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What is The Cave of Adullam about? Toggle content

In the heart of Detroit, a martial arts sensei named Jason Wilson has dedicated his life to mentoring young men who have been left behind by society. With a unique blend of tough love and compassion,s he trains them in the art of combat, but more importantly, he teaches them how to navigate the challenges of growing up black in America. Through his unwavering dedication, he inspires his students to find their strength and resilience, and ultimately, to become the leaders of their own lives.

Where can I stream The Cave of Adullam? Toggle content

The Cave of Adullam is currently unavailable to stream in Ireland on the streaming services we have in our catalogue

What movies are similar to The Cave of Adullam? Toggle content

Some movies that have similar genres and were produced around the same time as The Cave of Adullam include Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut, Three Identical Strangers, Take Care of Maya, David Foster: Off the Record, Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó, Ronaldo vs. Messi: Face Off!.