Also known as
  • Bortecine Sec


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The End

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 238 with 157.279 pts in 2023

Country place: 3

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
62ASIS CTF Finals 2023128.00003.234
12SECCON CTF 2023 Domestic Finals100.00000.000
362BackdoorCTF 2023766.00001.306
1Wargames.MY CTF 202313527.00000.000
14The Cyber Cooperative CTF6400.000021.852
67th Stage MetaRed TIC Portugal 20231290.00003.341
19snakeCTF 2023972.00005.419
190CTF/TCTF 20231438.000016.912
28pingCTF 20231588.00008.261
6HTB University CTF 2023: Brains & Bytes6650.000023.283
21Hackappatoi CTF '232705.00009.547
2M*CTF 2023 Junior Finals5291.00000.000
8WannaGame Championship 20232805.000012.191
20NewportBlakeCTF 20237302.000012.920
21TUCTF 20232889.00008.917
2Ph0wn 20232897.000025.942
14TPCTF 20235214.34009.948
12GlacierCTF 20233656.000015.767
115th stage MetaRed CTF Ecuador 20232858.00004.746

Overall rating place: 11671 with 2.636 pts in 2022

Country place: 23

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
85BYUCTF 20221598.00002.636

Overall rating place: 567 with 58.669 pts in 2021

Country place: 5

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
62PBjar CTF '213861.00007.130
97TsukuCTF 2021600.00000.000
653CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2021151.00000.323
97GrabCON CTF 20211300.00004.780
146YauzaCTF 202130.00000.152
65RCTS CERT 2021 Defending the SOC1700.00006.798
90CyberThreatForce CTF | 2021660.00002.275
369Hack-A-Sat 2 Qualifiers26.00000.300
246WeCTF 2021324.00001.018
75Circle City Con CTF 2021752.00003.663
184BCACTF 2.02000.00003.971
96S.H.E.L.L. CTF1688.00008.253
174DCTF 20212050.00004.977
79San Diego CTF 2021910.00002.411
146DawgCTF 20211180.00004.028
105WPICTF 2021450.00003.558
135TAMUctf 2021550.00002.293 CTF Odin 2021850.00008.035
135UMDCTF 20212251.00001.972
171HackPack CTF 2021241.00002.138
120RITSEC CTF 20212390.00007.034
202BSides Canberra 2021 CTF41.00000.000
186b01lers CTF200.00000.536

Team members

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