Business Model

Business Model

Three pillars of C&R Group business

“Rights management” to expand profit opportunities for intellectual property, “Producer (development/contracting)” to achieve high value-added results by structuring projects, and “Agency (dispatch/introduction)” to provide work to professionals. ” are the three pillars of our business. We are also developing a solution business that creates new value for society by combining ideas from professionals.

“Professional” defined by C&R Group

  1. 1. Occupations that can be active all over the world
  2. 2. Job types that cannot be replaced by machines
  3. 3. Occupations where intellectual property is accumulated

Rights management (planning, development and distribution of intellectual property)

Adding new value to professional intellectual property

Distribute intellectual property such as excellent ideas and contents of professionals to markets (platforms) that create new value as works and services such as videos, games, cartoons, books, designs, data, and NFTs, and generate profits. Give back to professionals.

Rights management

Related case

Produce (development/contracting)

Add value by professional project composition

C&R Group personnel and professionals form a team to meet the various needs of clients such as programs, games, web production, architectural design, data analysis, and business development. We provide one-stop support for all processes such as planning proposals, development, schedule management, and quality control that produce the maximum effect.


Related case

Agency (dispatch / employment placement)

Connecting client needs with professional skills

We understand the needs of clients and the intentions of professionals, and propose employment forms (dispatch, referral, etc.) that are most effective for both parties. The person in charge of the C&R Group will respond to various consultations such as team building according to production and development conditions, confidentiality obligation, contract method regarding employment, etc.

agency PC agency sp

Related case

Various solution businesses

Creating new value by combining professional ideas and abilities

We combine cutting-edge technologies such as AI, XR, and drones with professional ideas to develop and provide solutions that create new value for society.
In addition, we are also working on educational projects to improve professional skills and lifetime value.

Solution business

Related case

8 areas, 18 areas

C&R Group Business Matrix

◎ Working as a main business

〇 We are working as a new business

× Cannot develop business legally


rights management Production Agency
dispatching employment placement
TV & Movies
Ad & Publishing
Artists & Authors
Performing arts

Medical healthcare

rights management Production Agency
dispatching employment placement
Medical ×


rights management Production Agency
dispatching employment placement

Computer science

rights management Production Agency
dispatching employment placement
Computer science

Life science

rights management Production Agency
dispatching employment placement
Life science

Quality life

rights management Production Agency
dispatching employment placement

Management support

rights management Production Agency
dispatching employment placement
Legal × ×