Type of Character[]
Alive, Hero Squad member
A Red Pikmin wearing a tattered blue captain's uniform. The coat is worn over his shoulders.
Mars can create fire at a whim by snapping his fingers. The applications are plentiful, including concentrating balls of fire for use as artillery ammunition.
He's also able to make use of a technique called iaiken, which is like iaido, but with your fists instead of a sword.
Water is naturally his bane, though he can still produce flames regardless. If his fingers are immobile and he cannot snap, he can't produce fire.
Temperature doesn't really affect him.
Fire, natch.
Usually level-headed, but his temper's on the short end; any sufficient irritation will immediately make him angry. Grumpy at the best of times either way.
Having been a city leader, Mars saw the writing on the wall when the Overlord rose to prominence and decided a direct confrontation was unwise. His forces were ultimately divided between the Empire and the Resistance, and he wound up joining Hero Squad.
Main: Time to Fight! (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Battle: Engage the Enemy (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Tropes that Apply to the Character[]
Playing With Fire, Having a Blast, Megaton Punch, Coat Cape, When All You Have Is a Hammer, Personality Powers
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