The Unified Jeffrey Epstein Theory
Jeffrey Epstein learned how to blackmail people as a child when he read How I Play Snooker by Joe Davis, as taught to him by his father. If you buy this book and read it pretending you're about to go to college and you want to blackmail students, you'll become quite skilled.
A broad sampling of how the book teaches blackmail:
You (the blackmail artist) are the snooker player. The cue ball is who you appear to be to the victim. The object ball is the victim.
It's easy to look ahead to the "screw shot" (where you reveal the blackmail), but the most important thing is to focus on every stroke: You want to influence the victim step-by-step to steer them toward trusting you and providing kompramat.
When you go for the screw shot, shoot LOW! Everybody aims low, but novices don't aim low enough. If the screw shot doesn't "bite into the skin" of the object ball and steer them in a new direction, you haven't done it properly.
The distance between the cue ball and object ball is metaphorical: The closer together, the closer the relationship. People often want to sink a screw shot and stay close to the pocket (Blackmail them without revealing that it's you who did it, so you can stay friends). Our author rarely does this because it introduces too many variables that could go wrong.
Epstein went to NYU because it housed a blackmail ring inherited from Lucky Luciano down the street. He was recognized for his talents and ushered off to CIA Officer Donald Barr at The Dalton School. From there, Epstein grew into (hopefully!) the CIA's best teen sex blackmail artist. We are able to surface this story from this fan site of "Steve Davis," which is actually a coded fan page for Jeffrey Epstein. This technique is called Argot, and these are just two examples of ‘snooker’ meaning ‘blackmail’. A third, the Snooker Child Protection Policy, is covered here.
Eventually, Epstein moved out of blackmail and into the Ponzi Scheme department. His Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard University was a fake-science Ponzi Factory (much like Harvard's Launch Lab X and Stanford's, and he met with the editorial board of Scientific American so they could promote Ponzi schemes.
The investment meetings from notable people such as Noam Chomsky were criminal investments in the Ponzi schemes (which sometimes require as much liquidity as you can throw at them), and would be handsome returns elsewhere on the backend. Epstein moved the stolen Ponzi winnings out through Bear Stearns investment bank, which was supposed to collapse, as all Ponzi schemes must.
Epstein helped Bill Clinton found the Clinton Global Initiative. Its purpose is international money laundering to invest in Ponzi schemes and other organized crime around the globe, hidden under the guise of "effective altruism."
He was involved with cryptocurrency, which was the world's first planetary, decentralized Ponzi scheme with its own high-frequency trading shadow banking theft network, built out of Stanford University. All of the trillions of dollars that people used to buy crypto have already been stolen via the stock market. In order to mask this theft, our supervillain billionaires intentionally unleashed COVID on the world and called the Ponzi theft the "COVID boom," or the "stay at home stocks." The proof here is very complex, but the first sentence of this Stanford Bitcoin event page gives the game away.
Because that money is already stolen and they've stopped seeding the crypto liquidity pool with mega-donations, the economy will imminently collapse. In order to pretend it's not all because of crypto, we are about to get one hell of a false flag attack by our own government, and World War III will probably start in a day.
If you follow the rest of this series, you’ll learn that Ponzis and blackmail are just some of the financial crimes we’re up against, but that the big con is that we’re effectively victims of history’s largest cult, which has gaslit us into believing we can’t do anything about our worsening circumstances while they bleed us dry.
What does that mean for Mr. Epstein?
He’s not dead.
No motive for suicide, no motive for murder. They all know the big con (that we’re in a cult), and why on earth would he ever reveal that? And since they’re Ponzi experts, they know a thing or two about faking evidence.
(Revised from a removed Reddit post by /u/TheFishingCat in August 2023.)
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After Peter Thiel started a bank run in March 2023, we did 1,500 hours of research and uncovered proof of a totalitarian con-job that's been bleeding us dry since 1988 and will soon collapse the world economy.