For Jewish Anti-Semites, A Cautionary History Lesson

May 12, 2024

4 min read


How the traitorous Jew who helped bring Stalin to power discovered that a Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

One of the most shocking observations of our post-October 7 world is that a small but very vocal minority of Jews have chosen to act as defenders for the murderers and kidnappers of our people.

Groups such as IfNotNow and Jewish Voices for Peace encourage further attacks on Israel by justifying and defending Palestinian terrorists and vilifying supporters of Israel.

They collaborate with our enemies by using their Judaism as a banner to support their anti-Israel stance. These people display external symbols of Judaism, such as wearing a kippah or a tallit. They proclaim their Jewish names and perversely use narratives of their own families’ persecution to defend the current-day persecutors of the Jews.

Sadly, they have a precedent in Jewish history, and examining one of their predecessors provides insight into their inevitable downfall.

Grigory Zinoviev’s Misplaced Loyalty

Grigory Zinoviev

Grigory Zinoviev, raised Hirsh Apfelbaum (1883-1936), was one of the top three members of the Communist Party. Although he is not as well-known as his contemporary Leon Trotsky, he was a major power player in the Communist movement. He was one of Vladimir Lenin’s closest associates, and used his talents as an orator to support the revolution within the Soviet Union and abroad.

In fact, when Lenin was unwell at the end of his life and could not deliver the Central Committee’s reports to the 12th and 13th Party Congresses (the equivalent of the US State of the Union Address), Zinoviev was appointed to speak in his place.

During Lenin’s final illness, Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, and Joseph Stalin formed the Troika, taking over the rulership of the Communist Party. According to Trotsky, Stalin’s appointment as Lenin’s successor was due to Zinoviev’s initial recommendation.

Zinoviev spent his life building the regime that would utterly destroy the Soviet Jewish community.

As far as his fellow Jews, Zinoviev did not use his influence to help them. He spent his life building the regime that would utterly destroy the Soviet Jewish community.

Yet, for all of his devotion to the cause and his role in giving Stalin the leadership position, his idealism would reveal itself to be naive. At the end of the day, as far as the enemies of the Jews were concerned, a Jew is a Jew. Member of Troika, Lenin’s confidante orator of the Communist movement – it was all irrelevant when he was no longer needed.

The end began in 1925 when the Troika started to fall apart. With manipulations and deception, Stalin gained total control over the Soviet Union. In December 1934, Stalin had Zinoviev and Kamenev and their closest associates arrested, accusing them of murdering Sergei Mironovich Kirov. Zinoviev was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky. (credit: WIKIPEDIA)

In his letters to Stalin from prison, Zinoviev still retained his loyalty to Stalin. “I... stare at your portrait in the newspapers… thinking: my dear ones, look into my heart, and surely you will see that I’m no longer your enemy, that I am yours, body and soul...”

This loyalty was misplaced. In August 1936, Zinoviev and his associates were brought to trial on new charges. Despite Stalin’s promise to spare their lives in exchange for an admission of guilt, after Zinoviev and his co-defendants were found guilty on August 24, Stalin gave orders that they be executed that very night.

A Jew is a Jew is a Jew

The painful message of Zinoviev’s end to the Jews who support our enemies is clear. Sure, Hamas and Palestinian supporters welcome your support and will stand arm-in-arm with you as you both stand against Israel. But, as Zinoviev discovered, when they are done using you and your idealism, the antisemites will turn against you just as they fight against your Jewish brothers and sisters. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

But Zinoviev’s story has not ended yet.

There is another message that can be learned from Zinoviev. It is a message of hope that perhaps even people who actively endanger Jewish lives can see.

As the executors were dragging him from his jail cell to be killed, Zinoviev pleaded with them to call for Stalin, confident that Stalin would save him. Laughing in his face, they responded, “Stalin? Stalin is the one who told us to kill you!”

Color portrait of Zinoviev by Yuri Pavlovich Annenkov

In his final moments, when the edifice he had spent his life building crumbled before his eyes, Zinoviev saw the truth. Facing the firing squad, he raised his hands to the heavens and shouted, “Shema Yisrael!” With his last words, he returned to his God and his people.

In his death, he demonstrated that although the Jewish soul may be muted, the spark within remains.

A version of this op-ed originally appeared in the Jerusalem Post.

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Elazar Carter
Elazar Carter
22 minutes ago

Please let us understand, the shouting to stop the massacre (on both sides) is NOT antisemitic nor is it pro hamas. It is pro life. The IDF is so well trained and has the best intelligence in the world. Why are they killing everyone? Kill hamas.

15 minutes ago
Reply to  Elazar Carter

Hamas members use children and other non-members as human shields. That's why non-members of Hamas die.

28 minutes ago

I think they should not be described as Jewish groups but antisemitic hate groups, some of whom claim to be Jewish.

56 minutes ago

Yes seeing the ultra religious Jewish men across at the Brooklyn Museum. With placards standing near where Nerdeen Kiswani was speaking was a reminder of it didn’t matter during WW11 They were supporting Hamas and Israel has no right to exist. They need to come into the present

Gefen Bar-On Santor
Gefen Bar-On Santor
58 minutes ago

Thank you for the insightful analysis of Jews who choose to embrace the darkness of antisemitism. What a powerful case study! It seems that today some Jews implicitly believe that Israel has solved the problem of antisemitism—not for Israelis, but for them. They seem to believe that they are safe if they turn their backs on Israel.

1 hour ago

For sure it's disgusting when Jews give their efforts to aid those who harm Jews Judaism or at present want to destroy the Jewish State. It seems to me while occasionally there is a Hamas or Hitler that targets all ethnic Jews many if not most do get away more often than not in history nor do they do teshuvah , but there is always hope. The interesting upshot of this article is where did Jewish education or its lack make communism and it present day equivalent radical progressive movements seem to many idealistic "Jews as viable alternatives to their own heritage which contributed so much to the betterment of mankind and now Thsnk God back in our own land have just begun anew to reach even greater heights to benefit all.

Robert Almroth
Robert Almroth
1 hour ago

Most of what you wrote is accurate but the part where i supposedly recites Shema Israel. That part is a myth.
Just read The Russian Revolution by Richard Pipes.

2 days ago

Bravo!! A great and important piece!!

Jewish Mom
Jewish Mom
5 days ago

These misguided Jews buy the narrative that the Jews stole "Palestine" from the Arabs and therefore Israel is illegitimate and the Jews who inhabit it are occupiers.
They feel so self-righteous in their "just" cause, they are not willing to hear any other narrative or study the historical facts. They've heard and accepted the invented history presented by the pro-Palestinian camp and for them, it's the equivalent of "Torah mi'Sinai".
If only they'd know and accept Torah mi'Sinai...

gary roman
gary roman
5 days ago

they promote the same values for the Palestinian people as they promote for the Jewish people.
Horrible, right?

16 hours ago
Reply to  gary roman

All wrong

San Jose
San Jose
5 days ago

From the ADL website
JVP does not represent the mainstream Jewish community, which it views as bigoted for its association with Israel. JVP’s staunch anti-Zionist positions place it squarely in opposition to mainstream American Jews and Jews worldwide, most of whom view a connection with Israel as an integral part of their social, cultural or religious Jewish identities. JVP promulgates the view that Jews who identify even tangentially with Israel are motivated by white supremacy, Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.

3 days ago
Reply to  San Jose
Last edited 3 days ago by AbL
6 days ago

This Article perfectly defines the Jewish antisemites fighting against Israel and pro-Israel Jews:
"They collaborate with our enemies in the most deceitful and harmful way possible by using their Judaism as a banner to support their anti-Israel stance. These people display external symbols of Judaism, such as wearing a kippah or a tallit. They proclaim their Jewish names and perversely use narratives of their own families’ persecution to defend the current-day persecutors of the Jews."

Hashem should help these dangerous and wayward Jews do teshuva

6 days ago

Wow, very interesting history. Let's hope and pray that the current "Anti-Semitic" Jews learn this lesson before Zinoveiv did. For their sake and for our sake.

4 days ago
Reply to  Rachel

I feel so sorry for them. They are lost. They don’t know who they are. Searching for recognition. No self respect, by turning against their kind they feel important. Not realising that they are held in contempt by the people they are try to impress. Sad.. I am proud of my heritage. We are strong!!!
