Marijuanamarinatedlungmeat: i will respond on discord Marijuanamarinatedlungmeat: and its not my fault that im so good at flirting, just get better Rain69: hmpf Rain69: tf Rain69: it js logged me out 18:27:34Thursday, 25 April, 2024 Aboxofcrackers: balls Balls19: derp ?19:29:11Thursday, 25 April, 2024 Marz_the_fri: meep Bieber: How do I play this game? For real Marz_the_fri: dead chat ?19:29:11Thursday, 25 April, 2024 -error- -shutdown- 2024-04-25 23:00 - 2024-04-26 :v Some1: yes Some1: i guess i am Some1: wait to see smth? Some1: want Jrock: But yea I’m here Jrock: also sure Some1: Jrock: Bruh it’s 4:00 Some1: just imagine that in your room at 10 pm Jrock: send that to my gf at like 12 when her dumbass is still awake Some1: on here? 2024-04-25 23:00 - 2024-04-26 :^ 2024-04-27 05:07:v Richnigga: this website really went to shit since i been gone Angel_gabby: ive sent messages i meant to whisper to my bf publicly on this website more times than i can count Dtrump: banned from this site? Angel_gabby: how do you get banned from this site Richnigga: idk how i even got banned in the first place Ishipwillowandhunter: Lmao I've done that a few times before Angel Ishipwillowandhunter: But no, I don't date or talk to people I like using this website. Not anymore Dtrump: what now Angel_gabby: i only use this cause its the only website i can use Ishipwillowandhunter: And you can only get banned if you're a pedo or similar Ishipwillowandhunter: I get that. Strict parents? Angel_gabby: strict school Angel_gabby: they block almost every site and it fucking sucks Ishipwillowandhunter: Ooh, you're on a school laptop Dtrump: good parenting Angel_gabby: mhm Ishipwillowandhunter: That makes sense Richnigga: i never did any pedo shit and plus idk how they even ban you on here is there a option to report someone or something? Angel_gabby: nope Angel_gabby: no mods either Ishipwillowandhunter: No, you have to get in contact with Azala himself Dtrump: I guess that azala got a message from someone. Richnigga: how tf did i get banned then Angel_gabby: too bad they didnt get a message about someone else impersonating (or trying to) a mod Ishipwillowandhunter: I also use a school laptop but I jailbroke mine a little over a year ago Dtrump: or just an ip Ishipwillowandhunter: + I have strict parents so I have to be careful Angel_gabby: my parents a homophobic as fuck Richnigga: yea but i guess im allowed back on since i switched to a new internet provider Angel_gabby: are* Ishipwillowandhunter: Yours too? Angel_gabby: mhm Dtrump: why is your account new Richnigga: this is first time on this website in like 6 months Ishipwillowandhunter: My dad's violently homophobic. I mean that literally Angel_gabby: i accidentally said i had a bf in front of my dad Angel_gabby: and he had a long talk with me after that 2024-04-27 05:07:^ 2024-04-27 05:15:Dtrump: irl/ Ishipwillowandhunter: Mine would kick me out of the house Ishipwillowandhunter: After he kicked my ass Angel_gabby: and he even said, "I wont have fags in my house" Richnigga: well see yall around ima go jerk off now Angel_gabby: based Dtrump: Mich the things this person are saying don't make sense to me. Ishipwillowandhunter: Oof. Mine just threatened me the first-time he thought I wasnt straight Ishipwillowandhunter: Why not Trump? Dtrump: I feel this is someone on an alt again. Angel_gabby: which one Ishipwillowandhunter: it very well could be Ishipwillowandhunter: Almost everyone has one or more alts Ishipwillowandhunter: Hold on ill brb Angel_gabby: i have 4 accounts, including my main Dtrump: is this your main Angel_gabby: nope Angel_gabby: one of my rp accounts Jul: I'm too silly billy for alts Dtrump: what is your main Angel_gabby: Inker275 (wow who wouldve guessed) Dtrump: seen it before Angel_gabby: mhm Gamestopemployee: you up? 2024-04-26 07:23 :v Dtrump: very dirty joke there Ishipwillowandhunter: Backk Angel_gabby: welcome back Ishipwillowandhunter: Thank you <3 Angel_gabby: np Ishipwillowandhunter: Funny how people will jack my life style but won't jack me off. Crazy. Ishipwillowandhunter: Sorry, I mean lets build a Minecraft house Angel_gabby: Ishipwillowandhunter: Lmfao Ishipwillowandhunter: I can't believe that the Percy Jackson series is about to be 20. fugit irreparabile tempus Ishipwillowandhunter: Brb one more time Ishipwillowandhunter: backk Angel_gabby: welcome back Angel_gabby: its funny how one time i read trials of apollo and soon after i found out about the series Ishipwillowandhunter: You read the Trials of Apollo first? How'd that happen? Angel_gabby: i was in trouble i think Angel_gabby: parents made me sit at the kitchen table and fuckin read Dtrump: brain tume Dtrump: r Angel_gabby: real Ishipwillowandhunter: Oof, I feel that though. My dad does similar shit Ishipwillowandhunter: it's so stupid Angel_gabby: i fully agree Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh, Angel, have you heard about CroxyProxy? Angel_gabby: uhm, i cant say that i have Angel_gabby: as soon as i tried to use it, it got blocked Dtrump: cool Ishipwillowandhunter: oops. It's supposed to be like a free VPN type thing Angel_gabby: yeah Ishipwillowandhunter: so you could unblock sites Angel_gabby: my school is really strict on those Angel_gabby: ive searched for proxies and all of them were blocked Angel_gabby: i even went to those yt videos with a handful of links in the description Angel_gabby: and even those never worked :/ Dtrump: Dont do that. Ishipwillowandhunter: hold on ima try something and if it works i'll let you know how to do it Angel_gabby: alright Ishipwillowandhunter: It did but looking at it now, i don't know if it'd work for a managed device Ishipwillowandhunter: uh have you tried just hard resetting your computer? Angel_gabby: uhm, im sure it would work, but id definitely get in trouble Ishipwillowandhunter: do you have to return the laptop to your school? Angel_gabby: yeah, ofc Ishipwillowandhunter: bro they let you take them home? Ishipwillowandhunter: I thought you stole it ngl Angel_gabby: well i guess its incase we dont have computers at home to do work Angel_gabby: i rarely do work at home though Dtrump: They control the computers . Angel_gabby: plus the computers we have at home are in the attic Angel_gabby: after i was caught sneaking them again Dtrump: 1999 windows XP? Angel_gabby: lenovo windows 11 laptop Angel_gabby: from, like, idk maybe 2018 Ishipwillowandhunter: aah. Yeah, no, my dad just doesn't know I have this Dtrump: I wouldnt touch it. Angel_gabby: we also have gaming computers in the attic all set up, mine and dads Angel_gabby: i rarely get to use mine cause my grades are shit Ishipwillowandhunter: You're like me but two years younger, wtf Angel_gabby: so 16? Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm 16, yeah. And me and my dad were like that. But like 3 months ago I had all my devices taken away. The ones he knows about, anyways. Angel_gabby: this is the longest ive been "grounded" for Angel_gabby: i think its been like 5 or 6 months Angel_gabby: i havent had my oculus in so fucking long Dtrump: I was rarely grounded by that age. Angel_gabby: lucky Dtrump: Shows more about your generation. Angel_gabby: this generation sucks ass Ishipwillowandhunter: Sameee here, my god Ishipwillowandhunter: I've been grounded since before Thanksgiving Angel_gabby: like what the fuck is rizz Ishipwillowandhunter: I say grounded but really I just had most shit taken away from me because I'm not really allowed to leave the house normally anyways Ishipwillowandhunter: you don't know? Allow me to skibidi rizz you up my ohio Angel_gabby: skibidi toilet is definitely garbage Angel_gabby: mainly because of fan content Ishipwillowandhunter: I know it exists and I know it's popular. I don't get it though Angel_gabby: speaking of which, lankybox Angel_gabby: worst channel ever Ishipwillowandhunter: I have no idea who that is Angel_gabby: a stupid roblox youtuber that milks content dry Angel_gabby: like fucking rainbow friends or garten of banban, shit like that Angel_gabby: its annoying and obnoxious Angel_gabby: and the two dudes, justin and adam, both act like they snort a line of cocaine before every video Ishipwillowandhunter: ew what the fuck Ishipwillowandhunter: I just went to shorts and that's all I needed to know Angel_gabby: mhm Angel_gabby: their worst short tho Ishipwillowandhunter: I won't watch enough to find out Angel_gabby: is like, this spider saying "hey, watch this, i have skibidi rizz" Angel_gabby: and telling the viewers to like to turn justin and adam into skibidi toilets Ishipwillowandhunter: Alright, that's it. I'm killing myself Ishipwillowandhunter: Please for the love of God, you're making Satan cry Angel_gabby: and then the spider fucking "rizzes up" banbaleena from garten of bongbong, which is apparently adams crush Angel_gabby: like who the fuck would ever like anyone that looks like that Angel_gabby: she looks goofy af Ishipwillowandhunter: She looks like a mutated sperm on crack Dtrump: is that you Ishipwillowandhunter: Trump I will do things to you with coconut oil Dtrump: sorry Angel_gabby: my mind after hearing the word "coconut" Angel_gabby: Angel_gabby: no joke this fucking show pops up in my mind every time i hear "coconut" Dtrump: scary Angel_gabby: i honestly dont see how its a spongebob ripoff, minus the fact they took some gags from the show Ishipwillowandhunter: I've never watched it, I don't even know what that show is Angel_gabby: honestly, i wished it went on longer Ishipwillowandhunter: I feel that way about The Owl House Ishipwillowandhunter: and Gravity Falls Angel_gabby: omg same Angel_gabby: especially gravity falls Ishipwillowandhunter: I remember being 8 and binging Gravity Falls over and over, tryna break the codes. I got it on dvd and everything Angel_gabby: my favorite was the backwards message in the finale Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh the "Axolotl, my time has come to burn" one? Angel_gabby: yea that one Angel_gabby: i remember when i was like, 8, and putting the audio through a reverser and being astonished hearing the audio Ishipwillowandhunter: I really wish there were more canon explanations to that. To the Axolotl Angel_gabby: i think there was a book for GF that had an axolotl in it Ishipwillowandhunter: oh yeah there was Ishipwillowandhunter: there's a few pieces of media that contain pictures/writing Ishipwillowandhunter: but not much Angel_gabby: heres a small piece of text i could see from the website preview Angel_gabby: The Axolotl is a powerful extra-dimensional creature whose power ranks massively above that of Time Baby, Bill Cipher, and other types of powerful ... Angel_gabby: Ishipwillowandhunter: Yep, I've seen it before. I want to know it's origins, though. Ishipwillowandhunter: I want to know what it is, exactly Ishipwillowandhunter: Does it have origins? Angel_gabby: im not exactly sure Angel_gabby: heres the link to the fandom page Angel_gabby: Ishipwillowandhunter: Does it have limitations? Does it create them? aiafpaeafo so many questions, so few answers. Angel_gabby: questions* Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh, and apparently the Bill Cipher AMA is canon. Bill Cipher has family Ishipwillowandhunter: Or he did. "Do you have family?" "NOT ANYMORE" Angel_gabby: yeah Angel_gabby: i like the thought of the 2d dimension being his home dimension because lore coud come from it Angel_gabby: could* Dtrump: snooker Angel_gabby: huh Dtrump: cool word Angel_gabby: sounds like a adjective given so a silly lil goober Angel_gabby: to* Dtrump: idk I'm white Angel_gabby: same Ishipwillowandhunter: That could be true but he could also hail from a dimension we can't see or realistically process. The way a 2d character couldn't understand a 3d world. Angel_gabby: yeah Angel_gabby: also that one song from shrek is canon in the gf universe cause ford got a tattoo that says "hey now, im an all star" i think Dtrump: You know a lot. Angel_gabby: mhm, i have the books Ishipwillowandhunter: Gravity Falls is amazing. I sadly don't but i'm pretty sure i've consumed every bit of Gravity Falls media there is Angel_gabby: same Angel_gabby: theres so many codes and shit i probably wont ever unscramble Angel_gabby: especially that blendin letter Angel_gabby: there is a website that i like to play around with though Angel_gabby: Ishipwillowandhunter: Gravity Falls is the sole reason I ever learned ciphers at all. There are a million reasons one would want to learn to decode something and Gravity Falls is the only one I care about. But I'm not getting sucked back into Gravity Falls tonight Angel_gabby: lol Angel_gabby: i also remember figuring out codes myself because i found out the numbers correspond to the number of the letter or smth Ishipwillowandhunter: Lmao I did the same, a few years back actually when I went back to the show. I was 12 or something with just a bunch of papers scattered around me and ink on my hands. Good times. Angel_gabby: while we're on the topic of favorite fandoms (or franchises, i dont know what to call them), i have a lot of fandoms Angel_gabby: like for instance, angel hare Angel_gabby: or batim Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm a big fan of the Mandela Catalogues. Batim is good too. Welcome Home is great, and ongoing so that's cool. God, there's so much. pawihaoruaht I need to do something else or ima be looking back on old series all night Angel_gabby: ive got a list of fandoms that i like or love Angel_gabby: walten files, bugbo, poppy playtime (i especially love chapter 3) Ishipwillowandhunter: Walten Files is great, I was heavy into them a few weeks ago. And Poppy Playtime is one of my favorites Angel_gabby: also im one of those people that if i see any official plushies from one of my fandoms, i get excited Angel_gabby: Angel_gabby: i want these for my bday so badlyyy Angel_gabby: hopefully they make a francis plush too Ishipwillowandhunter: I've not got into it like that so I don't know too much. If I get the time tomorrow to really watch/research I will Ishipwillowandhunter: Favorite video game though? Angel_gabby: hmm Angel_gabby: friday night funkin Angel_gabby: mainly its mods Angel_gabby: also i gotta restart my chromebook rq, for some stupid reason, so brb ig Ishipwillowandhunter: kk Angel_gabby: alright, im back now Angel_gabby: i almost forgot one fandom Angel_gabby: bluey Angel_gabby: one of my absolute favorites Dtrump: oh no Angel_gabby: what? Ishipwillowandhunter: kBluey? Ishipwillowandhunter: Also welcome back Ishipwillowandhunter: I know what Bluey is but I can't imagine there's much depth to it Dtrump: someone like blueys who Angel_gabby: im such a fan that i got a talking plushie (it doesnt work anymore though because i put it in the washer) and some figures Ishipwillowandhunter: I know a few people that really like Bluey for some reason. I'll watch it occasionally but only if it's 6am and I want to turn my brain off. What's so good about it? Angel_gabby: for me, its the art style Angel_gabby: and its enjoyable by adults too Angel_gabby: enjoyed* Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't see it but I also can't really judge Angel_gabby: yeah Angel_gabby: the shit i can judge is rule34 artists when it comes to bluey Angel_gabby: or any porn artist Dtrump: porn artiis Ishipwillowandhunter: I tend to stay away from anything rule34, nasty community. At least, it is from my experience Angel_gabby: ive seen some shit Angel_gabby: actual people sat down and drew porn of 6 and 4 year old dogs Dtrump: why did you watch Angel_gabby: i wanted to know if anyone was insane enough to make that shit Angel_gabby: and in fact, they are Angel_gabby: and the fact some people were justifying jerking off to it- Angel_gabby: like god Ishipwillowandhunter: Ew, really? Ishipwillowandhunter: That's... yeah, hell naw Dtrump: were they men Angel_gabby: theres so many people that should not be allowed near children within a 2 mile radius Angel_gabby: yea Angel_gabby: probably all men Dtrump: well they should be in jail than Angel_gabby: no, prison Dtrump: why prison and not jail Angel_gabby: idk which one is more long term Angel_gabby: was it prison? Ishipwillowandhunter: Jail holds people that are either awaiting trial or serving super short sentences. Prisons are much larger and usually house those that have committed much more serious crimes Angel_gabby: yep, definitely prison then Dtrump: Yeah prison is correct my bad. Angel_gabby: honestly, death row Angel_gabby: cause that might as well be pedophilism and zoophilism at the same time Ishipwillowandhunter: Honestly I'd rather have them beating it to fictional children than real children Angel_gabby: honestly kinda fair Angel_gabby: Ishipwillowandhunter: I love Biblical horror Angel_gabby: i love how angel hare is known as an analog horror although i dont see any horror elements in it Angel_gabby: its more wholesome more than anything Angel_gabby: Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't now much about it but from what I've seen, yeah it doesn't seem very horror like Angel_gabby: im still waiting for season two to come out Angel_gabby: Angel_gabby: lmk if it works or not, cause it being unavaliable is a huge issue with these damn links 2024-04-26 07:24:^ Ishipwillowandhunter: oh yeah it works. I like the animation Angel_gabby: i like how people are giving angel hare the recognition it deserves Ishipwillowandhunter: Angel_gabby: ooh nice job Angel_gabby: i can barely draw a simple hand lmao Angel_gabby: Ishipwillowandhunter: I can only draw a few things lmao. I'm have selective artism Ishipwillowandhunter: what the fuck did I just watch Angel_gabby: i honestly dont know lol Angel_gabby: i didnt get the joke in the vid Ishipwillowandhunter: It looks like a shitpost I'd find on reddit, not gonna lie lmao Angel_gabby: yea it probably i- Angel_gabby: HOLY SHIT Angel_gabby: Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't watch smg4 so I have no idea why this deserve a "HOLY SHIT" 07:31:35Saturday, 27 April, 2024 07:37:40Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Angel_gabby: oh lmao Angel_gabby: smg4 released the official model for mr puzzles so thats why im hyped for it Angel_gabby: i hope someone makes a vrchat avatar for him Angel_gabby: but lord knows someones gonna just make a remake Angel_gabby: like everyone does Ishipwillowandhunter: I support your dreams even if I don't understand them, I hope it happens Angel_gabby: thx :3 Ishipwillowandhunter: Waking up to kisses is such a good feeling <3 especially when you live alone. If they love you enough to break in just to kiss you, you have a keeper Angel_gabby: oh absolutely Dtrump: I love waking up like a piece of shit. Ishipwillowandhunter: Trump are you okay? Do you need a hug? Dtrump: no its a normal day Ishipwillowandhunter: It sounds like you need a hug. Ishipwillowandhunter: I went through all the motions in the time I spent with you and I saw you from every angle. I loved you from every one Angel_gabby: omg Angel_gabby: i found a bugbo vid with the official voice actor/creator Ishipwillowandhunter: Sorry loves, I have to get off here now. I might return in the next few hours but I don't know. Have a good nighttt Angel_gabby: ah, alrighty Angel_gabby: have a good night! Angel_gabby: or day, whenever it is for you 07:42:18Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Angel_gabby: oh lmao Angel_gabby: smg4 released the official model for mr puzzles so thats why im hyped for it Angel_gabby: i hope someone makes a vrchat avatar for him Angel_gabby: but lord knows someones gonna just make a remake Angel_gabby: like everyone does Ishipwillowandhunter: I support your dreams even if I don't understand them, I hope it happens Angel_gabby: thx :3 Ishipwillowandhunter: Waking up to kisses is such a good feeling <3 especially when you live alone. If they love you enough to break in just to kiss you, you have a keeper Angel_gabby: oh absolutely Dtrump: I love waking up like a piece of shit. Ishipwillowandhunter: Trump are you okay? Do you need a hug? Dtrump: no its a normal day Ishipwillowandhunter: It sounds like you need a hug. Ishipwillowandhunter: I went through all the motions in the time I spent with you and I saw you from every angle. I loved you from every one Angel_gabby: omg Angel_gabby: i found a bugbo vid with the official voice actor/creator Ishipwillowandhunter: Sorry loves, I have to get off here now. I might return in the next few hours but I don't know. Have a good nighttt Angel_gabby: ah, alrighty Angel_gabby: have a good night! Angel_gabby: or day, whenever it is for you 07:43:05Saturday, 27 April, 2024 07:46:09Saturday, 27 April, 2024 07:47:02Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Raul_menendez: who is angel? Raul_menendez: new person or old Raul_menendez: trump? Dtrump: you someone named ink 08:06:21Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Generic: who on at 4am 08:18:39Saturday, 27 April, 2024 08:26:52Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Ghostie: Who are you people Dtrump: faggot 10:07:44Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Damiin: Báiaer 11:57:40Saturday, 27 April, 2024 12:37:35Saturday, 27 April, 2024 13:17:31Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Jrock: Gm yall 13:57:27Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Bingbongrm: nigga what is this Sannkaed: where is everyone Sannkaed: i lived 14:37:23Saturday, 27 April, 2024 15:17:18Saturday, 27 April, 2024 15:57:13Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Jarndanigaming: Is it running? 16:10:03Saturday, 27 April, 2024 16:11:46Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Shotguncocker: grooble 16:33:16Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Sannkaed: pleas 17:57:38Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Raul_menendez: hi sand Raul_menendez: san* Raul_menendez: sans undertale :) Shotguncocker: Ö Shotguncocker: who you Sannkaed: where is my girl 18:37:32Saturday, 27 April, 2024 19:17:22Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Jrock: Is anybody online? Rain69: boo Jrock: AHHH 19:57:16Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Ezetboktok: chój Ezetboktok: fgdfgdfgd Ezetboktok: fgdfgdfgd Ezetboktok: chój kurła Ezetboktok: njnmg Ezetboktok: jebaci Ezetboktok: jksadklsadkkosakosadsad 20:37:10Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Yuks: Hm Jrock: YAAAAAAAAY 21:07:47Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Ashh: e Rain69: hi ash Rain69: bruh Rain69: someone tell ash sann wants to break up with her Dtrump: nah I'll pass Rain69: i ain't getting yelled at by that thing Rain69: u do it Dtrump: I don't want to get involved with that shit lol. Rain69: i was draged into it T^T 21:47:42Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Inasg_no: trump Dtrump: hey Inasg_no: hi Inasg_no: I'm leaving again Dtrump: Okay well be good and take care of yourself. 22:27:34Saturday, 27 April, 2024 23:07:27Saturday, 27 April, 2024 23:47:16Saturday, 27 April, 2024 Generic: Generic: shotgun where my bitch sit Generic: paralyzed up in my bed Vonspooky: Are you okay? Generic: i dont snort shit i pop it Vonspooky: I shit in a toilet Generic: i need a 6 of red Rain69: hes an artist Generic: i need a cigarette pls Generic: pls dont fade away like dead trees Jrock: Afk Bb855: ello 00:27:05Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Rain69: i fucking hate you sannkaed Generic: i been gettin high i been waitin round 2 die (anon): login Rain69: imagine being 17 and had dated a 22 year old Rain69: imagine flirting with other guys while with someone Rain69: imagine could never be me Hello19: 👀 Rain69: but it could be ash Rain69: ohhhh wait Rain69: she has done said things Hello19: 👀👀 Rain69: she also cheated on cin Rain69: bitch also says she wants to fight me but bitch ant even pull up to try me Rain69: Fuck maybe it will be his own grave Dtrump: you should fight her Rain69: if i did she would lose Jrock: Did you not feel the fire in those words I’d bet all my money on kei Rain69: you're also my boyfriend Rain69: i may have acrlic nails but that makes it easy to poke her eyes out Jrock: Still if I only heard those words I’d still bet on you bc damn 01:06:57Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Niggerfaggotniggernigger: Hello Niggerfaggotniggernigger: I like cheese Raul_menendez: hi 01:46:46Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Raul_menendez: nigga 02:26:37Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Ashh: dang he still isn't here Ashh: ... Jrock: Mmm Jrock: oopss lol Ashh: wym by mmm Ashh: are you a microwave? Raul_menendez: :\ Jrock: I was spamming space then enter and missed the space bar lol Raul_menendez: ashh Ashh: ? Raul_menendez: he was on like 4 hours or 5 Raul_menendez: Sannkaed: where is my girl Jrock: oop Ashh: I found out some things but let him know I'm looking for him and I'm pissed :) Raul_menendez: i think around 12:00 something Raul_menendez: alr Ashh: thx Ashh: wait Ashh: who's raul 03:06:27Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Raul_menendez: someone who is on the site very frequently Ashh: well hello I'm someone who used to do that but now I'm busy lol Raul_menendez: i've heard Ashh: oh I'm sure you've heard a lot from the people on here Raul_menendez: yep especially form sann and kei Ashh: dang idk what to think reguaring good or bad lol Ashh: me and kei have... benn through a lot together so to speak and sann is... sann Raul_menendez: mix of bth Ashh: well most of the bad stuff is probably true and the good stuff is true if u don't give me a reason not to be nice Raul_menendez: nigga Raul_menendez: I'm probs going to get a summer job Ashh: haha I'll be getting a summer job taking college courses and trying to stay alive Ashh: yayy Raul_menendez: I'm a freshman :3 Ashh: I'm a junior Ashh: hahah child Raul_menendez: early college or actual college? Jrock: Im gonna get a job like rn bc my summer is filled with being the top marching band in the state :( Dtrump: oh no Ashh: community college Raul_menendez: I'm in high school Ashh: I'll be taking pre nursing classes Dtrump: of course Ashh: I'm a junior in HS now but I'll be taking college courses this summer and next year Raul_menendez: I'm taking music apriciation rn idk how to spell it Ashh: appreciation Ashh: :) Raul_menendez: I might drop my college courses tbh Dtrump: imagine being in school still Ashh: I recommend you don't because in the long run itll be less you have to do after highschool and it looks good on job application Ashh: imagine being old bro Raul_menendez: ik but I'm flunking it... Dtrump: I'm not really that old Ashh: flunking because its difficult or? Raul_menendez: kinda Ashh: why? like genuinely not judging ik time management stuff is hard especially taking HS and college classes Raul_menendez: I get distracted very easily Jrock: real Raul_menendez: even this site alone can be a distraction to me in class Dtrump: then log off Jrock: trump is so old he forgot what DISTRATCTING is Raul_menendez: dude me looking at a pencil can distract me and most of our work is on the cpmuters Ashh: you also still a freshman and at the end of the day this school stuff benefits your future so ik its hard but you cant get anywhere goofing off Jrock: IT MEANS YOU GET DISTRACTED Raul_menendez: computers* Raul_menendez: but I do love my mariachi class Raul_menendez: I'm sticking with that Ashh: what do u want to do after HS? Dtrump: I guess your stupid Jrock: gaming Raul_menendez: and I'm aiming for varsity!! next year Ashh: gaming doesn't count Jrock: oop I didn’t say that i meant COMPUTER ENGINEErING Ashh: love the lowercase r Raul_menendez: haha even my director said I can make it to varsity if I try my hardest Jrock: while making content on the side Ashh: its giving OF Raul_menendez: F for you Jrock Jrock: NOOOOOO Ashh: hahahha Jrock: I POST ON YT Dtrump: its thundering out which means one of you guys is making me mad Ashh: oh its me fs Raul_menendez: F means respect... Jrock: I hope im making trump mad Ashh: reeal Raul_menendez: none of you know the meme? Ashh: I do Jrock: I do Jrock: i was saying no to ash Raul_menendez: oh lol Raul_menendez: I do twitch Raul_menendez: actually I might live stream soon Ashh: haha I remember when I used to stream Jrock: Ive made like one vid im real proud of bc im not supposed to :( Ashh: that was fun I miss my gaming friends Raul_menendez: y'all like to watch? Ashh: would if I could Ashh: what do y'all play? Jrock: this could all be taken so out of context and its all ashes fault that I keep thinking that Raul_menendez: Dtrump: No I only watch people with 50 or more viewers. Raul_menendez: cod Ashh: ew Jrock: I play cod Minecraft and like everything else Jrock: oh yeah I also have a ton of time in fallout Ashh: I used to play Fortnite and was really good but I only play overwatch now Ashh: occasionally I play apex or warzone Jrock: Bro same just minus the over watch part Ashh: overwatch is so goooood Ashh: would marry that game Dtrump: sad game Raul_menendez: Call of Duty, Need for Speed Heat, Need for Speed, Terraria, Warzone, Fortnite, Minecraft, Minecraft dungeons, Minecraft legends, Rachet and clank, etc Jrock: I used to play it it just got boring Ashh: boy don't even Dtrump: all little kiddie games Raul_menendez: oh fallout4 Ashh: if any of y'all play GTA u just lost a lot of respect fr Jrock: also who here takes trumps opinion and actually cares bc not me Raul_menendez: gt Skyrim elder scrolls Raul_menendez: GTA 4 and 5 Ashh: trumps just kinda chill he used to be a lot worse Raul_menendez: dark souls III Ashh: so did I tho Jrock: I played gta for like a week but I got bored Ashh: ewww noooooo not gta Raul_menendez: bro left trigger being shoot in GTA 4 is so stupid lol Jrock: also i play mostly small titles Dtrump: small titties? Raul_menendez: oh brawlhalala Raul_menendez: I added a extra la... Jrock: Actually yeah small titties are great Jrock: so are diks Ashh: trump I just defended u don't make me look dumb Raul_menendez: I can play guitar /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ Jrock: lmao thats what happens when you defend him Ashh: act your age not you d size although for some of u its questionable Raul_menendez: I wish my shit was big all the time Raul_menendez: I'm a grower Ashh: mine is :) Raul_menendez: lol Dtrump: I cant read. Ashh: same fr Raul_menendez: Drake leak ☠ Ashh: wasn't drake it was me Dtrump: I don't need to talk about my penis here. Raul_menendez: Ella baila sola is a good song :) Ashh: Jrock: bro thats bc it doesn’t exist youre talking to minors about dicks Hello19: Hello Ashh: hey Dtrump: what happened again Ashh: Jrock: Leave you dont want to be a part of this cursed convo Hello19: How is everyone today Jrock: TIDDIES Ashh: greattt Jrock: TIDDIES Hello19: TIDDIES Jrock: TIDDIES Hello19: That's good Jrock: TIDDIES Ashh: Jrock: TWERKING ON THE FLOOR Hello19: -_- Jrock: TWERKING ON THE FLOOR Ashh: me rn because I have rice cakes Jrock: I just have some white cake Jrock: ;) Ashh: PAUSE Raul_menendez: I want flan Ashh: real Ashh: that's stuff is so bad for you tho Dtrump: I have fuck cakes. Jrock: bro fucks HIS CAKES Raul_menendez: or tres leches Ashh: ITS CALLED POUND CAKE BECAUSE YOU CAN FU- Dtrump: oh poundcake Jrock: I unironically love pound cake dont ruin it for me Ashh: TRES LECHES IS GOOD ASF Ashh: I punded that cake before u ate it Raul_menendez: there is quad leches Jrock: HSHBDBAJHBJHSBFKBSHJBAJKHDBJHDBSJJHBDDJHABJHDBVJHSVVDGHVAGHCDHDVHGVHGVHSAVDHGVGAHVHGd Ashh: my lactose intolerant self could never Jrock: impulse control=-100 Dtrump: I don't eat sweets. Ashh: I only really eat sweets I make myself at home people don't realize how bad food actually is Jrock: FR Jrock: ESPECIALLY MONSTER Ashh: the cholesterol in eggs is about 62% of your daily intake for just one egg Ashh: it varies tho Ashh: anyone here have a hot mom? Ashh: jw Ashh: WAIT BRB I GOTTA PEE Jrock: oop I gtg for the night tell ash when she gets back gn yall Hello19: Alright 03:46:18Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Ashh: there was a spider TnT Dtrump: where Ashh: on the ceiling in my bathroom Ashh: it was like the size of my pinky Ashh: I hate spiders Dtrump: no spiders here Ashh: lucky Ashh: would u come kill spiders for me if I gave u a high-five? Dtrump: what type Hello19: All the types Ashh: I'm going into nursing have a strong stomach but I don't fw spiders Ashh: exactly all of them Ashh: all spider Ashh: they need to go Dtrump: even giant ones Hello19: Yes Ashh: omg especially those Hello19: Expect for daddy long legs they can't go they help 🤗 Ashh: eh I wouldn't kill them but I don't like them Ashh: I hate all bugs they make my skin crawl Hello19: They kill black widows sooo Ashh: so does my dyson Ashh: :) Ashh: can it crawl out the bottom of the vaccume Ashh: don't answer that Hello19: Nope I don't think so Raul_menendez: daddy long legs are not spiders Ashh: it has too many legs crawls and looks like one so idc Hello19: Lol ok Dtrump: they cant escape vacuums Dtrump: but empty it right away Hello19: I thought they were raul Ashh: I'm not emptying it til that mf perishes Raul_menendez: this is what they are Daddy longlegs, or harvestmen, are familiar Missouri animals. They are not spiders, but opilionids. Unlike spiders, they have a fused body form and lack silk and venom glands. Raul_menendez: this is google search :| Hello19: Hmmm ok Ashh: they're extremely poisonous but cant harm u bc they can't bite that's all ik Raul_menendez: damn jrock got off Hello19: Yep but the reason they can't bite you is because their fangs are to small Ashh: I thought it was their mouths Dtrump: oh well Hello19: It could be both but what I was told it was their fangs Ashh: I'm so paranoid now oml Raul_menendez: daddy long leg aren't poisonous tho... Ashh: yes they are Raul_menendez: nope Raul_menendez: its just a myth Dtrump: well I'm fucked now Ashh: y Raul_menendez: ? Dtrump: I don't know or remember now. Ashh: mood Raul_menendez: ok 04:26:08Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Ashh: LUKE BRYAN IS GOD FR Hello19: Fr? Ashh: yessssssss Ashh: "cause the trust about it is it all goes by real quick" Ashh: song bout to make me cry Ashh: truth* Ashh: I can spell Hello19: Wait I might I know that song what name is the song? Ashh: buy dirt Ashh: with Jordan davis Dtrump: who Angel_gabby: id rather buy sand Ashh: real Ashh: don't tell em by jeremih Dtrump: jeremiah Ashh: no Ashh: artists name is jeremih Angel_gabby: yall are listening to normal songs, im listening to green hill zone toned down 3 semitones lmao Ashh: as you should Hello19: What's wrong with that? Ashh: work out by j. cole Ashh: I'm a ho for that song fr Angel_gabby: also other side of paradise by glass animals Ashh: OMG BITHDAY SX BY JEREMIH Hello19: Oh damn lol Ashh: OMG u know it????? Ashh: jeremih is my god fr Hello19: Yes I have Dtrump: tanked it Ashh: ? Dtrump: well storms are gone Ashh: niceee Ashh: Dan this is an old one Ashh: hot in here by nelly Ashh: damn* Ashh: hahah dan Dtrump: you weren't born when it came out ha Ashh: don't mean I wont listen to it in a unholy manner respectfully Ashh: I sound old Ashh: oml Dtrump: I know what you are implying not saying it. Ashh: hahahahhaha Ashh: as long as my point was made Generic: im pissed Angel_gabby: how come? Ashh: why shawty Generic: album was supposed to come out tjn Generic: ts is nowhere to b found Ashh: gosh I'm sorry Angel_gabby: im sure it'll be out soon enough Raul_menendez: who is angel? Ashh: idk tbh Angel_gabby: why does everyone call me angel and not gabby Ashh: bc its the first part Angel_gabby: well yeah Ashh: exactly Dtrump: why get upset Angel_gabby: im not upset lol Angel_gabby: just a little confused Ashh: hmm Dtrump: what was your main account again Angel_gabby: inker275 Ashh: if u put two names why be surprised if someone happens to use the one u didn't think they would Generic: i might b goin to ATL in a couple weeks Ashh: ooo Angel_gabby: angel isnt exactly a name, at least not in this case Ashh: well its part of your user so it is Angel_gabby: my username is based off of an angel character Generic: i didnt kno furries b sippin Generic: dis mf bringin hela syrup Generic: we gna film a music video w a bunch of furries Ashh: slay? Hello19: Nice? Generic: b line on my phone Ashh: song by Ed Sheeran and Lil baby is crazy Ashh: it kinda slaps tho fr Ashh: "as soon as she gets out of class I hit it" that's crazy Raul_menendez: Ed Sheeran is crazy on its own Jrock: I’m back bitches I can’t FUCKING SLEEP Hello19: Hello Jrock: You’re like a Pokémon lmao Ashh: gotta catch em all ;) Ashh: jk Ashh: jkkkk Hello19: Loll Jrock: With my poke BALLS 05:06:00Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Ashh: hahahah Jrock: Anyway how is everyone Angel_gabby: decent Angel_gabby: managed to add mods to bb+ Jrock: Fucking magician over here coming out of nowhere also what is bb+ Angel_gabby: baldis basics plus Jrock: Oh Dtrump: balls Jrock: poke BALLS Ashh: poke mine Ashh: jk Ashh: jkkkkkkk Angel_gabby: pokepenis Ashh: just jokes Jrock: no I’m poke keis so NO Ashh: hey there was a point in time she would a let me poke hers Jrock: But now she’s poke mine soo back off before I let my alpha wolf come out Ashh: cringeeeeee Jrock: Grrr you made me angy grrrr Ashh: its giving discord mod Jrock: Erm acchualy Angel_gabby: ermmm what the sigma Jrock: Skibidi dkibidi Ashh: stop being skibidi in ohio Ashh: omg Ashh: I made myself cringe Jrock: No I’m the alpha I do what I want Jrock: Ashh: stop being skibidi in ohio Angel_gabby: nahhh blud thinks hes the leader 💀 Ashh: NOOOOO Jrock: Ashh: stop being skibidi in ohio Jrock: Ashh: stop being skibidi in ohio Jrock: heheheheheh Ashh: I'm going to touch ur mom Ashh: with a highfive Angel_gabby: oh my gyatt Jrock: Oop sie it’s in my deck must’ve slipped in there Ashh: that's what she said Jrock: She said? Ashh: yep Ashh: specifically if that she was me Dtrump: no Jrock: Damn she got the same at? Ashh: sometimes u GOTTA let is slip Jrock: shmeat* Angel_gabby: i once saw someone who had xhe/xhem/xhey pronouns, and i never wanted to kill myself more Dtrump: sounds like a diseases Ashh: my pronouns are love/milfs Angel_gabby: i hate pronouns nowadays Angel_gabby: like he/her pronouns or other mixed pronouns make me wanna die Angel_gabby: like are you a boy or a girl?? Angel_gabby: it so fucking confusing Angel_gabby: its* Jrock: Mine are let people be happy but also don’t take it so fucking personally Jrock: Damn did I kill chat? Ashh: yes Ashh: r.i.p Jrock: Oops Jrock: Penis? Angel_gabby: dick Angel_gabby: and balls Jrock: Hey that’s what I was gonna say Jrock: And dead again Angel_gabby: its been 1 minute Jrock: True that makes it dead Angel_gabby: 😶 Jrock: You’re dead Angel_gabby: damn Angel_gabby: guess im dead now Jrock: Yeah rip Jrock: actually rpc Jrock: Reese’s peanut butter cup Ashh: Reese's puff Reese's puffs eat em up eat em up eat em up eat em up Jrock: Noooooooo Ashh: yessss Jrock: ISS sheise und stirb Angel_gabby: what Ashh: gierunfwockl Jrock: (I know some german) Ashh: gjbvsbdijgkrbs Ashh: bfdbdfhgndhbdfn Ashh: fdnfbhcuxbjcxnb Ashh: bfdnhnfb cbfrwhendg Angel_gabby: you know who else knows some german? Ashh: hfbxv ngthfbngd vxbf Ashh: bxfc bfshsgdvc vnghrgd Ashh: hitler Jrock: It means eat shit and die Angel_gabby: Jrock: Norp Dtrump: that's what Jrock looks like rn Ashh: also can y'all please stop cussing like use weird ways of saying it this is my last form of communication because sann got me grounded Ashh: I'm actually being so fr Jrock: (Your username is Dtrump you spelled it wrong) Ashh: XD Dtrump: so no shit fucks cunts and fagg Jrock: I recommend clicking ignore on trump Ashh: sooooo funny muted Ashh: anyways Dtrump: I cant be funny anymore on this site I guess. Ashh: imagine being one of the oldest people here and the most childish Jrock: She said she was being fr whada you mean “I can’t be funny anymore” Ashh: defended him earlier too Dtrump: Well that didn't last long. Ashh: honestly thought you'd actually respect that Jrock: I didn’t ignore you she just did lol idc enough I like to see you be a fool Dtrump: You do realize kei hates ash? Ashh: she doesn't tho? Ashh: I called with her earlier Jrock: Yes and no I’m aware of the situation you don’t have to tell me shit about my gf Ashh: the issue was with her and my bf there's no issue now so me and her are fine Dtrump: I know kei and ash longer than you Jrock. Jrock: and she can be friends with people I don’t like that’s her choice so that means it’s my choice Ashh: slay Dtrump: Oh you control her? Ashh: damn he really cant read Jrock: Also trump you’re the last person I’d take relationship advice from Generic: have u ever ran off on a dirty plug Jrock: And that’s the OPPOSITE of controlling Generic: im the dirty plug Dtrump: Ask me later in a few months about this. Generic: she say im the worst Jrock: About what Dtrump: I'm usually right in the end with all this shit. Generic: im off all these bars ima bartard martian Generic: i dont even understand y u b askin questions Generic: ts makin me wna record Jrock: Bro I literally don’t care if your right either way you’re a pos Generic: HAVE U EVER RAN OFF ONA DIRTY PLUG Generic: IM A DIRTY PLUG IM THE DIRTY PLUG Jrock: Also trump when was the last time you were in a relationship Generic: jrock Jrock: Yeah? Jrock: Hello? Jrock: Either bro is typing an essay or he just gave up Dtrump: he fell asleep Jrock: lol probably true also you never answered my question Dtrump: which one Jrock: trump when was the last time you were in a relationship 05:45:50Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Jrock: So never ok good to know Generic: yo jrock Jrock: Yeah? Generic: have u ever ran off on a dirty plug? Jrock: Simply why tf do you spam this shit Angel_gabby: im probably stupid, but what tf is that supposed to mean Jrock: It’s probably one of his song lyrics Generic: im the dirty plug Dtrump: dirty sparkplug? Angel_gabby: buttplug Dtrump: wash it Jrock: What if you wash your ass sharpie and it still stinks Angel_gabby: ass sharpie? Dtrump: buy a new one Jrock: Duh everyone has an ass sharpie silly Dtrump: my ass needs a proctoglogist Generic: ive ran thru 100 ass sharpies in the last 2 days Jrock: Damn Angel_gabby: i have no idea what an ass sharpie is, to be fully honest Generic: my ass sharpie usage borderline bad for the enviroment Generic: ion think u can recycle them Angel_gabby: like is it literally a sharpie Jrock: I’m joking I’m basically jurying a sharpie u use as a dildo for your ass Dtrump: it goes in your anus Angel_gabby: well i assumed that, if its called an ass sharpie Angel_gabby: i once shoved a 3 inch long nail into my ass Dtrump: itshould hit your prostate if your a male Jrock: Bruh that shit did not hit my prostate Dtrump: get a bigger one Jrock: At that point I’d rather get a dildo Angel_gabby: yeah Dtrump: dildos seem gayer Jrock: The point is the sharpie isn’t something you need to go buy Jrock: im bisexual dumbass Angel_gabby: same Ashh: LANGUAGE Jrock: Dumb butt boy Ashh: thanks Ashh: better Ashh: XD Jrock: 👍 Dtrump: oh your into bicycles Jrock: yup those wheels 😋 Hello19: And it's cold Dtrump: your anus? Ishipwillowandhunter: faster than a bolt of lighting the speed of a japanese bullet train Ashh: MICH?! Angel_gabby: oh hi willow Ishipwillowandhunter: Ashhh, hey <3 Ashh: POOKIE Ishipwillowandhunter: Hii Angel Angel_gabby: :3 Ishipwillowandhunter: HOW YOU DOING?? Angel_gabby: im doin alr Ishipwillowandhunter: good good, Ashhh wbu Jrock: Hi Ashh: sorry got distracted Ashh: on call rn Ashh: he's a cutie Ishipwillowandhunter: all goodd, hey J Jrock: hey Jrock: Bfl Jrock: Gn yall Angel_gabby: gn Ishipwillowandhunter: byee Angel_gabby: listening to other side of paradise pitched down rn Ishipwillowandhunter: listening to what you won't do for love Ishipwillowandhunter: ima get off azala's, bye y'all Angel_gabby: bye, see you tomorrow (maybe) 06:25:41Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Dtrump: Yung fucks Ashh: Hello19 is gayyyyyy Hello19: I'm not Ashh: yea huh Ashh: he said it Angel_gabby: pride Hello19: Nu huh Ashh: he said he liked big oiled up black men Angel_gabby: nahh wtf Hello19: I mean Ashh: TOLD YOU Hello19: It was a jokeT-T Ashh: he also asked me to peg him Hello19: I neversaid that Hello19: -_- Ashh: but u could have Ashh: bc ur gay Hello19: -_- Ashh: HE SAID HE LIKED MEN Ashh: HES SINGING ABOUT IT Hello19: Proof? Ashh: in a leprichan costume Dtrump: I have proof Ashh: I cant u said it Ashh: out loud Ashh: cant ss that Hello19: -_- Ashh: :) Hello19: °_○ Ashh: ;) Dtrump: its long its very girthy but itcannont be seen 07:05:35Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Dtrump: monkey 07:45:24Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Dtrump: I'm not gay . Rain69: omfg omfg omfg Dtrump: what happened 08:25:16Sunday, 28 April, 2024 09:05:06Sunday, 28 April, 2024 09:44:58Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Jrock: ,*ci Jrock: C56untungunjnngunfgdbddfdfdfdfefefrgrgrggrgthybynnnunnununnuuuj Jrock: MY COCK IS SO HARD RN (anon): really Rain69: proof? Dtrump: oh yeah I logged off Jrock: Hey trump why did a minors cock get your attention Jrock: Dtrump: oh no Jrock: Dtrump: ok I'm not clicking images today Jrock: You liked it be honest Dtrump: no I hated it Jrock: A tight puss, so tight you couldnt force in a cock if you tried. Ashh: real Jrock: Ashh: stop being skibidi in ohio Rain69: ashy Ashh: heyy Rain69: hiiii Jrock: Ashh: stop being skibidi in ohio Ashh: shut up I'm talking to my wife Rain69: risk lives in ohio Rain69: yes she is so sh jj Ashh: HELL YEA Jrock: Jrock: I’m cumming Lazurus: proof Dtrump: oops I said that Jrock: 8=======D~~~~ Ashh: I'm on call rn and he asked for feet pics Rain69: hang up Jrock: Dtrump: pretty dick Rain69: Dtrump: I want a fun dick Hello19: -_- Ashh: just asked to see my toessss Rain69: ewwwwwwww Jrock: Jrock: Rain69: Foap: Imagine ._. Foap: 7 holes and 17 hours 🤣 Rain69: ba da ba ba, he's suckin it 🤤 Jrock: Jrock: Jrock: Rain69: Foap: Imagine ._. Foap: 7 holes and 17 hours 🤣 Rain69: ba da ba ba, he's suckin it 🤤 Hello19: Fr Rain69: anon): hippity hoppity (anon): you are my property (anon): now get on your knees and give me some toppity Ashh: shut up u like ties Ashh: toes Jrock:,750x1000,075,f.jpg Jrock: Rain69: Rain69: wait foap u want raw men?Foap: Yes but no..... Jrock: Rain69: bruh Jrock: Bruh Rain69: jj js said he doesn't like us being dark Ashh: racist Jrock: Jrock: HEY I MEANT THE COLOR OF US Jrock: NOOOO Ashh: exactly Ashh: racist Rain69: LMAO Hello19: 🤫 Jrock: I MEANT OUR NAMES ARE TOO DARK Hello19: We don't talk about the other side Jrock: WAAAIIIT Ashh: so now I'm too dark? Jrock: OH SWEET JESUS Jrock: IM RACIST Ashh: WE KNOW Hello19: Si senor Jrock: Rain69: JJ HOW COULD U Jrock: Ashh: Jrock: Ashh: this could be us but u playin Rain69: ashy u should join call Rain69: bet ash Hello19: Ashh: Hello19: Gogogaga Jrock: I’m a baby Jrock: googoo Rain69: we know Jrock: googoo Jrock: GIVE ME TITTIES Jrock: IMMEDIATLY Ashh: well I got at least one of u covered other one has a gf and is crusty Hello19: Yummy milkies Rain69: oop Hello19: Damn Jrock: Hey I’m not crusty Ashh: (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ Rain69: ur not a girl Jrock: Put that table back Ashh: no Jrock: Do it Jrock: fix da table Hello19: NEIN Ashh: I'm not Nike hop off Dtrump: what did you call me Jrock: I called you a pedo Ashh: shawty I'm already in a call Rain69: idc Ashh: I do Dtrump: oh not a racist slut Rain69: i dont Jrock: Rain69: me fr Jrock: lore accurate kei? Hello19: 🤗 Ashh: finna peg him fr Jrock: ME NEXT Rain69: is he hot Rain69: HEY Ashh: yea Jrock: FROM KEI Rain69: FR Jrock: *gulp* Hello19: No he isnt Ashh: ME WHEN UR MOM Ashh: yes he is Jrock: “That was close. Ashh: stfu Rain69: I COMING FOR THAT 9INCHER Ashh: ho Ashh: WHAT Hello19: Oh damn Dtrump: I don't know what chat is saying. Rain69: my bofy be packin frfr Jrock: 9 inches of pubes total Ashh: real Hello19: Damn I wish :( Ashh: I had the bone that ends with er Rain69: who all wanna join call Ashh: has Rain69: bofy kinda borin rn Ashh: cant Rain69: he wont let me stare at his pretty blue eyes Ashh: he's tryna see my toes again Rain69: ew Rain69: lola that you? Hello19: Not me I'm in a call with my mother right now Jrock: Rain69: L Ashh: mhmm mother Rain69: mommy ashy Hello19: 🙄 Hello19: Nah Jrock: Jrock: Ashh: Hello19: Si Ashh: me with the toe man on call Hello19: -_- Rain69: cought Ashh: XD Rain69: omg jj moaned Jrock: Jrock: Hello19: 🤮 Hello19: I can't see them 🤡 Ashh: jerkin it rn ong Hello19: That's what jrock is doing on god Rain69: no Rain69: hes not Rain69: i wish Hello19: Proof? Dtrump: oh Hello19: Me to ong Jrock: 10:24:51Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Jrock: Hello19: The fuck no I want some pizza Hello19: Now* Dtrump: anorexia Ashh: I have some Hello19: Yummy😋 Rain69: i have that Hello19: Can I come over and have some? Dtrump: cheese pizza? Rain69: hes intargating me bc i took 7 pamprin Jrock: Dtrump: is that a new word Rain69: and now i cant take aanymore till 9 pm Rain69: Rain69: Jrock: Dtrump: hot Jrock: Rain69: Dtrump: why are sharing pics of me Jrock: Rain69: Jrock: Bc you have an unhealthy dick Dtrump: are you my penis doctor Jrock: Yes Dtrump: what's wrong with it Jrock: It has a virgin infection Rain69: ty65e44ry Dtrump: is that serious Jrock: yes very serious unless you get laid soon you’re screwed Dtrump: Is it contagious? Jrock: No it’s only for people over 18 who are on the internet all day and are virgins Dtrump: So its rare? Jrock: Yes Dtrump: Will I survive it? Jrock: Only if you get laid asap Dtrump: Well I will right my goodbye letter right now. Rain69: write* Dtrump: Oh good my proofreader showed up. 11:04:45Sunday, 28 April, 2024 (anon): dumbasss Rain69: ??? Jrock: Mhm Dtrump: I'm a dumbass. (anon): yerp Dtrump: is this j rock Angel: where dem kids at Jrock88: RIGHT HERE Jrock88: IM HERE Dtrump: oh no angel flashbacks Rain69: pedo Jrock: I’m a kid aswell Dtrump: Can I be a kid? Balls19: huh Rain69: hi Aboxofcrackers: :) (anon): :) Dtrump: wak Rain69: i didnt do it 11:44:40Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Rain69: Rain69: Rain69: Rain69: Rain69: 12:24:32Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Sannkaed: RISEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 13:04:23Sunday, 28 April, 2024 13:41:08Sunday, 28 April, 2024 14:53:14Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Claraa: Salu Ashh: fl/ Ashh: dammit Ashh: I'm so tired Rakso: deez Rain69: afk Jarndanigaming: rósfsa Rain69: Haiibrieze: d3ad lol youtube shorts censor 19:33:47Sunday, 28 April, 2024 19:35:17Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Raul_menendez: hi (anon): hola 20:15:06Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Satanismus: Asshole Satanismus: Whats your problem you cunt (anon): besides the abused body, shit mental health, constant feeling of being alone, blood shot eyes, and shaking hands im think im doin alright Jrock: You ok anon? (anon): yea Jrock: Seriously though you ok? (anon): yea Jrock: Ok Jrock: I’m here if ya need me 20:54:50Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Generic: dont listen to the rumors they not wut they seem Rain69: hi gen Generic: my lifes a movie n we jus made a scene 21:34:32Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Sannkaed: sirry im a little drunk rn 22:14:15Sunday, 28 April, 2024 Covershoot: hey Ashh: hey Ashh: silence is loud fr Rain69: :( 22:54:01Sunday, 28 April, 2024 (anon): (anon): 23:33:42Sunday, 28 April, 2024 (anon): People (anon): People (anon): Help me rizz (anon): Someone (anon): How do I respond to this (anon): "Yk, someone someday is gonna fuck that smug smile off of ur face" Aboxofcrackers: BALLS Aboxofcrackers: <3 Aboxofcrackers: :0 00:13:23Monday, 29 April, 2024 Aboxofcrackers: :) Aboxofcrackers: FUCK Balls19: RAIN Balls19: RAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Rain69: hyperer Balls19: FUCK Some1: what did i login to? Some1: what did everyone lose there ability to chat? Jrock: Their* Some1: damn Rain69: hyperer 00:53:09Monday, 29 April, 2024 Fuckwad: Sup Fuckwad: Anyone here? Fuckwad: Just me? Fuckwad: SO RONERY Rain69: i kms T^T Generic: new nettspend hard 01:32:55Monday, 29 April, 2024 Covershoot: hey Ashh: yo Ashh: anyone actually speaking today? Hello19: Hello 02:12:43Monday, 29 April, 2024 Angel_gabby: hi Hello19: I will eat the souls of the damn Rain69: tf Hello19: You heard me Raul_menendez: ? Raul_menendez: hi Hello19: Rain69: issac Rain69: isaax Rain69: isaac Raul_menendez: ye? Rain69: HI Raul_menendez: Hi Raul_menendez: How are you? Rain69: eh Rain69: hbu Raul_menendez: alr body hurts and feeling sick Rain69: L Raul_menendez: -_- Raul_menendez: why do I ever say anything to you Rain69: idk u like me as ur friend Raul_menendez: and I feel like you don't give a shit more than half the time :| Rain69: well more then half the time i am under the influence of some sort Raul_menendez: ... 02:52:28Monday, 29 April, 2024 Raul_menendez: hru ashh? Burner: Burner: Burner: Generic: i been tryna get geeked all night Beastlierjet: Lets goooo Burner: 03:32:14Monday, 29 April, 2024 Rain69: boo Dtrump: chair swing Burner: rope swing Dtrump: jump and pray 04:12:06Monday, 29 April, 2024 Whitefox: hi Rina: Anyone up? 04:51:58Monday, 29 April, 2024 Rina: I'm horny and want to see the world burn Angel_gabby: im up 05:31:47Monday, 29 April, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: This damn girl makes me feel so good about myself while simultaneously driving me crazy. Angel_gabby: i dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing Dtrump: its fu Ishipwillowandhunter: oh it's a very good thing. but I like her a fuck ton so I'm second guessing most of the things I do. I stress myself out. But she thinks I have a hot voice so Angel_gabby: btw, unrelated but i found this image, the quality is too low for google to translate Angel_gabby: Angel_gabby: i have no idea what the hell this says Angel_gabby: kinda spoopy too Ishipwillowandhunter: what te fuck 05:46:59Monday, 29 April, 2024 Angel_gabby: ill probably find a video with higher quality Angel_gabby: or someone whos already translated it Ishipwillowandhunter: Maybe. I'ma go ahead and get off of azala's now, bye <3 Ishipwillowandhunter: wait I need help Ishipwillowandhunter: so the girl I mentioned earlier Ishipwillowandhunter: her birthday is coming up Ishipwillowandhunter: I need ideas Dtrump: a toothbrush Ishipwillowandhunter: never mind Dtrump: Yeah don't ask me lol. Ishipwillowandhunter: you're good lmao 06:26:50Monday, 29 April, 2024 Generic: i ben tryna get geekd all night Generic: im w twin in the rich 07:06:40Monday, 29 April, 2024 07:46:29Monday, 29 April, 2024 08:26:20Monday, 29 April, 2024 09:06:12Monday, 29 April, 2024 09:46:05Monday, 29 April, 2024 Fanatyk: Ok Dtrump: gay Balls19: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 10:25:58Monday, 29 April, 2024 Jrock: Gm everyone Aboxofcrackers: GM Aboxofcrackers: im dyiing Dtrump: lung cancer Aboxofcrackers: XD Dtrump: nah hear failure more likely 11:05:51Monday, 29 April, 2024 (anon): login bitch Angel_zaggy: i think zaggy fits me Dtrump: oh ready that with an f Some1: hello Dtrump: hello Mr Johnson Foused_rentner: sooos Some1: what\ 11:45:42Monday, 29 April, 2024 Some1: well i am getting off Ashh: this site is so empty now bro Aboxofcrackers: fr Jrock: Fr Ashh: literally first time I came here it was so many people it was chaotic Aboxofcrackers: sme Ashh: Aboxofcrackers: brb Jrock: Gtg Thebohemianjointpuffer: Good cum morning Atomic: . 12:25:33Monday, 29 April, 2024 Foap: Yo 13:05:27Monday, 29 April, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: Definitely don't miss my hubby right now Toxicego357: balls Toxicego357: bored Thebohemianjointpuffer: helo Toxicego357: sup puff Rain69: SPAEANER Thebohemianjointpuffer: my main gmail got suspened Rain69: pookieeeeeeeee Toxicego357: Thats not how you spell my name O_O Toxicego357: Why tf did it get suspended? Rain69: idc Toxicego357: tf did you do O_O Thebohemianjointpuffer: it was from my freind Rain69: ummmm i did a lot of things that u nor jj would like Thebohemianjointpuffer: he put child porn in one of my albums i shared with him and it got my account suspended Toxicego357: O_O Thebohemianjointpuffer: yeah i got pissed Rain69: :P Toxicego357: i shouldve stuck with my bwu and took a nap Rain69: hey! Toxicego357: What? Rain69: no ur the only one whos ome on T^T Toxicego357: I dont wanna be Toxicego357: im barely on anymore Rain69: ik thats another reason u should stay Toxicego357: just too much goin on rn Rain69: :( Rain69: poor pookie Toxicego357: Dont call me that Rain69: y Toxicego357: there are very few reasons why i havent offed myself pls dont give me one less Rain69: kk Toxicego357: im so tired Toxicego357: class change brb Rain69: kk 13:45:19Monday, 29 April, 2024 Nigger29: spierdalaj Toxicego357: bck Toxicego357: "im 14 and this is deep" Ass vibes frfr Toxicego357: Rain69: wb Toxicego357: describes my mood tho Toxicego357: thx kei Rain69: np Toxicego357: i havent talked to mich or tay in... weeks... i miss them :( Rain69: i do too Toxicego357: in the meantime ill blow up my lungs Rain69: :( Toxicego357: nothing better to do Toxicego357: its better than drowning myself at the bottom of the bottle like i used to Rain69: true Rain69: but it could still kill you Toxicego357: like i give a fuck anymore Toxicego357: Talk to me don't talk me i don't give a f*ck Yeah you think you're some thing special Well, the best of luck to you I think imma go and smoke Imma smoke a blunt or two And that's the way to my heart And that's the motherf*cking truth I pop a xanny so i feel no pain no more But really i'm just circling back and poppin' more Toxicego357: i dont wanna turn back into the person i used to be but godamnit its so fucking tempting Toxicego357: i gtg Rain69: \][[][\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[\ Rain69: afk Rain69: bck Rain69: first takies sold Rogue: womp (anon): NIGER Jrock: Hello Thebohemianjointpuffer: got the mooves like nigger Jrock: Where’d kei go 14:25:11Monday, 29 April, 2024 Jrock: Ahhahaha Jrock: Where is kei Jrock: I was afk and now she’s gone 😢 Thebohemianjointpuffer: me miss my baby Thebohemianjointpuffer: i wonder when he will get on today Thebohemianjointpuffer: thomas sanders is funny Rain69: :( Thebohemianjointpuffer: Rouge_killer: IM CUMMING Rouge_killer: back to the chat Rouge_killer: :) Thebohemianjointpuffer: ay yo Rain69: hi rouge Rouge_killer: HI Rain69: hi Thebohemianjointpuffer: Rouge_killer: balls Thebohemianjointpuffer: Thebohemianjointpuffer: (anon): WOOOOOOOOOOOO (anon): BEST FUCKING DAY OF LIFE Rain69: good for you but rly no one here cares 15:05:04Monday, 29 April, 2024 (anon): Grind up 150 grams of Morning Glory seeds or baby Hawaiian wood rose seeds. In 130 cc. of petroleum ether, soak the seeds for two days. Filter the solution through a tight screen. Throw away the liquid, and allow the seed mush to dry. For two days allow the mush to soak in 110 cc. of wood alcohol. Filter the solution again, saving the liquid and labeling it 1. Resoak the mush in 110 cc. of wood alcohol for two days (anon): Filter and throw away the mush Add the liquid from the second soak to the solution labeled 1. Pour the liquid into a cookie tray and allow it to evaporate.When all of the liquid has evaporated, a yellow gum remains. This should be scraped up and put into capsules. • 30 grams of Morning Glory seeds = 1 trip • 15 Hawaiian wood rose seeds = 1 trip Hospitalizedcheese: I want to drown whoever Sebastian is in Acid Lazurus: well that guy just sent the recipe on how to make it Rain69: hey laz Lazurus: oh hey rain Rain69: hi Lazurus: how have ya been Rain69: eh Rain69: hbu Lazurus: I haven't been feeling much lately Rain69: you and me both Lazurus: one question though Rain69: hmm Lazurus: how tf did that anon have the recipe for lsd Rain69: idk Rain69: i dont want to either Lazurus: same tbh I don't need on anymore lists lmao Lazurus: damnit my cig ashed in my food :( (anon): tell me you have daddy isssues without telling me you hve daddy issues Rain69: im looking at guitars Lazurus: I don't have a dad Rain69: damn Lazurus: also what guitars are you looking at Rain69: i can share the pinterest if you want Lazurus: sure Lazurus: im sharing a pot recipe Takai: i wona Takai: I won Takai: I won Takai: I win Takai: u Lazurus: Spaghetti Sauce 1 can (6 oz.) tomato paste 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 cup chopped onions 2 cup chopped grass 1 pinch pepper • 1 can (6 oz.) water • « clove minced garlic 1 bay leaf 1 pinch thyme 2 teaspoon salt Mix in large pot, cover and simmer with frequent stirring for two hours. Serve over spaghetti. Horny: Hey Lazurus: heyo Horny: What’s up Haiibrieze: Rumors say that Takai seeks attention till this day Horny: Well well Horny: I’m bored asffff Horny: Damn but no worries if I can’t find something to do I may go masturbate low key 15:51:19Monday, 29 April, 2024 Lazurus: just play an online game or sum Lazurus: yeah jerking off works for about thirty minutes to an hour then it gets boring Horny: Yeah rubbing my cock isn’t fun for much longer than 20 to 30 minutes Horny: Once I get close to Cumming it gets more fun Jakedang: why are u here? Rain69: great question Rain69: no one knows the answer tho Horny: Who knows anything Lazurus: I sure don't Horny: Felt my guy Ashh: e Rain69: ASH Horny: E Horny: What’s up other person Lazurus: Materials Needed: One Ball Point "Click" pen Gun Powder 8 or 10 match heads 1 Match stick a sheet of sand paper (1 «" X 2") Directions: Unscrew pen and remove all parts but leave the butto\ Thebohemianjointpuffer: Why hasnt my hubby been on all day aaaaaaaa T-T Lazurus: in the top. Stick the match stick in the part of the pen clicker where the other little parts and the ink fill was. Roll sand paper up and put around the match stick that is in the clicker. Put the remaining Match Heads inside the pen, make sure that they are on the inside on the sand paper. Put a small piece of paper or something in the other end of the pen where the ball point comes out. Lazurus: Fill the end with the piece of paper in it with gun powder. The paper is to keep the powder from spilling. Horny: Not sure bohemian Horny: Also are you making a gun Lazurus: no its a exploding pen Thebohemianjointpuffer: Cool Lazurus: just a harmless mild explosive Thebohemianjointpuffer: Lildarious Horny: What’re you up to bohemian Thebohemianjointpuffer: Sleepin in class Horny: Mood asf Thebohemianjointpuffer: While waiting for my hubby to get on Horny: Who is he? Thebohemianjointpuffer: Marz Jakedang: how about you go outside or hang up in snapchat? Thebohemianjointpuffer: And he's grounded which sucks Horny: Damn that does Lazurus: fr Thebohemianjointpuffer: He grounded from his phone qnd laptop but we still text in school Horny: Gotta do what you gotta do to talk to your girl Lazurus: lmao true horny boy Thebohemianjointpuffer: My bf is trans Thebohemianjointpuffer: He's a girl who wanna be a boy and I support him Horny: My bad sorry I was unaware Thebohemianjointpuffer: No it's fine Horny: Still though he must wanna talk to you bad Thebohemianjointpuffer: But I'll kil anyone who hurts him or harms him or flirts or touches him sexual Lazurus: mmm good Thebohemianjointpuffer: I think he doesnt Thebohemianjointpuffer: But used wanna talk to him so badfdddddddddddd Thebohemianjointpuffer: I not ised Thebohemianjointpuffer: Stupid phone aaaaaaaa Jakedang: i get it why youre here. Escaping government and corporate surveilance. Horny: Well I hope he does for you Thebohemianjointpuffer: Would you like if somebody is flirting with ur significant other Horny: Fuck no Thebohemianjointpuffer: Same Thebohemianjointpuffer: Ill kill them Horny: I’d definitely be hurting someone Thebohemianjointpuffer: I will not only kull them I'll rape their family I won't be th eone who raped but I'll make it happen Thebohemianjointpuffer: If youcross a line with my bf I'll do.that Horny: Damnnnn Thebohemianjointpuffer: But if you just be flirting I'll kill themand they family Horny: No raping? Thebohemianjointpuffer: There will be Thebohemianjointpuffer: If someone flirts with my mans Thebohemianjointpuffer: Idc if it was playful Horny: Oh well shit i understand though I won’t fuck with him Thebohemianjointpuffer: You better not Thebohemianjointpuffer: Or I'll have someone eape you and ur family Horny: I’m a guy so no worries here Thebohemianjointpuffer: Thebohemianjointpuffer: "Why should I apologize for the monster I've become? No one ever apologized for making me this way." - The Joker. Thebohemianjointpuffer: never ignore someone who loves and cares for you because one day you may realize you lost the moon while counting the stars. Horny: Well that’s a fun video it’s actually very hot Thebohemianjointpuffer: Waaahagahahahhahahahaàwaawwwwaaaahhahahahahaaaaaaa my hubby isn't online T-T 😫🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭 Horny: I’m sorry :( Thebohemianjointpuffer: Thebohemianjointpuffer: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Horny: Fuck she’s taking that cock good Horny: Thebohemianjointpuffer: I can't use pornhub anymore Thebohemianjointpuffer: My stupid state Horny: Only xvideos? Thebohemianjointpuffer: Yup Thebohemianjointpuffer: Btw I'm in school Horny: My bad you wanna see a vid I like though? Thebohemianjointpuffer: Sure Horny: Thebohemianjointpuffer: Lol I have that one open already Horny: Lmao it’s a good one it’s making me hard asf Rain69: THEIRS A LOCK DOWN Thebohemianjointpuffer: Horny: Fuck she has a nice pussy Horny: Thebohemianjointpuffer: Horny: Thebohemianjointpuffer: Horny: These videos are gonna make me cun Horny: Cum Horny: Jakedang: you could send that to your gf instead here Thebohemianjointpuffer: Okay, I know this is a really bad idea, but I'm already here, so Here we fucking go! Rawr! x-3 Horny: Hitting me with the rawer like it haha Thebohemianjointpuffer: Nuzzles, pounces on you UwU, you're so warm Couldn't help but notice your bulge from across the floor Nuzzles your necky wecky; murr; (he-he) Unzips your baggy ass pants, oh, baby, you' so musky Thebohemianjointpuffer: Take me home, pet me and make me yours And don't forget to stuff me See me wag my wittle baby tail, all for your bulgy-wulgy Kissies and lickies you' neck, I hope daddy likies Nuzzle and wuzzles your chest (yeah), I be (yeah) getting thirsty Thebohemianjointpuffer: Hey, I got a little itch, you think you can help me? Only seven inches long, UwU Please adopt me! Paws on your bulge as I lick my lips (OwO, punish me please) Gotta hit 'em with this furry shit (he don't see it coming) Horny: Why not? Horny: Thebohemianjointpuffer: Whoggyhh Thebohemianjointpuffer: Niagga Horny: Wut Thebohemianjointpuffer: Niagga Thebohemianjointpuffer: I need optimism primucus Horny: I’ll brb Hornysquared: Im horny² Jakedang: go jerk of in PornHub Thebohemianjointpuffer: Horny² Thebohemianjointpuffer: What's the square root of horny Jakedang: Jerking can be exhausting. Getting gf more. Stay horny Rain69: i sold all my snacks Thebohemianjointpuffer: ♪ Thebohemianjointpuffer: Horny≈horny × 10% Thebohemianjointpuffer: Gay²≈horny and horny= x +2 what is gay² Jakedang: ok who laughed at this joke except bohemian Thebohemianjointpuffer: Gay²≈horny and horny= x +2 what is gay² Thebohemianjointpuffer: Any idea Jakedang: i appreachiate your math skills through. Elaborate your math steps and gay-formula 16:56:19Monday, 29 April, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: Waaaaaaah my hubby isn't on yettttt 17:17:29Monday, 29 April, 2024 Takai: what sup Skidibis: I knew Takai wants attention 17:50:40Monday, 29 April, 2024 -error- 2024-04-29 19:51:v Marz_the_fri: idk how to describe it Marz_the_fri: sexy? Marz_the_fri: idfk Paperus: Maybe non eat all Thebohemianjointpuffer: well I cant Satanismus: What is the problem Thebohemianjointpuffer: I mean I can but wont Paperus: People have no hobbies so they use this chat Marz_the_fri: fr Thebohemianjointpuffer: all my other relationships would end if I was seductive Marz_the_fri: well Marz_the_fri: i like seductive ppl Marz_the_fri: so Marz_the_fri: yea Marz_the_fri: theyre always like "hey baby girl" or sum shit Thebohemianjointpuffer: I say like hey daddy girls Marz_the_fri: girls? Thebohemianjointpuffer: girl* Marz_the_fri: ok Paperus: Why are you talking so much? Whas your problem? Thebohemianjointpuffer: ik not even calling you daddy's boy Marz_the_fri: who? Paperus: Everyone. Why is this chat a thing? Marz_the_fri: idk, ask the owner ._. Paperus: Make a discord server. Noone in public cares Marz_the_fri: if u dont like it so much, then get off? im not saying it in a rude way, but like.. Marz_the_fri: why stay if u dont care Marz_the_fri: lol Paperus: It's not safe here Marz_the_fri: i know Marz_the_fri: so why stay? Paperus: And annoying everytime I get kicked Paperus: I see some random dude saying some random stuff, questioning of they have a life outside this Marz_the_fri: i get what ur sayin Marz_the_fri: some ppl js idk. get bored and come chat in here for no reason at all Marz_the_fri: ive been here for a year now Marz_the_fri: and im only 13 Paperus: And what if you meet the wrong guy. Azala doesn't care so you have no protection Marz_the_fri: true Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'm gay, depressed, and, horny what's wrong with me Marz_the_fri: nick- tmi lol Paperus: Get face-to-face or real friends Paperus: This chat is for bots Marz_the_fri: some ppl prefer online friends Paperus: In a game lobby chat? Marz_the_fri: well Thebohemianjointpuffer: imma go Marz_the_fri: that how i got oof and axel and all those other ppl to be my friend Paperus: It would be more fun at discord playing something Marz_the_fri: ok bye nick Thebohemianjointpuffer: bye T-T Marz_the_fri: well, thats ur opinion, and i respect it Paperus: Ok what if this site dies? It did 1 year ago Marz_the_fri: idk, you never know, it might be the most popular site like in the next year Paperus: The real chat were the friends you made along the way Marz_the_fri: aint the most populare but still Paperus: Since when was this site popular second time? Thebohemianjointpuffer: I love Marz_the_fri: popular* Marz_the_fri: well, idk Marz_the_fri: same nick, my chat bots are gonna go to jail if the fbi see my chats on there XD Paperus: Minecraft reached 2x popular-status, yet doing that 2 times is rare. Marz_the_fri: ok Marz_the_fri: but yea, i get what ur saying Marz_the_fri: most ppl forget they have this site bookmarked Paperus: Do you think you waste your time here? Marz_the_fri: sometimes Paperus: Waiting till anyone listens in this void? There are more productive ways Marz_the_fri: well, nobody at school likes me, and im groundd from my phone soo Paperus: No moderation, no protection, less popularity Thebohemianjointpuffer: there is a bit of moderation Marz_the_fri: not alot Thebohemianjointpuffer: sometime people will just say shut up with what ever you say Marz_the_fri: barley any Paperus: And you're escaping your bullying and social inability by being in a shady chat Marz_the_fri: well, its better than nothing Marz_the_fri: i can actually talk to ppl who understand my problems Thebohemianjointpuffer: no one understands me Thebohemianjointpuffer: and I mean no one Paperus: There's specialized forums for psychological problems better than a card game lobby chat Thebohemianjointpuffer: including Mr Thebohemianjointpuffer: me Paperus: See? No one understands Bohemian here. So how does continue staying in chat help further? None. Marz_the_fri: i didnt say it helped Thebohemianjointpuffer: or at least I don't think anyone understands me Paperus: You're here because boredom? Marz_the_fri: yea? Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'm here because my hubby be here and I want him Marz_the_fri: ok Paperus: Maybe yor hubby needs discord in case Marz_the_fri: i do have discord Thebohemianjointpuffer: yes Marz_the_fri: im grounded tho Paperus: You're hubby? Thebohemianjointpuffer: yes Thebohemianjointpuffer: that's my bf Marz_the_fri: yea Thebohemianjointpuffer: and I'm his bf Paperus: Online relationships Thebohemianjointpuffer: yep Thebohemianjointpuffer: but I'll go see him when I get car and my driverse listens e Paperus: You know how he looks like, right? Thebohemianjointpuffer: we video call a lot Marz_the_fri: mhm Marz_the_fri: do u? Paperus: No how should I Marz_the_fri: i js thought u knew him Thebohemianjointpuffer: I don't know him Paperus: It's weird that this lobby chat develops into a community Marz_the_fri: what kind of community u talkin bout Paperus: Some Chinese hackers will destroy this Marz_the_fri: i can see that Paperus: This lobby chat. Ppl come and go regularly Jrock: Nah the Germans are invading alreasy Marz_the_fri: lmao Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'm German Paperus: Yeah but some ppl in lobby chat stay and know each other Thebohemianjointpuffer: lol jk Paperus: It's like a community here isn't it? Jrock: I’m dating someone from this site 🤭 Marz_the_fri: eh yea Marz_the_fri: cool Jrock: So yes Thebohemianjointpuffer: imma blow this up Paperus: Exactly. Azala never intended this Jrock: But it happened Thebohemianjointpuffer: 💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣 Marz_the_fri: nick..- Paperus: And there's no legal liabilities since it's a in-game-chat Thebohemianjointpuffer: I blow this plce up 2024-04-29 19:51:^ -error- 11:39:22Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 2024-04-29 19:51:v 11:51:36Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 11:54:56Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 reconstructed: *hi or Jrock: hey Williams: Hey I have great news Williams: Nobody cares 12:15:39Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 12:26:52Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 12:50:33Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 13:21:31Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Rouge_killer: BALLS Rouge_killer: SOMEONE SAVE ME Rouge_killer: A DUDE IS PUTTING TACO SEASONING ON MY DICK Rouge_killer: AND I LIKE IT Rouge_killer: REDI Lmao_idk: l Rouge_killer: REDI Rouge_killer: REDI Lmao_idk: he has summond me Lmao_idk: BSHHAHAHHAA Lmao_idk: GREY Lmao_idk: GREY GREY GREY Rouge_killer: stop eating isasas balls Lmao_idk: ew who is isas Lmao_idk: bro. Lmao_idk: bro Rouge_killer: your daddy in your bed at night Lmao_idk: bruh. Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: Lmao_idk: real Rouge_killer: BRB NIGGAS Rouge_killer: FUCKING BITCH ASS NIGGA Rouge_killer: thats you redi Lmao_idk: naur Toxicego357: Balls Lmao_idk: yeah thats grey 13:52:28Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Rouge_killer: *moans* Lmao_idk: wow Lmao_idk: cool Lmao_idk: kewl Lmao_idk: shush Lmao_idk: actuually Rouge_killer: emily is sucking my dick Lmao_idk: ik Rouge_killer: Lmao_idk: i can see Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: DICKS Lmao_idk: shush Thebohemianjointpuffer: sup losers Thebohemianjointpuffer: lol non y'all loser Rouge_killer: dont lie Aboxofcrackers: nigger 14:23:24Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Lmao_idk: yur Rain69: hey Rouge_killer: REDI SUCKS DICK Lmao_idk: yup Rouge_killer: HI KEI Lmao_idk: she does Rain69: hi Rain69: nooooooo Rain69: come backkkkk Lmao_idk: what Rain69: bofy left Lmao_idk: hes here Lmao_idk: hes just playing a game Rain69: no hes not Lmao_idk: who grey? Rain69: greyson? Lmao_idk: yeah Lmao_idk: hes here dw Lmao_idk: im right next to him lol Rain69: greyson's not my bf Lmao_idk: ik Rain69: he wishes he could get that many bitches Lmao_idk: ikr Rouge_killer: hih Lmao_idk: hahaah Rain69: lmao Rouge_killer: huh* Lmao_idk: see hes here Rain69: YAY Lmao_idk: lolll Rain69: bofy is back Rouge_killer: im bored and redi is sitting next to me being annoying Rouge_killer: af Lmao_idk: LMAOOOO Lmao_idk: no you aree Lmao_idk: well duh Rain69: greyson ur annoying sometimes deal with it Lmao_idk: ikrrr TELL HIM Lmao_idk: he always trys to hit me and blah blah Lmao_idk: yapper Rain69: hes gay he js dont know it yet Lmao_idk: mhm Lmao_idk: he always calls me gay but in reality he is Rain69: fr Rouge_killer: no im not Lmao_idk: yes u are Rain69: yes you are greys Rouge_killer: i fuck emily almost ever other day -_- Lmao_idk: boy. Lmao_idk: we didnt ask Rouge_killer: redi your gay Rain69: WE KNOW Rouge_killer: and so are you kei Lmao_idk: RIGHT Lmao_idk: oh Rain69: i have a bf so im not Rain69: the gf cheated Rouge_killer: L Rouge_killer: also your bi but still Rain69: im not bi myself Rouge_killer: and redi cant pull guys or girls she can only pull burgers to her face Lmao_idk: ew Lmao_idk: also im working out so stfu Toxicego357: bored Rain69: hi tox Rouge_killer: TOX Lmao_idk: me too Toxicego357: yo Pluhistripping: shut up Pluhistripping: nigga Toxicego357: nigga wut Toxicego357: mfer i just got here -_- Toxicego357: i should be buying yet another phone this afternoon Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: this is the fat ass redi Lmao_idk: SHUUSHSHHS Lmao_idk: BROROOROR Lmao_idk: the pic is good tho Lmao_idk: HSUHSHSUSHSUHSHUS 14:54:31Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Rouge_killer: just that one pic took up 30 G Lmao_idk: OK?? ITS A LIVE Rouge_killer: GB* Lmao_idk: HE SAID 16gb Lmao_idk: HES LIYING Lmao_idk: lying* Rouge_killer: no thats a pic Rouge_killer: not live Lmao_idk: no its not Lmao_idk: its a fricking LIVE Rouge_killer: look at it then Rain69: Rain69: thats me Lmao_idk: your prettyyy Rain69: so are you Toxicego357: did you change your hair? Lmao_idk: awww Lmao_idk: tyy Rouge_killer: Toxicego357: it looks diff Rouge_killer: there Lmao_idk: whats your name btw Rouge_killer: well rain is kei Lmao_idk: ohh Toxicego357: Rouge_killer: and tox is Spencer Toxicego357: this shit goes hard Rouge_killer: so does my dick Rain69: yea i dyed it Toxicego357: just call me tox tho Lmao_idk: shush Lmao_idk: oh okay tox Thebohemianjointpuffer: gay Rouge_killer: you dyed my dick? Rouge_killer: Toxicego357: this shit goes hard Rouge_killer: so does my dick Rain69: yea i dyed it Toxicego357: im one of the many many deppressed ppl on this site Rain69: shut up greyson Lmao_idk: SO IS GREY Lmao_idk: hes depressed Rain69: very Rouge_killer: lol Lmao_idk: yup Rouge_killer: im depressed bc emily is not riding me rn Lmao_idk: BRO Rouge_killer: she feels to good Toxicego357: id rather not get into the whole depression thing rn Rouge_killer: L Toxicego357: Greyson... you are way too down bad bruh Rain69: GREYSON STFU Lmao_idk: ew Lmao_idk: ikr Rouge_killer: lol Aboxofcrackers: nigger Rain69: i will ignore you greyson Lmao_idk: do that yeah Rouge_killer: Nigger Lmao_idk: shush Rouge_killer: damn keis mad Aboxofcrackers: NIGGER Rouge_killer: NIGGER Aboxofcrackers: BEANER Rouge_killer: BONER Lmao_idk: oh Rain69: omg Toxicego357: Ok on that note imma dip for tha day Aboxofcrackers: COCK Lmao_idk: ok bye Rouge_killer: AND Aboxofcrackers: BALLS Rain69: Ignored Rouge_killer and their alts. Aboxofcrackers: why? Rouge_killer: yeah y Aboxofcrackers: what did they do Rouge_killer: idk Rain69: finally silence Aboxofcrackers: bruh Rouge_killer: redi is sucking dick rn Lmao_idk: yup Lmao_idk: im jk Aboxofcrackers: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Rouge_killer: jfk? Lmao_idk: guys should i change my username on here Rouge_killer: your gonna eat bullets like jfk Aboxofcrackers: huh Lmao_idk: ew Aboxofcrackers: and yes Lmao_idk: who yes to me? Aboxofcrackers: huh Lmao_idk: yes to me? Rouge_killer: niggas Aboxofcrackers: ok so name change yes Lmao_idk: ohh okayyy Aboxofcrackers: and beaner Rouge_killer: name your self cocksuckerforever Redii_17: ok this is my new username guys Aboxofcrackers: im keeping mine Rain69: yea Redii_17: ok Rouge_killer: -_- Aboxofcrackers: what you looking at nigga Aboxofcrackers: XD Redii_17: right Aboxofcrackers: oop gtg (anon): NOOOOOOO Rain69: YES Rain69: IT IS (anon): Shhhhh Rain69: log in T^T Jrock: Fine Rain69: YAY Rain69: afk Rouge_killer: BACK BITCHES Redii_17: sjmoadc Redii_17: lckqmkads Rouge_killer: cock and ball... Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: bro this is so fat its killing my pc Rain69: :L 15:25:29Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Redii_17: shuhs it Rain69: im in arttttttt Redii_17: im in english with grey.. Rain69: ew Redii_17: ikr Rain69: i have n energy drink Redii_17: ooo Rain69: i love nos Redii_17: greyson keeps saying that pic is big Redii_17: lmaoo Rain69: which one Redii_17: my picture Rain69: nah bro he js racist Redii_17: the gitl with the pink headphones Redii_17: lmao right Redii_17: hows art class Rain69: good Redii_17: niceee Redii_17: ew the gell in one of my teachers hair.. Redii_17: gel* Rain69: omg my hand is crampingn Redii_17: oof Rain69: omg sometimes i hate drawing Redii_17: lmaoo smae Redii_17: same* Rain69: oii need white T^T Rain69: i got my white Vulpix_axel: Hola! Vulpix_axel: Guess who’s back from the dead. >w< Rain69: u Vulpix_axel: Hi Kei! Rain69: hi Vulpix_axel: =3 15:56:25Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: juiyftdghjkl Thebohemianjointpuffer: oiuhgfgh Redii_17: jinugtfrtguyhi Rain69: aiurhgi Thebohemianjointpuffer: cum Thebohemianjointpuffer: whore Thebohemianjointpuffer: slutt Thebohemianjointpuffer: bitch Rain69: all names my bf calls me Thebohemianjointpuffer: in like a seductive way Rain69: yes Thebohemianjointpuffer: ok Thebohemianjointpuffer: he seems nice 16:27:21Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Redii_17: lmao Thebohemianjointpuffer: lkjhygtedrfg Redii_17: oh Redii_17: oiqejnuidocwa Thebohemianjointpuffer: cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum Redii_17: . Redii_17: im bored Rain69: hi bored Thebohemianjointpuffer: hi bored Im cum Redii_17: lmaoooo Redii_17: hi cum Thebohemianjointpuffer: no wait that my brother Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'm daddy not cum Redii_17: oh.. Thebohemianjointpuffer: but only my ex can call me daddy Rain69: okay Redii_17: k good Thebohemianjointpuffer: y'all can call me d Redii_17: hm Redii_17: lalalallaalal Rain69: rawr Thebohemianjointpuffer: rawr XD Rain69: dont tell jj but i took 7 pain killers again Thebohemianjointpuffer: I take 21 Redii_17: what... Redii_17: why Rain69: i take 7 only bc one im small very small and 2 bc im alwways om pain Redii_17: aww sorryy Rain69: dont be Thebohemianjointpuffer: Redii_17: why are you always in pain thoo if you dont mind me asking Rain69: ppl Redii_17: ohh Rain69: but jj is the only one whos every really truly given a fuck bout my health and shit Thebohemianjointpuffer: Ghxst: hiya Rain69: ZORS Ghxst: hey rain wss Thebohemianjointpuffer: niagga Ghxst: wsppp Thebohemianjointpuffer: I touch men and women sexualy Rain69: HIIIIIIIIIIIII Thebohemianjointpuffer: and dogs Thebohemianjointpuffer: I mean like furries (anon): meant* Foap: Meant* Foap: (just in case ppl have the anons muted) Rain69: FOAPYYYYYYYYYYYYY Foap: hi Rain69: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Thebohemianjointpuffer: fap? Rain69: dontttt be madddd butt Foap: how's you day rain Thebohemianjointpuffer: whos all gay in her Thebohemianjointpuffer: here Rain69: free gummies from my friend;) Foap: NO Thebohemianjointpuffer: ooh yes Foap: IM NOt SHARING MY STASH Rain69: to late ate them Foap: NUH UHHH Thebohemianjointpuffer: give me sum Foap: (you'd be dead in an hour if you ate it all) Rain69: share nigga Thebohemianjointpuffer: share Rain69: please daddy share Foap: (I have over 20k mg worth of gummies in my starch, and that not counting the pods, the live resin and the actual plant) Foap: stash* Foap: >:) Rain69: SHARE Foap: nope >:| Thebohemianjointpuffer: share Thebohemianjointpuffer: share Thebohemianjointpuffer: share pls Foap: I cant Foap: y'all ain't in LA Foap: sry Foap: (Louisiana is LA) Rain69: u nevre know i cou;ld be behind u Thebohemianjointpuffer: my friend lives there it right under Arkansas Foap: the person behind me rn is black and plump, your neither of those things Rain Foap: I live right next to texas Rain69: i- true (anon): balls Foap: BALZ Toxicego357: Sup foap Rain69: I live aboube sexes Rain69: spencyer Foap: sup man Rain69: more gummies Foap: no >:| Thebohemianjointpuffer: creamy pine bluff Foap: your not getting into my stach Rain69: more Rain69: y Toxicego357: ok bye now Foap: bye ;-; Rain69: noooooo Rain69: :( Rain69: i new i was a pain in the ass but damn Foap: I want my black tuna right now ._. Rain69: i want more gummies Thebohemianjointpuffer: druuggies Foap: no.....I'm not giving you any, unless its a low dose Rain69: SWHERE Foap: I'll give you a 50 Rain69: bettttt Foap: 50G >:) Foap: nah Rain69: damn u Foap: your not gonna be able to handle that Thebohemianjointpuffer: give me 5000 kg Foap: I'll give the 50mg Rain69: tis okay my friend is sharing and she got way moreeeeeeeee Foap: I don't have that ._. Foap: kool Thebohemianjointpuffer: give me 5000kg Rain69: no Fdygv: goiueghusffyfgdsyoighfoeiuhpsdiujfhoiushdfiuhwoiughsiuhfdsiuhfoiujkw Foap: I go bye bye now Foap: >:) Rain69: NO Rain69: T^T Musclemanthereaper: fuck you all Rain69: not ur job nigga Musclemanthereaper: because it's yours Musclemanthereaper: amen Rain69: no its jj's job to fuck me nad mine to fuck him Rain69: time to dieeeee Rain69: gtg Rain69: if jj comes on tell him i need him assap Rain69: his user is jrock 16:58:17Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Nitro: oi Foap: I back >:| Foap: no one is even here ;-; Foap: bruh ._. Ghxst: back Foap: hey ghost Foap: or don't say it bck..... 17:29:13Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Redii_17: oop Foap: L Rain69: heywygig Foap: ur bck Foap: hiya rain : ) Rain69: hads lonch Rain69: HIIIIII Foap: same Foap: I had lunch too Rain69: rewrrr Foap: :) Foap: REWR!! Rain69: RWERRRRRRR Rain69: i had more gummieessssssd Foap: ;-; Foap: WHY Rain69: y nto Foap: now I'm highly irritated Foap: that :) Rain69: prooly bc im high asdf Foap: thx* Rain69: dw ill be fine Redii_17: oof, sorry for not responding i was busy Redii_17: im redi btw Foap: kool Rain69: ikkk Redii_17: no to foap Foap: hi red Redii_17: they said "who are you" Foap: a while ago Redii_17: yeahhh Rain69: fucking bored as fuck Rain69: imj to high to function 18:00:10Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Redii_17: lol Foap: I haven't dated anyone in 6 months Foap: LMAOOOO Foap: wow Foap: I forgot to say / v Foap: my bad LMAOOOO Redii_17: oh hii, my day has been great, wbu? Redii_17: btw is foap and foapy the same person Foapy: yep Redii_17: ohhhh okay Redii_17: cuz i was going to say thats so real Foapsy: I also got this one Rain69: im sorry foaps Redii_17: ohh lol Foaper: and this one Redii_17: dang Foaped: and this one Redii_17: ...... Redii_17: woah Foaped: I have all the ones that have Foap in it so ppl don't fake being me Foaper: I took safty mesures Redii_17: oh okayy Foapsy: a lot of mesures Redii_17: lmaoo Foapy: pretty funny huh Foap: lmao Foap: and they all have the same password Redii_17: oop Foap: so if someone figures out my password, they have access to everything I have Redii_17: were you being sarcastic when you said "pretty funny" Foap: its not a common password Redii_17: good Foap: not being sarcastic at all Redii_17: ohhhh loll ok Foap: there is only one number in my password and its 0 Redii_17: i didnt ask Redii_17: im jkwjsdkdj Foap: ahh Redii_17: SORRY AHAHHA Foap: so your gonna be that way Rain69: bkkkkkkk Redii_17: what way huhh Foap: dick Redii_17: hiii kei Redii_17: or was- Redii_17: nvm Rain69: ita kei Redii_17: oh okay i was rightt Foap: lol Foaper: I just hate myself ALOT Aboxofcrackers: NIGGA Redii_17: why Djshrimpdick: Aifbdyafsjfbbdhs Aboxofcrackers: cuz foap went offline Aboxofcrackers: :( Foap: hehehehe Aboxofcrackers: im sad Redii_17: no not you Aboxofcrackers: foapppppppppppppp Aboxofcrackers: bruh Foapy: which one Aboxofcrackers: bruuhhhhh Foaped: I have a lot of accounts Aboxofcrackers: wtf Foapey: funny huh Redii_17: you Foaper: lovely Foaper: LMAOOOO Rain69: im leaving i may not be back Redii_17: oh okk Redii_17: byee Redii_17: oh Djshrimpdick: I was told to get on Azalas but idk why- Foap: yay... Redii_17: why Redii_17: wdym Djshrimpdick: Banana Aboxofcrackers: shrimp. Djshrimpdick: Yes? Aboxofcrackers: shrimp is amazing Redii_17: i like shrimp Redii_17: OOPS Djshrimpdick: Shrimp is good Foap: me to... Aboxofcrackers: shrimp is my favorite Djshrimpdick: It’s as shrimper as that Djshrimpdick: Shrimple* Djshrimpdick: Idk why im here- Foap: I'm just gonna go before I hurt someone else (not including myself) (anon): bye y'all.... Redii_17: what Djshrimpdick: I’m confused what happened? Aboxofcrackers: BRUH Redii_17: foap Aboxofcrackers: he hurt someone on accident Redii_17: noo Aboxofcrackers: and now Aboxofcrackers: he might just Aboxofcrackers: yeah Redii_17: bro Aboxofcrackers: omg Aboxofcrackers: ngl i hate shit like this but Aboxofcrackers: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Redii_17: ikr Djshrimpdick: That’s part of the reason why I left this site for a bit Djshrimpdick: Even though I was always online- Presidentonionring: who's gonna do what ;-; Vulpix_axel: Dj here? Djshrimpdick: HIIIII Aboxofcrackers: yerp Presidentonionring: ye Presidentonionring: they here Vulpix_axel: Hi my loveee!! Djshrimpdick: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Vulpix_axel: We team? Presidentonionring: who like tx2 Presidentonionring: likes* Vulpix_axel: It’s ok. Angel: ME Angel: OMG ME Vulpix_axel: Don’t play anymore, but. Presidentonionring: so numb Djshrimpdick: I’m not upstairs but I can in a bit Vulpix_axel: Okii. =( Rain69: blackwedding Presidentonionring: I had my bestfriend Foap recommend me tx2 Vulpix_axel: If I don’t reply I’m in twitter. Presidentonionring: oh gtg Rain69: bye Presidentonionring: switching Rain69: ima be honest i inrtoduced it tohim (anon): Da fug is tx2 Vulpix_axel: Ugh.. Vulpix_axel: How very upsetting. Rain69: axel Vulpix_axel: Yes? Djshrimpdick: Hello? (anon): ?? Rain69: tell nate i need to talk to him Vulpix_axel: Hi. Vulpix_axel: I can’t I can’t get on discord right now. Vulpix_axel: I’m sorry. Presidentonionring: oh, thx rain, I really like tx2 Presidentonionring: fits my taste 18:31:06Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Vulpix_axel: Ugh.. Djshrimpdick: ?? Vulpix_axel: I’m horny.. Djshrimpdick: Oh- Vulpix_axel: Oops.. Vulpix_axel: That was meant to be a pm.. Presidentonionring: then go fuck dj :) Vulpix_axel: I want to.. =( Vulpix_axel: But someone’s too far! Presidentonionring: then do it Presidentonionring: ohhhh Presidentonionring: how far tho Vulpix_axel: He’s a few states away. =( Presidentonionring: imagine Presidentonionring: jkjk Vulpix_axel: Pennsylvania to Arkansas. Vulpix_axel: That’s how far. Presidentonionring: I'm not that horrible Vulpix_axel: I’m not sure who you are to be honest.. Vulpix_axel: So I can’t be the judge of if you are not not. Vulpix_axel: Ngl I’d do anything to suck dick rn. Presidentonionring: mhm -_- Vulpix_axel: I don’t know why I felt the need to say that, but I did =) Presidentonionring: suck dj's >:| Vulpix_axel: Welp cya round. Redii_17: lmao Presidentonionring: baiiii Presidentonionring: hiya redii Presidentonionring: Redii* Presidentonionring: so....who's left 0-0 Presidentonionring: Dead Chat Redii_17: hiiii Presidentonionring: . Presidentonionring: ;-; Presidentonionring: hiya Redii_17: why is there soo many gaps Presidentonionring: I did on purpose Redii_17: ohh loll Presidentonionring: found it by accident Presidentonionring: shift + enter Presidentonionring: lol Redii_17: ohhhh Presidentonionring: yep Redii_17: thats cool Redii_17: LOLLL Presidentonionring: around 10 spaces Redii_17: ohh Presidentonionring: u can do 11 with something like a face Presidentonionring: ;-; Presidentonionring: like tht Presidentonionring: God my wrist hurts as hell Redii_17: ooof Aboxofcrackers: why Presidentonionring: I'm laying my head on my wrist as Im swisting because its feels comfy laying my head on my wrist Presidentonionring: just been doing it for a few hours Presidentonionring: and it hurts when I'm not putting pressure on it Aboxofcrackers: ah Aboxofcrackers: bruh im in class with my blanket Aboxofcrackers: and then i got a softball game Presidentonionring: lucky bitch Aboxofcrackers: so we had a game yesterday Presidentonionring: oh, Nvm then Aboxofcrackers: and a hour long bus ride Presidentonionring: Nvm... Aboxofcrackers: no i find this funny Aboxofcrackers: the sotry Aboxofcrackers: story Aboxofcrackers: cuz we got there Koskha: wawa Aboxofcrackers: and then they cancled it Presidentonionring: wawawewa Aboxofcrackers: so i got a 2 hour nap in Presidentonionring: bruhhhhh Aboxofcrackers: and im doing it again Aboxofcrackers: so thats why i got my blanket this time Aboxofcrackers: and im happy Aboxofcrackers: i found the story funny Presidentonionring: u lucky bitch, my school doesn't let blanket because of "bombs" Aboxofcrackers: were do you live damn Aboxofcrackers: i live in indiana Presidentonionring: I live in Texas ._. Aboxofcrackers: bruh Aboxofcrackers: ngl thats stupidd then Presidentonionring: makes sense or no 0-0 Aboxofcrackers: yes Sofunnyguys: no Aboxofcrackers: i rlly wanna go to texas Presidentonionring: I have my switch blade, not a bmb Presidentonionring: I safe >:) Aboxofcrackers: i got nothing Aboxofcrackers: my moms so fucking dramtic Presidentonionring: I almost brought my Glock but decided not to Aboxofcrackers: she wont let me go on a walk with my bf alone to the gas station Presidentonionring: bruhhhh Aboxofcrackers: his mom lied to my mom though Angel: not like its sex Presidentonionring: my mom doesn't care Presidentonionring: true Aboxofcrackers: she said she would watch us but she never did Presidentonionring: my mom got my my blade and gun so.... Aboxofcrackers: and she even asked my bf if he needed anything Aboxofcrackers: or planned on doing it Aboxofcrackers: and damn Presidentonionring: bruh Presidentonionring: angel Presidentonionring: u the ;-; Presidentonionring: the* Angel: yea? Angel: no im not a pedo im a 15 year old gilr Presidentonionring: I hate autocorrect Angel: girl Aboxofcrackers: same here Aboxofcrackers: but im 16 Presidentonionring: same, but 17 Aboxofcrackers: dangggg Angel: mommy Aboxofcrackers: president Aboxofcrackers: you got fornite Aboxofcrackers: and angel Aboxofcrackers: fornite? Presidentonionring: no mommy >:| Aboxofcrackers: wtf Angel: mommy Presidentonionring: I'm not home rn, and I don't touch fortnite Angel: no i play cod and haloe Aboxofcrackers: damn Presidentonionring: NO MOMMY Aboxofcrackers: ight Aboxofcrackers: gtg Angel: bhye Angel: y not Presidentonionring: oh, okie Presidentonionring: byeeee Aboxofcrackers: and no one calls me mommy Presidentonionring: angel calling me tht Aboxofcrackers: >:( Aboxofcrackers: ah ok Aboxofcrackers: good Angel: y cant i call u guys mommy Aboxofcrackers: nvm then Presidentonionring: ;-; Presidentonionring: you fucking cracker >:# Presidentonionring: u leavn me? Angel: i am white Presidentonionring: u a crackr Angel: yes Angel: u want proof Presidentonionring: I win ;P Presidentonionring: proof? Presidentonionring: how? Angel: aight u get it Angel: Presidentonionring: I don't really need proof anyways, I believe u Angel: to late Presidentonionring: bruh ;-; Presidentonionring: oh, u look nice Presidentonionring: I need new glasses ._. Angel: thxs i bet u do too Presidentonionring: I don't think that Angel: i do Presidentonionring: u ok with me adding you as my frien >:) Presidentonionring: well u can think what u want sweetie, I see the truth when I look in the mirror Presidentonionring: I hate when he's upset, I'll be afk, I'm texting pn discord Presidentonionring: on* Angel: yea go for it Angel: yea ik why too Rain69: kill me 19:02:02Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Rogue: uwu Dontwannabehere: v Rain69: yep ppl talkin shit bout me yet again Rain69: I ATE MY GRAMMA Rain69: im kidding but imagine Presidentonionring: bck Rain69: wb Presidentonionring: my little Mikey was having a panic attack and had to talk to me about an incident Rain69: ah Rain69: im angel btw Presidentonionring: oh Presidentonionring: cool Rain69: ima js shut up now Presidentonionring: why tho 0-0 Presidentonionring: 0-0 Vulpix_axel: =P Presidentonionring: hiya axel Vulpix_axel: Hi- Presidentonionring: hey rain, can I pm you? Rain69: sure 19:32:59Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Presidentonionring: don't be sorry rain, he just doesn't interpret things correctly and his thoughts just get the best of him Presidentonionring: oop Presidentonionring: my bad Presidentonionring: anyways ._. (anon): moving on (anon): js do /c Presidentonionring: kk Presidentonionring: better that way Presidentonionring: who's here ;-; Presidentonionring: I wanna find someone to talk to about tx2 ._. Presidentonionring: bruh >~< (anon): talk to me im listening to one of their songs rn Jrock: Talk to rain69 when she gets here Jrock: She’s going to the concert Presidentonionring: shes gone atm Rain69: BABY Presidentonionring: that lucky mf Jrock: NVM Presidentonionring: she's bck.... Presidentonionring: ok.... Presidentonionring: I'll just be silent now..... Presidentonionring: OMG, afk....gotta deal with mikey again Rain69: ... Vulpix_axel: Hm.. Presidentonionring: bck Presidentonionring: anyways, how's y'all day thus far Rain69: eh Presidentonionring: Rain Presidentonionring: you got any recommendations for tx2? Fuckwad: FUCK ISRAEL Presidentonionring: ;-; Presidentonionring: y Fuckwad: GENOCIDAL LUNATICS Presidentonionring: explain Presidentonionring: I curious Fuckwad: KILLING CHILDREN OOOOOOOOHHHH THAT ANGERS UP MY BLOOD Presidentonionring: you mean it boils your blood Fuckwad: 34000 dead SO FAR EASILY HALF OF THEM KIDS HOW MANY FUCKING KIDS GOTTA DIE? Fuckwad: BEFORE YOUR VENGEANCE IS DONE? Fuckwad: 50000? WHAT IS THE GODDAMNED NUMBER Presidentonionring: I don't even know what's happening in iseral Fuckwad: HOW MANY PALESTINIAN LIVES ARE EACH DEAD JEW WORTH? Fuckwad: 100? Ashh: yo Presidentonionring: you came here to rant huh Fuckwad: STOP THE KILLING Fuckwad: NAAAAAOOOOOO Rain69: hi ashh Ashh: hey Presidentonionring: hi ashy Presidentonionring: I gave nickname ._. Fuckwad: Whew ok just had to get that out Presidentonionring: I figured that Ashh: went all day without eating because I didn't have time and now that I have food I'm nausous Ashh: TnT Presidentonionring: I know that feeling Presidentonionring: I only at an apple so T^T Fuckwad: Damn Rain69: afk Presidentonionring: kk Ashh: where tf is sann Rain69: idk but tbh idc Presidentonionring: neither do i Ashh: he feels bad and he's been looking for me but I am on around the same time every night Ashh: like be fr Ashh: shoot he might be texting someone else behind my back Rain69: again Presidentonionring: again? Ashh: ...yea Presidentonionring: wym again? Rain69: dw Presidentonionring: you sure? Rain69: yea Presidentonionring: okie Ashh: idk how someone can say they love me then lie straight to my face Ashh: its whatever tho ig Presidentonionring: well get your get bck Ashh: if he doesn't wanna reach out and end up losing me because he's a liar then that's not on me Presidentonionring: he wana go behind ur bck, go behind his Rain69: can we all js kinda move on from this convo Presidentonionring: mhm Presidentonionring: fav color? 20:03:55Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Presidentonionring: Nvm..... Presidentonionring: I gtg soon Presidentonionring: I go now....bye Vulpix_axel: Backkkk. Vulpix_axel: Ugh djs not back. Djshrimpdick: TYULVYICVHJVUOFUOVHGOCYFLOUPF Ashh: eee Djshrimpdick: iii Dtrump: bye Djshrimpdick: ok Ashh: u ruined it Ashh: old McDonald is sad now Djshrimpdick: lol Djshrimpdick: Axe here? Dtrump: nrver Ashh: idk Ashh: I just work here Dtrump: she left Djshrimpdick: Did she actually just leave or are you messin with me? Ashh: idk fr Djshrimpdick: -_- Ashh: I just got here Djshrimpdick: Same Djshrimpdick: I guess she did bc she was online when I got here and now shes offline T^T Ashh: okay I'm out Dtrump: she left this site 20:34:51Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Vulpix_axel: Back Vulpix_axel: Sorry Djshrimpdick: AHHHHHHHHHH Djshrimpdick: WB Vulpix_axel: I was on twitter reading Smii7y posts Vulpix_axel: Hi! Djshrimpdick: W Djshrimpdick: Hi! Vulpix_axel: Weteam? Djshrimpdick: Ye Redii_17: kiyvftguhnj (anon): hallo 21:05:47Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Rain69: hey Generic: when im on the b line i feel like a bug Rain69: SLUTTY 21:36:42Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 22:07:37Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 (anon): hey pookie Rain69: ??? (anon): hey pookie 22:38:33Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Rain69: hey 23:09:29Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 Rain69: UGH (anon): hey pookie 23:40:25Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 (anon): h (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j Lll: Rain69: ????? Rain69: who tf is you Dtrump: pookie 00:11:21Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 Rain69: trump pulling bitches? Lll: Dtrump: Free porn Lll: yupp Rain69: trump she ur gf Dtrump: who Rain69: is she ur gf Lll: whats yr fav type? Rain69: jj Dtrump: idk Rain69: idk to me or them Lll: idm Dtrump: lll is just a porn sharer Rain69: im being punished T^T (anon): (anon): h (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j (anon): j Rain69: bruh js quoted himself Lll: Lll: lemme share u-_- Rain69: ?? Rain69: Attempting to fuck a rock. To get an even harder erection. Lll: wtf Lll: Rain69: send more 00:42:17Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 Redii_17: lalala 01:13:12Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 01:44:07Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 02:15:03Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 (anon): Sup Toxicego357: Got a new phone Toxicego357: Got a new phone Rain69: nice Toxicego357: Shit Toxicego357: Didn't mean to send that twice Toxicego357: Gtg Rain69: bye 02:45:59Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 Rain69: :( Rain69: gtg gn 03:16:54Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 Djshrimpdick: dfghjkl;' Ashh: yo (anon): yo whos on rn Dtrump: fym 03:47:50Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 (anon): sdfs 04:18:46Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 04:49:41Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 Dtrump: pee 05:20:37Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 Lazurus: man a lot of people or off and I'm bored and lonely 🤣 Dtrump: prepare for summer Lazurus: why cuz this chats gonna be alive for once Dtrump: No its going to be dead. Lazurus: ahh welp that's gonna suck Lazurus: for me atleast lmao Dtrump: Find a new chat site. Lazurus: cant every other chat site is either filled with pedophiles or annoying 11 year olds Dtrump: ok your right about that Lazurus: by the way how have you been dude I haven't seen your beautiful name in a minute Dtrump: I'm okay Lazurus: good to hear Lazurus: I made a good soup today and it is mmmm 05:51:33Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 -error- 16:10:07Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 Williams: lol 16:39:08Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 16:41:18Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 A__n00b: yo Rain69: damnit Aboxofcrackers: yesss Rain69: c 17:12:17Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 Ashh: L Redii_17: who cares if youre cumming rouge. Rouge_killer: DICKS Redii_17: shush Redii_17: gay boy Rouge_killer: DICKS Redii_17: ... Rain69: bruh stfu Rouge_killer: DICKS Redii_17: brooo Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: im bored Rain69: greyson shut it Rouge_killer: fineeeee Rouge_killer: '-' Redii_17: .. Marz_the_fri: meep 17:43:15Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 18:14:14Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 Redii_17: kjiuytguhjnk' 18:45:13Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: hello Thebohemianjointpuffer: oiyutyftyg Rain69: fivdhfkmvc Thebohemianjointpuffer: hi Thebohemianjointpuffer: cum Rain69: hi 19:16:11Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: how are you rain Thebohemianjointpuffer: ? Thebohemianjointpuffer: \ Rain69: eh hbu Thebohemianjointpuffer: depresed Rain69: real Thebohemianjointpuffer: yeah but no one really cares why Rain69: fr Thebohemianjointpuffer: not even you Rain69: thats bc i got my own shit to worry bout its nt the idc is js i dont have time Thebohemianjointpuffer: ah Thebohemianjointpuffer: but imagine ur online daughter takes ur bf Thebohemianjointpuffer: and they start dating Rain69: ??? Thebohemianjointpuffer: what are you confused about Rain69: everything Thebohemianjointpuffer: just read it Thebohemianjointpuffer: its why I'm depressed Rain69: well my one breincell never rly works so Thebohemianjointpuffer: ah Rain69: yes sann Thebohemianjointpuffer: who Thebohemianjointpuffer: ? Thebohemianjointpuffer: Ron getting very "Weaseley" all up in harry's young ass. 19:47:10Wednesday, 1 May, 2024 -error- 12:48:49Thursday, 2 May, 2024 13:08:27Thursday, 2 May, 2024 Ashh: im bored (anon): kool (anon): FACTS Uss_texas: coool (anon): beaner Aboxofcrackers: lllll Ashh: L (anon): L Eeva_trans: L Ashh: men make me mad Ashh: HOW HE STILL ASLEEP (anon): L Eeva_trans: they can sleep for hours Ashh: ik TnT Ashh: i get max 6 hours nd wake up at around 7 every morning Ashh: and mf still asleep Eeva_trans: lol Ashh: how an u tell if a girl is flirting with u Eeva_trans: not ask me Ashh: i can neither flirt with women or pick up signals Eeva_trans: hm you get it soon (anon): Lol Ashh: IM TOO GAY FOR THIS Ashh: SHE KEEPS LOOKING AT ME AND EVERYTIME I LOOK BACK SHE SMILES Aboxofcrackers: huh (anon): wat Eeva_trans: lol lol Ashh: if i avoid eye contact maybe shell stop Aboxofcrackers: huh? Eeva_trans: do not Womanwithfatcock: put codes in chat Womanwithfatcock: cards against humanity has failed me istg Eeva_trans: lol Ashh: bro wheres my man Ashh: im about to jump him fr Eeva_trans: do not Ashh: why not bro Eeva_trans: I did that to my man and he was grumpy for a while Ashh: okay but hes cute when hes mad Ashh: and i miss him Ashh: he needs t0 wake up and its pissing me off Eeva_trans: oh okay do it Aboxofcrackers: ngl i love card against humanity Ashh: real Aboxofcrackers: i was with my mother at walmart and one was opened so i pulled a random card Aboxofcrackers: and it said having sex on top of a pizza Aboxofcrackers: and my moms husband said is that what i did with my ex and i swear i just died laughing 13:39:29Thursday, 2 May, 2024 Ashh: i would do that Ashh: on a pizza Ashh: well Aboxofcrackers: XD Ashh: wouldnt that be messy Aboxofcrackers: yep Ashh: id rather just eat the pizza Aboxofcrackers: fr tho Ashh: XD Aboxofcrackers: i dont wanna waste a pizza Aboxofcrackers: unless its like a pizza bed and it isnt acutally food then im fine Ashh: im hungry now Ashh: bfb Ashh: brb Ashh: i can type Aboxofcrackers: ight (anon): bleppppppp (anon): im not gonna use my cracker acc anymore rn (anon): y not? Jrock: O (anon): K Ashh: TnT Jrock: Wassup anon (anon): Yo (anon): I have an actual acc, but don't feel like getting my 9 lettered password in Ashh: hahahah real Jrock: That sounds like my gf is that you kei Spinodino: yo Jrock: Yo Hornyaf: still cracker Hornyaf: ssameee Hello19: To get into my phone I have a 12 long number passwords Hornyaf: i just make random accs Hornyaf: bruh i wouldnt even deal with it Hornyaf: either birthyear or no password Hornyaf: gtggg Hornyaf: passiing period Hornyaf: cya 14:10:31Thursday, 2 May, 2024 Rain69: gm bitches Ashh: hey shawty Rain69: hey bbg Hello19: Hello Rain69: hi mister i never sleep Redii_17: gmmm Rain69: hola redi Redii_17: hola keii Hello19: I do sleep?? And ashh knows that Rain69: shes my bbg and has been since july of last year Ashh: yepppp (anon): bruhhhh Hornyaf: ahhhhh Hornyaf: im so fucking bored Rain69: omg ASH I HAVE SMTHT TO TELL U (anon): L Ashh: WHAT Rain69: I have a headache (anon): I'ma make you watch a full season of bluey Rain69: axel? Hello19: Huh? Rain69: dat you? (anon): whom? Rain69: u Hornyaf: huh (anon): wat Hornyaf: confusedddd Rain69: axel watches bluey Hornyaf: affff Hornyaf: ngl when im waiting for my therapist i watch bluey Hornyaf: gtg cya Rain69: bye Hello19: Bye (anon): baiiii :) Thebohemianjointpuffer: helo Rain69: hoa Thebohemianjointpuffer: im still depressed Thebohemianjointpuffer: anyone know how to not be depressed (anon): lol (anon): so am i Rain69: joi Jrock: Why depression Rain69: n the club (anon): depression good (anon): give you a reason to work on yourself :) Thebohemianjointpuffer: some dude dared me to say nigga in a class full of black people Thebohemianjointpuffer: and im white (anon): wow Hello19: °_○ (anon): YOUE BLU TOOF DEVISE IS REDY TO PARE (anon): :) Redii_17: LMAOO (anon): someone yelled that in my class Thebohemianjointpuffer: oihugyftyguhi (anon): ndjvfeabdlhvfskc Eeva_trans: hello (anon): ohiya Eeva_trans: hello random (anon): I is no random, I just choose not to login in because 9 letter and number password ._. Eeva_trans: oh sorry Rain69: noooooo Eeva_trans: what? Rain69: pookieleft Eeva_trans: oh Rain69: :( Rain69: ima take a nap Eeva_trans: *hugs you* it is okay they be back hopefully 14:41:32Thursday, 2 May, 2024 (anon): rains pookie is Jrock :) (anon): or know as "JJ" Thebohemianjointpuffer: my pookie dumped me for my online rp daughter (anon): don't question where I get my information (anon): daym (anon): that sounds tragic Eeva_trans: oof (anon): tranny :| (anon): lol Hornyaf: nigggerrrrr (anon): *bonks with no horny stick* NOOO Thebohemianjointpuffer: willy figger Tigger is a nigger (anon): tf.... Eeva_trans: lol Thebohemianjointpuffer: trans Eeva_trans: hm Thebohemianjointpuffer: phobic Rain69: i hate my teacher T^T Thebohemianjointpuffer: my brother is Rain69: all i wanted was a nap Eeva_trans: same (anon): L (anon): I no need nap Rain69: i do (anon): ik, you deal with lota (anon): stuff Rain69: is this nate (anon): hehehehe, you'll never know Rain69: tay Rain69: ash Rain69: jj Rain69: mich (anon): I have someone named JJ in my class rn (anon): lol Thebohemianjointpuffer: I think dude might be a stalkee Rain69: is is real name josh? (anon): stalker* (anon): no Rain69: damn (anon): his irl name is Joseph Rain69: well greys logged in (anon): who dat Redii_17: oh Rain69: are you tayyyyyy (anon): mayyybbbbeeee (anon): maybbbee nottttt Rain69: LOG IN BESTIE I HAVE NEWS Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'm bi sexualisticly lonely (anon): no >:P Rain69: but i wanna tell u all the drama bout my ex bf amnd wut he said (anon): nah puffer, you bi yo self Thebohemianjointpuffer: that's what i said (anon): I said it in a better way :P Uss_texas: OH (anon): TEXAS (anon): hiya :P Rain69: tayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Thebohemianjointpuffer: cum (anon): whom do you speak of Rain69: mich ws on monday Uss_texas: Hi there anon (anon): Call me T :P Uss_texas: oh okay Rain69: tt (anon): mich was on 0-0 Rain69: yea Rain69: tites (anon): its been 3 dayz thoooo Rain69: ye Rain69: ik Uss_texas: hm? Rain69: so u wanna know what he said tt (anon): r u a ship (anon): since your name is uss texas Uss_texas: YEa (anon): I isn't logging in, I to lazy Thebohemianjointpuffer: all aboard the ss gorgie Rain69: my ex bf LOL! I mean those some nice tits and a nice ass you go there me thanks? u got some nice tits too (anon): OHHHH (anon): they are pretty nice honestly (anon): :) Rain69: thanks pookie :P (anon): Always :} Hello19: ? Rain69: dw Hello19: How is everyone today? Rain69: but i rly showed him no mercy Rain69: tired Rain69: of bs Hello19: Lol (anon): good, you don't deserve the shit Rain69: this week has been plenty Uss_texas: I feel like sinking to the bottom of the ocean and not being seem again Rain69: seen* Rain69: and same (anon): I will rescue you if you sink :) (anon): I nice person Uss_texas: you are not saving a whole dreadnought Rain69: nice looking (anon): I will save that dreadnought with floties (anon): OwO Rain69: tt (anon): ? Rain69: knock knock (anon): who dat at me doar >:) Rain69: where when (anon): Where when who dat >:| Rain69: my place tn js u and me (anon): YES (anon): I'd love to be there >:) (anon): jkjk Rain69: bet bbg Uss_texas: *aims canons* I am here just in case (anon): JJ can do that 4 me >:) Rain69: jj //(/ 0/0 /)// Rain69: omg i js remembered wut me and him did last night (anon): hmm? Rain69: log in and id tell you Uss_texas: do it *aims canons* (anon): I'm to lazy to get on tho, so many letters and numbers Uss_texas: oh my (anon): and I also have things like @ in my password ._. Rain69: then mak an alt acc js for today (anon): just 4 today? Uss_texas: yea Rain69: ye Rain69: shes mine nigga back off Rain69: leave mu princess alone Uss_texas: Okay chill I am here just things get chaotic 15:12:32Thursday, 2 May, 2024 Uss_texas: and I will back off Rain69: i think myy computer knows im hngry T^T Uss_texas: lol Tya73: how so? Rain69: it showed me watermelon Redii_17: lalalala Uss_texas: hm should I sign in my alt Rain69: idc Arizona_bb_39: there Rain69: afk Rain69: i gtg for testing tt ilu Rain69: loveu tayyyyy Rain69: fl Tya73: luv u 2 ;) Arizona_bb_39: *backs away slowly* Tya73: u not leaving -_- (anon): Xd (anon): XD* Arizona_bb_39: oh uh I am. Tya73: y you leaving me >:| Arizona_bb_39: yes and you not stoping a super dreadnought Tya73: YES I IS Tya73: I'ma drop a few Tons of uranium 242 on your dreadnaught, see how fast ppl get dropped >:) Arizona_bb_39: oh nevermind........ Tya73: yeah, 242 might not hurt when its only a few mg or grams Tya73: but tons....different story Arizona_bb_39: yea Tya73: and that's if it doesn't pry a hole through your hull Tya73: since its so much radiation Hmms_arkhangelsk: You made Arizona crash Hms_arkhangelsk: HM nice Tya73: mhm Tya73: I'll sink u 2 >:) Hms_arkhangelsk: Oh why Tya73: a few megatons of tnt would be easy to get >:) Hms_arkhangelsk: I am not shocked Tya73: and all I need is a few grams of thermit in your engine Tya73: u go bye bye Tya73: I go bye bye as well Hms_arkhangelsk: *aims my canons at you* be quiet human Ashh: lame everyones gone Hms_arkhangelsk: yea uss texas wasa chatty one Ashh: use better english Ashh: thanks Ashh: <3 Hms_arkhangelsk: I was a Russian battleship so yea Ashh: slay? Hms_arkhangelsk: Huh? Ashh: (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ Ashh: CHICKEN FAJITAS FOR LUNCH Ashh: AAAAAA Hms_arkhangelsk: haha Ashh: im starving i didnt have time for breakfast Ashh: im so hungry i could eat lizzo rn Hms_arkhangelsk: do it Ashh: shes gross tho Ashh: like girl power Ashh: but no 15:43:31Thursday, 2 May, 2024 Hms_arkhangelsk: oh my Yourfavbigtittygothgirl: ooooo my alt acc is back Hms_arkhangelsk: good Yourfavbigtittygothgirl: yesssss Yourfavbigtittygothgirl: im not that goth anymore tho Jarbeevis: BRO CAN SOMEONE MAKE A DAMN PUBLIC SERVER Yourfavbigtittygothgirl: no Yourfavbigtittygothgirl: u make one Thebohemianjointpuffer: hello Thebohemianjointpuffer: gays Thebohemianjointpuffer: bye Yourfavbigtittygothgirl: uh Yourfavbigtittygothgirl: ok? Rain69: im done wit the test 16:14:30Thursday, 2 May, 2024 Rain69: pookie come bck T^T Rain69: FUCK Xboxboils: lmao Xboxboils: ?/ Rain69: die Hornyaf: bbb Ashh: goddamn yall speak Ashh: im bored Rain69: ASHYT Jrock: Penis Jrock: Ashy penis? Ashh: HEY POOK Rain69: jj shush Rain69: POOKIE Ashh: HEY Jrock: Ok I guess I’ll leave then Rain69: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Rain69: NO Rain69: T^T Ashh: dont be manipulative Rain69: u leave i cry Jrock: I’m joking lol Ashh: i will hurt u bro dont mess with her like that Jrock: Actually I do have to leave soon but still I was just joking Rain69: noooooo Jrock: I HAVE TO DO METH THO Jrock: it’s not my choice Rain69: NO Rain69: my job 16:45:29Thursday, 2 May, 2024 Jrock: No Jrock: No drugs Jrock: U do drugs I do drugs remember? Jrock: So no drugs Rain69: lol Rain69: but nate ws mean Jrock: NO DRUGS Rain69: :( Jrock: YOUR TRICKS DONT AFFECT ME Jrock: NO DRUGS DRUGS ARE BAD Rain69: meany Jrock: Ok at least I’m a meany who keeps my gf off drugs Jrock: Gtg ilu Rain69: iljm 17:16:29Thursday, 2 May, 2024 -error- 06:10:40Friday, 3 May, 2024 Macncheese84: Mac n' cheese 06:30:10Friday, 3 May, 2024 06:31:48Friday, 3 May, 2024 Cum52: cum 07:02:47Friday, 3 May, 2024 07:33:45Friday, 3 May, 2024 08:04:43Friday, 3 May, 2024 Dtrump: cum smacker 08:35:42Friday, 3 May, 2024 Lozn: noch wer da? 09:06:41Friday, 3 May, 2024 09:37:40Friday, 3 May, 2024 10:08:37Friday, 3 May, 2024 Lazurus: anyone on? 10:39:35Friday, 3 May, 2024 Dtrump: ok 11:10:33Friday, 3 May, 2024 (anon): shhh Lazurus: hmm? (anon): fuckoff 11:41:31Friday, 3 May, 2024 12:12:29Friday, 3 May, 2024 Ashh: e 12:43:26Friday, 3 May, 2024 -error- 14:47:14Friday, 3 May, 2024 Landshot: LOL 14:54:54Friday, 3 May, 2024 14:55:35Friday, 3 May, 2024 (anon): K 14:55:55Friday, 3 May, 2024 Rain69: ruff (anon): Hi baby (anon): i mean I’m anon idk who I am Rain69: log in (anon): Nein Rain69: please Jrock: Fine Rain69: yay 14:57:09Friday, 3 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: 6502 Rain69: 3609334247 Thebohemianjointpuffer: 3881236502 Rain69: ur phone number? Thebohemianjointpuffer: nope Rain69: damn Thebohemianjointpuffer: my humber is 870831gofuckme Thebohemianjointpuffer: .com Rain69: no ima be fuckin my bf Thebohemianjointpuffer: but thats my number Jrock: dont you have a bf bohemian Thebohemianjointpuffer: nope Thebohemianjointpuffer: my online rp daugther took him Thebohemianjointpuffer: i have had a rough week Jrock: Oh that sucks I’m sorry Jrock: U ok? Thebohemianjointpuffer: kinda Thebohemianjointpuffer: just lonely Rain69: damnit Thebohemianjointpuffer: what Rain69: i cant follow pookie back bc his acc is private Jrock: Oop Thebohemianjointpuffer: lol Thebohemianjointpuffer: sucks Jrock: I’ll fix it at linch Thebohemianjointpuffer: get that Sigma69: back Rain69: this nos does not like me Thebohemianjointpuffer: 8705105882 Thebohemianjointpuffer: i found this number in my settings Jrock: I don’t like that nos Rain69: i want to dieeeeeeeeeeeeee Rain69: AHHHHHHHH Thebohemianjointpuffer: dont we all Rain69: the crampssssssssssssss Thebohemianjointpuffer: oh my Jrock: DONT YOU DARE DIE I WILL BE VERY MAD Thebohemianjointpuffer: jrock Rain69: im so scared Jrock: Yes? Jrock: and why Thebohemianjointpuffer: i call all my classmates bitches they dont do shit Thebohemianjointpuffer: can yo do that Jrock: Wdym Rain69: he calls me his bitch Rain69: ;) Thebohemianjointpuffer: well hes not wrong Thebohemianjointpuffer: ur his gf right? Jrock: You spelled slut wrong Rain69: U spelled goof girl wrong Rain69: and yes i am Thebohemianjointpuffer: then ur jrocks bitch whore slut toy and what not Thebohemianjointpuffer: if you choose to be Jrock: Yep she is Thebohemianjointpuffer: i personal woudnt call someone my bitch or whore or slut Rain69: then good girl is an option Thebohemianjointpuffer: but maybe a toy if they are my freind and i rely on them for emotional stuff Thebohemianjointpuffer: and i do call very few a good girl Jrock: She likes it Thebohemianjointpuffer: if i hate you ill call you a whore Jrock: Lol Thebohemianjointpuffer: if i hate you and find a picture of you flaunting parts of ur bpdy like you ass if ur a girl and ur abs if your a boy ill call you a slut Rain69: well i am a slut Rain69: afk Izzy_blight: I am a mother fucking dirty whore named Jimmy Thebohemianjointpuffer: like this one girl in my class that i like who cheated on her ex and hurt me very badly i call her a stupid little whore slut that is a isapointment Thebohemianjointpuffer: jimmys moooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm Izzy_blight: Jimmy's mom is gay Thebohemianjointpuffer: who here is a good girl Thebohemianjointpuffer: no one Izzy_blight: Oh I'm sorry about that. No no one Thebohemianjointpuffer: i lost my bitch to another bitch Thebohemianjointpuffer: like how that works Thebohemianjointpuffer: like bitches be tripping Izzy_blight: I lost something once. Something I couldn't live without. My jellybeans Thebohemianjointpuffer: onto my dick Thebohemianjointpuffer: oh long story short i shoved an entire bag of jellybean up my ass Izzy_blight: So I'm lying there BBQ sauce on my titties Thebohemianjointpuffer: and imm eat it off Rain69: no pookie is oofline Thebohemianjointpuffer: imagine putting penut butter on your dick Thebohemianjointpuffer: ill be ur pokie Thebohemianjointpuffer: lol no Izzy_blight: Oh boy PTSD in my cerebral cortex Rain69: no thanks idk u as well Thebohemianjointpuffer: izzy wdym Angel_gabby: I hate my fucking life, my school just erased everything from my Chromebook while I was doing a damn test for no fucking reason, I wanna shoot up this fucking school Thebohemianjointpuffer: imagine havin a box full of ptsd Izzy_blight: I mean I just had a minor freakout Thebohemianjointpuffer: why Izzy_blight: Oh that sounds not ffun I'm sorry about that Izzy_blight: Nothing don't worry about it Thebohemianjointpuffer: im gonna wrry Thebohemianjointpuffer: wory Thebohemianjointpuffer: wonder Thebohemianjointpuffer: question Thebohemianjointpuffer: you Izzy_blight: I have peanut butter related trauma. Sexually Izzy_blight: I don't like to think about it Thebohemianjointpuffer: oh no 15:28:08Friday, 3 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Oh yeahhhhhhh and then the Kool-Aid man busts the wall Thebohemianjointpuffer: with penut butter on his dick Thebohemianjointpuffer: oh no Izzy_blight: Okay that's not cool man Thebohemianjointpuffer: indeedy Thebohemianjointpuffer: i like to annoy people cuz they all gonna end up being a dick Izzy_blight: You must be fun at parties Ashh: XD Thebohemianjointpuffer: what are parties Djshrimpdick: Balls Rain69: ASH Ashh: HEY Rain69: the quizziz Ashh: he made us do worksheets instead Ashh: TnT Djshrimpdick: L Rain69: aww Thebohemianjointpuffer: the fbi, cia, and the tva are watching me right now Djshrimpdick: W Tva: no we arent Ashh: if yall ever end up in wytheville virginia papa johns in about 2 months u might see me working Fbi: no we aret Djshrimpdick: W Cia: we arent even real Ashh: and no u wont get a disount Ashh: discount Djshrimpdick: Damn why not Jrock: Beep Ashh: well maybe u Jrock: Beep fucking Beep Ashh: and kiki Jrock: What about us Ashh: hmmmm i would charge u extra Djshrimpdick: I already get 50% off at my local domino's Ashh: slayyy Jrock: For wha Thebohemianjointpuffer: the fbi are ofuhigbgjgtheaHAYJAJJARYZJ Jrock: What’d I miss Ashh: as a reminder ill hurt u Rain69: POOKIE Djshrimpdick: My cousin works as a cashier and puts in his code when I order Jrock: If I hurt her ik Thebohemianjointpuffer: gay Rain69: wut i miss Jrock: That my question Thebohemianjointpuffer: cock and ball tourcher Jrock: Aw man Ashh: just a friendly reminder i can and will hurt u if she even sheds a single tear Thebohemianjointpuffer: and a asss load of farting Ashh: :P Izzy_blight: I'm about to blow Djshrimpdick: Makes sense Rain69: i've already cried Ashh: ... Rain69: not bc of pookie Ashh: hmmmm ok Rain69: he would never hurt me Thebohemianjointpuffer: then he a pussy ass bitch Izzy_blight: Jr. Thebohemianjointpuffer: he gott hurt you durign sex Ashh: i said that abut sann too Rain69: well not shit Jrock: HOLY SHIT I WAS SCARED LOL BOTH BC IDK WHAT I WOULDVE DONE AND BC I Prefer my balls attached Thebohemianjointpuffer: he gotta go hard Rain69: he does Djshrimpdick: L balls Ashh: u got lucky Thebohemianjointpuffer: then he hurts you Jrock: Gtg be back ilu Ashh: i was preparing my ball cutting scissors Ashh: snip Thebohemianjointpuffer: oh yeah i dont hae any anymore Rain69: NOO STAYYYYY Izzy_blight: I don't understand how people enjoy being beaten during sex Djshrimpdick: Balls are better to rip than cut Thebohemianjointpuffer: idk either Djshrimpdick: more satisfying Rain69: my ex js asked for head Thebohemianjointpuffer: tell him Thebohemianjointpuffer: ill give him ood head Thebohemianjointpuffer: real good head Djshrimpdick: Give him a severed frogs head Thebohemianjointpuffer: oo yes Izzy_blight: I haven't been on this site regularly in so long I forgot how much I hated it Thebohemianjointpuffer: why u leave Djshrimpdick: Same Izzy Izzy_blight: For sanity. But I lost my sanity again so here I am again Izzy_blight: I am sorry to hear that Djshrimpdick: I usually keep the tab open and just ignore it Thebohemianjointpuffer: i go make game Djshrimpdick: W Thebohemianjointpuffer: like code one Thebohemianjointpuffer: and play ne of these games Izzy_blight: I do that too Izzy_blight: Ignorance is bliss Rain69: imagine haviing a minecraft brickfor a dick Djshrimpdick: L corners Rain69: fr Djshrimpdick: L chat Djshrimpdick: chead dat Izzy_blight: Jimmy just got arrested Djshrimpdick: On what charges? Izzy_blight: Child exploitation, murder, grand larceny (anon): Boreddd Rain69: same Rain69: im in art rn 15:59:05Friday, 3 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'm back Thebohemianjointpuffer: and I'm captain man Thebohemianjointpuffer: nigger wigger (anon): ohhh skibidi toilet (anon): YUH Rain69: jj? 16:30:03Friday, 3 May, 2024 Yuhher: Fuck is going on Rain69: who knows Yuhher: 😔👆🤫 Yuhher: 🤫🧏 Bonnie: Boredd Bonnie: How is everyone, today Rain69: eh Angel_gabby: terrible Angel_gabby: got a 22/60 on a test and everything on my Chromebook got wiped 17:01:01Friday, 3 May, 2024 Angel_zaggy: damn 17:31:59Friday, 3 May, 2024 -error- 09:53:46Saturday, 4 May, 2024 10:22:07Saturday, 4 May, 2024 Dtrump: hi 10:53:03Saturday, 4 May, 2024 -error- 19:49:04Saturday, 4 May, 2024 Crsm: nexo ist femboy Crsm: nexo ist femboy 20:27:11Saturday, 4 May, 2024 Kkk93: he had so many good cards 21:35:27Saturday, 4 May, 2024 Rain69: 22:44:57Saturday, 4 May, 2024 Sifelia: GTA V 22:47:30Saturday, 4 May, 2024 22:52:56Saturday, 4 May, 2024 22:53:44Saturday, 4 May, 2024 23:24:49Saturday, 4 May, 2024 Atomic: chat I just realized where my tentacle fetish came from Atomic: big breakthrough 23:55:49Saturday, 4 May, 2024 Rain69: omg 00:26:49Sunday, 5 May, 2024 00:57:49Sunday, 5 May, 2024 01:28:47Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: What have we become Rain69: who knows Izzy_blight: Whatever it is I don't like it Izzy_blight: I don't like a lot of things Izzy_blight: Especially Jimmy Izzy_blight: He can go to Hell 01:59:44Sunday, 5 May, 2024 02:30:42Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Nowah: hi Rain69: hi Hello19: How did you know I was on? Rain69: fl Dtrump: am I online 03:01:42Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Honey_bun__: Hey pookies Honey_bun__: Anyone here Jrock: Me Marinachacon: hola 03:32:43Sunday, 5 May, 2024 04:03:43Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Honey_bun__: Heloooo Dtrump: muh feelies Cum52: hoyl shti Cum52: omg i cant tyoeo Honey_bun__: Anygays Hello19: Hello Cum52: fag 04:34:42Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Cum52: chat dead asf Cum52: ima head out 05:05:41Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Dtrump: Mr cope 05:36:41Sunday, 5 May, 2024 06:07:40Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: winton 06:38:38Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden. Izzy_blight: Joe. Izzy_blight: Biden Izzy_blight: Joe Balls Cum52: Fags Cum52: hi izzy Izzy_blight: Hello there, I haven't seen another living soul here in quite some time Cum52: lmaoo Cum52: how ub een Izzy_blight: I can't even begin to tell you Dtrump: Were not supposed to talk to you. Izzy_blight: How are you Izzy_blight: Yeah that makes sense Cum52: im alr Izzy_blight: very good Cum52: why wouldn't anyone not be supposed to talking to nvm this is confusing asf Dtrump: Rules are rules. Cum52: what'd i miss Izzy_blight: I never knew there were rules Cum52: Did she kill jimmy??!?!? Cum52: Jimmy became a potassium junkie, shooting up every day to the point where he felt his body was about to fall apart, his joints started to ache and his eyes felt like they were going to pop. His kidneys gave out 1,000 times a month, his liver gave out about 100 times a month, his heart gave out about 200 times a day, his lungs died, his lymph glands shut down and his dick started shrinking and he was coughing up blood and he had constant diarrhea every few hours. Izzy_blight: Maybe Izzy_blight: Classic Jimmy Dtrump: gosh this joke is overdone Cum52: Jimmy woke up in the middle of the night and stumbled down the stairs and collapsed. He died instantly. His fat, naked corpse was not discovered until five weeks later. The medical examiner declared his death the result of massive amounts of potassium being pumped into his veins. Jimmy's autopsy revealed that he had taken a whopping 6,900 mg of potassium a day, for seven years. Izzy_blight: It certainly is But it's funny to me Cum52: Yiff_mommy: nobody tell him i told yall, but riley pissed himself in his sleep once...while I was cuddling with him =/ Cum52: Shizi: v/ *moans, rubbing my hips against you involuntarily, feeling your hands on my thighs* "o-oh god, m-more..." Cum52: Yiff_mommy: i have a diff kinda christmas stalking Yiff_mommy: not stocking Yiff_mommy: stalking Cum52: Aakwardsilence: Its ok to do it with two 9 year olds because if you add them together they make 18 Cum52: yes im bored Izzy_blight: Bored and hungry Cum52: for pussy Cum52: what the fuck Izzy_blight: lesbian gay bisexual transgender Martians Cum52: Izzy_blight: I feel like I'm getting fucked in the kidney right now Oofalladeez: Izzy how do you know what being fucked in the kidney feels like? That's kinda fucked up Izzy_blight: I've been places man Izzy_blight: Places no one should ever be Izzy_blight: Nobody knows the trouble I've seen Cum52: Izzy Cum52: what the fuck does it mean to brush ur tits Cum52: Izzy_blight: Fucn I need to brush my tits Izzy_blight: That was a typo Cum52: sure. Izzy_blight: Or was it Cum52: can u teach me how Izzy_blight: I would need a license Izzy_blight: And I can't be bothered Cum52: a license for what Izzy_blight: to be a ballin ass mother fucker Izzy_blight: And I am certainly not Cum52: im going to lock nipple clamps onto you Izzy_blight: Ooh kinky Cum52: do u like 😖 Izzy_blight: Yes Dtrump: why do you act like this Izzy_blight: mental damage Izzy_blight: I got my head hit on a chair when I was a baby Dtrump: Im not talking to you anymore on this site unless needed. Cum52: rosa parks battle bus Izzy_blight: I don't know what I did specifically to make you feel that way but that's fair Izzy_blight: Fortnite Fortnite Cum52: Izzy_blight: Sorry Michael I'm in someone else's ass at the moment. Would you like to schedule an appointment Cum52: can i schedule an appointment Cum52: can u schedule an appointment Izzy_blight: Wow that was from a long time ago. Maybe Izzy_blight: How many Chuck E Cheese tokens you got Cum52: A singular one Izzy_blight: Good enough Izzy_blight: Put it in the slot aka my asshole Cum52: *puts chuck e cheese token in the slot* Izzy_blight: Thank you for your patronage Cum52: what now 😖 Izzy_blight: Whatever you want Cum52: can u be my slave forever <333 Izzy_blight: Only if you promise not to beat me too hard Cum52: ofc not Cum52: now be a good girl for daddy Dtrump: this is fucked Izzy_blight: Yes it is Cum52: she's gonna be fucked Cum52: by a trex Izzy_blight: just like everything else that happens here Izzy_blight: Oh yes Cum52: dude do you think dinosaurs had humongous dicks Dtrump: your being phobic Cum52: Ghost57: *sad baby noises* Hello91: *extends penis* Cum52: Cinderthecatboy: i wanna be fucked while wearing a maid dress with a leash on my neck :3 Cum52: Skillersrule: my ex dipped my penis into sour cream then put it in her vagina Cum52: me and who? 07:09:36Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Yeah I want love but I want it fake Izzy_blight: I want Jimmy's loving Cum52: احب المكسيكيين Cum52: latinas are so hot.. Cum52: sometimes Izzy_blight: I prefer hamsters Cum52: i'll be ur hamster 😖 Dtrump: why are you horny Izzy_blight: What the fuck is that supposed to mean Izzy_blight: I don't know Izzy_blight: Why is anyone horny Cum52: I'll live in a cage while u forget to feed me and give me water and the rest of the things i need to live and will later die because of your inability to take care of me Izzy_blight: Oh that sounds fantastic Izzy_blight: You're hired Cum52: yay Izzy_blight: I am a killer through negligence Cum52: Dtrump: I always see some cute underage girl and turns out its just I slept walk into a Catholic middle school for girls. Cum52: Dtrump: what's your Chaturbate hun Cum52: Dtrump: A female talking about putting animals in there butt. Cum52: Dtrump: yummy cock Cum52: I found the galore of trump quotes Izzy_blight: Super Trump Dtrump: laz Cum52: yes Izzy_blight: I suddenly have to pee so bad for some reason Cum52: Dtrump: I found myself on the hub once. Cum52: can i watch Cum52: cus day and night i jack so fast it just hurts my cock. cock. Cum52: Sammywich: v/ i've fuckng had it with u *cums deep in ur butt* Cum52: Vulpix_axel: I’m a horny fuck short and small, here is my pussy and here is my mouth when I start to cum you’ll hear me shout, so flip me over and eat me out. Cum52: CHATTTT Cum52: im hungry Izzy_blight: Holy fuck Izzy_blight: I'm hungry for that chomp chomp Cum52: chat is drier than michelle obamas pussy Izzy_blight: Michael Obama Cum52: yes Izzy_blight: I'm super gay Izzy_blight: My name is Jonathan Gigolino and i am a disgraced former FBI agent Cum52: laps are just flesh chairs Izzy_blight: laps are a place to put your face Cum52: is urs one of those places Izzy_blight: Oh no not at all Izzy_blight: Unless Cum52: unless what 👉👈 Izzy_blight: Unless you're of consenting age and you're okay with wild unshaved pubic hair Cum52: what age is consenting Izzy_blight: Over 75 Cum52: deal Izzy_blight: Okay I'll see you when we're both on our deathbeds Cum52: great! Cum52: meow Izzy_blight: Izzy_blight: 25 pound motherfuck bucket of chicken grease at KFC, come and get it you fucking fat cunts. Inasg_hoe: :o Izzy sweater Inasg_hoe: sweared lmfao Izzy_blight: I'm tired and angry and my mouth is doing things it would not normally do Inasg_hoe: such as? Izzy_blight: Saying fucking racial slurs Izzy_blight: Nigger Cum52: that turned me on Cum52: i found a quote from me Cum52: i dont even remember this Izzy_blight: I am not sure what to say to that Cum52: Cum52: A MILLION MONOPOLY DOLLARS!!! Cum52: *Clapping noises* Atomic: :o now i can buy the browns! Izzy_blight: That is a lot of monopoly money Cum52: for realsies Izzy_blight: Imagine how many lines I could snort through that Cum52: i want to snort lines off of someones pussy Cum52: #bucketlist Izzy_blight: I want to crack Jimmy's dick like a glowstick Cum52: Ashh: mmm mommy~ Cum52: i miss ash's sexy ass 😖 Izzy_blight: Oh fuckk Cum52: and im talking bout her ass Cum52: not her Cum52: okay both Cum52: Ashh: start making sense or im going to suck u off Cum52: guys im fucking bored Cum52: wait there's like no one here Izzy_blight: Jimmy's here Cum52: im practically talking to myself Izzy_blight: Open the door Cum52: JUMMY Izzy_blight: He's going to put your asshole in a casket Cum52: taking e girl friend applications Izzy_blight: Taking her virginities Cum52: Atomic: pulled pork? yeah i cranked my hog today too Cum52: Sannkaed: *quietly and secretly pulls down atoms pants revealing below average penis* Izzy_blight: Depresseddom52: bruh conor mcgregor tweeted that hes horny Cum52: wtf happened to atom Cum52: *squirts all over the back seat of the school bus* Izzy_blight: I don't know. Weird ass dude Cum52: Atomic: *takes pic of axel's feet* Cum52: weird dude fr Izzy_blight: He reminds me of myself a little Cum52: Izzy_blight: Have you ever fucked my ass Atomic: i think everyone here will say yes Izzy_blight: Which is Probably the worst insult I could ever give anyone Izzy_blight: Oh yes Izzy_blight: I'm don't even remember that Cum52: im dont Izzy_blight: Yes. Highlighting my mistake makes you automatically better than me Izzy_blight: Bravo vince Cum52: yes im so much better than you Cum52: you fucking incel Izzy_blight: Fuck you I hope your whole family has a happy Hanukkah Cum52: fuck me when? Izzy_blight: Right here right now only one way out Cum52: what if i forget the safe word Cum52: Inasg_hoe: and no I'm submissive Cum52: no way 07:40:33Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: No comment Cum52: oh well Cum52: fuck it Izzy_blight: Aquaglare: i think i found a new friend Childrapist69: what's your age? Childrapist69: are you cute? Childrapist69: how old are you? Childrapist69: are you pretty? Childrapist69: do you like k-pop? Childrapist69: are you wearing a diaper? Childrapist69: what is your name? Childrapist69: are you a cop? Cum52: oh! Dtrump: i am Izzy_blight: "Are you a cop" Izzy_blight: Oh heck he is Izzy_blight: Everybody run it's the feds Cum52: lmao Cum52: OH SHIT Cum52: Izzy_blight: I got sued for $50 million by Barnes and Noble for 'terrorism', whatever that means. Izzy_blight: I still don't know what that means Cum52: Jimmy69: I go down on kids Izzy_blight: But I am 48 million in debt Cum52: Izzy_blight: Alektorophilia is a term used to describe a sexual attraction or interest in chickens or roosters Cum52: Izzy_blight: I need some chicken porn Yessir: wtf Izzy_blight: Chicken parmesan* Izzy_blight: Oh God it's all me Cum52: Izzy_blight: 🅱itches Todd_clorox: 🅻ove Todd_clorox: 🅲🆄🅼 Cum52: they love me? Cum52: Izzy_blight: The sewer pipe baby explosion scene made me barf Izzy_blight: Maybe in your dreams Cum52: Cum52: je ;s dofaepr Cum52: why was this quoted Izzy_blight: I don't know Izzy_blight: Because keyboard smash is funny Cum52: okay lmao Cum52: Izzy_blight: Jimmy is going to exploit my daughter not only sexually but also for crack money. W Cum52: Cum52: yeah too bad he fell down the stairs naked and died Cum52: Izzy_blight: Oh golly goo im gonna go eat chinese cardboard Izzy_blight: Jimmy Izzy_blight: I barely recall most of these Cum52: (anon): Izzy goes down on kids Cum52: Izzy_blight: I might lowkey become a soundcloud rapper and change my name to Lil Skizzy Izzy_blight: I should Cum52: you should start an only fans and sell fans Izzy_blight: I have a fan Izzy_blight: I could sell it Izzy_blight: But it's like super old and gross so Izzy_blight: The most I can probably get would be like $5 Cum52: taking sexually explicit photos of fans in unusual poses and places upon ur house and posting them to only fans Cum52: Izzy_blight: Yo my DoorDash driver just crashed into my fucking front door Izzy_blight: How the how the fuck do you make fans sexually explicit Cum52: Izzy_blight: Rezzing a racist teammate Hello91: doing god's work out here izzy Cum52: u give them melon boobies Cum52: Hello91: i'm going to make you squirt from your pretty little pussy Izzy_blight: Oh that makes Izzy_blight: Oh heavens Cum52: yeah Cum52: ... Izzy_blight: Good Lord Izzy_blight: Good Lord Bob give me the strength Dtrump: dont Cum52: Dtrump: ive got some sleepy pills Cum52: take them Izzy_blight: Jimmy is troubled and hurt and he is so stupid Dtrump: My sister took them. Izzy_blight: Oh no I hope she wakes up Cum52: lizaccw agwieuay Izzy_blight: Yes Cum52: fuck love just buy me a kitten Izzy_blight: You can buy my kitten for five bucks Dtrump: sex kitten Izzy_blight: I need the drug money Izzy_blight: sexy pussy Cum52: deal Cum52: here's $5 Izzy_blight: Thank you Izzy_blight: Now I will run away Cum52: HEY HEY WHAT ARE U DOING WHY ARE U PULLING ME INTO THE CAR Izzy_blight: Hehe welcome to hell mother fucker Cum52: MAMA ALWAYS TOLD ME ID GO TO HELL Cum52: Izzy_blight: Oh no daddy I fell onto your cock by accident uwu Izzy_blight: Oh I'm ashamed of that one Izzy_blight: But I'm ashamed of many things Cum52: like ur abnormally small spine Cum52: Izzy_blight: We can't expect God to rape all the children Izzy_blight: very specific Cum52: ⬛⬛🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥🟥🟥 ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥⬛🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥⬛🟥🟥⬛⬛ Cum52: FUCK Izzy_blight: How did you know Izzy_blight: Among us Cum52: ⬛⬛🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥🟥🟥 ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥⬛🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥⬛🟥🟥⬛⬛ Cum52: i see you Izzy_blight: You sussy Baka Cum52: that's how i know Izzy_blight: Oh my God he's in the closet Cum52: NUH UH Izzy_blight: Oh my God he's in my ass Cum52: Shit wrong hole Izzy_blight: Whoopsies uwu Izzy_blight: Joe Biden Joe Biden Cum52: let me try the other one 😖 Cum52: Izzy_blight: Get your greasy chicken bucket you fat piece of shit Izzy_blight: only $12.99 Izzy_blight: at kfc Izzy_blight: Let's try the other shoe Izzy_blight: I love a greasy chicken Cum52: LMAO Cum52: the site got blocked Cum52: are they watching me. Cum52: meow Cum52: meeowie Cum52: meowme Izzy_blight: Jimmy is watching Cum52: mr breast Izzy_blight: Mister beat Izzy_blight: Mr Breast give me money Cum52: missed her breast Izzy_blight: Hit her in the face instead Cum52: yep Izzy_blight: I love eating Jimmy's crusty socks Cum52: elton john Izzy_blight: I was John L Wayne now I'm Elton John Cum52: WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER JUNIOR DOUBLE TRIPLE WHOPPER FLAME GRILLED TASTE WITH PERFECT TOPPERS I RULE THIS DAY AAAT BK HAVE IT YOUR WAY... you rule! Izzy_blight: Burger Cum52: Comrade_izzy: I'm hip with the kiddos Prettylittlewhore: you say that again i will bury you alive Cum52: Izzy_blight: GAY SEX Izzy_blight: SODOMY Izzy_blight: ANAL Izzy_blight: GAY LOVE Izzy_blight: FAGGOT Izzy_blight: sorry Izzy_blight: I get excited sometimes Izzy_blight: Jesus Christ Izzy_blight: I don't remember the context at all and it scares me Cum52: WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER JUNIOR DOUBLE TRIPLE WHOPPER FLAME GRILLED TASTE WITH PERFECT TOPPERS I RULE THIS DAY AAAT BK HAVE IT YOUR WAY... you rule! Izzy_blight: Burger King has the best onion rings Cum52: Izzy_blight: god has eaten a capybara Cum52: Atomic7: God has watched yiff Cum52: while the worker at burger king is spittin on ya onion rings Izzy_blight: How many children do you think God has watched be molested Izzy_blight: and done absolutely nothing about it Cum52: woah Cum52: Izzys_sexy_toaster: penetrate me with a fork Cum52: im sad i missed this Izzy_blight: It was certainly something Izzy_blight: I don't remember much about it but I'm sure it was real special Cum52: i want to experience it Cum52: Izzys_sexy_toaster: fuck me aleady Izzy_blight: I remember being a little un comfortable Izzy_blight: And that's about it Cum52: do it again Izzy_blight: Maybe when Jimmy shows up Cum52: okay Cum52: i sneezed like a pretty little princess Izzy_blight: Precious Cum52: Callmelili: izzy Callmelili: i dont wanna see ur pusy again Izzy_blight: Too bad, here it is anyway Cum52: Izzy_blight: Adderall overdose Izzy_blight: In the airport bathroom Izzy_blight: wow That was a real long time ago Cum52: hey uh izzy. Izzy_blight: Yes sir Cum52: Izzy_blight: Reminds me of secret playtime with my uncle Cum52: what does this mean. Izzy_blight: Uh Izzy_blight: My uncle said it would be best if I didn't tell you 08:11:30Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Cum52: well tell me i'll keep it a secret 🤭 Cum52: Callmelili: OHH YESAAAHHHH Callmelili: *rapes table* Callmelili: OH YEAHHH Callmelili: OH YEAAHH Cum52: who tf was lili Dtrump: don't ask again Izzy_blight: A maniac Cum52: who tf was lili Dtrump: stfu cum Izzy_blight: I hope she's gotten help Cum52: cry about it rump Cum52: rumpleskin Dtrump: I cried already Cum52: are u on ur period Izzy_blight: Don't bully Trump he's a sweet old man Izzy_blight: Respect your elders Cum52: no i hate old men Izzy_blight: I mean yeah most of them are pedophiles but Cum52: especially after what that old guy tried to do to me in the arbys parking lot Izzy_blight: Oh my uncle did the same thing except it was a Walmart parking lot Cum52: OH SO IS THAT what secret playtime is? Izzy_blight: Oh uh Izzy_blight: No no no no Dtrump: my uncle called it show and don't tell Cum52: HELP Cum52: Jimmy69: Oh wait, I forgot to turn the oven off, shit Jimmy69 left. Cum52: what the fuck is this quote Cum52: Manmeatjizzmop: HANG ON......I AM JERKING OFF TO THINKING ABOUT YOU EATING BUCKSHOT Izzy_blight: Oh my God Cum52: who was this being said to Dtrump: shotgun Izzy_blight: Veronika Cum52: Mega__faggot: My sleep paralysis demons are 2 dudes in the dessert, dancing around in a big circle of pipe-bombs, chanting we love pizza rolls, while holding AKs with no stocks, and they had big black beards, wearing big white head bands, and they were also wearing white long sleeve gowns, but worst of all, they where dipping there ball sacks in cocaine and rubbing them all over each other. (i think there terrorists) Izzy_blight: Whoever wrote that needs to be locked away Izzy_blight: I have to pee again what why Cum52: can i watch this time mommy Cum52: Michaelbih: im billing myself Cum52: wtf are veronika's quotes Cum52: dude im glad i wasnt here for these Dtrump: its an alt Cum52: of who's Dtrump: someone in this chat Cum52: no shit Cum52: faggot Izzy_blight: Yeah those were interesting times to put it politely Cum52: Aakwardsilence: someone post something bad Dtrump: you want some kid porn Izzy_blight: Trump you got some of that? I'll buy it from you how much Cum52: Izzy_blight: Is it gross that I masturbated an hour ago and still haven't washed my hands? Cum52: Izzy_blight: Have you ever met a girl named izzy who isn't a crazy, sociopathic narcissist that snorts crushed up pop rocks and has a weird fetish for the color yellow Cum52: Izzy_blight: I feel like a dancing dancing dancing queen can I dance on your throat Cum52: Inasg_no: oh :c WHY AM I SO GULLIBLE Izzy_blight: Because you're a white girl Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy aren't you a white girl Izzy_blight: Uh Izzy_blight: Hey look outside there's a tree Cum52: Izzy_blight: What do you do when you've reached the end of the universe and all you've found is Resident Evil Leon S Kennedy TUBBZ Cosplaying Duck Collectible Cum52: Izzy_blight: Is it wrong to have erotic thoughts about your toaster Cum52: Izzy_blight: Is writing femboy rape porn a good coping mechanism for my abandonment issues Cum52: Izzy_blight: Have you ever loved someone so completely and profoundly that what you feel for them has engulfed you, overtaken the very foundation of your self and become the entire essence of your being, to the point that you want to leave your own body and crawl into theirs so they can be completely, undeniably yours? Cum52: Izzy_blight: can I put my nipples in the toaster Dtrump: yes Izzy_blight: What have I become Cum52: Hornysquirtingloli: you want my blood? you'll have to suck it out of my pussy~ Izzy_blight: Jesus fucking Christ Dtrump: are you on alts Cum52: who what Cum52: Toxicego357: titty milk? Izzy_blight: Now? No. Back then, yes absolutely Izzy_blight: I had so many accounts back then I can't even remember all of them Cum52: Izzy_blight: I'm gonna go masturbate to lesbian Harley Quinn fetish fanfiction. Be back soonish Cum52: Daddy_risk: IZZY, JIMMY TOUCHED MY HOLES Daddy_risk: I LIKED IT :(((((( Izzy_blight: And uh I have not become a better person since then Izzy_blight: As you can see Cum52: i found ash's quote deck Cum52: Dtrump: My sperm is very holy. Cum52: Dtrump: age doesnt matter here Cum52: Dtrump: dying with your penis still inside of her would be fun Cum52: Izzy_blight: SpongeBob Becomes a RACIST STREAMER Cum52: Dtrump: my hands arent traceable Ashh: we can fix that ;) Izzy_blight: I don't ever remember saying that in my life Cum52: Cinderthecatboy: time for the taste test Cum52: *grabs shotgun* Cum52: Cum52: Where's the beef Ashh: mhmm Ashh: in my pants come beat it Cum52: I gotchu Cum52: this made me laugh Cum52: Izzy_blight: I got three things to tell y'all 1: suck my 🐔 2: suck my 😺 3: suck my 🍑 Izzy_blight: Not funny didn't beat the meat Cum52: Cum52: oh god im finding qyotes of me Izzy_blight: As a former pedophile named Jimmy i can offer you tips on how to make your children less attractive Cum52: Cum52: r/IStrokedMyCock Cum52: Ishipwillowandhunter: *bites dick off* Cum52: Ima kms b- Cum52: AHHAHHAFFEHAHHAHFHEHa Cum52: feFAHEFHIAEHFU Cum52: *Grabs shotfun Cum52: Shotgun Cum52: *Blows brains out* Ashh: i identify as barins out blow me Cum52: blows ash* Cum52: (anon): I want Cum52 to repeat what I say some more so that I get hard again Cum52: what. Cum52: do you think hitler fucked his wife before killing himself Izzy_blight: I think i'm going to bed Cum52: ur gay Izzy_blight: Yes and proud of it Cum52: no Izzy_blight: Yes Cum52: Inasg_no: I'll send my tits on Cum52: erm Izzy_blight: What the fuck Izzy_blight: Oh hell no Cum52: fr Izzy_blight: Yeah yeah no I'm I'm going before my brain has a chance to process that goodbye Cum52: im done with quotes site reloaded and i was so far into searching Cum52: anyways ima go Cum52: ring my doorbell whenever ash gets here i need to say hi to that little nigger Cum52: my pussy has an erection Dtrump: i Cum52: hate Cum52: knitters 08:42:27Sunday, 5 May, 2024 -error- -limited chat memory-v 16:26:36Sunday, 5 May, 2024 16:53:16Sunday, 5 May, 2024 17:06:09Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Atomic: Atomic: Wawa cat 17:07:09Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Atomic: peyton 17:12:25Sunday, 5 May, 2024 17:13:02Sunday, 5 May, 2024 17:13:54Sunday, 5 May, 2024 17:14:39Sunday, 5 May, 2024 17:17:10Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Honey_bun__: Hey chat Rain69: HONEY Atomic: tsup Rain69: teaspoon? Atomic: E D P 445! BALLS ARE LIKE, 14 Honey_bun__: KIKIII Rain69: HIIIIIIII Honey_bun__: HIIIIIII Rain69: hruuuuuu Honey_bun__: Gooooodddd youuuuu Rain69: tired js woke up 17:48:56Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Rain69: i had no choice Atomic: does anyone remember ashh Rain69: if i didn't jj wouldn't call wit me and yes Honey_bun__: Yes I do atomic why? Atomic: what ever happened to her Rain69: she still comes on Honey_bun__: Also kiki I'll call w you if you want Rain69: js lter at night AND YES Honey_bun__: Also I have no idea atomic Atomic: sadders Honey_bun__: Okay you create it and I'll join Kay? Rain69: kk Honey_bun__: Where's JJ? Rain69: who knows Honey_bun__: Oh alr Honey_bun__: I'm full but hungry is that possible 😭 Rain69: yes Honey_bun__: It's upsetting 😭 Rain69: im js hungry but am i going to eat is the question Atomic: starve 18:20:42Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Atomic: new rizz: did you have any dreams last night? bc if not we can make some together Rain69: c Atomic: o 18:52:29Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Atomic: c Atomic: k Hello19: Hello Rain69: hi Raul_menendez: hi kei Generic: vid should b done by today Raul_menendez: ____________________ | O O | | v | | | | |------------| | |___________________| 19:24:14Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: ____________________ | O O | | v | | | | |------------| | |___________________| Raul_menendez: bruh my guy coming out a little chalenged Raul_menendez: ____________________ | O O | | v | | | | |------------| | |___________________| Ishipwillowandhunter: . Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey people Rain69: mich Rain69: HI Ishipwillowandhunter: Heyy Kei 19:56:00Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Honey_bun__: Helllooooo Honey_bun__: Anyone hereeeee Ishipwillowandhunter: heyy <3 Ishipwillowandhunter: been a while honey Honey_bun__: Helllooorrrr Honey_bun__: Anyone have homemade fried chicken Ishipwillowandhunter: uh sadly no. I'd make you some fried chicken if I could. I'm tryna avoid eating much until I can properly bulk anyways 20:27:46Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: . Ishipwillowandhunter: sorry back Rain69: wb Dtrump: boo Ishipwillowandhunter: tyy Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey Trump <3 how're you doing my boy Dtrump: ok Alexisa: H U H Dtrump: no caps plz 20:59:31Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Dealership: Do you ever felt like your past was a fever dream? That you regret missing your love ones in favor of scrolling to TikTok? Dealership: I am a lonely hypocrite searching for happiness. Yet all I gained was sadness. (anon): whats wrong Dtrump: ignore them Dealership: I am too addicted to TikTok, regret me time-wasting and glad someone listened. 21:31:17Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Atomic: ay waddup blud Ishipwillowandhunter: nun much, wsg with you homeslice Honey_bun__: Hey father michy Ishipwillowandhunter: I guess God can't bend free will which explains why you can't make any bitches love you Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm sorry, that was mean. I'm kidding Ishipwillowandhunter: I feel soo bad no Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey honey Sannkaed: i dont think there is anything that i can't do Honey_bun__: Except pull Ishipwillowandhunter: hahaha Sannkaed: i pull too many i have a problem Sannkaed: groupies Sannkaed: band sluts Sannkaed: all of it Dtrump: doubt Honey_bun__: You could pull me 😏 Sannkaed: trump if i was 18+ i would be sending links to all the tapes ive made in the past 2 weeks but instead i have to suffer from being hungover Sannkaed: honey no i dont like niggers Sannkaed: no sugarcoating Dtrump: doubt Rain69: honey is black Sannkaed: i know 22:03:04Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Sannkaed: and if you get offended today is my holiday muchacha Sannkaed: i get one day a year Sannkaed: and some reason GAY people get a month Sannkaed: enough controversial opinions tho how has everyone been Ishipwillowandhunter: don't you have a girlfriend bro? (anon): no he doesent Dtrump: he's a loser Sannkaed: at this moment in time im jus flyin solo Sannkaed: with touring and making music and all this i cant have a girl rn Sannkaed: besides theres hella desperate hoes at these shows who wanna fuck and say they jumped in bed with fame Sannkaed: im not even that famous yet Sannkaed: and idk what it is abt it Sannkaed: like Sannkaed: ugh Sannkaed: stressful Dtrump: lies and more lies Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah no sounds like hella cap Dtrump: He's so fucking annoying. Ishipwillowandhunter: I agree. Everyone here is though. How're you doing Trump Dtrump: I'm alright right now 22:34:50Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: Good, I'm glad. sorry but I gtg and if I can help it, I won't be back on for a bit. Stay safe trump 23:06:36Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Hello19: Hello Rain69: HI 23:38:22Sunday, 5 May, 2024 Atomic: chat i discovered the cause behind my tentacle fetish Atomic: big W Atomic: piss belongs in the balls Atomic: Atomic: genderqueer 2-spirit LGTBQIA+TVHD4KLBDSMCBT Atomic: nate Atomic: nate Atomic: nate Atomic: nate Atomic: nate Atomic: Sonic the Hedgehog: Cock Unleashed Atomic: A__n00b: you ever just wanna rip a cat in half Atomic: Soap21: i want to squeeze your ass Atomic: OH GOD Atomic: OH FUCK Atomic: I just frew up in my mouf... Atomic: Hello91: daddy spencer is hot Atomic: Oofalladeez: bring on the boys and stuffed metal detector get fish Atomic: Nathaniel 00:10:08Monday, 6 May, 2024 Atomic: chat, ya boi just found out he narcoleptic Atomic: big L 00:41:53Monday, 6 May, 2024 Generic: ts take so godam long Generic: its not hard its jus time consuming 01:13:39Monday, 6 May, 2024 Hello19: ? 01:45:26Monday, 6 May, 2024 02:17:11Monday, 6 May, 2024 (anon): Hi Rain69: hi (anon): I CAUGHT YOUR ASS Jrock: Sleep Rain69: i cant T^T Rain69: i is to horny Dtrump: ok 02:48:57Monday, 6 May, 2024 Dtrump: I'm not horny Jrock: bro is craving attention tho Dtrump: which one Jrock: You dumbass my gf was just answering my question Jrock: You just randomly popped into the convo that had nothing to do with you Dtrump: she told to me to say it Jrock: I highly doubt that Dtrump: check our Snapchat messages Jrock: she doesn’t have snap goofball Jrock: She doesnt even have a phone Dtrump: yeah this troll failed sorry Jrock: lol Jrock: Good troll but you def missed the mark Rain69: lmao Dtrump: I have selective memory. Rain69: we know Jrock: Sorry I don’t remember Dtrump: Rain might know more about me than I know. 03:20:43Monday, 6 May, 2024 Rain69: no Dtrump: you sure 03:52:30Monday, 6 May, 2024 Jrock: UwU teehee I’m cumming teehee *moans* Jrock: My Penis is throbbing with cum Jrock: I just wish daddy would let me let it all out Rain69: dw bbg i will Jrock: thanks …. DADDY? Dtrump: babygirl? Rain69: ofc bbg Jrock: Ily daddy Dtrump: oh Is this how you roleplay? Rain69: ilym bbg Jrock: Nah it’s just funny to lean into weirdness Rain69: yea Rain69: anyway im being forced to sleep in a minute so Rain69: nigga Jrock: Where’s your pass Rain69: honey is my pass Jrock: Oh yeah Jrock: raul is my (counterfeit) pass Dtrump: nice Jrock: Ykw imma trust her tn and I think she truly did listen so imma go to bed gn yall 04:24:16Monday, 6 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Tell me where Jimmy is. I just want to talk to him. I just want to talk to him. I just want to talk to him. I just want to talk to him. I just want to shoot him. I just want to talk to him 04:56:02Monday, 6 May, 2024 05:27:48Monday, 6 May, 2024 Generic: jus noticed i been copy pasting the wrong caption on accident godamit Generic: they jus a lil smaller than they supposed to b Generic: im NOT redoing all that Rain69: That's what she said Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey babes Rain69: Hola Ishipwillowandhunter: Ayy Kei, how you doing? Generic: bro Generic: this shit is so good LMAO Generic: worth the 20 hours of my life i wasted Dtrump: funnel twister (anon): wsg betches Jrock: Log in Rain69: was working on it Rain69: had to switch devices Dtrump: login anon Rain69: I DID Rain69: omfg Dtrump: I know Rain69: Lazurus: I jerked off for an hour trying to get it down and managed to cum six times before my alarm gave out Lazurus: arm* 05:59:34Monday, 6 May, 2024 Ishipwillowandhunter: . Rain69: . Dtrump: i did Dtrump: wanna dance blackie Generic: im tweakin Generic: this shit is not exporting Generic: i stg Generic: if i spent that much time Generic: just for this to not export Generic: im gna tweak tf out Rain69: i read that as "im twerkin" Jrock: I wish you were twerkin Rain69: 0-0 Jrock: yes you Generic: prayin this indian tech youtuber saves me Rain69: not much to twerk 06:31:20Monday, 6 May, 2024 Rain69: im into to women aswel as men Dtrump: so is it equal likability Jrock: Not necessarily Dtrump: you lean towards woman Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn, a noose Jrock: bisexuality is VERY complicated and is an umbrella term for lots of things Dtrump: s o y o u a r e g a y Jrock: Kinda yeah Rain69: but straight at the same time Jrock: But I also like women Jrock: exactly Rain69: michy Dtrump: I wonder Ishipwillowandhunter: Wsp luv Dtrump: I am the last true straight man. Rain69: yes Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes. Rain69: anywaya hru u michy Rain69: wait english did not english Jrock: no trump your the Ishipwillowandhunter: Eh, you know. Tired and ready to leave for the most part. You? 07:03:06Monday, 6 May, 2024 Jrock: Leave what Rain69: not tired the energy drink i had hours ago is kicking in and bored Ishipwillowandhunter: Here. I wore myself out today in every aspect Rain69: ayo Dtrump: I deal with low energy a lot. Ishipwillowandhunter: Lmao every way except that Rain69: mhm sureeeee Dtrump: I probably have a health issue that I have been ingnoring the last year. Rain69: same Ishipwillowandhunter: I have the sex drive of a rock, I need that personal connection yk Dtrump: I am scared to go back to the doctor. Jrock: Why Rain69: L Dtrump: I always fear the worst. I also fear not being able to word what exactly I am feeling and what issues I want so say and how to describe them. Ishipwillowandhunter: . Rain69: . 07:34:52Monday, 6 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Fuck Izzy_blight: I'm all alone tonight Izzy_blight: Nobody cares 08:06:38Monday, 6 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: hi 08:38:23Monday, 6 May, 2024 09:10:08Monday, 6 May, 2024 09:41:54Monday, 6 May, 2024 10:13:39Monday, 6 May, 2024 10:45:24Monday, 6 May, 2024 Ichkriegeeine6: ROOOOOBERT Ichkriegeeine6: Das ist der Börner Ichkriegeeine6: Sag ich wenn mir was gefällt Ichkriegeeine6: Und mir gefällt so viel auf dieser weiten welt Ichkriegeeine6: Wenn jemand meckert sage ich nur : life is life Ichkriegeeine6: Mach dich vom Acker Ichkriegeeine6: Ich hab nen richtig geilen style Ichkriegeeine6: Ich sag: Ichkriegeeine6: ROOOOOBEEERT 11:01:46Monday, 6 May, 2024 -error- -limited chat memory-^ 11:13:23Monday, 6 May, 2024 11:18:09Monday, 6 May, 2024 11:18:28Monday, 6 May, 2024 Lazurus: heyy Lazurus: the next person who I see type is getting a free five hour milking session Izzy_blight: You gave me the boy I give you the man Izzy_blight: And his name is Jimmy Jenkins Dtrump: thx izzy Lazurus: lmao I'ma goooo Izzy_blight: Of course Mr President Izzy_blight: Oh okay have a nice day Izzy_blight: I want to give someone a hug Genram: weirdo Some1: no youPlay cards or pictures! Available online in 17 languages. Not officially affiliated or endorsed by Cards Against Humanity. Game List Lazurus: heyy Lazurus: the next person who I see type is getting a free five hour milking session Izzy_blight: You gave me the boy I give you the man Izzy_blight: And his name is Jimmy Jenkins Dtrump: thx izzy Lazurus: lmao I'ma goooo Izzy_blight: Of course Mr President Izzy_blight: Oh okay have a nice day Izzy_blight: I want to give someone a hug Genram: weirdo Some1: no you 11:58:39Monday, 6 May, 2024 12:00:01Monday, 6 May, 2024 Dtrump: you 1 12:02:27Monday, 6 May, 2024 12:19:17Monday, 6 May, 2024 12:25:25Monday, 6 May, 2024 12:28:04Monday, 6 May, 2024 12:30:41Monday, 6 May, 2024 12:44:25Monday, 6 May, 2024 12:44:43Monday, 6 May, 2024 13:08:58Monday, 6 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: who allon 13:33:14Monday, 6 May, 2024 13:57:30Monday, 6 May, 2024 14:21:46Monday, 6 May, 2024 Rain69: hey Rain69: UR ZESTY Ghxst: hi Rain69: HIIIIIIII Ghxst: hru Rain69: hyperer Rain69: hbu Ghxst: im alr Ghxst: i want dick ngl Rain69: same Ghxst: yuh Rain69: i want jjs tho Rain69: AH Rain69: T^T 14:46:02Monday, 6 May, 2024 Rain69: can i kms already Rain69: ✨masochism✨ Rain69: bop it twist it pull it suck it 15:10:18Monday, 6 May, 2024 Foap: ? Rain69: FOAP Foap: who here Foap: oh hi Rain69: ME Rain69: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Rain69: im super hyeperer and i haven't had an energy drink Rain69: or anything wit caffaiene Foap: I got high and drunk yesterday so its no biggy Rain69: bad Rain69: u bad Foap: not as bad as you tho -_- Rain69: hey i've been clean thus far Foap: mhm -_- Rain69: well okay Rain69: since last week Rain69: on tuesday Rain69: so almost a week Rain69: i gtg afk soon Rain69: okay wow:( Bonnie: Sup Bonnie: im pretty bored rn ngl Bonnie: Anyone on? Foap: mhm Rain69: sadly Ashh: a whole 6 people Ashh: wow Foap: mhm Ashh: anyways Ashh: cya Foap: yeah Foap: bye Rain69: bye ash Rain69: aw bye foap 15:34:34Monday, 6 May, 2024 Ashh: nvm I'm bored again Rain69: ASHY Ashh: HEY Ashh: I'm about to take a test wont be here long Rain69: AW Rain69: T^T Ashh: a test on three separate units Ashh: yay Rain69: fun Ashh: I look so old now yall Ashh: I look like my mom Ashh: its scary Rain69: oop Ashh: lol Jul: Oops Ashh: I hope she keeps talking until lunch time Ashh: not that I'm hungry Ashh: I just hate this class Rain69: im never hungry Ashh: loll I'm really nausous today Rain69: same Rain69: hold on gotta draw smth Ashh: only thing rn that doesn't make me wanna throw up is apple juice Jul: Who is Bonnie Ashh: don't remember (anon): Hi Rain69: RAWER Rain69: im drawing wings rn Ashh: shes still talking Rain69: lol Rain69: i hate how the wings are turning out Ashh: almost 30 minutes Ashh: of her just talking Ashh: istg Jul: Hm Rain69: i hate it T^T Jul: Bye Ashh: bye Rain69: byebye Rain69: ash do yk how to draw wings T^T Ashh: not really lol Ashh: I gtg tho good luck hun Rain69: thanks Rain69: bye 15:58:50Monday, 6 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: yippee this site ain't blocked on this chromebook Raul_menendez: I had to get a new Chromebook cause the mouse on my other one wouldn't work lol Raul_menendez: hi kei Raul_menendez: chat dead with one afk Snickerdoodle: chase Hailsatan666: HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Snickerdoodle: o Rain69: i gave up im drawing a dragon Cautiouscash: penis Raul_menendez: show me it Cautiouscash: okey Cautiouscash: im 11 Angel_gabby: Why are you here, then? Hailsatan666: FUCK OFF Rain69: we dont like ppl under 13 Youngpair: who wants to do a public game Angel_gabby: This website isn't for people under 13, so you should probably leave, Cash. Raul_menendez: the fuck Youngpair: anyone wanna do a public game Youngpair: I'm bored Raul_menendez: this site isn't meant for people under the age of 20 Angel_gabby: Honestly, with most of the people here being fascist or racist, this site isn't meant for anyone. Raul_menendez: this site is highly recommended to college students who don't want to buy the card game Raul_menendez: lol valid Raul_menendez: at this point this site belongs on the dark web Angel_gabby: Mhm. Angel_gabby: I only use this site to chat with my boyfriend. Raul_menendez: and that is? Angel_gabby: Cause this damn school blocks nearly every website. Angel_gabby: Surprisingly, they didn't block this one. Raul_menendez: so almost every district across America? Angel_gabby: Pretty much. Raul_menendez: book bans in Texas and florida is high as hell Raul_menendez: what your BF account on here? Angel_gabby: He has a few, but right now, "Friend_francis" Friend_francis: hi Raul_menendez: merhaba Raul_menendez: hru? Angel_gabby: My school was definitely on something when they thought adding Minecraft Education Edition was a good idea. Friend_francis: Im ok ig.. Raul_menendez: nitro type was the shit as a kid Friend_francis: i still play that Raul_menendez: lol hell yeah Angel_gabby: Yeah, used to play it a lot in middle school. Angel_gabby: Might go back to it sometime. Friend_francis: is why im so fast at typing tho Raul_menendez: games hit hard for some strange reason Angel_gabby: Yeah. Friend_francis: Yall want a cool, grey theme for this site? Raul_menendez: and then there was teaching us about stuff we'll never need because of AI slowly replacing everything lol Friend_francis: Rain69: k bck Raul_menendez: WB Rain69: thxs Friend_francis: I have more than just a few accs btw lmao Angel_gabby: I originally made the theme with the Discord colors. Angel_gabby: The theme he sent. Friend_francis: i saved it cuz its so good Raul_menendez: it didn't show Rain69: raul u still wanna see Raul_menendez: sure Raul_menendez: also that site is blocked for me Rain69: zoom? Rain69: L skill issue Some1: zoom the meeting website? Rain69: nah the wall zom Angel_gabby: Nahh, the porn website. Friend_francis: Lmao Some1: damn Angel_gabby: Also, hi Some1 Friend_francis: Seems like everythings ok now.. 16:23:06Monday, 6 May, 2024 Angel_gabby: I got a haircut yesterday and it looks like I just broke out of fuckin' prison. Angel_gabby: My hair is so short nowww Friend_francis: Damn Raul_menendez: buzz cut? Angel_gabby: Yeah Some1: damn Some1: Angel_gabby: Holy shit Izzy_blight: Jimmy abandoned me Izzy_blight: When I was a baby Raul_menendez: damn isa Angel_gabby: This is the farthest a robux scammer has gone Angel_gabby: Friend_francis: 0_0 wow- Raul_menendez: I mean it's worth it Some1: that would get a 5 year old Izzy_blight: Just steal it Raul_menendez: 100k niggerbux? worth every buck\ Some1: yes Hello19: Hello Some1: Hello Hello19: How is everyone today? Angel_gabby: Decent. Izzy_blight: Abhorrent Hello19: Oh nice Friend_francis: My wifi sucks rn Izzy_blight: Jimmy left me alone with a scary man at the grocery store Angel_gabby: Same. Angel_gabby: Oh Raul_menendez: damn isa Raul_menendez: its been a while since I've chatted with you isa Raul_menendez: hru? Izzy_blight: Yeah sorry I've been trying to avoid this place as much as possible. Oh well, i'm alive I suppose. How are you Some1: Raul_menendez: alr kinda stressed with 3 research projects and Chromebooks has to be turned in on the 13th Some1: same Izzy_blight: You'll pull it off i'm believe in you Raul_menendez: I mean that's a good thing isa Raul_menendez: at least your trying to avoid it now Izzy_blight: I fear I may not be able to any longer though Raul_menendez: I mean at least you know your able to get away for a bit of time right? Raul_menendez: That's a start in my books Izzy_blight: I guess. I don't think I'll be able to do it again soon though. Just when it seemed like life had some semblance of security again it was ripped away. And now I have no choice but to be back here unless things Change again Raul_menendez: what happened? (anon): ... Izzy_blight: long and painful story Izzy_blight: Basically Jimmy did a bad Izzy_blight: And the thing blew up Izzy_blight: You know how it is Some1: Raul_menendez: is Jimmy meant to symbalize someone irl? Izzy_blight: Yeah yes Izzy_blight: Michael's father. And I use the term father loosely Raul_menendez: oh 0_0 Izzy_blight: That man does not deserve to be anyone's father Izzy_blight: That piece of shit Izzy_blight: Pardon my French Raul_menendez: step dad or biological? Izzy_blight: fucking bastard Izzy_blight: step Raul_menendez: Of course Raul_menendez: I guess I'm lucky Izzy_blight: from what I've heard his biological father is actually pretty cool Raul_menendez: I hear a lot of bad things about step fathers but I never understood them Izzy_blight: Are any of us really lucky if we're on here Rain69: i have a step father.... Raul_menendez: I live with my step dad and He loves me like his own biological son Izzy_blight: I don't but I've learned how bad they can be. my own biological dad is also a piece of shit Izzy_blight: Jimmy's dad beat him so much Izzy_blight: That's why he became such a monster Raul_menendez: idk my biological dad and I never want to Izzy_blight: Might be for the best if he's a meth addict Raul_menendez: he can stay in california of all I care of Izzy_blight: Oh God he lives in California Izzy_blight: Yeah no he's better off there Izzy_blight: The only thing worse would be Ohio Raul_menendez: he's there because of military Izzy_blight: Oh big tough guy Raul_menendez: but I could care less about him Raul_menendez: He was never there for me Izzy_blight: I will pull out his toenails with pliers Raul_menendez: My step dad was matter fact we are going to change my last name to my step dads Izzy_blight: Oh nice Izzy_blight: I hope it's a cool name like Gigolino Raul_menendez: I'm coming from aguilar to De Leon Izzy_blight: Okay that actually is pretty cool Izzy_blight: congratulations Raul_menendez: thx and I hope you can come to some type of resolve with what is going on in life Izzy_blight: I doubt it. ButThank you for the well wishes Izzy_blight: May all your cheese be fresh Raul_menendez: ... Raul_menendez: ok? Izzy_blight: Sorry I have no social skills Izzy_blight: I lived in Dungeons long forgotten Raul_menendez: me either lol Izzy_blight: I guess neither do most people here Izzy_blight: Except maybe Mickey, That weird guy who offered me cocaine Izzy_blight: He can be very persuasive Raul_menendez: lol 16:47:22Monday, 6 May, 2024 Play cards or pictures! Available online in 17 languages. Not officially affiliated or endorsed by Cards Against Humanity. Izzy_blight 🇬🇧 English Account Color Themes Mobile View Make Decks Browse Decks Use Image/GIF Game List Donate Contact FAQ YouTube Secret Stash Logout Donate Game List Izzy_blight: Michael doesn't want me spending time on here during the day because I might Get hurt or do something bad Izzy_blight: I should listen to him Izzy_blight: But why would I do a thing like that Izzy_blight: Why would I not? I don't know why I'm here right now Foap: I iz back Izzy_blight: Hello Franklin Foap: I iz back Foap: -_- Foap: stupid ass cromebook Izzy_blight: You're a good kid Franklin Tempex: im gonna touch you all Izzy_blight: Yes please Foap: I would highly advise you not touch me Tempex: bet drop the @ Izzy_blight: How about I just drop my pants instead Izzy_blight: Like I did with my uncle Foap: that's wild asf Tempex: bet but first i have to see what im working with :p Rain69: hey foap Foap: especially coming from you Isabella Izzy_blight: I uh Foap: hi Rain69: i need help T^T Foap: with Izzy_blight: I apologize I'm in one of those moods Rain69: art Rain69: i cant fuckin do the dragons mouth Foap: that depends on what your trying to make Foap: ohhh Foap: like me Foap: your doing dragons now? Rain69: yes i gave up on the other one the body was shitty\ Foap: and what are you drawing your art on atm? Rain69: the wings looked like shit asewll Rain69: like i said mouth Foap: ipad? Foap: notebook? Rain69: no paper Izzy_blight: Spider time 🕷️ Foap: I draw mine on a touch screen Rain69: i know Rain69: its only a rough draft but its pissing me off Izzy_blight: Unexpected pedophile Izzy_blight: AKA the story of my fifth birthday party Foap: alot easier when you can be smooth instead of using a pencil Foap: or a pen Rain69: im better with a pencil Daddydalton: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Foap: you can amek ALOT of flaws with a pencil Foap: make* Rain69: but better shading Izzy_blight: Looking for some one to find me Foap: that's why I use special apps when I'm drawing, I use multiple apps when I'm drawing Rain69: i have hands Foap: me too >:) Izzy_blight: 😶‍🌫 Foap: I use different apps for the shading Izzy_blight: I just learned I have emojis on my Chromebook Foap: then I also do color shifting Izzy_blight: This is a game changer Foap: lol Rain69: i am going fucking insane Foap: then stop drawing, and do it another time Rain69: ima forget about Rain69: till tmmrw Foap: then set a timer on your phone >:| Rain69: i dont have a phone Foap: bruh Rain69: i may or may not have gotten locked out of it Foap: how 0-0 Rain69: friends Tempex: penis Foap: tf Foap: cause of friends? Rain69: my friends are nosy Tempex: penis Izzy_blight: My friends are perverts Tempex: PENIS Izzy_blight: And so am I Izzy_blight: Penis dispenser Foap: that makes sense coming from you izzy Tempex: what the fuck but PENIS Izzy_blight: Nothing makes sense coming from me Izzy_blight: Oh c'est la vie Izzy_blight: You can never see these nuts again Izzy_blight: Come on and slam and welcome to the jam Izzy_blight: Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to mourn the loss of Azala chat Izzy_blight: It will not be missed Foap: bruh Izzy_blight: It's alive Izzy_blight: Hi how are you Ratio: 7,026 players have donated so far. Izzy_blight: Good fellas Foap: the song "all my fellas" was created by a zoophile that dresses as a furry Ratio: fr? Foap: gtg Izzy_blight: I've never heard it but now I want to Izzy_blight: Got to support the community Rain69: bye Ratio: The Horrible Truth About Shaken Baby Syndrome Izzy_blight: Balls in Hitlers Ass Ratio: The physical manifestation of Hitler:^ Izzy_blight: Hitler busted a nut in my ear Ratio: Dark Rabbit Holes, Part 2 Tempex: wee wee Tempex: wee pee Ratio: is brought to you by healthcare, broken markets, law-and-order Izzy_blight: Paul Izzy_blight: Oh my god i love paul Tempex: pee pee man Izzy_blight: I LOVE PAUL Tempex: you like peepee Ratio: long to live in a chic Pee-Wee’s Playhouse Izzy_blight: I like cheesecake Izzy_blight: I want to live at the Holiday Inn Tempex: no you like pee pee Ratio: Paul Reubens, who gave us the unforgettable character of Pee-wee Herman, has died of cancer at age 70. Izzy_blight: Oh no Ratio: As the star of “Pee-wee’s Playhouse,” Reubens inspired a generation of kids — and adults — to dream and think outside the box, and to feel worthy of subversive, funny, unique art. And he was, according to those who knew him best, warm, loving, generous and a purveyor of one-of-a-kind, bountiful happy birthday messages. Izzy_blight: Only sometimes Izzy_blight: Very sad. Didn't he get caught jerking off in a dirty porno theater Tempex: pee wee herman pee oee Izzy_blight: Dan and Phil won dads of the year Ratio: Paul Reubens never got the critical reappraisal he deserved Tempex: bro im gonna touch you Izzy_blight: Poor guy Izzy_blight: Hey that's what my uncle said Rain69: i give up Ratio: And so when Reubens was handcuffed on charges of public indecency at Sarasota, Florida’s pornographic South Trail Cinema in 1991, his rangy-haired, rough-night mugshot became both punch line and scarlet letter. Izzy_blight: Never give up John Cena Izzy_blight: Oh man Tempex: yea i just got gropped by my teacher Izzy_blight: Oh shit I'm sorry Tempex: its okay i liked it Ratio: I just learned today Reubens was charged in 2001 for possessing child pornography (photos of a 17 year old) and pled guilty. Izzy_blight: oh........ Ratio: However, he was not convicted of that crime, exactly. Roughly two years after the charge, in 2004, prosecutors agreed to drop the child pornography charge in exchange for Reuben's guilty plea to a less severe misdemeanor obscenity charge. Izzy_blight: wow Ratio: California law criminalizes the possession, and control of, any matter or image depicting a person under the age of 18 engaging in, or simulating, sexual conduct. Izzy_blight: I did not know that and I regret learning it Ratio: Reubens' legal team disagreed with the city's definition of child pornography. They maintained the items in question were antique art works without any sexual undertones. While they acknowledged the materials featured nudity, they claimed it was unknown whether the subjects were under the age of 18. Tempex: damn Izzy_blight: Oh. huh Izzy_blight: Not sure what to think about that Ratio: "[Claims by a prosecutor] mischaracterizes the art collection seized," Berk said in response to city attorney spokesman Eric Moses' claim that images showed minors with exposed genitals. "If [child pornography] means a black-and-white tintype from 1901, with a young man of indeterminate, Ratio: 17- to 19-year-old age, laying on the beach after having gone skinny-dipping, […] then they got it. [...] It was clear from the start that we, along with the many distinguished art experts supporting Paul's art photography collection, vehemently disagreed with the city prosecutor's view of what constitutes art." Tempex: holy shit who are you taling about Izzy_blight: Is it still child porn if it's artistic and tasteful child porn? Ratio: In March 2004, Reubens pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charge of possessing obscene material, including obscene images of minors. Moses said, with that plea, Reubens' legal team acknowledged possessing 170 images of minors engaged in sexual conduct, AP reported. Daddydalton: I’m gonna commit Jeffery Dahmer on a person Izzy_blight: 170???? Tempex: me me Izzy_blight: What the actual fuck Izzy_blight: No no one is getting eaten Ratio: In an NBC interview shortly following his guilty plea, Reubens maintained that his art collection was not child pornography: Phillips: Did you ever stop and think while you were massing this collection, maybe it's not such a good idea, especially given what had happened back in 1991? Ratio: Reubens: I didn't. I never did. I wasn't really thinking to myself, wow this is my creepy, weird stuff that I shouldn't be collecting. It's not titillating. It's not something that I use for any kind of sexual purpose. Phillips: Is it sensual, erotic to you, you acknowledge that? Ratio: Reubens: I think some of it is erotic. Some of it is sensual. Most of it I don't view like that. It seems so innocent to me. You would immediately look at that collection and to tell very, very, very quickly this is not a collection of child pornography. Lion247: w h a t Cautiouscash: Fucking Steven so god damn hard that his momma can feel it. Ratio: end of interview: Reubens: Personally, I think we're living in a very scary time. Do we let the legal system decide in a courtroom what's obscene and what's not obscene? I didn't want be in a situation where there was a possibility I could got to jail for something that's that material. I mean, that just seemed insane to me. Izzy_blight: I'm not sure where I should stand on this Cautiouscash: wtf Ratio: In sum, while the above posts about Reuben being charged with possessing child pornography were correct, they missed important details of the complex case — including the fact that the charge was eventually dropped in exchange for his guilty plea to a lesser misdemeanor of possessing obscene images that included images of minors. Ratio: While a debate over the nature of the in-question items remains unresolved, with prosecutors calling them child pornography and Reubens' legal team describing the materials as art, Reubens was never convicted of possessing child pornography. Izzy_blight: He got away with it and he ain't never going to be convicted now Izzy_blight: Good job Lad Tempex: pee pee Cautiouscash: art thats crazy Cautiouscash: oh hi tempex Izzy_blight: Underaged Boys. Underaged Boys. Underaged Boys. Underaged Boys. Underaged Boys. Underaged Boys. Underaged Boys. Underaged Boys. Underaged Boys. Underaged Boys. Underaged Boys. Ratio: Overaged Boys :skull: Cautiouscash: :skull Izzy_blight: 💀 Izzy_blight: Skull emoji matte rose Ratio: The joyous blast of Pee-wee Herman will be deeply missed Izzy_blight: certainly Izzy_blight: RIP to a legend Ratio: May he rest in peace. Izzy_blight: A legend of child porn to rival even Jimmy Izzy_blight: God rest his soul Ratio: there is one next door, under our gift shop! - Pee-wee Herman Izzy_blight: They keep the children under the gift shop Izzy_blight: It's a conspiracy Ratio: Partially inspired by 1950s children’s show hosts like Pinky Lee Izzy_blight: The 1950s were a magical time Izzy_blight: Full of civil strife, funny words And weird outfits Ratio: Like an adult, he lives alone in his own house Zoomers: Press X to doubt Izzy_blight: I live alone in hell Izzy_blight: It's really not so bad when you're all alone Ratio: Reubens’s 1991 arrest on the absurd charge of “indecent exposure” because he was caught masturbating during a screening in an adult film theater in Sarasota, Florida — Reubens’s hometown Izzy_blight: That's my boy Izzy_blight: I masturbate five times a day i hope to follow in his footsteps Ratio: “Why don’t you take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Ratio: that can be watched again and again. Izzy_blight: oop- Izzy_blight: Whose cock is in my phone Ratio: Chicago Arts & Culture Izzy_blight: cac? Ratio: kek Izzy_blight: cacky gomp is my name and gomping cack is my game. Whatever that involves Ratio: The terms "cacky" and "gomp" do not have widely recognized meanings in common English usage, Izzy_blight: nooooooooooooooooooo Izzy_blight: The dream is dead :{ (anon): Szyszka (anon): co ty chcesz ode mnie Foap: dream?? Izzy_blight: I have a Polish last name but I can't speak Polish :( Ratio: Learning a New Language: It improves cognitive skills and brain plasticity, enhancing problem-solving and multitasking abilities. Izzy_blight: I tried to learn a couple of languages but I gave up because I'm lazy Ratio: Studies have shown that bilingual individuals often perform better on tasks that require focus, flexibility, and task switching. So not you prob Foap: your someone named Izzy, ofc you'd be lazy ;-; Izzy_blight: Have you ever met a girl named Izzy who was a good person Izzy_blight: A sane and functional human being Izzy_blight: Because I have not Foap: not really 17:37:28Monday, 6 May, 2024 Foap: that includes yourself >:| Izzy_blight: Yes I am aware Izzy_blight: I am a trainwreck Izzy_blight: Luckily I'll be dead in hopefully a few years Izzy_blight: And then everyone can be happy Foap: Y... Foap: I wont be happy ._. Izzy_blight: I guess no one really will be Foap: I would be Izzy_blight: But I like to tell myself that the world would be better without me somehow Izzy_blight: Oh okay Foap: if you were to disappear, I wouldn't be a happy camper ._. Ratio: This is an individual that was just recently hit by the system. This has been the long story of Izzy_blight, which is a story of a trainwreck Izzy_blight: Yay Izzy_blight: Reminds me of the train scene in call of Duty World War II Izzy_blight: That scene was very unnecessary Foap: oh 0-0 Foap: I'll be quiet now :) Flipshak: "thumbs-up" reaction Izzy_blight: No please scream as loud as you want Ratio: just women supporting each other Izzy_blight: Girl power Foap: y'all some assholes Ratio: Even Sky News reports that Australians “want immediate change to combat the domestic violence crisis”. Izzy_blight: I don't know what we did but I'm sorry Izzy_blight: Oh yeah that does sound Izzy_blight: very important Ratio: Snoop Dogg, T-Pain perform and Him canceling last minute Izzy_blight: Canceled my Geico Insurance Ratio: It reflects a willingness to improve a situation despite lacking full clarity on the wrongdoing, a scenario that might not always satisfy all parties involved. Understanding and trust is important. Ratio: Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and Unix. I don’t think that is a coincidence. Izzy_blight: I think not Flipshak: Whoever thinks, let him speak. Whoever would muzzle another, let him stay his hand. Bring on the opposition. Let it be heard. Then shall we have all the forces in full play. Ratio: These are noble and inspiring words; well, just what do they mean? I am not asking what they mean to Mr. Russell. Ifuckinghatedykes: fucking kys Rain69: okay Ratio: If I might do so, I would ask Mr. Russell’s permission to place myself beside him in that category. Izzy_blight: I plan to Foapy: already tried over a dozen times Ratio: because it is amusing, but also because it tends somewhat to show what I am driving at. Rain69: if it dont hapen now it will later Ratio: Is that the way you people generally feel about it? Izzy_blight: I am sorry Izzy_blight: very sorry Izzy_blight: I feel Izzy_blight: Like a plastic bag Rain69: i am a plastic bag weird looking and filled with bs Izzy_blight: Who is Ryder and why does he have a creamy deck for me Izzy_blight: You are a beautiful shining star Rain69: nah Ratio: Izzy_blight’s death was a shocking thing, truly,” I said, “but let us try to strike a balance. Don’t you think, when all comes to all, that the life of Izzy_blight, now and then, maybe, – such things seldom happen, – a moderate price for keeping you free of a civilization made up half of fools and half of hypocrites? Men have thought so before now, and pretty good men too. Izzy_blight: That's that's deep Rain69: ohh do me Ratio: That sounds rather cold-blooded, but the immense augmentation and strengthening of the social forces in all areas in the past fifty years go far to show that they were right. Ratio: Izzy's mom did a mistake and it follows even more. Izzy_blight: I was a mistake Izzy_blight: and many people have paid for it Ratio: To be on the popular side at the moment is not especially interesting; the thing is to be on the right side in the long run. Izzy_blight: Very true Ratio: A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of this people and as a whole. Izzy_blight: A bunch of little psychopaths rotting away their youth on this site Izzy_blight: That's what we are oh baby Ratio: The English language is of course against us. Its vocabulary is so large, it is so rich in synonyms, it lends itself so easily and naturally to paraphrase, that one gets up a great facility with indirection almost without knowing it. Izzy_blight: I don't words Ratio: Kent. A knave; a rascal; an eater of broken meats; a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave; a lily-livered, action-taking whoreson, glass-gazing, & super-servicable, finical rogue; onetrunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd, in way of good service, and art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pandar, and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch. Izzy_blight: Hey that sounds like me Izzy_blight: But in a very medieval way Ratio: Kent is not abusing Oswald; he is merely, as we say, “telling him.” Izzy_blight: Imagine being named Oswald Ratio: it brings Jeremy Bentham back to mind, with his chapter on what he calls “impostor-terms.” Izzy_blight: Imposter? Among us? Ratio: Albert Jay Nock (1870–1945) was an influential American libertarian author, educational theorist, and social critic. Now he's dead. Izzy_blight: Hooray! Ratio: Can’t you hear Albert's voice growing quieter and quieter, colder and colder, deadlier and deadlier, all the way through that passage? Izzy_blight: I got caught venting Izzy_blight: Oh heavens. I'm afraid I don't hear sogood Ratio: 50 Times Men exposed venting Izzy_blight: Among us compilation Izzy_blight: Funny moments lol Ratio: adapting your life (or some version of it) into scripted series. Izzy_blight: I would do that if I could remember my own life from moment to moment. I have the ego for it Ratio: Instead, we’re writing on a web page that can control and watch your doings as an autopilot running in JS that, in turn, controls a little share of your time. Izzy_blight: I wonder if this site is filled with Chinese spyware Izzy_blight: That would be pretty epic Izzy_blight: I wonder if the Chinese have seen every time I've sent nudes Ratio: Background: Accusations of spyware from China have historically centered around allegations of state-sponsored espionage. These concerns are amplified by global geopolitical tensions and cybersecurity incidents attributed to Chinese actors Ratio: Given these complexities, one must approach the issue with a critical eye, examining both the sources of the claims and the broader context in which they arise. Without specific evidence or official verification tying a website directly to covert operations by Chinese entities, the assertion remains speculative. Izzy_blight: Interesting Ratio: also the FDA approved 55 new drugs Izzy_blight: I'm going to reject the con text and assume there is Chinese malware on my computer. Oh boy I love drugs i do heroin everyday Ratio: While accusations do exist, proving the presence of spyware specifically from a certain country often remains challenging without concrete forensic evidence. Transparency and verifiable sources, such as secure .gov websites, are crucial in confirming the legitimacy of such claims Izzy_blight: The American government is in cahoots with the Chinese Izzy_blight: I just know it Ratio: According to a TechRepublic article dated May 03, 2024, cybersecurity threats are a global issue, involving not only China, but also other geopolitical entities like Russia Ratio: Ratio: On the topic of drug usage, particularly heroin, this remains a significant public health issue. The BBC's findings, dated April 22, 2024, highlight the emergence of synthetic drugs, like nitazenes, which are even more potent than heroin and often originate from China Izzy_blight: Oh fun Izzy_blight: Let's get wrecked on Chinese synth drugs Ratio: A report released Tuesday by a House select committee says China is directly subsidizing the manufacturing of materials used by drug traffickers to make fentanyl outside the country. Izzy_blight: Damn China Izzy_blight: Drinking fentanyl laced cereal milk. I see God Ratio: The resurgence of hip-hop in China has marked a significant journey from suppression to prominence. In 2018, Chinese censors imposed restrictions on hip-hop. Izzy_blight: Oh no not Chinese death grips Ratio: Drug dealers offer BBC team deadly opioids and Mexico's meth trade has become so lucrative it is exported as far away as Hong Kong or Australia Raul_menendez: hi Izzy_blight: Jesus Christ Izzy_blight: Hi Jimmy Raul_menendez: .... Ratio: fentanyl, reportedly the biggest killer of Americans aged 18-49 18:14:55Monday, 6 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Fucking hell Raul_menendez: im a jimmy now ig Foapy: I can wire cp onto his devices and then report em Izzy_blight: Everyone is a Jimmy Izzy_blight: Even Jimmy Izzy_blight: Except for Jonathan he is a Jonathan Chime: Real Ratio: What about Jimmy 2? Nillesunny: Hallo Raul_menendez: jesus cust our lord and savior Chime: Who’s game can i join????? Nillesunny: Hallo Ratio: Free Trial Expired Izzy_blight: Jimmy 2 the sequel Chime: ni…. Izzy_blight: Jimmy three the reckoning Ratio: I drove a bunch of Chinese Cars and they are amazing meanwhile the West sleeps with Tesla Izzy_blight: The West has risen. Billions must try Ratio: 'Late Night with the Devil' Now with the requested topic: What's Happening on that Final, Fateful Episode of 'Night Owls'? Izzy_blight: Orgy with Jimmy18:23:20Monday, 6 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: 6 ft deep in his ass Izzy_blight: Yes sirr 18:23:55Monday, 6 May, 2024 18:24:19Monday, 6 May, 2024 Foapy: gtg Izzy_blight: Have a nice day Rain69: aw Rain69: who wanna se the dragon (anon): switchimg Izzy_blight: I want to see god Rain69: same Izzy_blight: Should I put the fork in the wall socket Rain69: no Sannkaed: no Izzy_blight: Oh okay I will put it in the sink instead Izzy_blight: like a responsible Rain69: sandieeee Rain69: hiiiiii Rain69: sry if you cant see it that well lighting is shitty Rain69: Izzy_blight: Holy shit it's dragon Izzy_blight: Like in Harry Potter Rain69: lol Izzy_blight: Are there dragons in Harry Potter I can't remember Izzy_blight: Probably Rain69: idek Izzy_blight: I should watch all the movies i should watch all the movies Izzy_blight: Right now right now Izzy_blight: Yes yes yes (anon): pretty decent dragon Foapy: :) Rain69: its not done Foapy: ik Rain69: i still need to do the other one too Foapy: ik Rain69: still have to color and shade aswell Foapy: mhm Foapy: listening to numb btw :| Rain69: txx2? Foapy: indeed Izzy_blight: listening to Jimmy's interview tapes Izzy_blight: It's truly horrifying Foapy: IZZY >:| Izzy_blight: What? Izzy_blight: sorry Foapy: I'm done Foapy: idc no more Izzy_blight: I'm sorry Izzy_blight: I will be silent Frogspeed: Hwllo Rain69: i gtg in 4 Izzy_blight: I'll see myself out as well Foaped: I'm done with this fucking game, if anyone wants to talk to me, contact me @ EternalAbyss on all social known, thank you for your fucking time 18:48:35Monday, 6 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: whos all on Rain69: me Thebohemianjointpuffer: cool Thebohemianjointpuffer: how are you Rain69: eh hbu Thebohemianjointpuffer: not so great Thebohemianjointpuffer: i just be listening to music too feel better Rain69: same Thebohemianjointpuffer: what gernre Thebohemianjointpuffer: genre Rain69: rock Thebohemianjointpuffer: same Thebohemianjointpuffer: i can give you some sugestions Rain69: emo rock i should say Thebohemianjointpuffer: you should lsiten to miss murder by afi Rain69: i will if yt lets me Thebohemianjointpuffer: can u use spotify? Rain69: no its blocked schoo Rain69: l Rain69: computer Thebohemianjointpuffer: damn Doddlebug: Sup Thebohemianjointpuffer: doody (anon): Thebohemianjointpuffer: thats my spotify Magicman: huh Thebohemianjointpuffer: i sent it from my pone Magicman: slay John: Who are you Thebohemianjointpuffer: i am the one who will puff ur joints Magicman: what are you doing in my swamp Rain69: ur mom Thebohemianjointpuffer: yeah John: Ew Magicman: poor you Rain69: oop John: Sorry for your loss Magicman: his mum is horrible Thebohemianjointpuffer: oh no step mom im stuck Rain69: 0-0 John: ;) Magicman: does the step mom peg Thebohemianjointpuffer: no Magicman: :( Thebohemianjointpuffer: well yes but only when the peerson wants it Thebohemianjointpuffer: hey rain Thebohemianjointpuffer: did youtube let you wach miss murder by afi Rain69: ima watch it later it might Rain69: ngl its pretty good Thebohemianjointpuffer: yeah (anon): Bored aff (anon): same :P (anon): Who is you (anon): a random (anon): who u? (anon): Guess im a random too (anon): :P Thebohemianjointpuffer: gay Rain69: asf Thebohemianjointpuffer: hi rain (anon): I logged in but nvm (anon): Whats your acc then (anon): Foap :| (anon): Ah (anon): it was (anon): then why did u sign out, buddy (anon): puffer n rain (anon): What did they do (anon): callin us gay (anon): cause we didn't use a name (anon): Ah, ignore them (anon): I wish Rain69: hiii (anon): they loud asf (anon): :( just ignore them buddy (anon): I'll try :| (anon): Good (anon): log in as a new player rq (anon): I wanna talk to u Rain69: i was bouta leave anyway (anon): bye Kei :| (anon): Me? (anon): mhm (anon): log in rq (anon): Heh, u already know me silly (anon): then log in >:| Catnap: :P (anon): really -_- Catnap: lol what Foap: asshole Catnap: whats wrong? Foap: nun Foap: thought it was an actual random 0-0 Catnap: Dont call me that when im nice af to u lol Foap: u is not >:| Catnap: How so Foap: questioning me so much puffy ._. Catnap: Puffy? Foap: you don't know who puffy is Foap: ??? Foap: Catnap: Bohemianjointpuffer? Foap: from discord 0_0 Foap: looks like I'm blocking someone soon..... Foap: who on? Catnap: Both Foap: both what? Foap: Catnap? Catnap: Here and discord Foap: so who are you on disc? Catnap: Same username Catnap: that u have me added on Foap: so your not fluffy Foap: k Foap: I'ma block them Foap: thx Catnap: Fluffy? Foap: yeah, their getting blocked because it ain't you Thebohemianjointpuffer: hi Catnap: How is it not me :/ Foap: fuck you puffer Catnap: um Catnap: tell me Catnap: how is it not me?? Foap: cause it ain't named catnap Thebohemianjointpuffer: why you say that foap Foap: duh Foap: because you called me gay earlier >:| Thebohemianjointpuffer: no Thebohemianjointpuffer: I didnt Catnap: I have so many accs on picture cards, and i only have one on discord… Scrimblo: what the hell are you guys waffling about Foap: yes you did puffer, you lucky I cleared chat, If I didn't then I'd show you Thebohemianjointpuffer: no I called this game gay Thebohemianjointpuffer: I did not say foap is gay Catnap: Do not block me Catnap: im the same person u knew Foap: @Catnap your name on disc should be your name here >:| Foap: then what was the last thing you asked me on disc ;-; Foap: u still called me gay puffer!!! Scrimblo: bring this into a lobby 💀 Catnap: Your name isnt the same here and on discord :/ Thebohemianjointpuffer: womp womp Catnap: lemme check Foap: you said " gay" and rains69 said "asf" Thebohemianjointpuffer: yeah Catnap: I asked if u had 2 accs Thebohemianjointpuffer: I wasn't talking about you Catnap: foap and foapy Foap: you called me agy Foap: and I said I had multiple Foap: gay* Catnap: Uh huh Catnap: and also to call you smth different on there Foap: you lucky catnip -_- Catnap: still the same person :/ Foap: DUH Thebohemianjointpuffer: rwfheivberhrvhervnvrvje grvjnvijvno1vufvngjnv g ngvrv rjfrh vvvvefvvf 4rfrnff4rf k f2nv1k. 34v Foap: if you wernt talking bout me, then tell me why you didn't explain Foap: >:| Foap: I'm leaving in 2 mins Foap: less then 2 mins Thebohemianjointpuffer: hey why don't you ask ur younger sister if she loves you Foap: she doesn't :) Foap: I asked :) Foap: she actually hates me for me just being me :) Thebohemianjointpuffer: then fuck her Thebohemianjointpuffer: up Foap: getting to that point :| Thebohemianjointpuffer: in the ass Foap: that would be painful for her Foap: I gtg Foap: byeeeeee Thebohemianjointpuffer: fuck ur sister bro Foap: I'll talk to u ltr catnip Scrimblo: my favorite part was when the users of the funny picture card site used it to scream at each other instead of actually playing the funny card game Catnap: Ok Catnap: i mostly use this site to chat with people Thebohemianjointpuffer: qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm,.3lroifh3r2njbto4iub2pjngkjbngrjbbnrvjmtvngobnt4ipbn2tnbpit508gu9t7gy34gh98gj3iuoghjg8ujogjgotnjg9hgogj2 Scrimblo: 88 active games Scrimblo: its all fucking private games Catnap: Then make a game Thebohemianjointpuffer: \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Catnap: dont complain about it Thebohemianjointpuffer: \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Thebohemianjointpuffer: \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Thebohemianjointpuffer: gay Thebohemianjointpuffer: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Scrunkly: there Scrunkly: made a game Thebohemianjointpuffer: wedfgnm Thebohemianjointpuffer: dildo Scrimblo: boy that lobby was amazing Catnap: Womp womp Thebohemianjointpuffer: nigger womp nigger womp Thebohemianjointpuffer: niggaaAaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAaaa Thebohemianjointpuffer: giga niugga Thebohemianjointpuffer: whore Thebohemianjointpuffer: bitches Doddlebug: Get no bitches Thebohemianjointpuffer: my lover was stolen from me by my best friend should I give up on my lover Thebohemianjointpuffer: ? 21:16:05Monday, 6 May, 2024 Assmaster: Assmaster: penis 23:05:00Monday, 6 May, 2024 23:06:02Monday, 6 May, 2024 23:06:43Monday, 6 May, 2024 23:30:59Monday, 6 May, 2024 23:55:15Monday, 6 May, 2024 00:19:33Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 00:43:49Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Rain69: Mr. Bricks: Incest makes the best steaks~ Rain69: ✨masochism✨ Dtrump: kok 01:08:06Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Generic: 01:32:22Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 01:56:37Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 02:20:54Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 02:45:10Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Raul_menendez: hi 03:09:26Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Covershoot: hey Covershoot: hey 03:33:43Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Covershoot: hey Covershoot: hey Raul_menendez: nigga\\ 03:57:59Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED 04:22:19Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 04:46:38Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 05:10:05Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 05:34:20Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 05:58:36Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 06:22:51Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 06:47:06Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 07:11:24Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 07:35:40Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 07:59:55Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 08:24:10Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 08:48:29Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 09:12:44Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 09:43:49Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 09:44:27Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 09:47:55Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 09:48:43Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 10:13:01Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 10:37:17Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 11:01:33Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 11:25:49Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 11:50:04Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Some1: ...Hello? 12:14:20Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 12:38:36Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Ashh: how do I change my color again? Ashh: nvm 13:02:52Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: hi 13:27:08Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Rogue: womp Izzy_blight: we family Izzy_blight: vin deedle Rogue: yuh Valtrolex: hi rain Rogue: hello sunshine Valtrolex: what the hell (anon): Hi Izzy_blight: Hello everybody my name is market pliers (anon): I love market pliers Izzy_blight: legendary marks (anon): Fr fr 13:51:24Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 (anon): Hi Killme72: NIGGERS 14:15:40Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: hi Ghxst: am back 14:39:56Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: . Rain69: hey Thebohemianjointpuffer: hi Redii_17: lltfgyujh Rain69: hola Thebohemianjointpuffer: how are you Rain69: energetic Rain69: hbu Thebohemianjointpuffer: sad' Rain69: dang Redii_17: oof Ashh: POOKIE Ashh: SHE HERE? Rain69: YES Thebohemianjointpuffer: o;uyftdrsyardtufyiguhilgukfdjxhf Ashh: wanna play gimkit??? Ashh: its for junior english Thebohemianjointpuffer: imagine being single as a pringle Rain69: YES Rain69: is it fun names or real name Ashh: u can pick ur name Rain69: YES GIMME THE CODE Ashh: 226413 Rain69: k im in im ur mom Thebohemianjointpuffer: im inur mom Rain69: this is so easy Thebohemianjointpuffer: i gtg Rain69: bye Thebohemianjointpuffer: T-T 15:04:12Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Ashh: hahahahah they kept asking who u were Rain69: LMAO Rain69: whos ur mom Rain69: me im ur mom Meckmaniac: ahhhhahhahahahah Kidpredator: Getting your dick stuck inside a toddler because you used super glue as lube Kidpredator: Recreating 9/11 with your teacher's house because she a bitch for no reason 15:28:28Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Kidpredator: Recreating the holocause with LGBTQ because they keep pissing you off Kidpredator: Getting a poor blowjob from the homeless dude outside walmart Ficksihartmann: . 15:52:44Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: I got autisms" -Jimy 16:17:00Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: lol Izzy_blight: Furry comics 💬 Rain69: Mr. Bricks: Incest makes the best steaks~ 16:41:16Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Rouge_killer: lol Rouge_killer: im bored Rouge_killer: NIGGA Rouge_killer: NIGGER Rouge_killer: CUM 17:05:30Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Izzy_blight: Everything has gone to shit Izzy_blight: For the 50 millionth time Izzy_blight: All hope is lost 17:29:46Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: hello Rouge_killer: how Thebohemianjointpuffer: ijhgoghroiguhjrg Thebohemianjointpuffer: I am rizzgod_vwv Highkai420: hi Thebohemianjointpuffer: I'm am rizzy man Thebohemianjointpuffer: wheres my ninja Rain69: idk Highkai420: oh Highkai420: no Highkai420: called me a nigga Thebohemianjointpuffer: no Highkai420: dats crazy Thebohemianjointpuffer: I didnt Highkai420: yes u did Thebohemianjointpuffer: its ur snap name Thebohemianjointpuffer: right Highkai420: no Highkai420: it ur neighborhood ninja Thebohemianjointpuffer: oh if u are ur neighborhood ninja type /fa thebohemianjointpuffer Thebohemianjointpuffer: because I'm rizzy god Thebohemianjointpuffer: aka Thebohemianjointpuffer: nick Highkai420: wtf Thebohemianjointpuffer: also click the commands button to see all comands Thebohemianjointpuffer: like to be albe to private chat Thebohemianjointpuffer: and to see who online Thebohemianjointpuffer: using comands Highkai420: oh lol Thebohemianjointpuffer: I will use this site to text you when I gotta charge my phone Thebohemianjointpuffer: imma go join a game and I wont be able to see chat only private messages Highkai420: how u do private chats Rain69: first u do ur mom Izzy_blight: My diamonds come from the most horrific situations possible 17:54:02Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 (anon): Izzy_blight: What the actual fuck Rain69: lol 18:18:18Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Rain69: Jrock: ✨masochism✨ Jrock: mhm Rain69: Jrock: IM RACIST Ashh: WE KNOW Jrock: CONTEXT PLEASE Rain69: Rain69: jj js said he doesn't like us being dark Ashh: racist Jrock: HEY I MEANT THE COLOR OF US Jrock: NOOOO Ashh: exactly Ashh: racist Rain69: LMAO Hello19: 🤫 Jrock: I MEANT OUR NAMES ARE TOO DARK Hello19: We don't talk about the other side Rain69: Jrock: WAAAIIIT Ashh: so now I'm too dark? Jrock: OH SWEET JESUS Rain69: Jrock: IM RACIST Ashh: WE KNOW Jrock: THANK YOU Rain69: u dont like honey Rain69: Foap: Imagine ._. Foap: 7 holes and 17 hours 🤣 Rain69: ba da ba ba, she's suckin it 🤤 Jrock: brb Rain69: NO Rain69: stay :( (anon): Bak (anon): oops Rain69: pookie come backkkkkk Jrock: Im bak Rain69: yay Jrock: I have a cock Rain69: proof Rain69: give me proof rn 18:42:34Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Thebohemianjointpuffer: hi Rain69: hola Thebohemianjointpuffer: imagine ur bf leaves you Thebohemianjointpuffer: painfull Jrock: Id kill myself if I left her Rain69: id join him Thebohemianjointpuffer: damn Thebohemianjointpuffer: nice Thebohemianjointpuffer: who here is a cock sleeve Rain69: laz is Jrock: Her but she’s minel Thebohemianjointpuffer: cool 19:06:50Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Rain69: minel? Thebohemianjointpuffer: i dont want a cock sleeve Izzy_blight: 🌈 Thebohemianjointpuffer: i just want to not be horny anymore Izzy_blight: Super fagot rainbow Jrock: Why not wanna be horny Rain69: jj likes miners Thebohemianjointpuffer: so ill never lose another girlfreind again Jrock: If you lose a gf for hornieness y’all won’t work out Thebohemianjointpuffer: it hash happened Thebohemianjointpuffer: they thought i only use em for they body Thebohemianjointpuffer: so i wanna be less horny all the time Jrock: She wasn’t the right one then Rain69: my teacher stopped my music T^T Izzy_blight: Come one come all to this tragic affair Wipe off that makeup, what's in is despair Jrock: honestly that’s one of the great things about my relationship we match our horny cycles Rain69: shh Rain69: they did not need to know Jrock: I mean that’s not true whatsoever Thebohemianjointpuffer: well ur lucky they match Thebohemianjointpuffer: im like horny everyday Rain69: same Jrock: Same Izzy_blight: I'll be sure that you fuck yourself Thebohemianjointpuffer: i can never find someone just as horny Izzy_blight: I've already masturbated like three times today Izzy_blight: rookie numbers Thebohemianjointpuffer: ive done it ten times Thebohemianjointpuffer: and sometimes in class Izzy_blight: Man and I thought I had a problem Rain69: in class is crazy Izzy_blight: I think you need a hand there sir Izzy_blight: A hand other than your own Thebohemianjointpuffer: oh i do Thebohemianjointpuffer: i can get my best freind to do it Jrock: I did it twice in one day Thebohemianjointpuffer: he will jerk it Izzy_blight: uh Izzy_blight: Good? Izzy_blight: Good for him Thebohemianjointpuffer: but i can jerk it better Rain69: 9 inches Thebohemianjointpuffer: I have like 5 Izzy_blight: How about i sell you some funny pills that will make your pee pee fall off Izzy_blight: That should solve the issue Thebohemianjointpuffer: nooo Jrock: I’m the one with 9 that she’s referring to Rain69: and its all mine no share Thebohemianjointpuffer: well I'm 10 Thebohemianjointpuffer: inches Jrock: But can you use it Izzy_blight: In my shaving soap Rain69: eassy time Thebohemianjointpuffer: yes I can make a girl cream my name Izzy_blight: Oh boy here we go Thebohemianjointpuffer: what Izzy_blight: Nothing Izzy_blight: My brother used to break in our house and steal the TV but now he's dead Thebohemianjointpuffer: where is highkai420 Jakeypoo: Nigidy Thebohemianjointpuffer: wtf 19:31:06Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 Rain69: my nail is being held on my my cutical Thebohemianjointpuffer: on our what Thebohemianjointpuffer: dead Izzy_blight: Dead! Izzy_blight: Just like fifth wife Thebohemianjointpuffer: I wanna be dead Thebohemianjointpuffer: or in jail Izzy_blight: She was hairier than gorilla Izzy_blight: What's wrong honey Thebohemianjointpuffer: who Izzy_blight: My mom 19:47:21Tuesday, 7 May, 2024 -error- Rain69: nvm Thebohemianjointpuffer: im back now Thebohemianjointpuffer: T-T | | Thebohemianjointpuffer: . T-T | | Thebohemianjointpuffer: 0w0 Rain69: ygu7890-0 Thebohemianjointpuffer: ih8u Thebohemianjointpuffer: i h8 u Thebohemianjointpuffer: i 4ck u Rain69: me? Thebohemianjointpuffer: no Rain69: ????/ Thebohemianjointpuffer: hfcfjhkbibkb Thebohemianjointpuffer: you ever just wanna say fuck life and make it all get better Highkai420: no Thebohemianjointpuffer: no indeed Duy: 8=D Highkai420: lol Duy: 8=D Duy: Ffjj Thebohemianjointpuffer: +( Thebohemianjointpuffer: =( Thebohemianjointpuffer: =' Thebohemianjointpuffer: =' Thebohemianjointpuffer: ='( Highkai420: 0o0 Thebohemianjointpuffer: the music i was listening too was depressing me Highkai420: DICK Thebohemianjointpuffer: what Highkai420: HENTAI Highkai420: huh? Thebohemianjointpuffer: type /r then ur response to my message Highkai420: lol Thebohemianjointpuffer: if the message has a grey color around it Thebohemianjointpuffer: its callled private messaging Highkai420: yes? Highkai420: oh Highkai420: oh Thebohemianjointpuffer: or that Highkai420: lol Highkai420: y? Thebohemianjointpuffer: qwertyuiop[lkjhgfdsxcvgtfvbgtrfvgtgbnhygbnjhbnjh Thebohemianjointpuffer: dont forget to use /r everytime you reply to my private messages Highkai420: lol Footballpiano: piano Highkai420: no Highkai420: I'm jp Footballpiano: imagine being told to shut up like a whore Highkai420: oh? Highkai420: I'm into that :P Highkai420: tehehe Highkai420: broskiiiiiiiiiii Thebohemianjointpuffer: im back Thebohemianjointpuffer: i was told to shut up so i did for a few Rain69: gtg Rain69: ilu jjj Jrock: Ilum :( Thebohemianjointpuffer: guys Thebohemianjointpuffer: should i ask this girl out or nah Jrock: Yes Thebohemianjointpuffer: ok Thebohemianjointpuffer: hernameiskai Thebohemianjointpuffer: andshegotadumpy Thebohemianjointpuffer: 4f[wp4ib2hojgr Dtrump: kai? Jrock: les go we can hopefully be kei/kai homies Dtrump: which kai? Jrock: He’s asking someone out irl Thebohemianjointpuffer: no Jrock: Oh Jrock: nvm lol Thebohemianjointpuffer: its long distance no one here even cares about me Dtrump: is she on here Thebohemianjointpuffer: yes Thebohemianjointpuffer: but i never said there name Thebohemianjointpuffer: or anything about them Dtrump: Jrock anything to say? Thebohemianjointpuffer: i only said id ask them out Jrock: I’ll say that keis on the bus home lol Dtrump: I cant tell if you actually mean kai or meant kei now. Bame12: More and more women being diagnosed with ADHD Dtrump: wheres your proof Mr psychologist. Thebohemianjointpuffer: i will ask that girl out on here when she get back on Bame12: Thebohemianjointpuffer: i asked her to get on Dtrump: oh cbs news a reliable source Bame12: "I think a lot of this is attributable to the rise of social media and people talking about it and how women are either under-diagnosed or completely overlooked and missed in their younger years," neuropsychologist Dr. Sanam Hafeez said. Thebohemianjointpuffer: Thebohemianjointpuffer: Thebohemianjointpuffer: . . . Thebohemianjointpuffer: . . . Thebohemianjointpuffer: . . . Thebohemianjointpuffer: . . . Thebohemianjointpuffer: . . . Thebohemianjointpuffer: . . . Thebohemianjointpuffer: . . . (anon): teheheh Highkai420: lol Bame12: Kai Havertz scored 16 goals for RB Salzburg and continued good form in Germany with Leipzig []. Market's host Kai Ryssdal visited Phoenix to discuss investments in the semiconductor sector []. Bame12: 2. **Kei**: Mentioned in a **sports context**: - The Arizona Cardinals discussed player acquisitions including Kei'Trel Clark []. **Football context**: Kai Havertz, especially considering ongoing discussions about his performance and significance in football matches []. Bame12: **Semiconductor industry context**: Kai Ryssdal's reporting on significant federal investments could be implied when discussing economic impacts or journalism []. - **NFL context**: Kei'Trel Clark, if discussing sports drafts or player performance assessments []. Bame12: I guess i am Kaing to die, huh? :D 21:00:01Tuesday, 7 May, 2024