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Of course Elsevier's "enhanced pdf viewer" tracks where you click, view, if you hide the page, etc. and then transmits a big base64 blob of events along with ID from University proxy when you leave. I'm sure straight to SciVal for sale.
Is this the way we want science to work?

genuinely sad that avoiding/gaming surveillance to keep your Bench Performance Rankings in the fundable range might have to become part of basic scientific training.

Firefox tracking protection & ublock origin seems to protect against all the trackers I can see

can't protect against all, or even most tracking even if you manage to block all tracking HTTP requests. eg. Springer's viewer doesn't serve the whole PDF, just individual pages as you scroll. link clicks (citations, etc) could be used for document position too.

yes thank you!!!! sad to have missed the keynote, is a recording up?

@jonny Yes, it's linked in the linked toot.

@jonny sending large amounts of faked data might be a good way to ruin their dataset? :)

gonna pump up my Productivity Rank to levels unimagined by man or machine

@FiXato @jonny We can even send a message with that: by only sending click coordinates that match an obscene picture or so 😅

@MartinShadok or coordinates that spell out a sentence. :)
But ideally you don't want to make your fake data identifiable as such, because then it can be too easily filtered out. @jonny

@MartinShadok @FiXato @jonny omw to spell out "penis" 50 times in a row

@MartinShadok @FiXato
click out an SQL injection and drop the image transcription database

@jonny Tracking sucks. Behavioral-based tracking in science, education, (public) administration and all other trust-based relations is irresponsible. It's time to speak out loud and prohibit such "business models".

@jonny Surveillance capitalism is coming to scientific papers now. What is this not a feature you want??

@jonny One more reason to open papers from the authors’ (static html) website or straight from SciHub, even if we have an institutional subscription.

@jonny Oh my god, thanks for letting us know. I am not really surprised, but I guess I still underestimated the degree to which Elsevier and such are completely bonkers 😢

@jonny Don't know about the pdf viewer as I never use it.
However I hate Elsevier, for some reason every time I print one of their pdfs it shrinks to half page and I have to keep separate print settings just for their articles... u should use sci hub. that's how science should work. freely shared with the world.

@jonny @rysiek last I calculated, it cost about $7000 to host your own copy of libgen+scihub. FYI.

or if ya don't got that much, you can pin pieces of LibGen on IPFS ❤️

@jonny ugh, I knew there had to be a *reason* behind these ridiculous PDF viewers

@jonny Does this "endhanced pdf viewer" at least allows to store a local copy? All scientists should be educated to always store local copies of interesting material they find on the net. This is a very basic element of methodology. If using a local PDF viewing program later on, this unethical tracking of online viewing activity would become rather pointless.

@pefu yes you can still download PDFs, but with technologies like these it's really a matter of how making a default can nudge people who don't take the extra step of getting it to use the online tool. information liberation types might skip it, but how many won't?