"Couple The Bear losing its patience with The Dragon making waves now almost daily." ???? Is this Western propaganda, or Pepe's take on declining relations between Russia and China?? I see no reason for a split when NATO and the US pivot into Asia is moving so inexorably toward war on China! "AND RUSSIA!
And the howlers are coming from all directions, prime example being the so-called aid bill to the killing machine consisting of printing machine money. And with the rapid escalation of protests and Nazi crackdowns within the Empire, will we see a rerun of 1968's DNC in Chicago? I see a Cancel Biden Movement forming on the horizon.
Escobar Pepe
Medvedev issued a call to justice in style:
“Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus”
That's right: “Even if the world perishes” - as in "regardless of the consequences”.
That’s about the serial assassination of international law - whose latest chapter is the usual thieves stealing Russian assets and property.
There WILL be hardcore consequences.
And that reaches way beyond Russia.
Couple The Bear losing its patience with The Dragon making waves now almost daily.
The Russia-China strategic partnership is about to go turbo.
They know the Lawless Plunderers are insufferable to all mankind.
We got Iranian Shaheed drones in Novorossiya, now we have Russian Lancets in Persia.
Luka of Minsk nearly made love to a nuclear Iskander.
DPRK Chairman Rocket Man is having a ball with his nuclear artillery and missiles, panicking South Korea into squealing like Le Petit Roi.
From now on, expect howlers virtually on a weekly basis.