On irreversible dynamic monopolies in general graphs 111The authors are supported in part by the National Science Council of Taiwan under grant 97-2221-E-002-096-MY3 and Excellent Research Projects of National Taiwan University under grant 98R0062-05.
Consider the following coloring process in a simple directed graph with positive indegrees. Initially, a set of vertices are white, whereas all the others are black. Thereafter, a black vertex is colored white whenever more than half of its in-neighbors are white. The coloring process ends when no additional vertices can be colored white. If all vertices end up white, we call an irreversible dynamic monopoly (or dynamo for short) under the strict-majority scenario. An irreversible dynamo under the simple-majority scenario is defined similarly except that a black vertex is colored white when at least half of its in-neighbors are white. We derive upper bounds of and on the minimum sizes of irreversible dynamos under the strict and the simple-majority scenarios, respectively. For the special case when is an undirected connected graph, we prove the existence of an irreversible dynamo with size at most under the strict-majority scenario. Let be any constant. We also show that, unless no polynomial-time, -approximation algorithms exist for finding the minimum irreversible dynamo under either the strict or the simple-majority scenario. The inapproximability results hold even for bipartite graphs with diameter at most .
1 Introduction
Let be a simple directed graph (or digraph for short) with positive indegrees. A simple undirected graph is interpreted as a directed one where each edge is accompanied by the edge in the opposite direction. In this paper, all graphs are simple and have positive indegrees. The following coloring process extends that of Flocchini et al. [4] by taking digraphs into consideration. Initially, all vertices in a set are white, whereas all the others are black. Thereafter, a black vertex is colored white when more than half of its in-neighbors are white. The coloring process proceeds asynchronously until no additional vertices can be colored white. If all vertices end up white, then is called an irreversible dynamo under the strict-majority scenario. An irreversible dynamo under the simple-majority scenario is defined similarly except that a black vertex is colored white when at least half of its in-neighbors are white. Tight or nearly tight bounds on the minimum size of irreversible dynamos are known when is a toroidal mesh [6, 14], torus cordalis, torus serpentinus [6], butterfly, wrapped butterfly, cube-connected cycle, hypercube, DeBruijn, shuffle-exchange, complete tree, ring [5, 10] and chordal ring [4].
Chang and Lyuu [1] show that has an irreversible dynamo of size at most under the strict-majority scenario. This paper improves their bound to . Moreover, if is undirected and connected, our upper bound can be further lowered to . Under the simple-majority scenario, we show that every digraph has an irreversible dynamo of size at most . In the literature on fault-tolerant computing, an irreversible dynamo is interpreted as a set of processors whose faulty behavior leads all processors to erroneous results [4, 5, 6, 10, 13]. Under this interpretation, our upper bounds limit the number of adversarially placed faulty processors that any system can guarantee to tolerate without inducing erroneous results on all processors.
Under several randomized mechanisms for coloring the vertices, Kempe, Kleinberg and Tardos [8, 9] and Mossel and Roch [11] show -approximation algorithms for allocating a given number of seeds to color the most vertices white, where is an arbitrary constant. Kempe, Kleinberg and Tardos [8] also show inapproximability results for allocating seeds in digraphs to color the most vertices white. This paper considers the related computational problem of finding a minimum irreversible dynamo given an undirected graph, which arises naturally because an extensive literature has been investigating the minimum size of irreversible dynamos [4, 5, 6, 10, 13]. We show that, unless no polynomial-time, -approximation algorithms exist for the minimum irreversible dynamo, either under the strict or the simple-majority scenario. The inapproximability results hold even for bipartite graphs with diameter at most . In proving our inapproximability results, we make use of Feigeβs [3] famous result on the inapproximability of finding a minimum dominating set in an undirected graph.
Variants on the coloring process appear in the literature. Given two alternative actions, Watts [16] argues that an individual in a social or economical system typically chooses an alternative based on the fraction of the neighboring individuals adopting it. Wattsβ model assumes a sparse, undirected and random graph. There is also a random variable distributed in from which every vertex independently draws a ratio. Initially, a uniformly random set of vertices are white, leaving all the others black. Thereafter, a black vertex becomes white when the fraction of its white neighbors exceeds the above ratio. Finally, the coloring process ends when no additional vertices can be colored white. Watts gives theoretical and numerical results on the fraction of white vertices at the end. Gleeson and Cahalane [7] extend Wattsβ work by deriving an analytical solution for the fraction of white vertices at the end in tree-like graphs. Samuelsson and Socolar [15] study a more general process called the unordered binary avalanche, which allows coloring mechanisms beyond the threshold-driven ones. Unlike the works mentioned above, we do not assume that the initially white vertices are uniformly and randomly distributed.
2 Definitions
Let be a simple directed graph (or digraph for short) [17] with positive indegrees. For we denote by the set of vertices incident on an edge coming into . Similarly, is the set of vertices incident on an edge going from . Define and as the indegree and outdegree of respectively. For we write i.e., the number of edges going from a vertex in to one in . An undirected graph is a directed one with every edge accompanied by an edge in the opposite direction. For a vertex of an undirected graph, we define and without loss of generality. Furthermore, define . For any two vertices and of an undirected connected graph, let be their distance, i.e., the number of edges on a shortest path between and . For any and nonempty denote for convenience. For any the subgraph of induced by is denoted by . That is, has all the edges in with both endpoints in . For emphasis, we may sometimes write and for and respectively. Similarly, we may write and for and respectively. All graphs in this paper are simple and have positive indegrees.
A network consists of a digraph with positive indegrees and a function . The coloring process in proceeds asynchronously. Initially, a set of vertices, called the seeds, are white whereas all the others are black. Thereafter, a vertex becomes white when at least of the vertices in are white. The coloring process ends when no additional vertices can be colored white. Let be the set of vertices that are white at the end given that is the set of seeds. Define namely, the minimum number of seeds needed to color all vertices white at the end. Clearly, it does not matter in what sequences the vertices are colored white as they will end up with the same .
We are interested in being one of the following functions:
- β’
Strict majority: ; so a vertex is colored white when more than half of the vertices in are white.
- β’
Simple majority: ; so a vertex is colored white when at least half of the vertices in are white.
A set is called an irreversible dynamic monopoly (or irreversible dynamo for short) of if [13]. Similarly, it is an irreversible dynamo of if . We may sometimes write and instead of and to emphasize the role of .
Given an undirected graph the problem irreversible dynamo (strict majority) asks for a minimum irreversible dynamo under the strict-majority scenario. Similarly, irreversible dynamo (simple majority) asks for one under the simple-majority scenario. An -approximation algorithm for each of the above problems outputs an irreversible dynamo with size at most times the minimum. A dominating set of an undirected graph is a set of vertices sharing at least one vertex with for each [17]. Given an undirected graph an -approximation algorithm for the dominating set problem outputs a dominating set of with size at most times the minimum. Recall that an algorithm is said to run in polynomial time if its running time is polynomial in the length of its input [12].
The following fact is straightforward.
Fact 1.
For any network and any
3 Irreversible dynamos of directed graphs
Let be a digraph with positive indegrees, be a positive integer and . This section derives upper bounds on . As corollaries, we obtain upper bounds on the minimum sizes of irreversible dynamos under the strict and the simple-majority scenarios. For a partition of define
An easy lemma follows.
Lemma 2.
Let be a digraph with positive indegrees, be a positive integer and be a partition. Then the following conditions are equivalent:
- 1.
- 2.
for all .
- 3.
for all .
The next lemma allows us to iteratively modify a partition of until one with is obtained.
Lemma 3.
Let be a positive integer. Given a digraph with positive indegrees and a partition with a partition satisfying
can be found in polynomial time.
By the equivalence of Lemma 2(1) and (3), there exists an with
Take any
This and the fact that is a partition of into sets show the existence of a with . Equivalently,
(1) |
Clearly, and can be found in polynomial time by calculating for all . Then can be found in polynomial time by evaluating for all .
The main result of this section follows.
Theorem 4.
Given a digraph with positive indegrees and a positive integer a set with and can be found in polynomial time.
Several theorems are immediate.
Theorem 5.
For any digraph with positive indegrees,
Take in Theorem 4. β
Theorem 6.
For any digraph with positive indegrees,
Take in Theorem 4 and note that for all . β
4 Irreversible dynamos of undirected graphs
We now turn to irreversible dynamos of undirected connected graphs. Let be an undirected connected graph. A cut is an unordered pair with . We call a cut proper if
(8) | |||||
(9) |
and improper otherwise. So a proper cut is such that no vertex has more neighbors in the side ( or ) it belongs to than in the side it does not. The following fact is implicit in [12, pp. 303β304].
Fact 7.
([12, pp. 303β304]) Given an undirected graph and an improper cut a proper cut with can be found in polynomial time.
A vertex is said to be bad with respect to (abbreviated w.r.t.) a cut if ; it is good w.r.t. otherwise. A connected component of or is bad w.r.t. if all its vertices are bad w.r.t. ; it is good w.r.t. otherwise. The set of connected components of that are bad w.r.t. is denoted . Similarly, is the set of bad (w.r.t. ) connected components of . For and define
(10) | |||||
For a fixed we will keep refining cuts by increasing their -values until a cut suitable for creating an irreversible dynamo results. One way to increase the -values is to find larger cuts, as shown below.
Lemma 8.
Let be an undirected connected graph and . If two cuts and satisfy then
The following lemma is straightforward.
Lemma 9.
For an undirected connected graph and every connected component of shares a vertex with .
As is connected, any can reach by a path in . Starting from and going along with a vertex in must be reached before arriving at . Hence the connected component of containing must have a vertex in . β
The next lemma shows that moving a bad vertex across a cut does not change the cut size.
Lemma 10.
Let be an undirected connected graph, be a cut and be bad w.r.t. . Then
(11) |
As is bad w.r.t. . Now Eq. (11) holds because (1) the edges incident on contribute to the lefthand side and to the righthand side and (2) all other edges contribute the same amount to either side. β
The next lemma shows that moving a vertex across a cut does not change whether a connected component without vertices in is bad.
Lemma 11.
Let be an undirected connected graph, be a proper cut, be a connected component of or and . Then
- 1.
if and only if .
- 2.
if and only if .
As and is a connected component of or must remain a connected component of or respectively. As every satisfies and ; so is bad w.r.t. if and only if it is bad w.r.t. . Therefore, is bad w.r.t. if and only if it is bad w.r.t. . β
Given a proper cut the next two lemmas analyze how bad components evolve when a vertex is moved away from . See Fig. 1 for illustration.
Lemma 12.
Let be an undirected connected graph, be a proper cut, be a connected component of and . Then .
Let be the connected components of . For
because is proper. Consequently, for every
(12) | |||||
where both equalities follow from and .
Corollary 13.
Let be an undirected connected graph, be a proper cut, and . Then
(13) |
Immediate from Lemma 12. β
For a proper cut and has a unique connected component that contains . Every other connected component of that is bad w.r.t. must also be bad w.r.t. as shown below.
Lemma 14.
Let be an undirected connected graph, be a proper cut, and be the connected component of that contains . Then
Let be the connected components of and . Without loss of generality, suppose that for and for . Clearly, . Besides the other connected components of are . Hence to complete the proof, we only need to show that for only if . By Lemma 11(2) with playing the role of we need only check that for which is true because and for . β
Corollary 15.
Let be an undirected connected graph, be a proper cut, and be the connected component of that contains . Then
(14) |
Immediate from Lemma 14. β
We now arrive at the following key lemma, which allows us to repeatedly increase the -values of cuts by moving one vertex at a time.
Lemma 16.
Let be an undirected connected graph, be a proper cut, and . If then .
As and . As is connected, there exists a vertex with . We must have because says that is among the vertices in that are closest to . Suppose for contradiction that . Then the facts that and is a connected component of force a contradiction. So and, therefore,
(15) |
(16) |
Eqs. (15)β(16) and the fact that put and in the same connected component of denoted . Note that
(17) |
Summing inequalities (13)β(14), we have
(18) | |||||
where the last inequality follows from inequality (17). As is bad w.r.t. and Lemma 10 gives
This and inequality (18) show that . β
The above lemma allows us to increase the -values of cuts whenever there is a bad connected component of that does not contain . As the -values are bounded from above, they cannot be increased forever. So repeatedly applying the above lemma will finally yield a cut where all bad connected components of must contain meaning as cannot appear in two connected components. Such a result is stated below, which considers as well.
Lemma 17.
Given an undirected connected graph a proper cut with
(19) |
can be found in polynomial time.
Fix arbitrarily. By Fact 7, a proper cut can be found in time polynomial . If
taking satisfies inequality (19).
Inductively, let be a proper cut with
(20) |
where . We show how to compute a proper cut with
(21) |
in time polynomial in . The connected components of and can be found in time polynomial in using the breadth-first search [2]. By inequality (20), we can pick an arbitrary with . Assume without loss of generality that ; otherwise we switch and from the beginning. By computing for every using the breadth-first search, we find a with in time polynomial in . As and is bad w.r.t. Lemma 10 implies that
(22) |
By Lemma 16, . Therefore, if is proper, then inequality (21) holds for a proper cut by taking . Otherwise, Fact 7 implies that a proper cut with can be found in time polynomial in . Hence by Eq. (22), implying by Lemma 8. Again, inequality (21) holds for a proper cut by taking .
Now continue computing a proper cut with from until inequality (20) fails for some . As is at most polynomial in there is a which is at most polynomial in with
completing the proof. β
The above lemma provides us with a cut where and together have at most one bad (w.r.t. ) connected component. Next, we show that or plus one vertex from the only bad component (if it exists) is an irreversible dynamo under the strict-majority scenario.
Theorem 18.
Given an undirected connected graph an irreversible dynamo of with size at most can be found in polynomial time.
Lemma 17 says a proper cut with can be found in time polynomial in . (1) If let be an arbitrary vertex of the unique member of . (2) Otherwise, take any .
Pick any connected component of . We next show that
(23) |
If then by our choice of in case (1) above, proving inequality (23). Otherwise, must be a good (w.r.t. ) connected component of . So there exists a vertex with which together with the properness of yields
This gives by definition, which implies by Fact 1. Again, inequality (23) holds.
Next, we prove that . For this purpose, we need only show that every belongs to because is an arbitrary connected component of . Let whose existence is guaranteed by inequality (23). As and is a connected component of there is a path whose vertices are in . We proceed to show that by induction. See Fig. 2 for illustration. The induction base is which is true by construction. Inductively, assume . Clearly, ; hence
(24) | |||||
As is proper, which together with inequality (24) gives
thus .
We have shown that which yields . By symmetry, . So both and are irreversible dynamos of . To complete the proof, it remains to show that the smaller of and has size at most . As lies in exactly one of and
forcing the smaller of and to be at most . β
The bound of Theorem 18 cannot be lowered because when is the complete graph on . That is, among all undirected connected graphs on the complete graph attains the maximum value for . Under the interpretation of an irreversible dynamo as a set of processors whose faulty behavior leads all processors to erroneous results, therefore, fully interconnecting the processors maximizes the number of adversarially placed faulty processors needed to render all processorsβ results erroneous.
5 Inapproximability
In this section, we establish inapproximability results on finding minimum irreversible dynamos. Given any undirected graph we define an undirected graph as follows. First, define
Then define by
For convenience, define
As every edge in has an endpoint in and the other in is bipartite [17]. See Fig. 3 for illustration.
Clearly, can be constructed in polynomial time from . As clearly has no isolated vertices, the networks and as well as their coloring processes are all well-defined. Below are some easy facts about .
Lemma 19.
For any
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.
- 9.
Items 1β4 are immediate from the definitions. So we prove item 5 next. By item 4, ; thus, trivially,
A set is called a dominating set of if it shares at least one vertex with for each [2]. The next lemma shows that adding and to a dominating set of produces an irreversible dynamo of under the strict-majority scenario.
Lemma 20.
If is a dominating set of then .
Consider the coloring process in with as the set of seeds. Pick arbitrarily. All the vertices in will be white by Lemma 19(4). In particular, all the vertices in will be white. Since by the definition of dominating sets, at least one vertex in is a seed, i.e., a white vertex initially. In total, at least vertices in will be white. In other words, at least vertices in will be white because by Lemma 19(2) and (3), and by Lemma 19(1). So implying
(26) |
Below we show that every irreversible dynamo of has a non-empty intersection with for every .
Lemma 21.
For each every irreversible dynamo of satisfies .
Recall that . We proceed to show that every satisfies
(27) |
in three cases below according to whether is a member of or a member of :
- β’
- β’
- β’
where : Clearly, . So .
Having verified inequality (27) for all
(29) | |||||
Next, suppose for contradiction that at least one vertex in ends up white in the coloring process in with as the set of seeds. Let be colored white first among all vertices in . Then must have at least vertices in by the coloring process, contradicting inequality (29). Consequently,
(30) |
The following Lemma shows that is a bipartite graph with diameter at most if has no isolated vertices.
Lemma 22.
Assume that has no isolated vertices. Then is a bipartite graph with diameter at most .
Partition into and . It is immediate from the definition of that each edge in has an endpoint in and the other in . So is bipartite.
The following fact is due to Feige [3].
Fact 23.
([3]) Let be any constant. If dominating set has a polynomial-time, -approximation algorithm for -vertex graphs without isolated vertices, then .
We now relate the inapproximability of irreversible dynamo (strict majority) with that of dominating set.
Theorem 24.
Let be any constant. If irreversible dynamo (strict majority) has a polynomial-time, -approximation algorithm for -vertex graphs, then .
We will prove the stronger statement that, if irreversible dynamo (strict majority) has a polynomial-time, -approximation algorithm ALG for bipartite graphs with vertices and diameter at most then . Given an undirected graph without isolated vertices, is a bipartite graph with diameter at most by Lemma 22. The construction of followed by the calculation of can be done in time polynomial in . Our assumption on ALG implies that is an irreversible dynamo of with
(31) | |||||
Above, the second inequality follows from which is easily verified given items 2 and 7 of Lemma 19. Denote by the size of any minimum dominating set of . By Lemma 20,
(32) |
With and in hand,
(33) |
can clearly be constructed in time polynomial in . As
(34) |
For each Lemma 21 says . Hence relation (34) implies the existence of a with equivalently, . Consequently, for all i.e., is a dominating set of .
(35) |
where the first inequality follows from Eq. (33). Inequalities (31)β(32) and (35) yield
(36) |
implying the existence of a constant with for .
We have shown that (1) can be found in time polynomial in (2) is a dominating set of and (3) for . When a minimum dominating set of can be found by brute force in time polynomial in . Hence by Fact 23. β
Analogous to the strict-majority case, the following result can be proved for irreversible dynamo (simple majority).
Theorem 25.
Let be any constant. If irreversible dynamo (simple majority) has a polynomial-time, -approximation algorithm for -vertex graphs, then .
We will show if irreversible dynamo (simple majority) has a polynomial-time, -approximation algorithm for bipartite graphs with vertices and diameter at most . By Theorem 24, we need only show that every vertex of has an odd degree, so that the strict and the simple-majority scenarios coincide. By Lemma 19(6)β(8), is odd for each . By Lemma 19(1)β(2), also odd for each . The vertices in and have odd degrees of and in respectively. By definition,
is odd, where the last equality holds because each edge in is counted twice in . Finally, is odd by symmetry. β
6 Conclusions
We improve Chang and Lyuuβs [1] upper bound to on the minimum size of irreversible dynamos under the strict-majority scenario. Our technique also gives a upper bound on the minimum size of irreversible dynamos under the simple-majority scenario. The upper bound under the strict-majority scenario can be lowered to for undirected connected graphs.
We have proved inapproximability results on irreversible dynamo (strict majority) and irreversible dynamo (simple majority). An interesting direction of research is to design approximation algorithms for special types of graphs.
Appendix A Acknowledgments
The authors are grateful to Shou-De Lin for his helpful comments and suggestions.
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