I'm 40 today.
I spent the last few decades searching for a serious woman as a romantic partner, rotating between approximately 200 girlfriends/wives/one-night-stands. After decades of bad treatment from these low-level women, I'm happy to report that I found one worth respecting.
My approach has always been the same: do not hold grudge against a new woman for the actions of past ones. Of course, that is hard to do given that, at some point, the empirical reality comes to matter: if the last 200 were sick in the head, what are the chances that the new one won't be?
But fairness to the possibility of a mentally healthy woman must be given if one wants to be the best available man when she shows up.
At 40 years old, I can now look forward to happiness and full satisfaction with life. I don't have to look over my shoulder for an incoming knife attack anymore. I don't have to clean out the candles laid on the floor by a borderline personality disorder hoe trying to execute a suicide threat ritual. I don't have to check my cameras in the morning to protect myself against parental kidnapping.
I can finally trust someone.
To the incels: don't give up, build value, and take the possibility of finding just the right woman for you as an item of faith; a possibility that you refuse to bar from your mind despite the observed reality of the extremely low quality of the modern woman. A possibility that you will one day make true, or die trying.
There is still much to fix in this world. The state of mental health of modern women is critically low, to the point of threatening the stability of civilization. But I, for one, am good.