Burhan Sönmez 

Burhan Sönmez 

1,533 posts
Burhan Sönmez 

Takes no sides because no one is on his side. Simply speaks the truth. Against the disinformation in history. -I block everyone who praises Hamas.-
GenoaJoined April 2024
Burhan Sönmez 🇹🇷🇮🇹🇳🇨♒️’s posts
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Liselerin cogunun meslek lisesine dondurulmesi ve koy enstitulerinin acilmasi gerekiyor.
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Demek ki orayı alanların böyle bir iddiası yokmuş ki Hristiyanlara ait mozaiklere zarar vermemişler. Ayasofya müzedir. Ne camiidir ne kilise... Müze olarak kalması gerekir. Tarihi bugünün sosyal anlayışıyla yargılamak da bilime çok uzak bir duruştur.
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I am Turkish. This is the first time I've heard of something like this. However, two different girlfriends of mine have visited Egypt, and neither of them has any good memories. Some female friends of mine want to visit the Pyramids now, but I advise them to avoid going.
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There is no statement like that from Turkish government yet though. What is the source?
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Bizim defineci dayılar nasıl bulamamışlar bugüne kadar?
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Evladim dediginiz kisi sizden buyuk ihtimalle daha yasli... :) O gun yapilan seyi yanlis olarak yargilamaniz bugunun sosyal anlayisina gore. Ortacag anlayisina gore degil. Yani sizin bugun yanlis dediginiz sey o cag acisindan oldukca dogal bir sey. Bakin dogru demiyorum. Dogal
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O kadar unluyse ben niye duymadim bunu bugune kadar?
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Correction: During the First Karabakh War, Armenians massacred 40,000 Azerbaijani civilians and subjected 1 million Azerbaijanis to ethnic cleansing. Additionally, a series of resolutions was adopted by the United Nations Security Council in 1993, which demanded the withdrawal of
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Greeks stole all these foods from Turks. So Turkey.
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Yerinde bir tespit. İnsanlar orada kültürleri ve dilleri farklı olsa da birlikte olup, bölünme arayışı içerisinde olmuyorlar. Veya o dili konuşan halkın silahlı bir terör örgütü bulunmuyor ve o örgütü destekleyen bir parti. Avrupa'da silahlı terörizmin modası geçeli çok oluyor.
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"I am not ordering you to attack, I order you to die." = This was the phrase that won the Turks the war.
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While watching the video, I thought more about how they could make such a mess rather than how it was cleaned up.
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Actually, this is not new. Turkey has been facing this issue with Iran for years. Turkey have expressed their concerns at various times before, but they didn't give up. Iran has been one of Turkey's biggest rivals in the region for centuries... I think they will continue to
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This song was the first to place Turkey in the top three at Eurovision. I remember the critics it received in Turkey afterwards. Everyone echoed the same sentiments you did. However, still, Turkey opted not to enter Eurovision with its own style, except for a few songs.
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I believe that these actions have interfered with many people's right to education. Therefore, I actually think that these actions constitute a crime.
Universities/Colleges should be places of education, not activism. There are suitable locations for protests in every city.
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Kadınların geçindirecek bir evleri yoktur muhakkak tabi. Anlayış beklemişler sizden...
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Bunun negatif anlamda bir şey ifade ettiğini sanmıyorum. Gerçekten bir doluluk oranı var. Kasıtlı bir karar alınması halinde uygulanması gereken farklı bir yöntem olurdu. Gitmek isteyen çok basit bir şekilde bu üç ülkeden birine yine gider.
Neither of them wants Turkey :D
1. You can't kick a country out of the NATO.
2. Turkey's military strength
3. Geopolotical reasons as many people already told. However it is not just about straits.
4. A refugee barrier between Europe and other continents.
5. If Turkey were to shift towards any other military
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Despite I don't care much about religions, my family is Muslim. My sister and mother dress similarly to you and don't wear hijabs. Both my parents are quite progressive and educated. I can actually claim that more than most Americans as someone lived one year in Tampa. Lol.
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These are very common tevhid flags in Arabia . It is impossible to relate them with Al Qaeda or ISIS directly. However this is also a sign that they want sharia because it is generally used as Caliphate flag back in day. So I dont know if it is any better really. Lol
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They purchase products they believe to be Israeli, "Coca-Cola", and then protest against Israel by pouring them over the flag. This method of protest is undoubtedly unconventional. Very unique. Lots of wisdom is going on there.
Let's kick out Americans out of the US then... If that makes any sense... Lol
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Mesele şu... Hamas hep vardı. Hamas var olduğu sürece hiçbir zaman onların safında yer almamıştık. Yaser Arafat da ömrü boyunca onlardan yana olmadı hiç. Biz Yaser Arafat'dan ve Filistin'den yanaydık. Ama Hamas'tan değil. Filistin ve İsrail arasında ki tüm ilişkileri baltalayan
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I'm not saying it. The image sent by the friend shows that Karabakh is in Azerbaijani territory. I honestly don't have any issues with Armenians. But let me say this. This intense Turkish obsession you live with has brought you to this day. I have not known another nation more
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I don't know who is he but his name sounds like "Caviar". So positive.
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Hamas'ı destekleyenler şunu bir açıklasın bence. Yani söylüyoruz. Bu adamlar tarihleri boyunca hep boş saldırı yaptılar, silahsız insanları öldürdüler. İsrail'in cevabı da her zaman 1000 misli oldu. Hamas bilmiyor muydu, katliam olacağını... Biliyordu... Birileri de çıkıp, yok
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Uganda is the best Turkic country ever. Karabogas
Türkiye'nin Kaşmir meselesi konusunda Pakistan'ı desteklemesi. Senelerdir bu bölge için Pakistan ile Hindistan arasında savaşlar ve çatışmalar çıkıyor. Yanılmıyorsam Türkiye konuyu BM'ye taşıdı birkaç defa. Ya da açıkça desteğini belirtti. Hintliler bu yüzden Türklerden ciddi
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Gazze'ye gidip garibe fakire ekmek su verirken veya işte çocuğu çoluğu korurken ölseydi sanırım hepimiz sahiplenirdik. Videoda benim gördüğüm adamın birine arkadan saldırdığı. Yani iyi İsrailli vatandaşlar da var kötü de aynen biz de olduğu gibi. Bunu biz yaparsak İsrailliler'den
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That is weird because Muslims also consider Joshua as prophet. However it seems Hamas also attacked the tomb before.
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In my opinion, describing oneself as anti a certain ethnic identity or religion should be considered a hate crime. These types of prejudices often lead to partially motivated criminal acts, assaults, and vandalism, as we have frequently seen in protests.
Umm... I can speak personally. I don't hate them; I actually love them. Most of them are decent people, and I generally have fun talking to them. Since our humor is similar, we can connect like Nokia. However, the Greeks in the US that I've met were different. Both sides have
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Normale hepimiz talibiz ancak, hükümetler gelir geçer. İnsanlar birlikte yaşamaya devam eder. Normal olmayınca bile silah çıkmasını desteklemiyoruz ve bunu normal görmüyoruz. Senelerdir öğretmen ve dolayısıyla eğitim gitmeyen, öğretmenlerin ve doktorların asıldığı bir bölgeden
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I won't believe it unless an unbiased person says it.
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I've started to think that this is more a method for teenagers to attract attention than a real protest. I might be wrong, but that's my feeling.
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Kendisine benziyor sanki. Bunu yapan usta her kimse tebrik etmek lazım.
Yeah. I have moved from Turkey for a while ago but I am still following news. I was just talking about that to someone in this discussion. They accepted like 10 million Arab, Afghan refugees. I heard that Istanbul changed a lot and women dont feel safe now :/ I also heard Biden
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Kadına zülm ederek kendini güçlü zannedenlerden yeğdirler. Dediklerinizi hiç s.klememek ile beraber... Ülkenizdeki kendi insanınıza ne kadar zarar verdiğinizin umarım farkındasınızdır diyeceğim. Ama kadın aşağılayan ve tecavüz güzellemesi yapan bir adam bunu anlar mı bilmiyorum?
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Gondor has no king, Gondor needs no king. -.-
That is the thing we don't understand in this issue. We don't care much -as turkish people- about Pakistan-Turkey relations. Since 90% of Turkish population has secular stance, we don't really want Turkish government to have relations with arab world and countries ruled with
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For 40 years, we have been subjected to the extensive propaganda of the Armenian diaspora; no one before has managed to achieve this level before. Congratulations.
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Ok... This story is true but picture... Dude... Do you mean there are not women like this in Istanbul now? Lol...
I recently managed to have a conversation without insulting each other with someone from Armenia. We talked about the Alma-Ata declaration and how committed Azerbaijan is to this agreement. He said that according to this, Azerbaijan should also return Artsvashen, and I think he
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It's weird. Can you still speak out against the regime in Iran? I agree with him, anyway.
I don't think there's an excuse in what I've said. Some people made mistakes in the past and then, unable to face these mistakes, and finally they left. That's the gist of it. You are the one creating an artificial dramatization by saying children died, people died, etc.
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Looting was a normal occurrence for states during the Middle Ages. The sack of Rome in 1527 and the Latin invasion of Constantinople in 1204 involved much larger and longer-lasting looting than that by the Turks. In those times, this tradition was present in all states across
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Bu biraz karsilikli sanirim. Acik soyleyim. Diaspora ve Ermenistan'da yasayan Ermenileri tanimis biri olarak soyleyim Ermenistan'in irkcisi bizimkilere rahmet okutturur. Rahmet okutmak burada deyim bu arada. Bastan soyleyim.
You're lucky you get messages about porn. I keep getting web3 classes through messages, reading step by step on how to get scammed by them.
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It was common punishment against "rebellions". He has been skinned alive and then burned after he has captured by Ottoman forces. There were same practises in Christianity in 16th century as well.
Libya'da onları ciddi bir petrol gelirinden mahrum ettik, proxy savaşıyla. Hatta bugün savaş açacağım dediği Rusya'yla beraber Libya'nın bir bölgesinde çıkan petrolleri hala paylaşıyorlar kardeş kardeş. Afrika'nın diğer yerlerinde de ciddi bir Türkiye-Fransa nüfuz ve emperyalizm
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I am not saying all but some Romanians are very happy with that. I think some of them are not really aware of what is coming.
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I hope Turkey-Israel relations return to their pre-2003 state.
Sakın bunun bir sebebi olmasın? :D İsrail ve ABD 2000'lere kadar Türkiye'ye PKK ile mücadelede işbirliği yaptı. Hatta APO'nun yakalanmasında da en büyük desteği veren iki ülke. Düşünmek lazım ne değişti diye...
Si vous voulez donner des terres aux Arméniens, vous pouvez commencer par Lyon
Lol. We dont have any celebration regarding 1915 incidents. Those were not very good days for us.
Dude! No one killed children. In both wars, Armenia killed more civilians than Azerbaijan did. You have Google. Just search for it. You are learning history from social media.
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I believe you have serious issues with citing sources and referencing. For instance, claiming that Turks were not in the Peloponnese, similar to this... The "Battle of Haifa" was not a battle among thousands of people but rather took place between brigades of only a thousand
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The way he eats and that brown skin is very Armenian bro. I am sorry
Some scientists had some theories for whales as well.
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They should try do that in Gaza. DC is a bit irrelevant.
I dont know dude. My both gf experienced that while they had vacation in touristic parts but they were also alone.
I am very surprised to see a vicious Westerner like you evolve in this way and find the path of righteousness. From now on, I elevate you to the honorary Balkaner rank. Wear this with honor.
This is not a NATO case... Just saying... It is an Iran-Israel conflict.
Politically in Europe, culturally neither in Europe nor in Asia, geographically in both Asia and Europe.
Oh! I think a bit... I just created my Twitter account to socialize while working. Lol. I had no idea this was popular.
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You are a bit late though. It was converted in 16th century into a mosque
Actually unlike what people think, he didnt bring any harm constitution of Turkey. I dont think he will/can. His foreign policies are getting Turkey in trouble though. Like supporting Hamas, involving some proxy wars, etc. Therefore people think that Turkey is losing its secular
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This is why you should vote for Ireland in #Eurovision2024
They are goth gremlin goblin witch satanist catholic pagan wiccan hot Irish non-binary individuals...
Vote for Ireland!..
Hen Mazzig
Ireland Eurovision representative, Bambie Thug (?/?) the 31-year-old self identified “Goth-Gremlin-Goblin-Witch” who practices "neo-pagan blood magic" during their menstruation—reportedly cried when Israel’s Eden Golan, 20, made it to the finals.
Can’t believe I just wrote this.
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