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Why men are vulnerable to bribery. [inconvenient truth bomb]

a guest
May 3rd, 2024
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  1. Men are vulnerable to bribery because money translates to sex.
  3. Money represents access to love and affection and sex, the primary enjoyment of life and a deep primal desire.
  5. Money enables access to sex, not necessarily through prostitution, but women are naturally attracted to wealthier men for evolutionary reasons, and are therefore more willing to sleep with wealthier men who own higher-end cars and larger houses.
  7. Imagine which implications this has. People in positions of responsibility such as policy makers and company leadership also have their private desires, so they could be bribed into making a decision that hurts the general public while benefiting the briber.
  9. Why would the bribed person in authority care about hurting the general public? From the point of view of the bribed person in authority, the general public are just a bunch of unknown people, while making this imaginary decision would help the bribed person in authority get access to sex.
  11. With the money received by the bribed person in authority, he can purchase objects to attract females, such as a fancier car. Why would he care that he hurt the general public in the process?
  13. Whenever an important person is offered a certain amount of bribe money to make a certain decision, that person imagines what that money represents. In the end, it all traces back to sex. All the fancy signifiers of wealth are intended mainly for one reason: attracting a female. Another reason might be ego boosting, but that is an unimportant second place compared to sex.
  15. Many men in power have an ugly physical appearance, so the only way they can get access to sex is wealth and power.
  17. ----
  19. Even if women are supposedly no good leaders, this is one strength of women in leadership: They can not be bribed easily because they don't need money to satisfy their sexual needs, because women already have access to sex. Any decent-looking woman does not have to work hard to get sex because men who are willing to have sex exist in abundance.
  21. [If reading this text was inconvenient, it is because you know it's true.]
  22. [text released into the public domain, CC0]
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