Propaganda has recently brought out of obscurity the so-called "son of Hamas."
This is a 46-year-old man, broken by Israeli torture, lost and lonely, named Mosab Yousef, who has been hiding in the USA for the past 15 years. Why he hides remains unknown, as he seems to be of no use to anyone.
He has renounced Islam, and his mother and father have publicly and officially disowned him.
He wanted to become a Jew, a Christian, a Buddhist—to rid himself of depression, the habit of betrayal, and to stop suffering. Now, he is something akin to a yoga practitioner.
His betrayal did not bring him fame. In 2010, a book about him was published, its most interesting part describing the torture of children in Israeli prisons. He was first arrested at the age of 10, and again at 18, when he was broken.
He was never privy to any resistance secrets. He knew no names.
He was a nobody.
A wayward son of a father who has been imprisoned for 23 years. His father, Hassan Yousef, was re-arrested by Israel on October 17, 2023.
But he is not a founder of Hamas nor "one of the founders."
There is no Hamas presence on the West Bank—no leaders, fighters, or members of the movement.
No "Hamas founder" can return from exile to the West Bank.
The founder of Hamas was Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, wheelchair-bound from youth and killed along with three of his relatives in 2004 in Gaza, as he was leaving a mosque in his wheelchair. The might of the Israeli army appeared to fire a missile from a helicopter at unarmed people in broad daylight, killing a frail man. There was a hole in the middle of the street. It was there.
In Israel, this murder was long and widely celebrated. Israeli envoys traveled the world preaching that resistance was now at an end.
After this murder, the resistance decided not to have a leader. It has no founding fathers. They cannot be killed with one missile or ten thousand missiles.
And now this "son of Hamas" has been dragged out of oblivion. He appeared on Piers Morgan's show and now also serves as a master of ceremonies at the screening of an "October 7th film," made up of fabrications so egregious they cannot be publicly shown.
The problem with this "son" is that he has nothing to say except to perform as a trained mankur—a situation worse than the blunders of Israeli press services about "Hamas tunnels."