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Discussion of the online games found on DMM/Fanza and Nutaku.

Previous Thread: >>46582703

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)
DMM/Fanza (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)
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Lily Ange feels just as cheap as I unfortunately expected it would.
Twinkle's balance has been fucked from almost the beginning. I've always wondered what in the world the devs were going to do about how strong player comps are and they seem to just be going the fuck you route. I honestly don't blame them.
Good. That means I can just pull for SEXOOOO without worry.
Yeah, lots of cute girls but some designs are a mixed bag, the UI it's slow and awful and the gameplay while okayish, plenty of games have EoS'd before.
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Lucked out!
Turns out I didn't have anything else for this girl and she's a LOT cuter like this. Otherwise I can only seem to find an A-rarity variant of her in the medals exchange.

Now I can pretend I'll finally rebuild my stash.

>Game seems to be a flat garden
>JPs keep posting tits
Suppose it's 20:80 instead of 90:10 like most games.
I avoided it after it was clear the management behind Midnight Girls were going to be running it.
Which also explains the fetish stuff anon ran into already, and the apparent latent jank in everything.
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threw away 600 SC last week for four shitty off banner permapool blacks and then the two off banner heroes. I just wanted either new hero...This is after the 900 SC for summer tytto. My stash is gone and so is my will to play this game.
>tfw just cutting Koharuko and going full pull spam
Both my light and water parties just pull forever now. Also Namiel is best sister as she let's you completely ignore whichever enemies have lined up together. Just rumble them and she protects from any potential right after timings.
Sucks they are dupes/uber shitty because those are the most aesthetically pleasing looking heroes.
Well, I guess there is Holteus.
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DMM shit.
Actually my most wanted character like a year ago when I saw her tower clears.
Doubt she's as good still, but still cool to have and eventually use. If only we could fit 50 people in our parties, heh.
there's a C grade character with 0 shading, I didn't expect the art can get this low
It's so rough with only lvl 5 ex skills...
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My first attempt was without Koharuko but it took forever and right before the end I got chained to death. Second attempt was extremely easy with Koharuko since the haste buff only gets dispelled when you use an attacking skill. Koharuko/Magdalena/Luriel/Ria/Claudia.
looks like im putting Monaca in the angel team. Nahida sucks too much.
Poor Shian.
She basically thought she was a main character who'd take down Wisteria in her high school years.
She gets btfo and corrected so hard by Wisteria that she just becomes a full on mob character after graduation and ends up working in a deadend black company.
2nd part of blue tower has way too much HP
She kept on getting nuked by monsters after that and got saved by Kirika too
The way she talks like a dumb snot nosed brat despite being in high school was pretty funny to me

light team destroys every floor so its more like they dont have enough HP
they can add 100x the HP and light teams will still destroy it, adding more HP only makes things more tedious, not more difficult
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nah its fine since the newer floors filters the idiots that dont read the enemy descriptions or cant read japanese
>tfw the do hell bosses with race party only objective are actually kind of annoying
Probably because I still haven't actually built my race parties. Already beat them, but anybody mind posting their demon and angel team comps.? Uzume and Trisha are the core pieces of each, right?
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my clear party
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they are naked here so their stats are lower. Used tp up equips.
ranmi also doesn't really do anything here so she can be anyone

also tried to clear without any sister and it was kinda hard especially for my angel comp due to 2nd unicorn boss skill. but then cleared it in one go after using sister mahamut (lv4).
wendi also not really needed, only got hit once I think.
demon bosses are light weight so knockbacks are effective against them
I keep seeing the name ranmi, do you mean Rabi?
>he still think people can't read shit
Is there a site for scene rips? Nyaa hasn't been updated in years. Stuff like oenshinshix for example last time was 2021.
DMM is swinging the ban hammer.
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They tried to nerf Koharuko but she's still broken here
That game specifically has a viewer thats only about half a year behind which you can find in the comment section of the 2021 animated sadpanda gallery for the game. That same guy has viewers for other dmm games too in their respective galleries.

There is also a guy recording videos of scenes and uploading them in torrents over on >>>/h/7844259
Chad Soldier A vs. Virgin Kimaris
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-47rJmbm_0 [Embed]
They cancelled pvp so now it's dev vs player instead
Apparently CT Buff removal doesn't remove the buff on the same EX skill that applies it.
I guess CT Buff is applied at the end of the skill and removal occurs before it's applied?
That or Leena is bugged.
Man my demon team is so garbage, had to retry so many times to get the mission done. Popped my demon and dark stones and sadly no Trisha.
Demon felt like the squishest one. Lilia just destroyed it even without stun multiplier.
Dammit I can't 3 star floor 12 without a 2nd sister.
you need overheal for floor 12 and 14
My output isn't high enough to get a good time bonus.
12700 is my highest with a Helena team.
have you tried full overheal?
Yes, I already did.
So, this is the power of an autistic whale...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5J6KHByBlA [Embed]
I did it. I traded Super Saiyan Claudia and had to sit on Koharuko's lap while she airplaned food into my mouth.

I'm sorry....it was supposed to be your lap, Helena.
Deep One anniversary later today after maint. Featuring Norun, Souka, and Julia. This should be the first time they've done that for one of these girls from others' pasts.
>Luck out getting new Julia from free roll
>Her past has something to do with Tabatha, and she is friends with Norun.
Instead of saving for an inevitable memorial or 3p furniture, or even anniversary, I burned ten 10+1 rolls on the rerun Julia gacha and got nothing. But rng felt it necessary to give me a pair of generic SSRs every couple of rolls. Which is probably why I ended up rolling more...
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what shitty (dead?) gachashit are they collaborating with this time.
I think its 2 Jewel Princess and 2 Detariki characters in that image from what little I remember of having tried those 2 games.
looks like Valerie's the Valentine Setsuna half-clone for human team.
Ironically, both are far more alive than it, at least when it comes to sales
The battle crazed lady is a healer, color me surprised
While I was doing Tower the remove CT buffs when attacked actually hurt my Helena team a lot since their Note pullers have high CTs since most of them have attacks attached to them.
Ria, Parmie, and S.Elaina were the only good ones that don't have an attack on their Note Pulls. Now we have Valerie but she's a light. They all overlap on elements (Water and Light) which makes Helena's EX 2 buff very lacking. Not to mention the charge gimmick.

Hate to say it but Helena has aged poorly.

Light and Demon teams are still the best teams in the end with Water in 3rd.
Oh. I guess Helena's gonna get power crept by Bride Fiona, huh. Would make the most sense.
The three games with 3D models are doing a 3-way collab (even though two of them only have 3D chibi and 2D h-scenes). Looks like each one is doing two girls from each if Tenkei is showing off four girls.
JewPri has only shown off Detariki's Rain (bottom right), from rewards doing daily missions. Any others are likely paid-only in some manner.
Detariki is getting Tenkei's Sophia and JewPri's LeaFail (top right in your pic)

Top left is Eve, another Detariki girl that became really popular somehow. She's low-energy normally but high-tension screaming during battles. Rain is a flat alien and was the original navigator.
Bottom left is Diamond. She was broken in the dead game but is useless in the current one. LeaFail is JewPri's navigator.

Both are really harsh compared to Tenkei.
f2p in JewPri gets subhuman tier treatment. Miss a day of missions toward the free unit? Pay up, because if we included more days, you might've been able to get the bait we set for the whales. They always make the easiest/only way to get someone by paypigging and it has only become worse as the devs run out of assets to recycle from its first failure.
Detariki is normal with rates and gains. Usually it's 1% shared between four to a dozen girls. So while gains are 'okay' you're not likely to get anything until exchange at 300. H-Scenes are in 3D but the animation quality is janky.
Everything new in both games is limited-only too at this point.
Collapsar being human support is kind of sus.
Man, what if Helena was actually evil and the leader of Collapsar. If you think about it she does kind of sound crazy with the whole spirit thing inside her talking to herself and Collapsar's theme so far is a group of crazy people.
>og fiona bad
>summer fiona powercrept by quadrillion of water pullers
>sister fiona is the worst. but thanks god she is free unit
I'll be very surprised if they finally give a proper fiona unit
Wouldn't be surprised if she had something to do with the group even if she's not the leader, nothing major about her has been revealed in the current main story arc after all
Summer Fiona is still a very good unit. Sachi has less pull and Rino's buff is only 25CT. The only one that powercrept her is the Almotahel. She's also one of the few units in the game with two good skills.
how I fucking hate Aigis' gacha
Yeah it sucks not having a proper safety net like in most other games. If I ever get first percentile'd or something, I'll just mass charge back and quit.
What picture did Twinkie post on X that they apologized with 100 jewels?
Tomaru's fat cock
Angel: Gloria/Christmas(?) Sharon/Mag(smol)/Almotahel(smol)/Patel
Demon: Claudia x2/Summer Sasha/Lillia/Primula
How2water. I'm missing smol but I find I never have enough ex. I'm guessing you have to use Santa Irine ex1.
Here's an example.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYtpkbrNXZM [Embed]

Luluka's a great support that you can get to 5 star pretty easily as well.
Oh so it only became that good when the smols came out, unfortunate.
>play alliance sages on dmm
>absolutely horrendous censoring
>play the erolabs version
>barely readable CN > EN MTL
I hate this
>Shian graduated 2 years ago
>Attended Ryusei school as astudent while Wisteria, Kirika, Towa, and Esmeralda were still students
>Mfw they're all these characters are in their early 20s

Just how long ago did Shinsei get built anyway?
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Completely forgot about the ticket, but this worked out.
Detariki will also be getting Tenkei's Raisa and JewPri's Vier

JewPri got Nadira. Somehow the step-up is not paywalled but you need one dupe for both scenes. Tenkei's Sophia also shows up in JewPri's event story, and DetarikiZ's Carla Kalah? seems to be available too but I haven't found where she might be available yet.
Stumbling around JewPri more, Sophia and Kalah are both gacha but in their own separate weeks. And second time through step-up requires paid tickets, so you have to rely on Horoscope gacha instead. Which technically has better rates but it's not fun to roll without tickets.

...not that anyone else plays JewPri except the one anon that's probably very prepared for this if they care.
I want to Finish inside Luluka if you catch my drift.
>Most of tonetone0427's Twinkle and Girls Creation and etc. gachashit videos on spankbang got deleted

This is why I dont use streaming sites with view counts and upvotes, and torrent instead.
>rolled the new select gacha in Mist Train Girls and got 2 of my picks in a single 10 roll, so call it there
>today, get 24k exchange currency in the mail
Don't know what they fucked up, but free Menlo Park for me.
>1 MonmusuTD
>2 DeepOne
>3 Detariki
>6 JewPri
>11 Tenkei
I'll assume this is because Tenkei started after the other two. Though it's 5th in game player rankings.

More jewpri info
>Dailies give 40 panty tokens
>Rain is the first progress reward.
Should be 1000 total once finished, since it goes until June instead of just 10 days or whatever.
And the new game mode is actually pretty 'good' for newbies. It's like the other two games smacked some sense into JewPri devs.

One of the girls didn't show up in exchange if you picked her, so that's the remedy fix for their fuckup.
After reading Trifaina's chara story I have come to the conclusion that there may be a possibility that Rino is basically Cloto's/Trif's daughter
Lachesis was sealed inside a root of that tree. Witches are born from said tree. Rino's power is related to the multiverse which is Lachesis's own power even without the Overlord essence. A part of Trif's soul was put into the Ritual of Rebirth which is why she's a ghost. Trif may have had a hand in creating Rino while Lachesis's body and her soul was stuck in the root to protect the overlord. Then there's also the fact that Rino supports Light characters and her whole hair turns white when she uses her power which is similar to what the Overlord awakening does to the user. A lot of things connecting here.

And then there's Valerie story...Like damn you can't just put a critical foreshadow like that there.
Btw is Valerie supposed to be like a KuruStar counterpart of Bylous? Her Light element and perverted way of thinking makes me think they mixed in Lullshare/Exzael.
I dont remember why theres a million stages every event in Girls Creation, maybe the producer should rethink his career
>mom is actually daughter
>main love interest is actually daughter
>other main love interest is actually grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-granddaughter
Do limited S-layers ever get rerun in mist train? Think I remember reading a comment on how they're rarer than SS-layers post original banner.
They're in the attribute ticket gacha, don't think they've been added to returning limited banners but I don't check the pool for s layers
Fun fact, limited banners have the exact same pool of 12 S layers for the entire S rarity. It's only the premium/ticket banner that adds onto the normal pool of S layers. Similar story for A layers, but the disparity isn't as sharp. Anyways, yeah limited gacha S layers are not easy to get. Mist Train Girls doesn't really do traditional banner/event reruns, so limited S layers almost never come up again. Instead we just get select banners which do nothing for acquiring S layers.
Is this some sorta School Days rip off or something?
If you hate your gems and want to feel dumb about your choices, for anniversary they had put up gacha that had the S and A layers that aren't available elsewhere. But they're still mixed in with the common layers and lop off any chance for anything higher than what you're rolling for.
I forget if you can pick girls to give them a rate-up like the pick-4 gacha. And I also forget if they actually bothered with event/themed S/As or if it was just baseline layers. Either way I don't remember getting who I was aiming for.
So what are the cases where they do come up again(if any)? I was looking around the lower rarities to round out a character's kit and I found a much needed skill on their limited S layer (0sp elemental/cut skill).
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oh dam
>sweet maid actually buff old units
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Got Hohenheim and the new Poseidon, so now it's only my Origin that has shitty AoE.
Hope they buff or release some new anti log gimmick cards soon. 850 was awful.
were these some sort of cafe collab irl or are these new alts? I could use another mika.
also unrelated, but I wonder when we are going to get lu bu's engagement. Figured she would be more popular than anastasia.
>Mist Train Girls wikiru doesn't have an H-scene list
Anybody know what layers do anal. I know Nay Pyi and Mommy Shimomazu have anal scenes, but beyond that it seems extremely rare like in most games.
They are the new units that also collab with the irl cafe. There's also a fox looking girl that looks kinda like but shouldn't be Hades. They did say we'd be getting andromeda/gilles/hades/???/??? this month

you can just check the panda mega files to get a rough idea of whomst
>Panda Mega thumbnails commonly crop out the actual intercourse part
This is really going to have to be an individually check every single scene and still find no anal thing isn't it.
And I'm dumb and didn't scroll down to all the actual image thumbnails outside of the folders.
It's better than nothing. I reckon it's missing the Mega folder with the year 1 scenes, but maybe it's sunk in the comments.
Most of those have thumbnails in the original Panda gallery at least. Anyways, I looked through every Mega I saw and my results are as follows. Why is anal always only 1% of scenes.

Nay Pyi Taw
Shimomazu I
Batuu (on a novel bonus serial code layer)
Anyone here play Kyonyuu Fantasy Burst? I'm thinking of picking it back up but am not sure what I should be focusing on to build. I may be missing some meta units or whatever, really not sure since I have no idea what's good.
There's a decent amount in mtg compared to other dmm games at least.

Costa rica


Has a bunch of anus focus scenes too.
Thank you very much. Mind telling me which specific layers from each have the anal scenes? Only one I had was Palermo's which was on her S. Aiming for any of the other ones looks incredibly harsh as nearly every single one of these guys layers are limited.
Events: use whatever. I don't think you need any bonus drop rate girls in the party but there's not really a way to confirm.
Daily monster challenge: You can check rankings to see what sort of parties people have put together.
Raids: This will be more difficult since you can't really check other parties, but what you use for the challenge party should work as a basis.

Any new girls get a discount on raising material costs now, but you also just missed a half-anni event that applied a small discount to numerous girls. They frequently do drop bonus on materials too but it's not up currently. Otherwise you should still be able to do decently well with your favorite UR as long as you raise them. Having enough stamina to go around is still an issue however.
Right now they're doing an event where the MC finds out he has fans making doujin stories about him and another girl. Looks like it's going to be an ongoing series of events, so Pool Artia can spook the next time they do a Fanzine event. Kinda like the tower set and the other one I forget the theme of.

After Mom Shimomazu, I'm almost always expecting more anal now. Though even her newest scene didn't have it.
Apparently the latest Hyena-print costume Nepidou (ネピドー) second scene is anal. Maybe first too but I refuse to confirm.

>Costa rica
Was it her A or S? No idea how to obtain those.
Surprised they don't have a gallery mode yet, there's so many characters and scenes I can't imagine how anyone keeps track. Especially if wikiru communities are always inconsistent about R18 info.
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So basically for events anything works and then for raids just try and copy what other people use?
Are there any generally strong characters/comps that people usually run? Or is it all just dependent on what content you are trying to do? (i.e. one raid team might be very good against X boss but terrible against Y so you need to run a different team)
And are accessories still super grindy? I originally got turned off at having to spam so much BP as if I was playing Granblue.
Accessories are still awful. It's easier to sell the lower rarities and there's auto selling now too, which gives you powder to use to buff accessories. But I still don't have any patience to sort out the trash among the top rarities.
BP spam is still expect. But there's a new difficulty for raids now that most players can run so you're less likely to end up having to solo those. You can also keep it to starting one and joining one per day if you just want dailies out of the way.

I'm not good to ask for tryhard comps. I don't typically go further than checking what the enemy damage type the enemy is weak to, but for example the current challenge boss is highly resistant to physical but seems all the top rankers field physical anyway. Dress Shamciel spooked the devs too hard.
刹華 is almost always in all of my teams. She does consistent nonsense damage. And she's in common gacha at least.
リーゼル, an SR, will likely always be in your parties too.

Also they released a game player version recently. All the wonky issues I was having in the browser version completely went away, so getting around to finish dailies is a lot faster.
I was hoping accessories would be less cancer. Might just keep playing super casually while rolling for whatever activates my dick. Game seems to be pretty generous with gems.
>Towa Daybreak is an attacker with a stun heal and lets Helena hit even harder
>Maple is an alternative to Trisha

not good, not terrible
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Oh so it wasn't Paki as a girl.
Maple has Macaroon's attack names.
She's got a weird kit.
EX 1: Left of her gets 20%(40% if Dark) CT Reduce and Right of her get note pulled by 5(8 if dark).
EX 2: Kind of like Trisha's EX 2. Pulls 5 and if team is all Dark 15% CT reduced

Towa(Twilight) is Dark ver Claudia(Twilight).
No barrier break but her EX 1 heals stun and stun gauge. Basically useless. For now.

Dark finally got more support.
Wonder if that means Bride Fiona's going to be dark
It's currently one of the games I'm most thorough with but I still skip managing accessories and usually forget to do weapons half the time. I know games want to introduce ways to customize your parties/characters but does it always have to be a mess of generic looking shit with randomly generated stats?
Also they added something in the character managing side menu that gives out a heap of rewards and new party skills for working on girls in each element.
Maple's birthday was 4 days ago rip
She's also his great x 60 granddaughter too. It's going to be one big family circle by the end of this. kekw
>Given a bunch of apology tokens to exchange for someone
>"I was rolling and didn't get anyone yet, and the next exchange is really close..."
And this is where I'm at, the only SS being a dupe despite the increased rates on the picked four.
Not sure if I'll try rolling more or just get Sentosa and Nara.
got Maple, dont know if I should go for Towa as well
Literally has floating macarons in her full art too.

They weren't being subtle.

Crown Death Parade sounds more like Illear's EX attack World End Parade.

Legion's Fever is a dead-ringer for Macaroon's Legionic Weaver though.
Macaroon's basic attack name is Crown Desperado. They didn't do any lines for Star related names for some reason. I guess they're going to give that half to Apollo.
Sweet Home Maid stream coming up in a few minutes if anyone cares that much about a puzzle game. I'm basically watching to hear what yaman has to say.
Geesh they made Towa thicccc
am i going insane or does this kinda look like ai work
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Some notes
>Idea was pitched and arranged almost 6 years ago, with a lot of work starting 3 years ago.
>They are planning to add to the cast
>They have no regrets over the mileage system

Some things yaman** mentioned
>Seemed like they wanted Nia to be more mysterious but that kinda gave way to her wanting to do magic
>Himariko was the last one added
>He wants his illustrations to feel "at home"
>He gets over 6 hours of sleep, doesn't do caffeine and dropped energy drinks a while ago
>Originally wanted to be a voice actor but kept up with drawing in case that didn't work out

Upcoming stuff
>Adding another coop style team event (5/16)
>Adding a drop/clear reward to events that will give a random exp manual (5/24)
>Raising max level to 70
>ASMR cards in summer

They also showed some ranking/stats at the start. This is about which scenes have had the most views. Anything regarding cards was stuffed full of the bunny cards.

Also there's a stream puzzle challenge up in the event, at the bottom of the list. It's only up for two more hours however.
>Was it her A or S? No idea how to obtain those.
I think it was her tower gacha version so it should be free from missions

From memory:
>Nay Pyi Taw
2nd S layer, limited I think, and hyena print
>Shimomazu I
90% of them
SS limited new years
>Batuu (on a novel bonus serial code layer)
Taimanin limited
Taimanin event s

Kajuraho 1st SS
1st SS
One of the s layers, probably limited
Novel serial code
1st ss
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>dmm games now stopped functioning completely on windows 7 chrome
>Batuu (on a novel bonus serial code layer)
Also, don't think this ones from her serial, probably her event sr or the new ssr
Yeah, I really want to get into the game but feel like I was always filtered by certain things. I also played the Eden Ritter game when it first released and eventually came to dislike spamming so many raids in that one too - seems like they carried over a lot of systems here. I remember the MP regenerating weapons in Eden too except in this game it seems like they got nerfed a bit since it's not permanently regenerating?

Also regarding the two weapon types, are the 30% action speed weapons good for anything? It feels like you usually want to spam ultimates.
>Nay Pyi Taw

>Novel serial code
Okay, less annoyed that one of those weapon-theme tickets gave me a (new) SS instead of the Akihabara S I'm missing.

MP is regenerated from attacking, so it turns out the attack speed weapons are better for spam. Since I think weapons are the only thing giving attack speed but you can get mp regen from accessories (maybe). It's also why Ryzel is so popular, since her ult gives mp to the team.
I could never keep up with raid spam in Eden's Ritter, I don't mind it so much here. Though having your raid get nobody joining after release was a chore. Haven't had issues lately. I'm mostly done with the main set of raid rewards this month too due to golden week spam tasks, which were definitely bullshit.

Getting filtered really means focusing on raising your girls, especially max level. There is an option in the side menu of the member list that lets you pick (once a month) someone to get reduced material requirements if you haven't found that yet. Once you finish the initial 'struggle' then it becomes a lot easier to run anything. I still have to be picky about who I raise, but exchange tickets are a bit plentiful now.
Just copied anon's list but that's probably how you spell her name anyways

I can probably record Akihabara's scene whenever I have time (and maybe the others)
Most fanza games are touched up ai.
It's the capital of Myanmar, remember, most Mist Train Girls are named after places with train stations.
Oh shit they referenced HIS EX skill.
Sort of.
No way this is canon. lol
Giving other people the overlord's power is a cheat and would make fighting Apollo trivial.

Btw Collapsar's point in time would have to be before he rescues Venus right? She never shows up when Collapsar is involved and also after she gets rescued he has control over his overlord powers to use Spiritual and Magical energy meaning he can fight them no problem. They can only absorb Star energy.
Got off bannered with another Maple, not looking good
iirc Kannagi mentioned on the last stream that Maple wasn't originally planned to be made?
I guess a lot of people kept asking for Macaroon but they can't get her because her VA doesn't touch 18+ stuff so they made a 90% clone of her with Maple.
Interesting that Luriel's VA got the Crusaders related role again.
Aren't most (release) girls tributes to the previous characters instead of pulling the original character directly?
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I'm surprised this team did so much damage. I used Hoenheim, Sorc Master, and Summer Jeanne last time instead of the buffers/debuffers and only did 30m if I remember correctly.
Equipment setups in Legeclo looks like it barely changed since I stopped playing a year ago
Cause barely anything new got added aside from constant new characters.
They never got this close to the original character before.
Her name may as well be Macaroon. Not even Saran got this close.

It was always like half of the original character mixed in with other traits to make 1 star character and then the other half of the original character mixed in with other traits made another star character.
Isn't there some chromium fork that still getting update and works with win7 out there? I already made the jump to win10 last year for AC6. Installed the IoT LTSC and for the most part it still feels like win7.
You can easily uncensor it on android version.
Wait, really? How? And is the android version launched from the DMM GAMES STORE app thing, because I don't have a vpn and I can't use that
>is the android version launched from the DMM GAMES STORE app thing
Yea. You need the game store app to install and update it. The game also connect to Fanza for login. Have you tried using private dns? In my case the block came from my ISP so simply using private dns works just fine.

First you need to have both erolab and dmm ver installed. There should be hscene folder up to hscene16 inside UnityCache folder. Copy the __info and __data files from inside the erolabs ver folder then paste it to dmm ver folder. Only replace the required files and do not copy the whole hscene folder. The random gibberish folder name are required to stay the same. Whenever there's some kind of update to the hscene the folder with gibberish name will change too so you need to reapply both files again.
>continue Sweet Home Maid story mode for a bit
>40 stages later, have added a lamp, some plants into a corner, and a wardrobe
Why must this be so torturous.
Lumina Prognosis seems to be starting service on the 14th.

You're also cleaning up the slobs' mess, repairing damage, and presumably digging through the storage building, if you're not waiting for a same-day delivery.
But the worst is finally clearing some hell stages without boosters and then they simply talk about some nonsense.
Not sure but I should probably look into it. I mostly spend my time on 7 but dualboot to 10 LTSC for the stuff that doesn't work. Re-booting for gacha dailies is too much of a pain in the ass.
at this point, I'm not sure what's AI anymore (or what's not high % AI), because the fox miko looks nice
why not just move to 10?
Mainly just a case of being too lazy to set everything up. There's also the small stuff like
>bluescreens more
>ui stops responding more (in addition to being worse)
>unwanted options keep turning themselves back on behind my back
>some of my older hardware doesn't function as well thanks to having to use 7 drivers
why did we let things reach this point?
what was our first misstep as a society?
is there any going back?
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This is a nice ass design
Should I not be fully leveling up demon runes like Eithne? Sometimes I watch clear videos and see them at level 1 or only at lv99 AW1 instead of lv99 AW2.

I wish I had Ephtra dupes, too.

>more silver and gold units getting black alts
I will patiently wait for black Leanne, Dolka, and Mitra.
the third ephtra is actually yashima
>more silver and gold units getting black alts
Is that what those were? I was afraid they were just re-doing the art for the silvers
>Raising max level to 70
and there goes my plan to sell pieces aftet I max limit break them
A significant portion of their kit revolves around getting them killed (especially Eithne, since you want her stun to go off asap), so leaving them at lv1 can be a good thing. Up to you, though.
>Trying to get all the Sister mats
>Already maxed out Shian and over 300 chara pieces

At least it's very easy to max out event characters now.
Been a while since Twinkle got 1st place 2 days in a row.

I just realized what the other 10% of Maple is based off of.
It's Paky.
Maple's backstory of her family serving the Overlord for generations is Paky's backstory.
I think Dragon Buster was his "special move" too that he tried to use in the Crusader story but failed as a running gag.
Her saying ふ、決まった is similar to Paky's line.
And then she's a panda obviously.
Since AI trained mainly on art from Japan, we could technically be at full circle now where legitimate art is starting to look like AI. But Japan would also have the easiest time hiding they're using prompting, as they could correct the usual obvious tells since they're full of artists.
Does anyone know what else the sArt art team has made?
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not having the best supports is hell
>we could technically be at full circle now where legitimate art is starting to look like AI
We're already at that point, you can barely tell unless you zoom in or notice something unnatural. Luckily only like 10% of artist got super fucked cause that's what all AI art looks like now.
It worked, I can't believe it. Changing the DNS worked too. Bless you, anon. Though the game got stuck on 95% on the game start load if I replace every file up to hscene16, it didn't when I only replaced it up to hscene3 so I guess there's an incompatible file somewhere down the line. I just need to figure out which of the girls I like are in which folder, though they should be in the early ones because they're not new units
So the antagonist girls in Lumina Prognosis are playable but they get rape scenes with faceless men instead of normal H scenes with MC. Well at least this gives the game more varieties.
How's the actual gameplay? Bog standard auto battler or is there anything else to it whatsoever?
Former, it's an even more dumbed down version of their previous game Gemini Seed.
thats right AssCross, keep making reskins of the same girls over and over
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Andromeda in 50
Also regular Andromeda becomes very strong after engaged, come to think of it, mine's at like 4 stars
So is Lumina Prognosis another shitge that's locked to 30 FPS? Options don't seem to have any graphical settings.
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so far this game's steaming garbage
How many months will Lumina Prognosis live? I give it 5 months.
I didn't play their previous game but this heavily reminds me of FGO's battle system instead.
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I should have quit while I was ahead. I got Mika in the next 10 pull, and then I switched banners and went another 90 pulls getting 3 Pandora dupes before getting Andromeda. Also pulled new Solomon on the first banner and a Marduuk dupe off of the SSR ticket. I have so many limiteds I need to farm daily shards for, it's going to be a really long time before I'll be able to farm for Mika/Andromeda.
I just roll for new chars, check their scenes and forget about them now, the shard farm shit really killed my motivation to try anything new in this game.

what a mouthful.
For Lumina, am I suppose to just fill my team with everyone using the same attack type like all Quick, all Burst or all Command?
Yeah, that sucks cock for Michael
I'm not even 100/150 for bridal nero, and getting the former right now would mean a shitload of time
this but unironically
My only problem with it is that the new permanent pool characters are all mostly really good. I prioritized Future Takeru and Lancer Nightingale over School Anasatsia, for example. Engagement also makes it a bit harder to skip shard farming for someone. Still upset they didn't give us any shard vouchers on the last two star force bosses.
Currently at 93/150 for School Anastasia, 10/150 Devil Origin, 54/100 Devil Syldra, 23/150 Maid Pandora. Then there's still School Takeru, Angel Hermy, and Angel Juno, before either of the other maids. That DC2 collab character is at the bottom of the limiteds list because she is kind of trash. Then there's all the permapool units that would be nice to have after that.
This looks like AI shit
Nevermind, the art looks too amateur for that >>46827447
jesus christ
most engagement bonuses are great but even then not many read "nearly triple your DPS"
>stuck at 95%
Huh. that's weird. I replaced all of the hscene and the game still works as usual.
Ironically, as content I'm with my ranged Zenith squad, it seems my regular EX zenith squad wasn't as good, so Andromeda should be welcome
Really fucking need regular part 2 michael, however
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>have been putting off Leviathan 150 despite 150ing the other 3 since Star Force Autos were implemented
>have a go at it with Andromeda now engaged
First try despite absolutely dumbass choices. Like why do I have all my AoE on the right side instead of left.
Amateur artwork has its own tells, but I think I figured out why it looks like AI: The lighting/shading is not consistent at all, especially when comparing lighting for someone's head+hair versus the rest of their body.
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this girl skill seems broken
>"Why is Rain alone in gacha?"
And then LiaFail ends up being from a mission pack. So I rolled more on the double banner and got Diamond.

Doing pretty good in the other games
>Got LiaFail in DetarikiZ without much fuss
>Trying to find some way to luck out with 3 more Nadira dupes in JewPri before she leaves
Second is probably not going to happen. Doesn't matter really either since I'm dropping the game again once this collab ends.
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dat ass
>casino team event
>for each stage, 1 color is turned into chips
>other pieces don't count for score
>you can only use each card in your team once per day
Guess that's one way to get people to play mono teams instead of meta jumbles all the time. Advantage for heavy collectors, but this just exacerbates the exp problem.
>you can only use each card in your team once per day
I missed this part and ran a stage that needed like under 10k to finish with my best team. And now I'm remembering how awful it is to get a start going without a few bunnies.
>this just exacerbates the exp problem.
on my face
I'm at 197 now, I'll just pull the dailies
>the exp problem.
they did say that starting from next event, you will get exp book from stage reward as well

also a nice event to grind maid medal. just bring lv1 chars and enjoy your 30 maid medal. haven't try bringing only 1 char at a time for it
>Arte's 3rd style before Vermeer's 2nd on GC
>Yumi Stella ver out of nowhere on AGA
And people keep telling me that the preferences of エロイ人 within the devs doesn't affect release order.
There's still a week remaining for the current event.

I'm going to assume GC's nonsense is lead artist bias.
>Yumi Stella
I don't remember who else they have done so far but they always do these for release characters first and then never bother for all the nobodies in the cast.
I'm not even sure why I like Yumi when her character is rather awful.
there's an Amon for every body type now...
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They said she's coming in June but her Birthday is on the 29th.
Will she make it?

I bet that Cloto's going to use Arcane Code on Fiona which will fully unlock her Overlord powers and change her outfit into a Bride alt thus confirming her victory at the Clotobowl.
Then Bride Fiona's going to use Arcane Code on her sister which will free her from the mask long enough to seal into Shel's Box.
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Just got scammed out of my event points. The B reports only cost 3000. Hope they fix this in the next maintenance.
They cost 1,000 each for the first 25. When you buy those out they reset and cost 10,000 each for the next 25.
It's not a bug.
does kuma have obsession toward doves?
Damn, that sucks since they are completely worthless. I would have just exchanged for gold anyway, but I'm sitting on almost 50m of that so I guess the points would have been equally worthless either way.
>lead artist bias
By artist do you mean the one who drew the girls or the girls itself? I'm kinda surprised they don't release Vermeer's 2nd style first to get some grasp of each character popularity.

>never bother for all the nobodies in the cast
With AGA everyone will eventually get their alt ver, I guess. It's just some characters are definitely get released out of order probably due to favouritism. Now that I think about it, Yumi isn't the worst "offender" because she still don't have her Factor ver yet. Rei on the other hand already have all alt ver prior to Stella and yet still got selected as the first batch/reveal of Stella ver. She even got the second Figma release right after Yotsuyu.
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>Flat chest
Skipping every banner after new Claudia was worth it.
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Not bad considering she's feeding 10% of that to everyone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZvgB7JqM1k [Embed]
I just noticed that Maple's EX 2 says "5 or more Dark allies".
6+ member battle soon.
10 member battle with both Student Body Councils together soon?
Maybe they're including sisters now?
The characters that buff or heal based on the number of element/race allies would be stronger in that case
>gloria's ex 1 is based on # of angels
>dusk claudia's ex 2 is already fucking stupid
>differing element units stuck in the rut
Will fuck the game balance even more that's for sure
Finally being limited by A Reports in Twinkle. Down to 6 and there are like 10+ skills I want to get to 10.
They've really kept buffing her for some reason. I used to use her just to buff Emelda but with double AoE she's strong on her own right now.
>the one who drew the girls
This one. They have 5 girls that they seem to be in charge of.
Though Donatello got her 3rd rather quickly too, 4th coming next month, but I suspect her second (christmas style) would've been an event reward if they didn't drop that as a thing so hard. I think JP comments said that one even scales like a 4-star.
Rodan gets a third this month. Looks like Arte+Ignes gets another Style in July.
...Not sure how I'm going to survive until Gogh in July with the oppai blondes in the way.

>Factor Yumi
Maybe I needed to shove more gifts at everyone, but she has some of the shortest home desk greeting lines.
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the only one that matters.
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Took me 80 rolls but I got her

It was hot period, nice
>have a hankering to play Aigis again since it's been ages
>log into DMM account
>everything I click on gives a "this content is not available in your region" popup with a help page saying that the site's now region-locked to Japan only
Welp. What do? Why didn't they just delete my fucking account if I can't do anything with it?
got the other two but no mika...
>the site's now region-locked to Japan only
Works on my machine
You rushed when she'll get the 1.2% banner on tuesday with pandora
I may give it another shot if she has an engage rate up with part 2 mika
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Probably a waste to bother with but got enough Nadira dupes lucking out on my last horoscope ticket to get her weapon. I think I would need six more dupes to get her to Princess. Really makes me wonder how many people have managed to get any other fulbrite or simulants to Princess, as this is the furthest I've managed to develop one this far.

Because you might only be going out of country for a little bit. Though they 'recently' stated they'll be clearing user game data after a period of inactivity. Was it 6 months or 12 months? Something inane when player database info should be the smallest data needs out of everything they serve.

>VPN - most are honestly really quick about getting a connection established, you can usually turn it off once you're past region checks
>Optional: Change your DNS, in case your ISP is being a prick.
That said, I have had zero issues but I also occasionally paypig which is rumored to get your account ignored for typical (but not all) gaijin blocks.
I haven't played much lately but this casino team event sucks. Having to constantly switch teams until you can't reasonably score anymore is tiring.
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Why is she so flat?

EX 2:
Burns all Stun Gauge to inflict Stun state
AoE Dark 2475% total damage with equip
Damage taken debuff +5% applied to enemy for each of enemy's Stun Gauge currently removed(+50% max)
Dark Allies Note pull by 7
Self: EX Gain +100
Burns all of Allies' Stun gauge and inflicts Stun State on herself
Her birthday is today btw lol
Too bad she's unusable without Towa.
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I knew I should've bought her with star pieces but I got baited by a birthday line
maple is really pleasant to listen to
>even on DMM player

Is the thread finally dead, guys?
>Was fine for literally 1 second ago playing Legeclo
>Switch to other game.
>Now suddenly every DMM games pop up the region block warning.
What the fuck is even going on with Japan.
>occasionally paypig which is rumored to get your account ignored for typical (but not all) gaijin blocks.
I do too, even bought ro-ren (medusa monster girl) off the shop in monmusu td not even 24 hours ago and still got greeted with this shitty region block. I don't think that was even a reason anyway in the first place.

Yeah it's over
While I can just access the games with VPN then turn it off, it feels like they are taking even more drastic measures as their economy goes down the shittier. This really makes me feel uneasy.
Works on my machine
>turn on vpn
>login to game
>turn off vpn
It just werks.
The starts on some of these stages is awful too. I'm getting 5-turn warning before I've managed to charge any skills or punch through the box wall.
Or I'll manage to get a good run with lots of double rainbows, but the skyfall is 90% the other colors and very few chips.

Otherwise I mainly use おまかせ編成 for the chip color I'm running, and only manually change it for my first run after reset when I'm using boosters.
My team just started level 8 today, but I think there's only one reset left so no chance we're finishing this one.

This is different. Seems it happened right at midnight too, so maybe it has something to do with domain registration or something asinine like that. I'm set up for dealing with it but I'd still like to find any sort of news item about it.
That said I can still browse the main page of each side but can only reach the all-ages side of games' main page, but not any games.
I can use the phone app just fine, at least for monmusu, aigis' been bugged for months, but can't from desktop browser
Anyone try switching to JP timezone yet?
im getting blocked now too. fanza gives the error that its unavailable for me and dmm side just flat out doesnt load at all.
what vpn do you use for connecting to games?
Did they just implement more region blocks over the last 2 days? Could always get on DMM/Fanza just fine and now it's content not available in my region.
Didn't work. Seems like VPN is the only way to go now.
PC app, but Mobile App still work well. Sucks for game without mobile version tho
Weird, I get on VPN then from DMMs homepage click on a game from the rankings list and it sends me a warning that an attacker may try stealing my info. Thinking it's ridiculous I proceed and get a popup prompt from the website to enter in my login info... Of course I didn't enter anything but thought it was super weird.

Accessing the game directly through web URL works still at least but kind of weird how I get some kind of prompt asking for login again when trying to access games from DMMs homepage
It's over
Is there any way to delink DMM accounts on iOS and link them to Apple account or something?

Mostly concerned about TSK but not holding my breath at this point.
Good ol mudfish works to log into D1/legeclo looks like
Not that anon but I used SoftEther like back in the Kancolle days. They're really slow though as they're free so you may need to jump around and see which server works well enough.
When do you disconnect the VPN for say Twinkle Star Knight? After the game finishes loading or after I enter the main lobby screen?
is this normal that the damn 50mb client is downloading 20kb/s?
You can turn it off after you entered the game url and it didn't redirect you to the region block page.
am i supposed to do something else other than connecting? im still getting blocked message after connecting to some nip server
You don't need to do anything once you get assigned an IP. Maybe try a few different ones.
i think im doing something wrong because when i check whatsmyipaddress its still displaying my usual address instead of the vpn
Couldn't get into anything even after VPN-ing, but it got fixed again after a while. So I'm guessing DMM screwed something up.
still blocked here and i cant seem to get the softether thing to work. are you somewhere in europe or not?
Nah, I'm a seanigger. It stopped working again. I wonder if it needed time for my VPN to bypass it or was it DMM being fine for a second before shitting the bed again. Didn't help that I turned it off for a bit after the connection went through.
So the entirety of DMM is VPN-only now, I take it? The games section was one of the only pages that didn't need a VPN before this
Osaka VPNs seems to be working. Tokyo ones don't seem to. Changed back to an Osaka one and everything is accessible again.
ok at least now i know that it was a softeather issue because i got it to work with a free tunnelbear account
You fags need to say what vpn you're using and providing details on what you're attempting.

Time zone on pc is JP - this is mainly for games that are lazy about their clock.
Main language on browser is JP - it never gets redirected to english pages
OS is not JP - that's a bit much even for me.
But it's really easy to obtain region from your packet requests, which is why VPN works. Ironically they say to turn off VPN if you're getting region blocked while in Japan
Also a general issue with a lot of internet stuff, it's very easy to request any information from your browser too.

SoftEther is for a known endpoint, not for a general connection. The listed ones in Japan almost always get blocked due to abuse.
You need to use a proper service, hopefully one that didn't get abused or found out by someone more careless.
i literally never used vpn before so i have no idea what you are talking about. i only know that with softether my address was not changing and with tunnelbear it did to tokyo, so its not that softether is blocked but it just doesnt work properly i think? or im retarded and did something wrong

also is it not possible to bypass this thing without vpn? i find it pretty strange that you only really need it for dmm and not games themselves.
2 seconds of google
>You fags need to say what vpn you're using and providing details on what you're attempting.
$5 mudfish credit has lasted me through 8+ years of Granblue and dmm being dumb
what does it do? or is it something you have to do with softether?
Phone app and games on phone still work for me, but yeah, normal browser and DMM Player are blocked for me. Tunnelbear works perfectly still though as an easy free option.
why does dmm have to be so fucking aids
I'm still on a version of Proton that allows you to select servers and split tunneling and everything's fine and dandy. Today marks exactly 10 months since I've been getting blocked without it.
Was about to post that I just updated and had no problems, after not using it for ages ever since I stopped needing a VPN for game player at some point.
The public servers are other people's computers that are listing them voluntarily. You are trusting that unknown computer to manage your outgoing traffic, which is why that one anon got a warning (certificate was sketchy). And maybe why it didn't seem to do anything for you since it wasn't remaking the packet at their end.
>also is it not possible to bypass this thing without vpn?
This went from an occasional issue without a real pinpoint as to who it was affecting, to a complete gaijin block 7 hours ago. The occasional issue was solved with a vpn, so until someone else finds a real workaround or DMM knocks it off, that's going to continue being the solution.

DMM handles authentication, so maybe games are expecting a region check to be done for them. Some like Angelic Link got their provider (found out it was Amazon when I used a browser that redirects anything) to do the region check instead.
If you want hard mode, try browsing DMM TV on the all ages side, where they seem to use functionality similar to Google's geo-ads as part of the check.
i really dont understand this region block, some all ages games work while some dont, fanza and dmm player dont work at all. kancolle is a super weird one because dmm lets me access it but you have to work around its own block which doesnt involve vpn too lol
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Just woke up and got cock blocked by DMM too. Fortunately the game that I still play have mobile version. Hopefully this is just some temporary fuck up and not encroach mobile version too.
>DMM region blocking on PC browsers
>Works fine on android via DMM games store

KYS to be honest, what was the point of this. Using Brave VPN which is expensive but I dont need to install any stand alone program like other VPNs (but I wont be surprised if Brave is injecting something in my machines in the background).
>Hopefully this is just some temporary fuck up
It is 100% intentional. DMM has had region locked portions of their site for a very long time and the amount of things they region lock has only increased over the last couple of years.

I wouldn't be surprised if the entire site became completely inaccessible to non-Japanese IPs by end of next year.
whats the actual point of this though? i doubt that game devs want that
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hey that's different text from my error. still basically means the same thing but in a paragraph instead of three words.
Probably because I'm still using older version of game player.
Is it time to just do chargebacks?
I thought they already blocked foreign credit cards a long time ago. What are you using to chargeback with?
if you dont intend on playing anymore then you probably should. on a side note i remember reading somewhere that at least in europe its even illegal to pull the rug like that with services that you are paying for or something like that.
Wouldn't doubt it if some anons have 10-year accounts that are getting gaijin blocked. Kancolle fucks probably have even older accounts.

Aside from MC/Visa being unable to tamp down on fraud and getting high on their own farts thinking they get to gatekeep what people purchase, I imagine eagerness to chargeback is one reason most of these services like DMM do not want to deal with gaijin.
PayPal still worked, though it was also borked for a time.
thats the thing anon, kancolle isnt blocked by dmm. like i could literally log in right now without vpn, while all ages twinkle/legeclo/monmusutd will tell me to fuck off.
>Wouldn't doubt it if some anons have 10-year accounts that are getting gaijin blocked.
and you would be right because my account is from 2014, though i very much doubt that its relevant. also kc launched in 2013 and i assure you that theres not many people left playing from that era.
Elderiz being the gacha box event means Fiona Bride will probably cost more star pieces to get, as im guessing Meruel Idol will be the next gacha box slut.
I want perflat but she doesn't seem to be worth it, especially since I barely have pity.
Doesn't work for Angelic Link, gotta keep it on. Shit game.
Legend Clover requires a japanese connection after a while to load voice lines when going to home screen or some shit.
70, no michael, no pandora, no SSRs really
maybe this is a good time to sort out which games I should stop playing
I only play like 3 games nowadays and seeing most of their new games are just AI garbage from chink devs or shovelware they imported back from Johren/Nutaku, this really feels like the end is finally here.
Just play on mobile
Just quit and play a normal gacha that doesn't hate your country
i mostly started playing dmm games just so i can have something to practice japanese on. i guess i could just go back to visual novels or something, but games like this are nice for forming habits.
But there's no 60 FPS on mobile...
If you have a terminal gacha addiction you can play the endless amount of Chinkslop out there i.e Star Rail, if you need a hentai gacha DMM is your only option

There is if you buy at least an 888 or Snapdragon Gen 1 phone
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this collaboration event's long as shit. Wonder if they'll go back to releasing new sloppy girls every 10 days.
>All ages also got blocked
It's over.
What were all you VPNless retards doing for the last 6 months or whatever since DMM blocked most foreigners the first time? Did you assume you were just magically immune?
not for me. I can't stand being treated like a cunt after spending money (or time if f2p).
because their blocks make no fucking sense. they pretty much only blocked all the porn games and only some all ages. not even in all regions lol
I play on phone, playing mobage on pc is retarded to begin with.
>even nips get region block message now
Show proof
Hilarious if true. Gonna need some evidence though.
I like where this shit show is going.
Not an ID thread but for someone, it was due to their ad blocker also using a vpn. Not sure if the ones that were having different issues between their phone and browser and pc figured out what it was.
At the start they figure it's due to Chinese being cheaters - even though they're already using vpns most likely. Later they're talking about the MC/Visa issue. Kinda makes me wonder why they don't get a card that's only available in their own country.
>now mobile app ver are blocked too
Even in japan most cards are visa/MC. There are other options but they are less common. Gotta remember cards in general aren't as common to begin with either.
I'm more worried about not getting michael and being at 0 rolls for wedding, swimsuit nero, and the future claudette/nadia
Jesus at this thread blowing up again about geoblocking.
Which game? The one game I play on mobile still works.
There is no way someone that knows what to do to hack one of these games doesn't know how to use a VPN/smart DNS.
Aigis is already a pain in the ass with all the UI crashes so turning on a VPN each time to refresh the page just makes it worse
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NTA, but I can't get in KF burst or TRPGX on android now, even if I run it through VPN. It does still work on desktop though, using the same VPN so I'm not sure what the hell is going on.
>There is no way someone that knows what to do to hack one of these games doesn't know how to use a VPN/smart DNS.
The creators of hacks will of course, but most of the users of hacks are either brain dead or would rather use hacks on easier to access games. The creator of the hacks will get less users of their hacks meaning less money or e-peen, so unless they're just really dedicated to hacking a certain game for some reason they'll probably move on to other games that are easier for their potential users to access.

Funnily enough as someone who's dabbled in dodgy shit for Japanese games before I know that Japs were always over half of the userbase for my shit. It was obviosuly going to be high due to being a Japanese game but the English speaking countries and Chinese userbases were only ever around 10% each at most. Koreans were also usually around 5-8%.
>which game
Alliance Sages, Girls Creation and DMM Game Store itself. I can't even open the online games page on browser so pretty much everything is blocked. Alice Gear Aegis still works because mobile ver doesn't use DMM for login auth.
>doesn't know how to use a VPN/smart DNS.
lmao, now try if you can open abema TV's region lock using VPN/DNS.
the question now turns into if they need to go that far to region block gaijins
The region block is just them trying to show investors that their local japanese userbase grew by twofolds in a matter of days.
My theory is that they already had to block visa/MC due to all the credit card companies' content censorship demands (see dlsite, pixiv, nicovideo having the same problem) and now they decided that since most gaijins couldn't pay money because of that, they might as well block all of them too to reduce server costs.

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