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Neoliberalism, Collegiality, and Authenticity: A discursive keynote about GAI


Neoliberalism and Labour

What is the risk that the wider adoption of GAI tools like ChatGPT will lead Senior Managers to focus on productivity and efficiency at the expense of scholarly engagement​?

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I think this is happening in the private sector already, and since HE keeps moving in that direction I won't be surprised to see this be the case

I agree - the focus on efficiency and conformity is rife in HE!

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Absolutely - we are increasingly reliant on workload models in a Taylorist model and this will feed into that.

from a management perspective efficiency gains that reduce human input until you can replace the human with an algorithm that doesnt take time off seems like an endgame

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I see this in my workplace - I keep waiting for the day when I am replaced with Google Scholar and referencing management software.

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Wow that's a sobering thought!

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Anyone else thinking about that scene in The Time Machine (1960) where the air raid sirens go off the and blond people all go into the bomb shelter and they have no idea why they do this (only to be eaten by the other half of society who never risked going topside and degenerated into animalistic canibals)?

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Yeah, though that's sad that more and more reliance on AI tools is becoming the new norm within workplaces for boosting efficiency but however, it is equally true that it is resulting in missing diversity in thoughts as an AI algorithm can never replace human brain.


Loss of academic community

How might the widespread adoption and use of GAI tools lead to more isolated, individual academic pursuits?

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I think this relates very closely to the events of the pandemic. on one hand, it has accelerated the ability to work from home and collaborate worldwide. It has led to isolation and I think it’s hard to generate the same creative space online at all times as it is for in person meetings. And I think in the essence that is what makes us human is that need for interaction.

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I know for me I have to actively take steps to ensure that I properly engage in a human way with colleagues already! Particularly post pandemic. I think the risk of increased isolation is in every part of our live, work, education and in our personal lives.

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I agree with your comment.

I feel people may use GAI tools but not admit to it, creating distrust and distance as we seek to hide how we've outsourced our work.

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In my discipline (history) most articles are written as an individual, but there is a lot of sharing and discussion that goes behind the various drafts. I can see this being lost a bit if we're not careful. The drafting process could easily become an AI drafting process rather than human

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In my opinion, although using genAIs is an individual activity, the discussions on the use of AIs can mitigate isolation in academic research, rather, bring about a unity through conversations among researchers.

Group discussions in the room include : systems within academia is driven by individual performance and not collegiality. Ai- literacy has the potential to shape collegiality provide we work towards balance between tasks. Global south sees the use of Ai as an essential driver for growth and collaboration.


Revolution or Status Quo

Will GAI tools, like ChatGPT, serve as a catalyst for rethinking of academic norms and practices? Or is there a danger that they entrench existing power structures and inequalities in academia?


I think there has always been a focus on the product rather than the process. I wonder if GAI tools can facilitate the process in some ways to promote discussion.

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I think if GAI tools can be utilized appropriately it can serve as a catalyst as GAI tools can help in a range of ways saving time, effort and money. It can be a better option to draw conclusions out of huge chunks of information faster and in many cases the summarization can even be better than human judgement which might be biased.

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I wont lie. I used it for the first time recently to get me started on a tricky email I had to write. We will need to educate students to use it appropriately

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Anonymous - AI will definitely have impact as academics very likely to be required to include use of AI tools in their teaching and assessment content. So unlikely to be able to refuse. Move from transmission of academic knowledge to facilitating knowledge acquisition. Knowledge seen as product not process.


Integrity and Authorship

What are the ethical considerations around academic authorship, and integrity (for staff) that need to be addressed to maintain academic standards?

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I think this is a huge risk, how to evidence authorship of anything going forward with more and more of us using these tools.

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How to quantify the passion that drives one's research?

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I do think it depends on authorship of what. In particular I disagree slightly with Donna's example around providing references for students. It's absolutely worth taking the time for me to find out what is distinctive about a student and what I should communicate to a potential institution taking them on for further study. I'm not convinced that time spent on converting this into verbiage in a particular form, possibly adding a header/putting ina signature/making it into a PDF is particularly worthwhile but I let the student down if I don't do it


Academic Identities

As these tools potentially take over some aspects of academic work, how might this change the perception of what it means to be an academic and the value placed on human intellectual contribution versus AI-generated content?


Critical thought will be more needed and more valuable than ever. GAI cannot give us that.

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I think there’s been a slow creep into the world of generative AI and certainly there are some tools that can help with some of the heavy lifting In terms of rewording emails, et cetera But I guess in that context, I’m not using it too ask research questions or to analyse data.

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I think to some extent what it means to be an academic has evolved hugely in the last 30 years. From the rise of the internet, digitisation of journals, Google, online tools for managing references, big data. This is just one further change that evolves the meaning of the academic role.

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But I think AI should not be the one to completely wipe out this traditional cultures of academic because I am afraid this could replace the varying thoughts and perspectives which only human brain is able to convey.

It is unquestionable that the current use of GAI involves concerns about academic integrity, plagiarism, loss of creativity, and beyond that. Having said that, would we want to foster an academic environment wherein various LLMs, including GAI, are used more carefully and "ethically", or would we want to totally discourage its inlcusion?


Researchers using GAI


I am not sure if you came across this. Check the first sentence of the introduction section. It is disappointing that this got through reviews.

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This is disappointing to see. Although you can see why it is so attractive as a time saving endeavour. Karen concerns of surrounding academic integrity, predate, generative, AI. For example, look Andrew Wakefield with the MMR scandal.

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Wow, that is so obvious as well. Very disappointing.

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Lack of proof reading from the author(s) as well as not spotted by the reviewers!! Gah!!

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Well not a peer reviewed pub then...

What are your thoughts on anthropomorphising GAI tools? Do you think we could change this approach by changing the narrative and talk about "outputs" rather then it "responding"?

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I keep telling students that AI is not "thinking" - it's just saying "What's the most likely next word after Kitty? Litter." I'm on the Outputs team.

Hard agree, we need to avoid reinforcing the language of the developers, I try to show students the ChatGPT playground to show how it really is predicting rather than thinking

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We cannot put our heads in the sand and I think it’s important for students to understand to engage in . I give them an introduction to generative AI so they can have a balanced view on what it is.

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Also worth noting that people have been anthropomorphising objects for many generations! I agree that the narrative is important but the key thing is to foster realism in what LLMs can and can't do

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