Hello everyone,
I apologize for the delay in providing updates and explanations. Recently, I woke up to find Katsunori Kojima (KK), my former interpreter, making headlines discussing the significance of communication, loyalty, and honesty. KK was more than just an interpreter to me; he was family, and I was thrilled at the potential of reconnecting with him after many years. My family and I had a wonderful time in Japan, reconnecting with old teammates and fans during various events. However, communication with KK abruptly stopped once I returned home in October, leaving me confused and without explanation.
Seeing KK advocating for communication, loyalty, and honesty on the news was quite intriguing given our own communication breakdown. Thankfully, I connected with William Brooks, who helped me transition to managing the Hinokuni Salamanders. Japan holds a special place in my heart, so this opportunity was incredibly exciting. However, despite our best efforts, communication became increasingly challenging, especially as spring training approached.
Although the interpreter assigned to me tried his best, navigating the language barrier remained difficult. Despite raising concerns with the general manager and offering to provide my own interpreter at no extra cost, a solution was not reached. The media reported that I left for personal reasons, which wasn't true. While there are many factors I could mention, the main issue was the inability to build unity within my team. It's essential to address these communication challenges not only within the NPB but also across the broader baseball community in Japan.
While I’m saddened by the news about Ohtani, I’m glad attention is being brought to this issue. I’m hopeful Japan can find solutions to these challenges moving forward.
Thank you.
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