Simo Häyhä

Hello people! I bring to you all an interesting case that I have been researching from a long time ago, that is, the typing of the deadliest sniper documented by history, Simo Häyhä, a man better known by his famous nickname, the “White Death”. My goal with this post is relatively simple: I intend to […]

Vance Rodriguez (Mostly Harmless)

Vance Rodriguez: INTP (Ni-Ti-Fe-Se) To avoid a long-winded post about his case, more about it can be read here. It’s mentioned in the article that he had mental health issues, manifesting as periods lasting up to a year where he would shut the external world out (Se4), fail to take care of himself properly, deny […]

There Will Be Blood (2007): Daniel Plainview

Daniel Plainview: ENTJ (Te-Ne-Si-Fi) Daniel is a clear extraverted thinking type (Te1 or ETJ). He is an extremely ambitious and determined man with an obsessive drive to achieve wealth and power (in a quite “real” way, thus E>I). Daniel’s entire world is defined by his need to drive, achieve, and attain, and he doesn’t seem […]

Tokyo Vice (2022-)

Jake: ENFP (Ne-Fe-Ti-Si) Eimi: ENFJ (Fe-Ne-Si-Ti) Samantha: ESTP (Se-Te-Fi-Ni) Polina: ESFJ (Fe-Se-Ni-Ti) Sato: ISFP (Si-Fi-Te-Ne) Katagiri: ESTJ (Te-Se-Ni-Fi) Miyamoto: ESTP (Se-Te-Fi-Ni) Ishida: ISTJ (Ti-Si-Ne-Fe) (?)Tozawa: ENTJ (Te-Ne-Si-Fi) Misaki: ISFJ (Fi-Si-Ne-Te) I wouldn’t say this series goes very deep in psychology, but I think we can get an idea of the types involved. We have the […]