old20221110rulingpartysupport: #GFM spoil_system = { active = yes local_ruling_party_support = 2.0 pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.01 icon = 8 trigger = { NOT = { owner = { vote_franschise = none_voting } } is_colonial = no } } #1701mod spoil_system = { active = yes local_ruling_party_support = 2.0 icon = 7 trigger = { } }man_of_the_people = { global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.02 ruling_party_support = 1 icon = 1 #alsoAoE } great_statesman = { prestige = 0.01 diplomatic_points_modifier = 0.25 ruling_party_support = 0.5 badboy = -0.05 icon = 1 #alsoAoE } great_reformer = { global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.04 ruling_party_support = 0.2 icon = 1 #alsoAoE } #disabledinNEM support_the_government = { pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 local_ruling_party_support = 0.5 icon = 19 } hre_member = { icon = 17 local_ruling_party_support = 0.1 } ch_rel = { icon = 17 local_ruling_party_support = 0.1 } carl_rex = { icon = 17 local_ruling_party_support = 0.1 land_organisation = 0.1 naval_organisation = 0.1 factory_throughput = 0.1 rgo_throughput = 0.1 } #criandHGCandGFMandBAIandUlt totalitarian_system = { suppression_points_modifier = 3 ruling_party_support = 3 literacy_con_impact = -0.5 education_efficiency_modifier = 0.05 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.1 global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.1 issue_change_speed = -3 research_points_modifier = -0.1 badboy = 0.01 icon = 7 } cult_of_personality = { ruling_party_support = 2 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.1 icon = 13 } #AoEandNEM totalitarian_system = { suppression_points_modifier = 2 ruling_party_support = 2 literacy_con_impact = -0.3 education_efficiency_modifier = 0.02 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.05 global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.05 issue_change_speed = -2 research_points_modifier = -0.05 icon = 7 } cult_of_personality = { ruling_party_support = 2 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.05 icon = 13 } rivera_reforms = { local_ruling_party_support = 1.0 pop_militancy_modifier = -0.1 pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.2 icon = 19 } caudillo_leaders = { tax_efficiency = 0.3 mobilisation_size = 0.02 supply_consumption = -0.1 ruling_party_support = 0.3 min_military_spending = 0.25 icon = 1 } pancasila = { assimilation_rate = 0.1 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.1 ruling_party_support = 0.1 icon = 5 } camillo_cavour = { prestige = 0.01 diplomatic_points_modifier = 0.25 influence_modifier = 0.15 ruling_party_support = 0.25 industry_tech_research_bonus = 0.05 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 badboy = -0.01 icon = 17 } otto_von_bismarck = { prestige = 0.02 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.05 diplomatic_points_modifier = 0.25 influence_modifier = 0.2 ruling_party_support = 0.35 badboy = -0.05 icon = 17 }louis_napoleon_iii = { prestige = 0.02 ruling_party_support = 1.0 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.05 core_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.05 land_organisation = -0.05 icon = 17 } #MDL2021 #support_the_government = { # pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 # local_ruling_party_support = 0.5 # icon = 19 #}#alsoinGFMHFMmodandTGC as ## Netherlands Flavor ## thorbecke_reforms = { ruling_party_support = 0.05 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 core_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.01 icon = 7 } war_minister_boulanger = { mobilisation_size = 0.01 land_unit_start_experience = 5 ruling_party_support = 0.05 icon = 17 } yuan_shikai = { prestige = 0.01 ruling_party_support = 0.25 supply_consumption = -0.15 land_organisation = 0.05 naval_organisation = 0.05 org_regain = 0.05 administrative_efficiency_modifier = 0.05 icon = 17 } gustav_iii = { army_tech_research_bonus = 0.05 ruling_party_support = 0.35 influence_modifier = 0.2 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.03 icon = 13 } swedish_absolutism = { ruling_party_support = 0.35 influence_modifier = 0.2 icon = 7 } peter_the_great = { culture_tech_research_bonus = 0.1 navy_tech_research_bonus = 0.1 research_points = 0.25 ruling_party_support = 0.35 bad_badboy = -0.05 education_efficiency_modifier = 0.15 prestige = 0.08 icon = 13 } catharine_the_great = { culture_tech_research_bonus = 0.1 diplomatic_points_modifier = 0.25 influence_modifier = 0.2 bad_badboy = -0.05 ruling_party_support = 0.35 prestige = 0.05 icon = 13 } nakaz = { administrative_efficiency_modifier = 0.05 ruling_party_support = 0.05 tax_efficiency = 0.05 icon = 5 } maria_theresa = { culture_tech_research_bonus = 0.1 influence_modifier = 0.2 ruling_party_support = 0.35 prestige = 0.05 icon = 13 } louis_grande = { influence_modifier = 0.2 ruling_party_support = 0.35 bad_badboy = -0.05 global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 diplomatic_points_modifier = 0.05 supply_consumption = -0.05 prestige = 0.05 icon = 13 } frederick_grosse = { army_tech_research_bonus = 0.1 culture_tech_research_bonus = 0.05 diplomatic_points_modifier = 0.25 influence_modifier = 0.2 bad_badboy = -0.05 global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 ruling_party_support = 0.35 prestige = 0.06 icon = 13 } peasant_in_government = { influence_modifier = -0.2 ruling_party_support = 0.35 icon = 18 } direct_control = { pop_militancy_modifier = -0.5 local_ruling_party_support = 0.1 local_RGO_throughput = 0.1 local_factory_output = 0.1 immigrant_attract = 0.25 icon = 3 } constitutio_criminalis_theresiana = { core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.1 global_assimilation_rate = 0.05 social_reform_desire = -0.1 prestige = 0.01 ruling_party_support = 0.05 icon = 17 } polish_absolutism = { ruling_party_support = 0.004 icon = 17 } rights_of_man = { global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.04 global_immigrant_attract = 0.1 global_assimilation_rate = 0.1 non_accepted_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.2 ruling_party_support = 0.05 icon = 3 } the_safeheaven_for_liberalism = { global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.002 global_assimilation_rate = 0.1 ruling_party_support = 0.005 global_immigrant_attract = 2 } orangist_domination = { bad_badboy = -0.05 ruling_party_support = 0.35 prestige = 0.05 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.01 icon = 1 } napoleon_bonaparte = { army_organisation = 0.15 org_regain = 0.5 supply_consumption = 0.35 core_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.04 prestige = 0.05 ruling_party_support = 0.15 cb_generation_speed_modifier = -0.15 icon = 13 } jacobite_absolutism = { prestige = 0.01 literacy_con_impact = -0.15 ruling_party_support = 0.05 icon = 13 } mameluke_influence_egypt = { local_ruling_party_support = 0.1 local_artisan_output = -0.1 non_accepted_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.1 non_accepted_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.1 icon = 14 } salutary_neglect = { local_artisan_output = -0.05 local_factory_throughput = -0.1 local_RGO_output = -0.15 local_RGO_throughput = -0.15 local_ruling_party_support = 0.15 pop_militancy_modifier = -0.1 pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.1 icon = 14 } nv_autocracy = { literacy_con_impact = -0.2 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 ruling_party_support = 0.3 political_reform_desire = -0.05 social_reform_desire = -0.05 mobilisation_size = 0.01 mobilisation_economy_impact = 1.1 } nv_tradition = { research_points_modifier = -0.1 global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.01 social_reform_desire = -0.2 issue_change_speed = -0.2 ruling_party_support = 0.25 mobilisation_size = 0.001 mobilisation_economy_impact = 1.0 } #alsoinNEM nv_autocracy = { literacy_con_impact = -0.2 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 ruling_party_support = 0.3 political_reform_desire = -0.05 mobilisation_size = 0.045 mobilisation_economy_impact = 1.0 }nv_tradition = { research_points_modifier = -0.1 global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 social_reform_desire = -0.2 issue_change_speed = -0.2 ruling_party_support = 0.25 mobilisation_size = 0.04 mobilisation_economy_impact = 1.0 }#cri cult_of_capital = { ruling_party_support = 0.5 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.02 global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 literacy_con_impact = -0.1 factory_output = 0.02 factory_input = -0.02 artisan_throughput = 0.15 education_efficiency_modifier = -0.15 global_immigrant_attract = 0.08 icon = 5 } #CWE vote_rigging_crime = { active = yes local_ruling_party_support = 0.5 icon = 11 trigger = { is_colonial = no NOT = { crime_fighting = 0.70 } country = { election = yes } }} #andGFMtoo government_propaganda = { literacy_con_impact = -0.20 issue_change_speed = -0.20 ruling_party_support = 0.2 icon = 5 } vts_default = { factory_throughput = -0.025 RGO_output = -0.025 loan_interest = 0.50 import_cost = 0.20 factory_cost = 0.20 factory_owner_cost = 0.020 ruling_party_support = 0.25 non_accepted_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.1 non_accepted_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.1 icon = 12 } new_capital = { assimilation_rate = 0.25 immigrant_attract = 0.50 life_rating = 0.25 local_factory_input = -0.10 local_ruling_party_support = 0.25 local_artisan_output = 0.5 icon = 15 } media_conspiracy1 = { ruling_party_support = 0.25 icon = 13 } internet_owner = { factory_throughput = 0.010 prestige = 0.02 ruling_party_support = 0.10 icon = 5 } ### Handover ###territory_talk = { ruling_party_support = 0.25 icon = 5 } #byNEMterritory_talk = { ruling_party_support = 0.15 icon = 5 } ### Crisis Summits ###crisis_talk = { badboy = -0.01 ruling_party_support = 0.25 icon = 7 } peace_region = { local_ruling_party_support = 0.25 immigrant_attract = 0.10 pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 icon = 9 } ### High Powered Computing ### hcplow = { research_points_modifier = 0.2 tax_efficiency = -0.03 global_immigrant_attract = 0.25 global_assimilation_rate = 0.1 issue_change_speed = 0.1 ruling_party_support = 0.25 icon = 17 } ### Aerial Bombardment & Occupation Damage ###aerial_bombed = { immigrant_push = 0.10 local_artisan_output = -0.50 local_factory_throughput = -0.10 local_repair = -0.50 local_ruling_party_support = 0.25 local_ship_build = 0.50 population_growth = -0.001 local_factory_input = 0.2 icon = 18 } ban_social_media = { issue_change_speed = -0.8 ruling_party_support = 0.25 icon = 4 } ### Special Drawing Rights ### cur_mani_timer = { prestige = 0.05 ruling_party_support = 0.20 icon = 5 } ### Financial Stimulus ###recent_financial_stimulus = { factory_throughput = 0.25 ruling_party_support = 0.25 factory_owner_cost = -0.025 import_cost = -0.25 tax_efficiency = 0.05 goods_demand = 0.2 icon = 9 } ### Banking Regulations ### bkrmedium = { tax_efficiency = 0.05 factory_output = -0.05 ruling_party_support = 0.10 social_reform_desire = 0.10 rich_income_modifier = 0.05 middle_income_modifier = 0.05 poor_income_modifier = -0.10 icon = 10 } were_all_republicans = { ruling_party_support = 1.0 pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.1 } ### Taiwanese White Terror ###kmt_white_terror = { social_reform_desire = -0.30 political_reform_desire = 0.50 ruling_party_support = 0.20 factory_input = -0.010 factory_throughput = 0.0125 non_accepted_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.02 icon = 18 } spy_medium = { global_assimilation_rate = -0.1 non_accepted_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.025 ruling_party_support = 0.2 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.05 suppression_points_modifier = 0.25 icon = 16 } spy_high_gp = { global_assimilation_rate = 0.2 ruling_party_support = 0.2 non_accepted_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.1 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.1 icon = 16 } ### OPEC ### opecoption1 = { ruling_party_support = 0.20 icon = 7 } opecoption2 = { ruling_party_support = 0.10 icon = 7 } opecoption3 = { ruling_party_support = 0.05 icon = 7 } commonwealthoption4 = { ruling_party_support = 0.20 core_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.05 core_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.05 icon = 7 } francophoneoption4 = { ruling_party_support = 0.20 core_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.05 core_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.05 icon = 7 } cisoption4 = { ruling_party_support = 0.20 core_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.05 core_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.05 icon = 7 } call_for_support_against_democracy = { ruling_party_support = 0.2 icon = 14 } nv_islamic = { war_exhaustion = -2 literacy_con_impact = -0.3 research_points_modifier = -0.1 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 social_reform_desire = -0.1 political_reform_desire = -0.1 issue_change_speed = -0.2 ruling_party_support = 0.4 mobilisation_size = 0.04 mobilisation_economy_impact = -0.25 political_reform_desire = -0.1 global_population_growth = 0.001 } elchigh = { trigger = { has_country_flag = elchigh election = yes } social_reform_desire = 0.25 ruling_party_support = 0.1 }elcmedium = { trigger = { has_country_flag = elcmedium election = yes } political_reform_desire = 0.25 ruling_party_support = 0.1 } internet_low = { trigger = { has_global_flag = internet_low NOT = { publishing_rights = censored_publishing } }ruling_party_support = 0.2 issue_change_speed = -0.25 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.02 global_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.02 } 1999_frenzy = { trigger = { year = 1999 NOT = { year = 2000 } } factory_throughput = 0.0125 population_growth = 0.001 ruling_party_support = 0.10 issue_change_speed = 0.20 } ### Wartime Legal Restictions ### lawno = { trigger = { has_country_flag = lawno war = yes is_mobilised = yes } ruling_party_support = 0.50 icon = 18 } #GFM santa_ana_rule = { ruling_party_support = 0.1 political_reform_desire = -0.05 org_regain = -0.05 icon = 5 } rheinbegradigt = { local_factory_throughput = 0.5 local_RGO_throughput = 0.5 local_ruling_party_support = 0.2 icon = 15 } wilhelminism = { prestige = 0.05 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 core_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.03 ruling_party_support = 0.75 icon = 17 } irish_scottish_suzerainty = { local_factory_throughput = -0.5 local_rgo_throughput = -0.25 immigrant_attract = 0.3 local_ruling_party_support = 0.3 icon = 9 } capital_gaelic_suzerainty = { local_factory_throughput = -0.5 local_rgo_throughput = -0.25 immigrant_attract = 0.6 local_ruling_party_support = 0.6 icon = 9 } democratic_nation = { trigger = { exists = yes slavery = no_slavery vote_franschise = universal_voting upper_house_composition = population_equal_weight voting_system = proportional_representation public_meetings = yes_meeting press_rights = free_press trade_unions = all_trade_unions political_parties = secret_ballots border_policy = open_borders debt_law = bankruptcy citizens_rights = all_voting_pops } global_immigrant_attract = 0.75 ruling_party_support = 0.1 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.1 research_points_modifier = 0.05 } leadership_principle_modifier = { trigger = { #year = 1837 invention = the_leadership_principle government = fascist_dictatorship } land_attack_modifier = 0.05 ruling_party_support = 0.2 leadership_modifier = 0.25 factory_throughput = 0.1 cb_generation_speed_modifier = 0.1 RGO_throughput = -0.1 army_tech_research_bonus = -0.1 navy_tech_research_bonus = -0.1 commerce_tech_research_bonus = -0.1 culture_tech_research_bonus = -0.1 industry_tech_research_bonus = -0.1 issue_change_speed = -0.25 icon = 17 } #NEM guarantee_the_constitution = { ruling_party_support = 0.1 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 icon = 5 } bonapartism = { issue_change_speed = -0.10 ruling_party_support = 0.15 icon = 5 } 3rd_french_empire = { issue_change_speed = -0.15 ruling_party_support = 0.2 icon = 5 } patriotism_over_internationalism = { ruling_party_support = 0.5 suppression_points_modifier = 0.4 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.03 land_organisation = 0.15 icon = 3 } power_to_the_tsar = { ruling_party_support = 0.1 suppression_points_modifier = 0.2 core_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.02 icon = 18 } promote_bulgarian_nationalism = { ruling_party_support = 0.5 suppression_points_modifier = 0.4 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.03 land_organisation = 0.15 icon = 17 } fascist_youth = { literacy_con_impact = -0.05 leadership_modifier = 0.05 tax_efficiency = -0.1 ruling_party_support = 0.1 icon = 16 } ideological_fanaticism = { research_points_modifier = -0.02 ruling_party_support = 0.2 literacy_con_impact = -0.1 education_efficiency_modifier = 0.01 icon = 5 } reason_of_our_fight = { suppression_points_modifier = 0.5 ruling_party_support = 0.1 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.01 global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 icon = 7 } a_new_germany = { ruling_party_support = 0.1 icon = 16 } vittoria_mutilata = { prestige = 0.05 suppression_points_modifier = 0.1 core_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.01 ruling_party_support = 0.05 land_unit_start_experience = 5 icon = 15 } great_patriotic_spirit = { prestige = 0.1 ruling_party_support = 0.05 suppression_points_modifier = 0.1 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 icon = 15 } permanent_revolution = { core_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.1 ruling_party_support = 0.15 icon = 4 } socialist_realism = { core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.1 education_efficiency_modifier = 0.2 ruling_party_support = 0.15 icon = 4 } project_cybersyn = { prestige = 0.01 factory_input = -0.02 factory_output = 0.02 factory_throughput = 0.15 diplomatic_points_modifier = 0.05 ruling_party_support = 0.15 industry_tech_research_bonus = 0.05 badboy = -0.01 icon = 17 } maintain_the_second_republic = { ruling_party_support = 0.1 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 icon = 5 } the_phalanx_ascendant = { ruling_party_support = 0.15 icon = 2 } aristocratic_cabinet = { ruling_party_support = 0.2 rich_vote = 0.15 political_reform_desire = -0.05 global_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.02 min_tariff = 0.4 RGO_output = 0.15 literacy_con_impact = -0.2 core_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.01 mobilisation_size = 0.015 mobilisation_economy_impact = 0.5 icon = 14 } #TGC ### PUIR-Romania### alexandru_ioan_cuza = { prestige = 0.02 diplomatic_points_modifier = 0.15 ruling_party_support = 0.1 political_reform_desire = 0.05 social_reform_desire = 0.05 core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 core_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.02 icon = 17 } communist_loyalty = { global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.02 ruling_party_support = 0.1 issue_change_speed = 0.1 icon = 4 }## West Africa Flavour ## omar_tall_leader = { core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 non_accepted_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.01 global_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.01 ruling_party_support = 1 icon = 13 } ###Order### nv_order = { #Tech Bonus army_tech_research_bonus = 0.05 navy_tech_research_bonus = 0.05 #commerce_tech_research_bonus = ### culture_tech_research_bonus = -0.05 #industry_tech_research_bonus = ### #Research Points #research_points_modifier = ### #Global Pop Militancy & Conciousness #global_pop_militancy_modifier = ### #global_pop_consciousness_modifier = ### #Core Pop Militancy & Conciousness core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 core_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.01 #Non-Core Pop Militancy & Conciousness non_accepted_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.01 non_accepted_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.01 #Pop Needs #poor_everyday_needs = ### #middle_everyday_needs = ### #rich_everyday_needs = 0.1 #poor_luxury_needs = ### #middle_luxury_needs = ### #rich_luxury_needs = 0.1 #Immigration and Assimilation #global_population_growth = ### global_immigrant_attract = -0.05 assimilation_rate = 0.05 #Industry & Commerce tax_efficiency = 0.1 #factory_throughput = ### RGO_throughput = 0.05 #rgo_output = ### #factory_owner_cost = ### #Politics ruling_party_support = 0.2 political_reform_desire = -0.1 #social_reform_desire = ### #Army Stats #land_organisation = ### #naval_organisation = ### #org_regain = ### #unit_start_experience = ### land_unit_start_experience = 5 naval_unit_start_experience = 5 #supply_consumption = ### leadership_modifier = 0.1 #War Exhaustion & Mobilisation war_exhaustion = -0.01 #mobilisation_size = ### #mobilisation_economy_impact = ###} nv_autocracy = { #Tech Bonus army_tech_research_bonus = -0.05 #navy_tech_research_bonus = ### #commerce_tech_research_bonus = ### culture_tech_research_bonus = 0.05 industry_tech_research_bonus = -0.05 #Research Points research_points_modifier = -0.02 #Global Pop Militancy & Conciousness #global_pop_militancy_modifier = ### #global_pop_consciousness_modifier = ### #Core Pop Militancy & Conciousness core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.015 core_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.015 #Non-Core Pop Militancy & Conciousness non_accepted_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.015 non_accepted_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.015 #Pop Needs #poor_everyday_needs = -0.1 #middle_everyday_needs = ### #rich_everyday_needs = 0.1 #poor_luxury_needs = -0.1 #middle_luxury_needs = ### #rich_luxury_needs = 0.1 #Immigration and Assimilation global_population_growth = 0.0001 global_immigrant_attract = -0.1 assimilation_rate = 0.05 #Industry & Commerce tax_efficiency = 0.1 factory_throughput = -0.1 #RGO_throughput = ### #rgo_output = ### factory_owner_cost = 0.1 #Politics ruling_party_support = 0.3 #political_reform_desire = ### social_reform_desire = -0.1 #Army Stats #land_organisation = ### #naval_organisation = ### org_regain = 0.05 #unit_start_experience = ### land_unit_start_experience = -5 #naval_unit_start_experience = ### supply_consumption = -0.1 leadership_modifier = -0.1 #War Exhaustion & Mobilisation war_exhaustion = 0.01 mobilisation_size = 0.04 mobilisation_economy_impact = 1.3} ###Pioneer### nv_pioneer = { #Tech Bonus army_tech_research_bonus = 0.05 navy_tech_research_bonus = 0.05 #commerce_tech_research_bonus = ### culture_tech_research_bonus = -0.05 industry_tech_research_bonus = -0.05 #Research Points research_points_modifier = -0.01 #Global Pop Militancy & Conciousness #global_pop_militancy_modifier = ### #global_pop_consciousness_modifier = ### #Core Pop Militancy & Conciousness core_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.02 core_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.02 #Non-Core Pop Militancy & Conciousness non_accepted_pop_militancy_modifier = 0.02 non_accepted_pop_consciousness_modifier = 0.02 #Pop Needs #poor_everyday_needs = -0.1 #middle_everyday_needs = -0.1 #rich_everyday_needs = -0.2 #poor_luxury_needs = -0.1 #middle_luxury_needs = -0.1 #rich_luxury_needs = -0.2 #Immigration and Assimilation global_population_growth = 0.0001 global_immigrant_attract = 0.1 assimilation_rate = -0.05 #Industry & Commerce #tax_efficiency = ### #factory_throughput = ### RGO_throughput = 0.1 #rgo_output = ### factory_owner_cost = -0.1 #Politics ruling_party_support = 0.2 #political_reform_desire = ### social_reform_desire = 0.1 #Army Stats #land_organisation = ### #naval_organisation = ### #org_regain = ### #unit_start_experience = ### land_unit_start_experience = 10 naval_unit_start_experience = 10 supply_consumption = -0.1 leadership_modifier = 0.1 #War Exhaustion & Mobilisation war_exhaustion = -0.02 mobilisation_size = -0.02 mobilisation_economy_impact = 0.9} #nv_tradition = { # research_points_modifier = -0.1 # global_pop_militancy_modifier = -0.01 # global_pop_consciousness_modifier = -0.01 # social_reform_desire = -0.2 # issue_change_speed = -0.2 # ruling_party_support = 0.25 # mobilisation_size = 0.04 # mobilisation_economy_impact = 1.0 #} #IPM3 tokugawa_philosophy = { research_points_modifier = -0.95 ruling_party_support = 0.25 land_organisation = 0.50 suppression_points_modifier = 0.3 icon = 4 } #IPM3 chinese_philosophy = { research_points_modifier = -0.40 ruling_party_support = 0.25 land_organisation = 0.05 suppression_points_modifier = 0.15 icon = 4 } #TTA ruling_party_focus = { local_ruling_party_support = 0.25 icon = 37 } party_loyalty: Standard & Ultimate national_focus.txt: party_loyalty_focus = { fascist_focus = { ideology = fascist loyalty_value = 0.003 icon = 25 } , CWEevents indonesia.txt: #Indonesian Civil War 1958 country_event = { id = 82990031 title = "Indonesian Civil War of $YEAR$" desc = EVTDESC1412244 picture = "ido_civil_war" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = IDO year = 1958 NOT = { year = 1990 } #Cold War has_global_flag = blocsenabled #Is not the USI government = democracy is_vassal = no #Sukarno's party ruling_party_ideology = nationalist war = no ATJ = { exists = no } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 2 } option = { name = "Crush the rebels!" #Create Rebellion any_owned = { limit = { OR = { province_id = 1407 province_id = 1406 province_id = 1408 province_id = 1409 province_id = 1401 province_id = 1400 province_id = 1398 province_id = 1410 province_id = 1403 province_id = 1399 } } any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = conservative } } any_pop = { scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = conservative } } change_controller = REB } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = nationalist loyalty_value = 1 } } add_country_modifier = { name = revolution_chaos duration = 1825 } add_country_modifier = { name = stockcrash duration = 730 } #USA lose influence over Indonesia USA = { diplomatic_influence = { who = IDO value = -100 } relation = { who = IDO value = -100 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 } } option = { name = "Accede to the western backed rebels" prestige_factor = -0.20 ruling_party_ideology = conservative #USA gains influence over Indonesia USA = { diplomatic_influence = { who = IDO value = 200 } relation = { who = IDO value = 200 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #CWE events usa_elections.txt: #1948 elections country_event = { id = 8015801 title = EVT_8015801_NAME desc = EVT_8015801_DESC picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1948" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1948 NOT = { has_global_flag = 1950_start_date_flag } NOT = { year = 1952 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1949 } } option = { name = EVT_8015801_A #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = big_tent #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers culture = afro_american } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = big_tent } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = big_tent loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 } } option = { name = EVT_8015801_B any_pop = { militancy = 2 consciousness = 5 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich strata = middle } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 } } option = { name = EVT_8015801_C any_pop = { militancy = 1.0 consciousness = 1.0 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = populist #Add ideological support any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = populist } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #1952 elections country_event = { id = 8015802 title = EVT_8015802_NAME desc = EVT_8015802_DESC picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1952" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1952 NOT = { year = 1955 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1953 } } option = { name = EVT_8015802_A #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = big_tent #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers culture = afro_american } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = big_tent } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = big_tent loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 } } option = { name = EVT_8015802_B any_pop = { militancy = 2 consciousness = 5 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich strata = middle } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #1956 elections country_event = { id = 8015803 title = EVT_8015803_NAME desc = EVT_8015803_DESC picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1956" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1956 NOT = { year = 1959 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1957 } } option = { name = EVT_8015803_A #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = big_tent #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers culture = afro_american } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = big_tent } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = big_tent loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 } } option = { name = EVT_8015803_B any_pop = { militancy = 2 consciousness = 5 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich strata = middle } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #1960 elections country_event = { id = 8015804 title = EVT_8015804_NAME desc = EVT_8015804_DESC picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1960" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1960 NOT = { year = 1962 } government = democracy election = no NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1961 } } option = { name = EVT_8015804_A #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich strata = middle } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } set_country_flag = jfk_elected ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 } } option = { name = EVT_8015804_B any_pop = { militancy = 2 consciousness = 5 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = big_tent #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers culture = afro_american } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = big_tent } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = big_tent loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #Assassination of JFK country_event = { id = 8015805 title = EVT_8015805_NAME desc = EVT_8015805_DESC picture = "nwo2_assassination_of_jfk" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1963 NOT = { year = 1964 } ruling_party_ideology = liberal OR = { has_country_flag = jfk_elected has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 } option = { name = EVT_8015805_A prestige_factor = -0.02 any_pop = { militancy = -2.0 consciousness = 1 } } } #1964 elections country_event = { id = 8015806 title = EVT_8015806_NAME desc = EVT_8015806_DESC picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1964" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1964 NOT = { year = 1968 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1965 } } option = { name = EVT_8015806_A #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = socialist #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = socialist } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = socialist loyalty_value = 0.25 } } set_country_flag = lbj_elected ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 } } option = { name = EVT_8015806_B any_pop = { militancy = 2 consciousness = 1 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } culture = afro_american } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } set_country_flag = goldwater_elected ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 } } } #1968 elections country_event = { id = 8015807 title = EVT_8015807_NAME desc = EVT_8015807_DESC picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1968" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1968 NOT = { year = 1972 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1969 } } option = { name = EVT_8015807_A #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } set_country_flag = nixon_elected ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 } } option = { name = EVT_8015807_B any_pop = { militancy = 2 consciousness = 1 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 } } option = { name = EVT_8015807_C any_pop = { militancy = 5 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = populist #Add ideological support any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = populist } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #1972 elections country_event = { id = 8015808 title = EVT_8015808_NAME desc = EVT_8015808_DESC picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1972" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1972 NOT = { year = 1973 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1973 } } option = { name = EVT_8015808_A any_pop = { militancy = -2 consciousness = -1 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 } } option = { name = EVT_8015808_B any_pop = { militancy = 1 consciousness = 5 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } set_country_flag = mcgovern_elected ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #Resignation of Spiro Agnew - Republican Party country_event = { id = 8015809 title = EVT_8015809_NAME desc = EVT_8015809_DESC picture = "nwo2_spiro_agnew" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1973 NOT = { year = 1974 } OR = { has_country_flag = nixon_elected ruling_party_ideology = conservative ruling_party_ideology = big_tent } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 } option = { name = EVT_8015809_A #Democrat support rises any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.05 value = liberal } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 } } option = { name = EVT_8015809_B prestige = -50 any_pop = { militancy = 5 consciousness = 5 } #Add corruption random_owned = { limit = { owner = { NOT = { has_country_modifier = massive_government_corruption } } } owner = { remove_country_modifier = minimal_government_corruption remove_country_modifier = low_government_corruption remove_country_modifier = medium_government_corruption remove_country_modifier = large_government_corruption add_country_modifier = { name = massive_government_corruption duration = -1 } } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #Nixon Resigns - Republican Party country_event = { id = 8015810 title = EVT_8015810_NAME desc = EVT_8015810_DESC picture = "nwo2_nixon_resigns" is_triggered_only = yes # USA option = { name = EVT_8015810_A prestige = -50 #Change leader country_event = 111222 #Add Democrat support any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.1 value = liberal } } set_country_flag = nixon_resigns } } #1976 Elections country_event = { id = 8015811 title = EVT_8015811_NAME desc = EVT_8015811_DESC picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1976" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1976 NOT = { year = 1980 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1977 } } option = { name = EVT_8015811_A any_pop = { militancy = -6 consciousness = -2 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } clr_country_flag = nixon_entrenched clr_country_flag = watergate_scandal_flag ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 } } option = { name = EVT_8015811_B any_pop = { militancy = 2 consciousness = 5 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } clr_country_flag = nixon_entrenched clr_country_flag = watergate_scandal_flag ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #1980 Elections country_event = { id = 8015812 title = EVT_8015812_NAME desc = EVT_8015812_DESC picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1980" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1980 NOT = { year = 1984 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1981 } } option = { name = EVT_8015812_A any_pop = { militancy = -2 consciousness = -6 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } set_country_flag = reagan_elected ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 } } option = { name = EVT_8015812_B any_pop = { militancy = 3 consciousness = 5 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { location = { is_core = CAL } strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } culture = afro_american } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 } } option = { name = EVT_8015812_C any_pop = { militancy = 5 consciousness = 5 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = big_tent #Add ideological support any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = big_tent } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #1984 Elections country_event = { id = 8015813 title = EVT_8015813_NAME desc = EVT_8015813_DESC picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1984" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1984 NOT = { year = 1988 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1985 } } option = { name = EVT_8015813_A #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 } } option = { name = EVT_8015813_B any_pop = { militancy = 1 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { location = { is_core = CAL } culture = afro_american strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #1988 Elections country_event = { id = 8015814 title = "1988 Presidential Election" desc = EVTDESC8015814 picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1988" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1988 NOT = { year = 1992 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1989 } } option = { name = "George H. W. Bush wins!" #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 } } option = { name = "Michael Dukakis for President!" any_pop = { militancy = 2 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { location = { is_core = CAL } culture = afro_american strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 } } } #1992 Elections country_event = { id = 8015815 title = "1992 Presidential Election" desc = EVTDESC8015815 picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1992" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1992 NOT = { year = 1996 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1993 } } option = { name = "Support Bill Clinton!" #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { location = { is_core = CAL } culture = afro_american strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 } } option = { name = "George H. W. Bush is re-elected!" any_pop = { militancy = 2 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 } } option = { name = "Third party candidate Ross Perot wins" any_pop = { militancy = 3 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = populist #Add ideological support any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = populist } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #1996 Elections country_event = { id = 8015816 title = "1996 Presidential Election" desc = EVTDESC8015816 picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_1996" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 1996 NOT = { year = 2000 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 1997 } } option = { name = "Bill Clinton wins again!" #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { location = { is_core = CAL } culture = afro_american strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 } } option = { name = "Bob Dole is successful!" any_pop = { militancy = 2 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 } } option = { name = "Third party candidate Ross Perot finally wins" any_pop = { militancy = 3 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = populist #Add ideological support any_pop = { ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = populist } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #2000 Elections country_event = { id = 8015817 title = "2000 Presidential Election" desc = EVTDESC8015817 picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_2000" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 2000 NOT = { year = 2004 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 2001 } } option = { name = "Support George W. Bush!" #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.7 } } option = { name = "Al Gore invented the internet and won" any_pop = { militancy = 2 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { location = { is_core = CAL } culture = afro_american strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.3 } } } #2004 Elections country_event = { id = 8015818 title = "2004 Presidential Election" desc = EVTDESC8015818 picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_2004" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 2004 NOT = { year = 2008 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 2005 } } option = { name = "Support George W. Bush's re-election!" #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.6 } } option = { name = "John Kerry wins" any_pop = { militancy = 1 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { location = { is_core = CAL } culture = afro_american strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.4 } } } #2008 Elections country_event = { id = 8015819 title = "2008 Presidential Election" desc = EVTDESC8015819 picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_2008" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 2008 NOT = { year = 2012 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 2009 } } option = { name = "Yes we can, Vote Obama!" #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { location = { is_core = CAL } culture = afro_american strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.25 } } set_country_flag = obama_presidency ai_chance = { factor = 0.9 } } option = { name = "John McCain wins" any_pop = { militancy = 1 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.1 } } } #2012 Elections country_event = { id = 8015820 title = "2012 Presidential Election" desc = EVTDESC8015820 picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_2012" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 2012 NOT = { year = 2016 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 2013 } } option = { name = "Yes we can again, Vote Obama!" #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = big_tent #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { location = { is_core = CAL } culture = afro_american strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = big_tent } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = big_tent loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 } } option = { name = "Mitt Romney wins" any_pop = { militancy = 1 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = conservative #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = conservative } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = conservative loyalty_value = 0.25 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 } } } #2016 Elections country_event = { id = 8015821 title = "2016 Presidential Election" desc = EVTDESC8015821 picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_2016" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 2016 NOT = { year = 2020 } election = no government = democracy NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } NOT = { ruling_party_ideology = populist } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 2017 } } option = { name = "Donald J. Trump is triumphant!" #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = populist #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = populist } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = populist loyalty_value = 0.5 } } set_country_flag = trump_2016_election ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 } } option = { name = "Hillary Clinton is the next president" any_pop = { militancy = 1 consciousness = 4 } #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = liberal #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { location = { is_core = CAL } culture = afro_american strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = liberal } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = liberal loyalty_value = 0.5 } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 } } } #2020 Elections country_event = { id = 8015822 title = "2020 Presidential Election" desc = EVTDESC8015822 picture = "nwo2_usa_elections_2020" fire_only_once = yes trigger = { tag = USA year = 2020 NOT = { year = 2024 } election = no government = democracy is_vassal = no NOT = { has_country_flag = elections_disabled } ruling_party_ideology = populist #Trump won previously has_country_flag = trump_2016_election } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 11 modifier = { factor = 0.1 year = 2017 } } option = { name = "Joe Biden wins, as expected" #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = big_tent #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { location = { is_core = CAL } culture = afro_american strata = rich strata = middle location = { is_state_capital = yes } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = big_tent } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = big_tent loyalty_value = 0.25 } } #Republican are furious any_pop = { scaled_militancy = { factor = 5 ideology = conservative } scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = traditionalist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = populist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = nationalist } } #For a possible civil war set_country_flag = biden_2020_flag ai_chance = { factor = 0.8 } } option = { name = "Donald Trump wins again!?" #The president's party becomes the executive, ie the lower house in Vicky ruling_party_ideology = populist #Simulate the ideological divide any_pop = { limit = { OR = { AND = { location = { is_core = CSA } NOT = { culture = afro_american } } strata = rich type = farmers type = labourers location = { is_state_capital = no } } } ideology = { factor = 0.2 value = populist } } #Add party loyalty so the president's party will retain the executive after this event any_owned = { limit = { is_colonial = no } party_loyalty = { ideology = populist loyalty_value = 0.25 } } #Weaken US democracy political_reform = regulated_opinion political_reform = universal_weighted_voting political_reform = politicised_service #Democrats are furious any_pop = { scaled_militancy = { factor = 5 ideology = liberal } scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = progressive } scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = socialist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = communist } scaled_militancy = { factor = 10 ideology = communist_social } } ai_chance = { factor = 0.2 } } },