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It's Over "Me [52M] just found out at least 4 of my 5 children [33F][30F][28M][24F][14F] are not mine. Wife [51F] wont say anything."

Kill. The. Cubs. © CoachRedPill

Paternity test are already banned without the mother consent in more than one western country
He has evERy right to do whatevER has to be done...
why does this cuck think one of his daughters is his? all he tested were negative, chances are high he's infertile.
More children are born from other father's than you might think, still must be heartbreaking for a woman that he was going out with since highschool to cuck him.
This is a brutal blackpill that many are not willing to acknowledge. Lots of people like to cope that monogamy would work back in the day. While women were given far less power back then, it did not negate their lust for Chads. Nature beats nurture everytime.
This is a brutal blackpill that many are not willing to acknowledge. Lots of people like to cope that monogamy would work back in the day. While women were given far less power back then, it did not negate their lust for Chads. Nature beats nurture everytime.
so mind blowing as to how someone can get cucked so hard and still wants to save the marriage "for the children" even though they are well in there 30s and mid 20s its ridiculous how clueless he is to how this all happend this man would have went to the grave believing he died having a loyal wife by his hands i bet the the divorce court will side in the womens favor because "he forced me to cheat" futher fucking his situation
More children are born from other father's than you might think, still must be heartbreaking for a woman that he was going out with since highschool to cuck him.
Indeed, and especially from my era where testing wasn't a thing. Always makes me think of my first brutal blackpill experience... a childhood female friend that looked absolutely nothing like her father. And she ended up hating me and saying I molested her because I'm ugly.

so mind blowing as to how someone can get cucked so hard and still wants to save the marriage "for the children" even though they are well in there 30s and mid 20s its ridiculous how clueless he is to how this all happend this man would have went to the grave believing he died having a loyal wife by his hands i bet the the divorce court will side in the womens favor because "he forced me to cheat" futher fucking his situation

His entire life since he was 18 has been a huge lie, and now he has to process that. That's surely very hard
Imagine being this old and realise that u have been a CUCK for most of your life.
Brutal :blackpill:
This has nothing to do with modern feminism. Women are terrible without feminism, m8. The first cucking was 34 years ago.
Pretty sure plenty of women have cucked men all throughout history
Christ, what a complete embarrassment and bastardization of "advice" from reddit faggots. I understand that he is massive Gen X pussy, but here is proper advice I would give to him:

  1. Unfuck yourself.
  2. cease all contact with Chad(s) bastard children
  3. lawyer the fuck up. She needs to pay reparations for pain and suffering, also repay all the funds that went toward "his" children plus punitive damages
  4. fucking destroy her. Doing #2 will help.
  5. buy some sluts / do third world or Eastern Europe sex tourism and impregnate a bunch of hoes.
The guy is an older guy so I'll give him a slight pass on the whole paternity thing but any guy having kids in the year 2000+ really has to be fucking out of their mind to not get a paternity test or lazy as fuck. You can even do that shit from home now!

It infuriates me how many men I've known decide to not get DNA tests done then cry their hearts out when the kid actually isn't theirs. I've also seen the other side where guys raise some other man's seed for years and can't let that relationship go so end up just sticking with the bitch BECAUSE he is so attached to the fake "daughter/son." It is very sickening to watch. These whores use this to their advantage. If they can't get free shit from the man then they will cuck the man into submission so he can purchase all the things for her child so she doesn't ever have to spend a penny on her own spawn.

JFL @ thinking the cucked family courts would rule that way. Just gamble your entire life savings on the most cucked and bluepilled judiciary element bro
Did a FUCKING GINGER really not realise he will get CUCKED TO DEATH? Women HATE gingers with passion and never want their kids to be ginger, so they use them only for BB. Idiot blue pill simp deserves what was coming to him.

Women despise gingers and want us all dead.
He was raising the daughters of 4 different Chads so that the next generation of Chads can fuck them.

This is the ultimate form of being cucked.

This is next level cuckery. Providing for Chad's daughters, so they may dickride the Chads of the next generation.

When I read stories like this, I thank fuck I'm incel.

Better incel than cuck, all day every day.
This is why paternity testing at birth should be mandatory. Moreover, if said tests reveal the wife to be unfaithful, this makes any and all contractual statements regarding "husbandly duties" (and especially things like child support, alimony, etc) null and void.
This is next level cuckery. Providing for Chad's daughters, so they may dickride the Chads of the next generation.

When I read stories like this, I thank fuck I'm incel.

Better incel than cuck, all day every day.
I have seen this before
This is a brutal blackpill that many are not willing to acknowledge. Lots of people like to cope that monogamy would work back in the day. While women were given far less power back then, it did not negate their lust for Chads. Nature beats nurture everytime.
This completely
Indeed, and especially from my era where testing wasn't a thing. Always makes me think of my first brutal blackpill experience... a childhood female friend that looked absolutely nothing like her father. And she ended up hating me and saying I molested her because I'm ugly.
Nothing stings more than being called ugly by someone you thought you were friends with when things get sour between you two.
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BECAUSE he is so attached to the fake "daughter/son."
This is what angers me the most about these stories. You have to be a massive cuck to want to raise a child that isn't your own and is the product of your wife cheating on you with chad.
This is what angers me the most about these stories. You have to be a massive cuck to want to raise a child that isn't your own and is the product of your wife cheating on you with chad.
at this point he's already raised them though, except for the 14 year old. What would he have to gain from cutting them out of his life except to be left completely alone at an age where he can't realistically start over? Being cuckolded (as in actually raising children that are not your own) is existentially a nightmare for men, in the grand scheme of existence it's probably the worst thing that can happen to you, but things aren't so black and white in reality when you get down to it.
at this point he's already raised them though, except for the 14 year old. What would he have to gain from cutting them out of his life except to be left completely alone at an age where he can't realistically start over? Being cuckolded (as in actually raising children that are not your own) is existentially a nightmare for men, in the grand scheme of existence it's probably the worst thing that can happen to you, but things aren't so black and white in reality when you get down to it.
If I were in his position, I'd either rope or start over. At 52 a man can still be fertile, so he could divorce his wife, marry a young woman and have a child that's actually his own. Of course, I wouldn't say that I'd stop seeing the "fake" children completely but to say something like "I'll still be your father" is the most cucked shit ever and I would treat them more like acquaintances than like my offspring.
If I were in his position, I'd either rope or start over. At 52 a man can still be fertile, so he could divorce his wife, marry a young woman and have a child that's actually his own. Of course, I wouldn't say that I'd stop seeing the "fake" children completely but to say something like "I'll still be your father" is the most cucked shit ever and I would treat them more like acquaintances than like my offspring.
it seems like he's infertile honestly, and sperm quality does decrease with age, although not to the extent that womens eggs crash in quality after 30
This is why paternity testing at birth should be mandatory. Moreover, if said tests reveal the wife to be unfaithful, this makes any and all contractual statements regarding "husbandly duties" (and especially things like child support, alimony, etc) null and void.
I get depressed and want to kill myself after reading stories like this, I can't imagine the state I would be in if this actually happened to me. Knowing myself though, that would be the tipping point, I would completely abandon humanity and commit acts that would go down in history as completely atrocious.

First off, I'm inviting all the kids back to the house with their mom, I'm tying everyone up with cable ties, and locking all the doors, will barricade us inside. I'm taking my one biological child and tying them up in a separate room, blindfolded and ears plugged.

I'm raping the cheating whore first, then all non-biological daughters are getting raped and killed in front of the mother, all non-biological sons will then be killed in front of the mother.

Then i'll untie my biological daughter, and then blow my brains out, i'll leave that mess for the living to deal with.
if this happened to me, it'd be a real shame if my wife were to tell me that she couldn't bear the shame of what's she'd done

and then she ran away never to be found

just saying
Thank you uncontrolled freedom.We are living in animal world instead of human world.
It's disturbing that you've thought it out in such detail.
*flexes about having a wife and children on an INCEL FORUM*
At least he can redeem himself by force harem his female children if he wants now that they turns out not biologically his seed
Just a normal day on reddit

Alls I'm saying is, if you're gonna kill yourself over this, you may as well turn it into a murder suicide
At this point, if a man doesn't automatically assume his "woman" is pulling dirty shit, I hope he gets fucked over and eventually becomes homeless or commits suicide.
Wife beating should be mandatory
Killing her is the ONLY solution but I guess he’s looking for non-murder solutions..
At this point, I'm pretty sure I'd go volcel if I had a chance with females.
I'd just randomly fuck them and use them for feet stuff like dolls
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Tbh I think this is a LARP. I mean if this was real and it happened to me... Holy shit! Holy fucking shit indeed! She would be in deeper trouble than a guy that stole drugs from the Los Zetas in Mexico.
This is a brutal blackpill that many are not willing to acknowledge. Lots of people like to cope that monogamy would work back in the day. While women were given far less power back then, it did not negate their lust for Chads. Nature beats nurture everytime.
High IQ. Monogamy was a cure, not something idilliac that was somehow corrupted by feminism. Feminism just exacerbated foids nature to unsustainable levels. Feminism never masculinized foids, it actually made them extremely feminine. Femininity is the fucking root of all the evils (wars included)
Already are in France JFL. "Preserve the peace" :soy::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHHAAHAAHHAAHHAAHAHAHA Just fuck everything. Fuck Media, fuck universities academia and all that intellectualoid retarded bullshit. They are just using words and pseudo-culture to destroy us even more.
Just burn them down. They are sell out and Satan's cock lickers
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