Latest updates
10 Jan
We added a cookie policy. Yes, that popup is annoying, but we have to do it to comply with the laws 😔
On the bright side, we've fixed a bunch of tricky bugs related to form submission and new tab behaviour. The Web is huge, and it is a daunting task to support all the websites, so bear with us 🙏🏻
07 Dec
We have moved to more powerful servers to handle the increasing traffic demands. This should make things a little bit faster and decrease the number of errors. 💪
15 Nov
We hear that the purple banner can be intrusive and annoying. While we have to keep it to prevent abuse, we made it a bit smaller. Hopefully, it makes it a little more tolerable.
26 Oct
We added a bug report form.
If you encounter a problem on a specific page, click on the Report a broken page link at the bottom right corner.
This data will help our engineers prioritize their work 🙏🏻.
16 Sep
The new Dark Mode topping is available! Check it out!
WebToppings usage is growing so much faster than we expected! You are awesome, keep it up! 🔥
Extensive load caused some downtime last week, so we have tweaked the servers to handle all your requests.update
The region and topping are preserved when you reload the page.
02 Sep
Links that open new tabs are now working again! So those search results are actually clickable now :)
File downloads are supported in experimental mode. Please let us know if you see any issues!
06 Aug
WebToppings is officially in public beta! More details in our tech blog
Session expiration timeout is extended. You should see less "Session not found" errors.
03 Aug
From now on, we will publish the most important updates here. Keep sending your feedback, it really helps us to prioritize the work! 🙏🏻
Check also: Surfly changelog
🎁 New updates!!