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Artemov, S. N.; Beklemishev, L. D.; Borkin, L. Ya.; et al.;
Gregory Samuilovich Tseytin (obituary). (Russian)
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 78 (2023), no. 3(471), 170–176; translation in
Russian Math. Surveys 78 (2023), no. 3, 555–561
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Obituary: Gregory Tseytin.
Bull. Eur. Assoc. Theor. Comput. Sci. EATCS No. 141 (2023), 9–14.
03-03 (68-03)
- "Concerning the problem of recognizing properties of associative calculi," Doklady Akad. Nauk USSR 107:2 (1956) 209–212 (in Russian)
- "Associative calculi with undecidable equivalence problems," Doklady Akad. Nauk USSR 107:3 (1956) 370–371 (in Russian)
- "On the complexity of derivation in propositional calculus," in "Studies in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic, part 2" (A.O. Slisenko, editor), Consultants Bureau, New York 1970 115–125 MR0241253
- "Research in constructive calculus (constructive real numbers, pointwise specified functions)," Doctor of Sciences thesis. Leningrad State University 1968 (in Russian)
- "Reduced form of normal algorithms and a linear acceleration theorem," J. Math. Sci. 1 (1973) 148–153
- "Lower estimate of the number of steps for an inverting normal algorithm and other similar algorithms," J. Math. Sci. 1 (1973) 154–168
- "Algol 68. Methods of implementation (G.S. Tseytin, editor), Leningrad State University 1976 224 pages (in Russian)
- "From logicism to proceduralism (an autobiographical account)," in Algorithms in modern mathematics and computer science, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 122 (1981) 390–396 MR0657627
- "On the complexity of derivation in propositional calculus," in "Automation of Reasoning: Classical Papers on Computational Logic 1967–1970," (J.H. Siekmann and G. Wrightson, editors), Springer 1983 466–483 MR0699280
- "Is mathematics part of computer science?" Computer-based tools in education no. 5 (1999) 3–7 (in Russian)
- "Tracing individual public transport customers from an anonymous transaction database" (with M. Hofmann, M. O'Mahony, D. Lyons), Journal of Public Transportation — University of South Florida 9:4 (2006) 47–60
From References: 0
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Tseytin, Gregory S. (RS-STPT-IM)
A formalization of reasoning not derived from standard predicate logic. (English summary)
Logical foundations of computer science (Yaroslavl, 1997).
Theoret. Comput. Sci. 224 (1999), no. 1-2, 291–317.
03B70 (68N19)
The paper contains no mathematical results regarding the proposed OOL system since the author considers it more important to refine the OOL definitions within various applications. However, an interesting example presents a natural mapping of Prolog into OOL, suggesting that OOL can represent arithmetic and recursive functions. An experimental implementation and some programming techniques included in an extended version of the present paper can be seen at the address:
{For the collection containing this paper see MR1714786.} Reviewed by Neculai Curteanu
From References: 0
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Tseytin, G. S. (RS-STPT)
Association nets: an alternative formalization of common thinking. (English summary) Logical foundations of computer science (Yaroslavl, 1997), 385–398,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 1234, Springer, Berlin, 1997.
{For the collection containing this paper see MR1611404.}
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
Tseytin, G. S.
The relationship between mathematical and ordinary thought.
Soviet J. Comput. Systems Sci. 26 (1988), no. 1, 163–166; translated from
Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Tekhn. Kibernet. 1987, no. 2, 193–196, 224 (Russian)
00A25 (00A69)
It seems that the author is attacking some unspecified and (to the reviewer) unknown philosophical position or trend in nonmathematical disciplines. A good deal may be lost in the translation of what is a very succinct article.
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Cejtin, Grigorij S.
From logicism to proceduralism (an autobiographical account). (Czech)
Translated from the Russian by Zdeněk Renc.
Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. 29 (1984), no. 3, 155–164.
01A70 (00A25)
Tseytin, G. S.
From logicism to proceduralism (an autobiographical account). Algorithms in modern mathematics and computer science (Urgench, 1979), pp. 390–396,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 122, Springer, Berlin-New York, 1981.
00A25 (01A70 03A05)
{For the collection containing this paper see MR0657614.}
From References: 0
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Ceĭtin, G. S.; Čubarjan, A. A.
Some estimates of the lengths of logical inferences in the classical propositional calculus. (Russian summary)
Trudy Vyčisl. Centra Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR i Erevan. Gos. Univ. Mat. Voprosy Kibernet. i Vyčisl. Tehn. 8 (1975), 57–64.
These results were announced in an earlier paper by the authors [Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Dokl. 55 (1972), 10–12; MR0360189].
From References: 0
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Dang Zuĭ Ruan; Ceĭtin, G. S.
An upper bound of finite automaton complexity for a certain class of generating schemes with the operations of complementation and intersection. (Russian. English summary)
Zap. Naučn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (LOMI) 40 (1974), 14–23, 155.
02F10 (68A05)
For a class of special generating schemes an upper bound of the type
{For the entire collection see MR0345791.}
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
Tseitin, G. S.
Some features of a language for a proof-checking programming system. International Symposium on Theoretical Programming (Novosibirsk, 1972), pp. 394–407,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., Vol. 5, Springer, Berlin-New York, 1974.
{For the entire collection see MR0411218.}
{For the collection containing this paper see MR0411218.}
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
Tseitin, G. S.
Features of natural languages in programming languages. Logic, methodology and philosophy of science, IV (Proc. Fourth Internat. Congress, Bucharest, 1971), pp. 215–222,
Stud. Logic Found. Math., Vol. 74, North-Holland, Amsterdam-London, 1973.
There is a major confusion over what constitutes a language feature (in paragraph 2, for example, a grammar is listed as a feature). In the author's subsequent discussion of ALGOL 60 and ALGOL 68 as vehicles for demonstrating the ineffable appearance of natural language features, there are a number of ill-founded or incorrect analogies drawn to natural linguistic phenomena. The superficiality of the treatment of linguistic phenomena is evident in the following quote which appears towards the end of the paper: "Similarly, when we assign a meaning... to a value or a word, we do not expect that the affect of this assignment will be valid until the next assignment to the same symbol is made; it is expected to be valid neither forever or within a specified portion of text...''. Referential opacity is a counterexample.
The author closes with the hope that the deliberate imitation of some "deep features'' of natural languages will show a way to create ever more powerful programming languages.
{For the entire collection see MR0434692.}
{For the collection containing this paper see MR0434692.} Reviewed by Richard A. DeMillo
Ceĭtin, G. S.; Čubarjan, A. A.
Certain estimates of the lengths of logical deductions in classical propositional calculus. (Russian. Armenian summary)
Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Dokl. 55 (1972), 10–12.
02B05 (02D99)
Problems in the constructive trend in mathematics. V.
Edited by V. P. Orevkov and N. A. Šanin. Cover-to-cover translation by Elliott Mendelson of Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov 113 (1970). Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, No. 113 (1970). American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1972. iii+287 pp.
Orevkov, V. P. Šanin, N. A. Ceĭtin, G. S. Kosovskiĭ, N. K. Slisenko, A. O. Freĭdzon, R. I. Kušner, B. A. Šurygin, V. A.
American Mathematical Society Translations, Series 2. Vol. 100: Fourteen papers on logic, geometry, topology and algebra. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1972. iv+316 pp.
Slisenko, A. O. Minc, G. E. Schein, Boris M. Verner, A. L. Donin, I. F. Orevkov, V. P. Černavskiĭ, A. V. Trohimčuk, Ju. Ju. Ceĭtin, G. S.
American Mathematical Society Translations, Series 2. Vol. 99: Five papers on logic and foundations. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1972. iii+275 pp.
00A10 (02-06)
Table of Contents: G. S. Ceĭtin, A method of presenting the theory of algorithms and enumerable sets [MR0205842] (pp. 1–39); N. N. Vorobʹev, A constructive calculus of statements with strong negation [MR0191817] (pp. 40–82); A. V. Idelʹson, Calculi of constructive logic with subordinate variables [MR0195687] (pp. 83–227); I. D. Zaslavskiĭ and G. S. Ceĭtin, Concerning a generalized principle of constructive selection [MR0200156] (pp. 228–232); N. A. Šanin, Concerning the constructive interpretation of auxiliary formulas. I [MR0218236] (pp. 233–275).
American Mathematical Society Translations, Series 2. Vol. 98: Five papers on logic and foundations. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1971. iii+288 pp.
00A10 (02-06)
Table of Contents: A. A. Markov, On constructive mathematics [MR0153564] (pp. 1–9); G. S. Ceĭtin, Mean value theorems in constructive analysis [MR0152427] (pp. 11–40); I. D. Zaslavskiĭ and G. S. Ceĭtin, On singular coverings and properties of constructive functions connected with them [MR0152428] (pp. 41–89); S. Ju. Maslov, Certain properties of E. L. Post's apparatus of canonical calculi [MR0204284] (pp. 91–161); I. D. Zaslavskiĭ, Graph schemes with memory [MR0205763] (pp. 163–288).
From References: 0
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Zaslavskiĭ, I. D.; Ceĭtin, G. S.
Yet another constructive variant of the Cauchy theorem. (Russian. English summary)
Zap. Naučn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (LOMI) 20 (1971), 36–39, 282–283.
26A03 (02E99)
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Ceĭtin, G. S.
An algorithm for simplified syntactic analysis. (Russian)
Problemy Kibernet. No. 24 (1971), 227–242.
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
Ceĭtin, G. S.
A lower bound of the number of steps for a reversing normal algorithm and for other analogous algorithms. (Russian. English summary)
Zap. Naučn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (LOMI) 20 (1971), 243–262, 289.
02.80 (94.00)
From References: 0
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Ceĭtin, G. S.
A reduced form of normal algorithms and the theorem on linear acceleration. (Russian. English summary)
Zap. Naučn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (LOMI) 20 (1971), 234–242, 289.
Ceĭtin, G. S.
A pseudofundamental sequence that is not equivalent to a monotone one. (Russian. English summary)
Zap. Naučn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (LOMI) 20 (1971), 263–271, 290.
Ceĭtin, G. S.
The upper bounds of enumerable sets of constructive real numbers. (Russian)
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 113 (1970), 102–172. (errata insert).
02F25 (26A03)
Studies in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic, Part II.
Edited by A. O. Slisenko. Translated from the Russian. Seminars in Mathematics, V. A. Steklov Mathematical Institute, Leningrad, Vol. 8. Consultants Bureau, New York-London, 1970. viii+136 pp.
02EXX (00A10)
Slisenko, A. O. Minc, G. E. Matijasevič, Ju. V. Lifšic, V. A. Šurygin, V. A. Davydov, G. V. Kušner, B. A. Dragalin, A. G. Demuth, O. Orevkov, V. P. Ceĭtin, G. S. Pliuškevičius, R. A. Kipnis, M. M. Freĭdzon, R. I. Kosovskiĭ, N. K.
Table of Contents: G. V. Davydov, Some remarks on proof search in the predicate calculus [MR0277355] (pp. 1–6); O. Demuth, The Lebesgue integral and the concept of function measurability in constructive analysis [MR0240256] (pp. 7–10); O. Demuth, The relation between the Riemann integrability and Lebesgue integrability of constructive functions [MR0239018] (pp. 11–12); A. G. Dragalin, The computability of primitive recursive terms of finite type and primitive recursive realizability [MR0274280] (pp. 13–18); A. G. Dragalin, Word operator algorithms [MR0242675] (pp. 19–21); M. M. Kipnis, The constructive classification of arithmetic predicated and the semantic bases of arithmetic [MR0276088] (pp. 22–27); N. K. Kosovskiĭ, A system of operators simplifying the theory of combination of
{The translation of Part I has been reviewed [MR0241253].}
From References: 0
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Zaslavskiĭ, I. D.; Ceĭtin, G. S.
A criterion of the rectifiability of constructive plane curves. (Russian. English, Armenian summary)
Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat. 5 (1970), no. 5, 434–440.
02.23 (26.00)
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Corrections to the collection "Investigations in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic, II''. (Russian)
Zap. Naučn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (LOMI) 16 (1969), 185–187.
Davydov, G. V. Dragalin, A. G. Kosovskiĭ, N. K. Lifšic, V. A. Pliuškevičius, R. A. Freĭdzon, R. I. Ceĭtin, G. S.
From References: 0
From Reviews: 0
Corrections to the collection "Investigations in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic, I, II.''. (Russian)
Zap. Naučn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (LOMI) 8 (1968), inside back cover.
Demuth, O. Kosovskiĭ, N. K. Lifšic, V. A. Maslov, S. Ju. Pliuškevičius, R. A. Rogava, M. G. Freĭdzon, R. I. Dragalin, A. G. Ceĭtin, G. S.
Ceĭtin, G. S.
The complexity of a deduction in the propositional predicate calculus. (Russian)
Zap. Naučn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (LOMI) 8 (1968), 234–259.
02.80 (94.00)
The parameters characterizing the complexity of a deduction in calculus
In the final part of the article he considers estimates for systems of disjunctions, which are compared with connected non-oriented graphs, and gives estimates for concrete graphs.
Ceĭtin, G. S.
The disjunctive rank of the formulas of constructive arithmetic. (Russian)
Zap. Naučn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (LOMI) 8 (1968), 260–271.
The disjunctive rank of a formula of constructive logical-arithmetical calculus is defined by recursion on the logical length in the following way:
The desired formulas are: for
Kušner, B. A.; Ceĭtin, G. S.
Some properties of
Zap. Naučn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (LOMI) 8 (1968), 107–120.
\square{}^{\ulhook}_{\tsize\lhook}\delta{}^{\urhook}_{\tsize\rhook}, where
Tseitin, G. S.; Zaslavsky, I. D.; Shanin, N. A.
Peculiarities of constructive mathematical analysis. Proc. Internat. Congr. Math. (Moscow, 1966), pp. 253–261, Izdat. "Mir'', Moscow, 1968.
The present survey succinctly, but very readably, summarizes the characteristic assumptions, procedures, and results of CDM in a way that the layman can understand and appreciate. In fact, the emphasis on the essentials, and the precise reference to the locus classicus of each major result should make the paper valuable to the specialist, too.
"... in general these differences between classic and constructive analysis usually appear in problems remote from concrete computation. The nearer we come to concrete computational problems the less are the differences.... In some cases the difference... warns us that the classic theorem suggests an incorrect formulation of the computational problem, i.e., an algorithm with the properties suggested by the classic formulation proves to be impossible.... On the other hand, because of unrestricted use of potential realizability this approach is inadequate for problems of computation within given time and given memory capacity. This is of course a subject of special theories and perhaps also of some kind of `hyper-constructive' analysis still to be created.''
{This article is also available in American Mathematical Society Translations, Ser. 2, Vol. 70, pp. 16–25, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1968 [see MR0225620].}
{For the collection containing this paper see MR1581925.} Reviewed by E. M. Fels
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Fitialov, S. Ya.; Tseitin, G. S.
Estimates of the number of syntactical structures with various restrictions.
Cybernetics 2 (1966), no. 6, 68–76 (1969); translated from
Kibernetika (Kiev) 1966 no. 6, 85–95 (Russian)
05.65 (94.00)
Asymptotic formulas are obtained for the number of trees with
Ceĭtin, G. S.
Three theorems on constructive functions. (Russian)
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 72 (1964), 537–543.
Ceĭtin, G. S.
A method of presenting the theory of algorithms and enumerable sets. (Russian)
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 72 (1964), 69–98.
Zaslavskiĭ, I. D.; Ceĭtin, G. S.
Concerning a generalized principle of constructive selection. (Russian)
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 72 (1964), 344–347.
Zaslavskiĭ, I. D.; Ceĭtin, G. S.
Singular coverings and properties of constructive functions connected with them. (Russian)
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 67 (1962), 458–502.
Ceĭtin, G. S.
Mean-value theorems in constructive analysis. (Russian)
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 67 (1962), 362–384.
Ceĭtin, G. S.
Algorithmic operators in constructive metric spaces. (Russian)
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 67 (1962), 295–361.
The computable real numbers are here introduced as (computable) duplexes: an algorithm
Basic theorem: Let
Theorem 1: For every effective operation
Ceĭtin, G. S.
Algorithmic operators in constructive complete separable metric spaces. (Russian)
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 128 (1959), 49–52.
Ceĭtin, G. S.
An associative calculus with an insoluble problem of equivalence. (Russian)
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 52 (1958), 172–189.
02.00 (20.00)
Ceĭtin, G. S.
On the problem of recognition of properties of associative calculuses. (Russian)
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 107 (1956), 209–212.
Ceĭtin, G. S.
Associative calculus with insoluble equivalence problem. (Russian)
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 107 (1956), 370–371.