It's all ogre now
The future-fantasy world of Remnant is filled with ravenous monsters, treacherous terrain, and more villains than you can shake a sniper-scythe at. Fortunately, Beacon Academy is training Huntsmen and Huntresses to battle the evils of the world.
10 hours ago – reposted to RWBY
Mines cmoye_03 on discord
21 hours ago – reposted to RWBY
Do you think you will be able to send me a friend request anytime today? Or could you let me know your username so I can search for you?
21 hours ago – reposted to RWBY
Do you think you will be able to send me a friend request anytime today? Or could you let me know your username so I can search for you?
a day ago – reposted to RWBY
No I did not find you on discord and my reply’s are not showing up for some reason
21 hours ago – RWBY
Hopefully RWBY has already been bought by the time Rooster Teeth shuts down. And hopefully they will continue it.
And hopefully we will have alternatives to RWBY forums.
I am praying that this will all work out in the future.
a day ago – RWBY
Here's Another Rwby concept art
Weapon belongs to Cedar
Weapon Name: Build and Civil
Post attachment
a day ago – RWBY
Yo guys so yesterday spongebob was released 25 years ago and WOW! and Here are my favorite episodes Idiot box help Wanted squids's day off Chocolate and nuts Graveyard shift anf sailor mouth frankendoole and Pizza delivery
a day ago – RWBY
Tv did it again.
2 days ago – RWBY
8:33 PM CDT

May 1, 2024.


Where do I begin?

Let’s start off this way.

I don’t want to admit it’s May.

In precisely two weeks, this website, and by extension Rooster Teeth as a whole, will cease to exist.

I… I don’t know what to say.

RWBY was my introduction to this company. My sister introduced me to the show at or around August of 2015…. And I was hooked.

Nine seasons, multiple spinoffs, multiple drawings, laughs, cries, and multiple multiple core memories later…. And here we are.

To say I fell in love with RWBY would be an understatement. This show has pretty much been my entire personality since I was introduced to it. And not only did RWBY touch my heart, but it introduced me to Red vs Blue, Camp Camp, Gen:LOCK, Nomad of Nowhere among countless others.

Because of this company, I’ve learned to be more open, not just on social media but in general. I don’t tend to admit this often, but I am in fact on the spectrum. I am autistic.

But because of Ruby, I’ve learned to overcome that.

However…. There have been some times where my openness has gotten me into trouble.

I don’t like to admit this, but I’ve had my fair share of crushes. One in particular i crashed and burned on. That’s mostly the reason why if someone blocks me I run from that particular social media account and delete it.

However, I have no plans to delete this account. I’ll let the Warners take care of that.

However…. The crush thing is happening again. But this time…. It’s not with someone who exists in my world.

I’ve fallen for Ruby Rose.
And I’m scared of losing her.

I’ve been this way for years now. I’m sure over the years people have seen just how much I’ve shown this over the years; from being overprotective of her in elimination games to crying over certain death scares to giving her advice on how to avoid quicksand in video games and offering help when she says she needs it by yelling out “Boba!”

Well…. This is my “Boba!” so to speak.
I don’t know what I’m going to do in two weeks when it all comes crashing down. I love this girl, and I’m scared of losing her forever. Never in a million years did I think that if I was to lose Ruby, it’d be to corporate greed. What makes it worse is that although I love, LOVE the livestreams because it makes her seem more real when I interact with her, I feel like that fact alone is going to make it sting more if she can’t do them anymore and I never see her again.

I’m in deep.
And I don’t know what to do.

I’ll keep this account open until doomsday, but this may very well be my final post on this platform. I am on discord, as well as YouTube and Twitch. It’s possible though that if Ruby has to leave twitch that I might as well.

My final message though? I want to thank everyone here. Not just those who brought Ruby to life; but those who I’ve befriended while talking about this show over the years.

Every episode, every roleplay, every theory, OC, drawing, edit, every last memory i have with Ruby and where she came from will always have a special place in my heart. Forevermore. That’s one thing that WB could never take away from me.

I’m not ready to say goodbye.
Perhaps I never really will be.
But I’ll at least say “thank you.”

I love you Ruby. ❤️🤍🖤💛


AKA rsbd95
AKA Joey1995
AKA Joseph Frazier ...more
2 days ago – RWBY
Hey, Guys. So, this is my goodbye speech. Everything RT has made over the last 21 years of fun and games. And I only knew RT since 2021. So, it's been a honored to take this time, and moving forward to the future.
And, on the top of that. I'm going to follow RT footsteps and starting my own
2 days ago – RWBY
Find me on discord as cmoye_03
2 days ago – RWBY
So did you find me on Discord yet? I just want to make sure when to check my account for any friend requests.
And to Rakolai.
2 days ago – RWBY
everyone!! to any and all who have a discord acount, i am looking forward to chatting with you on the rt discord server!
2 days ago – RWBY
CFVY vists Bubba Bubba Boba!
3 days ago – RWBY
I really hope RWBY manages to live on as we've been given the hope that it might. I'm so very hopeful that the fans, the cast, the crew and those close to Monty get the completion to this series that they hoped for when this all started. #SaveRWBY I just discovered RWBY when the RWBY/JL movies
3 days ago – RWBY
Names mlm007 and I’m a huge Rooster Teeth fan since 2012, I first watched Rwby then Camp Camp, Red vs Blue, Death Battle and Genlock. I am a huge rwby fan.
My Twitch username is theone01299
My YouTube username is theone01299
3 days ago – RWBY
I was told that it's possible that RWBY got a buyer. Did we get anything with them talking about that yet?
3 days ago – RWBY
Here's Another Rwby concept art
Cedar New Outfit
First name:  “cedar tree” (Latin origins)
Post attachment
3 days ago – RWBY
Just two gals having a Boba date