Jamie Michelle
6 days ago
PermalinkApril 22, 2024 regarding Edgar Allan Poe and his own proto-Tiplerian
Omega Point cosmology:
* James William Hall, "Is Tipler's Theory of Immortality Worth
Considering Without Religious Bias?", Physics Forums, Oct. 19, 2023,
https://ghostarchive.org/archive/EIMp4 , https://archive.today/xOgum ,
, https://www.freezepage.com/1713821470TXUQIEXXFN .
Said exchange is reproduced below within the pound signs:
[QUOTE="James William Hall, post: 6958589, member: 692435"]
[B]TL;DR Summary:[/B] Had the universe been found closed instead of
open would Tipler's physics have some merit?
In 1994 Frank J. Tipler wrote a book titled: "The Physics of
Immortality" which appeared to suggest that physics and religion could
be united. Absent religious or anti-religious prisms, if the universe
were found to be closed (I know, it's not), is Tipler's physics
worthy of serious consideration?
Hi, James William Hall. For much more on physicist and mathematician
Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the
Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of
Everything (TOE), see my following articles:
* James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of
Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012
(orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708,
, https://purl.org/redford/physics-of-god .
* James Redford, "God's Existence Is Proven by Several Mathematical
Theorems within Standard Physics", Theophysics: The Physics of God,
May 16, 2022,
, https://www.minds.com/blog/view/1373133123700658189 .
[QUOTE="Ken G, post: 6963961, member: 116697"]
I think it will blow your mind that Poe had so much foresight.
Apparently the book had a lot more influence in Europe than in the US,
since the latter saw him as a horror story writer out of his element,
while the former saw him as a visionary (and Poe himself regarded
"Eureka" as his magnum opus). I believe it is unknown if Lemaitre was
directly influenced by Poe, but he was aware of Poe's work so it does
seem likely. Poe (based on remarkable intuition) thought all matter
in the universe came from a single origin, which he called the
"Particle", and Lemaitre (based on scientific measurements) proposed
that it all came from a single origin, which he called the "Primeval
atom." Most of the rest of their pictures are also remarkably close,
which is notable given that Hubble himself did not even think of the
universe as expanding from a single origin. Maybe Hubble wasn't a Poe
Hi, Ken G. Below is what I've written on this matter:
And now here comes one of the strangest creations ever published, by
one of the strangest people who ever lived. Edgar Allan Poe considered
his following nonfiction book to be his magnum opus--and he was quite
correct in considering it so.
* Edgar A. Poe, Eureka: A Prose Poem (New York: Geo. P. Putnam, 1848),
https://archive.org/details/eurekaprosepoem00poeerich ,
, https://webcitation.org/6AdUPRmzN .
(The best format to get the above book is DJVU, although it is also
available in PDF at the first link. DJVU files can be viewed with the
free and open-source, cross-platform program DjView:
https://djvu.sourceforge.net/djview4.html .)
In his above book, Poe gives an excellent description of essentially
the entire Tiplerian Omega Point cosmology, from its Big Bang
beginning to its Big Crunch end. Poe describes the universe starting
at a "primordial Partictle" (i.e., an atom in the ancient Greek sense
of indivisible unity), then expanding and evolving, and then
collapsing into Godhead and unity in a state of infinite complexity. I
wonder if Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was influenced by Poe, since Poe
was very popular in France.
Throughout the book, Poe is at pains in attempting to describe the
3-sphere topology of the universe, but doesn't possess the technical
mathematical terminology. On p. 29, he describes creation from
nothing. On p. 100, he solves Olbers's Paradox. On pp. 102-103, he
describes the parallel universes of Quantum Mechanics, i.e., the
multiverse. On p. 117, he even gives an accurate summation of Special
Relativity, that "Space and Duration are one." That is, space and time
are actually different aspects of the same thing, i.e., spacetime. On
pp. 84 and 122-123, he speaks of the existence of nonluminus
stars--what are nowadays called neutron stars and black holes. Indeed,
on pp. 122-123, he predicts the existence of a giant nonluminous star
at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. And that is just a few of the
surprising gems to be found throughout this work. Poe isn't completely
correct in everything he presents here, though he gets far, far more
correct than wrong, and all his major conclusions are correct.
Poe knew that he would be laughed-at and derided in presenting this
information--that he would be thought of as quite mad. Yet Poe also
had not the slightest doubt that he would get the last laugh in the
end. And Poe was right. How did Poe know? In publishing this work, Poe
presented to mankind a deep riddle, a preposterous enigma. The
commonly-credited inventor of the detective genre wrote a real-life
nonfiction mystery for mankind to unriddle.
* Jamie Michelle, "Jamie Michelle's Greatest Sissy School Hits",
Internet Archive, Dec. 21, 2023 (orig. pub. Sept. 2, 2022),
, https://perma.cc/DJ4W-EH7M ,
, https://ghostarchive.org/archive/CEC2f , https://archive.today/uieBH
; download website:
, https://files.catbox.moe/uszbck.zip .
* James Redford, "The Problem of Qualia Solved, and Other Theological
Vignettes", Politics Forum, Feb. 10, 2023,
, https://ghostarchive.org/archive/rNBil , https://archive.is/jB25Q ,
, https://www.freezepage.com/1709529398KFZNRFYENT .
Jamie Michelle
Author, under the nom de plume of James Redford, of The Physics of God
and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything: And Other Selected Works
(Chisinau, Moldova: Eliva Press, 2021), 268 pp., ISBN-10: 1636482775,
ISBN-13: 9781636482774. See my curriculum vitæ (ark:/13960/t6g19878v):
https://jamesredford.github.io/Redford-Curriculum-Vitae.pdf ,