Top Ukrainian Diplomat Calls Putin A "Dickhead"

Russian officials are furious at Ukrainian foreign minister Andrii Deshchytsia. "He's bad at controlling himself," one wrote. "He might get wasted and barf without warning all over the U.N. General Assembly."

Hundreds of Ukrainians rioted outside the Russian embassy in Kiev on Saturday night after pro-Russian separatists in the country's troubled east shot down an army transport plane, killing all 49 on board.

The protesters demanded that Russia admit to aiding the separatists, charges Moscow denies, and take steps to end the conflict in the east.

пикет хуйлопосольства

Some threw paint, rocks, petrol bombs, and Molotov cocktails. A few broke inside and screamed at Russian diplomats. Others smashed cars.

Посольство РФ около 20-00.

Ukraine's acting foreign minister, Andrii Deshchytsia, attempted to calm protesters down. "We must fulfill our international obligations, including defending the right of Russia to have an embassy in Ukraine," he said.

Those in the furious crowd weren't having it. "Did I say that I am against you protesting? I am for you protesting," Deshchytsia continued. "I'm ready to stand here with you and say, 'Russia, get out of Ukraine! Yes, 'Putin khuilo,' he added.

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Deshchytsia was referring to a popular song that calls Putin a khuilo, which literally means "fucking hideous effigy" or "giant cock" but is best translated as "dickhead" or "fucker." Protesters then sang "Putin khuilo!" as Deshchytsia looked on, slightly bemused.

The song has swept the country since pro-unity soccer fans debuted it before a match in the city of Kharkiv in March.

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There's even a campaign to get foreign fans to sing it during Russia's matches at the World Cup in Brazil. (Ukraine didn't qualify.)

By Sunday, things had calmed down in Kiev.

Ворота российского посольства в Киеве 15 июня

But they were only getting started in Moscow, where pro-Kremlin activists quickly picketed the Ukrainian embassy overnight. Four people were arrested for throwing toilet paper at the U.S. embassy.

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov told his French counterpart Laurent Fabius that he was "over the inaction of the Kiev authorities who allowed the rioting outside the Russian embassy," according to a ministry statement.

Lavrov filed an official note of protest against the "bacchanalia" to Kiev on Sunday. Konstantin Dolgov, one of his deputies, said the incident "just goes to show the political culture, or rather, lack thereof, of the people in power in Kiev."

Russia's ambassador to Ukraine, Mikhail Zurabov, told state TV that the attack on the embassy had been "carefully planned."

"Poroshenko needs to change his foreign minister," Russian parliamentary foreign affairs chief Alexey Pushkov wrote on Twitter. "He's bad at controlling himself. He might get wasted without warning and barf all over the U.N. General Assembly."

Western governments also condemned the riot and called on Ukraine to uphold its international obligations to protect the embassy.

But the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine — who agreed when his boss, assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland, said "Fuck the EU" in a leaked phone conversation in February — praised Deshchtysia for helping end the riot.

"Oof, they shouldn't be legalizing weed," Russia Today head Margarita Simonyan wrote of Pyatt's comment.

"My statement was a way to show my discontent peacefully," Deshchtysia told Russian radio, before backtracking and claiming he hadn't made a "statement."

"The main thing was that we managed to stop the violence and provocations outside the Russian embassy," Deshchytsia wrote on Sunday. "But if Russian aggression continues, it's going to be harder to do."

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