Project Euler
I started Project Euler. I started posting my C solutions on GitHub.… i chose C89 for archeology. tho it's still used in many projects such as curl.
2023-12-10 18:21:57Scratch
I created a Mental Addition game. To answer the sum of 10 numbers that are flashed very fast.…
2023-11-30 12:25:01lemme explain the source code. the main flow is: 1) counts down 3, 2, 1. 2) displays 10 numbers. 3) asks the user to enter the answer. i defined 2 functions ("blocks"). • say countdown • flash random numbers
2023-11-30 12:46:31 countdown block.
loops 3 times. decreases by 1. period.
random number display block.
accumulates the sum in the variable `correct answer`.
finally, the actual message display block. (sry i actually defined 3 blocks.) • flash [message] for 0.5 seconds displays the message for 0.3s and clears the speech bubble for 0.2s. this makes the message appear to flash.
2023-11-30 13:24:48