Privacy Policy
Gyoseishoshi Lawyers’ Corporation Flat-Legal Office (“we”) do effort for protecting privacy by maintaining this privacy policy and disseminating it within our staff members based on the recognition of important social responsibility to manage personal information we acquire through our business of both customers and our staff members.
1. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information
We collect, use and offer personal information only within the necessary range of our business, according to the clear purpose of use. We use personal information only for the intended purpose and we take action to prevent its use for other purposes. For more information, please check “The Matters Regarding the Use of Personal Information” below.
2. Legal Compliance
We comply with laws, national guidelines and other regulations regarding the handling of personal information.
3. Safety Countermeasures about Privacy Information
We establish reasonable safety countermeasures and corrective actions for risks related to personal information, such as unauthorized access, lost, destruction, falsification and leakage.
4. Responding to Complaints and Inquiries Regarding Personal Information
We respond without delay to complaints and inquiries from people concerned regarding the handling their personal information.
5. Continuous Improvement of Privacy Protection Management System
We establish privacy protection management system to maintain privacy protection appropriately, then conduct regular audits regarding operational status and make an effort to continuous improvement of the system.
6. Contact Information Regarding This Privacy Policy
In Gyoseishoshi Lawyers’ Corporation Flat-Legal Office personal information Protection manager Hamasaki
Establishment of this Policy: 2023/11/10
Gyoseishoshi Lawyers’ Corporation Flat-Legal Office President: SHIOZAWA Yasuyuki
The Matters Regarding the Use of Personal Information
1. Purpose of Use
1) Personal information of customers
・ To notice our service and respond to inquiries
・ To notice events, seminars or exhibitions regarding our service
・ To do survey or analyze regarding our service
2) Personal information of contractors
・ To accept and respond to inquiries, verify identity, carry out and record our service, calculate and claim fees, and maintain, protect or improve for providing the optimal service
・ To delivery advertisements and measure the effect of them
・ To take measures for the illegal action or actions that we cannot overlook in light of our policies
・ To notice changes of our service
・ For the purposes indicated in 1)
3) Personal information of employment applicants
・ For recruitment selection
・ To respond to inquiries
4) Personal information of our staff members
・ To do labor or personnel management, pay salary, provide welfare, health management, do social security and tax management, and do education
We may consign handling personal information within the scope of achieving the above purpose of use. We select the appropriate entity who is doing appropriate personal information management and we supervise the entity protects the personal information with NDA when we consign the operation.
6) Provision for third party
We do not provide personal information to third parties (including a party or parties in abroad) without prior consent. However, there are some exclusions below:
・ To consign handling personal information within the scope of achieving the above purpose of use
・ When our service is inherited by merger or other business succession
・ When nation, local government or their entrusted party needs our cooperation for executing affairs stipulated by law and prior consent impedes or may impede the execution
・ Other than the above when the Personal Information Protection Law of Japan allow us
7) Joint Use
We may use personal information jointly with third parties. When we do jointly use, we notice beforehand the items below on our website
1. The fact that we use personal information jointly
2. Items of personal information being used jointly
3. The range of the joint use party
4. The purpose of use of the joint use party
5. Name and address of person in charge about the personal information and in the case of a corporation, name of representative
2. Notification about retained personal data
1) Entity of Use
・ Name:Gyoseishoshi lawyers’ corporation Flat-Legal Office
・ Address:6-4-26 Minami-rinkan, Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan
・ Representative:Yasuyuki SHIOZAWA, representative Gyoseishoshi lawyer
2) Administrator of personal information
・ Name:Saori HAMASAKI
・ Department:Head office of Gyoseishoshi lawyers’ corporation Flat-Legal Office
3) Purpose of Use for all of retained personal data
Same with purpose of use above
4) Contact regarding of use of retained personal data
・ Reception for complain and consultation:Personal information manager of Gyoseishoshi lawyers’ corporation Flat-Legal Office
・ Address:6-4-26 Minami-rinkan, Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan
5) Procedure for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data or Records of Provision to Third Party
(1) Where to Apply
We deal with applying for disclosure about the items below quickly belonging to our procedure way, if the applies satisfy the conditions stipulated by the Personal Information Protection Law of Japan. Please inform the personal information manager above.
・ Notification about purpose of use
・ Disclosure about appliers’ personal information data or its records of provision to third party
・ Fix, addition, delete, stop usage or provision to third party of the appliers’ personal information data
(2) Documents
When we receive proper application, we send appliers “Request Form for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Information”. Please send back the filled form and certificate document shown below.
[When you are the applier and having ability to act legally]
・ Copy of identity verification document
[When the applier do not have sufficient ability to act legally]
・ Copy of applier’s identity verification document
・ Proof of legal representative status
・ Copy of identity verification document of legal representative
*Please paint over city and below of permanent address information
[When you are agent by commission]
・ Letter of attorney
・ Applier’s seal certificate issued within last 3 months
・ Copy of applier’s identity verification document
(3) Handling Charge for Disclosure and Payment
Please pay 1,000 JPY for each one application to our bank account written in sent invoice. Please borne transfer fee.
*When transfer fee was subtracted from arrival money, we notice you. If you do not pay the lack in determined period, the application will be canceled automatically.
*Handling charge occurs only for “notification of retained personal information data” and “Disclosure about appliers’ personal information data or its records of provision to third party”.
3. Safety Control Measures We Took or Are Taking to Protect Personal Information
1) Organizational Safety Control Measures
・ We decide who is in charge regarding of handling personal information for management of report communication system and way of information handling.
・ We execute checking and inspection regarding of handling personal information periodically.
2) Personnel Safety Control Measures
・ We oblige our staff members with periodic education opportunities regarding of handling personal information.
・ Our labor regulation has clause about confidentiality of personal information data.
3) Physical Safety Control Measures
・ We are doing entrance and exit management, restrict brought devices and measures for keeping from viewing data by whom without authority.
・ We are set measures to protect devices handling personal data or document including personal information from theft or lost.
4) Technical Safety Control Measures
・ We set clarified rule and authority limiting to minimum staff members regarding access to personal information database.
・ We always update systems and security software installed in devices handling personal information data.
**This privacy policy page was translated from Japanese version by a staff member IMAI. Please notice if there is any mistranslation or sentence you cannot understand well. Thank you.