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Dirty Pair Flash ep12 X

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© 2024 kevinbourke
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Aggretsuko9209's avatar

Sounds like Kei wants to protect that baby from being assassinated by those killers who call themselves the "Ski Patrol", and the reason why I put the quotation marks onto the words Ski Patrol, it's because they're more so likely assassins rather than be part of the ski patrol. Anyways, I can see Kei being a wonderful Godmother of that baby... if anyone seen this episode where this photo is from, yes this is the episode where Kei has to take care of the baby and protect the little guy from being alerted to the assassins. What a trooper Kei is for protecting that child. And yes there's the part where she takes part of her top off to use one of her breasts to calm that infant down in order to keep him from crying.