[14.12] How to Win with Yorick
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Recommended Items
Runes: Always
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Level Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
My permaban. Miserable matchup. His E blocks all of your damage, he jumps your wall, he jumps away, he jumps you under your tower and you're dead. Your only hope is to go for trades after he's used his E and Q. Otherwise, play passively and try to avoid him late game, he outscales you pretty hard. Take flash and build bruiser.
Miss Fortune
W + MF R = GG
Miss Fortune
W + MF R = GG
Champion Build Guide
Before anything, you should absolutely check out Slogdog and his Yorick guide. He is likely the best Yorick player and much of my early knowledge of the champion came from watching his gameplay on Youtube. Many of the tips and strategies you will see in this guide are my attempt to put into words the things that I do to win which I learned from watching his content.
Pros + Insane Pressure + Great Splitpusher + Rewarding to Learn + Objective Taking + HIGH Damage + Annoying to Play Against | Cons - Hardcoded Counters - Buggy AI - Immobile - Awkward Teamfight - Needs Setup to Engage - Weak Early Game |
Why does
In my opinion, Yorick's unique kit and ability to take objectives make him a powerful low elo pick. His
Why does
I believe there are two reasons for this:
- 1. Higher elo players better understand when to fight Yorick and abuse his weakpoints.
2. Yorick players who climb from low elo to high elo fail to adjust their strategy.
In my experience, playing Yorick at a low elo is very different from playing him at a high elo. Your opponents become increasingly aware of his flaws and how to properly punish his weaknesses and strategies. I personally experienced a rank plateau in Emerald because I was failing to adapt to this change. BUT if you DO adapt to this you will see your rank improving at the same rate as if you were in low elo. Higher elo players generally switch out of Yorick after losing more often because the same strategy they used to climb simply doesn't work anymore. This is why I believe his winrate declines as you go up in rank. But it does NOT mean that Yorick is simply "bad" in high elo.
boots. Deciding what boots to go is pretty simple, |
Profane Hydra is the core lethality Yorick item. It gives him insane damage, great CDR, even better waveclear, and surprising burst. It is a huge powerspike for Yorick to complete this and should be rushed almost every game. |
Serylda's Grudge is another core Yorick item. It was nerfed in patch 14 to only apply the slow after the enemy is below half health, but in return they gave it lethality and armor penetration that scales with lethality. The slow lets ghouls run down targets so they can spend less time running and more time HITTING. |
Opportunity has a great build path, is relatively cheap, gives burst damage and movespeed. Great snowballing item. |
Eclipse Is an insanely good item on Yorick. The damage and skirmishing power it gives you is a big spike upon completion. You can proc it with Ghouls alone. Highly recommend building it in most games. |
Edge of Night as of patch 14 has been my go-to item after Profane and Serylda's/Opportunity.The stats are great and gives a little bit of survivability that can go a long way. |
The Collector Used to be my go-to snowballing item. It's still a pretty great item, but Opportunity has replaced it as of recent due to consistency. Only go collector if you are certain that you can snowball hard. |
Hubris is another heavy snowball item but personally it feels underwhelming. I prefer Opportunity or Collector over it. |
Umbral Glaive Is a good choice against |
Youmuu's Ghostblade Is a great choice against enemies who have dangerous spell rotations that you need to dodge or enemies who you can't keep up with. If you want to swap out your boots late game this is a good item to do it with. |
Serpent's Fang is good against |
Axiom Arc is not worth it since Maiden's cooldown doesn't begin until after she dies. |
Voltaic Cyclosword needs more testing but I don't see this as being great on Yorick anytime soon, since he has no dashes, blinks, or stealth to synergize with it. |
Black Cleaver Is a Yorick classic. The health and armor shred make it insanely effective agaist true tanks like |
Sterak's Gage Is a great bruiser Yorick item. The shield can save you in a pinch and the tenacity + health is great when your team needs a bit more frontline. |
Titanic Hydra Is a good bruiser Yorick item. The reset on it can be used in combination with your auto + Q for a quick 3-shot burst of damage (along with an extra |
Sundered Sky Is a bit underwhelming on Yorick. The effect gives you BIG heals but the 45 AD for the 3100 gold price tag makes it difficult to justify. Still, not super bad. Just worse than you would think. |
Maw of Malmortius Is an item I really don't like for Yorick. If you really need the MR you should probably just go |
Spear of Shojin Is a great item on Yorick. The additional ability damage does apply to ghouls to it has some pretty good value. The ability haste it gives you is also pretty insane. |
Trinity Force Used to be core on Yorick. In the current patch, it is fairly mediocre and is only good in certain matchups like |
Guardian Angel Is a good finisher item. Can win games in certain scenarios and is always an option when there is backdoor potential. |
Stridebreaker Is the blacksheep of |
When considering your early game, you should always be mindful of whether or not you can outscale your opponent and what their win condition is. Playing against a
1. Use
2. Use
Playing out your waves is going to be essential here. Your goal in laning phase is to prepare for your mid-late game. Look to set yourself up in a position where you can reliably win a 1v1 with your opponent in the sidelanes. Whether that is by farming and scaling or putting them in the dirt so they can't outscale you depends on the matchup.
You get a pretty substantial powerspike at lvl 6 with
Your mid game is going to be 14-25 minutes (From when plates disappear to when objectives become increasingly important). This is going to mean that your laning phase is essentially decided and generally that either you or your opponent's T1
In this timeframe, I really like to stay in the sidelanes as much as possible. I rarely join drag fights unless it is the 3rd or 4th
If you are NOT in this situation and you are behind, please see the "How to Play when Behind" section.
This is where
Your macro knowledge is going to be crucial here. Knowing when and how to pressure is going to come with time and knowledge. I heavily recommend you check out AloisNL for macro knowledge. He recently did a series on
If they DO respond by sending your opponent to manage the push, you will want to force them out of lane by killing them or forcing a back. This will let you push and it will more than likely force the enemy team to give your team the objective (usually
If they DONT respond at all you are going to need to PUSH fast. They made an incredible mistake. Take as much as you can and threaten to end the game. If you lose vision of the enemy team they are more than likely coming to stop you so back off.
If they send 2 to the sidelane you need to ping your team to pressure. Ideally you should be pressuring when your team is also capable of pressuring so have them force an objective or a 3v4.
These strategies are part-and-parcel for a splitpusher. Keep in mind objective timers and your teams position and game presence. This is what you should do in an ideal scenario where your team is capable of winning a 4v3, however, that is not always the case. Every game is different and knowing how to play out each specific scenario will absolutely come with time. Don't be afraid to wait for good push timers or you might die without your team gaining anything from it.
You can have up to 4 graves at once and every new grave past that will replace the farthest one. Keep in mind graves spawn when you last hit with
A critical part of
I only ever Awaken my ghouls when I either need to push the wave, hold a freeze in front of my tower, or if the wave is bouncing back towards them and the graves will be out of range for my
More on the ghouls in the "Understanding Ghoul AI" section.
Remember that you and your team ignore the W but to the enemy team it acts as player-created terrain. Placing the W over yourself when your opponent uses a dash or blink means that you can walk out of it but they need to destroy it to get out.
You generally want to use
Get good at landing your
The Cursed status effect that
Her AA damage is not great on its own, what really makes her strong is the extra damage you get when attacking the same enemy that she is. It is %health magic damage and it is nothing to scoff at. Later in the game she is really useful for automatically summoning ghouls and summoning her can give you ghouls on demand. You will generally summon maiden as soon as you get access to you ult for instant lane presence. If you intend to freeze the wave on your opponent you may want to delay summoning her.
Be wary of certain matchups like
10 seconds after you summon Maiden, you have the option to recast and release her. She will push the closest lane until she dies, continuing to summon ghouls while doing so. You should almost never use this. It is so much better to have Maiden with you in almost every scenario. I will only really do it if she is guaranteed to die anyway and I want her to turn around and damage the opponent. The only other time I might recast is if I really need pressure on a pushed up lane and my team needs me as a meatshield and I plan on
My general rule of thumb for
Yorick + 0
Yorick + 1
Yorick + 2
Yorick + 3
Yorick + 4
For example;
You have 3 graves so you are potentially strong. You then choose to hit your opponent with
This is why you should generally (depends on matchup) look for all-ins with 3-4 ghouls. The ghouls will provide damage while forcing your opponent to choose between attacking you or clearing the ghouls first. In most scenarios, having 3-4 ghouls on you and a
Use your graves as a threat of potential damage. This can help you gain presence in the lane but be careful when expending your damage because you will be left weaker for a period of time. Make sure it is worth it.
The Freeze Problem
If you play
This is a problem but it isn't a big issue if you take into account the extra wave damage that you will be doing. However, not being able to freeze is a big downside when it comes to denying your opponent resources.
The way to play with this is to push in waves quickly if you think you have time to crash it before the next wave arrives. If you don't have enough time, then don't contribute any damage to the wave other than last hits. Don't even try to freeze on your opponent, it will likely not work. Leaving the wave in an optimal state if you kill your opponent on their turn is kinda impossible, so you should always push out the wave and crash it when you can.
Obviously this will lead to a state where the enemy is farming under
My hierarchy of things to do when the wave is pushed is usually:
How to Play When Behind
You're going to make mistakes and you're going to get weaksided. It's a reality. Luckily you are playing
Once you realize you are behind your first priority should be maximizing the amount of gold you get no matter what. Farming under
A knee-jerk reaction to being unable to 1v1 your opponent would be to go play with your team. Do not do this. You will miss out on gold and XP that you desperately need to scale. You will also free up your opponent to take a 5v5 that you will often lose because you are behind. You should instead focus on keeping your opponent in lane by pushing out waves and pressuring the map.
A great way to understand
1. A 1200 Unit elastic rope between
2. A 500 Unit circle around
Then, these principles explain how she works:
1. Maiden will always want to watch
2. If Maiden is attacking an enemy entity, she will ignore the above principle and will continue attacking enemy entities in her circle.
3.When the elastic rope reaches 1200 units, Maiden will be forced to stop what she is doing and follow
4. If
5. When the elastic rope reaches 1200 units, Maiden will be forced to stop what she is doing and follow
6. When
7. When in a frenzy, she will continue to follow and attack the Cursed unit until Cursed wears off.
8. When Cursed wears off, she will continue abiding by principles 1-5.
Get it? Got it? Good. Now on to ghouls.
Ghoul AI is a little simpler. They will follow
When an enemy is Cursed and within 1400 units of the ghoul, they will leap to that target once and stay on that target until the target dies. Then they will return to
If a Ghoul attacks a lane minion, it will continue pushing that lane until it dies or is redirected by Cursed.
Once you get a feel for the AI, you can manipulate it to gain an advantage. It is possible to have
Tips & Tricks
- You can continue making graves while your
- Use
- At any stage of the game, 4 ghouls can always take down
- You can easily solo
- Take multiple camps by having
- You take
- If you are far enough away from ghouls or Maiden, they will gain increased movespeed to get back to you.
- Ghouls and Maiden have their own vision radius.
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