Sayu➡️Hentai Matsuri! Sincro//Nisity🔩

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Sayu➡️Hentai Matsuri! Sincro//Nisity🔩
真黒🔩| Half-android (un)wanted criminal who's very evil & scary. I preach old and hate tech. とても悪くて怖い指名手配人だ。懐かしい物を語る。 Merch: website👇#sincronize 🎨#sincreate
Cyberpunk Japansincronisity.comBorn August 19Joined May 2021

Sayu➡️Hentai Matsuri! Sincro//Nisity🔩’s posts

hi everyone, First, thank you for your kind messages, I'm still reading them all. Ty for fighting for me, and I'm sorry that you even have to. I'm still trying to take time away to crush the feelings of frustration and other things that I feel constantly ashamed to feel. Even
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sorry guys I won't be streaming tonight. honestly I'm just a rollercoaster of emotions rn. from the past few days to today it's just from shock to relief, a bit of happiness, then just straight sadness. I can't even explain it properly because I'll just get more mean messages to
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I talked to Kenji in a call and apologized for causing him and his community stress. I was hurt and angry/hostile at what happened in the past, and used Kenji's situation improperly. He did not doxx me and also doesnt think im a pedophile. Don't attack anyone and don't send hate.
Streaming has been so much fun lately because of all of you...thank you. Each one of you gives me so much strength everyday. Every comment. Every like. Every hello. Every lurk. Ty for being by my side. I wish for this to last forever. 💙
Hey guys, I'm now catching up with the recent events so I'm slowly trying to look through who I'm following on this site specifically, etc. All I want is to be in our own space without people hurting us for not hurting others with the jokes we make or things we like. We will
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WE REACHED 50K LAST NIGHT DURING STREAM 🥺😭💙💙Thank you all so much...I still can't believe what's happening and just hope that I can give you all the entertainment and good times that you deserve. 🥰Thank you for being you, and for being my hopes and dreams.
Thank you for your kindness today everyone. <3 I truly can never put it in words how much each and every one of you give me the strength to live by choosing to spend your time with me. I still can't believe it to this day that I can be this lucky. I just pray it lasts forever.
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Thank you all for your kind comments and messages~ I'm sorry you guys always have to cheer me up...I'm constantly doing my best to be stronger, and things ARE getting better and have been lately, even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes. So ty all for bearing with me in my bad
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I've decided to private my posts for a while. I don't know how long or if this will help me but thought I'd try it. I really appreciate those of you who've been sharing my posts/content. So please if you do want to, share clips/yt links etc instead. Ty guys 💙
haiii thar~ we've had so many followers lately I just wanted to say weewoo and welcome you all ; v;/ Some random facts: -Games I love: JRPGs, tactical, open world, survival -Things I love: (you), treasure, sweets, mushrooms, nostalgia, TV/anime Tell me some things about you!💙
I'm sorry today's stream wasn't what I wanted it to be. I'm not really the type to cry. So I'm sorry it was sad. And I'm sorry that I can't just be okay when I have plenty to be okay about. That's the most frustrating thing to me. But that and being reminded constantly about how
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Hey everyone, I'm Raechit, Sayu's manager. We've had some discussion and both agreed it would be best for her to step back from Twitter for a while. As someone who has been both a coworker and friend of Sayu for two years now, I care about her deeply and see how this effecting
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I know it doesn't mean much coming from someone like me and this will probably sound conceited, but I mean this in the kindest way and with the warmest smiles: I'm so proud of her. She's so strong, always has been, and I always believed she deserves way more than she thinks.💙
🎑GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENT🎑After an incredible year of becoming a VTuber and meeting so many talented people, being inspired by new friends, and growing a family in our community--I wish to proudly announce my graduation from activities as "Sayu Toyofuku" on October 21st.
Thank you all for honestly the most epic moment of my entire life. For the last time: "My name is Sayu. I'm your unlucky shrine goddess boomer, and you're the best community ever. This isn't the end. We'll take over the world together. Bye guys~"
It was so fun celebrating with you all today~ Thank you for the exciting Partner in Crime app submissions, thank you for the super chill chat at the end, and most of all thank you for all the support and coming to celebrate with us~ I love you all SO much! I'm so grateful.🥹💙🔩
I'm the opposite of a yandere: if you leave me I'll cry and sulk and rip myself apart singing sad songs from the radio and wonder why you left and keep hoping you'll come back every time I turn on stream until I see you again
I never thought of myself as someone who could reach 100k in anything, and it still hasn't sunk in. Thank you all for letting me live this wonderful dream every single day. Thank you for letting me keep you by my side, and letting me be myself. Here's to so much more together~
OH GOD WHAT I'M NOT READY NO STAHP AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 🥺🥺🥺Thank you guys so much...! I've never been good at making YouTube content, so this amount of support is just unbelievable to me...honestly I want to make better content for you all and I want to deserve you! So I'll keep
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「So many people who's voices I recognize and remember...」 「So many who I wished I could be friends with and still wish to be.」 「Everyday I feel sad that seeing my name may make them feel uncomfortable.」 「So I thank you, to those who try to meet the real me.」
Tysm to Oi_oi_sakai for drawing this beautiful comic!
Tysm to Oi_oi_sakai for drawing this beautiful comic!
Tysm to Oi_oi_sakai for drawing this beautiful comic!
I still can't believe the amount of support I've gotten from you's nothing short of a miracle to me to have you all here, to joke and chat and just enjoy the time we spend!! Honestly seeing my🔩in some of your names brings tears to my eyes 🥹🩵
I know I say this all the time on stream, but I'm genuinely so grateful for all of you spending time with me on stream. There are a lot of games out lately that require a lot of time to complete, and I know I'm not always entertaining because of the long hours...and I feel bad
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