The data.cms.gov site is maintained by CMS and contains datasets, tools and more.
This site gives you direct access to public data released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Our goal is to make our data readily available in open, accessible, and machine-readable formats.
For most available data, you can:
Works of the U.S. Government are in the public domain and you don’t need permission to reuse them, but an attribution to the agency as the source is appreciated. Your materials, however, shouldn’t give the false impression that the government’s endorsing your commercial products or services. See 42 U.S.C 1320b-10.
Have comments on how the website functions? Submit feedback.
Questions/feedback about a particular dataset? Use the relevant contact email address found in each dataset page.
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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides health coverage to more than 100 million people through Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and the Health Insurance Marketplace. CMS seeks to strengthen and modernize the Nation’s health care system, to provide access to high quality care and improved health at lower costs.
Datasets can be searched by basic keywords and/or advanced filters on the search page, which can be accessed from various locations on the site such as the home page’s search bar, search icon, or the Explore Data tab. The dataset name, description, and tags are among a few of the searchable fields, with the option to sort results by last updated, relevancy, dataset name, or alphabetically.
A downloadable version of this FAQ provides additional screenshots and tables.
Datasets are updated periodically in the system on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. To identify the update frequency of a dataset, look for the “Data update frequency” on the top of any dataset detail page.
A downloadable version of this FAQ provides additional screenshots and tables.
For datasets that have the "View Data" button, the “View Data” button will take you to the interactive display where data within a dataset can be filtered by using simple keywords or a combination of basic or advanced filters.
A downloadable version of this FAQ provides additional screenshots and tables.
For datasets that have the "View Data" button, the "View Data" button will take you to the interactive display where you will see an "Export" button. This will allow you to export the dataset in its entirety or export a subset of the data. Once you click "Export", select either “CSV” or “CSV for Excel” in the pop-up window, and then click “Export” to initiate the export process.
Note: For a better experience exporting datasets, use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Use of a database or statistical software may be required for large files.
Alternatively, datasets can be downloaded in their raw format along with other supporting information, by clicking on the “Download” button on the dataset page.
A downloadable version of this FAQ provides additional screenshots and tables.