MODE-design TOP

About MODE-design

Since 2009

MODE-designは、ユーザのニーズと好みを研究し、より品質の高いもの、そしてより愛されるものを 創作し、 まるでファッションを楽しむかのように世界中で愛されるブランドになることを目標にしています。
無理な低価格化から生じる品質劣化や、利益を優先とした強引な開発をせず、 細部にわたりMODE-designのこだわりを残しつつ、より納得のいく商品をユーザ様の手元にお届けできるよう日々努力しています。

At Mode Design, we continuously research what customers’ needs and preferences are to create products that are not only high in quality but enjoyable.
Our goal is to become a brand that people from all around the world love.

We are very particular about how products should work.
We will never sacrifice quality for a lower price or compromise customer satisfaction over profit. We thrive in providing products that you will be satisfied with.

We seek greater sensuality, beauty, and higher functionality in our products.
It is our promise that we will continue to grow as a brand that you love and trust.

開発総指揮 CEO: Ash-T