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College Financial Grades 2021: Will Your Alma Mater Survive Covid?

College Financial Grades 2021: Will Your Alma Mater Survive Covid?

KLAWE RZeczy for forbes
Updated Jun 29, 2021, 07:56am EDT

Before Covid-19, scores of the nation’s private colleges were already facing a financial health pandemic. Things are worse but don’t expect a rash of school closures.

You don’t think Harvard is running a deficit? Or Stanford? Everybody is running a deficit!” Those emphatic words are from Fred Prager, of Prager & Co., dean among Wall Street financiers specializing in higher education. He is speaking about the effects of the pandemic on colleges and universities.

 “Top colleges [like Harvard] can hold their breath. . . . If you can hold your breath for 10 or 20 years, you’re going to make it through this. But there are institutions that can’t hold their breath for a year.”

Prager is talking about an ugly reality facing many dozens of colleges now effectively on ventilators, gasping for air. With enrollment down for the 2020-21 academic year, and room, board and other revenues greatly reduced, Covid-19 delivered a gut punch to college finances and in many cases accelerated the financial effects of negative trends—including declining enrollment tied to demographics—already in place. Tiny Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, may have been the first pandemic casualty. Last May, the 109-year-old former women’s college, with a meager $9.6 million endowment and 416 students, threw in the towel and announced that it would merge with well-endowed Boston College.

More mergers are coming, but don’t expect private colleges to start closing en masse. According to Richard Ekman, president of the Council of Independent Colleges, whose 700 members range from Middlebury College in Vermont to Gonzaga University in Washington, most colleges—even those seemingly on life support—will survive the Covid-19 pandemic.

“There is this myth that all private colleges are going over the cliff. It’s just plain wrong. The data shows that every year for the past 25 years, some small number of colleges have closed. And it’s a number between zero and 10, and it bounces up and down from year to year and bears no relation to other events like the 2008 recession.”

Ekman is correct, in part because many academic institutions seem to operate oblivious to financial reality and muddle through year after year on the edge of insolvency. Fiscal responsibility is anathema to many in higher education. Greensboro, North Carolina’s Guilford College, a 184-year-old Quaker school with an undergraduate enrollment of 1,500, had been operating with multimillion-dollar budget deficits for years. After the pandemic hit, its interim president prudently decided to cut costs, announcing she would terminate nearly a third of its faculty members and cut half of its majors. But no sooner was the plan announced than an alumni outcry and pledges of donations successfully reversed most of the cuts. So Guilford lives on in misery for another few years.

School closures may not be imminent, but change is coming. “Colleges are not going to come out of this period and return to ‘business as usual,’ as too much has changed in the way we do business and the priorities of students,” predicts economist Lucie Lapovsky, former president of Mercy College. “Those schools, which have trimmed down and positioned themselves to be able to grow in new ways once the pandemic is over, will survive and thrive.”

If there is any good news, it is that enrollment at elite colleges is likely to rebound sharply for the 2021-22 academic year, as applications are way up, driven by an expectation that normal campus life will resume in the fall. Still, Ekman doesn’t expect a full resumption for revenue-generating services, including dining halls and fully occupied dorm rooms, until 2022.

In an effort to determine the financial health of private colleges as they emerge from the pandemic, Forbes crunched the numbers for its annual college financial grades, which measures the balance sheet health and operating strength of 921 private, not-for-profit colleges with full-time enrollments greater than 500 students. Most of our financial calculations are derived from the government’s National Center for Education Statistics, whose most recent data happens to be from 2018 and 2019. Thus, our grades give a prepandemic snapshot of private college financial health. Virtually all schools have experienced deteriorating financial results in the last 12 months. [See full list of 921 financial grades below.]

For our 2021 ranking, 83 colleges scored a grade of A or better, but nearly half of the private colleges on our list recorded a grade of C or worse. These schools are typically in precarious financial positions, with tight budgets. They tend to have relatively small endowments and depend on tuition revenue to survive each year. They also offer steep discounts in the form of merit aid or scholarships in an effort to fill up their classrooms.

There are some standouts in our ranking. Oglethorpe University, a liberal arts college in suburban Atlanta, has made a big comeback in the last five years. It received a failing grade in our 2016 financial grades, which averaged two years of financial data from the 2013 and 2014 fiscal years. Oglethorpe’s core expenses were nearly double its $19.4 million in core revenues in 2013, adding to a heavy debt load. Just 11% of the students it admitted for the 2013-14 year chose to attend, a dangerously low yield figure, and tuition accounted for about two thirds of its total revenue.

But a $50 million fundraising campaign that concluded in the fall of 2015, more than a year ahead of schedule, helped spark a turnaround. The school also introduced a “Flagship 50” merit aid program that matched state university sticker prices for incoming students. Oglethorpe finished fiscal 2018 with almost $100 million in net assets and a 36% operating margin, and its admissions yield for its 2019-20 freshman class rose to 26%. The gains across the board pushed its financial grade to a B-plus.

Among top-tier colleges, few have improved in financial strength as much as New Orleans’ Tulane University. The 186-year-old school, which is home to 8,600 undergraduates, saw a 46% increase in applicants from 2014 to 2019, and more applicants are making it their first choice—its admissions yield rose 14 percentage points to 33.5% in 2020. Tulane is ranked by The Princeton Review as third among colleges with the happiest students, and today its acceptance rate is approaching Ivy League territory at less than 13%. In the last five years, its financial grade rose from a B to an A-minus.

Rural Virginia’s Emory & Henry suffered the largest decline in the last five years on our numerical GPA scale and earned a C-plus after receiving an A in 2016. Its net assets slightly decreased in the 2018 fiscal year and its operating margin was in the red, a far cry from its 35% average margin in 2013 and 2014. But it remains on better financial footing than many of its peers, sliding in at about the 50th percentile overall this year.

Providence College is one of the most prominent schools in the bottom third of the rankings, sliding to a C-minus grade after posting a B five years ago. The Catholic school, located not far from Brown University, Rhode Island School of Design and Johnson & Wales, closed a $187 million fundraising campaign in 2017, but its dependence on tuition has only grown, with tuition and fees accounting for 79% of its core revenues in 2018, and its liquidity is tight. Last May, S&P revised its outlook on Providence’s debt to negative from stable, though it maintained its single A rating on its debt.

Forbes College Financial Grades are based on the following nine components:

1. Endowment Assets Per FTE (15%): This measures schools’ endowment assets at year end per full-time equivalent student. Princeton has more than $3.1 million per student, and no other school tops $2 million. Fifty-one schools received full credit in this category, capped by Scripps College with $342,000 in its endowment per student.

2. Primary Reserve Ratio (15%): This ratio broadly measures a college’s liquidity, grading how well its expendable assets could meet its annual expenses without straining its normal operations. Expendable assets are defined as total unrestricted net assets, plus temporarily restricted net assets, plus debt related to property, plant and equipment, minus property, plant and equipment net of accumulated depreciation, divided by total annual expenses. Grinnell College, a small college in Iowa with a $2 billion endowment thanks in part to Warren Buffett’s investment advice, has a ratio over 15, meaning it could cover 15 years of expenses with its existing assets. By contrast, Indiana’s Butler University, which scores a grade of C-plus, has a ratio of 1.0. Any college with a ratio of at least 2.4 received full credit.

3. Viability Ratio (10%): This metric analyzes a college’s expendable assets divided by its debt load, similar to the primary reserve ratio’s measurement relative to annual expenses. Schools with no debt received full credit, as did any college with a ratio of at least 2.6. Vanderbilt’s relatively small debt load gives it a viability ratio of 14.5, among the highest of colleges that carry any debt. New York University, saddled with $4.6 billion in debt, has a viability ratio of only 0.48.

4. Core Operating Margin (10%): This measures whether tuition, donations and investment revenues cover a college’s educational expenses by subtracting its core expenses from its core revenues and dividing the difference by its core revenues. Williams College has a comfortable surplus, with a 57% operating margin. About one third of the 921 schools ranked, including the University of Miami and the University of Southern California, had negative margins, with expenses exceeding revenues.

5. Tuition As A Percentage of Core Revenues (15%): Diversified revenue streams make any organization more financially secure, and colleges are no different. Schools that get the lion’s share of their revenue from tuition are more vulnerable to enrollment declines and price competition. Tuition accounts for less than 10% of revenues at only 11 colleges, including Yale, Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Princeton again takes the top spot, relying on tuition for only 3% of its core revenues.

6. Return On Assets (10%): This metric divides a college’s change in net assets during the year by its assets at the beginning of the year. Full credit went to 28 colleges with at least a 23% return, including Oglethorpe, while net assets shrunk at 159 other schools.

7. Admissions Yield (10%): Any college would prefer to be an applicant’s first choice than their safety school. Admissions yield measures the percentage of accepted students who choose to attend, and a higher number is a sign of a healthy enrollment. Harvard had an 82% yield for its 2019-20 freshman class—very few high schoolers turn down an opportunity to enroll there. Any school with a yield of at least 52% received full credit.

8. Percent Of Freshmen Getting Grant Aid (7.5%): Colleges that hand out scholarships and grants to a large chunk of their incoming freshmen may be wealthy and generous, but an unusually high percentage here is often more indicative of desperation to entice students to enroll. Every school needs a cohort of well-heeled families paying the full sticker price to boost their coffers. Any college where this is less than 40%, like Tufts University and Wake Forest University, receives full credit, but colleges like DePauw University or Baylor University, where at least 90% of incoming freshmen receive aid, get at most half credit.

9. Instruction Expenses Per FTE (7.5%): This measures how much schools actually spend on educating each student. A higher amount reflects a college able to invest in its core purpose. Washington University in St. Louis spends the most per student at $128,000, and 15 colleges spend at least $45,000 per student to get full credit, including five Ivy League schools.

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I'm Matt Schifrin executive editor of Money & Markets, which includes investing, personal finance, Wall Street and crypto. I have worked for Forbes for more than 25 years and learned


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