Type of Character[]
An obsidian Pikmin with a spiked black orb at the end of his stalk. He looks rather less sketchy than his main universe counterpart.
Anti-Spiral Power, a highly destructive form of energy in opposition to Spiral Power. Typically red or black in color, it manifests in a variety of ways, though primarily as drills. Anti's drills tend to be the thin industrial type, and have a reverse grain.
Helix's bizarre body seems to return to its default state if he is ever harmed. Even extremely heavy damage seems to ultimately be reverted, giving him an appearance of being invincible. However, he has staunchly refused to face the Overlord in direct combat, implying an unknown weakness.
Intensely stubborn and resistant to change, but a searing determination burns beneath it, seeking an outlet.
Zeta Mark II was forcefully awakened shortly after Alpha Mark II. Savior sought out his pod and woke him up manually. The two then fought together, saving the Resistance from what would have been a critical defeat. With the state of the world as it was, he found himself unable to hold onto the nihilism that his main universe self did. When Hero Squad came through, he chose to go with them, seeming to fear the possibility of an encounter with the Overlord.
Main: Rise Your XXX! (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
Battle: All of You, Get Fired Up!!! (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
Tropes that Apply to the Character[]
Lawful Neutral, Badass, Nonstandard Character Design (Appears sketchy, though less so than his main universe self), Humanoid Eldritch Abomination, Hot Blooded (Tends to be moreso than his main universe self), Hellish Pupils, Awesomeness is Volatile, Bash Brothers (with Savior), Red Oni Blue Oni (Red to Savior's Blue), Creepy Monotone, No Sense of Humor, Blank White Eyes, Combat Tentacles (Drill tentacles!), Kamehame Hadouken (Infinity Big Bang Storm)
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