm not stealing her I just miss my pooks Dtrump: who fucks first Redii_17: .. Jrock: Me Jrock: thats one thing I won’t share with ash Ashh: I have never looked at her in that way and for u to even suggest that is disgusting Jrock: I WAS JOKING IM SORRY Dtrump: sorry my fault Ashh: I am happily taken and have never and will never look at her in any way even remotely related to that Jrock: IK IT WAS A COMPLETE JOKE IM SORRY Ashh: I am just someone who has been through a lot with her and I hope you feel gross even suggesting that Jrock: PLEASE FORGIVE ME IM SORRYYYYYYYYYYY TRUMP MADE ME THINK IT I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT BEFORE THAT AND I DONT LIKE THINKING ABOUT IT Ashh: hmm Ashh: don't do that again Ashh: shes like a sister to me Jrock: IKKKKKKKKK Ashh: that's gross Dtrump: oh I forgot incest Jrock: PLEASE FORGIVE Ashh: trump seriously dude quit Dtrump: quit what Ashh: damn if kiki is my sister that would make jj my brother in law Jrock: Is that a bad thing 😔 Ashh: can I disown a inlaw? Ashh: jkjkjkjk Ashh: XD Redii_17: loll Jrock: 😟 Jrock: 😫😩🥺😢😭 Ashh: I'm jk I was extremely disgusted but don't suggest that again and were good Jrock: Erm it’s we’re not were (I won’t do it again) 21:33:30Thursday, 16 May, 2024